提交 5fd492eb 编写于 作者: ibizdev's avatar ibizdev

fangzhihao 发布系统代码 [TrainSys,网页端]

上级 2b469baf
......@@ -6399,6 +6399,12 @@
"name" : "测试实体实体移动端选择树视图(部件视图)",
"realModelType" : "PSDEVIEWBASE"
}, {
"codeName" : "Usr03221685GridView",
"logicName" : "表格测试修改1",
"name" : "表格测试修改1",
"realModelSubType" : "DEGRIDVIEW",
"realModelType" : "PSDEVIEWBASE"
}, {
"codeName" : "Usr12116727GridView",
"logicName" : "单位选择测试",
......@@ -2891,7 +2891,7 @@
"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/Mob/PSAPPDEVIEWS/RawMaterialGridView.json",
"viewType" : "DEGRIDVIEW"
"frontProcessType" : "WIZARD",
"frontProcessType" : "EDITFORM",
"fullCodeName" : "Phone_frontEndTest",
"name" : "前台调用",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
......@@ -2911,7 +2911,7 @@
"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/TemplatePublish/PSAPPDEVIEWS/RawMaterialGridView.json",
"viewType" : "DEGRIDVIEW"
"frontProcessType" : "WIZARD",
"frontProcessType" : "EDITFORM",
"fullCodeName" : "Phone_frontEndTest",
"name" : "前台调用",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
......@@ -7403,7 +7403,7 @@
"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/TemplatePublish/PSAPPDEVIEWS/RawMaterialGridView.json",
"viewType" : "DEGRIDVIEW"
"frontProcessType" : "WIZARD",
"frontProcessType" : "EDITFORM",
"fullCodeName" : "Phone_frontEndTest",
"name" : "前台调用",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
......@@ -2934,7 +2934,7 @@
"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPDEVIEWS/RawMaterialGridView.json",
"viewType" : "DEGRIDVIEW"
"frontProcessType" : "WIZARD",
"frontProcessType" : "EDITFORM",
"fullCodeName" : "Phone_frontEndTest",
"name" : "前台调用",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
......@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@
"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPDEVIEWS/RawMaterialGridView.json",
"viewType" : "DEGRIDVIEW"
"frontProcessType" : "WIZARD",
"frontProcessType" : "EDITFORM",
"fullCodeName" : "Phone_frontEndTest",
"name" : "前台调用",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
......@@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@
"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPDEVIEWS/RawMaterialGridView.json",
"viewType" : "DEGRIDVIEW"
"frontProcessType" : "WIZARD",
"frontProcessType" : "EDITFORM",
"fullCodeName" : "Phone_frontEndTest",
"name" : "前台调用",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
......@@ -6862,6 +6862,10 @@
"modelref" : true,
"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPDEVIEWS/TESTSearchFormCustomLayout.json",
"viewType" : "DEGRIDVIEW"
}, {
"modelref" : true,
"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPDEVIEWS/TESTUsr03221685GridView.json",
"viewType" : "DEGRIDVIEW"
}, {
"modelref" : true,
"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPDEVIEWS/TESTPanelDataContainerTest.json",
"aggMode" : "NONE",
"codeName" : "Usr03221685GridView_Grid",
"columnEnableFilter" : 2,
"columnEnableLink" : 2,
"controlType" : "GRID",
"dynaModelFilePath" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPDATAENTITIES/TEST/PSGRIDS/Usr03221685GridView_Grid.json",
"getFetchPSControlAction" : {
"modelref" : true,
"id" : "fetch",
"actionType" : "DEDATASET",
"name" : "fetch",
"getPSAppDEMethod" : {
"modelref" : true,
"id" : "FetchDefault"
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
"modelref" : true,
"groupMode" : "NONE",
"logicName" : "表格测试修改1_表格",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
"modelref" : true,
"getPSDEDataImport" : {
"modelref" : true,
"id" : "DataImport"
"getPSDEGridColumns" : [ {
"align" : "LEFT",
"cLConvertMode" : "NONE",
"caption" : "测试实体名称",
"codeName" : "testname",
"columnType" : "DEFGRIDCOLUMN",
"dataItemName" : "testname",
"excelCaption" : "测试实体名称",
"name" : "testname",
"noPrivDisplayMode" : 1,
"getPSAppDEField" : {
"name" : "TESTNAME",
"codeName" : "TESTName"
"width" : 150,
"widthUnit" : "PX",
"enableSort" : true
}, {
"align" : "LEFT",
"cLConvertMode" : "FRONT",
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"dataItemName" : "updateman",
"excelCaption" : "更新人",
"name" : "updateman",
"noPrivDisplayMode" : 1,
"getPSAppCodeList" : {
"modelref" : true,
"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPCODELISTS/SysOperator.json"
"getPSAppDEField" : {
"name" : "UPDATEMAN",
"codeName" : "UpdateMan"
"width" : 150,
"widthUnit" : "PX",
"enableSort" : true
}, {
"align" : "LEFT",
"cLConvertMode" : "NONE",
"caption" : "更新时间",
"codeName" : "updatedate",
"columnType" : "DEFGRIDCOLUMN",
"dataItemName" : "updatedate",
"excelCaption" : "更新时间",
"name" : "updatedate",
"noPrivDisplayMode" : 1,
"getPSAppDEField" : {
"name" : "UPDATEDATE",
"codeName" : "UpdateDate"
"valueFormat" : "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss",
"width" : 150,
"widthUnit" : "PX",
"enableSort" : true
} ],
"getPSDEGridDataItems" : [ {
"dataType" : 25,
"name" : "testname",
"getPSAppDEField" : {
"name" : "TESTNAME",
"codeName" : "TESTName"
}, {
"dataType" : 25,
"name" : "updateman",
"getPSAppDEField" : {
"name" : "UPDATEMAN",
"codeName" : "UpdateMan"
}, {
"format" : "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss",
"dataType" : 5,
"name" : "updatedate",
"getPSAppDEField" : {
"name" : "UPDATEDATE",
"codeName" : "UpdateDate"
}, {
"dataType" : 25,
"name" : "srfkey",
"getPSAppDEField" : {
"name" : "TESTID",
"codeName" : "TESTId"
}, {
"dataType" : 25,
"name" : "srfdataaccaction",
"getPSAppDEField" : {
"name" : "TESTID",
"codeName" : "TESTId"
"dataAccessAction" : true
}, {
"dataType" : 25,
"name" : "srfmajortext",
"getPSAppDEField" : {
"name" : "TESTNAME",
"codeName" : "TESTName"
} ],
"getPSDEGridEditItems" : [ {
"caption" : "测试实体标识",
"codeName" : "srfkey",
"enableCond" : 3,
"ignoreInput" : 0,
"name" : "srfkey",
"getPSAppDEField" : {
"name" : "TESTID",
"codeName" : "TESTId"
"getPSEditor" : {
"editorType" : "HIDDEN",
"name" : "srfkey"
"allowEmpty" : true
} ],
"pagingSize" : 20,
"getRemovePSControlAction" : {
"actionName" : "Remove",
"actionType" : "DEACTION",
"dataAccessAction" : "DELETE",
"name" : "remove",
"getPSAppDEMethod" : {
"modelref" : true,
"id" : "Remove"
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
"modelref" : true,
"sortMode" : "REMOTE",
"hasWFDataItems" : false,
"enableColFilter" : false,
"enableCustomized" : true,
"enableGroup" : false,
"enablePagingBar" : true,
"enableRowEdit" : false,
"enableRowEditOrder" : false,
"enableRowNew" : false,
"forceFit" : false,
"hideHeader" : false,
"noSort" : false,
"singleSelect" : false,
"modelid" : "F540D0B3-09E2-448B-8BBB-89BF84434615",
"modeltype" : "PSDEGRID"
\ No newline at end of file
"codeName" : "Usr03221685GridView_SearchForm",
"controlType" : "SEARCHFORM",
"defaultLabelWidth" : 130,
"dynaModelFilePath" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPDATAENTITIES/TEST/PSSEARCHFORMS/Usr03221685GridView_SearchForm.json",
"logicName" : "表格测试修改1_搜索表单",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
"modelref" : true,
"getPSDEFormPages" : [ {
"caption" : "常规条件",
"codeName" : "formpage1",
"detailStyle" : "DEFAULT",
"detailType" : "FORMPAGE",
"name" : "formpage1",
"getPSLayout" : {
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"childColMD" : 24,
"childColSM" : -1,
"childColXS" : -1,
"columnCount" : 24,
"layout" : "TABLE_24COL"
"infoGroupMode" : false
} ],
"getPSLayout" : {
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"childColSM" : -1,
"childColXS" : -1,
"columnCount" : 24,
"layout" : "TABLE_24COL"
"searchButtonStyle" : "DEFAULT",
"tabHeaderPos" : "TOP",
"enableAdvanceSearch" : false,
"enableAutoSearch" : false,
"enableFilterSave" : false,
"noTabHeader" : true,
"modelid" : "04866463-653A-4DA2-ABE9-A109BFCA24F1",
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -637,6 +637,7 @@
"getPSControlParam" : { }
} ]
"refFlag" : false,
"title" : "表格修改刷新",
"viewStyle" : "DEFAULT",
"viewType" : "DEEDITVIEW",
......@@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@
"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPDEVIEWS/RawMaterialGridView.json",
"viewType" : "DEGRIDVIEW"
"frontProcessType" : "WIZARD",
"frontProcessType" : "EDITFORM",
"fullCodeName" : "Phone_frontEndTest",
"name" : "前台调用",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
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"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPDEVIEWS/RawMaterialGridView.json",
"viewType" : "DEGRIDVIEW"
"frontProcessType" : "WIZARD",
"frontProcessType" : "EDITFORM",
"fullCodeName" : "Phone_frontEndTest",
"name" : "前台调用",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
......@@ -1112,7 +1112,7 @@
"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPDEVIEWS/RawMaterialGridView.json",
"viewType" : "DEGRIDVIEW"
"frontProcessType" : "WIZARD",
"frontProcessType" : "EDITFORM",
"fullCodeName" : "Phone_frontEndTest",
"name" : "前台调用",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
......@@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@
"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPDEVIEWS/RawMaterialGridView.json",
"viewType" : "DEGRIDVIEW"
"frontProcessType" : "WIZARD",
"frontProcessType" : "EDITFORM",
"fullCodeName" : "Phone_frontEndTest",
"name" : "前台调用",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
......@@ -883,7 +883,7 @@
"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPDEVIEWS/RawMaterialGridView.json",
"viewType" : "DEGRIDVIEW"
"frontProcessType" : "WIZARD",
"frontProcessType" : "EDITFORM",
"fullCodeName" : "Phone_frontEndTest",
"name" : "前台调用",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
......@@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@
"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPDEVIEWS/RawMaterialGridView.json",
"viewType" : "DEGRIDVIEW"
"frontProcessType" : "WIZARD",
"frontProcessType" : "EDITFORM",
"fullCodeName" : "Phone_frontEndTest",
"name" : "前台调用",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
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