提交 1d45f5b9 编写于 作者: ibizdev's avatar ibizdev

ShineKOT 发布系统代码 [TrainSys,网页端]

上级 e7cb9c9e
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"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
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"templCode4" : "const d = 444;console.log(444)\nconsole.log(d)"
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"getPSSysPFPlugin" : {
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"verParam4" : "xxx"
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"templCode2" : "const b = 222;console.log(222)\nconsole.log(b)",
"templCode3" : "const c = 333;console.log(333)\nconsole.log(c)",
"templCode4" : "const d = 444;console.log(444)\nconsole.log(d)"
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"name" : "编辑器插件",
"getPSSysPFPlugin" : {
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