提交 16985209 编写于 作者: ibizdev's avatar ibizdev

zhanghengfeng 发布系统代码 [TrainSys,网页端]

上级 03f18f4d
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"getPSDEActionInput" : {
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"id" : "BookDTO"
"type" : "DTO"
"getPSDEActionReturn" : {
"name" : "Test1Result",
"type" : "VOID"
"getPSDELogic" : {
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"path" : "PSMODULES/common/PSDATAENTITIES/Book/PSDELOGICS/test1.json"
"enableFront" : false
} ],
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"enableFront" : true
}, {
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"defaultParamName" : "Default",
"dynaModelFilePath" : "PSMODULES/common/PSDATAENTITIES/Book/PSDELOGICS/test1.json",
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"name" : "test1",
"getPSDELogicNodes" : [ {
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"getPSDELogicLinks" : [ {
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"getSrcPSDELogicNode" : {
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"id" : "Begin"
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"parallelOutput" : true
}, {
"codeName" : "PREPAREPARAM1",
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"logicNodeType" : "PREPAREPARAM",
"name" : "准备参数",
"getPSDELogicNodeParams" : [ {
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"getDstPSDELogicParam" : {
"modelref" : true,
"id" : "Default"
"name" : "空值(NULL) ==> Default[TYPE]",
"paramAction" : "SETPARAMVALUE",
"srcValueType" : "NULLVALUE"
} ],
"topPos" : 330
} ],
"getPSDELogicParams" : [ {
"codeName" : "Default",
"logicName" : "传入变量",
"name" : "传入变量",
"getParamPSDataEntity" : {
"modelref" : true,
"path" : "PSMODULES/common/PSDATAENTITIES/Book.json"
"default" : true,
"entityParam" : true
} ],
"getStartPSDELogicNode" : {
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"id" : "Begin"
"enableBackend" : true,
"enableFront" : false
} ],
"getAllPSDEMainStates" : [ {
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"logicName" : "行为2",
"name" : "test1",
"getPSDEActionInput" : {
"name" : "Test1Input",
"getPSDEMethodDTO" : {
"modelref" : true,
"id" : "BookDTO"
"type" : "DTO"
"getPSDEActionReturn" : {
"name" : "Test1Result",
"type" : "VOID"
"getPSDELogic" : {
"modelref" : true,
"path" : "PSMODULES/common/PSDATAENTITIES/Book/PSDELOGICS/test1.json"
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"getPSDELogicNodes" : [ {
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"getPSDELogicLinks" : [ {
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"getSrcPSDELogicNode" : {
"modelref" : true,
"id" : "Begin"
} ],
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"parallelOutput" : true
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"getPSDELogicNodeParams" : [ {
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"getPSDELogicParams" : [ {
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package cn.ibizlab.trainsys.common.logic.booklogic.test1;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;
import cn.ibizlab.trainsys.util.errors.BadRequestAlertException;
global cn.ibizlab.trainsys.core.common.domain.Book booktest1default;
global cn.ibizlab.trainsys.core.common.service.IBookService iBzSysBookDefaultService;
global cn.ibizlab.trainsys.util.security.AuthenticationUser curuser;
rule "begin"
ruleflow-group "booktest1begin"
rule "prepareparam1"
ruleflow-group "booktest1prepareparam1"
\ No newline at end of file
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"getPSAppDEMethodReturn" : {
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"type" : "VOID"
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"type" : "VOID"
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"getPSAppDEMethodReturn" : {
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"type" : "VOID"
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"needResourceKey" : true
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"getPSAppDEMethodReturn" : {
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"type" : "VOID"
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"getPSEditor" : {
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"getPSDEFormItemUpdates" : [ {
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"getPSDEFormItems" : [ {
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"getPSEditor" : {
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"getPSDEFormItemUpdates" : [ {
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"name" : "test1",
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"id" : "Test1"
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"getPSDEFormItemUpdate" : {
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"getPSEditor" : {
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"getPSAppDEMethodInput" : {
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"getPSAppDEMethodDTO" : {
"modelref" : true,
"id" : "BookDTO"
"type" : "DTO"
"getPSAppDEMethodReturn" : {
"name" : "返回对象",
"type" : "VOID"
"getPSDEAction" : {
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"getPSDEServiceAPIMethod" : {
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"id" : "Test1"
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"needResourceKey" : true
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"getPSAppDEMethodDTO" : {
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"id" : "BookDTO"
"type" : "DTO"
"getPSAppDEMethodReturn" : {
"name" : "返回对象",
"type" : "VOID"
"getPSDEAction" : {
"modelref" : true,
"getPSDEServiceAPIMethod" : {
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"id" : "Test1"
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"needResourceKey" : true
}, {
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"name" : "Test1",
"getPSDEAction" : {
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"getPSDEServiceAPIMethodInput" : {
"name" : "输入对象",
"getPSDEMethodDTO" : {
"modelref" : true,
"id" : "BookDTO"
"type" : "DTO"
"getPSDEServiceAPIMethodReturn" : {
"name" : "返回对象",
"type" : "VOID"
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"requestParamType" : "ENTITY",
"requestPath" : "/test1",
"uniqueTag" : "BOOK__DEACTION__TEST1",
"needResourceKey" : true
}, {
"codeName" : "FetchDefault",
"dataAccessAction" : "READ",
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