app-mob-menu-model.ts 6.3 KB
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import { IPSAppFunc, IPSApplication, IPSAppMenu, IPSAppMenuItem } from "@ibiz/dynamic-model-api";
import { GetModelService } from "ibiz-core";

 * AppMobMenuModel 部件模型
 * @export
 * @class AppMobMenuModel
export class AppMobMenuModel {

    * 菜单实例对象
    * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    private MenuInstance !: IPSAppMenu;

    * 应用上下文
    * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    private context: any = {};

    * 应用菜单数据
    * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    private appMenus: Array<any> = [];

    * 应用功能数据
    * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    private appFuncs: Array<any> = [];

     * 是否有预制功能
     * @private
     * @type {boolean}
     * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    private isHasPrecutFunc:boolean = false;

     * 预制应用功能
     * @private
     * @type {Array<any>}
     * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    private precutFuncs: Array<any> = [];

     * 预制应用功能菜单
     * @private
     * @type {*}
     * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    private precutMenu :any;

    * Creates an instance of AppMobMenuModel.
    * @param {*} [opts]
    * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    constructor(context: any, opts: IPSAppMenu) {
        this.context = context;
        this.MenuInstance = opts;

     * 模型加载
     * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    async loaded(){
        await this.initAppMenuItems();
        await this.initAppFuncs();

     * 初始化应用菜单
     * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    public async initAppMenuItems() {
        let appMenuItems: Array<IPSAppMenuItem> | null = this.MenuInstance.getPSAppMenuItems();
        if (appMenuItems && (appMenuItems.length > 0)) {
            let application: IPSApplication = (await GetModelService(this.context)).getPSApplication();
            for (const menuItem of appMenuItems) {
                await this.initAppMenuItem(menuItem, application);

     * 初始化应用菜单项
     * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    public async initAppMenuItem(menuItem: IPSAppMenuItem, application: IPSApplication, sonMenuItemArray?: Array<any>) {
        let appMenuItem: any = {};
        Object.assign(appMenuItem, { authtag: `${application.codeName}-${this.MenuInstance.codeName}-${}` });
        Object.assign(appMenuItem, { name: });
        Object.assign(appMenuItem, { caption: menuItem.caption });
        if((menuItem  as any)?.getCapPSLanguageRes?.()?.lanResTag){
            Object.assign(appMenuItem, { captionTag: (menuItem  as any).getCapPSLanguageRes()?.lanResTag });
        Object.assign(appMenuItem, { itemType: menuItem.itemType });
        Object.assign(appMenuItem, { counterid: menuItem.counterId });
        Object.assign(appMenuItem, { tooltip: menuItem.tooltip });
            Object.assign(appMenuItem, { tooltipTag: menuItem.getTooltipPSLanguageRes()?.lanResTag });
        Object.assign(appMenuItem, { expanded: menuItem.expanded });
        Object.assign(appMenuItem, { seperator: menuItem.seperator });
        Object.assign(appMenuItem, { hidden: menuItem.hidden });
        Object.assign(appMenuItem, { hidesidebar: menuItem.hideSideBar });
        Object.assign(appMenuItem, { openDefault: menuItem.openDefault });
        Object.assign(appMenuItem, { getPSSysImage: menuItem.getPSSysImage() });
        Object.assign(appMenuItem, { getPSSysCss: menuItem.getPSSysCss() });
        Object.assign(appMenuItem, { getPSAppFunc: menuItem.getPSAppFunc() });
        Object.assign(appMenuItem, { resourcetag: menuItem.accessKey });
        Object.assign(appMenuItem, { getPSNavigateContexts: menuItem.getPSNavigateContexts() });
        if (menuItem?.getPSAppMenuItems?.()) {
            let childMenus: Array<any> = [];
            Object.assign(appMenuItem, { getPSAppMenuItems: childMenus });
            for (const childMenuItem of menuItem.getPSAppMenuItems() as IPSAppMenuItem[]) {
                await this.initAppMenuItem(childMenuItem, application, childMenus);

     * 初始化应用功能数据
     * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    public async initAppFuncs() {
        let application: IPSApplication = (await GetModelService(this.context)).getPSApplication();
        if (application && application.getAllPSAppFuncs()) {
            for (const appFunc of application.getAllPSAppFuncs() as IPSAppFunc[]) {
                //  基础应用功能
                    let tempAppFunc: any = {};
                    Object.assign(tempAppFunc, { name: });
                    Object.assign(tempAppFunc, { appfunctag: appFunc.codeName });
                    Object.assign(tempAppFunc, { appFuncType: appFunc.appFuncType });
                    Object.assign(tempAppFunc, { htmlPageUrl: appFunc.htmlPageUrl });
                    Object.assign(tempAppFunc, { openMode: appFunc.openMode });
                    Object.assign(tempAppFunc, { getPSAppView: appFunc.getPSAppView() });
                    Object.assign(tempAppFunc, { getPSNavigateContexts: appFunc.getPSNavigateContexts() });
                    Object.assign(tempAppFunc, { getPSNavigateParams: appFunc.getPSNavigateParams() });

     * 获取所有应用功能
     * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    public getAllFuncs() {
        return this.appFuncs;

     * 获取所有菜单项
     * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    public getAllMenuItems() {
        return this.appMenus;

     * 预制模型
     * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    public getAllPrecutFuncs(){
        return this.precutFuncs;

     * 是否启用预制功能
     * @readonly
     * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    get isEnablePrecutFuncs(){
        return this.isHasPrecutFunc;

     * 预制功能对应菜单
     * @return {*} 
     * @memberof AppMobMenuModel
    public getPrecutMenu(){
        return this.precutMenu;