提交 e978a5fa 编写于 作者: tony001's avatar tony001

Merge branch 'dev'

......@@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ import AppAlertGroup from './components/app-alert-group/app-alert-group.vue'
import AppRawItem from './components/app-rawitem/app-rawitem.vue'
import AppImageRomate from './components/app-image-romate/app-image-romate.vue'
import { MenuIcon } from './components/menu-icon/menu-icon'
import AppVuePivottable from './components/app-vue-pivottable/app-vue-pivottable.vue';
import AppMapPosition from './components/app-map-position/app-map-position.vue';
// 全局挂载UI实体服务注册中心
window['uiServiceRegister'] = uiServiceRegister;
......@@ -213,5 +215,7 @@ export const AppComponents = {
v.component('app-image-romate', AppImageRomate);
v.component('menu-icon', MenuIcon);
v.component('app-vue-pivottable', AppVuePivottable);
v.component('app-map-position', AppMapPosition);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -69,6 +69,30 @@ export default class CodeListService {
return (window as any)['codeListRegister'].getService(name);
* 获取代码表数据
* @param {string} tag 代码表标识
* @param {*} context
* @param {*} data
* @param {boolean} isloading
* @returns {Promise<any[]>}
* @memberof CodeListService
public async getDataItems(codelist:any,context?:any, data?: any, isloading?: boolean){
let dataItems:Array<any> = [];
if(codelist.tag && Object.is(codelist.type,"STATIC")){
dataItems = await this.getStaticItems(codelist.tag);
dataItems = await this.getItems(codelist.tag,codelist.context,codelist.viewparam,codelist.isloading);
console.warn("代码表加载异常" + error);
return dataItems;
* 获取静态代码表
......@@ -110,4 +110,11 @@ export default class AppAlertGroup extends Vue {
\ No newline at end of file
<style lang="less">
.view-body-messages {
margin-top: -10px;
margin-bottom: 6px;
\ No newline at end of file
<div class='form-druipart'>
:viewdata ="viewdata"
......@@ -178,6 +179,14 @@ export default class AppFormDRUIPart extends Vue {
private formStateEvent: Unsubscribable | undefined;
* 定时器实例
* @type {[any]}
* @memberof AppFormDRUIPart
protected timer?: any;
* 监控值
......@@ -308,11 +317,43 @@ export default class AppFormDRUIPart extends Vue {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 0);
* 向关系视图发送事件,采用轮询模式。避免异步视图出现加载慢情况
* @param {*} action 触发行为
* @param {*} data 数据
* @param {*} count 轮询计数
* @memberof AppFormDRUIPart
protected partViewEvent(action: string, data: any, count: number = 0): void {
if (count > 100) {
const clearResource:Function = () =>{
if(this.timer !== undefined){
this.timer = undefined;
if (count === 0) {
if (this.$refs.appFormDruipart) {
this.formDruipart.next({ action: action, data });
this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
this.partViewEvent(action, data, count);
}, 30);
* vue 生命周期
......@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@
.app-form-item-label {
padding: 6px 10px 6px 0px;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
......@@ -31,7 +31,17 @@
<span v-if="required" style="color:red;">* </span>
{{this.isEmptyCaption ? '' : this.caption}}
<span v-if="!isEmptyCaption">
<el-tooltip v-if="isShowTip" placement="top" effect="light">
<span v-html="caption"></span>
<template >
<span slot="content" v-html="caption" ></span>
<template v-if="!isShowTip">
<span v-html="caption" ></span>
v-if="Object.is(this.labelPos,'TOP') || Object.is(this.labelPos,'LEFT') || Object.is(this.labelPos,'RIGHT')"
......@@ -136,6 +146,14 @@ export default class AppFormItem extends Vue {
@Prop() public itemRules!: any;
* 是否显示表单项Label提示
* @memberof AppFormItem
public isShowTip:boolean = false;
* 值规则数组
......@@ -266,7 +284,21 @@ export default class AppFormItem extends Vue {
} catch (error) {}
* 计算是否显示表单项Label提示
* @memberof AppFormItem
public getShowTip(){
if(this.caption && ((this.caption.length)*14) > this.labelWidth ){
this.isShowTip = true;
<style lang='less'>
.app-map-position {
.map-modal {
.el-dialog {
margin-top: 60px !important;
width: 90%;
.el-dialog__header {
padding: 10px 0px 10px 40px;
.el-dialog__body {
padding: 6px 10px;
.search-toolbar {
display: flex;
#map__result {
position: absolute;
z-index: 20;
right: 10px;
top: 110px;
.el-vue-search-box-container {
border: 1px solid #DCDFE6;
height: 40px;
margin-right: 20px;
.amap-marker-content {
img {
width: 25px;
height: 34px;
.input-map__marker {
position: absolute;
top: -28px;
right: -160px;
color: #fff;
padding: 0px 10px;
-webkit-box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(10,10,10,.2);
box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(10,10,10,.2);
white-space: nowrap;
font-size: 12px;
font-family: "";
background-color: #25a5f7;
border-radius: 3px;
.el-vue-amap-container {
padding-top: 20px;
height: 640px;
\ No newline at end of file
:value ="currentVal"
<el-rate :value="currentVal" :disabled="disabled" :max="maxItem" @change="change"> </el-rate>
<script lang='ts'>
import { Component, Vue, Prop, Model, Watch } from "vue-property-decorator";
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue, Prop, Model, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import CodeListService from '@codelist/codelist-service';
export default class AppRate extends Vue {
* 传入值
* @type {any}
* @memberof AppRate
@Prop() public value?:any;
* 是否禁用
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof AppRate
@Prop() public disabled?: boolean;
* 最大值
* @type {number}
* @memberof AppRate
@Prop({default:5}) public max!: number;
* 当前值
* @memberof AppRate
get currentVal() {
return this.value;
* change
public change(val: any) {
this.$emit("change", val);
* 传入值
* @type {any}
* @memberof AppRate
@Prop() public value?: any;
* 是否禁用
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof AppRate
@Prop() public disabled?: boolean;
* 下发数据
* @type {number}
* @memberof AppRate
@Prop() public data?: any;
* 代码表服务对象
* @type {CodeListService}
* @memberof AppRate
public codeListService: CodeListService = new CodeListService({ $store: this.$store });
* 传递最大值
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppRate
@Prop({ default: 5 }) public max!: number;
* 应用上下文
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppRate
@Prop() context: any;
* 视图参数
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppRate
@Prop() viewparams: any;
* 临时上下文
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppRate
@Prop() localContext: any;
* 临时参数
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppRate
@Prop() localParam: any;
* 代码表标识
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppRate
@Prop() tag?: string;
* 代码表类型
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppRate
@Prop() codelistType?: string;
* 代码表值分隔符
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppRate
@Prop({default: ','}) valueSeparator?: string;
* 数据名称
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppRate
@Prop() name: any;
* 最大值
* @type {number}
* @memberof AppRate
public maxItem: number = 5;
* 监听数据变化
* @memberof AppRate
onDataChange(newVal: any, oldVal: any) {
if(this.tag && this.codelistType == 'DYNAMIC'){
// 公共参数处理
let data: any = {};
// 参数处理
let _context = data.context;
let _param = data.param;
this.codeListService.getItems(this.tag, _context, _param).then((res: any) => {
const items = res;
// 获取最大值
const maxItem = Math.max.apply(Math,items.map((item: any) => { return item.value; }));
this.maxItem = maxItem>5 ? 5 : maxItem;
}).catch((error: any) => {
* 当前值
* @memberof AppRate
get currentVal() {
return Number(this.value);
* change
public change(val: any) {
this.$emit('change', val);
* Vue生命周期
* @memberof AppRate
public created() {
if (this.max) {
this.maxItem = this.max;
* 公共参数处理
* @param {*} arg
* @returns
* @memberof AppRate
public handlePublicParams(arg: any) {
// 合并表单参数
arg.param = this.viewparams ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.viewparams)) : {};
arg.context = this.context ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)) : {};
// 附加参数处理
if (this.localContext && Object.keys(this.localContext).length >0) {
let _context = this.$util.computedNavData(this.data,arg.context,arg.param,this.localContext);
if (this.localParam && Object.keys(this.localParam).length >0) {
let _param = this.$util.computedNavData(this.data,arg.param,arg.param,this.localParam);
* 根据代码表获取最大值
* @memberof AppRate
public handleCodelist() {
if (this.tag && Object.is(this.codelistType, 'STATIC')) {
const codelist = this.$store.getters.getCodeList(this.tag);
if (codelist) {
const items = [...JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(codelist.items))];
// 获取最大值
const maxItem = Math.max.apply(Math,items.map((item: any) => { return item.value; }));
this.maxItem = maxItem>5 ? 5 : maxItem;
} else {
} else if (this.tag && Object.is(this.codelistType, 'DYNAMIC')) {
// 公共参数处理
let data: any = {};
// 参数处理
let _context = data.context;
let _param = data.param;
this.codeListService.getItems(this.tag, _context, _param).then((res: any) => {
const items = res;
// 获取最大值
let maxItem = Math.max.apply(Math,items.map((item: any) => { return item.value; }));
this.maxItem = maxItem>5 ? 5 : maxItem;
}).catch((error: any) => {
<style lang='less'>
@import "./app-rate.less";
\ No newline at end of file
<style lang="less">
@import './app-rate.less';
<script lang = 'ts'>
import { Vue, Component, Prop } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VuePivottableUi } from 'ibiz-vue-pivottable';
import 'ibiz-vue-pivottable/dist/vue-pivottable.css';
components: {
export default class AppVuePivotTable extends Vue {
* 数据集
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppVuePivotTable
@Prop() datas: any;
* 列集合
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppVuePivotTable
@Prop() allColumns: any;
* 聚合模式
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppVuePivotTable
protected aggregatorName: string = 'Sum';
* 渲染模式
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppVuePivotTable
protected rendererName: string = 'Table Heatmap';
* 行统计
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof AppVuePivotTable
protected rowTotal: boolean = true;
* 列统计
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof AppVuePivotTable
protected colTotal: boolean = true;
* 列属性列集合
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppVuePivotTable
protected cols: any[] = [];
* 行属性列集合
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppVuePivotTable
protected rows: any[] = [];
* 值属性集合
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppVuePivotTable
protected vals: any[] = [];
* 隐藏列集合
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppVuePivotTable
protected hiddenFromDragDrop: any[] = [];
* 展现列集合
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppVuePivotTable
protected columns: any[] = [];
* 语言资源
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppVuePivotTable
protected locales: any = {
aggregators: {
'Count': 'Count',
'Count Unique Values': 'Count Unique Values',
'List Unique Values': 'List Unique Values',
'Sum': 'Sum',
'Integer Sum': 'Integer Sum',
'Average': 'Average',
'Median': 'Median',
'Sample Variance': 'Sample Variance',
'Sample Standard Deviation': 'Sample Standard Deviation',
'Minimum': 'Minimum',
'Maximum': 'Maximum',
'First': 'First',
'Last': 'Last',
'Sum over Sum': 'Sum over Sum',
'Sum as Fraction of Total': 'Sum as Fraction of Total',
'Sum as Fraction of Rows': 'Sum as Fraction of Rows',
'Sum as Fraction of Columns': 'Sum as Fraction of Columns',
'Count as Fraction of Total': 'Count as Fraction of Total',
'Count as Fraction of Rows': 'Count as Fraction of Rows',
'Count as Fraction of Columns': 'Count as Fraction of Columns'
renderer: {
'Table': 'Table',
'Table Heatmap': 'Table Heatmap',
'Table Col Heatmap': 'Table Col Heatmap',
'Table Row Heatmap': 'Table Row Heatmap',
'Expor Table TSV': 'Expor Table TSV',
'Grouped Column Chart': 'Grouped Column Chart',
'Stacked Column Chart': 'Stacked Column Chart',
'Grouped Bar Chart': 'Grouped Bar Chart',
'Stacked Bar Chart': 'Stacked Bar Chart',
'Line Chart': 'Line Chart',
'Dot Chart': 'Dot Chart',
'Area Chart': 'Area Chart',
'Scatter Chart': 'Scatter Chart',
'Multiple Pie Chart': 'Multiple Pie Chart'
'Filter Values': 'Filter Values',
'Select All': 'Select All',
'Deselect All': 'Deselect All',
'Totals': 'Totals'
* 生命周期
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppVuePivotTable
public created() {
if(this.allColumns) {
this.allColumns.forEach((item: any) => {
if(!item.show) {
let col: any = { ...item };
col.prop = col.name;
* 事件
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppVuePivotTable
public onChange(evt: any) {
<style lang="less">
.app-vue-pivottable {
height: calc(100% - 1px);
.pvtTable {
min-width: 100%;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,9 +3,14 @@
<span v-if="ifEmpty">{{$t('codelist.'+tag+'.empty')}}</span>
<template v-if="!ifEmpty">
<template v-for="(item, index) in items">
<span>{{ index != 0 ? textSeparator : ''}}</span>
<i v-if="item.iconCls" :class="item.iconCls"></i>
<span :class="item.textCls" :style="{color:item.color}">{{isUseLangres ? $t(item.text) : item.text}}</span>
<div class="codelist-item" :key="index">
<span v-if="index != 0">{{ textSeparator }}</span>
<i v-if="item.iconcls" :class="item.iconcls"></i>
<img v-if="item.icon" :src="getIcon(item.icon)" />
<span :class="item.class" :style="{ color: item.color }">
{{ isUseLangres ? $t(item.text) : item.text }}
......@@ -14,6 +19,7 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { Vue, Component, Prop, Model, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import CodeListService from "@/codelist/codelist-service";
import { Environment } from '@/environments/environment';
export default class CodeList extends Vue {
......@@ -288,6 +294,45 @@ export default class CodeList extends Vue {
* 获取图片路径
* @param {*} arg
* @returns
* @memberof CodeList
public getIcon(arg:any){
if(Object.prototype.toString.call(arg)=="[object String]"){
try {
let targetData:any = JSON.parse(arg);
if(Object.prototype.toString.call(targetData) == "[object Array]"){
if(targetData && targetData.length >0){
let fileId:string = targetData[0] && targetData[0].id;
return Environment.BaseUrl + Environment.ExportFile + fileId;
}else if(Object.prototype.toString.call(targetData) === '[object Object]'){
let fileId:string = targetData && targetData.id;
return Environment.BaseUrl + Environment.ExportFile + fileId;
} catch (error) {
return arg;
}else if(Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) == "[object Array]"){
if(arg && arg.length >0){
let fileId:string = arg[0] && arg[0].id;
return Environment.BaseUrl + Environment.ExportFile + fileId;
}else if(Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object Object]'){
let fileId:string = arg && arg.id;
return Environment.BaseUrl + Environment.ExportFile + fileId;
return arg;
......@@ -297,5 +342,16 @@ export default class CodeList extends Vue {
text-overflow: ellipsis;
word-break: break-all;
overflow: hidden;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
max-height: 32px;
> img{
max-height: 32px;
width: auto;
margin-right: 6px;
border-radius: 50%;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -265,9 +265,8 @@ export default class DropDownList extends Vue {
import MDViewEngine from './md-view-engine';
* 视图引擎基础
* @export
* @class GridViewEngine
* @extends {MDViewEngine}
export default class MapViewEngine extends MDViewEngine {
* 表格部件
* @type {*}
* @memberof GridViewEngine
protected map: any;
* Creates an instance of GridViewEngine.
* @memberof MapViewEngine
constructor() {
* 引擎初始化
* @param {*} [options={}]
* @memberof MapViewEngine
public init(options: any = {}): void {
this.map = options.map;
* 引擎加载
* @param {*} [opts={}]
* @memberof MapViewEngine
public load(opts: any = {},isnotify:boolean=false): void {
super.load(opts, isnotify);
super.load(opts, isnotify);
* 获取多数据部件
* @returns {*}
* @memberof MapViewEngine
public getMDCtrl(): any {
return this.map;
\ No newline at end of file
import MapViewEngine from './map-view-engine';
* 视图引擎基础
* @export
* @class GridViewEngine
* @extends {MDViewEngine}
export default class MapView9Engine extends MapViewEngine {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -197,7 +197,13 @@ export default class ViewEngine {
if(_item && _item['dataaccaction'] && _this.view.appUIService){
let dataActionResult:any;
if (_item.uiaction && (Object.is(_item.uiaction.target, "NONE") || Object.is(_item.uiaction.target, ""))){
dataActionResult = _this.view.appUIService.getResourceOPPrivs(_item['dataaccaction']);
if(Object.is(_item.uiaction.target, "") && Object.is(_item.uiaction.tag, "Save")){
if(data && Object.keys(data).length >0){
dataActionResult= _this.view.appUIService.getAllOPPrivs(data)[_item['dataaccaction']];
dataActionResult = _this.view.appUIService.getResourceOPPrivs(_item['dataaccaction']);
if(data && Object.keys(data).length >0){
dataActionResult= _this.view.appUIService.getAllOPPrivs(data)[_item['dataaccaction']];
......@@ -18,13 +18,15 @@ export default class WFDynaEditViewEngine extends EditViewEngine {
* 表单加载完成
* 引擎加载
* @param {*} args
* @param {*} [opts={}]
* @memberof WFDynaEditViewEngine
public onFormLoad(arg: any): void {
public load(opts: any = {}): void {
if(this.view.getWFLinkModel && this.view.getWFLinkModel instanceof Function){
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -375,5 +375,9 @@ export default {
false: 'False',
deleteImageFailure:'Image deletion failed',
updateFailure: 'Batch update file failed',
appMapPosition: {
submit: 'Submit',
title: 'Please select address'
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -376,5 +376,9 @@ export default {
false: '取消',
updateFailure: '批量更新文件失败',
appMapPosition: {
submit: '确认',
title: '请选择地址'
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,4 +9,6 @@ declare module '@fullcalendar/list';
declare module '@fullcalendar/interaction';
declare module 'vue-grid-layout';
declare module 'vue-print-nb';
declare module 'vuedraggable';
\ No newline at end of file
declare module 'vuedraggable';
declare module 'ibiz-vue-pivottable';
declare module 'vue-amap';
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
border-color: rgb(221, 221, 221);
border-style: solid;
border-width: 0px 0px 1px;
margin: 0px 0px 11px;
margin: 0px 0px 6px;
padding: 6px 0px 2px;
> .header-container{
min-height: 42px;
......@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@
<div id="app"></div>
<script src="./environments/environment.js"></script>
<script src="../assets/js/avue.min.js"></script>
<script src="./assets/js/avue.min.js"></script>
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"linterOptions": {
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"rules": {
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\ No newline at end of file
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