提交 b7f83a11 编写于 作者: Mosher's avatar Mosher


上级 49ca41d5
......@@ -112,6 +112,9 @@ import AppColorPicker from './components/app-color-picker/app-color-picker.vue'
import AppScrollContainer from './components/layout-element/container/app-scroll-container/app-scroll-container.vue';
import AppSimpleFlexContainer from './components/layout-element/container/app-simpleflex-container/app-simpleflex-container.vue';
import AppStandardContainer from './components/layout-element/container/app-standard-container/app-standard-container.vue';
import AppTabPanel from './components/layout-element/container/app-tab-panel/app-tab-panel.vue';
import AppTabPage from './components/layout-element/container/app-tab-page/app-tab-page.vue';
import AppNavPos from './components/layout-element/container/app-nav-pos/app-nav-pos.vue';
// 全局挂载UI实体服务注册中心
window['uiServiceRegister'] = uiServiceRegister;
// 全局挂载实体权限服务注册中心
......@@ -238,5 +241,8 @@ export const AppComponents = {
v.component('app-scroll-container', AppScrollContainer);
v.component('app-tab-panel', AppTabPanel);
v.component('app-tab-page', AppTabPage);
v.component('app-nav-pos', AppNavPos);
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<div class="app-nav-pos">
<template v-if="dynaNavMode === 'ROUTEVIEW'">
<template v-if="enableCache">
<app-keep-alive :routerList="routerList">
<router-view :key="routerViewKey"></router-view>
<router-view v-else :key="routerViewKey"></router-view>
v-if="navData && navData.navView"
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Prop, Vue, Watch } from "vue-property-decorator";
export default class AppNavPos extends Vue {
* 动态导航模式(DYNAMICCOMP:动态组件 ROUTEVIEW:路由出口)
* @public
* @memberof AppNavPos
@Prop({ default: "ROUTEVIEW" }) public dynaNavMode?: "DYNAMICCOMP" | "ROUTEVIEW";
* 是否启用动态缓存
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof AppNavPos
@Prop({ default: false }) public enableCache?: boolean;
* 导航数据
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppNavPos
@Prop() public navData?: any;
* 路由列表
* @memberof AppNavPos
get routerList() {
return this.$store.state.historyPathList;
* 路由键值
* @memberof AppNavPos
get routerViewKey() {
let _this: any = this;
return _this.$route.fullPath;
* 执行视图事件
* @param {*} args
* @memberof AppNavPos
public handleViewEvent(args: any) {
<TabPane :label="currentModelDetail.caption" :name="currentModelDetail.name" tab="tabpanel1" :class="curClassName">
<template v-if="containerModel.length > 0">
<template v-for="name of containerModel">
<slot :name="name"></slot>
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Prop, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
export default class AppTabPanel extends Vue {
* 名称
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppTabPanel
@Prop() public name!: string;
* 布局模型详情
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppTabPanel
@Prop() public layoutModelDetails: any;
* 插槽对象
* @memberof AppTabPanel
public containerModel: any[] = [];
* 当前模型
* @memberof AppTabPanel
public currentModelDetail: any;
* 组件初始化
* @memberof SimpleFlexContainer
public created() {
* 初始化子项
* @memberof SimpleFlexContainer
public init() {
this.currentModelDetail = this.layoutModelDetails[this.name];
if (this.currentModelDetail && this.currentModelDetail.details && this.currentModelDetail.details.length > 0) {
this.currentModelDetail.details.forEach((key: string) => {
* 当前容器样式类
get curClassName() {
return `app-tab-page ${this.name}`;
<style lang='less'>
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<Tabs v-model="activeName" @on-click="handleClick" :name="name" :class="curClassName">
<template v-if="containerModel.length > 0">
<template v-for="name of containerModel">
<slot :name="name"></slot>
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Prop, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
export default class AppTabPanel extends Vue {
* 名称
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppTabPanel
@Prop() public name!: string;
* 布局模型详情
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppTabPanel
@Prop() public layoutModelDetails: any;
* 插槽对象
* @memberof AppTabPanel
public containerModel: any[] = [];
* 当前激活项
* @memberof AppTabPanel
public activeName: string = '';
* 组件初始化
* @memberof SimpleFlexContainer
public created() {
* 初始化分页
* @memberof SimpleFlexContainer
public initTabPage() {
const curLayoutModel = this.layoutModelDetails[this.name];
if (curLayoutModel && curLayoutModel.details && curLayoutModel.details.length > 0) {
curLayoutModel.details.forEach((key: string) => {
this.activeName = this.containerModel && this.containerModel.length > 0 ? this.containerModel[0] : '';
* 处理分页点击
* @memberof SimpleFlexContainer
public handleClick(tab: any) {
* 当前容器样式类
get curClassName() {
return `app-tab-panel ${this.name}`;
<style lang='less'>
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