提交 000f688a 编写于 作者: Mosher's avatar Mosher


上级 4fe087ca
......@@ -335,6 +335,10 @@ function getLocaleResourceBase(){
loadMore: 'མང་ཙམ་བླུགས་རོགས།',
noMore: 'དེ་ལས་མང་བ་མི་འདུག'
appmessagebox: {
ok: 'ངོས་འཛིན་',
cancel: 'མེད་པར་བཟོ་བ་',
fileDrag: 'ཡིག་ཆ་འདིར་དྲུད་།,ཡང་ན་',
clickUpload: 'སྣོན་ནས་ཡར་སྐུར་དགོས།',
......@@ -345,6 +345,10 @@ function getLocaleResourceBase(){
loadMore: 'Load more',
noMore: 'No more'
appmessagebox: {
ok: "OK",
cancel: "Cancel"
fileDrag: 'Drag the file here, or',
clickUpload: 'Click on the upload',
......@@ -346,6 +346,10 @@ function getLocaleResourceBase(){
loadMore: '加载更多',
noMore: '没有更多了'
appmessagebox: {
ok: "确 认",
cancel: "取 消"
fileDrag: '将文件拖到此处,或',
clickUpload: '点击上传',
.app-modal-ok {
.ivu-modal-header {
padding-left: 32px;
padding-top: 28px;
border-bottom: 0;
.header {
text-align: left;
line-height: 26px;
height: auto;
color: #333333;
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 18px;
i {
font-size: 24px;
position: relative;
top: 1px;
margin-right: 8px;
.ivu-modal-body {
padding: 0 32px 0 68px;
color: #707070;
.content {
line-height: 1.5;
font-size: 16px;
>.body-icon {
height: 40px;
i {
font-size: 24px;
position: relative;
top: 1px;
margin-right: 8px;
display: block;
position: absolute;
left: 32px;
top: 40px;
.ivu-modal-footer {
border-top: 0;
padding: 24px 32px 24px 18px;
.ivu-btn {
width: 80px;
height: 34px;
font-size: 15px;
.ivu-btn-primary {
color: rgb(187,218,254);
.ivu-btn-default {
color: rgb(157,157,157);
.info {
i {
color: #2d8cf0;
.success {
i {
color: rgb(25,190,107);
.warning {
i {
color: #f90;
.error {
i {
color: #ed4014;
.question {
i {
color: #DADADA
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import Vue from 'vue';
import { MessageBoxOptions } from './interface/message-box-options';
import appMessageBox from "./app-message-box.vue";
import i18n from '@/locale';
import store from '@/store';
* 提示信息
* @export
* @class AppMessageBox
export class AppMessageBox {
* 唯一实例
* @private
* @static
* @memberof AppMessageBox
private static readonly instance = new AppMessageBox();
* vue 实例
* @private
* @type {Vue | null}
* @memberof AppModal
private vueExample: Vue | null = null;
* 引用对象
* @private
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
private refs: any;
* 获取唯一实例
* @static
* @return {*} {AppMessageBox}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public static getInstance(): AppMessageBox {
return AppMessageBox.instance;
* 打开提示信息
* @param {*} options
* @return {*}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public open(options: any): Subject<any> {
return this.createVueExample(options)
* 创建vue 实例
* @private
* @param {ModalConfirmOptions} opt
* @return {*} {Subject<any>}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
private createVueExample(opt: MessageBoxOptions): Subject<any> {
const self: any = this;
try {
let props = { ...opt };
this.vueExample = new Vue({
store: store,
i18n: i18n,
render(h) {
return h(appMessageBox, { props, class: opt.customClass });
this.refs = this.vueExample.$children[0];
return this.refs.getSubject();
} catch (error) {
return new Subject<any>();
* 关闭
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public close() {
if (this.refs) {
* @description 销毁临时vue对象
* @memberof AppModal
destroyVueExample() {
if (this.vueExample) {
this.vueExample = null;
<p slot="header" v-if="title" :class="type" class="header">
<i :class="geticonClass()"></i>
{{ title }}
<p v-else :class="[type,'body-icon']">
<i :class="geticonClass()"></i>
<div class="content" v-html="content"></div>
<div slot="footer" ref="modelokFooter">
<template v-for="item in buttonModel">
<i-button v-if="item.visibel" :key="item.value" :type="item.type" @click="button_click(item)">
{{ item.text }}
<slot name="customFooter" @click="button_click"></slot>
<script lang="ts">
import { VNode } from 'node_modules/vue/types';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { AppMessageBox as AppMessage } from './app-message-box';
import { Vue, Component, Prop } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import './app-message-box.less';
components: {},
export default class AppMessageBox extends Vue {
* 对话框类型
* @type {('info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error')}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
@Prop({ default: 'info' })
public type?: 'info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'question';
* 标题
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public title?: string;
* 内容
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public content?: string;
* 按钮类型
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
@Prop({ default: 'okcancel' })
public buttonType?: string | 'okcancel' | 'yesno' | 'yesnocancel' | 'ok';
* 启用自定义底部
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof ModalokOptions
@Prop({ default: false })
public visibleCustomFooter?: boolean;
* 自定义底部
* @type {VNode}
* @memberof ModalokOptions
public customFooter?: VNode;
* 自定义类名
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public customClass?: string;
* 自定义类名
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public iconClass?: string;
* 是否显示右上角的关闭按钮
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
@Prop({ default: false })
public showClose?: boolean;
* 是否显示遮罩
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
@Prop({ default: true })
public mask?: boolean;
* 是否可以点击遮罩关闭
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
@Prop({ default: false })
public maskClosable?: boolean;
* 显示模式
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
@Prop({ default: 'center' })
public showMode?: string | 'center';
* 关闭回调
* @type {Function}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public onClose?: Function;
* 引用对象名称
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public refName?: string;
* 内置按钮模型
* @type {any}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public buttonModel = [
{ text: this.$t('components.appmessagebox.ok'), value: 'ok', type: 'primary', visibel: false },
{ text: this.$t('app.commonwords.yes'), value: 'yes', type: 'primary', visibel: false },
{ text: this.$t('app.commonwords.no'), value: 'no', visibel: false },
{ text: this.$t('components.appmessagebox.cancel'), value: 'cancel', visibel: false },
* 数据传递对象
* @type {any}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public subject: null | Subject<any> = new Subject<any>();
* 层级
* @type {any}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public zIndex: any = null;
* 是否显示
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public isShow: boolean = false;
* 获取显示模式类名 居中/top
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public getClassName() {
return this.showMode === 'center' ? 'center' : 'top';
* 根据type计算iconClass
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public geticonClass() {
if (this.customClass) {
return this.customClass;
let classes = 'ivu-icon ';
switch (this.type) {
case 'info':
classes = classes + 'ivu-icon-ios-information-circle';
case 'success':
classes = classes + 'ivu-icon-ios-checkmark-circle';
case 'warning':
classes = classes + 'ivu-icon-ios-alert';
case 'error':
classes = classes + 'ivu-icon-ios-close-circle';
case 'question':
classes = classes + 'el-icon-question';
return classes;
* 获取数据传递对象
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public getSubject() {
return this.subject;
* 按钮点击
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public button_click(item: any) {
this.isShow = false;
if (this.subject) {
* 初始化按钮Model
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public initButtonModel() {
if (this.visibleCustomFooter) {
switch (this.buttonType) {
case 'okcancel':
this.buttonModel[0].visibel = true;
this.buttonModel[3].visibel = true;
case 'yesno':
this.buttonModel[1].visibel = true;
this.buttonModel[2].visibel = true;
case 'yesnocancel':
this.buttonModel[1].visibel = true;
this.buttonModel[2].visibel = true;
this.buttonModel[3].visibel = true;
case 'ok':
this.buttonModel[0].visibel = true;
* 关闭方法
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public close() {
if (this.onClose) {
setTimeout(() => {
this.subject = null;
}, 500);
* Vue生命周期created
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public created() {
* Vue生命周期mounted
* @memberof AppMessageBox
public mounted() {
const zIndex = this.$store.getters.getZIndex();
if (zIndex) {
this.zIndex = zIndex + 100;
this.$store.commit('updateZIndex', this.zIndex);
if (this.visibleCustomFooter && this.customFooter) {
this.$slots.customFooter = [this.customFooter];
this.isShow = true;
<style lang="less" scoped>
\ No newline at end of file
import { VNode } from "vue";
export interface MessageBoxOptions {
* 对话框类型
* @type {(string | 'info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'ok' )}
* @memberof AppModalok
type?: string | 'info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'error';
* 标题
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppModalok
title?: string;
* 内容
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppModalok
content?: string;
* 按钮类型
* 默认值:'okcancel'
* okcancel 确认/取消
* yesno 是/否
* yesnocanel 是/否/取消
* ok 确认
* @type {(string | 'okcancel' | 'yesno' | 'yesnocanel' | 'ok')}
* @memberof ModalokOptions
buttonType?: string | 'okcancel' | 'yesno' | 'yesnocanel' | 'ok';
* 启用自定义底部
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof ModalokOptions
visibleCustomFooter?: boolean;
* 自定义底部
* @type {VNode}
* @memberof ModalokOptions
customFooter?: VNode;
* 显示模式
* 默认值:center
* @type {('top' | 'top-right' | 'top-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'bottom-left')}
* @memberof NoticeOptions
showMode?: 'center' | string;
* 自定义图标的类名,会覆盖type
* @type {string}
* @memberof NoticeOptions
iconClass?: string;
* 自定义类名
* @type {string}
* @memberof NoticeOptions
customClass?: string;
* 是否显示右上角的关闭按钮
* 默认值:false
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof NoticeOptions
showClose?: boolean;
* 是否显示遮罩
* 默认值:true
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof NoticeOptions
mask?: boolean;
* 是否点击遮罩关闭
* 默认值:false
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof NoticeOptions
maskClosable?: boolean;
* 引用对象名称
* @type {string}
* @memberof ModalokOptions
refName?: string;
* 关闭时的回调函数, 参数为被关闭的实例
* @memberof NoticeOptions
onClose?: (val: any) => void;
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