提交 03121fe4 编写于 作者: tony001's avatar tony001


上级 e64ccb32
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as dataEntitey>
import ${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}_en_US from '@locale/lanres/entities/${srffilepath2(dataEntitey.getCodeName())}/${srffilepath2(dataEntitey.getCodeName())}_en_US';
import components_en_US from '@locale/lanres/components/components_en_US';
import codelist_en_US from '@locale/lanres/codelist/codelist_en_US';
import userCustom_en_US from '@locale/lanres/userCustom/userCustom_en_US';
<#assign langrestype = 'EN'/>
export default {
<#-- local langue english -->
app: {
error: "Error",
success: "Success",
ok: "OK",
cancel: "Cancel",
save: "Save",
codeNotExist: 'Code list does not exist',
reqException: "Request exception",
sysException: "System abnormality",
warning: "Warning",
wrong: "Error",
rulesException: "Abnormal value check rule",
saveSuccess: "Saved successfully",
saveFailed: "Save failed",
deleteSuccess: "Successfully deleted!",
deleteError: "Failed to delete",
delDataFail: "Failed to delete data",
noData: "No data",
startsuccess:"Start successful",
loadmore:"Load more",
nomore:"No more",
new: "New",
add: "Add",
gridpage: {
choicecolumns: "Choice columns",
refresh: "refresh",
show: "Show",
records: "records",
totle: "totle",
valueVail: "Value cannot be empty",
notConfig: {
fetchAction: "The view table fetchaction parameter is not configured",
removeAction: "The view table removeaction parameter is not configured",
createAction: "The view table createaction parameter is not configured",
updateAction: "The view table updateaction parameter is not configured",
loaddraftAction: "The view table loadtrafaction parameter is not configured",
data: "Data",
delDataFail: "Failed to delete data",
delSuccess: "Delete successfully!",
confirmDel: "Are you sure you want to delete",
notRecoverable: "delete will not be recoverable?",
notBatch: "Batch addition not implemented",
grid: "Grid",
exportFail: "Data export failed",
sum: "Total",
formitemFailed: "Form item update failed",
list: {
notConfig: {
fetchAction: "View list fetchAction parameter is not configured",
removeAction: "View table removeAction parameter is not configured",
createAction: "View list createAction parameter is not configured",
updateAction: "View list updateAction parameter is not configured",
confirmDel: "Are you sure you want to delete",
notRecoverable: "delete will not be recoverable?",
listExpBar: {
title: "List navigation bar",
wfExpBar: {
title: "Process navigation bar",
title: "Calendar navigation bar",
treeExpBar: {
title: "Tree view navigation bar",
portlet: {
noExtensions: "No extensions",
tabpage: {
sureclosetip: {
title: "Close warning",
content: "Form data Changed, are sure close?",
closeall: "Close all",
closeother: "Close other",
fileUpload: {
caption: "Upload",
searchButton: {
search: "Search",
reset: "Reset",
today: "today",
month: "month",
week: "week",
day: "day",
list: "list",
dateSelectModalTitle: "select the time you wanted",
gotoDate: "goto",
from: "From",
to: "To",
// 非实体视图
views: {
<#if app.isPubRefViewOnly()><#assign allAppViews = app.getAllRefPSAppViews()/><#else><#assign allAppViews = app.getAllPSAppViews()/></#if>
<#if allAppViews??>
<#list allAppViews as obj>
<#if !obj.isPSDEView()>
${obj.getCodeName()?lower_case}: {
caption: "<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
title: "<@getTitleLanguage obj langrestype />",
importview:"Import Data",
info:"Please configure the data import item"
menus: {
<#list app.getAllPSAppMenuModels() as menu>
${menu.getCodeName()?lower_case}: {
<#list menu.getAllPSAppMenuItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
error: "Error",
desc1: "Operation failed, failed to find current form item",
desc2: "Can't continue",
notconfig: {
loadaction: "View form loadAction parameter is not configured",
loaddraftaction: "View form loaddraftAction parameter is not configured",
actionname: "View form actionName parameter is not configured",
removeaction: "View form removeAction parameter is not configured",
saveerror: "Error saving data",
savecontent: "The data is inconsistent. The background data may have been modified. Do you want to reload the data?",
valuecheckex: "Value rule check exception",
savesuccess: "Saved successfully!",
deletesuccess: "Successfully deleted!",
workflow: {
starterror: "Workflow started successfully",
startsuccess: "Workflow failed to start",
submiterror: "Workflow submission failed",
submitsuccess: "Workflow submitted successfully",
updateerror: "Form item update failed",
gridBar: {
title: "Table navigation bar",
multiEditView: {
notConfig: {
fetchAction: "View multi-edit view panel fetchAction parameter is not configured",
loaddraftAction: "View multi-edit view panel loaddraftAction parameter is not configured",
dataViewExpBar: {
title: "Card view navigation bar",
kanban: {
notConfig: {
fetchAction: "View list fetchAction parameter is not configured",
removeAction: "View table removeAction parameter is not configured",
delete1: "Confirm to delete ",
delete2: "the delete operation will be unrecoverable!",
dashBoard: {
handleClick: {
title: "Panel design",
dataView: {
sum: "total",
data: "data",
chart: {
undefined: "Undefined",
quarter: "Quarter",
year: "Year",
searchForm: {
notConfig: {
loadAction: "View search form loadAction parameter is not configured",
loaddraftAction: "View search form loaddraftAction parameter is not configured",
custom: "Store custom queries",
title: "Name",
wizardPanel: {
back: "Back",
next: "Next",
complete: "Complete",
preactionmessage:"The calculation of the previous behavior is not configured"
viewLayoutPanel: {
appLogoutView: {
prompt1: "Dear customer, you have successfully exited the system, after",
prompt2: "seconds, we will jump to the",
logingPage: "login page",
appWfstepTraceView: {
title: "Application process processing record view",
appWfstepDataView: {
title: "Application process tracking view",
appLoginView: {
username: "Username",
password: "Password",
login: "Login",
entities: {
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as dataEntitey>
${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}: ${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}_en_US,
components: components_en_US,
codelist: codelist_en_US,
userCustom: userCustom_en_US,
\ No newline at end of file
<#ibiztemplate> <#ibiztemplate>
</#ibiztemplate> </#ibiztemplate>
<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/FUNC.ts</#ibizinclude> import app_en_US_Base from './app-en-US-Base';
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as dataEntitey>
import ${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}_en_US from '@locale/lanres/entities/${srffilepath2(dataEntitey.getCodeName())}/${srffilepath2(dataEntitey.getCodeName())}_en_US';
import components_en_US from '@locale/lanres/components/components_en_US';
import codelist_en_US from '@locale/lanres/codelist/codelist_en_US';
import userCustom_en_US from '@locale/lanres/userCustom/userCustom_en_US';
<#assign langrestype = 'EN'/>
export default { const app_en_US_OwnData = {};
<#-- local langue english --> const targetData = Object.assign(app_en_US_Base, app_en_US_OwnData);
app: { export default targetData;
commonWords:{ \ No newline at end of file
error: "Error",
success: "Success",
ok: "OK",
cancel: "Cancel",
save: "Save",
codeNotExist: 'Code list does not exist',
reqException: "Request exception",
sysException: "System abnormality",
warning: "Warning",
wrong: "Error",
rulesException: "Abnormal value check rule",
saveSuccess: "Saved successfully",
saveFailed: "Save failed",
deleteSuccess: "Successfully deleted!",
deleteError: "Failed to delete",
delDataFail: "Failed to delete data",
noData: "No data",
startsuccess:"Start successful",
loadmore:"Load more",
nomore:"No more",
new: "New",
add: "Add",
gridpage: {
choicecolumns: "Choice columns",
refresh: "refresh",
show: "Show",
records: "records",
totle: "totle",
valueVail: "Value cannot be empty",
notConfig: {
fetchAction: "The view table fetchaction parameter is not configured",
removeAction: "The view table removeaction parameter is not configured",
createAction: "The view table createaction parameter is not configured",
updateAction: "The view table updateaction parameter is not configured",
loaddraftAction: "The view table loadtrafaction parameter is not configured",
data: "Data",
delDataFail: "Failed to delete data",
delSuccess: "Delete successfully!",
confirmDel: "Are you sure you want to delete",
notRecoverable: "delete will not be recoverable?",
notBatch: "Batch addition not implemented",
grid: "Grid",
exportFail: "Data export failed",
sum: "Total",
formitemFailed: "Form item update failed",
list: {
notConfig: {
fetchAction: "View list fetchAction parameter is not configured",
removeAction: "View table removeAction parameter is not configured",
createAction: "View list createAction parameter is not configured",
updateAction: "View list updateAction parameter is not configured",
confirmDel: "Are you sure you want to delete",
notRecoverable: "delete will not be recoverable?",
listExpBar: {
title: "List navigation bar",
wfExpBar: {
title: "Process navigation bar",
title: "Calendar navigation bar",
treeExpBar: {
title: "Tree view navigation bar",
portlet: {
noExtensions: "No extensions",
tabpage: {
sureclosetip: {
title: "Close warning",
content: "Form data Changed, are sure close?",
closeall: "Close all",
closeother: "Close other",
fileUpload: {
caption: "Upload",
searchButton: {
search: "Search",
reset: "Reset",
today: "today",
month: "month",
week: "week",
day: "day",
list: "list",
dateSelectModalTitle: "select the time you wanted",
gotoDate: "goto",
from: "From",
to: "To",
// 非实体视图
views: {
<#if app.isPubRefViewOnly()><#assign allAppViews = app.getAllRefPSAppViews()/><#else><#assign allAppViews = app.getAllPSAppViews()/></#if>
<#if allAppViews??>
<#list allAppViews as obj>
<#if !obj.isPSDEView()>
${obj.getCodeName()?lower_case}: {
caption: "<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
title: "<@getTitleLanguage obj langrestype />",
importview:"Import Data",
info:"Please configure the data import item"
menus: {
<#list app.getAllPSAppMenuModels() as menu>
${menu.getCodeName()?lower_case}: {
<#list menu.getAllPSAppMenuItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
error: "Error",
desc1: "Operation failed, failed to find current form item",
desc2: "Can't continue",
notconfig: {
loadaction: "View form loadAction parameter is not configured",
loaddraftaction: "View form loaddraftAction parameter is not configured",
actionname: "View form actionName parameter is not configured",
removeaction: "View form removeAction parameter is not configured",
saveerror: "Error saving data",
savecontent: "The data is inconsistent. The background data may have been modified. Do you want to reload the data?",
valuecheckex: "Value rule check exception",
savesuccess: "Saved successfully!",
deletesuccess: "Successfully deleted!",
workflow: {
starterror: "Workflow started successfully",
startsuccess: "Workflow failed to start",
submiterror: "Workflow submission failed",
submitsuccess: "Workflow submitted successfully",
updateerror: "Form item update failed",
gridBar: {
title: "Table navigation bar",
multiEditView: {
notConfig: {
fetchAction: "View multi-edit view panel fetchAction parameter is not configured",
loaddraftAction: "View multi-edit view panel loaddraftAction parameter is not configured",
dataViewExpBar: {
title: "Card view navigation bar",
kanban: {
notConfig: {
fetchAction: "View list fetchAction parameter is not configured",
removeAction: "View table removeAction parameter is not configured",
delete1: "Confirm to delete ",
delete2: "the delete operation will be unrecoverable!",
dashBoard: {
handleClick: {
title: "Panel design",
dataView: {
sum: "total",
data: "data",
chart: {
undefined: "Undefined",
quarter: "Quarter",
year: "Year",
searchForm: {
notConfig: {
loadAction: "View search form loadAction parameter is not configured",
loaddraftAction: "View search form loaddraftAction parameter is not configured",
custom: "Store custom queries",
title: "Name",
wizardPanel: {
back: "Back",
next: "Next",
complete: "Complete",
preactionmessage:"The calculation of the previous behavior is not configured"
viewLayoutPanel: {
appLogoutView: {
prompt1: "Dear customer, you have successfully exited the system, after",
prompt2: "seconds, we will jump to the",
logingPage: "login page",
appWfstepTraceView: {
title: "Application process processing record view",
appWfstepDataView: {
title: "Application process tracking view",
appLoginView: {
username: "Username",
password: "Password",
login: "Login",
entities: {
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as dataEntitey>
${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}: ${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}_en_US,
components: components_en_US,
codelist: codelist_en_US,
userCustom: userCustom_en_US,
\ No newline at end of file
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as dataEntitey>
import ${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/entities/${srffilepath2(dataEntitey.getCodeName())}/${srffilepath2(dataEntitey.getCodeName())}_zh_CN';
import components_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/components/components_zh_CN';
import codelist_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/codelist/codelist_zh_CN';
import userCustom_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/userCustom/userCustom_zh_CN';
<#assign langrestype = 'ZH_CN'/>
export default {
<#-- 本地化语言资源 中文 -->
app: {
error: "失败",
success: "成功",
ok: "确认",
cancel: "取消",
save: "保存",
codeNotExist: "代码表不存在",
reqException: "请求异常",
sysException: "系统异常",
warning: "警告",
wrong: "错误",
rulesException: "值规则校验异常",
saveSuccess: "保存成功",
saveFailed: "保存失败",
deleteSuccess: "删除成功",
deleteError: "删除失败",
delDataFail: "删除数据失败",
noData: "暂无数据",
new: "新建",
add: "增加",
gridpage: {
choicecolumns: "选择列",
refresh: "刷新",
show: "显示",
records: "条",
totle: "共",
valueVail: "值不能为空",
notConfig: {
fetchAction: "视图表格fetchAction参数未配置",
removeAction: "视图表格removeAction参数未配置",
createAction: "视图表格createAction参数未配置",
updateAction: "视图表格updateAction参数未配置",
loaddraftAction: "视图表格loaddraftAction参数未配置",
data: "数据",
delDataFail: "删除数据失败",
delSuccess: "删除成功!",
confirmDel: "确认要删除",
notRecoverable: "删除操作将不可恢复?",
notBatch: "批量添加未实现",
grid: "表",
exportFail: "数据导出失败",
sum: "合计",
formitemFailed: "表单项更新失败",
list: {
notConfig: {
fetchAction: "视图列表fetchAction参数未配置",
removeAction: "视图表格removeAction参数未配置",
createAction: "视图列表createAction参数未配置",
updateAction: "视图列表updateAction参数未配置",
confirmDel: "确认要删除",
notRecoverable: "删除操作将不可恢复?",
listExpBar: {
title: "列表导航栏",
wfExpBar: {
title: "流程导航栏",
title: "日历导航栏",
treeExpBar: {
title: "树视图导航栏",
portlet: {
noExtensions: "无扩展插件",
tabpage: {
sureclosetip: {
title: "关闭提醒",
content: "表单数据已经修改,确定要关闭?",
closeall: "关闭所有",
closeother: "关闭其他",
fileUpload: {
caption: "上传",
searchButton: {
search: "搜索",
reset: "重置",
today: "今天",
month: "月",
week: "周",
day: "天",
list: "列",
dateSelectModalTitle: "选择要跳转的时间",
gotoDate: "跳转",
from: "从",
to: "至",
// 非实体视图
views: {
<#if app.isPubRefViewOnly()><#assign allAppViews = app.getAllRefPSAppViews()/><#else><#assign allAppViews = app.getAllPSAppViews()/></#if>
<#if allAppViews??>
<#list allAppViews as obj>
<#if !obj.isPSDEView()>
${obj.getCodeName()?lower_case}: {
caption: "<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
title: "<@getTitleLanguage obj langrestype />",
menus: {
<#list app.getAllPSAppMenuModels() as menu>
${menu.getCodeName()?lower_case}: {
<#list menu.getAllPSAppMenuItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
desc1: "操作失败,未能找到当前表单项",
desc2: "无法继续操作",
notconfig: {
loadaction: "视图表单loadAction参数未配置",
loaddraftaction: "视图表单loaddraftAction参数未配置",
actionname: "视图表单'+actionName+'参数未配置",
removeaction: "视图表单removeAction参数未配置",
saveerror: "保存数据发生错误",
savecontent: "数据不一致,可能后台数据已经被修改,是否要重新加载数据?",
valuecheckex: "值规则校验异常",
savesuccess: "保存成功!",
deletesuccess: "删除成功!",
workflow: {
starterror: "工作流启动失败",
startsuccess: "工作流启动成功",
submiterror: "工作流提交失败",
submitsuccess: "工作流提交成功",
updateerror: "表单项更新失败",
gridBar: {
title: "表格导航栏",
multiEditView: {
notConfig: {
fetchAction: "视图多编辑视图面板fetchAction参数未配置",
loaddraftAction: "视图多编辑视图面板loaddraftAction参数未配置",
dataViewExpBar: {
title: "卡片视图导航栏",
kanban: {
notConfig: {
fetchAction: "视图列表fetchAction参数未配置",
removeAction: "视图表格removeAction参数未配置",
delete1: "确认要删除 ",
delete2: "删除操作将不可恢复?",
dashBoard: {
handleClick: {
title: "面板设计",
dataView: {
sum: "共",
data: "条数据",
chart: {
undefined: "未定义",
quarter: "季度",
year: "年",
searchForm: {
notConfig: {
loadAction: "视图搜索表单loadAction参数未配置",
loaddraftAction: "视图搜索表单loaddraftAction参数未配置",
custom: "存储自定义查询",
title: "名称",
wizardPanel: {
back: "上一步",
next: "下一步",
complete: "完成",
viewLayoutPanel: {
appLogoutView: {
prompt1: "尊敬的客户您好,您已成功退出系统,将在",
prompt2: "秒后跳转至",
logingPage: "登录页",
appWfstepTraceView: {
title: "应用流程处理记录视图",
appWfstepDataView: {
title: "应用流程跟踪视图",
appLoginView: {
username: "用户名",
password: "密码",
login: "登录",
entities: {
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as dataEntitey>
${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}: ${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}_zh_CN,
components: components_zh_CN,
codelist: codelist_zh_CN,
userCustom: userCustom_zh_CN,
\ No newline at end of file
<#ibiztemplate> <#ibiztemplate>
</#ibiztemplate> </#ibiztemplate>
<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/FUNC.ts</#ibizinclude> import app_zh_CN_Base from './app-zh-CN-Base';
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as dataEntitey>
import ${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/entities/${srffilepath2(dataEntitey.getCodeName())}/${srffilepath2(dataEntitey.getCodeName())}_zh_CN';
import components_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/components/components_zh_CN';
import codelist_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/codelist/codelist_zh_CN';
import userCustom_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/userCustom/userCustom_zh_CN';
<#assign langrestype = 'ZH_CN'/>
export default { const app_zh_CN_OwnData = {};
<#-- 本地化语言资源 中文 --> const targetData = Object.assign(app_zh_CN_Base, app_zh_CN_OwnData);
app: { export default targetData;
commonWords:{ \ No newline at end of file
error: "失败",
success: "成功",
ok: "确认",
cancel: "取消",
save: "保存",
codeNotExist: "代码表不存在",
reqException: "请求异常",
sysException: "系统异常",
warning: "警告",
wrong: "错误",
rulesException: "值规则校验异常",
saveSuccess: "保存成功",
saveFailed: "保存失败",
deleteSuccess: "删除成功",
deleteError: "删除失败",
delDataFail: "删除数据失败",
noData: "暂无数据",
new: "新建",
add: "增加",
gridpage: {
choicecolumns: "选择列",
refresh: "刷新",
show: "显示",
records: "条",
totle: "共",
valueVail: "值不能为空",
notConfig: {
fetchAction: "视图表格fetchAction参数未配置",
removeAction: "视图表格removeAction参数未配置",
createAction: "视图表格createAction参数未配置",
updateAction: "视图表格updateAction参数未配置",
loaddraftAction: "视图表格loaddraftAction参数未配置",
data: "数据",
delDataFail: "删除数据失败",
delSuccess: "删除成功!",
confirmDel: "确认要删除",
notRecoverable: "删除操作将不可恢复?",
notBatch: "批量添加未实现",
grid: "表",
exportFail: "数据导出失败",
sum: "合计",
formitemFailed: "表单项更新失败",
list: {
notConfig: {
fetchAction: "视图列表fetchAction参数未配置",
removeAction: "视图表格removeAction参数未配置",
createAction: "视图列表createAction参数未配置",
updateAction: "视图列表updateAction参数未配置",
confirmDel: "确认要删除",
notRecoverable: "删除操作将不可恢复?",
listExpBar: {
title: "列表导航栏",
wfExpBar: {
title: "流程导航栏",
title: "日历导航栏",
treeExpBar: {
title: "树视图导航栏",
portlet: {
noExtensions: "无扩展插件",
tabpage: {
sureclosetip: {
title: "关闭提醒",
content: "表单数据已经修改,确定要关闭?",
closeall: "关闭所有",
closeother: "关闭其他",
fileUpload: {
caption: "上传",
searchButton: {
search: "搜索",
reset: "重置",
today: "今天",
month: "月",
week: "周",
day: "天",
list: "列",
dateSelectModalTitle: "选择要跳转的时间",
gotoDate: "跳转",
from: "从",
to: "至",
// 非实体视图
views: {
<#if app.isPubRefViewOnly()><#assign allAppViews = app.getAllRefPSAppViews()/><#else><#assign allAppViews = app.getAllPSAppViews()/></#if>
<#if allAppViews??>
<#list allAppViews as obj>
<#if !obj.isPSDEView()>
${obj.getCodeName()?lower_case}: {
caption: "<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
title: "<@getTitleLanguage obj langrestype />",
menus: {
<#list app.getAllPSAppMenuModels() as menu>
${menu.getCodeName()?lower_case}: {
<#list menu.getAllPSAppMenuItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
desc1: "操作失败,未能找到当前表单项",
desc2: "无法继续操作",
notconfig: {
loadaction: "视图表单loadAction参数未配置",
loaddraftaction: "视图表单loaddraftAction参数未配置",
actionname: "视图表单'+actionName+'参数未配置",
removeaction: "视图表单removeAction参数未配置",
saveerror: "保存数据发生错误",
savecontent: "数据不一致,可能后台数据已经被修改,是否要重新加载数据?",
valuecheckex: "值规则校验异常",
savesuccess: "保存成功!",
deletesuccess: "删除成功!",
workflow: {
starterror: "工作流启动失败",
startsuccess: "工作流启动成功",
submiterror: "工作流提交失败",
submitsuccess: "工作流提交成功",
updateerror: "表单项更新失败",
gridBar: {
title: "表格导航栏",
multiEditView: {
notConfig: {
fetchAction: "视图多编辑视图面板fetchAction参数未配置",
loaddraftAction: "视图多编辑视图面板loaddraftAction参数未配置",
dataViewExpBar: {
title: "卡片视图导航栏",
kanban: {
notConfig: {
fetchAction: "视图列表fetchAction参数未配置",
removeAction: "视图表格removeAction参数未配置",
delete1: "确认要删除 ",
delete2: "删除操作将不可恢复?",
dashBoard: {
handleClick: {
title: "面板设计",
dataView: {
sum: "共",
data: "条数据",
chart: {
undefined: "未定义",
quarter: "季度",
year: "年",
searchForm: {
notConfig: {
loadAction: "视图搜索表单loadAction参数未配置",
loaddraftAction: "视图搜索表单loaddraftAction参数未配置",
custom: "存储自定义查询",
title: "名称",
wizardPanel: {
back: "上一步",
next: "下一步",
complete: "完成",
viewLayoutPanel: {
appLogoutView: {
prompt1: "尊敬的客户您好,您已成功退出系统,将在",
prompt2: "秒后跳转至",
logingPage: "登录页",
appWfstepTraceView: {
title: "应用流程处理记录视图",
appWfstepDataView: {
title: "应用流程跟踪视图",
appLoginView: {
username: "用户名",
password: "密码",
login: "登录",
entities: {
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as dataEntitey>
${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}: ${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}_zh_CN,
components: components_zh_CN,
codelist: codelist_zh_CN,
userCustom: userCustom_zh_CN,
\ No newline at end of file
<#ibiztemplate> <#ibiztemplate>
</#ibiztemplate> </#ibiztemplate>
<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/FUNC.ts</#ibizinclude> import codelist_en_US_Base from './codelist_en_US_Base';
<#assign langrestype = 'EN'/>
export default { const codelist_en_US_OwnData = {};
<#if app.getAllPSAppCodeLists()??> const targetData = Object.assign(codelist_en_US_Base, codelist_en_US_OwnData);
<#list app.getAllPSAppCodeLists() as codelist> export default targetData;
<#if codelist.getCodeListType() == "STATIC"> \ No newline at end of file
${codelist.codeName}: {
<#if codelist.getAllPSCodeItems?? && codelist.getAllPSCodeItems()??>
<#list codelist.getAllPSCodeItems() as codeitem>
"${codeitem.getValue()?j_string}": "<@getTextLanguage codeitem langrestype />",
"empty": "<@getEmptyTextLanguage codelist langrestype '' />"
<#elseif codelist.getCodeListType() == "DYNAMIC">
${codelist.codeName}: {
"empty": "<@getEmptyTextLanguage codelist langrestype '' />",
\ No newline at end of file
<#assign langrestype = 'EN'/>
export default {
<#if app.getAllPSAppCodeLists()??>
<#list app.getAllPSAppCodeLists() as codelist>
<#if codelist.getCodeListType() == "STATIC">
${codelist.codeName}: {
<#if codelist.getAllPSCodeItems?? && codelist.getAllPSCodeItems()??>
<#list codelist.getAllPSCodeItems() as codeitem>
"${codeitem.getValue()?j_string}": "<@getTextLanguage codeitem langrestype />",
"empty": "<@getEmptyTextLanguage codelist langrestype '' />"
<#elseif codelist.getCodeListType() == "DYNAMIC">
${codelist.codeName}: {
"empty": "<@getEmptyTextLanguage codelist langrestype '' />",
\ No newline at end of file
<#ibiztemplate> <#ibiztemplate>
</#ibiztemplate> </#ibiztemplate>
<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/FUNC.ts</#ibizinclude> import codelist_zh_CN_Base from './codelist_zh_CN_Base';
<#assign langrestype = 'ZH_CN'/>
export default { const app_zh_CN_OwnData = {};
<#if app.getAllPSAppCodeLists()??> const targetData = Object.assign(codelist_zh_CN_Base, codelist_zh_CN_OwnData);
<#list app.getAllPSAppCodeLists() as codelist> export default targetData;
<#if codelist.getCodeListType() == "STATIC"> \ No newline at end of file
${codelist.codeName}: {
<#if codelist.getAllPSCodeItems?? && codelist.getAllPSCodeItems()??>
<#list codelist.getAllPSCodeItems() as codeitem>
"${codeitem.getValue()?j_string}": "<@getTextLanguage codeitem langrestype />",
"empty": "<@getEmptyTextLanguage codelist langrestype '' />",
<#elseif codelist.getCodeListType() == "DYNAMIC">
${codelist.codeName}: {
"empty": "<@getEmptyTextLanguage codelist langrestype '' />",
\ No newline at end of file
<#assign langrestype = 'ZH_CN'/>
export default {
<#if app.getAllPSAppCodeLists()??>
<#list app.getAllPSAppCodeLists() as codelist>
<#if codelist.getCodeListType() == "STATIC">
${codelist.codeName}: {
<#if codelist.getAllPSCodeItems?? && codelist.getAllPSCodeItems()??>
<#list codelist.getAllPSCodeItems() as codeitem>
"${codeitem.getValue()?j_string}": "<@getTextLanguage codeitem langrestype />",
"empty": "<@getEmptyTextLanguage codelist langrestype '' />",
<#elseif codelist.getCodeListType() == "DYNAMIC">
${codelist.codeName}: {
"empty": "<@getEmptyTextLanguage codelist langrestype '' />",
\ No newline at end of file
<#ibiztemplate> <#ibiztemplate>
</#ibiztemplate> </#ibiztemplate>
<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/FUNC.ts</#ibizinclude> import ${srffilepath2(item.getCodeName())}_en_US_Base from './${srffilepath2(item.getCodeName())}_en_US_Base';
<#assign langrestype = 'EN'/>
<#assign emptyText = 'No data.'>
export default { const ${srffilepath2(item.getCodeName())}_en_US_OwnData = {};
<#-- 实体属性输出 --> const targetData = Object.assign(${srffilepath2(item.getCodeName())}_en_US_Base, ${srffilepath2(item.getCodeName())}_en_US_OwnData);
<#if item.getAllPSAppDEFields()??> export default targetData;
fields: { \ No newline at end of file
<#list item.getAllPSAppDEFields() as field>
${field.getPSDEField().getCodeName()?lower_case}: "<@getLogicNameLanguage field.getPSDEField() langrestype />",
<#-- 实体视图输出 -->
<#if item.getAllPSAppViews()??>
views: {
<#list item.getAllPSAppViews() as obj>
${obj.getPSDEViewCodeName()?lower_case}: {
caption: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
title: "<@getTitleLanguage obj langrestype />",
<#-- 实体部件输出 -->
<#if item.getPSControls()??>
<#list ctrltypes as ctrltype>
<#list item.getPSControls() as ctrl>
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == ctrltype>
<#if !P.exists(ctrltype, ctrl.getCodeName(), "_class_")>
${ctrl.getCodeName()?lower_case}_${ctrl.getControlType()?lower_case}: {
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'FORM' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'SEARCHFORM'>
details: {
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEFormDetails() as obj>
${obj.name?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'LIST' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'DATAVIEW' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'CHART'|| ctrl.getControlType() == 'KANBAN'|| ctrl.getControlType() == 'GANTT' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'TREEGRIDEX' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'CALENDAR' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'TREEVIEW'>
nodata:"<@getEmptyTextLanguage ctrl langrestype emptyText/>",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'GRID'>
columns: {
<#if ctrl.getAllPSDEGridColumns()??>
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEGridColumns() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
nodata:"<@getEmptyTextLanguage ctrl langrestype emptyText/>",
<#if ctrl.getPSDEDataExport?? && ctrl.getPSDEDataExport()?? >
exportColumns: {
<#if ctrl.getPSDEDataExport().getPSDEDataExportItems()??>
<#list ctrl.getPSDEDataExport().getPSDEDataExportItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'TREEVIEW'>
nodes: {
<#if ctrl.getPSDETreeNodes()??>
<#list ctrl.getPSDETreeNodes() as obj>
<#if obj.getTreeNodeType() == 'STATIC'>
${obj.getNodeType()?lower_case}: "<@getNameLanguage obj langrestype />",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'TOOLBAR'>
<#if ctrl.getAllPSDEToolbarItems()??>
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEToolbarItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: {
caption: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
tip: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/TIPLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
<#-- 部件界面行为 -->
<#if ctrl.getPSUIActions?? && ctrl.getPSUIActions()??>
uiactions: {
<#list ctrl.getPSUIActions() as obj>
<#if obj.getPSAppDataEntity?? && obj.getPSAppDataEntity()??>${obj.getPSAppDataEntity().getCodeName()?lower_case}_</#if>${obj.getUIActionTag()?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
\ No newline at end of file
<#assign langrestype = 'EN'/>
<#assign emptyText = 'No data.'>
export default {
<#-- 实体属性输出 -->
<#if item.getAllPSAppDEFields()??>
fields: {
<#list item.getAllPSAppDEFields() as field>
${field.getPSDEField().getCodeName()?lower_case}: "<@getLogicNameLanguage field.getPSDEField() langrestype />",
<#-- 实体视图输出 -->
<#if item.getAllPSAppViews()??>
views: {
<#list item.getAllPSAppViews() as obj>
${obj.getPSDEViewCodeName()?lower_case}: {
caption: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
title: "<@getTitleLanguage obj langrestype />",
<#-- 实体部件输出 -->
<#if item.getPSControls()??>
<#list ctrltypes as ctrltype>
<#list item.getPSControls() as ctrl>
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == ctrltype>
<#if !P.exists(ctrltype, ctrl.getCodeName(), "_class_")>
${ctrl.getCodeName()?lower_case}_${ctrl.getControlType()?lower_case}: {
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'FORM' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'SEARCHFORM'>
details: {
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEFormDetails() as obj>
${obj.name?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'LIST' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'DATAVIEW' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'CHART'|| ctrl.getControlType() == 'KANBAN'|| ctrl.getControlType() == 'GANTT' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'TREEGRIDEX' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'CALENDAR' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'TREEVIEW'>
nodata:"<@getEmptyTextLanguage ctrl langrestype emptyText/>",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'GRID'>
columns: {
<#if ctrl.getAllPSDEGridColumns()??>
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEGridColumns() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
nodata:"<@getEmptyTextLanguage ctrl langrestype emptyText/>",
<#if ctrl.getPSDEDataExport?? && ctrl.getPSDEDataExport()?? >
exportColumns: {
<#if ctrl.getPSDEDataExport().getPSDEDataExportItems()??>
<#list ctrl.getPSDEDataExport().getPSDEDataExportItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'TREEVIEW'>
nodes: {
<#if ctrl.getPSDETreeNodes()??>
<#list ctrl.getPSDETreeNodes() as obj>
<#if obj.getTreeNodeType() == 'STATIC'>
${obj.getNodeType()?lower_case}: "<@getNameLanguage obj langrestype />",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'TOOLBAR'>
<#if ctrl.getAllPSDEToolbarItems()??>
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEToolbarItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: {
caption: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
tip: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/TIPLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
<#-- 部件界面行为 -->
<#if ctrl.getPSUIActions?? && ctrl.getPSUIActions()??>
uiactions: {
<#list ctrl.getPSUIActions() as obj>
<#if obj.getPSAppDataEntity?? && obj.getPSAppDataEntity()??>${obj.getPSAppDataEntity().getCodeName()?lower_case}_</#if>${obj.getUIActionTag()?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
\ No newline at end of file
<#ibiztemplate> <#ibiztemplate>
</#ibiztemplate> </#ibiztemplate>
<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/FUNC.ts</#ibizinclude> import ${srffilepath2(item.getCodeName())}_zh_CN_Base from './${srffilepath2(item.getCodeName())}_zh_CN_Base';
<#assign langrestype = 'ZH_CN'/>
<#assign emptyText = '暂无数据'> const ${srffilepath2(item.getCodeName())}_zh_CN_OwnData = {};
export default { const targetData = Object.assign(${srffilepath2(item.getCodeName())}_zh_CN_Base, ${srffilepath2(item.getCodeName())}_zh_CN_OwnData);
<#-- 实体属性输出 --> export default targetData;
<#if item.getAllPSAppDEFields()??> \ No newline at end of file
fields: {
<#list item.getAllPSAppDEFields() as field>
${field.getPSDEField().getCodeName()?lower_case}: "<@getLogicNameLanguage field.getPSDEField() langrestype />",
<#-- 实体视图输出 -->
<#if item.getAllPSAppViews()??>
views: {
<#list item.getAllPSAppViews() as obj>
${obj.getPSDEViewCodeName()?lower_case}: {
caption: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
title: "<@getTitleLanguage obj langrestype />",
<#-- 实体部件输出 -->
<#if item.getPSControls()??>
<#list ctrltypes as ctrltype>
<#list item.getPSControls() as ctrl>
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == ctrltype>
<#if !P.exists(ctrltype, ctrl.getCodeName(), "_class_")>
${ctrl.getCodeName()?lower_case}_${ctrl.getControlType()?lower_case}: {
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'FORM' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'SEARCHFORM'>
details: {
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEFormDetails() as obj>
${obj.name?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'LIST' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'DATAVIEW' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'CHART' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'KANBAN'|| ctrl.getControlType() == 'GANTT' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'TREEGRIDEX' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'CALENDAR' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'TREEVIEW'>
nodata:"<@getEmptyTextLanguage ctrl langrestype emptyText/>",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'GRID'>
columns: {
<#if ctrl.getAllPSDEGridColumns()??>
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEGridColumns() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
nodata:"<@getEmptyTextLanguage ctrl langrestype emptyText/>",
<#if ctrl.getPSDEDataExport?? && ctrl.getPSDEDataExport()?? >
exportColumns: {
<#if ctrl.getPSDEDataExport().getPSDEDataExportItems()??>
<#list ctrl.getPSDEDataExport().getPSDEDataExportItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'TREEVIEW'>
nodes: {
<#if ctrl.getPSDETreeNodes()??>
<#list ctrl.getPSDETreeNodes() as obj>
<#if obj.getTreeNodeType() == 'STATIC'>
${obj.getNodeType()?lower_case}: "<@getNameLanguage obj langrestype />",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'TOOLBAR'>
<#if ctrl.getAllPSDEToolbarItems()??>
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEToolbarItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: {
caption: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
tip: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/TIPLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
<#-- 部件界面行为 -->
<#if ctrl.getPSUIActions?? && ctrl.getPSUIActions()??>
uiactions: {
<#list ctrl.getPSUIActions() as obj>
<#if obj.getPSAppDataEntity?? && obj.getPSAppDataEntity()??>${obj.getPSAppDataEntity().getCodeName()?lower_case}_</#if>${obj.getUIActionTag()?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
\ No newline at end of file
<#assign langrestype = 'ZH_CN'/>
<#assign emptyText = '暂无数据'>
export default {
<#-- 实体属性输出 -->
<#if item.getAllPSAppDEFields()??>
fields: {
<#list item.getAllPSAppDEFields() as field>
${field.getPSDEField().getCodeName()?lower_case}: "<@getLogicNameLanguage field.getPSDEField() langrestype />",
<#-- 实体视图输出 -->
<#if item.getAllPSAppViews()??>
views: {
<#list item.getAllPSAppViews() as obj>
${obj.getPSDEViewCodeName()?lower_case}: {
caption: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
title: "<@getTitleLanguage obj langrestype />",
<#-- 实体部件输出 -->
<#if item.getPSControls()??>
<#list ctrltypes as ctrltype>
<#list item.getPSControls() as ctrl>
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == ctrltype>
<#if !P.exists(ctrltype, ctrl.getCodeName(), "_class_")>
${ctrl.getCodeName()?lower_case}_${ctrl.getControlType()?lower_case}: {
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'FORM' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'SEARCHFORM'>
details: {
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEFormDetails() as obj>
${obj.name?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'LIST' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'DATAVIEW' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'CHART' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'KANBAN'|| ctrl.getControlType() == 'GANTT' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'TREEGRIDEX' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'CALENDAR' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'TREEVIEW'>
nodata:"<@getEmptyTextLanguage ctrl langrestype emptyText/>",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'GRID'>
columns: {
<#if ctrl.getAllPSDEGridColumns()??>
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEGridColumns() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
nodata:"<@getEmptyTextLanguage ctrl langrestype emptyText/>",
<#if ctrl.getPSDEDataExport?? && ctrl.getPSDEDataExport()?? >
exportColumns: {
<#if ctrl.getPSDEDataExport().getPSDEDataExportItems()??>
<#list ctrl.getPSDEDataExport().getPSDEDataExportItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'TREEVIEW'>
nodes: {
<#if ctrl.getPSDETreeNodes()??>
<#list ctrl.getPSDETreeNodes() as obj>
<#if obj.getTreeNodeType() == 'STATIC'>
${obj.getNodeType()?lower_case}: "<@getNameLanguage obj langrestype />",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'TOOLBAR'>
<#if ctrl.getAllPSDEToolbarItems()??>
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEToolbarItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: {
caption: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
tip: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/TIPLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
<#-- 部件界面行为 -->
<#if ctrl.getPSUIActions?? && ctrl.getPSUIActions()??>
uiactions: {
<#list ctrl.getPSUIActions() as obj>
<#if obj.getPSAppDataEntity?? && obj.getPSAppDataEntity()??>${obj.getPSAppDataEntity().getCodeName()?lower_case}_</#if>${obj.getUIActionTag()?lower_case}: "<#ibizinclude>../../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.ts</#ibizinclude>",
\ No newline at end of file
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