提交 e08efb29 编写于 作者: KK's avatar KK


上级 6cc60809
import { ServiceConstructorBase } from '@/ibiz-core/service/service-constructor-base';
* 实体权限服务注册中心
* @export
* @class AuthServiceRegister
export class AuthServiceRegister {
* 所有实体权限服务Map
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof AuthServiceRegister
protected allAuthService: Map<string, () => Promise<any>> = new Map();
* 已加载实体权限服务Map缓存
* @protected
* @type {Map<string, any>}
* @memberof AuthServiceRegister
protected serviceCache: Map<string, any> = new Map();
* Creates an instance of AuthServiceRegister.
* @memberof AuthServiceRegister
constructor() {
export class AuthServiceRegister extends ServiceConstructorBase {
* 初始化
......@@ -44,44 +19,11 @@ export class AuthServiceRegister {
protected init(): void {
<#if app.getAllPSAppDataEntities()??>
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as curAppEntity>
this.allAuthService.set('${curAppEntity.getCodeName()?lower_case}', () => import('@app-core/auth-service/${srffilepath2(curAppEntity.getCodeName())}/${srffilepath2(curAppEntity.getCodeName())}-auth-service'));
this.allService.set('${curAppEntity.getCodeName()?lower_case}', () => import('@/app-core/auth-service/${srffilepath2(curAppEntity.getCodeName())}/${srffilepath2(curAppEntity.getCodeName())}-auth-service'));
* 加载实体权限服务
* @protected
* @param {string} serviceName
* @returns {Promise<any>}
* @memberof AuthServiceRegister
protected async loadService(serviceName: string): Promise<any> {
const service = this.allAuthService.get(serviceName);
if (service) {
return service();
* 获取应用实体权限服务
* @param {string} name
* @returns {Promise<any>}
* @memberof AuthServiceRegister
public async getService(name: string): Promise<any> {
if (this.serviceCache.has(name)) {
return this.serviceCache.get(name);
const authService: any = await this.loadService(name);
if (authService && authService.default) {
const instance: any = new authService.default();
this.serviceCache.set(name, instance);
return instance;
export const authServiceRegister: AuthServiceRegister = new AuthServiceRegister();
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