提交 dc637880 编写于 作者: KK's avatar KK


上级 7bccfe67
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as dataEntitey>
import ${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}_en_US from '@locale/lanres/${srffilepath2(dataEntitey.getCodeName())}/${srffilepath2(dataEntitey.getCodeName())}_en_US';
import userCustom_en_US from '@locale/lanres/userCustom/userCustom_en_US';
import codelist_en_US from '@locale/lanres/codelist/codelist_en_US';
<#assign langrestype = 'EN'/>
export default {
<#-- local langue english -->
app: {
gridpage: {
choicecolumns: 'Choice columns',
refresh: 'refresh',
show: 'Show',
records: 'records',
totle: 'totle',
tabpage: {
sureclosetip: {
title: 'Close warning',
content: 'Form data Changed, are sure close?',
closeall: 'Close all',
closeother: 'Close other',
fileUpload: {
caption: 'Upload',
searchButton: {
search: 'Search',
reset: 'Reset',
// 非实体视图
views: {
<#if app.isPubRefViewOnly()><#assign allAppViews = app.getAllRefPSAppViews()/><#else><#assign allAppViews = app.getAllPSAppViews()/></#if>
<#if allAppViews??>
<#list allAppViews as obj>
<#if !obj.isPSDEView()>
${obj.getCodeName()?lower_case}: {
caption: '<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
menus: {
<#list app.getAllPSAppMenuModels() as menu>
${menu.getCodeName()?lower_case}: {
<#list menu.getAllPSAppMenuItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: '<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
components: {
app_icon_menu: {
statusValue_open: 'open',
statusValue_close: 'close',
button: {
cancel: 'Cancel',
confirm: 'Confirm',
back: 'Back',
loadmore: 'Load more'
loadding: 'Loadding',
fastsearch: 'Quick search',
pulling_text: 'Pull down to refresh',
notConfig:" Parameter not configured",
message: {
success: "successfully",
fail: "failed",
savedSuccess: "Saved successfully",
deleteSccess: "successfully deleted",
warning: " Warning ",
confirmToDelete: "Confirm to delete",
unrecoverable: " Will the delete operation be unrecoverable ",
totle: " A total of ",
data: " data"
200: 'The server successfully returned the requested data',
201: 'New or modified data is successful.',
202: 'The request has been queued in the background (asynchronous task).',
204: 'The data was deleted successfully.',
400: 'There was an error in the request issued, and the server did not create or modify data.',
401: 'The user does not have permission (token, user name, wrong password).',
403: 'The user is authorized, but access is prohibited.',
404: 'The request issued was for a non-existent record, and the server did not operate.',
405: 'Method not allowed',
406: 'The requested format is not available.',
410: 'The requested resource is permanently deleted and will no longer be available.',
422: 'When creating an object, a validation error occurred.',
500: 'An error occurred on the server, please check the server.',
502: 'Gateway error.',
503: 'The service is unavailable, the server is temporarily overloaded or maintained.',
504: 'Gateway timeout.',
errorMessage: {
100: 'unknown',
101: 'Request error',
5001: 'Data does not exist',
5002: 'Data already exists and cannot be recreated',
5003: 'New creation failed',
5004: 'The data does not exist and cannot be saved',
5005: 'Data deletion failed'
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as dataEntitey>
${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}: ${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}_en_US,
codelist: codelist_en_US,
userCustom: userCustom_en_US,
\ No newline at end of file
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as dataEntitey>
import ${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}_en_US from '@locale/lanres/${srffilepath2(dataEntitey.getCodeName())}/${srffilepath2(dataEntitey.getCodeName())}_en_US';
import userCustom_en_US from '@locale/lanres/userCustom/userCustom_en_US';
import codelist_en_US from '@locale/lanres/codelist/codelist_en_US';
<#assign langrestype = 'EN'/>
import app_en_US_Base from './en-US-base';
export default {
<#-- local langue english -->
app: {
gridpage: {
choicecolumns: 'Choice columns',
refresh: 'refresh',
show: 'Show',
records: 'records',
totle: 'totle',
tabpage: {
sureclosetip: {
title: 'Close warning',
content: 'Form data Changed, are sure close?',
closeall: 'Close all',
closeother: 'Close other',
fileUpload: {
caption: 'Upload',
searchButton: {
search: 'Search',
reset: 'Reset',
// 非实体视图
views: {
<#if app.isPubRefViewOnly()><#assign allAppViews = app.getAllRefPSAppViews()/><#else><#assign allAppViews = app.getAllPSAppViews()/></#if>
<#if allAppViews??>
<#list allAppViews as obj>
<#if !obj.isPSDEView()>
${obj.getCodeName()?lower_case}: {
caption: '<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
menus: {
<#list app.getAllPSAppMenuModels() as menu>
${menu.getCodeName()?lower_case}: {
<#list menu.getAllPSAppMenuItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: '<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
components: {
app_icon_menu: {
statusValue_open: 'open',
statusValue_close: 'close',
button: {
cancel: 'Cancel',
confirm: 'Confirm',
back: 'Back',
loadmore: 'Load more'
loadding: 'Loadding',
fastsearch: 'Quick search',
pulling_text: 'Pull down to refresh',
notConfig:" Parameter not configured",
message: {
success: "successfully",
fail: "failed",
savedSuccess: "Saved successfully",
deleteSccess: "successfully deleted",
warning: " Warning ",
confirmToDelete: "Confirm to delete",
unrecoverable: " Will the delete operation be unrecoverable ",
totle: " A total of ",
data: " data"
200: 'The server successfully returned the requested data',
201: 'New or modified data is successful.',
202: 'The request has been queued in the background (asynchronous task).',
204: 'The data was deleted successfully.',
400: 'There was an error in the request issued, and the server did not create or modify data.',
401: 'The user does not have permission (token, user name, wrong password).',
403: 'The user is authorized, but access is prohibited.',
404: 'The request issued was for a non-existent record, and the server did not operate.',
405: 'Method not allowed',
406: 'The requested format is not available.',
410: 'The requested resource is permanently deleted and will no longer be available.',
422: 'When creating an object, a validation error occurred.',
500: 'An error occurred on the server, please check the server.',
502: 'Gateway error.',
503: 'The service is unavailable, the server is temporarily overloaded or maintained.',
504: 'Gateway timeout.',
errorMessage: {
100: 'unknown',
101: 'Request error',
5001: 'Data does not exist',
5002: 'Data already exists and cannot be recreated',
5003: 'New creation failed',
5004: 'The data does not exist and cannot be saved',
5005: 'Data deletion failed'
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as dataEntitey>
${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}: ${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}_en_US,
codelist: codelist_en_US,
userCustom: userCustom_en_US,
\ No newline at end of file
const app_en_US_OwnData = {};
const targetData = Object.assign(app_en_US_Base, app_en_US_OwnData);
export default targetData;
\ No newline at end of file
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as dataEntitey>
import ${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/${srffilepath2(dataEntitey.getCodeName())}/${srffilepath2(dataEntitey.getCodeName())}_zh_CN';
import codelist_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/codelist/codelist_zh_CN';
import userCustom_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/userCustom/userCustom_zh_CN';
<#assign langrestype = 'ZH_CN'/>
export default {
<#-- 本地化语言资源 中文 -->
app: {
gridpage: {
choicecolumns: '选择列',
refresh: '刷新',
show: '显示',
records: '条',
totle: '共',
tabpage: {
sureclosetip: {
title: '关闭提醒',
content: '表单数据已经修改,确定要关闭?',
closeall: '关闭所有',
closeother: '关闭其他',
fileUpload: {
caption: '上传',
searchButton: {
search: '搜索',
reset: '重置',
// 非实体视图
views: {
<#if app.isPubRefViewOnly()><#assign allAppViews = app.getAllRefPSAppViews()/><#else><#assign allAppViews = app.getAllPSAppViews()/></#if>
<#if allAppViews??>
<#list allAppViews as obj>
<#if !obj.isPSDEView()>
${obj.getCodeName()?lower_case}: {
caption: '<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
menus: {
<#list app.getAllPSAppMenuModels() as menu>
${menu.getCodeName()?lower_case}: {
<#list menu.getAllPSAppMenuItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: '<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
components: {
app_icon_menu: {
statusValue_open: '展开',
statusValue_close: '收回',
button: {
cancel: '取消',
confirm: '确认',
back: '返回',
loadmore: '加载更多'
loadding: '加载中',
fastsearch: '快速搜索',
pulling_text: '下拉刷新',
success: "成功",
fail: "失败",
savedSuccess: "保存成功",
deleteSccess: "删除成功",
warning: "警告",
confirmToDelete: "确认删除 ",
unrecoverable: " 删除操作将不可恢复",
totle: "共",
data: "条数据"
200: '服务器成功返回请求的数据。',
201: '新建或修改数据成功。',
202: '一个请求已经进入后台排队(异步任务)。',
204: '删除数据成功。',
400: '发出的请求有错误,服务器没有进行新建或修改数据的操作。',
401: '用户没有权限(令牌、用户名、密码错误)。',
403: '用户得到授权,但是访问是被禁止的。',
404: '发出的请求针对的是不存在的记录,服务器没有进行操作。',
405: '方法不被允许',
406: '请求的格式不可得。',
410: '请求的资源被永久删除,且不会再得到的。',
422: '当创建一个对象时,发生一个验证错误。',
500: '服务器发生错误,请检查服务器。',
502: '网关错误。',
503: '服务不可用,服务器暂时过载或维护。',
504: '网关超时。',
errorMessage: {
100: '未知',
101: '请求发生错误',
5001: '数据不存在',
5002: '数据已存在,无法重复创建',
5003: '新建失败',
5004: '数据不存在,无法保存',
5005: '数据删除失败'
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as dataEntitey>
${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}: ${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}_zh_CN,
codelist: codelist_zh_CN,
userCustom: userCustom_zh_CN
\ No newline at end of file
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as dataEntitey>
import ${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/${srffilepath2(dataEntitey.getCodeName())}/${srffilepath2(dataEntitey.getCodeName())}_zh_CN';
import codelist_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/codelist/codelist_zh_CN';
import userCustom_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/userCustom/userCustom_zh_CN';
<#assign langrestype = 'ZH_CN'/>
import app_zh_CN_Base from './zh-CN-base';
export default {
<#-- 本地化语言资源 中文 -->
app: {
gridpage: {
choicecolumns: '选择列',
refresh: '刷新',
show: '显示',
records: '条',
totle: '共',
tabpage: {
sureclosetip: {
title: '关闭提醒',
content: '表单数据已经修改,确定要关闭?',
closeall: '关闭所有',
closeother: '关闭其他',
fileUpload: {
caption: '上传',
searchButton: {
search: '搜索',
reset: '重置',
// 非实体视图
views: {
<#if app.isPubRefViewOnly()><#assign allAppViews = app.getAllRefPSAppViews()/><#else><#assign allAppViews = app.getAllPSAppViews()/></#if>
<#if allAppViews??>
<#list allAppViews as obj>
<#if !obj.isPSDEView()>
${obj.getCodeName()?lower_case}: {
caption: '<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
menus: {
<#list app.getAllPSAppMenuModels() as menu>
${menu.getCodeName()?lower_case}: {
<#list menu.getAllPSAppMenuItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: '<#ibizinclude>../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
components: {
app_icon_menu: {
statusValue_open: '展开',
statusValue_close: '收回',
button: {
cancel: '取消',
confirm: '确认',
back: '返回',
loadmore: '加载更多'
loadding: '加载中',
fastsearch: '快速搜索',
pulling_text: '下拉刷新',
success: "成功",
fail: "失败",
savedSuccess: "保存成功",
deleteSccess: "删除成功",
warning: "警告",
confirmToDelete: "确认删除 ",
unrecoverable: " 删除操作将不可恢复",
totle: "共",
data: "条数据"
200: '服务器成功返回请求的数据。',
201: '新建或修改数据成功。',
202: '一个请求已经进入后台排队(异步任务)。',
204: '删除数据成功。',
400: '发出的请求有错误,服务器没有进行新建或修改数据的操作。',
401: '用户没有权限(令牌、用户名、密码错误)。',
403: '用户得到授权,但是访问是被禁止的。',
404: '发出的请求针对的是不存在的记录,服务器没有进行操作。',
405: '方法不被允许',
406: '请求的格式不可得。',
410: '请求的资源被永久删除,且不会再得到的。',
422: '当创建一个对象时,发生一个验证错误。',
500: '服务器发生错误,请检查服务器。',
502: '网关错误。',
503: '服务不可用,服务器暂时过载或维护。',
504: '网关超时。',
errorMessage: {
100: '未知',
101: '请求发生错误',
5001: '数据不存在',
5002: '数据已存在,无法重复创建',
5003: '新建失败',
5004: '数据不存在,无法保存',
5005: '数据删除失败'
<#list app.getAllPSAppDataEntities() as dataEntitey>
${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}: ${dataEntitey.getCodeName()?lower_case}_zh_CN,
codelist: codelist_zh_CN,
userCustom: userCustom_zh_CN
\ No newline at end of file
const app_zh_CN_OwnData = {};
const targetData = Object.assign(app_zh_CN_Base, app_zh_CN_OwnData);
export default targetData;
\ No newline at end of file
<#assign langrestype = 'EN'/>
export default {
<#-- 实体属性输出 -->
<#if item.getAllPSAppDEFields()??>
fields: {
<#list item.getAllPSAppDEFields() as field>
${field.getPSDEField().getCodeName()?uncap_first}: "<@getLogicNameLanguage field.getPSDEField() langrestype />",
<#-- 实体视图输出 -->
<#if item.getAllPSAppViews()??>
views: {
<#list item.getAllPSAppViews() as obj>
${obj.getPSDEViewCodeName()?lower_case}: {
caption: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
<#-- 实体部件输出 -->
<#if item.getPSControls()??>
<#assign ctrltypes = ['FORM', 'GRID', 'SEARCHFORM', 'TOOLBAR']>
<#list ctrltypes as ctrltype>
<#list item.getPSControls() as ctrl>
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == ctrltype>
<#if !P.exists(ctrltype, ctrl.getCodeName(), "_class_")>
${ctrl.getCodeName()?lower_case}_${ctrl.getControlType()?lower_case}: {
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'FORM' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'SEARCHFORM'>
details: {
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEFormDetails() as obj>
${obj.name?lower_case}: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'TREEVIEW'>
nodes: {
<#if ctrl.getPSDETreeNodes()??>
<#list ctrl.getPSDETreeNodes() as obj>
<#if obj.getTreeNodeType() == 'STATIC'>
${obj.getNodeType()?lower_case}: "<@getNameLanguage obj langrestype />",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'GRID'>
columns: {
<#if ctrl.getAllPSDEGridColumns()??>
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEGridColumns() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'TOOLBAR'>
<#if ctrl.getAllPSDEToolbarItems()??>
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEToolbarItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: {
caption: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
tip: '${obj.getName()?lower_case}',
<#-- 部件界面行为 -->
<#if ctrl.getPSUIActions?? && ctrl.getPSUIActions()??>
uiactions: {
<#list ctrl.getPSUIActions() as obj>
${obj.getUIActionTag()?lower_case}: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
\ No newline at end of file
import ${item.getCodeName()}_en_US_Base from './${srffilepath2(item.getCodeName())}_en_US_base';
const ${item.getCodeName()}_en_US_OwnData = {};
const targetData = Object.assign(${item.getCodeName()}_en_US_Base, ${item.getCodeName()}_en_US_OwnData);
export default targetData;
\ No newline at end of file
<#assign langrestype = 'EN'/>
export default {
<#-- 实体属性输出 -->
<#if item.getAllPSAppDEFields()??>
fields: {
<#list item.getAllPSAppDEFields() as field>
${field.getPSDEField().getCodeName()?uncap_first}: "<@getLogicNameLanguage field.getPSDEField() langrestype />",
<#-- 实体视图输出 -->
<#if item.getAllPSAppViews()??>
views: {
<#list item.getAllPSAppViews() as obj>
${obj.getPSDEViewCodeName()?lower_case}: {
caption: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
<#-- 实体部件输出 -->
<#if item.getPSControls()??>
<#assign ctrltypes = ['FORM', 'GRID', 'SEARCHFORM', 'TOOLBAR']>
<#list ctrltypes as ctrltype>
<#list item.getPSControls() as ctrl>
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == ctrltype>
<#if !P.exists(ctrltype, ctrl.getCodeName(), "_class_")>
${ctrl.getCodeName()?lower_case}_${ctrl.getControlType()?lower_case}: {
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'FORM' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'SEARCHFORM'>
details: {
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEFormDetails() as obj>
${obj.name?lower_case}: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'TREEVIEW'>
nodes: {
<#if ctrl.getPSDETreeNodes()??>
<#list ctrl.getPSDETreeNodes() as obj>
<#if obj.getTreeNodeType() == 'STATIC'>
${obj.getNodeType()?lower_case}: "<@getNameLanguage obj langrestype />",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'GRID'>
columns: {
<#if ctrl.getAllPSDEGridColumns()??>
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEGridColumns() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'TOOLBAR'>
<#if ctrl.getAllPSDEToolbarItems()??>
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEToolbarItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: {
caption: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
tip: '${obj.getName()?lower_case}',
<#-- 部件界面行为 -->
<#if ctrl.getPSUIActions?? && ctrl.getPSUIActions()??>
uiactions: {
<#list ctrl.getPSUIActions() as obj>
${obj.getUIActionTag()?lower_case}: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
\ No newline at end of file
<#assign langrestype = 'ZH_CN'/>
export default {
<#-- 实体属性输出 -->
<#if item.getAllPSAppDEFields()??>
fields: {
<#list item.getAllPSAppDEFields() as field>
${field.getPSDEField().getCodeName()?lower_case}: "<@getLogicNameLanguage field.getPSDEField() langrestype />",
<#-- 实体视图输出 -->
<#if item.getAllPSAppViews()??>
views: {
<#list item.getAllPSAppViews() as obj>
${obj.getPSDEViewCodeName()?lower_case}: {
caption: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
<#-- 实体部件输出 -->
<#if item.getPSControls()??>
<#assign ctrltypes = ['FORM', 'GRID', 'SEARCHFORM', 'TOOLBAR']>
<#list ctrltypes as ctrltype>
<#list item.getPSControls() as ctrl>
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == ctrltype>
<#if !P.exists(ctrltype, ctrl.getCodeName(), "_class_")>
${ctrl.getCodeName()?lower_case}_${ctrl.getControlType()?lower_case}: {
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'FORM' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'SEARCHFORM'>
details: {
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEFormDetails() as obj>
${obj.name?lower_case}: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'TREEVIEW'>
nodes: {
<#if ctrl.getPSDETreeNodes()??>
<#list ctrl.getPSDETreeNodes() as obj>
<#if obj.getTreeNodeType() == 'STATIC'>
${obj.getNodeType()?lower_case}: "<@getNameLanguage obj langrestype />",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'GRID'>
columns: {
<#if ctrl.getAllPSDEGridColumns()??>
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEGridColumns() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'TOOLBAR'>
<#if ctrl.getAllPSDEToolbarItems()??>
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEToolbarItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: {
caption: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
tip: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/TIPLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
<#-- 部件界面行为 -->
<#if ctrl.getPSUIActions?? && ctrl.getPSUIActions()??>
uiactions: {
<#list ctrl.getPSUIActions() as obj>
${obj.getUIActionTag()?lower_case}: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
\ No newline at end of file
<#assign langrestype = 'ZH_CN'/>
export default {
<#-- 实体属性输出 -->
<#if item.getAllPSAppDEFields()??>
fields: {
<#list item.getAllPSAppDEFields() as field>
${field.getPSDEField().getCodeName()?lower_case}: "<@getLogicNameLanguage field.getPSDEField() langrestype />",
<#-- 实体视图输出 -->
<#if item.getAllPSAppViews()??>
views: {
<#list item.getAllPSAppViews() as obj>
${obj.getPSDEViewCodeName()?lower_case}: {
caption: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
<#-- 实体部件输出 -->
<#if item.getPSControls()??>
<#assign ctrltypes = ['FORM', 'GRID', 'SEARCHFORM', 'TOOLBAR']>
<#list ctrltypes as ctrltype>
<#list item.getPSControls() as ctrl>
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == ctrltype>
<#if !P.exists(ctrltype, ctrl.getCodeName(), "_class_")>
${ctrl.getCodeName()?lower_case}_${ctrl.getControlType()?lower_case}: {
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'FORM' || ctrl.getControlType() == 'SEARCHFORM'>
details: {
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEFormDetails() as obj>
${obj.name?lower_case}: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'TREEVIEW'>
nodes: {
<#if ctrl.getPSDETreeNodes()??>
<#list ctrl.getPSDETreeNodes() as obj>
<#if obj.getTreeNodeType() == 'STATIC'>
${obj.getNodeType()?lower_case}: "<@getNameLanguage obj langrestype />",
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'GRID'>
columns: {
<#if ctrl.getAllPSDEGridColumns()??>
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEGridColumns() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
<#if ctrl.getControlType() == 'TOOLBAR'>
<#if ctrl.getAllPSDEToolbarItems()??>
<#list ctrl.getAllPSDEToolbarItems() as obj>
${obj.getName()?lower_case}: {
caption: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
tip: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/TIPLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
<#-- 部件界面行为 -->
<#if ctrl.getPSUIActions?? && ctrl.getPSUIActions()??>
uiactions: {
<#list ctrl.getPSUIActions() as obj>
${obj.getUIActionTag()?lower_case}: '<#ibizinclude>../../@MACRO/CAPTIONLANG.tsx</#ibizinclude>',
\ No newline at end of file
import ${item.getCodeName()}_zh_CN_Base from './${srffilepath2(item.getCodeName())}_zh_CN_base';
const ${item.getCodeName()}_zh_CN_OwnData = {};
const targetData = Object.assign(${item.getCodeName()}_zh_CN_Base, ${item.getCodeName()}_zh_CN_OwnData);
export default targetData;
\ No newline at end of file
<#assign langrestype = 'EN'/>
export default {
<#if app.getAllPSAppCodeLists()??>
<#list app.getAllPSAppCodeLists() as codelist>
<#if codelist.getCodeListType() == "STATIC">
${codelist.codeName}: {
<#if codelist.getAllPSCodeItems?? && codelist.getAllPSCodeItems()??>
<#list codelist.getAllPSCodeItems() as codeitem>
'${codeitem.getValue()?j_string}': '<@getTextLanguage codeitem langrestype />',
empty: '<@getEmptyTextLanguage codelist langrestype '' />',
<#elseif codelist.getCodeListType() == "DYNAMIC">
${codelist.codeName}: {
empty: '<@getEmptyTextLanguage codelist langrestype '' />',
\ No newline at end of file
import codelist_en_US_Base from './codelist_en_US_base';
const codelist_en_US_OwnData = {};
const targetData = Object.assign(codelist_en_US_Base, codelist_en_US_OwnData);
export default targetData;
\ No newline at end of file
<#assign langrestype = 'EN'/>
export default {
<#if app.getAllPSAppCodeLists()??>
<#list app.getAllPSAppCodeLists() as codelist>
<#if codelist.getCodeListType() == "STATIC">
${codelist.codeName}: {
<#if codelist.getAllPSCodeItems?? && codelist.getAllPSCodeItems()??>
<#list codelist.getAllPSCodeItems() as codeitem>
'${codeitem.getValue()?j_string}': '<@getTextLanguage codeitem langrestype />',
empty: '<@getEmptyTextLanguage codelist langrestype '' />',
<#elseif codelist.getCodeListType() == "DYNAMIC">
${codelist.codeName}: {
empty: '<@getEmptyTextLanguage codelist langrestype '' />',
\ No newline at end of file
<#assign langrestype = 'ZH_CN'/>
export default {
<#if app.getAllPSAppCodeLists()??>
<#list app.getAllPSAppCodeLists() as codelist>
<#if codelist.getCodeListType() == "STATIC">
${codelist.codeName}: {
<#if codelist.getAllPSCodeItems?? && codelist.getAllPSCodeItems()??>
<#list codelist.getAllPSCodeItems() as codeitem>
'${codeitem.getValue()?j_string}': '<@getTextLanguage codeitem langrestype />',
empty: '<@getEmptyTextLanguage codelist langrestype '' />',
<#elseif codelist.getCodeListType() == "DYNAMIC">
${codelist.codeName}: {
empty: '<@getEmptyTextLanguage codelist langrestype '' />',
\ No newline at end of file
import codelist_zh_CN_Base from './codelist_zh_CN_base';
const codelist_zh_CN_OwnData = {};
const targetData = Object.assign(codelist_zh_CN_Base, codelist_zh_CN_OwnData);
export default targetData;
\ No newline at end of file
<#assign langrestype = 'ZH_CN'/>
export default {
<#if app.getAllPSAppCodeLists()??>
<#list app.getAllPSAppCodeLists() as codelist>
<#if codelist.getCodeListType() == "STATIC">
${codelist.codeName}: {
<#if codelist.getAllPSCodeItems?? && codelist.getAllPSCodeItems()??>
<#list codelist.getAllPSCodeItems() as codeitem>
'${codeitem.getValue()?j_string}': '<@getTextLanguage codeitem langrestype />',
empty: '<@getEmptyTextLanguage codelist langrestype '' />',
<#elseif codelist.getCodeListType() == "DYNAMIC">
${codelist.codeName}: {
empty: '<@getEmptyTextLanguage codelist langrestype '' />',
\ No newline at end of file
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