提交 2bd27459 编写于 作者: ibizdev's avatar ibizdev


上级 4f6069f5
## 前言
### 1. 简介
该web应用是基于iBiz平台提供的一套PC端前端解决方案Vue_R7【**一套基于Vue全家桶(Vue + Vue-router + Vuex)的前端框架**】生产而成,Vue_R7不仅适用于管理后台或管理系统开发,且广泛适用于B/S架构的项目开发。本文档主要介绍项目如何快速上手,成果物代码结构做一阐述,旨在能够为开发人员提供一定开发指导支持。而今框架开源,希望能有更多志同道合的伙伴参与Vue_R7的迭代 ^_^
### 2. 开发环境要求
- Node.js
- Yarn
- Vue Cli
### 3. 开发技术要求
### 4. 技术栈
- 前端MVVM框架:vue.js 2.6.10
- 路由:vue-router 3.1.3
- 状态管理:vue-router 3.1.3
- 国际化:vue-i18n 8.15.3
- 数据交互:axios 0.19.1
- UI框架:element-ui 2.13.0, view-design 4.1.0
- 工具库:qs, path-to-regexp, rxjs
- 图标库:font-awesome 4.7.0
- 引入组件: tinymce 4.8.5
- 代码风格检测:eslint
## 快速上手
### 1. 开发环境
> 在安装使用 `Yarn` 和 `Vue Cli (3.0)` 前,务必确认 [Node.js](https://nodejs.org) 已经升级到 v4.8.0 或以上,强烈建议升级至最新版本。
> 如果你想了解更多 `Yarn` 工具链的功能和命令,建议访问 [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com) 了解更多。
> 如果你想了解更多 `Vue Cli (3.0)` 工具链的功能和命令,建议访问 [Vue Cli (3.0)](https://cli.vuejs.org/) 了解更多。
- 访问 [Node.js](https://nodejs.org) ,根据文档安装 `Node.js`
- 访问 [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com) ,根据文档安装 `Yarn`
- 访问 [Vue Cli (3.0)](https://cli.vuejs.org/) ,根据文档安装 `Vue Cli (3.0)`
<blockquote style="border-color: red;"><p>在安装 Vue Cli (3.0) ,请使用 Yarn 模式全局安装。</p></blockquote>
$ yarn global add @vue/cli
以下为 Windows 环境开发正常配置
### 2. 安装依赖
$ yarn install
### 3. 启动
$ yarn dev-serve
启动后,通过 vue.config.js 开发服务 devServer 下配置的本地启动端口号访问开发项目。<br>
$ http://localhost:8111
### 4. 远程代理
$ yarn serve
修改远程代理文件 vue.config.js 代理地址
### 5. 打包
$ yarn build
## 成果物结构
|─ ─ app_Web
​ |─ ─ public public文件夹
​ |─ ─ assets 静态文件夹
|─ ─ favicon.ico 图标
​ |─ ─ src 工程文件夹
|─ ─ assets 静态资源
|─ ─ components 基础组件,主要包含编辑器组件和其他全局使用的组件
|─ ─ engine 引擎文件,主要封装了内置视图的内置逻辑
|─ ─ environments 环境文件
​ |─ ─ interface 接口文件
​ |─ ─ locale 多语言文件
|─ ─ mock 模拟数据
|─ ─ pages 视图文件夹
|─ ─ module 模块名称
​ |─ ─ XXX-view 视图文件夹
|─ ─ XXX-view-base.vue 视图基类
|─ ─ XXX-view.vue 自定义视图文件
|─ ─ XXX-view.less 自定义视图样式文件
​ |─ ─ main.ts 应用主函数入口
​ |─ ─ page-register.ts 全局视图注册
​ |─ ─ router.ts 路由配置文件
|─ ─ service 应用实体数据服务文件夹
|─ ─ XXX 应用实体名称
|─ ─ XXX-service-base.ts 应用实体数据服务文件
|─ ─ XXX-service.ts 自定义应用实体数据服务文件
|─ ─ YYY-logic-base.ts 应用实体数据处理逻辑文件
|─ ─ YYY-logic.ts 自定义应用实体数据处理逻辑文件
|─ ─ store 全局状态管理
|─ ─ styles 样式文件夹
|─ ─ default.less 默认样式
|─ ─ user.less 用户自定义样式
|─ ─ theme 主题文件夹
|─ ─ uiservice 界面服务文件
|─ ─ XXX 应用实体名称
|─ ─ XXX-ui-service-base.ts 应用实体界面服务文件
|─ ─ XXX-ui-service.ts 自定义应用实体界面服务文件
|─ ─ YYY-ui-logic-base.ts 应用实体界面处理逻辑文件
|─ ─ YYY-ui-logic.ts 自定义应用实体界面处理逻辑文件
|─ ─ utils 工具类文件
|─ ─ widgets 部件文件夹
|─ ─ appde 应用实体名称
​ |─ ─ XXX 部件名称
|─ ─ XXX-base.vue 视图基类
|─ ─ XXX.vue 自定义部件文件
|─ ─ XXX.less 部件样式文件
​ |─ ─ XXX.model.ts 部件model文件
​ |─ ─ XXX.service.ts 部件服务文件
|─ ─ app-register.ts 公共组件全局注册
​ |─ ─ App.vue 入口组件
​ |─ ─ user-register.ts 自定义组件全局注册
​|─ ─ package.json 依赖管理文件
​ |─ ─ vue.config.js vue cli 配置
## 如何贡献
如果你希望参与贡献,欢迎 [Pull Request](<http://demo.ibizlab.cn/ibiz_r7/vue_r7/issues/new>),或通过自助服务群给我们报告 Bug。
强烈推荐阅读 [《提问的智慧》](https://github.com/ryanhanwu/How-To-Ask-Questions-The-Smart-Way)(本指南不提供此项目的实际支持服务!)[《如何向开源社区提问题》](https://github.com/seajs/seajs/issues/545)[《如何有效地报告 Bug》](https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs-cn.html)[《如何向开源项目提交无法解答的问题》](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/25795393),更好的问题更容易获得帮助。
## 社区互助
2.加入钉钉 Vue_R7自助服务群(中文)
<img src="./imgs/getting-started/vue-r7-group.png" height="400" width="400">
\ No newline at end of file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<name>Es Web</name>
<description>Es Web</description>
"srfkey": "CodeList121",
"emptytext": "未定义",
"items": [
"id": "A1",
"label": "轿车",
"text": "轿车",
"value": "A1",
"disabled": false
, {
"id": "A2",
"label": "客车",
"text": "客车",
"value": "A2",
"disabled": false
"srfkey": "SysOperator",
"emptytext": "未定义",
"items": []
"srfkey": "CodeList123",
"emptytext": "未定义",
"items": [
"id": "A",
"label": "A-进口",
"text": "A-进口",
"value": "A",
"disabled": false
, {
"id": "B",
"label": "B-国产",
"text": "B-国产",
"value": "B",
"disabled": false
"srfkey": "CodeList122",
"emptytext": "未定义",
"items": [
"id": "A1",
"label": "蓝色",
"text": "蓝色",
"value": "A1",
"disabled": false
, {
"id": "A2",
"label": "黄色",
"text": "黄色",
"value": "A2",
"disabled": false
, {
"id": "A3",
"label": "绿色",
"text": "绿色",
"value": "A3",
"disabled": false
, {
"id": "A4",
"label": "黑色",
"text": "黑色",
"value": "A4",
"disabled": false
\ No newline at end of file
* 代码表--云系统操作者
* @export
* @class SysOperator
export default class SysOperator {
* 获取数据项
* @param {*} data
* @param {boolean} [isloading]
* @returns {Promise<any>}
* @memberof SysOperator
public getItems(data: any={}, isloading?: boolean): Promise<any> {
return Promise.reject([]);
export const Environment = {
// 原型示例数模式
SampleMode: false,
// 应用名称
AppName: 'Web',
// 应用 title
AppTitle: '外部系统',
// 应用基础路径
BaseUrl: '../',
// 系统名称
SysName: 'es',
// 远程登录地址,本地开发调试使用
RemoteLogin: 'ibizutil/login',
// 文件导出
ExportFile: 'ibizutil/download',
// 文件上传
UploadFile: 'ibizutil/upload',
\ No newline at end of file
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueI18n from 'vue-i18n'
const vueApp: any = Vue;
import zhCn from './lang/zh-CN';
import iviewZhCnLocale from 'view-design/dist/locale/zh-CN';
import elementZhLocale from 'element-ui/lib/locale/lang/zh-CN';
const messages = {
'zh-CN': Object.assign(iviewZhCnLocale, elementZhLocale, zhCn),
// 自动根据浏览器系统语言设置语言
const navLang = localStorage.getItem('local') || navigator.language;
const localLang = (navLang === 'zh-CN' || (navLang === 'en-US' && messages.hasOwnProperty('en-US'))) ? navLang : false;
let lang: string = localLang || 'zh-CN';
vueApp.config.lang = lang
// // vue-i18n 6.x+写法
vueApp.locale = () => { };
const i18n = new VueI18n({
locale: lang,
export default i18n;
import cpxh_en_US from '@locale/lanres/cpxh/cpxh_en_US';
import orguser_en_US from '@locale/lanres/orguser/orguser_en_US';
import jqxbj_en_US from '@locale/lanres/jqxbj/jqxbj_en_US';
import syxbj_en_US from '@locale/lanres/syxbj/syxbj_en_US';
import org_en_US from '@locale/lanres/org/org_en_US';
export default {
app: {
gridpage: {
choicecolumns: 'Choice columns',
refresh: 'refresh',
show: 'Show',
records: 'records',
totle: 'totle',
tabpage: {
sureclosetip: {
title: 'Close warning',
content: 'Form data Changed, are sure close?',
closeall: 'Close all',
closeother: 'Close other',
fileUpload: {
caption: 'Upload',
searchButton: {
search: 'Search',
reset: 'Reset',
// 非实体视图
views: {
appindexview: {
caption: '首页',
menus: {
appindexview: {
menuitem1: '机构管理',
menuitem2: '人员管理',
menuitem3: '厂牌型号',
menuitem4: '交强险报价',
menuitem5: '商业险报价',
cpxh: cpxh_en_US,
orguser: orguser_en_US,
jqxbj: jqxbj_en_US,
syxbj: syxbj_en_US,
org: org_en_US,
\ No newline at end of file
import cpxh_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/cpxh/cpxh_zh_CN';
import orguser_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/orguser/orguser_zh_CN';
import jqxbj_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/jqxbj/jqxbj_zh_CN';
import syxbj_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/syxbj/syxbj_zh_CN';
import org_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/org/org_zh_CN';
export default {
app: {
gridpage: {
choicecolumns: '选择列',
refresh: '刷新',
show: '显示',
records: '条',
totle: '共',
tabpage: {
sureclosetip: {
title: '关闭提醒',
content: '表单数据已经修改,确定要关闭?',
closeall: '关闭所有',
closeother: '关闭其他',
fileUpload: {
caption: '上传',
searchButton: {
search: '搜索',
reset: '重置',
// 非实体视图
views: {
appindexview: {
caption: '首页',
menus: {
appindexview: {
menuitem1: '机构管理',
menuitem2: '人员管理',
menuitem3: '厂牌型号',
menuitem4: '交强险报价',
menuitem5: '商业险报价',
cpxh: cpxh_zh_CN,
orguser: orguser_zh_CN,
jqxbj: jqxbj_zh_CN,
syxbj: syxbj_zh_CN,
org: org_zh_CN,
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
views: {
gridview: {
caption: "厂牌型号",
editview: {
caption: "厂牌型号",
main_form: {
details: {
group1: "车牌型号基本信息",
formpage1: "基本信息",
group2: "操作信息",
formpage2: "其它",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "厂牌型号标识",
srfmajortext: "厂牌型号名称",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
cpxhname: "厂牌型号名称",
abl: "A/B类",
cllxms: "车辆类型描述",
bm: "别名",
cx: "车系",
cxdm: "车型代码",
dycpxh: "打印厂牌型号",
hdzk: "核定载客",
zbzl: "整备质量",
ssnf: "上市年份",
xcgzj: "新车购置价",
sccs: "生产厂商",
pp: "品牌",
clsjjz: "车辆实际价值",
pl: "排量",
hpds: "号牌底色",
hdzzl: "核定载质量",
gl: "功率",
bz: "备注",
createman: "建立人",
createdate: "建立时间",
updateman: "更新人",
updatedate: "更新时间",
cpxhid: "厂牌型号标识",
uiactions: {
main_grid: {
columns: {
cxdm: "车型代码",
cpxhname: "厂牌型号名称",
bm: "别名",
sccs: "生产厂商",
hdzk: "核定载客",
ssnf: "上市年份",
bz: "备注",
abl: "A/B类",
cllxms: "车辆类型描述",
clsjjz: "车辆实际价值",
cx: "车系",
dycpxh: "打印厂牌型号",
gl: "功率",
hdzzl: "核定载质量",
hpds: "号牌底色",
pl: "排量",
pp: "品牌",
xcgzj: "新车购置价",
zbzl: "整备质量",
uiactions: {
default_searchform: {
details: {
formpage1: "常规条件",
uiactions: {
gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "New",
tip: "tbitem3",
tbitem4: {
caption: "Edit",
tip: "tbitem4",
tbitem6: {
caption: "Copy",
tip: "tbitem6",
tbitem7: {
caption: "-",
tip: "tbitem7",
tbitem8: {
caption: "Remove",
tip: "tbitem8",
tbitem9: {
caption: "-",
tip: "tbitem9",
tbitem13: {
caption: "Export",
tip: "tbitem13",
tbitem10: {
caption: "-",
tip: "tbitem10",
tbitem16: {
caption: "其它",
tip: "tbitem16",
tbitem21: {
caption: "Export Data Model",
tip: "tbitem21",
tbitem23: {
caption: "数据导入",
tip: "tbitem23",
tbitem17: {
caption: "-",
tip: "tbitem17",
tbitem19: {
caption: "Filter",
tip: "tbitem19",
tbitem18: {
caption: "Help",
tip: "tbitem18",
editviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "Save",
tip: "tbitem3",
tbitem4: {
caption: "Save And New",
tip: "tbitem4",
tbitem5: {
caption: "Save And Close",
tip: "tbitem5",
tbitem6: {
caption: "-",
tip: "tbitem6",
tbitem7: {
caption: "Remove And Close",
tip: "tbitem7",
tbitem8: {
caption: "-",
tip: "tbitem8",
tbitem12: {
caption: "New",
tip: "tbitem12",
tbitem13: {
caption: "-",
tip: "tbitem13",
tbitem14: {
caption: "Copy",
tip: "tbitem14",
tbitem16: {
caption: "-",
tip: "tbitem16",
tbitem23: {
caption: "第一个记录",
tip: "tbitem23",
tbitem24: {
caption: "上一个记录",
tip: "tbitem24",
tbitem25: {
caption: "下一个记录",
tip: "tbitem25",
tbitem26: {
caption: "最后一个记录",
tip: "tbitem26",
tbitem21: {
caption: "-",
tip: "tbitem21",
tbitem22: {
caption: "Help",
tip: "tbitem22",
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
views: {
gridview: {
caption: '厂牌型号',
editview: {
caption: '厂牌型号',
main_form: {
details: {
group1: '车牌型号基本信息',
formpage1: '基本信息',
group2: '操作信息',
formpage2: '其它',
srfupdatedate: '更新时间',
srforikey: '',
srfkey: '厂牌型号标识',
srfmajortext: '厂牌型号名称',
srftempmode: '',
srfuf: '',
srfdeid: '',
srfsourcekey: '',
cpxhname: '厂牌型号名称',
abl: 'A/B类',
cllxms: '车辆类型描述',
bm: '别名',
cx: '车系',
cxdm: '车型代码',
dycpxh: '打印厂牌型号',
hdzk: '核定载客',
zbzl: '整备质量',
ssnf: '上市年份',
xcgzj: '新车购置价',
sccs: '生产厂商',
pp: '品牌',
clsjjz: '车辆实际价值',
pl: '排量',
hpds: '号牌底色',
hdzzl: '核定载质量',
gl: '功率',
bz: '备注',
createman: '建立人',
createdate: '建立时间',
updateman: '更新人',
updatedate: '更新时间',
cpxhid: '厂牌型号标识',
uiactions: {
main_grid: {
columns: {
cxdm: '车型代码',
cpxhname: '厂牌型号名称',
bm: '别名',
sccs: '生产厂商',
hdzk: '核定载客',
ssnf: '上市年份',
bz: '备注',
abl: 'A/B类',
cllxms: '车辆类型描述',
clsjjz: '车辆实际价值',
cx: '车系',
dycpxh: '打印厂牌型号',
gl: '功率',
hdzzl: '核定载质量',
hpds: '号牌底色',
pl: '排量',
pp: '品牌',
xcgzj: '新车购置价',
zbzl: '整备质量',
uiactions: {
default_searchform: {
details: {
formpage1: '常规条件',
uiactions: {
gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: '新建',
tip: '新建',
tbitem4: {
caption: '编辑',
tip: '编辑',
tbitem6: {
caption: '拷贝',
tip: '拷贝',
tbitem7: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem8: {
caption: '删除',
tip: '删除',
tbitem9: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem13: {
caption: '导出',
tip: '导出',
tbitem10: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem16: {
caption: '其它',
tip: '其它',
tbitem21: {
caption: '导出数据模型',
tip: '导出数据模型',
tbitem23: {
caption: '数据导入',
tip: '数据导入',
tbitem17: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem19: {
caption: '过滤',
tip: '过滤',
tbitem18: {
caption: '帮助',
tip: '帮助',
editviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: '保存',
tip: '保存',
tbitem4: {
caption: '保存并新建',
tip: '保存并新建',
tbitem5: {
caption: '保存并关闭',
tip: '保存并关闭',
tbitem6: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem7: {
caption: '删除并关闭',
tip: '删除并关闭',
tbitem8: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem12: {
caption: '新建',
tip: '新建',
tbitem13: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem14: {
caption: '拷贝',
tip: '拷贝',
tbitem16: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem23: {
caption: '第一个记录',
tip: '第一个记录',
tbitem24: {
caption: '上一个记录',
tip: '上一个记录',
tbitem25: {
caption: '下一个记录',
tip: '下一个记录',
tbitem26: {
caption: '最后一个记录',
tip: '最后一个记录',
tbitem21: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem22: {
caption: '帮助',
tip: '帮助',
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
views: {
editview: {
caption: "交强险报价",
gridview: {
caption: "交强险报价",
main_form: {
details: {
group1: "交强险报价基本信息",
formpage1: "基本信息",
group2: "操作信息",
formpage2: "其它",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "交强险报价标识",
srfmajortext: "交强险报价名称",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
jqxbjname: "交强险报价名称",
tkdm: "条款代码",
tkmc: "条款名称",
flxs: "费率系数",
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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caption: "机构",
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\ No newline at end of file
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tbitem21: {
caption: '-',
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tip: '帮助',
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
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\ No newline at end of file
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caption: '-',
tip: '',
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caption: '帮助',
tip: '帮助',
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
views: {
gridview: {
caption: "商业险报价",
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srfsourcekey: "",
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tbitem4: {
caption: "Save And New",
tip: "tbitem4",
tbitem5: {
caption: "Save And Close",
tip: "tbitem5",
tbitem6: {
caption: "-",
tip: "tbitem6",
tbitem7: {
caption: "Remove And Close",
tip: "tbitem7",
tbitem8: {
caption: "-",
tip: "tbitem8",
tbitem12: {
caption: "New",
tip: "tbitem12",
tbitem13: {
caption: "-",
tip: "tbitem13",
tbitem14: {
caption: "Copy",
tip: "tbitem14",
tbitem16: {
caption: "-",
tip: "tbitem16",
tbitem23: {
caption: "第一个记录",
tip: "tbitem23",
tbitem24: {
caption: "上一个记录",
tip: "tbitem24",
tbitem25: {
caption: "下一个记录",
tip: "tbitem25",
tbitem26: {
caption: "最后一个记录",
tip: "tbitem26",
tbitem21: {
caption: "-",
tip: "tbitem21",
tbitem22: {
caption: "Help",
tip: "tbitem22",
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
views: {
gridview: {
caption: '商业险报价',
editview: {
caption: '商业险报价',
main_form: {
details: {
group1: '商业险报价基本信息',
formpage1: '基本信息',
group2: '操作信息',
formpage2: '其它',
srfupdatedate: '更新时间',
srforikey: '',
srfkey: '商业险报价标识',
srfmajortext: '商业险报价名称',
srftempmode: '',
srfuf: '',
srfdeid: '',
srfsourcekey: '',
syxbjname: '商业险报价名称',
tkdm: '条款代码',
tkmc: '条款名称',
fl: '费率',
jzbf: '基准保费',
ptfhxs: '平台返回系数',
sjbf: '实交保费',
md: 'MD',
createman: '建立人',
createdate: '建立时间',
updateman: '更新人',
updatedate: '更新时间',
syxbjid: '商业险报价标识',
uiactions: {
main_grid: {
columns: {
tkdm: '条款代码',
tkmc: '条款名称',
fl: '费率',
jzbf: '基准保费',
ptfhxs: '平台返回系数',
sjbf: '实交保费',
uiactions: {
default_searchform: {
details: {
formpage1: '常规条件',
uiactions: {
gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: '新建',
tip: '新建',
tbitem4: {
caption: '编辑',
tip: '编辑',
tbitem6: {
caption: '拷贝',
tip: '拷贝',
tbitem7: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem8: {
caption: '删除',
tip: '删除',
tbitem9: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem13: {
caption: '导出',
tip: '导出',
tbitem10: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem16: {
caption: '其它',
tip: '其它',
tbitem21: {
caption: '导出数据模型',
tip: '导出数据模型',
tbitem23: {
caption: '数据导入',
tip: '数据导入',
tbitem17: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem19: {
caption: '过滤',
tip: '过滤',
tbitem18: {
caption: '帮助',
tip: '帮助',
editviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: '保存',
tip: '保存',
tbitem4: {
caption: '保存并新建',
tip: '保存并新建',
tbitem5: {
caption: '保存并关闭',
tip: '保存并关闭',
tbitem6: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem7: {
caption: '删除并关闭',
tip: '删除并关闭',
tbitem8: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem12: {
caption: '新建',
tip: '新建',
tbitem13: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem14: {
caption: '拷贝',
tip: '拷贝',
tbitem16: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem23: {
caption: '第一个记录',
tip: '第一个记录',
tbitem24: {
caption: '上一个记录',
tip: '上一个记录',
tbitem25: {
caption: '下一个记录',
tip: '下一个记录',
tbitem26: {
caption: '最后一个记录',
tip: '最后一个记录',
tbitem21: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem22: {
caption: '帮助',
tip: '帮助',
\ No newline at end of file
export const localList: any[] = [
type: 'zh-CN',
name: '中文简体',
\ No newline at end of file
import { MockAdapter } from '@/mock/mock-adapter';
const mock = MockAdapter.getInstance();
import Mock from 'mockjs'
const Random = Mock.Random;
// 获取应用数据
mock.onGet('v7/app-index-viewappmenu').reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
return [status, {
name: 'appmenu',
items: [
id: '801bacb689744f3de00c39b84618cbf5',
name: 'menuitem1',
text: '机构管理',
type: 'MENUITEM',
counterid: '',
tooltip: '机构管理',
expanded: false,
separator: false,
hidden: false,
hidesidebar: false,
opendefault: false,
iconcls: '',
icon: '',
textcls: '',
appfunctag: 'Auto1',
resourcetag: '',
id: 'edcf745c76c1c398b5e5511586f4e4c8',
name: 'menuitem2',
text: '人员管理',
type: 'MENUITEM',
counterid: '',
tooltip: '人员管理',
expanded: false,
separator: false,
hidden: false,
hidesidebar: false,
opendefault: false,
iconcls: '',
icon: '',
textcls: '',
appfunctag: 'Auto2',
resourcetag: '',
id: 'e5ea114a77b3dedd12fbbceadd94bb67',
name: 'menuitem3',
text: '厂牌型号',
type: 'MENUITEM',
counterid: '',
tooltip: '厂牌型号',
expanded: false,
separator: false,
hidden: false,
hidesidebar: false,
opendefault: false,
iconcls: '',
icon: '',
textcls: '',
appfunctag: 'Auto3',
resourcetag: '',
id: 'e79e26ef3066c5f75f4c33d971b68636',
name: 'menuitem4',
text: '交强险报价',
type: 'MENUITEM',
counterid: '',
tooltip: '交强险报价',
expanded: false,
separator: false,
hidden: false,
hidesidebar: false,
opendefault: false,
iconcls: '',
icon: '',
textcls: '',
appfunctag: 'Auto4',
resourcetag: '',
id: 'fed5764c659013ead35f39d5be6c8bcc',
name: 'menuitem5',
text: '商业险报价',
type: 'MENUITEM',
counterid: '',
tooltip: '商业险报价',
expanded: false,
separator: false,
hidden: false,
hidesidebar: false,
opendefault: false,
iconcls: '',
icon: '',
textcls: '',
appfunctag: 'Auto5',
resourcetag: '',
import { MockAdapter } from '../mock-adapter';
const mock = MockAdapter.getInstance();
import Mock from 'mockjs'
const Random = Mock.Random;
// 获取全部数组
mock.onGet('./assets/json/data-dictionary.json').reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
return [status, [
srfkey: 'CodeList121',
emptytext: '未定义',
items: [
id: 'A1',
label: '轿车',
text: '轿车',
value: 'A1',
disabled: false,
id: 'A2',
label: '客车',
text: '客车',
value: 'A2',
disabled: false,
"srfkey": "SysOperator",
"emptytext": "未定义",
"items": []
srfkey: 'CodeList123',
emptytext: '未定义',
items: [
id: 'A',
label: 'A-进口',
text: 'A-进口',
value: 'A',
disabled: false,
id: 'B',
label: 'B-国产',
text: 'B-国产',
value: 'B',
disabled: false,
srfkey: 'CodeList122',
emptytext: '未定义',
items: [
id: 'A1',
label: '蓝色',
text: '蓝色',
value: 'A1',
disabled: false,
id: 'A2',
label: '黄色',
text: '黄色',
value: 'A2',
disabled: false,
id: 'A3',
label: '绿色',
text: '绿色',
value: 'A3',
disabled: false,
id: 'A4',
label: '黑色',
text: '黑色',
value: 'A4',
disabled: false,
import qs from 'qs';
import { MockAdapter } from '@/mock/mock-adapter';
const mock = MockAdapter.getInstance();
// 模拟数据
const mockDatas: Array<any> = [
// Create
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/cpxhs\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['cpxhid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/cpxhs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
return [status, mockDatas[0]];
// Update
mock.onPut(new RegExp(/^\/cpxhs\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['cpxhid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/cpxhs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
//let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
//let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.cpxhid, tempValue.cpxhid));
let data = JSON.parse(config.data);
if(item['cpxhid'] == tempValue['cpxhid'] ){
for(let value in data){
item[value] = data[value];
return [status, data];
// GetDraft
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/cpxhs\/getdraft$/)).reply((config: any) => {
// GetDraft
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
return [status, {
// Remove
mock.onDelete(new RegExp(/^\/cpxhs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['cpxhid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/cpxhs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.cpxhid, tempValue.cpxhid));
return [status, _items?_items:{}];
// CheckKey
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/cpxhs\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})\/checkkey$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['cpxhid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/cpxhs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})\/checkkey$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
//let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
//let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.cpxhid, tempValue.cpxhid));
let data = JSON.parse(config.data);
if(item['cpxhid'] == tempValue['cpxhid'] ){
for(let value in data){
item[value] = data[value];
return [status, data];
// Save
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/cpxhs\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})\/save$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['cpxhid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/cpxhs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})\/save$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
//let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
//let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.cpxhid, tempValue.cpxhid));
let data = JSON.parse(config.data);
if(item['cpxhid'] == tempValue['cpxhid'] ){
for(let value in data){
item[value] = data[value];
return [status, data];
// Get
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/cpxhs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['cpxhid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/cpxhs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.cpxhid, tempValue.cpxhid));
return [status, _items?_items:{}];
// FetchDefault
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/cpxhs\/fetchdefault$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
return [status, mockDatas ? mockDatas : []];
// FetchDefault
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/cpxhs\/fetchdefault(\?[\w-./?%&=]*)*$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let url = config.url.split('?')[1];
let params = qs.parse(url);
Object.assign(config, params);
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
let total = mockDatas.length;
let records: Array<any> = [];
if((config.page-1)*config.size < total){
records = mockDatas.slice(config.page,config.size);
return [status, records ? records : []];
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
import qs from 'qs';
import { MockAdapter } from '@/mock/mock-adapter';
const mock = MockAdapter.getInstance();
// 模拟数据
const mockDatas: Array<any> = [
// Select
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})\/select$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['jqxbjid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})\/select$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.jqxbjid, tempValue.jqxbjid));
return [status, _items];
// Update
mock.onPut(new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['jqxbjid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
//let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
//let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.jqxbjid, tempValue.jqxbjid));
let data = JSON.parse(config.data);
if(item['jqxbjid'] == tempValue['jqxbjid'] ){
for(let value in data){
item[value] = data[value];
return [status, data];
// Get
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['jqxbjid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.jqxbjid, tempValue.jqxbjid));
return [status, _items?_items:{}];
// Remove
mock.onDelete(new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['jqxbjid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.jqxbjid, tempValue.jqxbjid));
return [status, _items?_items:{}];
// Save
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})\/save$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['jqxbjid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})\/save$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
//let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
//let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.jqxbjid, tempValue.jqxbjid));
let data = JSON.parse(config.data);
if(item['jqxbjid'] == tempValue['jqxbjid'] ){
for(let value in data){
item[value] = data[value];
return [status, data];
// Create
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['jqxbjid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
return [status, mockDatas[0]];
// CheckKey
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})\/checkkey$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['jqxbjid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})\/checkkey$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
//let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
//let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.jqxbjid, tempValue.jqxbjid));
let data = JSON.parse(config.data);
if(item['jqxbjid'] == tempValue['jqxbjid'] ){
for(let value in data){
item[value] = data[value];
return [status, data];
// GetDraft
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/getdraft$/)).reply((config: any) => {
// GetDraft
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
return [status, {
// FetchDefault
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/fetchdefault$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
return [status, mockDatas ? mockDatas : []];
// FetchDefault
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/jqxbjs\/fetchdefault(\?[\w-./?%&=]*)*$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let url = config.url.split('?')[1];
let params = qs.parse(url);
Object.assign(config, params);
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
let total = mockDatas.length;
let records: Array<any> = [];
if((config.page-1)*config.size < total){
records = mockDatas.slice(config.page,config.size);
return [status, records ? records : []];
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
import qs from 'qs';
import { MockAdapter } from '@/mock/mock-adapter';
const mock = MockAdapter.getInstance();
// 模拟数据
const mockDatas: Array<any> = [
// CheckKey
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})\/checkkey$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['orgid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})\/checkkey$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
//let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
//let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.orgid, tempValue.orgid));
let data = JSON.parse(config.data);
if(item['orgid'] == tempValue['orgid'] ){
for(let value in data){
item[value] = data[value];
return [status, data];
// Create
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['orgid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
return [status, mockDatas[0]];
// Get
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['orgid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.orgid, tempValue.orgid));
return [status, _items?_items:{}];
// Save
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})\/save$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['orgid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})\/save$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
//let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
//let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.orgid, tempValue.orgid));
let data = JSON.parse(config.data);
if(item['orgid'] == tempValue['orgid'] ){
for(let value in data){
item[value] = data[value];
return [status, data];
// Remove
mock.onDelete(new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['orgid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.orgid, tempValue.orgid));
return [status, _items?_items:{}];
// Update
mock.onPut(new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['orgid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
//let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
//let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.orgid, tempValue.orgid));
let data = JSON.parse(config.data);
if(item['orgid'] == tempValue['orgid'] ){
for(let value in data){
item[value] = data[value];
return [status, data];
// GetDraft
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/getdraft$/)).reply((config: any) => {
// GetDraft
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
return [status, {
// FetchDefault
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/fetchdefault$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
return [status, mockDatas ? mockDatas : []];
// FetchDefault
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/fetchdefault(\?[\w-./?%&=]*)*$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let url = config.url.split('?')[1];
let params = qs.parse(url);
Object.assign(config, params);
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
let total = mockDatas.length;
let records: Array<any> = [];
if((config.page-1)*config.size < total){
records = mockDatas.slice(config.page,config.size);
return [status, records ? records : []];
// FetchTopOrg
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/fetchtoporg$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
return [status, mockDatas ? mockDatas : []];
// FetchTopOrg
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/fetchtoporg(\?[\w-./?%&=]*)*$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let url = config.url.split('?')[1];
let params = qs.parse(url);
Object.assign(config, params);
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
let total = mockDatas.length;
let records: Array<any> = [];
if((config.page-1)*config.size < total){
records = mockDatas.slice(config.page,config.size);
return [status, records ? records : []];
// FetchCurOrg
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/fetchcurorg$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
return [status, mockDatas ? mockDatas : []];
// FetchCurOrg
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/orgs\/fetchcurorg(\?[\w-./?%&=]*)*$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let url = config.url.split('?')[1];
let params = qs.parse(url);
Object.assign(config, params);
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
let total = mockDatas.length;
let records: Array<any> = [];
if((config.page-1)*config.size < total){
records = mockDatas.slice(config.page,config.size);
return [status, records ? records : []];
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
import qs from 'qs';
import { MockAdapter } from '@/mock/mock-adapter';
const mock = MockAdapter.getInstance();
// 模拟数据
const mockDatas: Array<any> = [
// Create
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['orguserid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
return [status, mockDatas[0]];
// GetDraft
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/getdraft$/)).reply((config: any) => {
// GetDraft
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
return [status, {
// Update
mock.onPut(new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['orguserid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
//let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
//let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.orguserid, tempValue.orguserid));
let data = JSON.parse(config.data);
if(item['orguserid'] == tempValue['orguserid'] ){
for(let value in data){
item[value] = data[value];
return [status, data];
// Get
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['orguserid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.orguserid, tempValue.orguserid));
return [status, _items?_items:{}];
// CheckKey
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})\/checkkey$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['orguserid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})\/checkkey$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
//let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
//let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.orguserid, tempValue.orguserid));
let data = JSON.parse(config.data);
if(item['orguserid'] == tempValue['orguserid'] ){
for(let value in data){
item[value] = data[value];
return [status, data];
// Remove
mock.onDelete(new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['orguserid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.orguserid, tempValue.orguserid));
return [status, _items?_items:{}];
// Save
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})\/save$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['orguserid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})\/save$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
//let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
//let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.orguserid, tempValue.orguserid));
let data = JSON.parse(config.data);
if(item['orguserid'] == tempValue['orguserid'] ){
for(let value in data){
item[value] = data[value];
return [status, data];
// FetchCurOrgUser
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/fetchcurorguser$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
return [status, mockDatas ? mockDatas : []];
// FetchCurOrgUser
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/fetchcurorguser(\?[\w-./?%&=]*)*$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let url = config.url.split('?')[1];
let params = qs.parse(url);
Object.assign(config, params);
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
let total = mockDatas.length;
let records: Array<any> = [];
if((config.page-1)*config.size < total){
records = mockDatas.slice(config.page,config.size);
return [status, records ? records : []];
// FetchDefault
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/fetchdefault$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
return [status, mockDatas ? mockDatas : []];
// FetchDefault
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/orgusers\/fetchdefault(\?[\w-./?%&=]*)*$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let url = config.url.split('?')[1];
let params = qs.parse(url);
Object.assign(config, params);
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
let total = mockDatas.length;
let records: Array<any> = [];
if((config.page-1)*config.size < total){
records = mockDatas.slice(config.page,config.size);
return [status, records ? records : []];
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
import qs from 'qs';
import { MockAdapter } from '@/mock/mock-adapter';
const mock = MockAdapter.getInstance();
// 模拟数据
const mockDatas: Array<any> = [
// Select
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})\/select$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['syxbjid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})\/select$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.syxbjid, tempValue.syxbjid));
return [status, _items];
// Save
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})\/save$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['syxbjid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})\/save$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
//let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
//let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.syxbjid, tempValue.syxbjid));
let data = JSON.parse(config.data);
if(item['syxbjid'] == tempValue['syxbjid'] ){
for(let value in data){
item[value] = data[value];
return [status, data];
// Remove
mock.onDelete(new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['syxbjid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.syxbjid, tempValue.syxbjid));
return [status, _items?_items:{}];
// GetDraft
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/getdraft$/)).reply((config: any) => {
// GetDraft
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
return [status, {
// CheckKey
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})\/checkkey$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['syxbjid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})\/checkkey$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
//let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
//let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.syxbjid, tempValue.syxbjid));
let data = JSON.parse(config.data);
if(item['syxbjid'] == tempValue['syxbjid'] ){
for(let value in data){
item[value] = data[value];
return [status, data];
// Update
mock.onPut(new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['syxbjid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
//let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
//let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.syxbjid, tempValue.syxbjid));
let data = JSON.parse(config.data);
if(item['syxbjid'] == tempValue['syxbjid'] ){
for(let value in data){
item[value] = data[value];
return [status, data];
// Create
mock.onPost(new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/?([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{0,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['syxbjid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
return [status, mockDatas[0]];
// Get
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
const paramArray:Array<any> = ['syxbjid'];
const matchArray:any = new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-\;]{1,35})$/).exec(config.url);
let tempValue: any = {};
if(matchArray && matchArray.length >1 && paramArray && paramArray.length >0){
paramArray.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
let items = mockDatas ? mockDatas : [];
let _items = items.find((item: any) => Object.is(item.syxbjid, tempValue.syxbjid));
return [status, _items?_items:{}];
// FetchDefault
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/fetchdefault$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
return [status, mockDatas ? mockDatas : []];
// FetchDefault
mock.onGet(new RegExp(/^\/syxbjs\/fetchdefault(\?[\w-./?%&=]*)*$/)).reply((config: any) => {
let url = config.url.split('?')[1];
let params = qs.parse(url);
Object.assign(config, params);
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
if (status !== 200) {
return [status, null];
let total = mockDatas.length;
let records: Array<any> = [];
if((config.page-1)*config.size < total){
records = mockDatas.slice(config.page,config.size);
return [status, records ? records : []];
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// URI参数传递情况未实现
// 预置 api 接口对象
import './appdata/appdata';
import './codelist/codelist';
import './login/login';
import './upload/upload';
// 实体级接口对象
import './entity/cpxhs/cpxhs';
import './entity/orgusers/orgusers';
import './entity/jqxbjs/jqxbjs';
import './entity/syxbjs/syxbjs';
import './entity/orgs/orgs';
.view-card {
>.ivu-card-extra {
top: 5px;
right: 0px;
// this is less
.toolbar-container {
button {
margin: 6px 0px 4px 4px;
.caption {
margin-left: 4px;
.seperator {
color: #dcdee2;
margin: 0 0px 0 4px;
// this is less
<script lang='ts'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import CPXHEditViewBase from './cpxhedit-view-base.vue';
import view_form from '@widgets/cpxh/main-form/main-form.vue';
components: {
beforeRouteEnter: (to: any, from: any, next: any) => {
next((vm: any) => {
vm.$store.commit('addCurPageViewtag', { fullPath: to.fullPath, viewtag: vm.viewtag });
export default class CPXHEditView extends CPXHEditViewBase {
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// this is less
.toolbar-container {
button {
margin: 6px 0px 4px 4px;
.caption {
margin-left: 4px;
.seperator {
color: #dcdee2;
margin: 0 0px 0 4px;
// this is less
<script lang='ts'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import CPXHGridViewBase from './cpxhgrid-view-base.vue';
import view_grid from '@widgets/cpxh/main-grid/main-grid.vue';
import view_searchform from '@widgets/cpxh/default-searchform/default-searchform.vue';
components: {
beforeRouteEnter: (to: any, from: any, next: any) => {
next((vm: any) => {
vm.$store.commit('addCurPageViewtag', { fullPath: to.fullPath, viewtag: vm.viewtag });
export default class CPXHGridView extends CPXHGridViewBase {
\ No newline at end of file
.view-card {
>.ivu-card-extra {
top: 5px;
right: 0px;
// this is less
.toolbar-container {
button {
margin: 6px 0px 4px 4px;
.caption {
margin-left: 4px;
.seperator {
color: #dcdee2;
margin: 0 0px 0 4px;
// this is less
<script lang='ts'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import JQXBJEditViewBase from './jqxbjedit-view-base.vue';
import view_form from '@widgets/jqxbj/main-form/main-form.vue';
components: {
beforeRouteEnter: (to: any, from: any, next: any) => {
next((vm: any) => {
vm.$store.commit('addCurPageViewtag', { fullPath: to.fullPath, viewtag: vm.viewtag });
export default class JQXBJEditView extends JQXBJEditViewBase {
\ No newline at end of file
// this is less
.toolbar-container {
button {
margin: 6px 0px 4px 4px;
.caption {
margin-left: 4px;
.seperator {
color: #dcdee2;
margin: 0 0px 0 4px;
// this is less
<script lang='ts'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import JQXBJGridViewBase from './jqxbjgrid-view-base.vue';
import view_grid from '@widgets/jqxbj/main-grid/main-grid.vue';
import view_searchform from '@widgets/jqxbj/default-searchform/default-searchform.vue';
components: {
beforeRouteEnter: (to: any, from: any, next: any) => {
next((vm: any) => {
vm.$store.commit('addCurPageViewtag', { fullPath: to.fullPath, viewtag: vm.viewtag });
export default class JQXBJGridView extends JQXBJGridViewBase {
\ No newline at end of file
.view-card {
>.ivu-card-extra {
top: 5px;
right: 0px;
// this is less
.toolbar-container {
button {
margin: 6px 0px 4px 4px;
.caption {
margin-left: 4px;
.seperator {
color: #dcdee2;
margin: 0 0px 0 4px;
// this is less
<script lang='ts'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import ORGEditViewBase from './orgedit-view-base.vue';
import view_form from '@widgets/org/main-form/main-form.vue';
components: {
beforeRouteEnter: (to: any, from: any, next: any) => {
next((vm: any) => {
vm.$store.commit('addCurPageViewtag', { fullPath: to.fullPath, viewtag: vm.viewtag });
export default class ORGEditView extends ORGEditViewBase {
\ No newline at end of file
// this is less
.toolbar-container {
button {
margin: 6px 0px 4px 4px;
.caption {
margin-left: 4px;
.seperator {
color: #dcdee2;
margin: 0 0px 0 4px;
// this is less
<script lang='ts'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import ORGGridViewBase from './orggrid-view-base.vue';
import view_grid from '@widgets/org/main-grid/main-grid.vue';
import view_searchform from '@widgets/org/default-searchform/default-searchform.vue';
components: {
beforeRouteEnter: (to: any, from: any, next: any) => {
next((vm: any) => {
vm.$store.commit('addCurPageViewtag', { fullPath: to.fullPath, viewtag: vm.viewtag });
export default class ORGGridView extends ORGGridViewBase {
\ No newline at end of file
<script lang='ts'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import ORGPickupGridViewBase from './orgpickup-grid-view-base.vue';
import view_grid from '@widgets/org/main-grid/main-grid.vue';
import view_searchform from '@widgets/org/default-searchform/default-searchform.vue';
components: {
beforeRouteEnter: (to: any, from: any, next: any) => {
next((vm: any) => {
vm.$store.commit('addCurPageViewtag', { fullPath: to.fullPath, viewtag: vm.viewtag });
export default class ORGPickupGridView extends ORGPickupGridViewBase {
\ No newline at end of file
// this is less
.pickup-view {
>.pickupviewpanel {
flex-grow: 1;
display: flex;
justify-content: end;
height: calc(100% - 64px);
>.footer {
height: 64px;
\ No newline at end of file
<script lang='ts'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import ORGPickupViewBase from './orgpickup-view-base.vue';
import view_pickupviewpanel from '@widgets/org/pickup-viewpickupviewpanel-pickupviewpanel/pickup-viewpickupviewpanel-pickupviewpanel.vue';
components: {
beforeRouteEnter: (to: any, from: any, next: any) => {
next((vm: any) => {
vm.$store.commit('addCurPageViewtag', { fullPath: to.fullPath, viewtag: vm.viewtag });
export default class ORGPickupView extends ORGPickupViewBase {
\ No newline at end of file
.view-card {
>.ivu-card-extra {
top: 5px;
right: 0px;
// this is less
.toolbar-container {
button {
margin: 6px 0px 4px 4px;
.caption {
margin-left: 4px;
.seperator {
color: #dcdee2;
margin: 0 0px 0 4px;
// this is less
<script lang='ts'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import ORGUSEREditViewBase from './orguseredit-view-base.vue';
import view_form from '@widgets/orguser/main-form/main-form.vue';
components: {
beforeRouteEnter: (to: any, from: any, next: any) => {
next((vm: any) => {
vm.$store.commit('addCurPageViewtag', { fullPath: to.fullPath, viewtag: vm.viewtag });
export default class ORGUSEREditView extends ORGUSEREditViewBase {
\ No newline at end of file
// this is less
.toolbar-container {
button {
margin: 6px 0px 4px 4px;
.caption {
margin-left: 4px;
.seperator {
color: #dcdee2;
margin: 0 0px 0 4px;
// this is less
<script lang='ts'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import ORGUSERGridViewBase from './orgusergrid-view-base.vue';
import view_grid from '@widgets/orguser/main-grid/main-grid.vue';
import view_searchform from '@widgets/orguser/default-searchform/default-searchform.vue';
components: {
beforeRouteEnter: (to: any, from: any, next: any) => {
next((vm: any) => {
vm.$store.commit('addCurPageViewtag', { fullPath: to.fullPath, viewtag: vm.viewtag });
export default class ORGUSERGridView extends ORGUSERGridViewBase {
\ No newline at end of file
.view-card {
>.ivu-card-extra {
top: 5px;
right: 0px;
// this is less
.toolbar-container {
button {
margin: 6px 0px 4px 4px;
.caption {
margin-left: 4px;
.seperator {
color: #dcdee2;
margin: 0 0px 0 4px;
// this is less
<script lang='ts'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import SYXBJEditViewBase from './syxbjedit-view-base.vue';
import view_form from '@widgets/syxbj/main-form/main-form.vue';
components: {
beforeRouteEnter: (to: any, from: any, next: any) => {
next((vm: any) => {
vm.$store.commit('addCurPageViewtag', { fullPath: to.fullPath, viewtag: vm.viewtag });
export default class SYXBJEditView extends SYXBJEditViewBase {
\ No newline at end of file
// this is less
.toolbar-container {
button {
margin: 6px 0px 4px 4px;
.caption {
margin-left: 4px;
.seperator {
color: #dcdee2;
margin: 0 0px 0 4px;
// this is less
<script lang='ts'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import SYXBJGridViewBase from './syxbjgrid-view-base.vue';
import view_grid from '@widgets/syxbj/main-grid/main-grid.vue';
import view_searchform from '@widgets/syxbj/default-searchform/default-searchform.vue';
components: {
beforeRouteEnter: (to: any, from: any, next: any) => {
next((vm: any) => {
vm.$store.commit('addCurPageViewtag', { fullPath: to.fullPath, viewtag: vm.viewtag });
export default class SYXBJGridView extends SYXBJGridViewBase {
\ No newline at end of file
// this is less
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
padding:0 20px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: space-between;
border-bottom: none;
border-top: none;
> div {
line-height: 49px;
height:calc(100vh - 50px);
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: hidden;
>.ivu-layout {
>.ivu-layout {
height: calc(100vh - 50px);
.ivu-layout .ivu-layout-sider .ivu-layout-sider-children .sider-top{
line-height: 58px;
text-align: right;
padding-right: 18px;
.ivu-layout .ivu-layout-sider .ivu-layout-sider-children .sider-top .ivu-icon{
font-size: 20px;
padding: 4px;
margin-top: -2px;
cursor: pointer;
/*** BRGIN:滚动条样式 ***/
::-webkit-scrollbar {
background: transparent;
width: 4px;
height: 4px;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
border-radius: 0;
box-shadow: none;
border: 0;
background-color: #cecece;
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
border-radius: 0;
box-shadow: none;
border: 0;
\ No newline at end of file
<script lang='ts'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import AppIndexViewBase from './app-index-view-base.vue';
import view_appmenu from '@widgets/app/app-index-view-appmenu/app-index-view-appmenu.vue';
components: {
beforeRouteEnter: (to: any, from: any, next: any) => {
next((vm: any) => {
vm.$store.commit('addCurPageViewtag', { fullPath: to.fullPath, viewtag: vm.viewtag });
export default class AppIndexView extends AppIndexViewBase {
\ No newline at end of file
export const PageComponents = {
install(Vue: any, opt: any) {
Vue.component('orgusergrid-view', () => import('@pages/external/orgusergrid-view/orgusergrid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('syxbjgrid-view', () => import('@pages/external/syxbjgrid-view/syxbjgrid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('orguseredit-view', () => import('@pages/external/orguseredit-view/orguseredit-view.vue'));
Vue.component('jqxbjgrid-view', () => import('@pages/external/jqxbjgrid-view/jqxbjgrid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('orggrid-view', () => import('@pages/external/orggrid-view/orggrid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('orgpickup-grid-view', () => import('@pages/external/orgpickup-grid-view/orgpickup-grid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('orgedit-view', () => import('@pages/external/orgedit-view/orgedit-view.vue'));
Vue.component('jqxbjedit-view', () => import('@pages/external/jqxbjedit-view/jqxbjedit-view.vue'));
Vue.component('orgpickup-view', () => import('@pages/external/orgpickup-view/orgpickup-view.vue'));
Vue.component('cpxhgrid-view', () => import('@pages/external/cpxhgrid-view/cpxhgrid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('cpxhedit-view', () => import('@pages/external/cpxhedit-view/cpxhedit-view.vue'));
Vue.component('syxbjedit-view', () => import('@pages/external/syxbjedit-view/syxbjedit-view.vue'));
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