components_en_US.ts 4.6 KB
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export default {
    "404": {
        errorText1: 'sorry,the page you visited is not exist!',
        errorText2: 'The page you visited is not exist,please return to',
        indexPage: 'home page',
        continue: 'to continue browsing',
    "500": {
        errorText1: "sorry,there's something wrong with the server!",
        errorText2: "There's something wrong with the server,please return to",
        indexPage: 'home page',
        continue: 'to continue browsing',
    appAutocomplete: {
        error: 'Error',
        miss: 'Missing parameter ',
        requestException: 'Request Exception!',
    appBuild: {
        custom: 'Customize',
    appCheckBox: {
        notExist: 'codelist is not existed',
    appColumnLink: {
      error: 'error',
      valueItemException:"value item exception",
      rowDataException:"table row data exception",
    appColumnRender: {
      select: 'please select...',
      unsupported: 'unsupported',
    appDashboardDesign: {
      global: 'Global',
    appDataUploadView: {
      "selectfile":"Select File",
      "uploadserver":"Upload Server",
      "datatemplate":"Download Import Data Template",
      "dataid":"Data ID is ",
      "read":" read Successful",
      "completed":"Import Completed",
      "datatemp":"Data Template",
      "importfailed":"Import Failed"
    appDebugActions: {
      button: 'Open Configuration Mode',
    appExportExcel: {
      total: 'All',
      max: 'At Most',
      row: 'Lines',
      currentPage: 'Current Page',
    appFileUpload: {
      preview: 'preview',
      uploadText: 'Drag files here,or <em>Click</em> to upload',
      fileTypeErrorTitle: 'File type incorrect',
      fileTypeErrorInfo: 'Please select files with picture types,such as JPEG,GIF,PNG,BMP',
    appFormDRUIPart: {
      blockUITipInfo: 'Please save the major data first',
    appHeaderMenus: {
          title: 'iBizLab',
          title: 'Publish Project',
          title: 'Model Design Tools',
          title: 'iBizBBS',
    appMpicker: {
      error: 'Error',
      miss: 'Missing parameter ',
      requestException: 'Request Exception!',
    appPicker: {
      error: 'Error',
      miss: 'Missing parameter ',
      requestException: 'Request Exception!',
      newAndEdit: 'Create And Edit...',
      systemException: 'System Error!',
      valueitemException: 'valueitem Error!',
      formdataException: 'formdata Error!',
    appPickerSelectView: {
      error: 'Error',
      valueitemException: 'valueitem Error!',
      formdataException: 'formdata Error!',
      placeholder: 'Please select...',
    appPortalDesign: {
      customPortal: 'Custom portal',
      save: 'Save',
    appRangDate: {
      placeholder: 'Please select time...',
      from: 'from',
      daystart: '00:00:00 to',
      dayend: '24:00:00',
    appRangeEditor: {
      placeholder: 'Please select time...',
      input: 'Please input...',
    appStudioAction: {
      configTitle: 'Enter the configuration of current view',
      configButton: 'Configuration',
      issueTitle: 'Create issues of current view',
      issueButton: 'Create issues',
    appTreePicker: {
      placeholder: 'please select...',
    dateRange: {
      startText: 'Insurance period : From',
      endText: '24:00:00',
      startPlaceholder: 'Begin Date',
      rangeSeparatorr: ' 00:00:00 To',
      endPlaceholder: 'End Dat4e',
    dropDownList: {
      placeholder: 'please select...'
    dropDownListDynamic: {
      placeholder: 'please select...'
    dropDownListMpicker: {
      placeholder: 'please select...'
    login: {
      error: 'Error',
      caption: 'Welcome to login',
      name: 'Login',
      tip: 'Enter username and password',
      loginname: {
          placeholder: 'Username',
          message: 'The username cannot be empty',
      password: {
          placeholder: 'Password',
          message: 'The password cannot be empty',
      loginfailed: 'Login failed',
    appUser: {
      name: 'System',
      logout: 'Logout',
      surelogout: 'Are you sure logout?',
    appTheme: {
      caption: {
        theme: 'Theme',
        font: 'Font family',
      fontFamilys: {
          MicrosoftYaHei: 'Microsoft YaHei',
          SimHei: 'SimHei',
          YouYuan: 'YouYuan',