提交 c77abcb5 编写于 作者: ibizdev's avatar ibizdev

zhouweidong@lab.ibiz5.com 发布系统代码

上级 a223d1f5
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ zuul:
stripPrefix: false
path: /ibzemployees/**
serviceId: ${ibiz.ref.service.ibzou-api:ibzou-api}
serviceId: ${ibiz.ref.service.ibzrt-api:ibzrt-api}
stripPrefix: false
path: /sysapps/**
......@@ -20,10 +20,6 @@ zuul:
path: /ibzdeptmembers/**
serviceId: ${ibiz.ref.service.ibzou-api:ibzou-api}
stripPrefix: false
path: /ibzemps/**
serviceId: ${ibiz.ref.service.ibzou-api:ibzou-api}
stripPrefix: false
path: /ibzorgs/**
serviceId: ${ibiz.ref.service.ibzou-api:ibzou-api}
......@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ import java.util.*;
public class IBZEmployeeExService extends IBZEmployeeServiceImpl {
protected Class currentModelClass() {
return com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.toolkit.ReflectionKit.getSuperClassGenericType(this.getClass().getSuperclass(), 1);
* 自定义行为[InitPwd]用户扩展
......@@ -23,300 +23,312 @@ import lombok.*;
import org.springframework.data.annotation.Transient;
import cn.ibizlab.util.annotation.Audit;
import cn.ibizlab.util.domain.EntityClient;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.*;
import cn.ibizlab.util.domain.EntityMP;
* ServiceApi [人员] 对象
* 实体[人员]
public class IBZEmployee extends EntityClient implements Serializable {
@JsonIgnoreProperties(value = "handler")
@TableName(value = "IBZEMP",resultMap = "IBZEmployeeResultMap")
public class IBZEmployee extends EntityMP implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* 用户标识
@TableId(value= "userid",type=IdType.ASSIGN_UUID)
@JSONField(name = "userid")
private String userid;
* 用户全局名
@TableField(value = "username")
@JSONField(name = "username")
private String username;
* 姓名
@TableField(value = "personname")
@JSONField(name = "personname")
private String personname;
* 用户工号
@TableField(value = "usercode")
@JSONField(name = "usercode")
private String usercode;
* 登录名
@TableField(value = "loginname")
@JSONField(name = "loginname")
private String loginname;
* 密码
@TableField(value = "password")
@JSONField(name = "password")
private String password;
* 区属
@TableField(value = "domains")
@JSONField(name = "domains")
private String domains;
* 主部门
@TableField(value = "mdeptid")
@JSONField(name = "mdeptid")
private String mdeptid;
* 主部门代码
@TableField(value = "mdeptcode")
@JSONField(name = "mdeptcode")
private String mdeptcode;
* 主部门名称
@TableField(value = "mdeptname")
@JSONField(name = "mdeptname")
private String mdeptname;
* 业务编码
@TableField(value = "bcode")
@JSONField(name = "bcode")
private String bcode;
* 岗位标识
@TableField(value = "postid")
@JSONField(name = "postid")
private String postid;
* 岗位代码
@TableField(value = "postcode")
@JSONField(name = "postcode")
private String postcode;
* 岗位名称
@TableField(value = "postname")
@JSONField(name = "postname")
private String postname;
* 单位
@DEField(preType = DEPredefinedFieldType.ORGID)
@TableField(value = "orgid")
@JSONField(name = "orgid")
private String orgid;
* 单位代码
@TableField(value = "orgcode")
@JSONField(name = "orgcode")
private String orgcode;
* 单位名称
@DEField(preType = DEPredefinedFieldType.ORGNAME)
@TableField(value = "orgname")
@JSONField(name = "orgname")
private String orgname;
* 昵称别名
@TableField(value = "nickname")
@JSONField(name = "nickname")
private String nickname;
* 性别
@TableField(value = "sex")
@JSONField(name = "sex")
private String sex;
* 证件号码
@TableField(value = "certcode")
@JSONField(name = "certcode")
private String certcode;
* 联系方式
@TableField(value = "phone")
@JSONField(name = "phone")
private String phone;
* 出生日期
@TableField(value = "birthday")
@JsonFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd", locale = "zh" , timezone="GMT+8")
@JSONField(name = "birthday" , format="yyyy-MM-dd")
private Timestamp birthday;
* 邮件
@TableField(value = "email")
@JSONField(name = "email")
private String email;
* 社交账号
@TableField(value = "avatar")
@JSONField(name = "avatar")
private String avatar;
* 地址
@TableField(value = "addr")
@JSONField(name = "addr")
private String addr;
* 照片
@TableField(value = "usericon")
@JSONField(name = "usericon")
private String usericon;
* ip地址
@TableField(value = "ipaddr")
@JSONField(name = "ipaddr")
private String ipaddr;
* 样式
@TableField(value = "theme")
@JSONField(name = "theme")
private String theme;
* 语言
@TableField(value = "lang")
@JSONField(name = "lang")
private String lang;
* 字号
@TableField(value = "fontsize")
@JSONField(name = "fontsize")
private String fontsize;
* 备注
@TableField(value = "memo")
@JSONField(name = "memo")
private String memo;
* 保留
@TableField(value = "reserver")
@JSONField(name = "reserver")
private String reserver;
* 排序
@TableField(value = "showorder")
@JSONField(name = "showorder")
private Integer showorder;
* 逻辑有效
@DEField(preType = DEPredefinedFieldType.LOGICVALID, logicval = "1" , logicdelval="0")
@TableLogic(value= "1",delval="0")
@TableField(value = "enable")
@JSONField(name = "enable")
private Integer enable;
* 创建时间
@DEField(preType = DEPredefinedFieldType.CREATEDATE)
@TableField(value = "createdate" , fill = FieldFill.INSERT)
@JsonFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", locale = "zh" , timezone="GMT+8")
@JSONField(name = "createdate" , format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
private Timestamp createdate;
* 最后修改时间
@DEField(preType = DEPredefinedFieldType.UPDATEDATE)
@TableField(value = "updatedate")
@JsonFormat(pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", locale = "zh" , timezone="GMT+8")
@JSONField(name = "updatedate" , format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
private Timestamp updatedate;
@JSONField(name = "maindept")
@JSONField(serialize = false)
@TableField(exist = false)
private cn.ibizlab.core.ou.domain.IBZDepartment maindept;
@JSONField(name = "org")
@JSONField(serialize = false)
@TableField(exist = false)
private cn.ibizlab.core.ou.domain.IBZOrganization org;
@JSONField(name = "post")
@JSONField(serialize = false)
@TableField(exist = false)
private cn.ibizlab.core.ou.domain.IBZPost post;
* 设置 [用户全局名]
......@@ -17,36 +17,107 @@ import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import cn.ibizlab.util.filter.SearchContextBase;
import cn.ibizlab.util.filter.QueryWrapperContext;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.QueryWrapper;
import cn.ibizlab.core.ou.domain.IBZEmployee;
* ServiceApi数据实体[IBZEmployee] 查询条件对象
* 关系型数据实体[IBZEmployee] 查询条件对象
public class IBZEmployeeSearchContext extends SearchContextBase {
private String n_personname_like;//[姓名]
public class IBZEmployeeSearchContext extends QueryWrapperContext<IBZEmployee> {
private String n_personname_like;//[姓名]
public void setN_personname_like(String n_personname_like) {
this.n_personname_like = n_personname_like;
this.getSearchCond().like("personname", n_personname_like);
private String n_usercode_like;//[用户工号]
public void setN_usercode_like(String n_usercode_like) {
this.n_usercode_like = n_usercode_like;
this.getSearchCond().like("usercode", n_usercode_like);
private String n_mdeptid_eq;//[主部门]
public void setN_mdeptid_eq(String n_mdeptid_eq) {
this.n_mdeptid_eq = n_mdeptid_eq;
this.getSearchCond().eq("mdeptid", n_mdeptid_eq);
private String n_mdeptname_like;//[主部门名称]
public void setN_mdeptname_like(String n_mdeptname_like) {
this.n_mdeptname_like = n_mdeptname_like;
this.getSearchCond().like("mdeptname", n_mdeptname_like);
private String n_bcode_like;//[业务编码]
public void setN_bcode_like(String n_bcode_like) {
this.n_bcode_like = n_bcode_like;
this.getSearchCond().like("bcode", n_bcode_like);
private String n_postid_eq;//[岗位标识]
public void setN_postid_eq(String n_postid_eq) {
this.n_postid_eq = n_postid_eq;
this.getSearchCond().eq("postid", n_postid_eq);
private String n_postname_eq;//[岗位名称]
public void setN_postname_eq(String n_postname_eq) {
this.n_postname_eq = n_postname_eq;
this.getSearchCond().eq("postname", n_postname_eq);
private String n_postname_like;//[岗位名称]
public void setN_postname_like(String n_postname_like) {
this.n_postname_like = n_postname_like;
this.getSearchCond().like("postname", n_postname_like);
private String n_orgid_eq;//[单位]
public void setN_orgid_eq(String n_orgid_eq) {
this.n_orgid_eq = n_orgid_eq;
this.getSearchCond().eq("orgid", n_orgid_eq);
private String n_orgcode_leftlike;//[单位代码]
public void setN_orgcode_leftlike(String n_orgcode_leftlike) {
this.n_orgcode_leftlike = n_orgcode_leftlike;
this.getSearchCond().likeRight("orgcode", n_orgcode_leftlike);
private String n_sex_eq;//[性别]
public void setN_sex_eq(String n_sex_eq) {
this.n_sex_eq = n_sex_eq;
this.getSearchCond().eq("sex", n_sex_eq);
* 启用快速搜索
public void setQuery(String query)
this.getSearchCond().and( wrapper ->
wrapper.like("personname", query)
......@@ -18,10 +18,12 @@ import cn.ibizlab.core.ou.domain.IBZEmployee;
import cn.ibizlab.core.ou.filter.IBZEmployeeSearchContext;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.IService;
* 实体[IBZEmployee] 服务对象接口
public interface IIBZEmployeeService{
public interface IIBZEmployeeService extends IService<IBZEmployee>{
boolean create(IBZEmployee et) ;
......@@ -49,8 +51,23 @@ public interface IIBZEmployeeService{
List<IBZEmployee> selectByPostid(String postid) ;
void removeByPostid(String postid) ;
* @param sql select * from table where id =#{et.param}
* @param param 参数列表 param.put("param","1");
* @return select * from table where id = '1'
List<JSONObject> select(String sql, Map param);
* @param sql update table set name ='test' where id =#{et.param}
* @param param 参数列表 param.put("param","1");
* @return update table set name ='test' where id = '1'
boolean execute(String sql, Map param);
List<IBZEmployee> getIbzemployeeByIds(List<String> ids) ;
List<IBZEmployee> getIbzemployeeByEntities(List<IBZEmployee> entities) ;
......@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ public class IBZDepartmentServiceImpl implements IIBZDepartmentService {
IBZDepartmentFeignClient iBZDepartmentFeignClient;
protected cn.ibizlab.core.ou.service.IIBZEmployeeService ibzemployeeService;
public boolean create(IBZDepartment et) {
......@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ public class IBZOrganizationServiceImpl implements IIBZOrganizationService {
IBZOrganizationFeignClient iBZOrganizationFeignClient;
protected cn.ibizlab.core.ou.service.IIBZEmployeeService ibzemployeeService;
public boolean create(IBZOrganization et) {
......@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ public class IBZPostServiceImpl implements IIBZPostService {
IBZPostFeignClient iBZPostFeignClient;
protected cn.ibizlab.core.ou.service.IIBZEmployeeService ibzemployeeService;
public boolean create(IBZPost et) {
<?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog" xmlns:ext="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog-ext" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog-ext http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/dbchangelog-ext.xsd http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/dbchangelog-3.6.xsd">
Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)??
FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
- Failed at: ${dbinst.getUserName()} [in template "CODETEMPL_zh_CN" at line 28, column 24]
\ No newline at end of file
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