提交 39d953ae 编写于 作者: ibizdev's avatar ibizdev

lab_qyk 发布系统代码

上级 aef788f2
## v7.0.0-alpha.6 [2020-5-23]
### Bug修复
### 功能新增及优化
#### 模板
#### 基础文件
## v7.0.0-alpha.5 [2020-5-21]
### Bug修复
### 功能新增及优化
#### 模板
#### 基础文件
## v7.0.0-alpha.4 [2020-5-14]
### Bug修复
......@@ -18,13 +18,16 @@
"@fullcalendar/list": "^4.4.0",
"@fullcalendar/timegrid": "^4.4.0",
"@fullcalendar/vue": "^4.4.0",
"vuedraggable": "^2.23.2",
"async-validator": "^3.3.0",
"axios": "^0.19.1",
"core-js": "^3.4.4",
"echarts": "^4.6.0",
"element-ui": "^2.13.0",
"file-saver": "^2.0.2",
"font-awesome": "^4.7.0",
"ibiz-gantt-elastic": "^1.0.6",
"ibiz-gantt-elastic": "^1.0.15",
"ibiz-vue-lib": "^0.1.9",
"interactjs": "^1.9.4",
"moment": "^2.24.0",
"path-to-regexp": "^6.1.0",
"srfkey": "CLSourceType",
"emptytext": "未定义",
"items": [
"id": "DEACTION",
"label": "实体行为",
"text": "实体行为",
"value": "DEACTION",
"disabled": false
, {
"id": "DATASET",
"label": "数据集合",
"text": "数据集合",
"value": "DATASET",
"disabled": false
"srfkey": "CLIBZSex",
"emptytext": "",
......@@ -59,33 +32,6 @@
"value": "性别不详",
"disabled": false
"srfkey": "CLPermissionType",
"emptytext": "未定义",
"items": [
"id": "OPPRIV",
"label": "数据对象能力",
"text": "数据对象能力",
"value": "OPPRIV",
"disabled": false
, {
"id": "UNIRES",
"label": "统一资源",
"text": "统一资源",
"value": "UNIRES",
"disabled": false
......@@ -71,6 +71,11 @@ import AppUploadFileInfo from './components/app-upload-file-info/app-upload-file
import ContextMenu from './components/context-menu/context-menu'
import AppColumnFormat from './components/app-column-format/app-column-format.vue'
import AppQuickGroup from './components/app-quick-group/app-quick-group.vue'
import AppOrgSelect from './components/app-org-select/app-org-select.vue'
import AppDepartmentSelect from './components/app-department-select/app-department-select.vue'
import IBizGroupSelect from './components/ibiz-group-select/ibiz-group-select.vue'
import IBizGroupPicker from './components/ibiz-group-picker/ibiz-group-picker.vue'
import AppWFApproval from './components/app-wf-approval/app-wf-approval.vue'
// 全局挂载UI实体服务注册中心
window['uiServiceRegister'] = uiServiceRegister;
......@@ -151,5 +156,10 @@ export const AppComponents = {
\ No newline at end of file
width: auto;
text-align: right;
margin-right: 4px;
display: none;
display: inline-block;
max-height: 200px;
overflow: scroll;
<div class="app-department-select">
<ibiz-select-tree :NodesData="Nodesdata" v-model="selectTreeValue" :multiple="multiple" @select="onSelect"></ibiz-select-tree>
<script lang="ts">
import { Vue, Component, Watch, Prop, Model } from 'vue-property-decorator';
export default class AppDepartmentSelect extends Vue {
* 接口url
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppDepartmentSelect
@Prop() public url?: any;
* 过滤项
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppDepartmentSelect
@Prop() public filter?: any;
* 过滤项
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppDepartmentSelect
@Prop() public fillMap?: any;
* 是否多选
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppDepartmentSelect
@Prop({default:false}) public multiple?: any;
* 表单数据
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppDepartmentSelect
@Prop() public data!: any;
* 上下文变量
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppDepartmentSelect
@Prop() public context!: any;
* 选中数值
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppDepartmentSelect
public selectTreeValue:any = "";
* 树节点数据
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppDepartmentSelect
public Nodesdata: any[] = [];
* 当前树节点数据的url
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppDepartmentSelect
public oldurl: any[] = [];
* 获取节点数据
* @memberof AppDepartmentSelect
public handleFilter(){
if(this.data && this.data[this.filter]){
return this.data[this.filter];
}else if(this.context && this.context[this.filter]){
return this.context[this.filter];
return this.context.srforgid;
* 获取节点数据
* @memberof AppDepartmentSelect
public searchNodesData(){
// 处理过滤参数,生成url
let param = this.handleFilter();
let _url = this.url.replace('${orgid}',param)
if(this.oldurl === _url){
this.oldurl = _url;
// 缓存机制
const result:any = this.$store.getters.getCopyData(_url);
this.Nodesdata = result;
this.$http.get(_url).then((response: any) => {
this.Nodesdata = response.data;
this.$store.commit('addDepData', { srfkey: this.filter, orgData: response.data });
}).catch((response: any) => {
if (!response || !response.status || !response.data) {
this.$Notice.error({ title: '错误', desc: '系统异常!' });
* 值变化
* @param {*} newVal
* @param {*} oldVal
* @memberof AppDepartmentSelect
public onValueChange(newVal: any, oldVal: any) {
* 计算选中值
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
public computedSelectedData(){
// 单选
if(this.fillMap && Object.keys(this.fillMap).length >0){
let templateValue = {};
Object.keys(this.fillMap).forEach((item:any) =>{
if(this.data && this.data[this.fillMap[item]]){
this.selectTreeValue = JSON.stringify([templateValue]);
// 多选
if(this.fillMap && Object.keys(this.fillMap).length >0){
let tempArray:Array<any> = [];
Object.keys(this.fillMap).forEach((item:any) =>{
if(this.data && this.data[this.fillMap[item]]){
let tempDataArray:Array<any> = (this.data[this.fillMap[item]]).split(",");
tempDataArray.forEach((tempData:any,index:number) =>{
if(tempArray.length < tempDataArray.length){
let singleData:any ={[item]:tempData};
this.selectTreeValue = JSON.stringify(tempArray);
* select事件处理
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof AppDepartmentSelect
public onSelect($event:any){
// 组件自身抛值事件
let selectArr = JSON.parse($event);
// fillMap抛值事件
if(this.fillMap && Object.keys(this.fillMap).length > 0){
Object.keys(this.fillMap).forEach((attribute:string) => {
let _name = this.fillMap[attribute];
let _value = selectArr.map((item:any) => item[attribute]);
this.$emit('select-change',{name: this.fillMap[attribute], value: _value.join(",")})
<style lang='less'>
@import './app-department-select.less';
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
>.ivu-card-extra {
.item-extract-mode {
display: flex;
.item {
margin-left: 12px;
.app-org-select {
width: 100%;
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="app-org-select">
<ibiz-select-tree :NodesData="NodesData" v-model="selectTreeValue" :multiple="multiple" @select="treeSelectChange"></ibiz-select-tree>
<script lang = 'ts'>
import { Vue, Component, Prop, Watch } from "vue-property-decorator";
import { Http } from '@/utils';
export default class AppOrgSelect extends Vue {
* 表单数据
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
@Prop() public data!:any;
* 上下文
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
@Prop() public context!:any;
* 填充对象
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
@Prop() public fillMap:any;
* 过滤项
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
@Prop() public filter?:string;
* 是否多选
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
@Prop({default:false}) public multiple?:boolean;
* 查询单位路径
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
@Prop() public url!:string;
* 监听表单数据变化
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
onDataChange(newVal: any, oldVal: any) {
let tempFilterValue:any = this.initBasicData();
// filter值变化才去请求数据
if(tempFilterValue && (this.copyFilterValue !== tempFilterValue)){
this.copyFilterValue = tempFilterValue;
* 选择值
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
public selectTreeValue:any = "";
* 树节点数据
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
public NodesData:any = [];
* 备份过滤值
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
public copyFilterValue:any;
* vue生命周期
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
public created(){
* 加载树数据
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
public initBasicData(){
// 计算出过滤值
if(this.data && this.data[this.filter]){
return this.data[this.filter];
}else if(this.context && this.context[this.filter]){
return this.context[this.filter];
return null;
* 计算选中值
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
public computedSelectedData(){
// 单选
if(this.fillMap && Object.keys(this.fillMap).length >0){
let templateValue = {};
Object.keys(this.fillMap).forEach((item:any) =>{
if(this.data && this.data[this.fillMap[item]]){
this.selectTreeValue = JSON.stringify([templateValue]);
// 多选
if(this.fillMap && Object.keys(this.fillMap).length >0){
let tempArray:Array<any> = [];
Object.keys(this.fillMap).forEach((item:any) =>{
if(this.data && this.data[this.fillMap[item]]){
let tempDataArray:Array<any> = (this.data[this.fillMap[item]]).split(",");
tempDataArray.forEach((tempData:any,index:number) =>{
if(tempArray.length < tempDataArray.length){
let singleData:any ={[item]:tempData};
this.selectTreeValue = JSON.stringify(tempArray);
* 加载树数据
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
public loadTreeData(requestUrl:string){
const result:any = this.$store.getters.getCopyData(this.filter);
this.NodesData = result;
Http.getInstance().get(requestUrl).then((res:any) =>{
if(!res.status && res.status !== 200){
this.NodesData = res.data;
this.$store.commit('addOrgData', { srfkey: this.filter, orgData: res.data });
* 树选择触发事件
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
public treeSelectChange($event:any){
// 多选
const tempValue:any = JSON.parse($event);
if(this.fillMap && Object.keys(this.fillMap).length >0){
Object.keys(this.fillMap).forEach((item:any) =>{
let tempResult:any ="";
tempValue.forEach((value:any,index:number) =>{
tempResult += index>0?`,${value[item]}`:`${value[item]}`;
if(this.fillMap && Object.keys(this.fillMap).length >0){
Object.keys(this.fillMap).forEach((item:any) =>{
// 单选
const tempValue:any = JSON.parse($event)[0];
if(this.fillMap && Object.keys(this.fillMap).length >0){
Object.keys(this.fillMap).forEach((item:any) =>{
if(this.fillMap && Object.keys(this.fillMap).length >0){
Object.keys(this.fillMap).forEach((item:any) =>{
* 抛值
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
public emitValue(name:string,value:any){
<style lang="less">
@import "./app-org-select.less";
\ No newline at end of file
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
background: #e5eaef;
height: 32px;
line-height: 32px;
font-size: 16px;
border: 1px solid #565656;
margin-right: 24px;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
background: #e5eaef;
height: 32px;
line-height: 32px;
font-size: 16px;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 0px 1px 1px 1px;
border-color: #565656;
border-left: 1px solid #565656;
border-right: 1px solid #565656;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
font-size: 16px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #565656;
width: 130px;
padding: 8px;
text-align: center;
width: calc(100% - 130px);
border-left:1px solid #565656;
padding: 0px 4px;
height: 32px;
line-height: 32px;
font-size: 16px;
border-bottom:1px solid #565656;
background: #d1ef5c;
font-size: 18px;
color: #000;
font-weight: 600;
.approval-content-item-info-item {
padding: 0px 4px;
height: 32px;
line-height: 32px;
border-bottom:1px solid #565656;
font-size: 16px;
font-size: 14px;
text-align: right;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: 600;
> div:nth-last-child(1){
> .approval-content-item-info-item:nth-last-child(1){
border-bottom: 0;
padding: 0px 4px;
border: 0px !important;
padding: 0px !important;
\ No newline at end of file
<div class='app-wf-approval'>
<div class="app-wf-approval-header">
<span class="approval-header-left">{{data.startTime}}</span>
<div class="app-wf-approval-content" v-if="data.usertasks && data.usertasks.length >0">
<div class="approval-content-item" v-for="(usertask,index) in data.usertasks" :key="index">
<div class="approval-content-item-left">
<div class="approval-content-item-right">
<div class="approval-content-item-wait" v-if="usertask.identitylinks.length >0">
等待<span v-for="(identitylink,inx) in usertask.identitylinks" :key="inx">{{identitylink.displayname}}<span v-if="inx >0"></span></span>处理
<div class="approval-content-item-info" v-if="usertask.comments.length >0">
<div v-for="(comment,commentInx) in usertask.comments" :key="commentInx">
<div class="approval-content-item-info-item approval-content-item-info-top">
<div class="approval-content-item-info-item approval-content-item-info-bottom">
<span class="info-bottom-name">{{comment.authorName}}</span>
<div class="approval-content-item-memo" v-if="usertask.userTaskId === viewparams.userTaskId">
<el-input type="textarea" v-model="initmemo" :rows="2" @blur="handleBlur" placeholder="请输入内容"></el-input>
<div class="app-wf-approval-bottom">
<span v-if="data.endTime">{{data.endTime}}结束</span>
<script lang = 'ts'>
import { Vue, Component,Prop,Model } from 'vue-property-decorator';
export default class AppWFApproval extends Vue {
* 双向绑定值
* @memberof AppWFApproval
@Model ('change') value!: string;
* 数据
* @memberof AppWFApproval
public data:any = {};
* 初始化memo
* @memberof AppWFApproval
public initmemo:string = "";
* 传入数据服务
* @memberof AppWFApproval
@Prop() public service:any;
* 上下文
* @memberof AppWFApproval
@Prop() public context:any;
* 视图参数
* @memberof AppWFApproval
@Prop() public viewparams:any;
* 初始化数据
* @memberof AppWFApproval
public created(){
this.service.GetWFHistory(this.context).then((res:any) =>{
if(res && (res.status === 200)){
this.data = res.data;
* 抛出wfprocmemo
* @memberof AppWFApproval
public handleBlur($event:any){
<style lang="less">
@import './app-wf-approval.less';
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="ibiz-group-picker">
<div class="ibiz-group-container">
<div v-if="showTree" class="ibiz-group-tree">
<ibiz-select-tree :NodesData="treeItems" v-model="treeSelectVal" :treeOnly="true" :defaultChecked="true" @select="treeSelect"></ibiz-select-tree>
<div class="ibiz-group-content">
<ibiz-group-card :data="cardItems" text="label" value="id" groupName="group" :multiple="multiple" :defaultSelect="cardSelctVal" @select="groupSelect"></ibiz-group-card>
<div class="ibiz-group-footer">
<el-button size="small" type="primary" @click="onOK">确认</el-button>
<el-button size="small" @click="onCancel">取消</el-button>
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue, Prop, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { Http } from '../../utils';
export default class IBizGroupPicker extends Vue {
* 视图上下文参数
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
@Prop() viewdata: any;
* 视图参数
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
@Prop() viewparam: any;
* 多选
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
protected multiple: boolean = false;
* 加载树url
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
protected treeurl:any;
* 加载人员url
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
protected url:any;
* 树数据集
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
protected treeItems: any[] = [];
* 分组表数据集
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
protected cardItems: any[] = [];
* 视图上下文参数对象
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
protected viewData: any;
* 视图参数对象
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
protected viewParam: any;
* 树选中值
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
protected treeSelectVal: string = '';
* 分组表选中集合
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
protected cardSelctVal: any = [];
* 数据选中集合
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
protected selects: any[] = [];
* 是否显示树
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
get showTree() {
if(this.viewParam) {
return this.viewParam.showtree;
* 生命周期
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
public created() {
if(!this.viewdata || !this.viewparam) {
this.viewData = JSON.parse(this.viewdata);
this.viewParam = JSON.parse(this.viewparam);
this.multiple = this.viewParam.multiple;
this.treeurl = this.viewParam.treeurl;
this.url = this.viewParam.url;
if (this.viewParam.selects) {
this.viewParam.selects.forEach((select: any) => {
* 加载数据
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
public load() {
if(this.showTree) {
} else {
* 加载树数据
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
public loadTree() {
let orgid = this.viewParam.filtervalue;
let tempTreeUrl:string = this.treeurl.replace('${orgid}',orgid);
let get = Http.getInstance().get(tempTreeUrl, true);
get.then((response: any) => {
if(response.status === 200) {
this.treeItems = response.data;
}).catch((error: any) => {
* 加载分组表数据
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
public loadGroupData(key: string) {
let tempUrl = this.url.replace('${selected-orgid}',key);
let get = Http.getInstance().get(tempUrl, true);
get.then((response: any) => {
if(response.status === 200) {
this.cardItems = response.data;
}).catch((error: any) => {
* 树选中
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
public treeSelect(event: any) {
if(!event || JSON.parse(event).length == 0) {
const items: any = JSON.parse(event);
* 分组表选中
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
public groupSelect(event: any) {
if (!event || !event.select) {
if(!this.multiple) {
this.selects = [];
if(event.rselect) {
let index: number = this.selects.findIndex((item: any) => Object.is(event.rselect, item.id));
if(index >= 0) {
this.selects.splice(index, 1);
} else {
event.select.forEach((key: string) => {
let index: number = this.selects.findIndex((item: any) => Object.is(key, item.id));
if(index >= 0) {
let item: any = this.cardItems.find((item: any) => Object.is(key, item.id));
if (item) {
* 确认
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
public onOK() {
this.$emit('close', this.selects);
* 取消
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupPicker
public onCancel() {
<style lang="less">
.ibiz-group-container {
display: flex;
height: calc(100% - 65px);
.ibiz-group-tree {
width: 400px;
border-right: 1px solid #ddd;
padding: 0 10px;
overflow: auto;
height: 100%;
.ibiz-group-content {
flex-grow: 1;
padding: 0 10px;
overflow: auto;
height: 100%;
.ibiz-group-footer {
padding: 16px;
text-align: right;
border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="ibiz-group-select">
<div class="ibiz-group-content">
<span v-if="!multiple">
{{ selectName }}
<template v-else v-for="(select, index) of selects">
<div :key="index" class="ibiz-group-item">
{{ select.label }}
<i v-if="!disabled" class="el-icon-close" @click="remove(select)"></i>
<div v-if="!disabled" class="ibiz-group-open">
<i v-if="!disabled && !multiple && selects.length > 0" class="el-icon-close" @click="remove(selects[0])"></i>
<i class="el-icon-search" @click="openView"></i>
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue, Prop, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
export default class IBizGroupSelect extends Vue {
* 名称标识
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
@Prop() name!: string;
* 树加载地址
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
@Prop() treeurl?:boolean;
* 数据接口地址
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
@Prop() url!: string;
* 多选
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
@Prop({default: false}) multiple?: boolean;
* 数据对象
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
@Prop() data: any;
* 过滤属性标识
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
@Prop() filter?: string;
* 是否启用
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
@Prop() disabled?: boolean;
* 值
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
@Prop() value: any;
* 上下文参数
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
@Prop() context: any;
* 关联属性
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
@Prop() valueitem: any;
* 填充属性
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
@Prop() fillmap: any;
* 选中项集合
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
protected selects: any[] = [];
* 值变化
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
onValueChange(newVal: any) {
this.selects = [];
if (newVal) {
let item: any = {};
item.label = newVal.split(',');
if(this.valueitem) {
item.id = this.data[this.valueitem] ? this.data[this.valueitem].split(',') : [];
if(this.fillmap) {
for(let key in this.fillmap) {
item[this.fillmap[key]] = this.data[key] ? this.data[key].split(',') : [];
item.label.forEach((val: string, index: number) => {
let _item: any = {};
for(let key in item) {
_item[key] = item[key][index] ? item[key][index] : null;
* 单选时选中名称
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
get selectName() {
if(this.selects.length > 0) {
return this.selects[0].label;
* 打开选择视图
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
public openView() {
const view: any = {
viewname: 'ibiz-group-picker',
title: '分组选择'
const context: any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context));
let filtervalue:string = "";
filtervalue = this.data[this.filter];
}else if(context[this.filter]){
filtervalue = context[this.filter];
filtervalue = context.srforgid;
filtervalue = context.srforgid;
const param: any = {};
Object.assign(param, {
showtree: this.treeurl?true:false,
filtervalue: filtervalue,
multiple: this.multiple,
selects: this.selects
let container: Subject<any> = this.$appmodal.openModal(view, context, param);
container.subscribe((result: any) => {
if (!result || !Object.is(result.ret, 'OK')) {
* 选择视图关闭
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
public openViewClose(result: any) {
this.selects = [];
if (result.datas && result.datas.length > 0) {
this.selects = result.datas
* 数据删除
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
public remove(item: any) {
this.selects.splice(this.selects.indexOf(item), 1);
* 设置值
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizGroupSelect
public setValue() {
let item: any = {};
item[this.name] = null;
if(this.valueitem) {
item[this.valueitem] = null;
if(this.fillmap) {
for(let key in this.fillmap) {
item[key] = null;
if(this.multiple) {
this.selects.forEach((select: any) => {
item[this.name] = item[this.name] ? `${item[this.name]},${select.label}` : select.label;
if(this.valueitem) {
item[this.valueitem] = item[this.valueitem] ? `${item[this.valueitem]},${select.id}` : select.id;
if(this.fillmap) {
for(let key in this.fillmap) {
item[key] = item[key] ? `${item[key]},${select[this.fillmap[key]]}` : select[this.fillmap[key]];
} else {
item = this.selects.length > 0 ? this.selects[0] : {};
item[this.name] = this.selects.length > 0 ? this.selects[0].label : null;
if(this.valueitem) {
item[this.valueitem] = this.selects.length > 0 ? this.selects[0].id : null;
if(this.fillmap) {
for(let key in this.fillmap) {
item[key] = this.selects.length > 0 ? this.selects[0][this.fillmap[key]] : null;
for(let key in item) {
this.$emit('formitemvaluechange', { name: key, value: item[key] });
<style lang="less">
.ibiz-group-select {
width: 100%;
display: flex;
border: 1px solid #DCDFE6;
min-height: 32px;
border-radius: 4px;
.ibiz-group-content {
flex-grow: 1;
padding: 0 16px;
.ibiz-group-item {
display: inline-block;
border: 1px solid #bbb;
line-height: 24px;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-right: 5px;
padding: 0 5px;
.ibiz-group-open {
display: flex;
text-align: center;
align-items: center;
padding: 0 5px;
.ibiz-group-select:hover {
border-color: #108cee;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -201,11 +201,11 @@ export default class TabPageExp extends Vue {
* @param {*} caption
* @memberof TabPageExp
public setCurPageCaption(routename: string, caption: any, info: string) {
if(!Object.is(this.$route.name, routename)) {
public setCurPageCaption(caption: string, title: any, info: string) {
if(this.$route.meta && (!Object.is(this.$route.meta.caption, caption))) {
this.$store.commit("setCurPageCaption", { route: this.$route, caption: caption, info: info });
this.$store.commit("setCurPageCaption", { route: this.$route, caption: title, info: info });
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1);
......@@ -247,9 +247,9 @@ export default class EditViewEngine extends ViewEngine {
public setTabCaption(info: string): void {
let viewdata: any = this.view.model;
let viewParam = this.view.$store.getters['viewaction/getAppView'](this.view.viewtag);
if (viewdata && viewParam && info && !Object.is(info, '') && this.view.$tabPageExp) {
this.view.$tabPageExp.setCurPageCaption(`${viewParam.viewmodule}_${viewParam.viewname}`.toLocaleLowerCase(), viewdata.srfCaption, info);
if (viewdata && info && !Object.is(info, '') && this.view.$tabPageExp && (viewdata.srfTitle.indexOf(" - ") === -1)) {
this.view.$tabPageExp.setCurPageCaption(viewdata.srfCaption, viewdata.srfTitle, info);
this.view.model.srfTitle = `${this.view.$t(viewdata.srfTitle)} - ${viewdata.dataInfo}`;
import sys_role_permission_en_US from '@locale/lanres/sys-role-permission/sys-role-permission_en_US';
import sys_user_en_US from '@locale/lanres/sys-user/sys-user_en_US';
import ibzdictitem_en_US from '@locale/lanres/ibzdict-item/ibzdict-item_en_US';
import sysrolepermission_en_US from '@locale/lanres/sys-role-permission/sys-role-permission_en_US';
import sysuser_en_US from '@locale/lanres/sys-user/sys-user_en_US';
import wfmember_en_US from '@locale/lanres/wfmember/wfmember_en_US';
import ibzdict_en_US from '@locale/lanres/ibzdict/ibzdict_en_US';
import wfuser_en_US from '@locale/lanres/wfuser/wfuser_en_US';
import ibzorganization_en_US from '@locale/lanres/ibzorganization/ibzorganization_en_US';
import wfgroup_en_US from '@locale/lanres/wfgroup/wfgroup_en_US';
import sys_user_role_en_US from '@locale/lanres/sys-user-role/sys-user-role_en_US';
import sys_role_en_US from '@locale/lanres/sys-role/sys-role_en_US';
import sysuserrole_en_US from '@locale/lanres/sys-user-role/sys-user-role_en_US';
import sysrole_en_US from '@locale/lanres/sys-role/sys-role_en_US';
import ibzdeptmember_en_US from '@locale/lanres/ibzdept-member/ibzdept-member_en_US';
import ibzdepartment_en_US from '@locale/lanres/ibzdepartment/ibzdepartment_en_US';
import sys_permission_en_US from '@locale/lanres/sys-permission/sys-permission_en_US';
import ibzemployee_en_US from '@locale/lanres/ibzemployee/ibzemployee_en_US';
import components_en_US from '@locale/lanres/components/components_en_US';
import codelist_en_US from '@locale/lanres/codelist/codelist_en_US';
......@@ -73,23 +71,20 @@ export default {
menuitem3: '人员管理',
menuitem4: '用户角色',
menuitem5: '流程角色',
menuitem6: '数据字典',
entities: {
sys_role_permission: sys_role_permission_en_US,
sys_user: sys_user_en_US,
ibzdictitem: ibzdictitem_en_US,
sysrolepermission: sysrolepermission_en_US,
sysuser: sysuser_en_US,
wfmember: wfmember_en_US,
ibzdict: ibzdict_en_US,
wfuser: wfuser_en_US,
ibzorganization: ibzorganization_en_US,
wfgroup: wfgroup_en_US,
sys_user_role: sys_user_role_en_US,
sys_role: sys_role_en_US,
sysuserrole: sysuserrole_en_US,
sysrole: sysrole_en_US,
ibzdeptmember: ibzdeptmember_en_US,
ibzdepartment: ibzdepartment_en_US,
sys_permission: sys_permission_en_US,
ibzemployee: ibzemployee_en_US,
components: components_en_US,
import sys_role_permission_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/sys-role-permission/sys-role-permission_zh_CN';
import sys_user_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/sys-user/sys-user_zh_CN';
import ibzdictitem_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/ibzdict-item/ibzdict-item_zh_CN';
import sysrolepermission_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/sys-role-permission/sys-role-permission_zh_CN';
import sysuser_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/sys-user/sys-user_zh_CN';
import wfmember_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/wfmember/wfmember_zh_CN';
import ibzdict_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/ibzdict/ibzdict_zh_CN';
import wfuser_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/wfuser/wfuser_zh_CN';
import ibzorganization_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/ibzorganization/ibzorganization_zh_CN';
import wfgroup_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/wfgroup/wfgroup_zh_CN';
import sys_user_role_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/sys-user-role/sys-user-role_zh_CN';
import sys_role_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/sys-role/sys-role_zh_CN';
import sysuserrole_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/sys-user-role/sys-user-role_zh_CN';
import sysrole_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/sys-role/sys-role_zh_CN';
import ibzdeptmember_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/ibzdept-member/ibzdept-member_zh_CN';
import ibzdepartment_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/ibzdepartment/ibzdepartment_zh_CN';
import sys_permission_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/sys-permission/sys-permission_zh_CN';
import ibzemployee_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/ibzemployee/ibzemployee_zh_CN';
import components_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/components/components_zh_CN';
import codelist_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/codelist/codelist_zh_CN';
......@@ -73,23 +71,20 @@ export default {
menuitem3: '人员管理',
menuitem4: '用户角色',
menuitem5: '流程角色',
menuitem6: '数据字典',
entities: {
sys_role_permission: sys_role_permission_zh_CN,
sys_user: sys_user_zh_CN,
ibzdictitem: ibzdictitem_zh_CN,
sysrolepermission: sysrolepermission_zh_CN,
sysuser: sysuser_zh_CN,
wfmember: wfmember_zh_CN,
ibzdict: ibzdict_zh_CN,
wfuser: wfuser_zh_CN,
ibzorganization: ibzorganization_zh_CN,
wfgroup: wfgroup_zh_CN,
sys_user_role: sys_user_role_zh_CN,
sys_role: sys_role_zh_CN,
sysuserrole: sysuserrole_zh_CN,
sysrole: sysrole_zh_CN,
ibzdeptmember: ibzdeptmember_zh_CN,
ibzdepartment: ibzdepartment_zh_CN,
sys_permission: sys_permission_zh_CN,
ibzemployee: ibzemployee_zh_CN,
components: components_zh_CN,
export default {
CLSourceType: {
'DEACTION': '实体行为',
'DATASET': '数据集合',
empty: '',
'男': '男性',
'女': '女性',
'性别不详': '性别不详',
empty: '',
CLPermissionType: {
'OPPRIV': '数据对象能力',
'UNIRES': '统一资源',
empty: '',
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
CLSourceType: {
'DEACTION': '实体行为',
'DATASET': '数据集合',
empty: '',
'男': '男性',
'女': '女性',
'性别不详': '性别不详',
empty: '',
CLPermissionType: {
'OPPRIV': '数据对象能力',
'UNIRES': '统一资源',
empty: '',
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ export default {
deptlevel: '部门级别',
showorder: 'Audit',
bcode: 'Condition',
leaderid: '分管领导标识',
leadername: '分管领导',
enable: 'After the [{0}] is executed, no subsequent nodes are specified',
orgname: '单位',
parentdeptname: '上级部门',
......@@ -32,6 +34,10 @@ export default {
optionview: {
caption: "Help",
title: '部门',
treeexpview: {
caption: "Help",
title: '人员管理',
pickupgridview: {
caption: "Help",
......@@ -52,12 +58,12 @@ export default {
srfsourcekey: "",
deptcode: "Cancel",
deptname: "{0}/P",
orgid: "单位",
orgname: "单位",
pdeptid: "上级部门",
pdeptname: "上级部门",
enable: "After the [{0}] is executed, no subsequent nodes are specified",
pdeptid: "上级部门",
deptid: "decimal",
orgid: "单位",
uiactions: {
......@@ -76,13 +82,15 @@ export default {
deptid: "decimal",
deptcode: "Cancel",
deptname: "{0}/P",
pdeptname: "上级部门",
orgname: "单位",
pdeptname: "上级部门",
orgid: "单位",
pdeptid: "上级部门",
shortname: "Others",
bcode: "Condition",
deptlevel: "部门级别",
leaderid: "分管领导标识",
leadername: "分管领导",
showorder: "Audit",
createdate: "{0}[{1}] relational data [{2}] cannot be deleted!",
updatedate: "The [{0}] value is not a character type",
......@@ -92,15 +100,20 @@ export default {
main_grid: {
columns: {
deptid: "decimal",
deptcode: "Cancel",
deptname: "{0}/P",
shortname: "Others",
orgname: "单位",
pdeptname: "上级部门",
deptlevel: "部门级别",
shortname: "Others",
bcode: "Condition",
leadername: "分管领导",
showorder: "Audit",
createdate: "{0}[{1}] relational data [{2}] cannot be deleted!",
updatedate: "The [{0}] value is not a character type",
orgid: "单位",
pdeptid: "上级部门",
leaderid: "分管领导标识",
uiactions: {
......@@ -249,4 +262,11 @@ export default {
tip: "Help",
depttree_treeview: {
nodes: {
root: '默认根节点',
uiactions: {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ export default {
deptlevel: '部门级别',
showorder: '访问审计',
bcode: '业务编码',
leaderid: '分管领导标识',
leadername: '分管领导',
enable: '逻辑有效',
orgname: '单位',
parentdeptname: '上级部门',
......@@ -31,6 +33,10 @@ export default {
optionview: {
caption: '部门',
title: '部门',
treeexpview: {
caption: '人员管理',
title: '人员管理',
pickupgridview: {
caption: '部门',
......@@ -51,12 +57,12 @@ export default {
srfsourcekey: '',
deptcode: '部门代码',
deptname: '部门名称',
orgid: '单位',
orgname: '单位',
pdeptid: '上级部门',
pdeptname: '上级部门',
enable: '逻辑有效',
pdeptid: '上级部门',
deptid: '部门标识',
orgid: '单位',
uiactions: {
......@@ -75,13 +81,15 @@ export default {
deptid: '部门标识',
deptcode: '部门代码',
deptname: '部门名称',
pdeptname: '上级部门',
orgname: '单位',
pdeptname: '上级部门',
orgid: '单位',
pdeptid: '上级部门',
shortname: '部门简称',
bcode: '业务编码',
deptlevel: '部门级别',
leaderid: '分管领导标识',
leadername: '分管领导',
showorder: '访问审计',
createdate: '创建时间',
updatedate: '最后修改时间',
......@@ -91,15 +99,20 @@ export default {
main_grid: {
columns: {
deptid: '部门标识',
deptcode: '部门代码',
deptname: '部门名称',
shortname: '部门简称',
orgname: '单位',
pdeptname: '上级部门',
deptlevel: '部门级别',
shortname: '部门简称',
bcode: '业务编码',
leadername: '分管领导',
showorder: '访问审计',
createdate: '创建时间',
updatedate: '最后修改时间',
orgid: '单位',
pdeptid: '上级部门',
leaderid: '分管领导标识',
uiactions: {
......@@ -248,4 +261,11 @@ export default {
tip: '帮助',
depttree_treeview: {
nodes: {
root: '默认根节点',
uiactions: {
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
fields: {
memberid: '标识',
deptid: '部门标识',
deptname: '部门名称',
userid: '用户标识',
personname: '成员',
views: {
gridview: {
caption: "部门成员",
title: '部门成员',
editview: {
caption: "部门成员",
title: '部门成员',
main_form: {
details: {
group1: "部门成员基本信息",
formpage1: "基本信息",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "标识",
srfmajortext: "成员",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
deptname: "部门名称",
deptid: "部门标识",
personname: "成员",
userid: "用户标识",
memberid: "标识",
uiactions: {
main_grid: {
columns: {
deptname: "部门",
personname: "成员",
deptid: "部门标识",
uiactions: {
gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "New",
tip: "New",
tbitem4: {
caption: "Edit",
tip: "Edit {0}",
tbitem6: {
caption: "Copy",
tip: "Copy {0}",
tbitem7: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem8: {
caption: "Remove",
tip: "Remove {0}",
tbitem9: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem13: {
caption: "Export",
tip: "Export {0} Data To Excel",
tbitem10: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem16: {
caption: "其它",
tip: "其它",
tbitem21: {
caption: "Export Data Model",
tip: "导出数据模型",
tbitem23: {
caption: "数据导入",
tip: "数据导入",
tbitem17: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem18: {
caption: "Help",
tip: "Help",
editviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "Save",
tip: "Save",
tbitem4: {
caption: "Save And New",
tip: "Save And New",
tbitem5: {
caption: "Save And Close",
tip: "Save And Close Window",
tbitem6: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem7: {
caption: "Remove And Close",
tip: "Remove And Close Window",
tbitem8: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem12: {
caption: "New",
tip: "New",
tbitem13: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem14: {
caption: "Copy",
tip: "Copy {0}",
tbitem16: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem23: {
caption: "第一个记录",
tip: "第一个记录",
tbitem24: {
caption: "上一个记录",
tip: "上一个记录",
tbitem25: {
caption: "下一个记录",
tip: "下一个记录",
tbitem26: {
caption: "最后一个记录",
tip: "最后一个记录",
tbitem21: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem22: {
caption: "Help",
tip: "Help",
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
fields: {
memberid: '标识',
deptid: '部门标识',
deptname: '部门名称',
userid: '用户标识',
personname: '成员',
views: {
gridview: {
caption: '部门成员',
title: '部门成员',
editview: {
caption: '部门成员',
title: '部门成员',
main_form: {
details: {
group1: '部门成员基本信息',
formpage1: '基本信息',
srforikey: '',
srfkey: '标识',
srfmajortext: '成员',
srftempmode: '',
srfuf: '',
srfdeid: '',
srfsourcekey: '',
deptname: '部门名称',
deptid: '部门标识',
personname: '成员',
userid: '用户标识',
memberid: '标识',
uiactions: {
main_grid: {
columns: {
deptname: '部门',
personname: '成员',
deptid: '部门标识',
uiactions: {
gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: '新建',
tip: '新建',
tbitem4: {
caption: '编辑',
tip: '编辑',
tbitem6: {
caption: '拷贝',
tip: '拷贝',
tbitem7: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem8: {
caption: '删除',
tip: '删除',
tbitem9: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem13: {
caption: '导出',
tip: '导出',
tbitem10: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem16: {
caption: '其它',
tip: '其它',
tbitem21: {
caption: '导出数据模型',
tip: '导出数据模型',
tbitem23: {
caption: '数据导入',
tip: '数据导入',
tbitem17: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem18: {
caption: '帮助',
tip: '帮助',
editviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: '保存',
tip: '保存',
tbitem4: {
caption: '保存并新建',
tip: '保存并新建',
tbitem5: {
caption: '保存并关闭',
tip: '保存并关闭',
tbitem6: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem7: {
caption: '删除并关闭',
tip: '删除并关闭',
tbitem8: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem12: {
caption: '新建',
tip: '新建',
tbitem13: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem14: {
caption: '拷贝',
tip: '拷贝',
tbitem16: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem23: {
caption: '第一个记录',
tip: '第一个记录',
tbitem24: {
caption: '上一个记录',
tip: '上一个记录',
tbitem25: {
caption: '下一个记录',
tip: '下一个记录',
tbitem26: {
caption: '最后一个记录',
tip: '最后一个记录',
tbitem21: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem22: {
caption: '帮助',
tip: '帮助',
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
fields: {
userid: '用户标',
userid: '用户标',
username: '用户全局名',
personname: '姓名',
usercode: '用户工号',
......@@ -51,16 +51,25 @@ export default {
caption: "Save Row",
title: '人员',
pickupview: {
caption: "Save Row",
title: 'Task',
pickupgridview: {
caption: "Save Row",
title: 'Export',
main_form: {
details: {
grouppanel1: "分组面板",
grouppanel2: "分组面板",
druipart1: "部门",
group1: "Workflow",
formpage1: "<",
srfupdatedate: "Actor",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "用户标",
srfkey: "用户标",
srfmajortext: "姓名",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
......@@ -73,6 +82,9 @@ export default {
orgname: "单位",
mdeptid: "主部门",
mdeptname: "部门",
mdeptcode: "主部门代码",
orgcode: "单位代码",
bcode: "业务编码",
nickname: "昵称别名",
sex: "性别",
birthday: "出生日期",
......@@ -89,7 +101,7 @@ export default {
fontsize: "字号",
reserver: "保留",
usericon: "照片",
userid: "用户标",
userid: "用户标",
uiactions: {
......@@ -100,7 +112,7 @@ export default {
formpage1: "基本信息",
srfupdatedate: "Actor",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "用户标",
srfkey: "用户标",
srfmajortext: "姓名",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
......@@ -110,11 +122,14 @@ export default {
personname: "姓名",
loginname: "登录名",
orgname: "单位",
mdeptname: "部门",
enable: "the workflow instance current processing step is invalid",
orgid: "单位",
userid: "用户标示",
orgcode: "单位代码",
mdeptname: "部门",
mdeptcode: "主部门代码",
mdeptid: "主部门",
enable: "the workflow instance current processing step is invalid",
bcode: "业务编码",
userid: "用户标识",
uiactions: {
export default {
fields: {
userid: '用户标',
userid: '用户标',
username: '用户全局名',
personname: '姓名',
usercode: '用户工号',
......@@ -48,6 +48,14 @@ export default {
optionview: {
caption: '人员',
title: '人员',
pickupview: {
caption: '人员',
title: '人员',
pickupgridview: {
caption: '人员',
title: '人员',
......@@ -55,11 +63,12 @@ export default {
details: {
grouppanel1: '分组面板',
grouppanel2: '分组面板',
druipart1: '部门',
group1: '人员基本信息',
formpage1: '基本信息',
srfupdatedate: '最后修改时间',
srforikey: '',
srfkey: '用户标',
srfkey: '用户标',
srfmajortext: '姓名',
srftempmode: '',
srfuf: '',
......@@ -72,6 +81,9 @@ export default {
orgname: '单位',
mdeptid: '主部门',
mdeptname: '部门',
mdeptcode: '主部门代码',
orgcode: '单位代码',
bcode: '业务编码',
nickname: '昵称别名',
sex: '性别',
birthday: '出生日期',
......@@ -88,7 +100,7 @@ export default {
fontsize: '字号',
reserver: '保留',
usericon: '照片',
userid: '用户标',
userid: '用户标',
uiactions: {
......@@ -99,7 +111,7 @@ export default {
formpage1: '基本信息',
srfupdatedate: '最后修改时间',
srforikey: '',
srfkey: '用户标',
srfkey: '用户标',
srfmajortext: '姓名',
srftempmode: '',
srfuf: '',
......@@ -109,11 +121,14 @@ export default {
personname: '姓名',
loginname: '登录名',
orgname: '单位',
mdeptname: '部门',
enable: '逻辑有效',
orgid: '单位',
userid: '用户标示',
orgcode: '单位代码',
mdeptname: '部门',
mdeptcode: '主部门代码',
mdeptid: '主部门',
enable: '逻辑有效',
bcode: '业务编码',
userid: '用户标识',
uiactions: {
......@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ export default {
optionview: {
caption: "Input data check failed.",
title: '单位机构',
treeexpview: {
caption: "Input data check failed.",
title: '部门管理',
editview: {
caption: "Input data check failed.",
......@@ -50,9 +54,9 @@ export default {
orgcode: "Updated By",
orgname: "名称",
porgname: "上级单位",
porgid: "上级单位",
enable: "the workflow instance current processing step is invalid",
orgid: "The workflow start node was not found",
porgid: "上级单位",
uiactions: {
......@@ -75,9 +79,9 @@ export default {
orglevel: "单位级别",
shortname: "Cancel",
showorder: "Audit",
porgid: "上级单位",
createdate: "Print",
updatedate: "Actor",
porgid: "上级单位",
uiactions: {
......@@ -89,6 +93,8 @@ export default {
orgname: "名称",
orglevel: "单位级别",
shortname: "Cancel",
porgname: "上级单位",
porgid: "上级单位",
showorder: "Audit",
createdate: "Print",
updatedate: "Actor",
......@@ -99,11 +105,10 @@ export default {
default_searchform: {
details: {
formpage1: "常规条件",
n_orgid_like: "Export {0} Data To Excel",
orgcode: "Actor",
n_orgname_like: "Print",
n_porgid_eq: "上级单位(=)",
n_orglevel_gtandeq: "Copy",
n_orglevel_ltandeq: "Change work to {0}",
porgname: "上级单位(等于(=))",
uiactions: {
......@@ -240,4 +245,11 @@ export default {
tip: "Help",
orgtree_treeview: {
nodes: {
root: '默认根节点',
uiactions: {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ export default {
optionview: {
caption: '单位机构',
title: '单位机构',
treeexpview: {
caption: '部门管理',
title: '部门管理',
editview: {
caption: '单位机构',
......@@ -49,9 +53,9 @@ export default {
orgcode: '单位代码',
orgname: '名称',
porgname: '上级单位',
porgid: '上级单位',
enable: '逻辑有效',
orgid: '单位标识',
porgid: '上级单位',
uiactions: {
......@@ -74,9 +78,9 @@ export default {
orglevel: '单位级别',
shortname: '单位简称',
showorder: '访问审计',
porgid: '上级单位',
createdate: '创建时间',
updatedate: '最后修改时间',
porgid: '上级单位',
uiactions: {
......@@ -88,6 +92,8 @@ export default {
orgname: '名称',
orglevel: '单位级别',
shortname: '单位简称',
porgname: '上级单位',
porgid: '上级单位',
showorder: '访问审计',
createdate: '创建时间',
updatedate: '最后修改时间',
......@@ -98,11 +104,10 @@ export default {
default_searchform: {
details: {
formpage1: '常规条件',
n_orgid_like: '单位标识(%)',
orgcode: '单位代码(文本左包含(%#))',
n_orgname_like: '名称(%)',
n_porgid_eq: '上级单位(=)',
n_orglevel_gtandeq: '单位级别(>=)',
n_orglevel_ltandeq: '单位级别(<=)',
porgname: '上级单位(等于(=))',
uiactions: {
......@@ -239,4 +244,11 @@ export default {
tip: '帮助',
orgtree_treeview: {
nodes: {
root: '默认根节点',
uiactions: {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,184 +2,19 @@
export default {
fields: {
rolepermissionid: '角色权限关系表标识',
rolepermission: '角色权限关系表名称',
roleid: '角色表标识',
rolename: '角色名称',
permissionid: '权限表标识',
permissionname: '权限名称',
permissiontype: '权限类型',
permissionenable: '权限类型',
createdate: '>',
updatedate: 'Upload',
systemid: '系统标识',
views: {
gridview: {
customview: {
caption: "[{0}] length no more then {1}",
title: 'Upload file.',
editview: {
caption: "[{0}] length no more then {1}",
title: 'The workflow instance [{0}] is not allowed to restart',
main_form: {
details: {
group1: "Ok",
formpage1: "Other",
srfupdatedate: "Upload",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "角色权限关系表标识",
srfmajortext: "角色权限关系表名称",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
sys_rolename: "角色名称",
sys_permissionname: "权限名称",
sys_permissionid: "权限表标识",
sys_roleid: "角色表标识",
sys_role_permissionid: "角色权限关系表标识",
uiactions: {
main_grid: {
columns: {
sys_rolename: "角色名称",
sys_permissionname: "权限名称",
updatedate: "Upload",
uiactions: {
default_searchform: {
details: {
formpage1: "{0} minutes ago",
uiactions: {
gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "New",
tip: "New",
tbitem4: {
caption: "Edit",
tip: "Edit {0}",
tbitem6: {
caption: "Copy",
tip: "Copy {0}",
tbitem7: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem8: {
caption: "Remove",
tip: "Remove {0}",
tbitem9: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem13: {
caption: "Export",
tip: "Export {0} Data To Excel",
tbitem10: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem16: {
caption: "其它",
tip: "其它",
tbitem21: {
caption: "Export Data Model",
tip: "导出数据模型",
tbitem23: {
caption: "数据导入",
tip: "数据导入",
tbitem17: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem19: {
caption: "Filter",
tip: "Filter",
tbitem18: {
caption: "Help",
tip: "Help",
editviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "Save",
tip: "Save",
tbitem4: {
caption: "Save And New",
tip: "Save And New",
tbitem5: {
caption: "Save And Close",
tip: "Save And Close Window",
tbitem6: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem7: {
caption: "Remove And Close",
tip: "Remove And Close Window",
tbitem8: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem12: {
caption: "New",
tip: "New",
tbitem13: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem14: {
caption: "Copy",
tip: "Copy {0}",
tbitem16: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem23: {
caption: "第一个记录",
tip: "第一个记录",
tbitem24: {
caption: "上一个记录",
tip: "上一个记录",
tbitem25: {
caption: "下一个记录",
tip: "下一个记录",
tbitem26: {
caption: "最后一个记录",
tip: "最后一个记录",
tbitem21: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem22: {
caption: "Help",
tip: "Help",
title: '角色权限关系',
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
fields: {
rolepermissionid: '角色权限关系表标识',
rolepermission: '角色权限关系表名称',
roleid: '角色表标识',
rolename: '角色名称',
permissionid: '权限表标识',
permissionname: '权限名称',
permissiontype: '权限类型',
permissionenable: '权限类型',
createdate: '建立时间',
updatedate: '更新时间',
systemid: '系统标识',
views: {
gridview: {
customview: {
caption: '角色权限关系',
title: '角色权限关系',
editview: {
caption: '角色权限关系',
title: '角色权限关系',
main_form: {
details: {
group1: '角色权限关系表基本信息',
formpage1: '基本信息',
srfupdatedate: '更新时间',
srforikey: '',
srfkey: '角色权限关系表标识',
srfmajortext: '角色权限关系表名称',
srftempmode: '',
srfuf: '',
srfdeid: '',
srfsourcekey: '',
sys_rolename: '角色名称',
sys_permissionname: '权限名称',
sys_permissionid: '权限表标识',
sys_roleid: '角色表标识',
sys_role_permissionid: '角色权限关系表标识',
uiactions: {
main_grid: {
columns: {
sys_rolename: '角色名称',
sys_permissionname: '权限名称',
updatedate: '更新时间',
uiactions: {
default_searchform: {
details: {
formpage1: '常规条件',
uiactions: {
gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: '新建',
tip: '新建',
tbitem4: {
caption: '编辑',
tip: '编辑',
tbitem6: {
caption: '拷贝',
tip: '拷贝',
tbitem7: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem8: {
caption: '删除',
tip: '删除',
tbitem9: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem13: {
caption: '导出',
tip: '导出',
tbitem10: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem16: {
caption: '其它',
tip: '其它',
tbitem21: {
caption: '导出数据模型',
tip: '导出数据模型',
tbitem23: {
caption: '数据导入',
tip: '数据导入',
tbitem17: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem19: {
caption: '过滤',
tip: '过滤',
tbitem18: {
caption: '帮助',
tip: '帮助',
editviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: '保存',
tip: '保存',
tbitem4: {
caption: '保存并新建',
tip: '保存并新建',
tbitem5: {
caption: '保存并关闭',
tip: '保存并关闭',
tbitem6: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem7: {
caption: '删除并关闭',
tip: '删除并关闭',
tbitem8: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem12: {
caption: '新建',
tip: '新建',
tbitem13: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem14: {
caption: '拷贝',
tip: '拷贝',
tbitem16: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem23: {
caption: '第一个记录',
tip: '第一个记录',
tbitem24: {
caption: '上一个记录',
tip: '上一个记录',
tbitem25: {
caption: '下一个记录',
tip: '下一个记录',
tbitem26: {
caption: '最后一个记录',
tip: '最后一个记录',
tbitem21: {
caption: '-',
tip: '',
tbitem22: {
caption: '帮助',
tip: '帮助',
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -24,15 +24,11 @@ export default {
caption: "Start workflow",
title: 'Tables Information',
mpickupview: {
caption: "Start workflow",
title: 'Others',
main_form: {
details: {
group1: "Edit View",
druipart1: "资源",
druipart1: "权限",
tabpage1: "权限",
druipart2: "用户",
tabpage2: "用户",
......@@ -21,17 +21,13 @@ export default {
pickupgridview: {
caption: '系统角色',
title: '系统角色',
mpickupview: {
caption: '系统角色',
title: '系统角色',
main_form: {
details: {
group1: '角色表基本信息',
druipart1: '资源',
druipart1: '权限',
tabpage1: '权限',
druipart2: '用户',
tabpage2: '用户',
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
export default {
fields: {
userroleid: 'The major data entity cannot be found',
userrolename: '用户角色关系表名称',
roleid: '角色表标识',
rolename: '角色名称',
userid: '用户标识',
......@@ -27,12 +26,11 @@ export default {
srfupdatedate: "Upload",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "The major data entity cannot be found",
srfmajortext: "用户角色关系表名称",
srfmajortext: "用户标识",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
sys_user_rolename: "用户角色关系表名称",
sys_roleid: "角色表标识",
sys_user_roleid: "The major data entity cannot be found",
sys_rolename: "角色名称",
export default {
fields: {
userroleid: '用户角色关系表标识',
userrolename: '用户角色关系表名称',
roleid: '角色表标识',
rolename: '角色名称',
userid: '用户标识',
......@@ -26,12 +25,11 @@ export default {
srfupdatedate: '更新时间',
srforikey: '',
srfkey: '用户角色关系表标识',
srfmajortext: '用户角色关系表名称',
srfmajortext: '用户标识',
srftempmode: '',
srfuf: '',
srfdeid: '',
srfsourcekey: '',
sys_user_rolename: '用户角色关系表名称',
sys_roleid: '角色表标识',
sys_user_roleid: '用户角色关系表标识',
sys_rolename: '角色名称',
......@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@ export default {
password: '密码',
views: {
mpickupview: {
caption: "Internal Error",
title: 'Condition',
pickupview: {
caption: "Internal Error",
title: 'Workflow',
......@@ -6,10 +6,6 @@ export default {
password: '密码',
views: {
mpickupview: {
caption: '系统用户',
title: '系统用户',
pickupview: {
caption: '系统用户',
title: '系统用户',
......@@ -6,14 +6,6 @@ export default {
groupscope: '范围',
views: {
pickupgridview: {
caption: "角色/用户组",
title: '角色/用户组',
mpickupview: {
caption: "角色/用户组",
title: '角色/用户组',
editview: {
caption: "角色/用户组",
title: '角色/用户组',
......@@ -5,14 +5,6 @@ export default {
groupscope: '范围',
views: {
pickupgridview: {
caption: '角色/用户组',
title: '角色/用户组',
mpickupview: {
caption: '角色/用户组',
title: '角色/用户组',
editview: {
caption: '角色/用户组',
title: '角色/用户组',
......@@ -8,10 +8,6 @@ export default {
views: {
pickupview: {
caption: "用户",
title: '用户',
mpickupview: {
caption: "用户",
title: '用户',
pickupgridview: {
......@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@ export default {
views: {
pickupview: {
caption: '用户',
title: '用户',
mpickupview: {
caption: '用户',
title: '用户',
pickupgridview: {
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ mock.onGet('v7/indexappmenu').reply((config: any) => {
hidden: false,
hidesidebar: false,
opendefault: false,
iconcls: 'fa fa-university',
iconcls: '',
icon: '',
textcls: '',
appfunctag: 'Auto3',
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ mock.onGet('v7/indexappmenu').reply((config: any) => {
hidden: false,
hidesidebar: false,
opendefault: false,
iconcls: 'fa fa-sitemap',
iconcls: '',
icon: '',
textcls: '',
appfunctag: 'Auto2',
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ mock.onGet('v7/indexappmenu').reply((config: any) => {
hidden: false,
hidesidebar: false,
opendefault: false,
iconcls: 'fa fa-user',
iconcls: '',
icon: '',
textcls: '',
appfunctag: 'Auto4',
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ mock.onGet('v7/indexappmenu').reply((config: any) => {
hidden: false,
hidesidebar: false,
opendefault: false,
iconcls: 'fa fa-user-secret',
iconcls: '',
icon: '',
textcls: '',
appfunctag: 'Auto5',
......@@ -94,29 +94,11 @@ mock.onGet('v7/indexappmenu').reply((config: any) => {
hidden: false,
hidesidebar: false,
opendefault: false,
iconcls: 'fa fa-users',
iconcls: '',
icon: '',
textcls: '',
appfunctag: 'Auto1',
resourcetag: '',
id: '8B00A937-FA4D-44C1-AC5B-BA45EF383AB4',
name: 'menuitem6',
text: '数据字典',
type: 'MENUITEM',
counterid: '',
tooltip: '数据字典',
expanded: false,
separator: false,
hidden: false,
hidesidebar: false,
opendefault: false,
iconcls: 'fa fa-book',
icon: '',
textcls: '',
appfunctag: '_2',
resourcetag: '',
......@@ -8,33 +8,6 @@ mock.onGet('./assets/json/data-dictionary.json').reply((config: any) => {
let status = MockAdapter.mockStatus(config);
return [status, [
srfkey: 'CLSourceType',
emptytext: '未定义',
items: [
label: '实体行为',
text: '实体行为',
value: 'DEACTION',
disabled: false,
id: 'DATASET',
label: '数据集合',
text: '数据集合',
value: 'DATASET',
disabled: false,
srfkey: 'CLIBZSex',
emptytext: '',
......@@ -67,33 +40,6 @@ mock.onGet('./assets/json/data-dictionary.json').reply((config: any) => {
value: '性别不详',
disabled: false,
srfkey: 'CLPermissionType',
emptytext: '未定义',
items: [
id: 'OPPRIV',
label: '数据对象能力',
text: '数据对象能力',
value: 'OPPRIV',
disabled: false,
id: 'UNIRES',
label: '统一资源',
text: '统一资源',
value: 'UNIRES',
disabled: false,
......@@ -9,14 +9,12 @@ import './upload/upload';
// 实体级接口对象
import './entity/sys-role-permissions/sys-role-permissions';
import './entity/sys-users/sys-users';
import './entity/ibzdict-items/ibzdict-items';
import './entity/wfmembers/wfmembers';
import './entity/ibzdicts/ibzdicts';
import './entity/wfusers/wfusers';
import './entity/ibzorganizations/ibzorganizations';
import './entity/wfgroups/wfgroups';
import './entity/sys-user-roles/sys-user-roles';
import './entity/sys-roles/sys-roles';
import './entity/ibzdept-members/ibzdept-members';
import './entity/ibzdepartments/ibzdepartments';
import './entity/sys-permissions/sys-permissions';
import './entity/ibzemployees/ibzemployees';
.view-card {
>.ivu-card-extra {
top: 5px;
right: 0px;
position: relative;
<script lang='tsx'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import IBZDepartmentTreeExpViewBase from './ibzdepartment-tree-exp-view-base.vue';
import view_treeexpbar from '@widgets/ibzdepartment/tree-exp-viewtreeexpbar-treeexpbar/tree-exp-viewtreeexpbar-treeexpbar.vue';
components: {
beforeRouteEnter: (to: any, from: any, next: any) => {
next((vm: any) => {
vm.$store.commit('addCurPageViewtag', { fullPath: to.fullPath, viewtag: vm.viewtag });
export default class IBZDepartmentTreeExpView extends IBZDepartmentTreeExpViewBase {
\ No newline at end of file
.view-card {
>.ivu-card-extra {
top: 5px;
right: 0px;
position: relative;
.toolbar-container {
button {
margin: 6px 0px 4px 4px;
.caption {
margin-left: 4px;
.seperator {
color: #dcdee2;
margin: 0 0px 0 4px;
// this is less
position: relative;
.toolbar-container {
button {
margin: 6px 0px 4px 4px;
.caption {
margin-left: 4px;
.seperator {
color: #dcdee2;
margin: 0 0px 0 4px;
// this is less
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