提交 422ee752 编写于 作者: Shine-zwj's avatar Shine-zwj


上级 6f8480dc
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
// This starter template is using Vue 3 <script setup> SFCs
// Check out https://v3.vuejs.org/api/sfc-script-setup.html#sfc-script-setup
import { PlatformIndexView } from '@page/default/platform-index-view';
import { JobsInfoEditView } from '@page/jobs-info/jobs-info-edit-view';
import { MainViewProps } from "@ibiz-core";
* @description 表格视图props
* @export
* @interface GridViewProps
* @extends {MainViewProps}
export interface GridViewProps extends MainViewProps {
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import { MainViewState } from "@ibiz-core";
* @description 表格视图状态
* @export
* @interface GridViewState
* @extends {MainViewState}
export interface GridViewState extends MainViewState {
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import { GridViewProps, GridViewState, MainView } from '@ibiz-core';
* @description 表格视图
* @export
* @class GridView
* @extends {MainView}
export class GridView extends MainView {
* @description 视图状态
* @type {EditViewState}
* @memberof GridView
public declare viewState: GridViewState;
* @description 使用加载功能模块
* @param {GridViewProps} props 传入的props
* @memberof GridView
public useLoad(props: GridViewProps){
const { viewSubject } = this.viewState;
viewSubject.next({tag: 'grid', action: "load", data: {}})
* @description 安装视图所有功能模块的方法
* @param {GridViewProps} props 传入的Props
* @param {Function} [emit] [emit] 事件
* @return {*}
* @memberof GridView
public moduleInstall(props: GridViewProps, emit?: Function) {
const superParams = super.moduleInstall(props, emit);
return {
state: this.viewState,
export * from './grid-view-prop'
export * from './grid-view-state'
export * from './grid-view'
\ No newline at end of file
export * from './view-base'
export * from './main-view'
export * from './edit-view'
export * from './index-view'
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export * from './index-view'
export * from './grid-view'
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......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import { IParam, MainControlState } from '@ibiz-core';
* @extends {MainControlState}
export interface FormControlState extends MainControlState {
* @description 表单数据对象
* @type {IParam}
......@@ -15,16 +16,23 @@ export interface FormControlState extends MainControlState {
data: IParam;
* @description 表单成员模型集合
* @description 表单成员模型
* @type {IParam}
* @memberof FormControlState
detailsModel: IParam;
* @description 表单界面行为模型集合
* @description 表单界面行为模型
* @type {IParam}
* @memberof FormControlState
actionModel: IParam;
* @description 值规则
* @type {IParam}
* @memberof FormControlState
rules: IParam;
import { MainControlProps } from "@ibiz-core";
* @description 表格部件的props
* @export
* @interface GridControlProps
* @extends {MainControlProps}
export interface GridControlProps extends MainControlProps {
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import { IParam, MainControlState } from '@ibiz-core';
* @description 表格部件状态
* @export
* @interface GridControlState
* @extends {MainControlState}
export interface GridControlState extends MainControlState {
* @description 表格数据集合
* @type {IParam[]}
* @memberof GridControlState
Items: IParam[];
* @description 表格列模型
* @type {IParam}
* @memberof GridControlState
columnsModel: IParam;
* @description 表格界面行为模型
* @type {IParam}
* @memberof GridControlState
actionModel: IParam;
* @description 值规则
* @type {IParam}
* @memberof GridControlState
rules: IParam;
import { deepCopy, GridControlProps, GridControlState, IActionParam, MainControl } from '@ibiz-core';
* @description 表格部件
* @export
* @class GridControl
* @extends {MainControl}
export class GridControl extends MainControl {
* @description 部件状态
* @type {GridControlState}
* @memberof GridControl
public declare controlState: GridControlState;
* @description 表格数据改变
* @param {number} rowIndex 行索引
* @param {string} name 表格列属性名称
* @param {*} value 表格列属性值
* @memberof GridControl
public gridDataChange(rowIndex: number, name: string, value: any){
this.controlState.items[rowIndex][name] = value;
* @description 使用加载功能模块
* @param {GridControlProps} props 传入的props
* @return {*}
* @memberof GridControl
public useLoad(props: GridControlProps){
const { viewSubject, controlName } = this.controlState;
const load = async (opt: any = {})=>{
try {
const loadAction = this.controlState.controlAction.loadAction;
const { controlService, context, viewParams, showBusyIndicator } = this.controlState;
const dataRef = toRef(this.controlState, 'items');
let _context = deepCopy(context);
let _viewParams = deepCopy(viewParams);
const response = await controlService.get(loadAction, _context, {viewParams: _viewParams}, showBusyIndicator );
if (!response.status || response.status !== 200) {
dataRef.value = response.data;
} catch (error) {
// todo 错误异常处理
// 订阅viewSubject,监听load行为
let subscription = viewSubject.subscribe(({ tag, action, data }: IActionParam)=>{
if(Object.is(controlName, tag) && Object.is("load", action) ){
// 部件卸载时退订viewSubject
return {
load: load
* @description 处理编辑器事件
* @param {IActionParam} actionParam 行为参数
* @memberof GridControl
public handleEditorEvent(rowIndex: number, actionParam: IActionParam) {
const { tag, action, data } = actionParam;
switch (action) {
case "valueChange":
this.gridDataChange(rowIndex, tag, data);
* @description 安装部件所有功能模块的方法
* @param {GridControlProps} props 传入的Props
* @param {Function} [emit]
* @return {*}
* @memberof GridControl [emit] 事件
public moduleInstall(props: GridControlProps, emit?: Function) {
const superParams = super.moduleInstall(props, emit);
const { load } = this.useLoad(props)
const handleEditorEvent = this.handleEditorEvent.bind(this);
this.handleEditorEvent = (rowIndex: number,actionParam: IActionParam) => {
handleEditorEvent(rowIndex, actionParam)
return {
state: this.controlState,
handleEditorEvent: this.handleEditorEvent,
export * from './grid-control-prop'
export * from './grid-control-state'
export * from './grid-control'
\ No newline at end of file
export * from './control-base'
export * from './main-control'
export * from './form-control'
export * from './menu-control'
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export * from './menu-control'
export * from './grid-control'
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......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ export class MenuControl extends ControlBase {
const { funcs, defaultView, menuAlign } = this.controlState;
const defaultSelectRef = toRef(this.controlState, 'defaultSelect');
const dataRef = toRef(this.controlState, 'menus');
if (this.route?.matched?.length == 2) {
if (this.route.matched?.length == 2) {
const [{ }, matched] = this.route.matched;
const appFunc: any = funcs.find((func: any) => Object.is(func.routePath, matched.path) && Object.is(func.funcType, 'APPVIEW'));
if (appFunc) {
......@@ -164,6 +164,17 @@ export class MenuControl extends ControlBase {
public menuClick(item: IParam) {
// 测试代码
switch (item.name) {
case 'menuitem12':
case 'menuitem13':
......@@ -41,13 +41,17 @@ const { state } = new EditView(ViewConfig).moduleInstall(props);
<template v-slot:header-right>
<{{#page.ctrls}}{{#eq controlType "FORM"}}{{codeName}}Form{{/eq}}{{/page.ctrls}}
></{{#page.ctrls}}{{#eq controlType "FORM"}}{{codeName}}Form{{/eq}}{{/page.ctrls}}>
{{#eq controlType "FORM"}}
export const ViewConfig = {
viewCodeName: '{{page.codeName}}',
viewName: '{{page.name}}',
viewCaption: '{{page.caption}}',
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<script setup lang="ts">
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { GridView, IActionParam, IParam } from '@ibiz-core';
import { ViewConfig } from './{{page.codeName.spinalCase}}-config';
这里是页面视图 ctrl的代码名称 {{codeName}}
{{#eq controlType "GRID"}}
import { {{codeName}}Grid } from '@widgets/{{appEntity.codeName.spinalCase}}/{{codeName.spinalCase}}-grid';
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// props声明和默认值处理
interface Props {
context: IParam;
viewParams?: IParam;
openType?: "ROUTE" | "MODAL" | "EMBED";
viewSubject?: Subject<IActionParam>;
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
// 设定默认值,可选属性可以在这初始化
viewSubject: () => new Subject<IActionParam>()
// emit声明
interface ViewEmit {
(name: "viewEvent", value: IActionParam): void;
const emit = defineEmits<ViewEmit>();
// 安装功能模块,提供状态和能力方法
const { state } = new GridView(ViewConfig).moduleInstall(props);
<IbizDefaultViewLayout class="ibiz-grid-view">
<template v-slot:header-left>
<IbizIconText class="ibiz-view__caption" size="large" text="state.viewCaption" />
<template v-slot:header-right>
{{#eq controlType "GRID"}}
<style lang="scss">
.ibiz-grid-view {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
\ No newline at end of file
import { createRouter, createWebHashHistory } from 'vue-router';
import { JobsInfoEditView } from '@page/jobs-info/jobs-info-edit-view';
import { JobsRegistryGridView } from '@page/jobs-registry/jobs-registry-grid-view';
const routes = [
path: '/JobsInfoEditView',
component: JobsInfoEditView
path: '/JobsRegistryGridView',
component: JobsRegistryGridView
path: '/',
redirect: 'JobsInfoEditView'
......@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ const { state, handleEditorEvent } = new FormControl(CtrlConfig).moduleInstall(p
class="ibiz-form{{#if ctrl.pSSysCss}} {{ctrl.pSSysCss.cssName}}{{/if}}{{#if ctrl.infoFormMode}} ibiz-info-form{{/if}}"
style="{{#if ctrl.formWidth}}width: {{ctrl.formWidth}}px;{{/if}}"
{{#if ctrl.noTabHeader}}
{{#each ctrl.psDEFormPages as | ctrlPage | }}
{{#each ctrlPage.pSDEFormDetails as | formDetail | }}
import {{ctrl.codeName}}Grid from "./{{ctrl.codeName.spinalCase}}-grid.vue";
export { {{ctrl.codeName}}Grid };
export const CtrlConfig = {
controlCodeName: '{{ctrl.codeName}}',
controlName: '{{ctrl.name}}',
items: [],
\ No newline at end of file
<script setup lang="ts">
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { CtrlConfig } from './{{ctrl.codeName.spinalCase}}-grid-config';
import { GridControl, IActionParam, IParam, ControlAction } from '@ibiz-core';
interface Props {
context: IParam;
viewParams?: IParam;
controlAction: ControlAction;
showBusyIndicator?: boolean;
viewSubject: Subject<IActionParam>;
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
viewSubject: () => new Subject<IActionParam>(),
showBusyIndicator: true,
// emit声明
interface CtrlEmit {
(name: "ctrlEvent", value: IActionParam): void;
const emit = defineEmits<CtrlEmit>();
// 安装功能模块,提供状态和能力方法
const { state, handleEditorEvent } = new GridControl(CtrlConfig).moduleInstall(props);
<style lang="scss">
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