提交 41e90bc5 编写于 作者: LUCIFER-ZHU's avatar LUCIFER-ZHU


上级 834903ef
......@@ -62,12 +62,11 @@ export class PortletControl extends MainControl {
* 触发界面行为
* 操作栏触发界面行为
* @memberof PortletControl
public handleItemClick(actionParam: any): void {
console.log('视图逻辑', actionParam);
const { data: uIAction} = actionParam;
if (!uIAction) {
......@@ -86,6 +85,29 @@ export class PortletControl extends MainControl {
* 界面行为组触发界面行为
* @memberof PortletControl
public handleActionClick(item:any,event:any):void {
const uIAction = item ;
if (!uIAction) {
// 准备参数
const inputParam = {
context: this.state.context,
viewParams: this.state.viewParams,
data: [],
event: event,
actionEnvironment: this
// 执行行为
App.getAppActionService().execute(uIAction, inputParam);
* @description 安装部件所有功能模块的方法
* @return {*}
......@@ -99,6 +121,7 @@ export class PortletControl extends MainControl {
onViewEvent: this.onViewEvent.bind(this),
onCtrlEvent: this.onCtrlEvent.bind(this),
handleItemClick: this.handleItemClick.bind(this),
handleActionClick: this.handleActionClick.bind(this),
\ No newline at end of file
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
margin-right: 10px;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,4 +3,5 @@
@use './app-menu.scss';
@use './app-tree-exp-bar.scss';
@use './app-tab-exp-panel.scss';
@use './app-tab-view-panel.scss';
\ No newline at end of file
@use './app-tab-view-panel.scss';
@use './app-portlet.scss';
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ export const ctrlState = {
imagePath: '{{ctrl.psSysImage.imagePath}}',
{{#if ctrl.psLayoutPos.height}}
// 部件高度
height: {{ctrl.psLayoutPos.height}},
{{#if ctrl.psLayoutPos.width}}
// 部件宽度
width: {{ctrl.psLayoutPos.width}},
{{#if ctrl.psAppDataEntity}}
// 实体名称
appEntityCodeName: '{{ctrl.psAppDataEntity.codeName}}',
......@@ -21,9 +29,11 @@ export const ctrlState = {
actionBarModelData: {
{{#each ctrl.psUIActionGroup.psUIActionGroupDetails as | groupDetail |}}
{{groupDetail.psUIAction.uIActionTag}} : {
viewlogicname: '{{groupDetail.name}}',
viewlogicname: '{{groupDetail.name}}',
actionName: '{{groupDetail.psUIAction.caption}}',
icon: '{{groupDetail.psUIAction.psSysImage.cssClass}}',
imagePath: '{{groupDetail.psUIAction.psSysImage.imagePath}}',
disabled: false, visabled: true,
dataAccessAction: {{#if groupDetail.psUIAction.dataAccessAction}}false{{else}}true{{/if}},
getNoPrivDisplayMode: {{#if groupDetail.psUIAction.noPrivDisplayMode}}groupDetail.psUIAction.noPrivDisplayMode{{else}}6{{/if}},
......@@ -36,4 +46,16 @@ export const ctrlState = {
{{#if ctrl.pageUrl}}
// 网页地址
pageUrl: '{{ctrl.pageUrl}}',
{{#if ctrl.contentType}}
// 内容类型
{{#if ctrl.rawContent}}
// 直接内容
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ interface CtrlEmit {
const emit = defineEmits <CtrlEmit> ();
// 安装功能模块,提供状态和能力方法
const { name, state, onViewEvent, onCtrlEvent, handleItemClick } = new PortletControl(ctrlState, props, emit).moduleInstall();
const { name, state, onViewEvent, onCtrlEvent, handleItemClick, handleActionClick } = new PortletControl(ctrlState, props, emit).moduleInstall();
// 暴露内部状态及能力
defineExpose({ name, state });
......@@ -53,6 +53,20 @@ defineExpose({ name, state });
<img v-if="state.imagePath" :src="state.imagePath" />
<span class="portlet-action" v-if="state.actionBarModelData && state.portletType !== 'ACTIONBAR'">
<template v-for="(item,index) in Object.values(state.actionBarModelData)" :key="index">
<template #title>
<a @click="handleActionClick(item,$event)">
<i v-if="item.icon" :class="item.icon" />
<img v-if="item.imagePath" :src="item.imagePath"/>
<div :class="{'portlet-with-title': state.showTitleBar, 'portlet-without-title': !state.showTitleBar}">
......@@ -80,14 +94,24 @@ defineExpose({ name, state });
{{else if (eq ctrl.portletType 'ACTIONBAR')}}
{{else if (eq ctrl.portletType 'TOOLBAR')}}
{{else if (eq ctrl.portletType 'HTML')}}
<iframe :src="state.pageUrl" :style="{height: state.height && state.height > 0 ? state.height + 'px' : '400px', width: '100%', borderWidth: '0px'}"></iframe>
{{else if (eq ctrl.portletType 'RAWITEM')}}
style="{{#if ctrl.rawItemHeight}}height: {{ctrl.rawItemHeight}}px;{{/if}}{{#if ctrl.rawItemWidth}}width: {{ctrl.rawItemWidth}}px{{/if}}"
{{#if (eq ctrl.contentType 'RAW')}}value="{{ctrl.rawContent}}"{{else if (eq ctrl.contentType 'HTML')}}:value="`{{ctrl.htmlContent}}`"{{/if}}
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