提交 1cb602a1 编写于 作者: zhangkang's avatar zhangkang

update:模态优化 & 视图详情接口

上级 89af27f3
* 视图对象参数
* @export
* @interface ViewDetail
export interface ViewDetail {
* 视图名称
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewDetail
name: string;
* 代码名称
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewDetail
codeName: string;
* 视图宽度
* @type {number}
* @memberof ViewDetail
width?: number;
* 视图高度
* @type {number}
* @memberof ViewDetail
height?: number;
* 视图标题
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewDetail
title?: string;
* 打开方式
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewDetail
openMode?: 'INDEXViewDetailTAB' | 'POPUPAPP' | 'POPUPMODAL' | 'DRAWER' | 'POPOVER' | string;
* 重定向视图
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof ViewDetail
redirectView?: boolean;
* 关系路径
* @type {[]}
* @memberof ViewDetail
deResPaths?: [];
* 标题
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewDetail
caption?: string;
* 视图类型
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewDetail
ViewDetailType?: string;
* 文件路径
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewDetail
fileDir?: string;
\ No newline at end of file
* 视图对象参数
* @export
* @interface ViewDetail
export interface ViewDetail {
* 视图名称
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewDetail
name: string;
* 代码名称
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewDetail
codeName: string;
* 视图宽度
* @type {number}
* @memberof ViewDetail
width?: number;
* 视图高度
* @type {number}
* @memberof ViewDetail
height?: number;
* 视图标题
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewDetail
title?: string;
* 打开方式
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewDetail
openMode?: 'INDEXViewDetailTAB' | 'POPUPAPP' | 'POPUPMODAL' | 'DRAWER' | 'POPOVER' | string;
* 重定向视图
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof ViewDetail
redirectView?: boolean;
* 关系路径
* @type {[]}
* @memberof ViewDetail
deResPaths?: [];
* 标题
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewDetail
caption?: string;
* 视图类型
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewDetail
ViewDetailType?: string;
* 文件路径
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewDetail
fileDir?: string;
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export * from './i-context';
export * from './i-param';
export * from './i-action-param';
export * from './i-control-action';
\ No newline at end of file
export * from './i-control-action';
export * from './i-view-detail';
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import { AppModal } from '@/utils';
import { Http, deepCopy } from '@ibiz-core';
import { Http, deepCopy, ViewDetail } from '@ibiz-core';
import { OpenViewService } from '@service';
import { AppFuncService } from '@ibiz-core';
......@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ export class App {
* @static
* @param codeName 视图codeName
* @return {*}
* @return {*}
public static getViewInfo(codeName: string){
return App.allViewInfos[codeName] ? deepCopy(App.allViewInfos[codeName]) : undefined;
public static getViewInfo(codeName: string): ViewDetail | undefined {
return App.allViewInfos[codeName] ? (deepCopy(App.allViewInfos[codeName]) as ViewDetail) : undefined;
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ export class App {
* @static
public static async init(){
public static async init() {
const response = await Http.getInstance().get('./assets/json/views.json')
App.allViewInfos = response.data;
import { deepCopy, IParam, RouteTool } from '@ibiz-core';
import { IParam, RouteTool, ViewDetail } from '@ibiz-core';
import { App } from '@service';
import router from '@/router';
import { AppModal } from '@/utils';
interface View extends IParam {
codeName: string;
openMode?: string;
interface Params extends IParam {
context: any;
......@@ -44,9 +41,9 @@ export class OpenViewService {
* @param view 视图信息
* @param params 相关参数
public openView(view: View, params: Params) {
public openView(view: ViewDetail, params: Params) {
// 获取详细视图信息
let _view: any = App.getViewInfo(view.codeName);
let _view: ViewDetail | undefined = App.getViewInfo(view.codeName);
if (!_view) {
......@@ -70,7 +67,7 @@ export class OpenViewService {
* @param view 视图信息
* @param params 相关参数
public openByOpenMode(view: any, params: Params) {
public openByOpenMode(view: ViewDetail, params: Params) {
const { openMode } = view;
const { viewParams, context } = params;
// 路由打开视图
......@@ -83,7 +80,8 @@ export class OpenViewService {
window.open('./#' + routePath, '_blank');
} else if (openMode == 'POPUPMODAL') {
} else if (openMode.indexOf('DRAWER') !== -1) {
AppModal.getInstance().openModal(view, params);
} else if (openMode?.indexOf('DRAWER') !== -1) {
} else if (openMode == 'POPOVER') {
// TODO 打开气泡卡片
import { createVNode, render as vueRender } from 'vue'
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import Antd from 'ant-design-vue';
// import { AppServiceBase, LogUtil } from 'ibiz-core';
import AppModalComponent from "./app-modal.vue";
import IbizLoading from '@components/render/IbizLoading.vue';
import { IParam, ViewDetail } from '@ibiz-core';
export class AppModal {
......@@ -17,37 +16,12 @@ export class AppModal {
private static modal = new AppModal();
* vue 实例
* @private
* @type {Vue}
* @memberof AppModal
private vueExample!: any;
* store对象
* @private
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppModal
private store: any;
* i18n对象
* @private
* @memberof AppModal
private i18n: any;
* router对象
* @private
* @memberof AppModal
private router: any;
public asyncComp: any;
* Creates an instance of AppModal.
......@@ -55,7 +29,6 @@ export class AppModal {
* @memberof AppModal
private constructor() {
if (AppModal.modal) {
return AppModal.modal;
......@@ -76,38 +49,20 @@ export class AppModal {
* 初始化基础数据
* @memberof AppModal
private initBasicData() {
// const appService = AppServiceBase.getInstance();
// this.store = appService.getAppStore();
// this.i18n = appService.getI18n();
// this.router = appService.getRouter();
* 创建 Vue 实例对象
* 创建vue对象
* @private
* @param \{{ name: string, title: string, fileDir: string, width?: number, height?: number,isfullscreen?:boolean }} view 视图数据
* @param {*} [context={}] 应用上下文参数
* @param {*} [viewparams={}] 视图参数
* @param {*} [navdatas=[]] 导航数据
* @param {string} uuid 标识
* @returns {Subject<any>}
* @param {view} ViewDetail 视图对象
* @param {IParam} params 视图参数
* @param {IParam} [options] 模态配置项
* @return {*} {Subject<any>}
* @memberof AppModal
private createVueExample(view: { name: string, title: string, fileDir:string, width?: number, height?: number, isfullscreen?: boolean, customClass?: string }, context: any = {}, viewparam: any = {}, navdatas: Array<any> = [], uuid: string): Subject<any> {
const self: any = this;
if (!self.store || !self.i18n) {
private createVueExample(view: ViewDetail, params: IParam, options?: IParam): Subject<any> {
try {
let subject: null | Subject<any> = new Subject<any>();
let props = { view: view, context: context, viewparam: viewparam, navdatas: navdatas, uuid: uuid, subject: subject };
let dir = view.fileDir.replace(/@page/, '');
let props = { view: view, context: params.context, viewParams: params.viewParams, isFullscreen: params.isFullscreen, subject: subject, options: options };
let dir = view.fileDir?.replace(/@page/, '');
//Vite 支持使用特殊的 import.meta.glob 函数从文件系统导入多个模块
const modules = import.meta.glob('../../page/*/*/index.ts');
const AsyncComp = defineAsyncComponent({
......@@ -123,14 +78,13 @@ export class AppModal {
const div = document.createElement('div');
const app = createApp(component,
close: () => { document.body.removeChild(div); app.unmount(); },
close: () => { document.body.removeChild(div); app.unmount(); },
app.component(view.name, AsyncComp);
const vm = app.use(Antd).mount(div);
this.vueExample = vm;
return subject;
} catch (error) {
......@@ -140,24 +94,17 @@ export class AppModal {
* 打开模态视图
* 打开模态视图
* @param \{{ name: string, title: string, fileDir:string, width?: number, height?: number }} view 视图
* @param {*} [viewParam={}] 应用上下文参数
* @param {any[]} deResParameters 关系实体参数对象
* @param {any[]} parameters 当前应用视图参数对象
* @param {any[]} args 多项数据
* @param {*} [data={}] 行为参数
* @param {any[]} navdatas 导航数据
* @returns {Subject<any>}
* @param {View} view 视图对象
* @param {IParam} params 视图参数
* @param {IParam} [options] 模态配置项
* @return {*} {Subject<any>}
* @memberof AppModal
public openModal(view: { name: string, title: string, fileDir:string, width?: number, height?: number, isfullscreen?: boolean, customClass?: string }, context: any = {}, data: any = {}, navdatas: Array<any> = []): Subject<any> {
public openModal(view: ViewDetail, params: IParam, options?: IParam): Subject<any> {
try {
let viewdata: any = {};
Object.assign(viewdata, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(context)));
const uuid = this.getUUID();
const subject = this.createVueExample(view, viewdata, data, navdatas, uuid);
const subject = this.createVueExample(view, params, options);
return subject;
} catch (error) {
<script setup lang="ts">
import { IParam, ViewDetail } from '@ibiz-core';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { Ref, ref } from 'vue';
interface AppModalProps {
* @description 视图
view: any;
view: ViewDetail;
* @description 视图上下文参数
......@@ -15,50 +16,49 @@ interface AppModalProps {
* @description 视图参数
viewparam?: any;
viewParams?: any;
* @description 导航数据
* @description 数据传递对象
navdatas?: any;
subject?: Subject<any>;
* @description 数据传递对象
* @description 关闭回调
close: Function;
* @description 关闭回调
* @description 是否全屏
* @description 模态参数
option?: IParam;
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<AppModalProps>(), {
context: {},
viewparam: {},
navdatas: [],
viewParams: {},
* 是否显示
let isShow: Ref<boolean> = ref(false);
let isVisible: Ref<boolean> = ref(false);
* 是否满屏
let isfullscreen: Ref<boolean> = ref(false);
* 时结果
* 时结果
let tempResult = { ret: '' };
* 视图名称
let viewname: Ref<string> = ref('');
let viewName: Ref<string> = ref('');
* 视图标题
......@@ -75,11 +75,6 @@ let width: Ref<number> = ref(0);
let height: Ref<number> = ref(0);
* 视图层级
let zIndex: any = null;
* 视图样式
......@@ -90,30 +85,16 @@ let style: any = {};
const getSubject = () => {
return props.subject;
* 监听isShow
() => isShow,
(newVal, oldVal) => {
if (newVal !== oldVal && newVal.value == false) {
zIndex -= 100;
// this.$store.commit('updateZIndex', this.zIndex);
* Vue生命周期beforeMount
onBeforeMount(() => {
if (props.view) {
viewname.value = props.view.name;
title = props.view.title;
isfullscreen.value = props.view.isfullscreen ? props.view.isfullscreen : false;
if (isfullscreen.value) {
viewName.value = props.view.name;
title = props.view.title || '';
if (props.isFullscreen) {
Object.assign(style, { height: 'auto' });
} else {
if (!props.view.width || props.view.width === 0 || Object.is(props.view.width, '0px')) {
......@@ -143,13 +124,7 @@ onBeforeMount(() => {
* Vue生命周期mounted
onMounted(() => {
// const curmodal: any = this.$refs.curmodal;
// const zIndex = this.$store.getters.getZIndex();
// if (zIndex) {
// this.zIndex = zIndex + 100;
// this.$store.commit('updateZIndex', this.zIndex);
// }
isShow.value = true;
isVisible.value = true;
......@@ -157,18 +132,15 @@ onMounted(() => {
const close = (result: any) => {
if (result && Array.isArray(result) && result.length > 0) {
if (zIndex) {
// this.$store.commit('updateZIndex', zIndex - 100);
Object.assign(tempResult, { ret: 'OK' }, { datas: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)) });
isShow.value = false;
isVisible.value = false;
* 视图数据变化
const dataChange = (result: any) => {
const viewDataChange = (result: any) => {
tempResult = { ret: '' };
if (result && Array.isArray(result) && result.length > 0) {
Object.assign(tempResult, { ret: 'OK' }, { datas: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)) });
......@@ -178,7 +150,7 @@ const dataChange = (result: any) => {
* 视图数据激活
const viewDatasActivated = (result: any) => {
const viewDataActivated = (result: any) => {
if (result && Array.isArray(result) && result.length > 0) {
......@@ -189,6 +161,7 @@ const viewDatasActivated = (result: any) => {
const onVisibleChange = ($event: any) => {
......@@ -198,9 +171,6 @@ const handleShowState = ($event: any) => {
if (props.subject && tempResult) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
......@@ -208,7 +178,7 @@ const handleShowState = ($event: any) => {
......@@ -218,19 +188,18 @@ const handleShowState = ($event: any) => {
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