提交 0b1ebbed 编写于 作者: ibizdev's avatar ibizdev

jackwang 部署微服务应用

上级 5682e400
......@@ -9,6 +9,16 @@
"viewtag": "0d8ac739134947cc5f6545d4041024de",
"memo": ""
"hrlegaldashboardview": {
"title": "法人数据看板视图",
"caption": "法人信息",
"viewtype": "DEPORTALVIEW",
"viewmodule": "Base",
"viewname": "HRLegalDashboardView",
"viewfilename": "hrlegal-dashboard-view",
"viewtag": "18769b2868ba1e27d9392575c10d6bfa",
"memo": ""
"hroperationunitgridview": {
"title": "运营单位",
"caption": "运营单位",
......@@ -29,6 +39,16 @@
"viewtag": "28aca0d4ad43b8ef609172d9be9359c7",
"memo": "系统自动添加"
"hrorgaddressgridview": {
"title": "组织地址表格视图",
"caption": "组织地址",
"viewtype": "DEGRIDVIEW",
"viewmodule": "Base",
"viewname": "HROrgAddressGridView",
"viewfilename": "hrorg-address-grid-view",
"viewtag": "2b64c322042da1808776304d21c90e45",
"memo": "系统自动添加"
"hrlegalgridview": {
"title": "法人",
"caption": "法人",
......@@ -49,6 +69,36 @@
"viewtag": "49CD8BAE-D640-4816-8313-5D8609BB0041",
"memo": ""
"hrorgcontactgridview": {
"title": "组织联系信息表格视图",
"caption": "组织联系信息",
"viewtype": "DEGRIDVIEW",
"viewmodule": "Base",
"viewname": "HROrgContactGridView",
"viewfilename": "hrorg-contact-grid-view",
"viewtag": "53de2c13a619e20769cdc9dbfa10e1a5",
"memo": "系统自动添加"
"hrorgaddresseditview": {
"title": "组织地址编辑视图",
"caption": "组织地址",
"viewtype": "DEEDITVIEW",
"viewmodule": "Base",
"viewname": "HROrgAddressEditView",
"viewfilename": "hrorg-address-edit-view",
"viewtag": "90f2bd2f58c482b25a1e1db0f8e4ca26",
"memo": "系统自动添加"
"hrlegalv_002": {
"title": "法人编辑视图",
"caption": "法人",
"viewtype": "DEEDITVIEW",
"viewmodule": "Base",
"viewname": "HRLegalV_002",
"viewfilename": "hrlegal-v-002",
"viewtag": "9420eeffff765c2a6e4ac27dfae7fb2d",
"memo": "系统自动添加"
"hremployeegridview": {
"title": "员工表格视图",
"caption": "员工",
......@@ -59,6 +109,16 @@
"viewtag": "9559258a9c3ac118e15ead941b780682",
"memo": ""
"hrlegalv_001": {
"title": "法人选项操作视图",
"caption": "快速新建",
"viewtype": "DEOPTVIEW",
"viewmodule": "Base",
"viewname": "HRLegalV_001",
"viewfilename": "hrlegal-v-001",
"viewtag": "af1a0e288eecf89cd99ed798594e1753",
"memo": ""
"hrorganizationeditview": {
"title": "组织编辑视图",
"caption": "组织",
......@@ -88,5 +148,15 @@
"viewfilename": "hrlegal-edit-view",
"viewtag": "e50ad3e1883bafa2d6f264d44ca8ff89",
"memo": "系统自动添加"
"hrlegaltabexpview": {
"title": "法人分页导航视图",
"caption": "法人信息",
"viewtype": "DETABEXPVIEW",
"viewmodule": "Base",
"viewname": "HRLegalTabExpView",
"viewfilename": "hrlegal-tab-exp-view",
"viewtag": "f6a6d0da81100b5a69aba1b9b967b6ab",
"memo": ""
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -42,10 +42,12 @@ export class AuthServiceRegister {
this.allAuthService.set('hroperationunit', () => import('@/authservice/hroperation-unit/hroperation-unit-auth-service'));
this.allAuthService.set('hromhierarchypurposeref', () => import('@/authservice/hromhierarchy-purpose-ref/hromhierarchy-purpose-ref-auth-service'));
this.allAuthService.set('hromhierarchycat', () => import('@/authservice/hromhierarchy-cat/hromhierarchy-cat-auth-service'));
this.allAuthService.set('hrorgcontact', () => import('@/authservice/hrorg-contact/hrorg-contact-auth-service'));
this.allAuthService.set('hremployee', () => import('@/authservice/hremployee/hremployee-auth-service'));
this.allAuthService.set('hrlegal', () => import('@/authservice/hrlegal/hrlegal-auth-service'));
this.allAuthService.set('hromhierarchypurpose', () => import('@/authservice/hromhierarchypurpose/hromhierarchypurpose-auth-service'));
this.allAuthService.set('hromhierarchy', () => import('@/authservice/hromhierarchy/hromhierarchy-auth-service'));
this.allAuthService.set('hrorgaddress', () => import('@/authservice/hrorg-address/hrorg-address-auth-service'));
this.allAuthService.set('hrorganization', () => import('@/authservice/hrorganization/hrorganization-auth-service'));
import AuthService from '../auth-service';
* 组织地址权限服务对象基类
* @export
* @class HROrgAddressAuthServiceBase
* @extends {AuthService}
export default class HROrgAddressAuthServiceBase extends AuthService {
* Creates an instance of HROrgAddressAuthServiceBase.
* @param {*} [opts={}]
* @memberof HROrgAddressAuthServiceBase
constructor(opts: any = {}) {
* 根据当前数据获取实体操作标识
* @param {*} mainSateOPPrivs 传入数据操作标识
* @returns {any}
* @memberof HROrgAddressAuthServiceBase
public getOPPrivs(mainSateOPPrivs:any):any{
let curDefaultOPPrivs:any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.defaultOPPrivs));
return curDefaultOPPrivs;
\ No newline at end of file
import HROrgAddressAuthServiceBase from './hrorg-address-auth-service-base';
* 组织地址权限服务对象
* @export
* @class HROrgAddressAuthService
* @extends {HROrgAddressAuthServiceBase}
export default class HROrgAddressAuthService extends HROrgAddressAuthServiceBase {
* Creates an instance of HROrgAddressAuthService.
* @param {*} [opts={}]
* @memberof HROrgAddressAuthService
constructor(opts: any = {}) {
\ No newline at end of file
import AuthService from '../auth-service';
* 组织联系信息权限服务对象基类
* @export
* @class HROrgContactAuthServiceBase
* @extends {AuthService}
export default class HROrgContactAuthServiceBase extends AuthService {
* Creates an instance of HROrgContactAuthServiceBase.
* @param {*} [opts={}]
* @memberof HROrgContactAuthServiceBase
constructor(opts: any = {}) {
* 根据当前数据获取实体操作标识
* @param {*} mainSateOPPrivs 传入数据操作标识
* @returns {any}
* @memberof HROrgContactAuthServiceBase
public getOPPrivs(mainSateOPPrivs:any):any{
let curDefaultOPPrivs:any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.defaultOPPrivs));
return curDefaultOPPrivs;
\ No newline at end of file
import HROrgContactAuthServiceBase from './hrorg-contact-auth-service-base';
* 组织联系信息权限服务对象
* @export
* @class HROrgContactAuthService
* @extends {HROrgContactAuthServiceBase}
export default class HROrgContactAuthService extends HROrgContactAuthServiceBase {
* Creates an instance of HROrgContactAuthService.
* @param {*} [opts={}]
* @memberof HROrgContactAuthService
constructor(opts: any = {}) {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -171,6 +171,16 @@ export default class AppRangeEditor extends Vue {
public onValueChange(name: string, value: any) {
this.$emit('formitemvaluechange', { name: name, value: value });
let count = 0;
if(this.refFormItem) {
this.refFormItem.forEach((item: any) => {
if(this.activeData[item] != null && !Object.is(this.activeData[item], '')) {
this.$emit('formitemvaluechange', {name: this.name, value: count === this.refFormItem.length ? "not null" : null});
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ export default class CodeList extends Vue {
this.isUseLangres = false;
let _this = this;
// 空值判断
if(Object.is(this.$util.typeOf(this.value), 'undefined') || Object.is(this.$util.typeOf(this.value), 'null')){
if(Object.is(this.$util.typeOf(this.value), 'undefined') || Object.is(this.$util.typeOf(this.value), 'null') || Object.is(this.value, '')) {
this.ifEmpty = true;
display: inline-block;
.dropdown-list-container {
display: inline-block;
.icon-circle {
display: none;
position: absolute;
right: 24px;
padding-top: 10px;
.dropdown-list-container:hover {
.icon-circle {
display: unset;
:disabled="disabled === true ? true : false"
:filterable="filterable === true ? true : false"
<i-option v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index" :value="item.value">{{($t('codelist.'+tag+'.'+item.value)!== ('codelist.'+tag+'.'+item.value))?$t('codelist.'+tag+'.'+item.value) : item.text}}</i-option>
<div class='dropdown-list-container'>
:disabled="disabled === true ? true : false"
:filterable="filterable === true ? true : false"
<i-option v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index" :value="item.value">{{($t('codelist.'+tag+'.'+item.value)!== ('codelist.'+tag+'.'+item.value))?$t('codelist.'+tag+'.'+item.value) : item.text}}</i-option>
<icon v-if="currentVal == null || currentVal == '' ? false :true" @click="clear" type="md-close" class="icon-circle" />
<script lang="ts">
......@@ -173,6 +175,9 @@ export default class DropDownList extends Vue {
if (isExistAndNotEmpty(val)) {
this.$emit('change', val);
} else {
if(this.value && !this.items.find((item: any) => Object.is(this.value, item.value))) {
this.$emit('change', undefined);
......@@ -337,6 +342,17 @@ export default class DropDownList extends Vue {
* 清除事件
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof DropDownList
public clear($event: any){
if(this.currentVal) {
this.currentVal = null;
<style lang='less'>
......@@ -69,4 +69,12 @@ export interface HROMHierarchy {
* @memberof HROMHierarchy
pomhierarchyid?: any;
* 结构层次类别标识
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROMHierarchy
hromhierarchycatid?: any;
\ No newline at end of file
* 组织地址
* @export
* @interface HROrgAddress
export interface HROrgAddress {
* 名称或描述
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgAddress
hrorgaddressname?: any;
* 组织地址标识
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgAddress
hrorgaddressid?: any;
* 建立时间
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgAddress
createdate?: any;
* 更新人
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgAddress
updateman?: any;
* 建立人
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgAddress
createman?: any;
* 更新时间
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgAddress
updatedate?: any;
* 地址
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgAddress
address?: any;
* 邮政编码
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgAddress
postcode?: any;
* 用途
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgAddress
uses?: any;
* 主要
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgAddress
mainaddress?: any;
\ No newline at end of file
* 组织联系信息
* @export
* @interface HROrgContact
export interface HROrgContact {
* 建立人
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgContact
createman?: any;
* 组织联系信息标识
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgContact
hrorgcontactid?: any;
* 联系人
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgContact
hrorgcontactname?: any;
* 更新时间
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgContact
updatedate?: any;
* 更新人
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgContact
updateman?: any;
* 建立时间
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgContact
createdate?: any;
* 类型
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgContact
contacttype?: any;
* 联系信息
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgContact
contactinfo?: any;
* 主要
* @returns {*}
* @memberof HROrgContact
maincontact?: any;
\ No newline at end of file
import hroperationunit_en_US from '@locale/lanres/entities/hroperation-unit/hroperation-unit_en_US';
import hromhierarchypurposeref_en_US from '@locale/lanres/entities/hromhierarchy-purpose-ref/hromhierarchy-purpose-ref_en_US';
import hromhierarchycat_en_US from '@locale/lanres/entities/hromhierarchy-cat/hromhierarchy-cat_en_US';
import hrorgcontact_en_US from '@locale/lanres/entities/hrorg-contact/hrorg-contact_en_US';
import hremployee_en_US from '@locale/lanres/entities/hremployee/hremployee_en_US';
import hrlegal_en_US from '@locale/lanres/entities/hrlegal/hrlegal_en_US';
import hromhierarchypurpose_en_US from '@locale/lanres/entities/hromhierarchypurpose/hromhierarchypurpose_en_US';
import hromhierarchy_en_US from '@locale/lanres/entities/hromhierarchy/hromhierarchy_en_US';
import hrorgaddress_en_US from '@locale/lanres/entities/hrorg-address/hrorg-address_en_US';
import hrorganization_en_US from '@locale/lanres/entities/hrorganization/hrorganization_en_US';
import components_en_US from '@locale/lanres/components/components_en_US';
import codelist_en_US from '@locale/lanres/codelist/codelist_en_US';
......@@ -250,10 +252,12 @@ export default {
hroperationunit: hroperationunit_en_US,
hromhierarchypurposeref: hromhierarchypurposeref_en_US,
hromhierarchycat: hromhierarchycat_en_US,
hrorgcontact: hrorgcontact_en_US,
hremployee: hremployee_en_US,
hrlegal: hrlegal_en_US,
hromhierarchypurpose: hromhierarchypurpose_en_US,
hromhierarchy: hromhierarchy_en_US,
hrorgaddress: hrorgaddress_en_US,
hrorganization: hrorganization_en_US,
components: components_en_US,
import hroperationunit_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/entities/hroperation-unit/hroperation-unit_zh_CN';
import hromhierarchypurposeref_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/entities/hromhierarchy-purpose-ref/hromhierarchy-purpose-ref_zh_CN';
import hromhierarchycat_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/entities/hromhierarchy-cat/hromhierarchy-cat_zh_CN';
import hrorgcontact_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/entities/hrorg-contact/hrorg-contact_zh_CN';
import hremployee_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/entities/hremployee/hremployee_zh_CN';
import hrlegal_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/entities/hrlegal/hrlegal_zh_CN';
import hromhierarchypurpose_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/entities/hromhierarchypurpose/hromhierarchypurpose_zh_CN';
import hromhierarchy_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/entities/hromhierarchy/hromhierarchy_zh_CN';
import hrorgaddress_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/entities/hrorg-address/hrorg-address_zh_CN';
import hrorganization_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/entities/hrorganization/hrorganization_zh_CN';
import components_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/components/components_zh_CN';
import codelist_zh_CN from '@locale/lanres/codelist/codelist_zh_CN';
......@@ -249,10 +251,12 @@ export default {
hroperationunit: hroperationunit_zh_CN,
hromhierarchypurposeref: hromhierarchypurposeref_zh_CN,
hromhierarchycat: hromhierarchycat_zh_CN,
hrorgcontact: hrorgcontact_zh_CN,
hremployee: hremployee_zh_CN,
hrlegal: hrlegal_zh_CN,
hromhierarchypurpose: hromhierarchypurpose_zh_CN,
hromhierarchy: hromhierarchy_zh_CN,
hrorgaddress: hrorgaddress_zh_CN,
hrorganization: hrorganization_zh_CN,
components: components_zh_CN,
......@@ -19,14 +19,30 @@ export default {
bankaccount: "银行账号",
views: {
dashboardview: {
caption: "法人信息",
title: "法人数据看板视图",
gridview: {
caption: "法人",
title: "法人",
v_002: {
caption: "法人",
title: "法人编辑视图",
v_001: {
caption: "快速新建",
title: "法人选项操作视图",
editview: {
caption: "法人",
title: "法人编辑视图",
tabexpview: {
caption: "法人信息",
title: "法人分页导航视图",
main_form: {
details: {
......@@ -55,6 +71,54 @@ export default {
uiactions: {
if_001_form: {
details: {
group1: "法人信息",
grouppanel1: "银行账号信息",
grouppanel2: "备注",
formpage1: "基本信息",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "法人标识",
srfmajortext: "法人名称",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
legalname: "法人名称",
orgcode: "组织编码",
shortname: "组织简称",
showorder: "排序号",
bank: "开户行",
bankaccount: "银行账号",
uscc: "统一社会信用代码",
memo: "备注",
legalid: "法人标识",
uiactions: {
ef_001_form: {
details: {
group1: "法人信息",
formpage1: "基本信息",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "法人标识",
srfmajortext: "法人名称",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
legalname: "法人名称",
orgcode: "组织编码",
shortname: "组织简称",
showorder: "排序号",
legalid: "法人标识",
uiactions: {
main_grid: {
columns: {
legalname: "法人名称",
......@@ -118,10 +182,36 @@ export default {
tip: "Help",
tabexpviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem1_ff_003_sep: {
caption: "",
tip: "",
tbitem1_ff_003: {
caption: "编辑",
tip: "编辑",
tbitem1_remove: {
caption: "删除并关闭",
tip: "删除并关闭",
tbitem2: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem22: {
caption: "关闭",
tip: "关闭",
gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "New",
tip: "New",
tbitem1_ff_002: {
caption: "新建",
tip: "新建",
tbitem2: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem4: {
caption: "Edit",
......@@ -151,29 +241,9 @@ export default {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem16: {
caption: "其它",
tip: "其它",
tbitem21: {
caption: "Export Data Model",
tip: "导出数据模型",
tbitem23: {
caption: "数据导入",
tip: "数据导入",
tbitem17: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem19: {
caption: "Filter",
tip: "Filter",
tbitem18: {
caption: "Help",
tip: "Help",
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -18,14 +18,30 @@ export default {
bankaccount: "银行账号",
views: {
dashboardview: {
caption: "法人信息",
title: "法人数据看板视图",
gridview: {
caption: "法人",
title: "法人",
v_002: {
caption: "法人",
title: "法人编辑视图",
v_001: {
caption: "快速新建",
title: "法人选项操作视图",
editview: {
caption: "法人",
title: "法人编辑视图",
tabexpview: {
caption: "法人信息",
title: "法人分页导航视图",
main_form: {
details: {
......@@ -54,6 +70,54 @@ export default {
uiactions: {
if_001_form: {
details: {
group1: "法人信息",
grouppanel1: "银行账号信息",
grouppanel2: "备注",
formpage1: "基本信息",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "法人标识",
srfmajortext: "法人名称",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
legalname: "法人名称",
orgcode: "组织编码",
shortname: "组织简称",
showorder: "排序号",
bank: "开户行",
bankaccount: "银行账号",
uscc: "统一社会信用代码",
memo: "备注",
legalid: "法人标识",
uiactions: {
ef_001_form: {
details: {
group1: "法人信息",
formpage1: "基本信息",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "法人标识",
srfmajortext: "法人名称",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
legalname: "法人名称",
orgcode: "组织编码",
shortname: "组织简称",
showorder: "排序号",
legalid: "法人标识",
uiactions: {
main_grid: {
columns: {
legalname: "法人名称",
......@@ -117,11 +181,37 @@ export default {
tip: "帮助",
tabexpviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem1_ff_003_sep: {
caption: "",
tip: "",
tbitem1_ff_003: {
caption: "编辑",
tip: "编辑",
tbitem1_remove: {
caption: "删除并关闭",
tip: "删除并关闭",
tbitem2: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem22: {
caption: "关闭",
tip: "关闭",
gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
tbitem1_ff_002: {
caption: "新建",
tip: "新建",
tbitem2: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem4: {
caption: "编辑",
tip: "编辑",
......@@ -150,29 +240,9 @@ export default {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem16: {
caption: "其它",
tip: "其它",
tbitem21: {
caption: "导出数据模型",
tip: "导出数据模型",
tbitem23: {
caption: "数据导入",
tip: "数据导入",
tbitem17: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem19: {
caption: "过滤",
tip: "过滤",
tbitem18: {
caption: "帮助",
tip: "帮助",
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9,5 +9,6 @@ export default {
createman: "建立人",
organizationid: "组织",
pomhierarchyid: "父组织层次结构标识",
hromhierarchycatid: "结构层次类别标识",
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,5 +8,6 @@ export default {
createman: "建立人",
organizationid: "组织",
pomhierarchyid: "父组织层次结构标识",
hromhierarchycatid: "结构层次类别标识",
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
fields: {
hrorgaddressname: "名称或描述",
hrorgaddressid: "组织地址标识",
createdate: "建立时间",
updateman: "更新人",
createman: "建立人",
updatedate: "更新时间",
address: "地址",
postcode: "邮政编码",
uses: "用途",
mainaddress: "主要",
views: {
gridview: {
caption: "组织地址",
title: "组织地址表格视图",
editview: {
caption: "组织地址",
title: "组织地址编辑视图",
main_form: {
details: {
group1: "组织地址基本信息",
formpage1: "基本信息",
group2: "操作信息",
formpage2: "其它",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "组织地址标识",
srfmajortext: "名称或描述",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
hrorgaddressname: "名称或描述",
createman: "建立人",
createdate: "建立时间",
updateman: "更新人",
updatedate: "更新时间",
hrorgaddressid: "组织地址标识",
uiactions: {
main_grid: {
columns: {
hrorgaddressname: "名称或描述",
updateman: "更新人",
updatedate: "更新时间",
uiactions: {
default_searchform: {
details: {
formpage1: "常规条件",
uiactions: {
gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "New",
tip: "New",
tbitem4: {
caption: "Edit",
tip: "Edit {0}",
tbitem6: {
caption: "Copy",
tip: "Copy {0}",
tbitem7: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem8: {
caption: "Remove",
tip: "Remove {0}",
tbitem9: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem13: {
caption: "Export",
tip: "Export {0} Data To Excel",
tbitem10: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem16: {
caption: "其它",
tip: "其它",
tbitem21: {
caption: "Export Data Model",
tip: "导出数据模型",
tbitem23: {
caption: "数据导入",
tip: "数据导入",
tbitem17: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem19: {
caption: "Filter",
tip: "Filter",
tbitem18: {
caption: "Help",
tip: "Help",
editviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "Save",
tip: "Save",
tbitem4: {
caption: "Save And New",
tip: "Save And New",
tbitem5: {
caption: "Save And Close",
tip: "Save And Close Window",
tbitem6: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem7: {
caption: "Remove And Close",
tip: "Remove And Close Window",
tbitem8: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem12: {
caption: "New",
tip: "New",
tbitem13: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem14: {
caption: "Copy",
tip: "Copy {0}",
tbitem16: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem22: {
caption: "Help",
tip: "Help",
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
fields: {
hrorgaddressname: "名称或描述",
hrorgaddressid: "组织地址标识",
createdate: "建立时间",
updateman: "更新人",
createman: "建立人",
updatedate: "更新时间",
address: "地址",
postcode: "邮政编码",
uses: "用途",
mainaddress: "主要",
views: {
gridview: {
caption: "组织地址",
title: "组织地址表格视图",
editview: {
caption: "组织地址",
title: "组织地址编辑视图",
main_form: {
details: {
group1: "组织地址基本信息",
formpage1: "基本信息",
group2: "操作信息",
formpage2: "其它",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "组织地址标识",
srfmajortext: "名称或描述",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
hrorgaddressname: "名称或描述",
createman: "建立人",
createdate: "建立时间",
updateman: "更新人",
updatedate: "更新时间",
hrorgaddressid: "组织地址标识",
uiactions: {
main_grid: {
columns: {
hrorgaddressname: "名称或描述",
updateman: "更新人",
updatedate: "更新时间",
uiactions: {
default_searchform: {
details: {
formpage1: "常规条件",
uiactions: {
gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "新建",
tip: "新建",
tbitem4: {
caption: "编辑",
tip: "编辑",
tbitem6: {
caption: "拷贝",
tip: "拷贝",
tbitem7: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem8: {
caption: "删除",
tip: "删除",
tbitem9: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem13: {
caption: "导出",
tip: "导出",
tbitem10: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem16: {
caption: "其它",
tip: "其它",
tbitem21: {
caption: "导出数据模型",
tip: "导出数据模型",
tbitem23: {
caption: "数据导入",
tip: "数据导入",
tbitem17: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem19: {
caption: "过滤",
tip: "过滤",
tbitem18: {
caption: "帮助",
tip: "帮助",
editviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "保存",
tip: "保存",
tbitem4: {
caption: "保存并新建",
tip: "保存并新建",
tbitem5: {
caption: "保存并关闭",
tip: "保存并关闭",
tbitem6: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem7: {
caption: "删除并关闭",
tip: "删除并关闭",
tbitem8: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem12: {
caption: "新建",
tip: "新建",
tbitem13: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem14: {
caption: "拷贝",
tip: "拷贝",
tbitem16: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem22: {
caption: "帮助",
tip: "帮助",
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
fields: {
createman: "建立人",
hrorgcontactid: "组织联系信息标识",
hrorgcontactname: "联系人",
updatedate: "更新时间",
updateman: "更新人",
createdate: "建立时间",
contacttype: "类型",
contactinfo: "联系信息",
maincontact: "主要",
views: {
gridview: {
caption: "组织联系信息",
title: "组织联系信息表格视图",
main_form: {
details: {
group1: "组织联系信息基本信息",
formpage1: "基本信息",
group2: "操作信息",
formpage2: "其它",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "组织联系信息标识",
srfmajortext: "联系人",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
hrorgcontactname: "联系人",
createman: "建立人",
createdate: "建立时间",
updateman: "更新人",
updatedate: "更新时间",
hrorgcontactid: "组织联系信息标识",
uiactions: {
main_grid: {
columns: {
hrorgcontactname: "联系人",
updateman: "更新人",
updatedate: "更新时间",
uiactions: {
default_searchform: {
details: {
formpage1: "常规条件",
uiactions: {
gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "New",
tip: "New",
tbitem4: {
caption: "Edit",
tip: "Edit {0}",
tbitem6: {
caption: "Copy",
tip: "Copy {0}",
tbitem7: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem8: {
caption: "Remove",
tip: "Remove {0}",
tbitem9: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem13: {
caption: "Export",
tip: "Export {0} Data To Excel",
tbitem10: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem16: {
caption: "其它",
tip: "其它",
tbitem21: {
caption: "Export Data Model",
tip: "导出数据模型",
tbitem23: {
caption: "数据导入",
tip: "数据导入",
tbitem17: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem19: {
caption: "Filter",
tip: "Filter",
tbitem18: {
caption: "Help",
tip: "Help",
editviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "Save",
tip: "Save",
tbitem4: {
caption: "Save And New",
tip: "Save And New",
tbitem5: {
caption: "Save And Close",
tip: "Save And Close Window",
tbitem6: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem7: {
caption: "Remove And Close",
tip: "Remove And Close Window",
tbitem8: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem12: {
caption: "New",
tip: "New",
tbitem13: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem14: {
caption: "Copy",
tip: "Copy {0}",
tbitem16: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem22: {
caption: "Help",
tip: "Help",
\ No newline at end of file
export default {
fields: {
createman: "建立人",
hrorgcontactid: "组织联系信息标识",
hrorgcontactname: "联系人",
updatedate: "更新时间",
updateman: "更新人",
createdate: "建立时间",
contacttype: "类型",
contactinfo: "联系信息",
maincontact: "主要",
views: {
gridview: {
caption: "组织联系信息",
title: "组织联系信息表格视图",
main_form: {
details: {
group1: "组织联系信息基本信息",
formpage1: "基本信息",
group2: "操作信息",
formpage2: "其它",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "组织联系信息标识",
srfmajortext: "联系人",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
hrorgcontactname: "联系人",
createman: "建立人",
createdate: "建立时间",
updateman: "更新人",
updatedate: "更新时间",
hrorgcontactid: "组织联系信息标识",
uiactions: {
main_grid: {
columns: {
hrorgcontactname: "联系人",
updateman: "更新人",
updatedate: "更新时间",
uiactions: {
default_searchform: {
details: {
formpage1: "常规条件",
uiactions: {
gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "新建",
tip: "新建",
tbitem4: {
caption: "编辑",
tip: "编辑",
tbitem6: {
caption: "拷贝",
tip: "拷贝",
tbitem7: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem8: {
caption: "删除",
tip: "删除",
tbitem9: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem13: {
caption: "导出",
tip: "导出",
tbitem10: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem16: {
caption: "其它",
tip: "其它",
tbitem21: {
caption: "导出数据模型",
tip: "导出数据模型",
tbitem23: {
caption: "数据导入",
tip: "数据导入",
tbitem17: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem19: {
caption: "过滤",
tip: "过滤",
tbitem18: {
caption: "帮助",
tip: "帮助",
editviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "保存",
tip: "保存",
tbitem4: {
caption: "保存并新建",
tip: "保存并新建",
tbitem5: {
caption: "保存并关闭",
tip: "保存并关闭",
tbitem6: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem7: {
caption: "删除并关闭",
tip: "删除并关闭",
tbitem8: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem12: {
caption: "新建",
tip: "新建",
tbitem13: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem14: {
caption: "拷贝",
tip: "拷贝",
tbitem16: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem22: {
caption: "帮助",
tip: "帮助",
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ import './upload/upload';
import './entity/hroperation-units/hroperation-units';
import './entity/hromhierarchy-purpose-refs/hromhierarchy-purpose-refs';
import './entity/hromhierarchy-cats/hromhierarchy-cats';
import './entity/hrorg-contacts/hrorg-contacts';
import './entity/hremployees/hremployees';
import './entity/hrlegals/hrlegals';
import './entity/hromhierarchypurposes/hromhierarchypurposes';
import './entity/hromhierarchys/hromhierarchys';
import './entity/hrorg-addresss/hrorg-addresss';
import './entity/hrorganizations/hrorganizations';
......@@ -15,6 +15,14 @@ mock.onGet('./assets/json/view-config.json').reply((config: any) => {
"viewname": "HROrganizationGridView",
"viewtag": "0d8ac739134947cc5f6545d4041024de"
"hrlegaldashboardview": {
"title": "法人数据看板视图",
"caption": "法人信息",
"viewtype": "DEPORTALVIEW",
"viewmodule": "Base",
"viewname": "HRLegalDashboardView",
"viewtag": "18769b2868ba1e27d9392575c10d6bfa"
"hroperationunitgridview": {
"title": "运营单位",
"caption": "运营单位",
......@@ -31,6 +39,14 @@ mock.onGet('./assets/json/view-config.json').reply((config: any) => {
"viewname": "HROperationUnitEditView",
"viewtag": "28aca0d4ad43b8ef609172d9be9359c7"
"hrorgaddressgridview": {
"title": "组织地址表格视图",
"caption": "组织地址",
"viewtype": "DEGRIDVIEW",
"viewmodule": "Base",
"viewname": "HROrgAddressGridView",
"viewtag": "2b64c322042da1808776304d21c90e45"
"hrlegalgridview": {
"title": "法人",
"caption": "法人",
......@@ -47,6 +63,30 @@ mock.onGet('./assets/json/view-config.json').reply((config: any) => {
"viewname": "PIM",
"viewtag": "49CD8BAE-D640-4816-8313-5D8609BB0041"
"hrorgcontactgridview": {
"title": "组织联系信息表格视图",
"caption": "组织联系信息",
"viewtype": "DEGRIDVIEW",
"viewmodule": "Base",
"viewname": "HROrgContactGridView",
"viewtag": "53de2c13a619e20769cdc9dbfa10e1a5"
"hrorgaddresseditview": {
"title": "组织地址编辑视图",
"caption": "组织地址",
"viewtype": "DEEDITVIEW",
"viewmodule": "Base",
"viewname": "HROrgAddressEditView",
"viewtag": "90f2bd2f58c482b25a1e1db0f8e4ca26"
"hrlegalv_002": {
"title": "法人编辑视图",
"caption": "法人",
"viewtype": "DEEDITVIEW",
"viewmodule": "Base",
"viewname": "HRLegalV_002",
"viewtag": "9420eeffff765c2a6e4ac27dfae7fb2d"
"hremployeegridview": {
"title": "员工表格视图",
"caption": "员工",
......@@ -55,6 +95,14 @@ mock.onGet('./assets/json/view-config.json').reply((config: any) => {
"viewname": "HREmployeeGridView",
"viewtag": "9559258a9c3ac118e15ead941b780682"
"hrlegalv_001": {
"title": "法人选项操作视图",
"caption": "快速新建",
"viewtype": "DEOPTVIEW",
"viewmodule": "Base",
"viewname": "HRLegalV_001",
"viewtag": "af1a0e288eecf89cd99ed798594e1753"
"hrorganizationeditview": {
"title": "组织编辑视图",
"caption": "组织",
......@@ -78,6 +126,14 @@ mock.onGet('./assets/json/view-config.json').reply((config: any) => {
"viewmodule": "Base",
"viewname": "HRLegalEditView",
"viewtag": "e50ad3e1883bafa2d6f264d44ca8ff89"
"hrlegaltabexpview": {
"title": "法人分页导航视图",
"caption": "法人信息",
"viewtype": "DETABEXPVIEW",
"viewmodule": "Base",
"viewname": "HRLegalTabExpView",
"viewtag": "f6a6d0da81100b5a69aba1b9b967b6ab"
\ No newline at end of file
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { DashboardViewBase } from '@/studio-core';
import HRLegalService from '@/service/hrlegal/hrlegal-service';
import HRLegalAuthService from '@/authservice/hrlegal/hrlegal-auth-service';
import PortalViewEngine from '@engine/view/portal-view-engine';
import HRLegalUIService from '@/uiservice/hrlegal/hrlegal-ui-service';
* 法人数据看板视图视图基类
* @export
* @class HRLegalDashboardViewBase
* @extends {DashboardViewBase}
export class HRLegalDashboardViewBase extends DashboardViewBase {
* 视图对应应用实体名称
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof HRLegalDashboardViewBase
protected appDeName: string = 'hrlegal';
* 应用实体主键
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof HRLegalDashboardViewBase
protected appDeKey: string = 'legalid';
* 应用实体主信息
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof HRLegalDashboardViewBase
protected appDeMajor: string = 'legalname';
* 实体服务对象
* @type {HRLegalService}
* @memberof HRLegalDashboardViewBase
protected appEntityService: HRLegalService = new HRLegalService;
* 实体权限服务对象
* @type HRLegalUIService
* @memberof HRLegalDashboardViewBase
public appUIService: HRLegalUIService = new HRLegalUIService(this.$store);
* 计数器服务对象集合
* @protected
* @type {Array<*>}
* @memberof HRLegalDashboardViewBase
protected counterServiceArray: Array<any> = [];
* 视图模型数据
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof HRLegalDashboardViewBase
protected model: any = {
srfCaption: 'entities.hrlegal.views.dashboardview.caption',
srfTitle: 'entities.hrlegal.views.dashboardview.title',
srfSubTitle: 'entities.hrlegal.views.dashboardview.subtitle',
dataInfo: ''
* 容器模型
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof HRLegalDashboardViewBase
protected containerModel: any = {
view_dashboard: { name: 'dashboard', type: 'DASHBOARD' },
* 视图唯一标识
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewBase
protected viewtag: string = '18769b2868ba1e27d9392575c10d6bfa';
* 视图引擎
* @public
* @type {Engine}
* @memberof HRLegalDashboardViewBase
public engine: PortalViewEngine = new PortalViewEngine();
* 引擎初始化
* @public
* @memberof HRLegalDashboardViewBase
public engineInit(): void {
view: this,
dashboard: this.$refs.dashboard,
keyPSDEField: 'hrlegal',
majorPSDEField: 'legalname',
isLoadDefault: true,
* dashboard 部件 load 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof HRLegalDashboardViewBase
public dashboard_load($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('dashboard', 'load', $event);
\ No newline at end of file
<studio-view-style2 viewName="hrlegaldashboardview" viewTitle="法人数据看板视图" class='deportalview hrlegal-dashboard-view'>
<template slot='title'>
<span class='caption-info'>{{$t(model.srfTitle)}}</span>
:isEnableCustomized = "false"
\ No newline at end of file
<template src="./hrlegal-dashboard-view.html"/>
<script lang='tsx'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { HRLegalDashboardViewBase } from './hrlegal-dashboard-view-base';
import view_dashboard from '@widgets/hrlegal/board-001-dashboard/board-001-dashboard.vue';
* 法人数据看板视图视图
* @export
* @class HRLegalDashboardView
* @extends {HRLegalDashboardViewBase}
components: {
export default class HRLegalDashboardView extends HRLegalDashboardViewBase { }
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ export class HRLegalEditViewBase extends EditViewBase {
tbitem4: { name: 'tbitem4', caption: '保存并新建', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '保存并新建', iconcls: 'sx-tb-saveandnew', icon: '../sasrfex/images/default/icon_saveandnew.png', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'SaveAndNew', target: '', class: '' } },
tbitem5: { name: 'tbitem5', caption: '保存并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '保存并关闭', iconcls: 'sx-tb-saveandclose', icon: '../sasrfex/images/default/icon_saveandclose.png', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'SaveAndExit', target: '', class: '' } },
tbitem5: { name: 'tbitem5', caption: '保存并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '保存并关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-power-off', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'SaveAndExit', target: '', class: '' } },
tbitem6: { name: 'tbitem6', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem7: { name: 'tbitem7', caption: '删除并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '删除并关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-remove', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'RemoveAndExit', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { TabExpViewBase } from '@/studio-core';
import HRLegalService from '@/service/hrlegal/hrlegal-service';
import HRLegalAuthService from '@/authservice/hrlegal/hrlegal-auth-service';
import TabExpViewEngine from '@engine/view/tab-exp-view-engine';
import HRLegalUIService from '@/uiservice/hrlegal/hrlegal-ui-service';
* 法人分页导航视图视图基类
* @export
* @class HRLegalTabExpViewBase
* @extends {TabExpViewBase}
export class HRLegalTabExpViewBase extends TabExpViewBase {
* 视图对应应用实体名称
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof HRLegalTabExpViewBase
protected appDeName: string = 'hrlegal';
* 应用实体主键
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof HRLegalTabExpViewBase
protected appDeKey: string = 'legalid';
* 应用实体主信息
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof HRLegalTabExpViewBase
protected appDeMajor: string = 'legalname';
* 实体服务对象
* @type {HRLegalService}
* @memberof HRLegalTabExpViewBase
protected appEntityService: HRLegalService = new HRLegalService;
* 实体权限服务对象
* @type HRLegalUIService
* @memberof HRLegalTabExpViewBase
public appUIService: HRLegalUIService = new HRLegalUIService(this.$store);
* 计数器服务对象集合
* @protected
* @type {Array<*>}
* @memberof HRLegalTabExpViewBase
protected counterServiceArray: Array<any> = [];
* 视图模型数据
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof HRLegalTabExpViewBase
protected model: any = {
srfCaption: 'entities.hrlegal.views.tabexpview.caption',
srfTitle: 'entities.hrlegal.views.tabexpview.title',
srfSubTitle: 'entities.hrlegal.views.tabexpview.subtitle',
dataInfo: ''
* 容器模型
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof HRLegalTabExpViewBase
protected containerModel: any = {
view_toolbar: { name: 'toolbar', type: 'TOOLBAR' },
view_tabexppanel: { name: 'tabexppanel', type: 'TABEXPPANEL' },
* 工具栏模型
* @type {*}
* @memberof HRLegalTabExpView
public toolBarModels: any = {
tbitem1_ff_003_sep: { name: 'tbitem1_ff_003_sep', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem1_ff_003: { name: 'tbitem1_ff_003', caption: '编辑', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '编辑', iconcls: 'fa fa-edit', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'FF_003', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
tbitem1_remove: { name: 'tbitem1_remove', caption: '删除并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '删除并关闭', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Remove', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
tbitem2: { name: 'tbitem2', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem22: { name: 'tbitem22', caption: '关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-sign-out', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Exit', target: '', class: '' } },
* 视图唯一标识
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewBase
protected viewtag: string = 'f6a6d0da81100b5a69aba1b9b967b6ab';
* 视图引擎
* @public
* @type {Engine}
* @memberof HRLegalTabExpViewBase
public engine: TabExpViewEngine = new TabExpViewEngine();
* 引擎初始化
* @public
* @memberof HRLegalTabExpViewBase
public engineInit(): void {
view: this,
keyPSDEField: 'hrlegal',
majorPSDEField: 'legalname',
isLoadDefault: true,
* toolbar 部件 click 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof HRLegalTabExpViewBase
public toolbar_click($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem1_ff_003')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem1_ff_003_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem1_remove')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem1_remove_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem22')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem22_click(null, '', $event2);
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem1_ff_003_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:HRLegalUIService = new HRLegalUIService();
curUIService.HRLegal_FF_003(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"HRLegal");
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem1_remove_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:HRLegalUIService = new HRLegalUIService();
curUIService.HRLegal_Remove(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"HRLegal");
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem22_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
this.Exit(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"HRLegal");
* 关闭
* @param {any[]} args 当前数据
* @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文
* @param {*} [params] 附加参数
* @param {*} [$event] 事件源
* @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件
* @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文
* @memberof HRLegalTabExpViewBase
public Exit(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) {
window.parent.postMessage([{ ...args }],'*');
\ No newline at end of file
<studio-view-style2 viewName="hrlegaltabexpview" viewTitle="法人分页导航视图" class='detabexpview hrlegal-tab-exp-view'>
<template slot='title'>
<span class='caption-info'>{{$t(model.srfTitle)}}</span>
<template slot="toolbar">
<view-toolbar mode="STYLE2" :model="toolBarModels" @item-click="toolbar_click($event)"/> </template>
\ No newline at end of file
<template src="./hrlegal-tab-exp-view.html"/>
<script lang='tsx'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { HRLegalTabExpViewBase } from './hrlegal-tab-exp-view-base';
import view_tabexppanel from '@widgets/hrlegal/tab-exp-viewtabexppanel-tabexppanel/tab-exp-viewtabexppanel-tabexppanel.vue';
* 法人分页导航视图视图
* @export
* @class HRLegalTabExpView
* @extends {HRLegalTabExpViewBase}
components: {
export default class HRLegalTabExpView extends HRLegalTabExpViewBase { }
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { OptionViewBase } from '@/studio-core';
import HRLegalService from '@/service/hrlegal/hrlegal-service';
import HRLegalAuthService from '@/authservice/hrlegal/hrlegal-auth-service';
import OptionViewEngine from '@engine/view/option-view-engine';
import HRLegalUIService from '@/uiservice/hrlegal/hrlegal-ui-service';
* 法人选项操作视图视图基类
* @export
* @class HRLegalV_001Base
* @extends {OptionViewBase}
export class HRLegalV_001Base extends OptionViewBase {
* 视图对应应用实体名称
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof HRLegalV_001Base
protected appDeName: string = 'hrlegal';
* 应用实体主键
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof HRLegalV_001Base
protected appDeKey: string = 'legalid';
* 应用实体主信息
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof HRLegalV_001Base
protected appDeMajor: string = 'legalname';
* 实体服务对象
* @type {HRLegalService}
* @memberof HRLegalV_001Base
protected appEntityService: HRLegalService = new HRLegalService;
* 实体权限服务对象
* @type HRLegalUIService
* @memberof HRLegalV_001Base
public appUIService: HRLegalUIService = new HRLegalUIService(this.$store);
* 计数器服务对象集合
* @protected
* @type {Array<*>}
* @memberof HRLegalV_001Base
protected counterServiceArray: Array<any> = [];
* 视图模型数据
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof HRLegalV_001Base
protected model: any = {
srfCaption: 'entities.hrlegal.views.v_001.caption',
srfTitle: 'entities.hrlegal.views.v_001.title',
srfSubTitle: 'entities.hrlegal.views.v_001.subtitle',
dataInfo: ''
* 容器模型
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof HRLegalV_001Base
protected containerModel: any = {
view_form: { name: 'form', type: 'FORM' },
view_okbtn: { name: 'okbtn', type: 'button', text: '确定', disabled: true },
view_cancelbtn: { name: 'cancelbtn', type: 'button', text: '取消', disabled: false },
view_leftbtn: { name: 'leftbtn', type: 'button', text: '左移', disabled: true },
view_rightbtn: { name: 'rightbtn', type: 'button', text: '右移', disabled: true },
view_allleftbtn: { name: 'allleftbtn', type: 'button', text: '全部左移', disabled: true },
view_allrightbtn: { name: 'allrightbtn', type: 'button', text: '全部右移', disabled: true },
* 视图唯一标识
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewBase
protected viewtag: string = 'af1a0e288eecf89cd99ed798594e1753';
* 视图引擎
* @public
* @type {Engine}
* @memberof HRLegalV_001Base
public engine: OptionViewEngine = new OptionViewEngine();
* 引擎初始化
* @public
* @memberof HRLegalV_001Base
public engineInit(): void {
view: this,
form: this.$refs.form,
p2k: '0',
keyPSDEField: 'hrlegal',
majorPSDEField: 'legalname',
isLoadDefault: true,
* form 部件 save 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof HRLegalV_001Base
public form_save($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('form', 'save', $event);
* form 部件 remove 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof HRLegalV_001Base
public form_remove($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('form', 'remove', $event);
* form 部件 load 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof HRLegalV_001Base
public form_load($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('form', 'load', $event);
\ No newline at end of file
<studio-view-style2 viewName="hrlegalv_001" viewTitle="法人选项操作视图" class='deoptview hrlegal-v-001'>
<template slot='title'>
<span class='caption-info'>{{$t(model.srfTitle)}}</span>
<template slot="footer">
<div class="option-view-footer-actions">
<i-button type='primary' @click="onClickOk.apply(_self, arguments)">{{ containerModel.view_okbtn.text }}</i-button>
<i-button @click="onClickCancel.apply(_self, arguments)">{{ containerModel.view_cancelbtn.text }}</i-button>
\ No newline at end of file
<template src="./hrlegal-v-001.html"/>
<script lang='tsx'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { HRLegalV_001Base } from './hrlegal-v-001-base';
import view_form from '@widgets/hrlegal/ef-001-form/ef-001-form.vue';
* 法人选项操作视图视图
* @export
* @class HRLegalV_001
* @extends {HRLegalV_001Base}
components: {
export default class HRLegalV_001 extends HRLegalV_001Base { }
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { EditViewBase } from '@/studio-core';
import HRLegalService from '@/service/hrlegal/hrlegal-service';
import HRLegalAuthService from '@/authservice/hrlegal/hrlegal-auth-service';
import EditViewEngine from '@engine/view/edit-view-engine';
import HRLegalUIService from '@/uiservice/hrlegal/hrlegal-ui-service';
* 法人编辑视图视图基类
* @export
* @class HRLegalV_002Base
* @extends {EditViewBase}
export class HRLegalV_002Base extends EditViewBase {
* 视图对应应用实体名称
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof HRLegalV_002Base
protected appDeName: string = 'hrlegal';
* 应用实体主键
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof HRLegalV_002Base
protected appDeKey: string = 'legalid';
* 应用实体主信息
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof HRLegalV_002Base
protected appDeMajor: string = 'legalname';
* 实体服务对象
* @type {HRLegalService}
* @memberof HRLegalV_002Base
protected appEntityService: HRLegalService = new HRLegalService;
* 实体权限服务对象
* @type HRLegalUIService
* @memberof HRLegalV_002Base
public appUIService: HRLegalUIService = new HRLegalUIService(this.$store);
* 计数器服务对象集合
* @protected
* @type {Array<*>}
* @memberof HRLegalV_002Base
protected counterServiceArray: Array<any> = [];
* 视图模型数据
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof HRLegalV_002Base
protected model: any = {
srfCaption: 'entities.hrlegal.views.v_002.caption',
srfTitle: 'entities.hrlegal.views.v_002.title',
srfSubTitle: 'entities.hrlegal.views.v_002.subtitle',
dataInfo: ''
* 容器模型
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof HRLegalV_002Base
protected containerModel: any = {
view_form: { name: 'form', type: 'FORM' },
* 视图唯一标识
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewBase
protected viewtag: string = '9420eeffff765c2a6e4ac27dfae7fb2d';
* 视图引擎
* @public
* @type {Engine}
* @memberof HRLegalV_002Base
public engine: EditViewEngine = new EditViewEngine();
* 引擎初始化
* @public
* @memberof HRLegalV_002Base
public engineInit(): void {
view: this,
form: this.$refs.form,
p2k: '0',
keyPSDEField: 'hrlegal',
majorPSDEField: 'legalname',
isLoadDefault: true,
* form 部件 save 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof HRLegalV_002Base
public form_save($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('form', 'save', $event);
* form 部件 remove 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof HRLegalV_002Base
public form_remove($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('form', 'remove', $event);
* form 部件 load 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof HRLegalV_002Base
public form_load($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('form', 'load', $event);
\ No newline at end of file
<studio-view-style2 viewName="hrlegalv_002" viewTitle="法人编辑视图" class='deeditview hrlegal-v-002'>
<template slot='title'>
<span class='caption-info'>{{$t(model.srfTitle)}}</span>
\ No newline at end of file
<template src="./hrlegal-v-002.html"/>
<script lang='tsx'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { HRLegalV_002Base } from './hrlegal-v-002-base';
import view_form from '@widgets/hrlegal/if-001-form/if-001-form.vue';
* 法人编辑视图视图
* @export
* @class HRLegalV_002
* @extends {HRLegalV_002Base}
components: {
export default class HRLegalV_002 extends HRLegalV_002Base { }
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ export class HROperationUnitEditViewBase extends EditViewBase {
tbitem4: { name: 'tbitem4', caption: '保存并新建', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '保存并新建', iconcls: 'sx-tb-saveandnew', icon: '../sasrfex/images/default/icon_saveandnew.png', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'SaveAndNew', target: '', class: '' } },
tbitem5: { name: 'tbitem5', caption: '保存并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '保存并关闭', iconcls: 'sx-tb-saveandclose', icon: '../sasrfex/images/default/icon_saveandclose.png', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'SaveAndExit', target: '', class: '' } },
tbitem5: { name: 'tbitem5', caption: '保存并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '保存并关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-power-off', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'SaveAndExit', target: '', class: '' } },
tbitem6: { name: 'tbitem6', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem7: { name: 'tbitem7', caption: '删除并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '删除并关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-remove', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'RemoveAndExit', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
<studio-view-style2 viewName="hrorgaddresseditview" viewTitle="组织地址编辑视图" class='deeditview hrorg-address-edit-view'>
<template slot='title'>
<span class='caption-info'>{{$t(model.srfTitle)}}</span>
<template slot="toolbar">
<view-toolbar mode="STYLE2" :model="toolBarModels" @item-click="toolbar_click($event)"/> </template>
\ No newline at end of file
<template src="./hrorg-address-edit-view.html"/>
<script lang='tsx'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { HROrgAddressEditViewBase } from './hrorg-address-edit-view-base';
import view_form from '@widgets/hrorg-address/main-form/main-form.vue';
* 组织地址编辑视图视图
* @export
* @class HROrgAddressEditView
* @extends {HROrgAddressEditViewBase}
components: {
export default class HROrgAddressEditView extends HROrgAddressEditViewBase { }
<studio-view-style2 viewName="hrorgaddressgridview" viewTitle="组织地址表格视图" class='degridview hrorg-address-grid-view'>
<template slot='title'>
<span class='caption-info'>{{$t(model.srfTitle)}}</span>
<i-input slot="quickSearch" v-show="!isExpandSearchForm" v-model="query" placeholder="名称或描述" search @on-search="onSearch($event)"/>
<template slot="toolbar">
<view-toolbar mode="STYLE2" :model="toolBarModels" @item-click="toolbar_click($event)"/> </template>
<template slot="searchForm">
@save="onSave.apply(_self, arguments)"
\ No newline at end of file
<template src="./hrorg-address-grid-view.html"/>
<script lang='tsx'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { HROrgAddressGridViewBase } from './hrorg-address-grid-view-base';
import view_grid from '@widgets/hrorg-address/main-grid/main-grid.vue';
import view_searchform from '@widgets/hrorg-address/default-searchform/default-searchform.vue';
* 组织地址表格视图视图
* @export
* @class HROrgAddressGridView
* @extends {HROrgAddressGridViewBase}
components: {
export default class HROrgAddressGridView extends HROrgAddressGridViewBase { }
<studio-view-style2 viewName="hrorgcontactgridview" viewTitle="组织联系信息表格视图" class='degridview hrorg-contact-grid-view'>
<template slot='title'>
<span class='caption-info'>{{$t(model.srfTitle)}}</span>
<i-input slot="quickSearch" v-show="!isExpandSearchForm" v-model="query" placeholder="联系人" search @on-search="onSearch($event)"/>
<template slot="toolbar">
<view-toolbar mode="STYLE2" :model="toolBarModels" @item-click="toolbar_click($event)"/> </template>
<template slot="searchForm">
@save="onSave.apply(_self, arguments)"
\ No newline at end of file
<template src="./hrorg-contact-grid-view.html"/>
<script lang='tsx'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { HROrgContactGridViewBase } from './hrorg-contact-grid-view-base';
import view_grid from '@widgets/hrorg-contact/main-grid/main-grid.vue';
import view_searchform from '@widgets/hrorg-contact/default-searchform/default-searchform.vue';
* 组织联系信息表格视图视图
* @export
* @class HROrgContactGridView
* @extends {HROrgContactGridViewBase}
components: {
export default class HROrgContactGridView extends HROrgContactGridViewBase { }
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ export class HROrganizationEditViewBase extends EditViewBase {
tbitem4: { name: 'tbitem4', caption: '保存并新建', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '保存并新建', iconcls: 'sx-tb-saveandnew', icon: '../sasrfex/images/default/icon_saveandnew.png', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'SaveAndNew', target: '', class: '' } },
tbitem5: { name: 'tbitem5', caption: '保存并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '保存并关闭', iconcls: 'sx-tb-saveandclose', icon: '../sasrfex/images/default/icon_saveandclose.png', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'SaveAndExit', target: '', class: '' } },
tbitem5: { name: 'tbitem5', caption: '保存并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '保存并关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-power-off', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'SaveAndExit', target: '', class: '' } },
tbitem6: { name: 'tbitem6', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem7: { name: 'tbitem7', caption: '删除并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '删除并关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-remove', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'RemoveAndExit', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ export class HREmployeeEditViewBase extends EditViewBase {
tbitem4: { name: 'tbitem4', caption: '保存并新建', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '保存并新建', iconcls: 'sx-tb-saveandnew', icon: '../sasrfex/images/default/icon_saveandnew.png', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'SaveAndNew', target: '', class: '' } },
tbitem5: { name: 'tbitem5', caption: '保存并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '保存并关闭', iconcls: 'sx-tb-saveandclose', icon: '../sasrfex/images/default/icon_saveandclose.png', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'SaveAndExit', target: '', class: '' } },
tbitem5: { name: 'tbitem5', caption: '保存并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '保存并关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-power-off', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'SaveAndExit', target: '', class: '' } },
tbitem6: { name: 'tbitem6', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem7: { name: 'tbitem7', caption: '删除并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '删除并关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-remove', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'RemoveAndExit', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
export const PageComponents = {
install(Vue: any, opt: any) {
Vue.component('hremployee-edit-view', () => import('@pages/human-resource/hremployee-edit-view/hremployee-edit-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hroperation-unit-grid-view', () => import('@pages/base/hroperation-unit-grid-view/hroperation-unit-grid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hrlegal-edit-view', () => import('@pages/base/hrlegal-edit-view/hrlegal-edit-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hrlegal-edit-view', () => import('@pages/base/hrlegal-edit-view/hrlegal-edit-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hroperation-unit-edit-view', () => import('@pages/base/hroperation-unit-edit-view/hroperation-unit-edit-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hremployee-grid-view', () => import('@pages/human-resource/hremployee-grid-view/hremployee-grid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hrorganization-grid-view', () => import('@pages/base/hrorganization-grid-view/hrorganization-grid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hrorg-contact-edit-view', () => import('@pages/base/hrorg-contact-edit-view/hrorg-contact-edit-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hrlegal-grid-view', () => import('@pages/base/hrlegal-grid-view/hrlegal-grid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hrlegal-v-002', () => import('@pages/base/hrlegal-v-002/hrlegal-v-002.vue'));
Vue.component('hrorg-address-edit-view', () => import('@pages/base/hrorg-address-edit-view/hrorg-address-edit-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hrorg-contact-grid-view', () => import('@pages/base/hrorg-contact-grid-view/hrorg-contact-grid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hrorg-address-grid-view', () => import('@pages/base/hrorg-address-grid-view/hrorg-address-grid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hrorganization-edit-view', () => import('@pages/base/hrorganization-edit-view/hrorganization-edit-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hroperation-unit-grid-view', () => import('@pages/base/hroperation-unit-grid-view/hroperation-unit-grid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hremployee-edit-view', () => import('@pages/human-resource/hremployee-edit-view/hremployee-edit-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hremployee-grid-view', () => import('@pages/human-resource/hremployee-grid-view/hremployee-grid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hrlegal-tab-exp-view', () => import('@pages/base/hrlegal-tab-exp-view/hrlegal-tab-exp-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hrlegal-dashboard-view', () => import('@pages/base/hrlegal-dashboard-view/hrlegal-dashboard-view.vue'));
Vue.component('hrlegal-v-001', () => import('@pages/base/hrlegal-v-001/hrlegal-v-001.vue'));
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -42,10 +42,12 @@ export class EntityServiceRegister {
this.allEntityService.set('hroperationunit', () => import('@/service/hroperation-unit/hroperation-unit-service'));
this.allEntityService.set('hromhierarchypurposeref', () => import('@/service/hromhierarchy-purpose-ref/hromhierarchy-purpose-ref-service'));
this.allEntityService.set('hromhierarchycat', () => import('@/service/hromhierarchy-cat/hromhierarchy-cat-service'));
this.allEntityService.set('hrorgcontact', () => import('@/service/hrorg-contact/hrorg-contact-service'));
this.allEntityService.set('hremployee', () => import('@/service/hremployee/hremployee-service'));
this.allEntityService.set('hrlegal', () => import('@/service/hrlegal/hrlegal-service'));
this.allEntityService.set('hromhierarchypurpose', () => import('@/service/hromhierarchypurpose/hromhierarchypurpose-service'));
this.allEntityService.set('hromhierarchy', () => import('@/service/hromhierarchy/hromhierarchy-service'));
this.allEntityService.set('hrorgaddress', () => import('@/service/hrorg-address/hrorg-address-service'));
this.allEntityService.set('hrorganization', () => import('@/service/hrorganization/hrorganization-service'));
import { Http,Util } from '@/utils';
import HROrgAddressServiceBase from './hrorg-address-service-base';
* 组织地址服务对象
* @export
* @class HROrgAddressService
* @extends {HROrgAddressServiceBase}
export default class HROrgAddressService extends HROrgAddressServiceBase {
* Creates an instance of HROrgAddressService.
* @param {*} [opts={}]
* @memberof HROrgAddressService
constructor(opts: any = {}) {
\ No newline at end of file
import { Http,Util } from '@/utils';
import HROrgContactServiceBase from './hrorg-contact-service-base';
* 组织联系信息服务对象
* @export
* @class HROrgContactService
* @extends {HROrgContactServiceBase}
export default class HROrgContactService extends HROrgContactServiceBase {
* Creates an instance of HROrgContactService.
* @param {*} [opts={}]
* @memberof HROrgContactService
constructor(opts: any = {}) {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -560,7 +560,8 @@ export class ViewBase extends Vue {
this.$emit('viewdataschange', [args]);
this.$emit('close', [args]);
} else if (this.$tabPageExp) {
const item = this.$appService.navHistory.findHistoryByTag(this.viewtag);
} else {
......@@ -751,6 +751,11 @@ div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
.ivu-input-number:hover {
border-color: var(--form-editor-active-color);
.ivu-input-number-disabled {
.ivu-input-number-input {
background-color: var(--form-disable-editor-background-color);
......@@ -1262,4 +1267,15 @@ div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
// 数据选择样式
.app-picker {
.el-select {
.el-select__caret {
color: var(--form-editor-font-color);
.el-icon-arrow-up,.el-icon-arrow-down {
color: var(--form-editor-font-color);
@import './user.less';
\ No newline at end of file
import HROrgAddressUIServiceBase from './hrorg-address-ui-service-base';
* 组织地址UI服务对象
* @export
* @class HROrgAddressUIService
export default class HROrgAddressUIService extends HROrgAddressUIServiceBase {
* Creates an instance of HROrgAddressUIService.
* @param {*} [opts={}]
* @memberof HROrgAddressUIService
constructor(opts: any = {}) {
\ No newline at end of file
import HROrgContactUIServiceBase from './hrorg-contact-ui-service-base';
* 组织联系信息UI服务对象
* @export
* @class HROrgContactUIService
export default class HROrgContactUIService extends HROrgContactUIServiceBase {
* Creates an instance of HROrgContactUIService.
* @param {*} [opts={}]
* @memberof HROrgContactUIService
constructor(opts: any = {}) {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -42,10 +42,12 @@ export class UIServiceRegister {
this.allUIService.set('hroperationunit', () => import('@/uiservice/hroperation-unit/hroperation-unit-ui-service'));
this.allUIService.set('hromhierarchypurposeref', () => import('@/uiservice/hromhierarchy-purpose-ref/hromhierarchy-purpose-ref-ui-service'));
this.allUIService.set('hromhierarchycat', () => import('@/uiservice/hromhierarchy-cat/hromhierarchy-cat-ui-service'));
this.allUIService.set('hrorgcontact', () => import('@/uiservice/hrorg-contact/hrorg-contact-ui-service'));
this.allUIService.set('hremployee', () => import('@/uiservice/hremployee/hremployee-ui-service'));
this.allUIService.set('hrlegal', () => import('@/uiservice/hrlegal/hrlegal-ui-service'));
this.allUIService.set('hromhierarchypurpose', () => import('@/uiservice/hromhierarchypurpose/hromhierarchypurpose-ui-service'));
this.allUIService.set('hromhierarchy', () => import('@/uiservice/hromhierarchy/hromhierarchy-ui-service'));
this.allUIService.set('hrorgaddress', () => import('@/uiservice/hrorg-address/hrorg-address-ui-service'));
this.allUIService.set('hrorganization', () => import('@/uiservice/hrorganization/hrorganization-ui-service'));
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