提交 32481154 编写于 作者: ibizdev's avatar ibizdev

lab_gzf 部署微服务应用

上级 ddf43611
......@@ -1839,6 +1839,16 @@
"viewtag": "8895fef7ce4f5bdd1cd8f950bd1f8bcc",
"memo": ""
"quotepickupgridview": {
"title": "报价单选择表格视图",
"caption": "报价单",
"viewmodule": "Sales",
"viewname": "QuotePickupGridView",
"viewfilename": "quote-pickup-grid-view",
"viewtag": "8913d5f035bf89d563edfd479b4b4a83",
"memo": "系统自动添加"
"taskquickcreate": {
"title": "快速新建:任务",
"caption": "快速新建:任务",
......@@ -3199,6 +3209,16 @@
"viewtag": "f8c09ae9d2e7dc3f917c81c6a48b073b",
"memo": "系统自动添加"
"quotepickupview": {
"title": "报价单数据选择视图",
"caption": "报价单",
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"viewfilename": "quote-pickup-view",
"viewtag": "fa1e1622f10c5f141c9f2ae3e00491aa",
"memo": "系统自动添加"
"accountinfo_majorcontact": {
"title": "客户编辑视图",
"caption": "客户",
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oncurrentContent(newval: any, val: any) {
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{ text: 'HTML/XML', value: 'markup' },
{ text: 'JavaScript', value: 'javascript' },
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\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -75,6 +75,11 @@ export default class Login extends Vue {
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......@@ -153,9 +153,10 @@ export default {
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......@@ -191,11 +199,12 @@ export default {
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caption: "编辑",
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caption: "Save And Close",
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\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -152,9 +152,10 @@ export default {
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......@@ -164,17 +165,24 @@ export default {
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......@@ -190,11 +198,12 @@ export default {
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address1_city: "市/县",
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competitorid: "竞争对手",
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......@@ -259,7 +264,33 @@ export default {
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caption: "",
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caption: "关闭",
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......@@ -307,42 +338,4 @@ export default {
tip: "过滤",
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tbitem3: {
caption: "保存",
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caption: "保存并新建",
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caption: "保存并关闭",
tip: "保存并关闭",
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caption: "-",
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caption: "新建",
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caption: "-",
tip: "",
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caption: "拷贝",
tip: "拷贝",
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -228,9 +228,13 @@ export default {
invoice_openedit_datapanelview: "头信息编辑",
quickcreate_form: {
edit_main_form: {
details: {
group1: "发票基本信息",
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......@@ -244,19 +248,37 @@ export default {
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duedate: "截止日期",
shippingmethodcode: "送货方式",
paymenttermscode: "付款条件",
description: "说明",
totallineitemamount: "明细金额总计",
discountpercentage: "发票折扣(%)",
discountamount: "发票折扣金额",
totalamountlessfreight: "折后金额总计",
freightamount: "运费金额",
totalamount: "总金额",
opportunityname: "商机",
salesordername: "订单",
customerid: "客户",
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billto_city: "市/县",
billto_line1: "街道",
salesorderid: "订单",
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opportunityid: "商机",
pricelevelid: "价目表",
invoiceid: "发票",
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pricelevelid: "价目表",
invoiceid: "发票",
uiactions: {
......@@ -292,7 +315,33 @@ export default {
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caption: "Save And Close",
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caption: "编辑",
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caption: "",
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caption: "删除并关闭",
tip: "删除并关闭",
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caption: "",
tip: "",
tbitem17_finish: {
caption: "确认发票",
tip: "确认发票",
......@@ -406,44 +455,6 @@ export default {
tip: "Filter",
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caption: "Save And Close",
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caption: "Copy",
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caption: "新建",
......@@ -227,9 +227,13 @@ export default {
invoice_openedit_datapanelview: "头信息编辑",
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edit_main_form: {
details: {
group1: "发票基本信息",
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......@@ -243,19 +247,37 @@ export default {
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duedate: "截止日期",
shippingmethodcode: "送货方式",
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description: "说明",
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discountamount: "发票折扣金额",
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......@@ -264,11 +286,12 @@ export default {
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......@@ -291,7 +314,33 @@ export default {
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caption: "",
tip: "",
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caption: "确认发票",
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......@@ -405,44 +454,6 @@ export default {
tip: "过滤",
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caption: "保存",
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caption: "保存并新建",
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caption: "保存并关闭",
tip: "保存并关闭",
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caption: "新建",
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caption: "",
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......@@ -144,9 +144,10 @@ export default {
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......@@ -263,23 +290,19 @@ export default {
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
ordernumber: "订单编码",
salesordername: "销售订单名称",
transactioncurrencyname: "货币",
pricelevelname: "价目表",
totalamount: "总金额",
statecode: "状态",
ownername: "负责人",
salesorderid: "订单",
transactioncurrencyid: "货币",
pricelevelid: "价目表",
uiactions: {
salesorder_edit_datapanel: "编辑头部信息",
main_form: {
quickcreate_form: {
details: {
group1: "salesorder基本信息",
group1: "订单基本信息",
formpage1: "基本信息",
group2: "操作信息",
formpage2: "其它",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "订单",
......@@ -288,12 +311,13 @@ export default {
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
ordernumber: "订单编码",
salesordername: "销售订单名称",
createman: "建立人",
createdate: "建立时间",
updateman: "更新人",
updatedate: "更新时间",
transactioncurrencyname: "货币",
pricelevelname: "价目表",
salesorderid: "订单",
transactioncurrencyid: "货币",
pricelevelid: "价目表",
uiactions: {
......@@ -315,7 +339,33 @@ export default {
uiactions: {
editviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem1: {
caption: "Save And Close",
tip: "Save And Close Window",
tbitem2: {
caption: "关闭",
tip: "关闭",
infotoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem1_openmaineditview: {
caption: "编辑",
tip: "编辑",
tbitem1_remove_sep: {
caption: "",
tip: "",
tbitem1_remove: {
caption: "删除并关闭",
tip: "删除并关闭",
seperator4: {
caption: "",
tip: "",
tbitem17_finish: {
caption: "完成订单",
tip: "完成订单",
......@@ -555,42 +605,4 @@ export default {
tip: "Filter",
editviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "Save",
tip: "Save",
tbitem4: {
caption: "Save And New",
tip: "Save And New",
tbitem5: {
caption: "Save And Close",
tip: "Save And Close Window",
tbitem6: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem7: {
caption: "Remove And Close",
tip: "Remove And Close Window",
tbitem8: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem12: {
caption: "New",
tip: "New",
tbitem13: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem14: {
caption: "Copy",
tip: "Copy {0}",
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -207,9 +207,13 @@ export default {
uiactions: {
edit_datapanel_form: {
edit_main_form: {
details: {
group1: "订单基本信息",
group1: "基本信息",
grouppanel1: "详细信息",
grouppanel4: "订单金额",
grouppanel3: "销售信息",
grouppanel2: "帐单地址",
formpage1: "基本信息",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
srforikey: "",
......@@ -219,18 +223,40 @@ export default {
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
ordernumber: "订单编码",
salesordername: "销售订单名称",
transactioncurrencyname: "货币",
pricelevelname: "价目表",
requestdeliveryby: "要求交付日期",
shippingmethodcode: "送货方式",
paymenttermscode: "付款条件",
freighttermscode: "货运条款",
description: "说明",
totallineitemamount: "明细金额总计",
discountpercentage: "订单折扣(%)",
discountamount: "订单折扣金额",
totalamountlessfreight: "折后金额总计",
freightamount: "运费金额",
totalamount: "总金额",
statecode: "状态",
ownername: "负责人",
opportunityname: "商机",
quotename: "报价单",
customerid: "客户",
billto_country: "国家/地区",
billto_stateorprovince: "省/市/自治区",
billto_city: "市/县",
billto_line1: "街道",
billto_postalcode: "邮政编码",
salesorderid: "订单",
transactioncurrencyid: "货币",
opportunityid: "商机",
pricelevelid: "价目表",
quoteid: "报价单",
uiactions: {
datapanel_form: {
edit_datapanel_form: {
details: {
button1: "编辑头部信息",
grouppanel1: "分组面板",
group1: "订单基本信息",
formpage1: "基本信息",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
......@@ -247,11 +273,12 @@ export default {
salesorderid: "订单",
uiactions: {
salesorder_edit_datapanel: "编辑头部信息",
quickcreate_form: {
datapanel_form: {
details: {
button1: "编辑头部信息",
grouppanel1: "分组面板",
group1: "订单基本信息",
formpage1: "基本信息",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
......@@ -262,23 +289,19 @@ export default {
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
ordernumber: "订单编码",
salesordername: "销售订单名称",
transactioncurrencyname: "货币",
pricelevelname: "价目表",
totalamount: "总金额",
statecode: "状态",
ownername: "负责人",
salesorderid: "订单",
transactioncurrencyid: "货币",
pricelevelid: "价目表",
uiactions: {
salesorder_edit_datapanel: "编辑头部信息",
main_form: {
quickcreate_form: {
details: {
group1: "salesorder基本信息",
group1: "订单基本信息",
formpage1: "基本信息",
group2: "操作信息",
formpage2: "其它",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "订单",
......@@ -287,12 +310,13 @@ export default {
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
ordernumber: "订单编码",
salesordername: "销售订单名称",
createman: "建立人",
createdate: "建立时间",
updateman: "更新人",
updatedate: "更新时间",
transactioncurrencyname: "货币",
pricelevelname: "价目表",
salesorderid: "订单",
transactioncurrencyid: "货币",
pricelevelid: "价目表",
uiactions: {
......@@ -314,7 +338,33 @@ export default {
uiactions: {
editviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem1: {
caption: "保存并关闭",
tip: "保存并关闭",
tbitem2: {
caption: "关闭",
tip: "关闭",
infotoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem1_openmaineditview: {
caption: "编辑",
tip: "编辑",
tbitem1_remove_sep: {
caption: "",
tip: "",
tbitem1_remove: {
caption: "删除并关闭",
tip: "删除并关闭",
seperator4: {
caption: "",
tip: "",
tbitem17_finish: {
caption: "完成订单",
tip: "完成订单",
......@@ -554,42 +604,4 @@ export default {
tip: "过滤",
editviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem3: {
caption: "保存",
tip: "保存",
tbitem4: {
caption: "保存并新建",
tip: "保存并新建",
tbitem5: {
caption: "保存并关闭",
tip: "保存并关闭",
tbitem6: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem7: {
caption: "删除并关闭",
tip: "删除并关闭",
tbitem8: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem12: {
caption: "新建",
tip: "新建",
tbitem13: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem14: {
caption: "拷贝",
tip: "拷贝",
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ mock.onGet('v7/centralappmenu').reply((config: any) => {
iconcls: '',
icon: '',
textcls: '',
appfunctag: '_2',
appfunctag: 'Auto19',
resourcetag: '',
......@@ -1479,6 +1479,14 @@ mock.onGet('./assets/json/view-config.json').reply((config: any) => {
"viewname": "KnowledgeArticleGridView",
"viewtag": "8895fef7ce4f5bdd1cd8f950bd1f8bcc"
"quotepickupgridview": {
"title": "报价单选择表格视图",
"caption": "报价单",
"viewmodule": "Sales",
"viewname": "QuotePickupGridView",
"viewtag": "8913d5f035bf89d563edfd479b4b4a83"
"taskquickcreate": {
"title": "快速新建:任务",
"caption": "快速新建:任务",
......@@ -2567,6 +2575,14 @@ mock.onGet('./assets/json/view-config.json').reply((config: any) => {
"viewname": "IBizListEffectiveGridView",
"viewtag": "f8c09ae9d2e7dc3f917c81c6a48b073b"
"quotepickupview": {
"title": "报价单数据选择视图",
"caption": "报价单",
"viewtype": "DEPICKUPVIEW",
"viewmodule": "Sales",
"viewname": "QuotePickupView",
"viewtag": "fa1e1622f10c5f141c9f2ae3e00491aa"
"accountinfo_majorcontact": {
"title": "客户编辑视图",
"caption": "客户",
......@@ -217,27 +217,11 @@ export class CentralBase extends Vue {
* @memberof CentralBase
private parseViewParam(): void {
const path = this.$route.matched[this.$route.matched.length - 1].path;
const keys: Array<any> = [];
const curReg = this.$pathToRegExp.pathToRegexp(path, keys);
const matchArray = curReg.exec(this.$route.path);
let tempValue: Object = {};
keys.forEach((item: any, index: number) => {
Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item.name, {
enumerable: true,
value: matchArray[index + 1]
if (
this.$store.getters.getAppData() &&
) {
const params = this.$route.params;
if (params?.central) {
this.context.central = params.central;
if (this.$store.getters.getAppData() && this.$store.getters.getAppData().context) {
Object.assign(this.context, this.$store.getters.getAppData().context);
this.$store.getters.getAppData().context = this.context;
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { PickupGridViewBase } from '@/studio-core';
import UomScheduleService from '@/service/uom-schedule/uom-schedule-service';
import UomScheduleAuthService from '@/authservice/uom-schedule/uom-schedule-auth-service';
import PickupGridViewEngine from '@engine/view/pickup-grid-view-engine';
import UomScheduleUIService from '@/uiservice/uom-schedule/uom-schedule-ui-service';
* 计价单位组选择表格视图视图基类
* @export
* @class UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
* @extends {PickupGridViewBase}
export class UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase extends PickupGridViewBase {
* 视图对应应用实体名称
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
protected appDeName: string = 'uomschedule';
* 应用实体主键
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
protected appDeKey: string = 'uomscheduleid';
* 应用实体主信息
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
protected appDeMajor: string = 'uomschedulename';
* 实体服务对象
* @type {UomScheduleService}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
protected appEntityService: UomScheduleService = new UomScheduleService;
* 实体权限服务对象
* @type UomScheduleUIService
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
public appUIService: UomScheduleUIService = new UomScheduleUIService(this.$store);
* 计数器服务对象集合
* @protected
* @type {Array<*>}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
protected counterServiceArray: Array<any> = [];
* 视图模型数据
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
protected model: any = {
srfCaption: 'entities.uomschedule.views.pickupgridview.caption',
srfTitle: 'entities.uomschedule.views.pickupgridview.title',
srfSubTitle: 'entities.uomschedule.views.pickupgridview.subtitle',
dataInfo: ''
* 容器模型
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
protected containerModel: any = {
view_grid: { name: 'grid', type: 'GRID' },
view_searchform: { name: 'searchform', type: 'SEARCHFORM' },
* 视图唯一标识
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewBase
protected viewtag: string = '7decb196037249b909762c9142adfe91';
* 视图引擎
* @public
* @type {Engine}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
public engine: PickupGridViewEngine = new PickupGridViewEngine();
* 引擎初始化
* @public
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
public engineInit(): void {
view: this,
grid: this.$refs.grid,
searchform: this.$refs.searchform,
keyPSDEField: 'uomschedule',
majorPSDEField: 'uomschedulename',
isLoadDefault: true,
* grid 部件 selectionchange 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
public grid_selectionchange($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('grid', 'selectionchange', $event);
* grid 部件 beforeload 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
public grid_beforeload($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('grid', 'beforeload', $event);
* grid 部件 rowdblclick 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
public grid_rowdblclick($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('grid', 'rowdblclick', $event);
* grid 部件 load 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
public grid_load($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('grid', 'load', $event);
* searchform 部件 save 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
public searchform_save($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('searchform', 'save', $event);
* searchform 部件 search 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
public searchform_search($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('searchform', 'search', $event);
* searchform 部件 load 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
public searchform_load($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('searchform', 'load', $event);
* 是否展开搜索表单
* @protected
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase
protected isExpandSearchForm: boolean = true;
\ No newline at end of file
<studio-view-style2 viewName="uomschedulepickupgridview" viewTitle="计价单位组选择表格视图" class='depickupgridview uom-schedule-pickup-grid-view'>
<template slot="searchForm">
\ No newline at end of file
<template src="./uom-schedule-pickup-grid-view.html"/>
<script lang='tsx'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase } from './uom-schedule-pickup-grid-view-base';
import view_grid from '@widgets/uom-schedule/main-grid/main-grid.vue';
import view_searchform from '@widgets/uom-schedule/default-searchform/default-searchform.vue';
* 计价单位组选择表格视图视图
* @export
* @class UomSchedulePickupGridView
* @extends {UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase}
components: {
export default class UomSchedulePickupGridView extends UomSchedulePickupGridViewBase { }
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { PickupViewBase } from '@/studio-core';
import UomScheduleService from '@/service/uom-schedule/uom-schedule-service';
import UomScheduleAuthService from '@/authservice/uom-schedule/uom-schedule-auth-service';
import PickupViewEngine from '@engine/view/pickup-view-engine';
import UomScheduleUIService from '@/uiservice/uom-schedule/uom-schedule-ui-service';
* 计价单位组数据选择视图视图基类
* @export
* @class UomSchedulePickupViewBase
* @extends {PickupViewBase}
export class UomSchedulePickupViewBase extends PickupViewBase {
* 视图对应应用实体名称
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupViewBase
protected appDeName: string = 'uomschedule';
* 应用实体主键
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupViewBase
protected appDeKey: string = 'uomscheduleid';
* 应用实体主信息
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupViewBase
protected appDeMajor: string = 'uomschedulename';
* 实体服务对象
* @type {UomScheduleService}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupViewBase
protected appEntityService: UomScheduleService = new UomScheduleService;
* 实体权限服务对象
* @type UomScheduleUIService
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupViewBase
public appUIService: UomScheduleUIService = new UomScheduleUIService(this.$store);
* 计数器服务对象集合
* @protected
* @type {Array<*>}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupViewBase
protected counterServiceArray: Array<any> = [];
* 视图模型数据
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupViewBase
protected model: any = {
srfCaption: 'entities.uomschedule.views.pickupview.caption',
srfTitle: 'entities.uomschedule.views.pickupview.title',
srfSubTitle: 'entities.uomschedule.views.pickupview.subtitle',
dataInfo: ''
* 容器模型
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupViewBase
protected containerModel: any = {
view_pickupviewpanel: { name: 'pickupviewpanel', type: 'PICKUPVIEWPANEL' },
view_okbtn: { name: 'okbtn', type: 'button', text: '确定', disabled: true },
view_cancelbtn: { name: 'cancelbtn', type: 'button', text: '取消', disabled: false },
view_leftbtn: { name: 'leftbtn', type: 'button', text: '左移', disabled: true },
view_rightbtn: { name: 'rightbtn', type: 'button', text: '右移', disabled: true },
view_allleftbtn: { name: 'allleftbtn', type: 'button', text: '全部左移', disabled: true },
view_allrightbtn: { name: 'allrightbtn', type: 'button', text: '全部右移', disabled: true },
* 视图唯一标识
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewBase
protected viewtag: string = '241c1fe99d6b6b99ad2888762140837a';
* 视图引擎
* @public
* @type {Engine}
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupViewBase
public engine: PickupViewEngine = new PickupViewEngine();
* 引擎初始化
* @public
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupViewBase
public engineInit(): void {
view: this,
pickupviewpanel: this.$refs.pickupviewpanel,
keyPSDEField: 'uomschedule',
majorPSDEField: 'uomschedulename',
isLoadDefault: true,
* pickupviewpanel 部件 selectionchange 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupViewBase
public pickupviewpanel_selectionchange($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('pickupviewpanel', 'selectionchange', $event);
* pickupviewpanel 部件 activated 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupViewBase
public pickupviewpanel_activated($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('pickupviewpanel', 'activated', $event);
* pickupviewpanel 部件 load 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof UomSchedulePickupViewBase
public pickupviewpanel_load($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('pickupviewpanel', 'load', $event);
\ No newline at end of file
<studio-view-style2 viewName="uomschedulepickupview" viewTitle="计价单位组数据选择视图" class='depickupview uom-schedule-pickup-view'>
<div class="content-container pickup-view">
<template slot="footer">
<div v-if="isShowButton" :style="{ textAlign: 'right' }">
<i-button type="primary" :disabled="this.viewSelections.length > 0 ? false : true" @click="onClickOk.apply(_self, arguments)">{{this.containerModel.view_okbtn.text}}</i-button>
<i-button @click="onClickCancel.apply(_self, arguments)">{{this.containerModel.view_cancelbtn.text}}</i-button>
\ No newline at end of file
<template src="./uom-schedule-pickup-view.html"/>
<script lang='tsx'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { UomSchedulePickupViewBase } from './uom-schedule-pickup-view-base';
import view_pickupviewpanel from '@widgets/uom-schedule/pickup-viewpickupviewpanel-pickupviewpanel/pickup-viewpickupviewpanel-pickupviewpanel.vue';
* 计价单位组数据选择视图视图
* @export
* @class UomSchedulePickupView
* @extends {UomSchedulePickupViewBase}
components: {
export default class UomSchedulePickupView extends UomSchedulePickupViewBase { }
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { EditViewBase } from '@/studio-core';
import InvoiceService from '@/service/invoice/invoice-service';
import InvoiceAuthService from '@/authservice/invoice/invoice-auth-service';
import EditViewEngine from '@engine/view/edit-view-engine';
import InvoiceUIService from '@/uiservice/invoice/invoice-ui-service';
* 发票编辑视图视图基类
* @export
* @class InvoiceEditViewBase
* @extends {EditViewBase}
export class InvoiceEditViewBase extends EditViewBase {
* 视图对应应用实体名称
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof InvoiceEditViewBase
protected appDeName: string = 'invoice';
* 应用实体主键
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof InvoiceEditViewBase
protected appDeKey: string = 'invoiceid';
* 应用实体主信息
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof InvoiceEditViewBase
protected appDeMajor: string = 'invoicename';
* 实体服务对象
* @type {InvoiceService}
* @memberof InvoiceEditViewBase
protected appEntityService: InvoiceService = new InvoiceService;
* 实体权限服务对象
* @type InvoiceUIService
* @memberof InvoiceEditViewBase
public appUIService: InvoiceUIService = new InvoiceUIService(this.$store);
* 计数器服务对象集合
* @protected
* @type {Array<*>}
* @memberof InvoiceEditViewBase
protected counterServiceArray: Array<any> = [];
* 视图模型数据
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof InvoiceEditViewBase
protected model: any = {
srfCaption: 'entities.invoice.views.editview.caption',
srfTitle: 'entities.invoice.views.editview.title',
srfSubTitle: 'entities.invoice.views.editview.subtitle',
dataInfo: ''
* 容器模型
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof InvoiceEditViewBase
protected containerModel: any = {
view_toolbar: { name: 'toolbar', type: 'TOOLBAR' },
view_form: { name: 'form', type: 'FORM' },
* 工具栏模型
* @type {*}
* @memberof InvoiceEditView
public toolBarModels: any = {
tbitem1: { name: 'tbitem1', caption: '保存并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '保存并关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-power-off', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'SaveAndExit', target: '', class: '' } },
tbitem2: { name: 'tbitem2', caption: '关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-sign-out', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Exit', target: '', class: '' } },
* 视图唯一标识
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewBase
protected viewtag: string = '01c28e25ad9d42977cb91ee890731b64';
* 视图引擎
* @public
* @type {Engine}
* @memberof InvoiceEditViewBase
public engine: EditViewEngine = new EditViewEngine();
* 引擎初始化
* @public
* @memberof InvoiceEditViewBase
public engineInit(): void {
view: this,
form: this.$refs.form,
p2k: '0',
keyPSDEField: 'invoice',
majorPSDEField: 'invoicename',
isLoadDefault: true,
* toolbar 部件 click 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof InvoiceEditViewBase
public toolbar_click($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem1')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem1_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem2')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem2_click(null, '', $event2);
* form 部件 save 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof InvoiceEditViewBase
public form_save($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('form', 'save', $event);
* form 部件 remove 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof InvoiceEditViewBase
public form_remove($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('form', 'remove', $event);
* form 部件 load 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof InvoiceEditViewBase
public form_load($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('form', 'load', $event);
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem1_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
xData = this.$refs.form;
if (xData.getDatas && xData.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [...xData.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
this.SaveAndExit(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Invoice");
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem2_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
xData = this.$refs.form;
if (xData.getDatas && xData.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [...xData.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
this.Exit(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Invoice");
* 保存并关闭
* @param {any[]} args 当前数据
* @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文
* @param {*} [params] 附加参数
* @param {*} [$event] 事件源
* @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件
* @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文
* @memberof InvoiceEditViewBase
public SaveAndExit(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) {
const _this: any = this;
if (xData && xData.saveAndExit instanceof Function) {
xData.saveAndExit().then((response: any) => {
if (!response || response.status !== 200) {
window.parent.postMessage([{ ...response.data }],'*');
} else if (_this.saveAndExit && _this.saveAndExit instanceof Function) {
_this.saveAndExit().then((response: any) => {
if (!response || response.status !== 200) {
window.parent.postMessage([{ ...response.data }],'*');
* 关闭
* @param {any[]} args 当前数据
* @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文
* @param {*} [params] 附加参数
* @param {*} [$event] 事件源
* @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件
* @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文
* @memberof InvoiceEditViewBase
public Exit(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) {
window.parent.postMessage([{ ...args }],'*');
\ No newline at end of file
<studio-view-style2 viewName="invoiceeditview" viewTitle="发票编辑视图" class='deeditview invoice-edit-view'>
<template slot='title'>
<span class='caption-info'>{{$t(model.srfTitle)}}</span>
<template slot="toolbar">
<view-toolbar mode="STYLE2" :model="toolBarModels" @item-click="toolbar_click($event)"/> </template>
\ No newline at end of file
<template src="./invoice-edit-view.html"/>
<script lang='tsx'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { InvoiceEditViewBase } from './invoice-edit-view-base';
import view_form from '@widgets/invoice/edit-main-form/edit-main-form.vue';
* 发票编辑视图视图
* @export
* @class InvoiceEditView
* @extends {InvoiceEditViewBase}
components: {
export default class InvoiceEditView extends InvoiceEditViewBase { }
......@@ -101,6 +101,12 @@ export class InvoiceInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
* @memberof InvoiceInfo
public toolBarModels: any = {
tbitem1_openmaineditview: { name: 'tbitem1_openmaineditview', caption: '编辑', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '编辑', iconcls: 'fa fa-edit', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'OpenMainEditView', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
tbitem1_remove_sep: { name: 'tbitem1_remove_sep', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem1_remove: { name: 'tbitem1_remove', caption: '删除并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '删除并关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-remove', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Remove', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
seperator4: { name: 'seperator4', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem17_finish: { name: 'tbitem17_finish', caption: '确认发票', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '确认发票', iconcls: 'fa fa-check', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Finish', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
tbitem17_cancel_sep: { name: 'tbitem17_cancel_sep', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
......@@ -174,6 +180,12 @@ export class InvoiceInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
* @memberof InvoiceInfoBase
public toolbar_click($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem1_openmaineditview')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem1_openmaineditview_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem1_remove')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem1_remove_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem17_finish')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem17_finish_click(null, '', $event2);
......@@ -188,6 +200,62 @@ export class InvoiceInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem1_openmaineditview_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:InvoiceUIService = new InvoiceUIService();
curUIService.Invoice_OpenMainEditView(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Invoice");
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem1_remove_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:InvoiceUIService = new InvoiceUIService();
curUIService.Invoice_Remove(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Invoice");
* 逻辑事件
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { EditViewBase } from '@/studio-core';
import ProductService from '@/service/product/product-service';
import ProductAuthService from '@/authservice/product/product-auth-service';
import EditViewEngine from '@engine/view/edit-view-engine';
import ProductUIService from '@/uiservice/product/product-ui-service';
* 产品主信息编辑视图基类
* @export
* @class ProductEditViewBase
* @extends {EditViewBase}
export class ProductEditViewBase extends EditViewBase {
* 视图对应应用实体名称
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof ProductEditViewBase
protected appDeName: string = 'product';
* 应用实体主键
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof ProductEditViewBase
protected appDeKey: string = 'productid';
* 应用实体主信息
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof ProductEditViewBase
protected appDeMajor: string = 'productname';
* 实体服务对象
* @type {ProductService}
* @memberof ProductEditViewBase
protected appEntityService: ProductService = new ProductService;
* 实体权限服务对象
* @type ProductUIService
* @memberof ProductEditViewBase
public appUIService: ProductUIService = new ProductUIService(this.$store);
* 计数器服务对象集合
* @protected
* @type {Array<*>}
* @memberof ProductEditViewBase
protected counterServiceArray: Array<any> = [];
* 视图模型数据
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof ProductEditViewBase
protected model: any = {
srfCaption: 'entities.product.views.editview.caption',
srfTitle: 'entities.product.views.editview.title',
srfSubTitle: 'entities.product.views.editview.subtitle',
dataInfo: ''
* 容器模型
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof ProductEditViewBase
protected containerModel: any = {
view_toolbar: { name: 'toolbar', type: 'TOOLBAR' },
view_form: { name: 'form', type: 'FORM' },
* 工具栏模型
* @type {*}
* @memberof ProductEditView
public toolBarModels: any = {
tbitem1: { name: 'tbitem1', caption: '保存并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '保存并关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-power-off', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'SaveAndExit', target: '', class: '' } },
tbitem2: { name: 'tbitem2', caption: '关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-sign-out', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Exit', target: '', class: '' } },
* 视图唯一标识
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewBase
protected viewtag: string = '573c48d02ab5eef37c4cf701be87fcb5';
* 视图引擎
* @public
* @type {Engine}
* @memberof ProductEditViewBase
public engine: EditViewEngine = new EditViewEngine();
* 引擎初始化
* @public
* @memberof ProductEditViewBase
public engineInit(): void {
view: this,
form: this.$refs.form,
p2k: '0',
keyPSDEField: 'product',
majorPSDEField: 'productname',
isLoadDefault: true,
* toolbar 部件 click 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof ProductEditViewBase
public toolbar_click($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem1')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem1_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem2')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem2_click(null, '', $event2);
* form 部件 save 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof ProductEditViewBase
public form_save($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('form', 'save', $event);
* form 部件 remove 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof ProductEditViewBase
public form_remove($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('form', 'remove', $event);
* form 部件 load 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof ProductEditViewBase
public form_load($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('form', 'load', $event);
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem1_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
xData = this.$refs.form;
if (xData.getDatas && xData.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [...xData.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
this.SaveAndExit(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Product");
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem2_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
xData = this.$refs.form;
if (xData.getDatas && xData.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [...xData.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
this.Exit(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Product");
* 保存并关闭
* @param {any[]} args 当前数据
* @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文
* @param {*} [params] 附加参数
* @param {*} [$event] 事件源
* @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件
* @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文
* @memberof ProductEditViewBase
public SaveAndExit(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) {
const _this: any = this;
if (xData && xData.saveAndExit instanceof Function) {
xData.saveAndExit().then((response: any) => {
if (!response || response.status !== 200) {
window.parent.postMessage([{ ...response.data }],'*');
} else if (_this.saveAndExit && _this.saveAndExit instanceof Function) {
_this.saveAndExit().then((response: any) => {
if (!response || response.status !== 200) {
window.parent.postMessage([{ ...response.data }],'*');
* 关闭
* @param {any[]} args 当前数据
* @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文
* @param {*} [params] 附加参数
* @param {*} [$event] 事件源
* @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件
* @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文
* @memberof ProductEditViewBase
public Exit(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) {
window.parent.postMessage([{ ...args }],'*');
\ No newline at end of file
<studio-view-style2 viewName="producteditview" viewTitle="产品主信息编辑" class='deeditview product-edit-view'>
<template slot='title'>
<span class='caption-info'>{{$t(model.srfTitle)}}</span>
<template slot="toolbar">
<view-toolbar mode="STYLE2" :model="toolBarModels" @item-click="toolbar_click($event)"/> </template>
\ No newline at end of file
<template src="./product-edit-view.html"/>
<script lang='tsx'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { ProductEditViewBase } from './product-edit-view-base';
import view_form from '@widgets/product/edit-main-form/edit-main-form.vue';
* 产品主信息编辑视图
* @export
* @class ProductEditView
* @extends {ProductEditViewBase}
components: {
export default class ProductEditView extends ProductEditViewBase { }
......@@ -101,6 +101,19 @@ export class ProductInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
* @memberof ProductInfo
public toolBarModels: any = {
tbitem1_editmain: { name: 'tbitem1_editmain', caption: '编辑', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '编辑', iconcls: 'fa fa-edit', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'EditMain', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
tbitem1_remove_sep: { name: 'tbitem1_remove_sep', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem1_remove: { name: 'tbitem1_remove', caption: '删除并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '删除并关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-remove', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Remove', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
seperator4: { name: 'seperator4', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem17_publish: { name: 'tbitem17_publish', caption: '发布', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '发布', iconcls: 'fa fa-play-circle-o', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Publish', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
tbitem17_revise: { name: 'tbitem17_revise', caption: '修订', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '修订', iconcls: 'fa fa-pencil-square-o', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Revise', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
tbitem17_stop: { name: 'tbitem17_stop', caption: '停用', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '停用', iconcls: 'fa fa-close', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Stop', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
tbitem2: { name: 'tbitem2', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem12: { name: 'tbitem12', caption: '关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-sign-out', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Exit', target: '', class: '' } },
......@@ -165,11 +178,166 @@ export class ProductInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
* @memberof ProductInfoBase
public toolbar_click($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem1_editmain')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem1_editmain_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem1_remove')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem1_remove_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem17_publish')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem17_publish_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem17_revise')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem17_revise_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem17_stop')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem17_stop_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem12')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem12_click(null, '', $event2);
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem1_editmain_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:ProductUIService = new ProductUIService();
curUIService.Product_EditMain(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Product");
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem1_remove_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:ProductUIService = new ProductUIService();
curUIService.Product_Remove(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Product");
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem17_publish_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:ProductUIService = new ProductUIService();
curUIService.Product_Publish(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Product");
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem17_revise_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:ProductUIService = new ProductUIService();
curUIService.Product_Revise(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Product");
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem17_stop_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:ProductUIService = new ProductUIService();
curUIService.Product_Stop(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Product");
* 逻辑事件
<studio-view-style2 viewName="competitoreditview" viewTitle="竞争对手编辑视图" class='deeditview competitor-edit-view'>
<template slot='title'>
<span class='caption-info'>{{$t(model.srfTitle)}}</span>
<template slot="toolbar">
<view-toolbar mode="STYLE2" :model="toolBarModels" @item-click="toolbar_click($event)"/> </template>
\ No newline at end of file
<template src="./competitor-edit-view.html"/>
<script lang='tsx'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { CompetitorEditViewBase } from './competitor-edit-view-base';
import view_form from '@widgets/competitor/edit-main-form/edit-main-form.vue';
* 竞争对手编辑视图视图
* @export
* @class CompetitorEditView
* @extends {CompetitorEditViewBase}
components: {
export default class CompetitorEditView extends CompetitorEditViewBase { }
......@@ -101,6 +101,12 @@ export class CompetitorInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
* @memberof CompetitorInfo
public toolBarModels: any = {
tbitem1_openmaineditview: { name: 'tbitem1_openmaineditview', caption: '编辑', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '编辑', iconcls: 'fa fa-edit', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'OpenMainEditView', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
tbitem1_remove_sep: { name: 'tbitem1_remove_sep', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem1_remove: { name: 'tbitem1_remove', caption: '删除并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '删除并关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-remove', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Remove', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
seperator4: { name: 'seperator4', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem12: { name: 'tbitem12', caption: '关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-sign-out', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Exit', target: '', class: '' } },
......@@ -165,11 +171,73 @@ export class CompetitorInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
* @memberof CompetitorInfoBase
public toolbar_click($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem1_openmaineditview')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem1_openmaineditview_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem1_remove')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem1_remove_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem12')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem12_click(null, '', $event2);
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem1_openmaineditview_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:CompetitorUIService = new CompetitorUIService();
curUIService.Competitor_OpenMainEditView(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Competitor");
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem1_remove_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:CompetitorUIService = new CompetitorUIService();
curUIService.Competitor_Remove(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Competitor");
* 逻辑事件
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ export class LeadInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
tbitem1_editmain: { name: 'tbitem1_editmain', caption: '编辑', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '编辑', iconcls: 'fa fa-edit', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'EditMain', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
tbitem1_remove_sep: { name: 'tbitem1_remove_sep', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem1_remove: { name: 'tbitem1_remove', caption: '删除并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '删除并关闭', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Remove', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
tbitem1_remove: { name: 'tbitem1_remove', caption: '删除并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '删除并关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-remove', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Remove', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
seperator4: { name: 'seperator4', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem17_qualification: { name: 'tbitem17_qualification', caption: '授予资格', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '授予资格', iconcls: 'fa fa-check', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Qualification', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
......@@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ export class OpportunityInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
public toolBarModels: any = {
tbitem1_editmain: { name: 'tbitem1_editmain', caption: '编辑', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '编辑', iconcls: 'fa fa-edit', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'EditMain', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
tbitem1_remove_sep: { name: 'tbitem1_remove_sep', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem1_remove: { name: 'tbitem1_remove', caption: '删除并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '删除并关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-remove', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Remove', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
seperator4: { name: 'seperator4', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem17_win: { name: 'tbitem17_win', caption: '作为赢单结束', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '作为赢单结束', iconcls: 'fa fa-coffee', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Win', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
......@@ -180,6 +183,9 @@ export class OpportunityInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem1_editmain')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem1_editmain_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem1_remove')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem1_remove_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem17_win')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem17_win_click(null, '', $event2);
......@@ -222,6 +228,34 @@ export class OpportunityInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
curUIService.Opportunity_EditMain(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Opportunity");
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem1_remove_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:OpportunityUIService = new OpportunityUIService();
curUIService.Opportunity_Remove(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Opportunity");
* 逻辑事件
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { QuoteEditViewBase } from './quote-edit-view-base';
import view_form from '@widgets/quote/main-form/main-form.vue';
import view_form from '@widgets/quote/edit-main-form/edit-main-form.vue';
* 报价单编辑视图视图
......@@ -101,6 +101,12 @@ export class QuoteInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
* @memberof QuoteInfo
public toolBarModels: any = {
tbitem1_openmaineditview: { name: 'tbitem1_openmaineditview', caption: '编辑', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '编辑', iconcls: 'fa fa-edit', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'OpenMainEditView', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
tbitem1_remove_sep: { name: 'tbitem1_remove_sep', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem1_remove: { name: 'tbitem1_remove', caption: '删除并关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '删除并关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-remove', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Remove', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
seperator4: { name: 'seperator4', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem17_active: { name: 'tbitem17_active', caption: '激活报价单', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '激活报价单', iconcls: 'fa fa-play-circle-o', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Active', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
tbitem17_win: { name: 'tbitem17_win', caption: '赢单', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '赢单', iconcls: 'fa fa-coffee', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Win', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
......@@ -176,6 +182,12 @@ export class QuoteInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
* @memberof QuoteInfoBase
public toolbar_click($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem1_openmaineditview')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem1_openmaineditview_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem1_remove')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem1_remove_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem17_active')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem17_active_click(null, '', $event2);
......@@ -193,6 +205,62 @@ export class QuoteInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem1_openmaineditview_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:QuoteUIService = new QuoteUIService();
curUIService.Quote_OpenMainEditView(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Quote");
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem1_remove_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:QuoteUIService = new QuoteUIService();
curUIService.Quote_Remove(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"Quote");
* 逻辑事件
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