提交 2082a1ad 编写于 作者: ibizdev's avatar ibizdev

lab_gzf 发布系统代码

上级 ab507142
......@@ -194,6 +194,29 @@ export default {
uiactions: {
datapanel_form: {
details: {
button1: "头信息编辑",
grouppanel1: "分组面板",
group1: "市场营销列表基本信息",
formpage1: "基本信息",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "列表",
srfmajortext: "名称",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
lockstatus: "已锁定",
lastusedon: "上次使用时间",
ownername: "负责人",
listid: "列表",
uiactions: {
ibizlist_openedit_datapanel: "头信息编辑",
main_form: {
details: {
group1: "list基本信息",
......@@ -236,6 +259,28 @@ export default {
uiactions: {
infotoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem17_active: {
caption: "激活",
tip: "激活",
tbitem17_stop_sep: {
caption: "",
tip: "",
tbitem17_stop: {
caption: "停用",
tip: "停用",
tbitem2: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem12: {
caption: "关闭",
tip: "关闭",
gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem1_quickcreate: {
caption: "新建",
......@@ -193,6 +193,29 @@ export default {
uiactions: {
datapanel_form: {
details: {
button1: "头信息编辑",
grouppanel1: "分组面板",
group1: "市场营销列表基本信息",
formpage1: "基本信息",
srfupdatedate: "更新时间",
srforikey: "",
srfkey: "列表",
srfmajortext: "名称",
srftempmode: "",
srfuf: "",
srfdeid: "",
srfsourcekey: "",
lockstatus: "已锁定",
lastusedon: "上次使用时间",
ownername: "负责人",
listid: "列表",
uiactions: {
ibizlist_openedit_datapanel: "头信息编辑",
main_form: {
details: {
group1: "list基本信息",
......@@ -235,6 +258,28 @@ export default {
uiactions: {
infotoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem17_active: {
caption: "激活",
tip: "激活",
tbitem17_stop_sep: {
caption: "",
tip: "",
tbitem17_stop: {
caption: "停用",
tip: "停用",
tbitem2: {
caption: "-",
tip: "",
tbitem12: {
caption: "关闭",
tip: "关闭",
gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
tbitem1_quickcreate: {
caption: "新建",
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ export const PageComponents = {
Vue.component('goal-child-goal-grid-view', () => import('@pages/sales/goal-child-goal-grid-view/goal-child-goal-grid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('invoice-info-invoice-view', () => import('@pages/finance/invoice-info-invoice-view/invoice-info-invoice-view.vue'));
Vue.component('competitor-option-view', () => import('@pages/sales/competitor-option-view/competitor-option-view.vue'));
Vue.component('ibiz-list-edit-data-panel-view', () => import('@pages/marketing/ibiz-list-edit-data-panel-view/ibiz-list-edit-data-panel-view.vue'));
Vue.component('account-edit-view', () => import('@pages/base/account-edit-view/account-edit-view.vue'));
Vue.component('product-sales-literature-sal-lit-pro-grid-view', () => import('@pages/sales/product-sales-literature-sal-lit-pro-grid-view/product-sales-literature-sal-lit-pro-grid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('incident-child-incident-grid-view', () => import('@pages/service/incident-child-incident-grid-view/incident-child-incident-grid-view.vue'));
......@@ -183,8 +184,8 @@ export const PageComponents = {
Vue.component('product-association-grid-view', () => import('@pages/product/product-association-grid-view/product-association-grid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('transaction-currency-grid-view', () => import('@pages/base/transaction-currency-grid-view/transaction-currency-grid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('appointment-quick-create', () => import('@pages/base/appointment-quick-create/appointment-quick-create.vue'));
Vue.component('account-by-parent-key', () => import('@pages/base/account-by-parent-key/account-by-parent-key.vue'));
Vue.component('incident-customer-pickup-grid-view', () => import('@pages/service/incident-customer-pickup-grid-view/incident-customer-pickup-grid-view.vue'));
Vue.component('account-by-parent-key', () => import('@pages/base/account-by-parent-key/account-by-parent-key.vue'));
Vue.component('campaign-response-edit-view', () => import('@pages/marketing/campaign-response-edit-view/campaign-response-edit-view.vue'));
Vue.component('campaign-info', () => import('@pages/marketing/campaign-info/campaign-info.vue'));
Vue.component('product-summary-view', () => import('@pages/product/product-summary-view/product-summary-view.vue'));
......@@ -284,6 +284,20 @@ const router = new Router({
component: () => import('@pages/sales/competitor-option-view/competitor-option-view.vue'),
path: 'ibizlists/:ibizlist?/edit_datapanelview/:edit_datapanelview?',
meta: {
caption: 'entities.ibizlist.views.edit_datapanelview.title',
parameters: [
{ pathName: 'central', parameterName: 'central' },
{ pathName: 'ibizlists', parameterName: 'ibizlist' },
{ pathName: 'edit_datapanelview', parameterName: 'edit_datapanelview' },
requireAuth: true,
component: () => import('@pages/marketing/ibiz-list-edit-data-panel-view/ibiz-list-edit-data-panel-view.vue'),
path: 'accounts/:account?/editview/:editview?',
meta: {
......@@ -7816,32 +7830,32 @@ const router = new Router({
component: () => import('@pages/base/appointment-quick-create/appointment-quick-create.vue'),
path: 'accounts/:account?/byparentkey/:byparentkey?',
path: 'incidentcustomers/:incidentcustomer?/pickupgridview/:pickupgridview?',
meta: {
caption: 'entities.account.views.byparentkey.title',
caption: 'entities.incidentcustomer.views.pickupgridview.title',
parameters: [
{ pathName: 'central', parameterName: 'central' },
{ pathName: 'accounts', parameterName: 'account' },
{ pathName: 'byparentkey', parameterName: 'byparentkey' },
{ pathName: 'incidentcustomers', parameterName: 'incidentcustomer' },
{ pathName: 'pickupgridview', parameterName: 'pickupgridview' },
requireAuth: true,
component: () => import('@pages/base/account-by-parent-key/account-by-parent-key.vue'),
component: () => import('@pages/service/incident-customer-pickup-grid-view/incident-customer-pickup-grid-view.vue'),
path: 'incidentcustomers/:incidentcustomer?/pickupgridview/:pickupgridview?',
path: 'accounts/:account?/byparentkey/:byparentkey?',
meta: {
caption: 'entities.incidentcustomer.views.pickupgridview.title',
caption: 'entities.account.views.byparentkey.title',
parameters: [
{ pathName: 'central', parameterName: 'central' },
{ pathName: 'incidentcustomers', parameterName: 'incidentcustomer' },
{ pathName: 'pickupgridview', parameterName: 'pickupgridview' },
{ pathName: 'accounts', parameterName: 'account' },
{ pathName: 'byparentkey', parameterName: 'byparentkey' },
requireAuth: true,
component: () => import('@pages/service/incident-customer-pickup-grid-view/incident-customer-pickup-grid-view.vue'),
component: () => import('@pages/base/account-by-parent-key/account-by-parent-key.vue'),
path: 'campaignresponses/:campaignresponse?/editview/:editview?',
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { EditViewBase } from '@/studio-core';
import IBizListService from '@/service/ibiz-list/ibiz-list-service';
import IBizListAuthService from '@/authservice/ibiz-list/ibiz-list-auth-service';
import EditViewEngine from '@engine/view/edit-view-engine';
import IBizListUIService from '@/uiservice/ibiz-list/ibiz-list-ui-service';
* 头部信息编辑视图基类
* @export
* @class IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase
* @extends {EditViewBase}
export class IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase extends EditViewBase {
* 视图对应应用实体名称
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase
protected appDeName: string = 'ibizlist';
* 应用实体主键
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase
protected appDeKey: string = 'listid';
* 应用实体主信息
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase
protected appDeMajor: string = 'listname';
* 实体服务对象
* @type {IBizListService}
* @memberof IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase
protected appEntityService: IBizListService = new IBizListService;
* 实体权限服务对象
* @type IBizListUIService
* @memberof IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase
public appUIService: IBizListUIService = new IBizListUIService(this.$store);
* 计数器服务对象集合
* @protected
* @type {Array<*>}
* @memberof IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase
protected counterServiceArray: Array<any> = [];
* 视图模型数据
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase
protected model: any = {
srfCaption: 'entities.ibizlist.views.edit_datapanelview.caption',
srfTitle: 'entities.ibizlist.views.edit_datapanelview.title',
srfSubTitle: 'entities.ibizlist.views.edit_datapanelview.subtitle',
dataInfo: ''
* 容器模型
* @protected
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase
protected containerModel: any = {
view_form: { name: 'form', type: 'FORM' },
* 视图唯一标识
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof ViewBase
protected viewtag: string = '0ab0bd0aaadd588905a82de62c80ff07';
* 视图引擎
* @public
* @type {Engine}
* @memberof IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase
public engine: EditViewEngine = new EditViewEngine();
* 引擎初始化
* @public
* @memberof IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase
public engineInit(): void {
view: this,
form: this.$refs.form,
p2k: '0',
keyPSDEField: 'ibizlist',
majorPSDEField: 'listname',
isLoadDefault: true,
* form 部件 save 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase
public form_save($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('form', 'save', $event);
* form 部件 remove 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase
public form_remove($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('form', 'remove', $event);
* form 部件 load 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase
public form_load($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
this.engine.onCtrlEvent('form', 'load', $event);
\ No newline at end of file
<studio-view-style2 viewName="ibizlistedit_datapanelview" viewTitle="头部信息编辑" class='deeditview ibiz-list-edit-data-panel-view'>
\ No newline at end of file
<template src="./ibiz-list-edit-data-panel-view.html"/>
<script lang='tsx'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase } from './ibiz-list-edit-data-panel-view-base';
import view_form from '@widgets/ibiz-list/edit-data-panel-form/edit-data-panel-form.vue';
* 头部信息编辑视图
* @export
* @class IBizListEdit_DataPanelView
* @extends {IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase}
components: {
export default class IBizListEdit_DataPanelView extends IBizListEdit_DataPanelViewBase { }
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { TabExpViewBase } from '@/studio-core';
import IBizListService from '@/service/ibiz-list/ibiz-list-service';
import IBizListAuthService from '@/authservice/ibiz-list/ibiz-list-auth-service';
import TabExpViewEngine from '@engine/view/tab-exp-view-engine';
import DataPanelEngine from '@engine/ctrl/data-panel-engine';
import IBizListUIService from '@/uiservice/ibiz-list/ibiz-list-ui-service';
......@@ -88,9 +89,29 @@ export class IBizListInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
* @memberof IBizListInfoBase
protected containerModel: any = {
view_toolbar: { name: 'toolbar', type: 'TOOLBAR' },
view_datapanel: { name: 'datapanel', type: 'FORM' },
view_tabexppanel: { name: 'tabexppanel', type: 'TABEXPPANEL' },
* 工具栏模型
* @type {*}
* @memberof IBizListInfo
public toolBarModels: any = {
tbitem17_active: { name: 'tbitem17_active', caption: '激活', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '激活', iconcls: 'fa fa-play-circle-o', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Active', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
tbitem17_stop_sep: { name: 'tbitem17_stop_sep', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem17_stop: { name: 'tbitem17_stop', caption: '停用', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '停用', iconcls: 'fa fa-minus-circle', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Stop', target: 'SINGLEKEY', class: '' } },
tbitem2: { name: 'tbitem2', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } },
tbitem12: { name: 'tbitem12', caption: '关闭', 'isShowCaption': true, 'isShowIcon': true, tooltip: '关闭', iconcls: 'fa fa-sign-out', icon: '', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Exit', target: '', class: '' } },
* 视图唯一标识
......@@ -111,6 +132,15 @@ export class IBizListInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
public engine: TabExpViewEngine = new TabExpViewEngine();
* 视图引擎
* @public
* @type {Engine}
* @memberof IBizListInfoBase
public datapanel: DataPanelEngine = new DataPanelEngine();
* 引擎初始化
......@@ -124,6 +154,133 @@ export class IBizListInfoBase extends TabExpViewBase {
majorPSDEField: 'listname',
isLoadDefault: true,
view: this,
datapanel: this.$refs.datapanel,
keyPSDEField: 'ibizlist',
majorPSDEField: 'listname',
isLoadDefault: true,
* toolbar 部件 click 事件
* @param {*} [args={}]
* @param {*} $event
* @memberof IBizListInfoBase
public toolbar_click($event: any, $event2?: any): void {
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem17_active')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem17_active_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem17_stop')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem17_stop_click(null, '', $event2);
if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem12')) {
this.toolbar_tbitem12_click(null, '', $event2);
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem17_active_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:IBizListUIService = new IBizListUIService();
curUIService.IBizList_Active(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"IBizList");
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem17_stop_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:IBizListUIService = new IBizListUIService();
curUIService.IBizList_Stop(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"IBizList");
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public toolbar_tbitem12_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 参数
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
this.Exit(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"IBizList");
* 关闭
* @param {any[]} args 当前数据
* @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文
* @param {*} [params] 附加参数
* @param {*} [$event] 事件源
* @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件
* @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文
* @memberof IBizListInfoBase
public Exit(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) {
window.parent.postMessage([{ ...args }],'*');
......@@ -2,6 +2,29 @@
<template slot='title'>
<span class='caption-info'>{{$t(model.srfTitle)}}</span>
<template slot="dataPanel">
<template slot="toolbar">
<view-toolbar mode="STYLE2" :model="toolBarModels" @item-click="toolbar_click($event)"/> </template>
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { IBizListInfoBase } from './ibiz-list-info-base';
import view_datapanel from '@widgets/ibiz-list/data-panel-form/data-panel-form.vue';
import view_tabexppanel from '@widgets/ibiz-list/infotabexppanel-tabexppanel/infotabexppanel-tabexppanel.vue';
......@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ import view_tabexppanel from '@widgets/ibiz-list/infotabexppanel-tabexppanel/inf
components: {
......@@ -178,6 +178,15 @@ export const viewstate: any = {
viewtag: '0ab0bd0aaadd588905a82de62c80ff07',
viewmodule: 'Marketing',
viewname: 'IBizListEdit_DataPanelView',
viewaction: '',
viewdatachange: false,
refviews: [
viewtag: '0dff48c04927315f77dd70a9a2767b59',
viewmodule: 'Service',
......@@ -2142,6 +2151,7 @@ export const viewstate: any = {
......@@ -181,6 +181,69 @@ export default class IBizListUIServiceBase extends UIService {
openDrawer(view, data);
* 头信息编辑
* @param {any[]} args 当前数据
* @param {any} context 行为附加上下文
* @param {*} [params] 附加参数
* @param {*} [$event] 事件源
* @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件
* @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文
* @param {*} [srfParentDeName] 父实体名称
* @returns {Promise<any>}
public async IBizList_OpenEdit_DataPanel(args: any[], context:any = {} ,params: any={}, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) {
let data: any = {};
let parentContext:any = {};
let parentViewParam:any = {};
const _this: any = actionContext;
const _args: any[] = Util.deepCopy(args);
const actionTarget: string | null = 'SINGLEKEY';
Object.assign(context, { ibizlist: '%ibizlist%' });
Object.assign(params, { listid: '%ibizlist%' });
Object.assign(params, { listname: '%listname%' });
parentContext = _this.context;
parentViewParam = _this.viewparams;
context = UIActionTool.handleContextParam(actionTarget,_args,parentContext,parentViewParam,context);
data = UIActionTool.handleActionParam(actionTarget,_args,parentContext,parentViewParam,params);
context = Object.assign({},actionContext.context,context);
let parentObj:any = {srfparentdename:srfParentDeName?srfParentDeName:null,srfparentkey:srfParentDeName?context[srfParentDeName.toLowerCase()]:null};
let deResParameters: any[] = [];
const parameters: any[] = [
{ pathName: 'ibizlists', parameterName: 'ibizlist' },
const openPopOver = (view: any, data: any) => {
let container: Subject<any> = actionContext.$apppopover.openPop($event, view, context,data);
container.subscribe((result: any) => {
if (!result || !Object.is(result.ret, 'OK')) {
const _this: any = actionContext;
return result.datas;
const view: any = {
viewname: 'ibiz-list-edit-data-panel-view',
height: 300,
width: 300,
title: actionContext.$t('entities.ibizlist.views.edit_datapanelview.title'),
placement: 'POPOVER',
openPopOver(view, data);
* 激活
import { Prop, Provide, Emit, Model } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { Watch, EditFormControlBase } from '@/studio-core';
import IBizListService from '@/service/ibiz-list/ibiz-list-service';
import DataPanelService from './data-panel-form-service';
import IBizListUIService from '@/uiservice/ibiz-list/ibiz-list-ui-service';
import { FormButtonModel, FormPageModel, FormItemModel, FormDRUIPartModel, FormPartModel, FormGroupPanelModel, FormIFrameModel, FormRowItemModel, FormTabPageModel, FormTabPanelModel, FormUserControlModel } from '@/model/form-detail';
* datapanel部件基类
* @export
* @class EditFormControlBase
* @extends {DataPanelEditFormBase}
export class DataPanelEditFormBase extends EditFormControlBase {
* 获取部件类型
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof DataPanelEditFormBase
protected controlType: string = 'FORM';
* 建构部件服务对象
* @type {DataPanelService}
* @memberof DataPanelEditFormBase
public service: DataPanelService = new DataPanelService({ $store: this.$store });
* 实体服务对象
* @type {IBizListService}
* @memberof DataPanelEditFormBase
public appEntityService: IBizListService = new IBizListService({ $store: this.$store });
* 应用实体名称
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof DataPanelEditFormBase
protected appDeName: string = 'ibizlist';
* 逻辑事件
* @param {*} [params={}]
* @param {*} [tag]
* @param {*} [$event]
* @memberof
public datapanel_button1_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) {
// 取数
let datas: any[] = [];
let xData: any = null;
// _this 指向容器对象
const _this: any = this;
let paramJO:any = {};
let contextJO:any = {};
xData = this;
if (_this.getDatas && _this.getDatas instanceof Function) {
datas = [..._this.getDatas()];
datas = [params];
// 界面行为
const curUIService:IBizListUIService = new IBizListUIService();
curUIService.IBizList_OpenEdit_DataPanel(datas,contextJO, paramJO, $event, xData,this,"IBizList");
* 界面UI服务对象
* @type {IBizListUIService}
* @memberof DataPanelEditFormBase
public appUIService:IBizListUIService = new IBizListUIService(this.$store);
* 表单数据对象
* @type {*}
* @memberof DataPanelEditFormBase
public data: any = {
srfupdatedate: null,
srforikey: null,
srfkey: null,
srfmajortext: null,
srftempmode: null,
srfuf: null,
srfdeid: null,
srfsourcekey: null,
lockstatus: null,
lastusedon: null,
ownername: null,
listid: null,
* 属性值规则
* @type {*}
* @memberof DataPanelEditFormBase
public rules: any = {
* 详情模型集合
* @type {*}
* @memberof DataPanelEditFormBase
public detailsModel: any = {
button1: new FormButtonModel({ caption: '头信息编辑', detailType: 'BUTTON', name: 'button1', visible: true, isShowCaption: false, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, uiaction: { type: 'DEUIACTION', tag: 'OpenEdit_DataPanel', actiontarget: 'SINGLEKEY' } }),
grouppanel1: new FormGroupPanelModel({ caption: '分组面板', detailType: 'GROUPPANEL', name: 'grouppanel1', visible: true, isShowCaption: false, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, uiActionGroup: { caption: '', langbase: 'entities.ibizlist.datapanel_form', extractMode: 'ITEM', details: [] } }),
group1: new FormGroupPanelModel({ caption: '市场营销列表基本信息', detailType: 'GROUPPANEL', name: 'group1', visible: true, isShowCaption: false, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, uiActionGroup: { caption: '', langbase: 'entities.ibizlist.datapanel_form', extractMode: 'ITEM', details: [] } }),
formpage1: new FormPageModel({ caption: '基本信息', detailType: 'FORMPAGE', name: 'formpage1', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0 }),
srfupdatedate: new FormItemModel({ caption: '更新时间', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'srfupdatedate', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 0 }),
srforikey: new FormItemModel({ caption: '', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'srforikey', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
srfkey: new FormItemModel({ caption: '列表', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'srfkey', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
srfmajortext: new FormItemModel({ caption: '名称', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'srfmajortext', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
srftempmode: new FormItemModel({ caption: '', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'srftempmode', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
srfuf: new FormItemModel({ caption: '', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'srfuf', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
srfdeid: new FormItemModel({ caption: '', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'srfdeid', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
srfsourcekey: new FormItemModel({ caption: '', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'srfsourcekey', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
lockstatus: new FormItemModel({ caption: '已锁定', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'lockstatus', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
lastusedon: new FormItemModel({ caption: '上次使用时间', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'lastusedon', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
ownername: new FormItemModel({ caption: '负责人', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'ownername', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
listid: new FormItemModel({ caption: '列表', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'listid', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
* 表单 头信息编辑 事件
* @memberof @memberof DataPanelEditFormBase
public button1_click($event: any): void {
this.datapanel_button1_click(null, null, $event);
\ No newline at end of file
* DataPanel 部件模型
* @export
* @class DataPanelModel
export default class DataPanelModel {
* 获取数据项集合
* @returns {any[]}
* @memberof DataPanelModel
public getDataItems(): any[] {
return [
name: 'srfwfmemo',
prop: 'srfwfmemo',
dataType: 'TEXT',
// 前端新增修改标识,新增为"0",修改为"1"或未设值
name: 'srffrontuf',
prop: 'srffrontuf',
dataType: 'TEXT',
name: 'srfupdatedate',
prop: 'updatedate',
dataType: 'DATETIME',
name: 'srforikey',
name: 'srfkey',
prop: 'listid',
dataType: 'GUID',
name: 'srfmajortext',
prop: 'listname',
dataType: 'TEXT',
name: 'srftempmode',
name: 'srfuf',
name: 'srfdeid',
name: 'srfsourcekey',
name: 'lockstatus',
prop: 'lockstatus',
dataType: 'YESNO',
name: 'lastusedon',
prop: 'lastusedon',
dataType: 'DATETIME',
name: 'ownername',
prop: 'ownername',
dataType: 'TEXT',
name: 'listid',
prop: 'listid',
dataType: 'GUID',
name: 'ibizlist',
prop: 'listid',
dataType: 'FONTKEY',
\ No newline at end of file
<i-form :model="this.data" class='app-form info-form-mode' ref='datapanel' id='ibizlist_datapanel' style="">
<input style="display:none;" />
<row >
<i-col v-show="detailsModel.group1.visible" :style="{}" :lg="{ span: 24, offset: 0 }">
<app-form-group :model="detailsModel.group1" layoutType="FLEX" titleStyle="" class='' :uiActionGroup="detailsModel.group1.uiActionGroup" @groupuiactionclick="groupUIActionClick($event)" :caption="$t('entities.ibizlist.datapanel_form.details.group1')" :isShowCaption="false" uiStyle="DEFAULT" :titleBarCloseMode="0" :isInfoGroupMode="true" >
<app-radio-group-data-panel slot="dataInfoPanel" :model="detailsModel.group1" :data="data" :context="context" :viewparams="viewparams"/>
<div style="height: 100%;display: flex;">
<div v-show="detailsModel.lockstatus.visible" :style="{}">
<app-form-item name='lockstatus' :itemRules="this.rules.lockstatus" class='datapanel-style' :caption="$t('entities.ibizlist.datapanel_form.details.lockstatus')" uiStyle="DEFAULT" :labelWidth="130" :isShowCaption="true" :error="detailsModel.lockstatus.error" :isEmptyCaption="false" labelPos="BOTTOM">
<app-span name='lockstatus' :value="data.lockstatus" tag='YesNo' codelistType='STATIC' :data="data" :context="context" :viewparams="viewparams" :localContext ='{ }' :localParam ='{ }' style=""></app-span>
<div v-show="detailsModel.lastusedon.visible" :style="{}">
<app-form-item name='lastusedon' :itemRules="this.rules.lastusedon" class='datapanel-style' :caption="$t('entities.ibizlist.datapanel_form.details.lastusedon')" uiStyle="DEFAULT" :labelWidth="130" :isShowCaption="true" :error="detailsModel.lastusedon.error" :isEmptyCaption="false" labelPos="BOTTOM">
<app-span name='lastusedon' :value="data.lastusedon" :data="data" :context="context" :viewparams="viewparams" :localContext ='{ }' :localParam ='{ }' style=""></app-span>
<div v-show="detailsModel.ownername.visible" :style="{}">
<app-form-item name='ownername' :itemRules="this.rules.ownername" class='datapanel-style' :caption="$t('entities.ibizlist.datapanel_form.details.ownername')" uiStyle="DEFAULT" :labelWidth="130" :isShowCaption="true" :error="detailsModel.ownername.error" :isEmptyCaption="false" labelPos="BOTTOM">
<app-span name='ownername' :value="data.ownername" :data="data" :context="context" :viewparams="viewparams" :localContext ='{ }' :localParam ='{ }' style=""></app-span>
<div v-show="detailsModel.grouppanel1.visible" :style="{}">
<app-form-group :model="detailsModel.grouppanel1" layoutType="FLEX" titleStyle="" class='' :uiActionGroup="detailsModel.grouppanel1.uiActionGroup" @groupuiactionclick="groupUIActionClick($event)" :caption="$t('entities.ibizlist.datapanel_form.details.grouppanel1')" :isShowCaption="false" uiStyle="DEFAULT" :titleBarCloseMode="0" :isInfoGroupMode="true" >
<app-radio-group-data-panel slot="dataInfoPanel" :model="detailsModel.grouppanel1" :data="data" :context="context" :viewparams="viewparams"/>
<div style="height: 100%;display: flex;">
<div v-show="detailsModel.button1.visible" :style="{}">
<i-button type="primary" @click="button1_click($event)" class="form-btn-noborder-transparent"
<i class="fa fa-angle-down" style="margin-right: 2px;"></i>
\ No newline at end of file
.datapanel-style {
.datapanel-style {
height: 48px;
margin-top: 2px;
margin-bottom: 0px!important;
margin-right: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
border-right: 2px solid var(--app-dividing-line-color-bright) ;
.label-bottom {
.editor-wrapper {
height: 24px!important;
.app-form-item-label {
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;
height: 24px!important;
line-height: 24px!important;
.form-btn-noborder-transparent {
background-color:rgba(255, 0, 0, 0);border-style:none;margin:0px 10px 0px 0px
.form-btn-noborder-transparent {
margin:0px 5px 0px 5px
<template src="./data-panel-form.html"/>
<script lang='tsx'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { DataPanelEditFormBase } from './data-panel-form-base';
* datapanel部件
* @export
* @class DataPanelEditForm
* @extends {DataPanelEditFormBase}
components: {
export default class DataPanelEditForm extends DataPanelEditFormBase { }
<style lang='less'>
@import './data-panel-form.less';
import { Prop, Provide, Emit, Model } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { Watch, EditFormControlBase } from '@/studio-core';
import IBizListService from '@/service/ibiz-list/ibiz-list-service';
import Edit_DataPanelService from './edit-data-panel-form-service';
import IBizListUIService from '@/uiservice/ibiz-list/ibiz-list-ui-service';
import { FormButtonModel, FormPageModel, FormItemModel, FormDRUIPartModel, FormPartModel, FormGroupPanelModel, FormIFrameModel, FormRowItemModel, FormTabPageModel, FormTabPanelModel, FormUserControlModel } from '@/model/form-detail';
* form部件基类
* @export
* @class EditFormControlBase
* @extends {Edit_DataPanelEditFormBase}
export class Edit_DataPanelEditFormBase extends EditFormControlBase {
* 获取部件类型
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof Edit_DataPanelEditFormBase
protected controlType: string = 'FORM';
* 建构部件服务对象
* @type {Edit_DataPanelService}
* @memberof Edit_DataPanelEditFormBase
public service: Edit_DataPanelService = new Edit_DataPanelService({ $store: this.$store });
* 实体服务对象
* @type {IBizListService}
* @memberof Edit_DataPanelEditFormBase
public appEntityService: IBizListService = new IBizListService({ $store: this.$store });
* 应用实体名称
* @protected
* @type {string}
* @memberof Edit_DataPanelEditFormBase
protected appDeName: string = 'ibizlist';
* 界面UI服务对象
* @type {IBizListUIService}
* @memberof Edit_DataPanelEditFormBase
public appUIService:IBizListUIService = new IBizListUIService(this.$store);
* 表单数据对象
* @type {*}
* @memberof Edit_DataPanelEditFormBase
public data: any = {
srfupdatedate: null,
srforikey: null,
srfkey: null,
srfmajortext: null,
srftempmode: null,
srfuf: null,
srfdeid: null,
srfsourcekey: null,
lockstatus: null,
lastusedon: null,
ownername: null,
listid: null,
* 属性值规则
* @type {*}
* @memberof Edit_DataPanelEditFormBase
public rules: any = {
ownername: [
{ required: true, type: 'string', message: '负责人 值不能为空', trigger: 'change' },
{ required: true, type: 'string', message: '负责人 值不能为空', trigger: 'blur' },
* 详情模型集合
* @type {*}
* @memberof Edit_DataPanelEditFormBase
public detailsModel: any = {
group1: new FormGroupPanelModel({ caption: '市场营销列表基本信息', detailType: 'GROUPPANEL', name: 'group1', visible: true, isShowCaption: false, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, uiActionGroup: { caption: '', langbase: 'entities.ibizlist.edit_datapanel_form', extractMode: 'ITEM', details: [] } }),
formpage1: new FormPageModel({ caption: '基本信息', detailType: 'FORMPAGE', name: 'formpage1', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0 }),
srfupdatedate: new FormItemModel({ caption: '更新时间', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'srfupdatedate', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 0 }),
srforikey: new FormItemModel({ caption: '', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'srforikey', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
srfkey: new FormItemModel({ caption: '列表', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'srfkey', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
srfmajortext: new FormItemModel({ caption: '名称', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'srfmajortext', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
srftempmode: new FormItemModel({ caption: '', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'srftempmode', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
srfuf: new FormItemModel({ caption: '', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'srfuf', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
srfdeid: new FormItemModel({ caption: '', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'srfdeid', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
srfsourcekey: new FormItemModel({ caption: '', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'srfsourcekey', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
lockstatus: new FormItemModel({ caption: '已锁定', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'lockstatus', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
lastusedon: new FormItemModel({ caption: '上次使用时间', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'lastusedon', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
ownername: new FormItemModel({ caption: '负责人', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'ownername', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
listid: new FormItemModel({ caption: '列表', detailType: 'FORMITEM', name: 'listid', visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, showMoreMode: 0, disabled: false, enableCond: 3 }),
\ No newline at end of file
* Edit_DataPanel 部件模型
* @export
* @class Edit_DataPanelModel
export default class Edit_DataPanelModel {
* 获取数据项集合
* @returns {any[]}
* @memberof Edit_DataPanelModel
public getDataItems(): any[] {
return [
name: 'srfwfmemo',
prop: 'srfwfmemo',
dataType: 'TEXT',
// 前端新增修改标识,新增为"0",修改为"1"或未设值
name: 'srffrontuf',
prop: 'srffrontuf',
dataType: 'TEXT',
name: 'srfupdatedate',
prop: 'updatedate',
dataType: 'DATETIME',
name: 'srforikey',
name: 'srfkey',
prop: 'listid',
dataType: 'GUID',
name: 'srfmajortext',
prop: 'listname',
dataType: 'TEXT',
name: 'srftempmode',
name: 'srfuf',
name: 'srfdeid',
name: 'srfsourcekey',
name: 'lockstatus',
prop: 'lockstatus',
dataType: 'YESNO',
name: 'lastusedon',
prop: 'lastusedon',
dataType: 'DATETIME',
name: 'ownername',
prop: 'ownername',
dataType: 'TEXT',
name: 'listid',
prop: 'listid',
dataType: 'GUID',
name: 'ibizlist',
prop: 'listid',
dataType: 'FONTKEY',
\ No newline at end of file
<i-form :model="this.data" class='app-form' ref='form' id='ibizlist_edit_datapanel' style="">
<input style="display:none;" />
<row >
<i-col v-show="detailsModel.group1.visible" :style="{}" :lg="{ span: 24, offset: 0 }">
<app-form-group :model="detailsModel.group1" layoutType="TABLE_24COL" titleStyle="" class='' :uiActionGroup="detailsModel.group1.uiActionGroup" @groupuiactionclick="groupUIActionClick($event)" :caption="$t('entities.ibizlist.edit_datapanel_form.details.group1')" :isShowCaption="false" uiStyle="DEFAULT" :titleBarCloseMode="0" :isInfoGroupMode="false" >
<app-radio-group-data-panel slot="dataInfoPanel" :model="detailsModel.group1" :data="data" :context="context" :viewparams="viewparams"/>
<i-col v-show="detailsModel.lockstatus.visible" :style="{}" :lg="{ span: 24, offset: 0 }">
<app-form-item name='lockstatus' :itemRules="this.rules.lockstatus" class='' :caption="$t('entities.ibizlist.edit_datapanel_form.details.lockstatus')" uiStyle="DEFAULT" :labelWidth="130" :isShowCaption="true" :error="detailsModel.lockstatus.error" :isEmptyCaption="false" labelPos="LEFT">
:localContext ='{ }'
:localParam ='{ }'
style="width:100px;width: 100px;"
<i-col v-show="detailsModel.lastusedon.visible" :style="{}" :lg="{ span: 24, offset: 0 }">
<app-form-item name='lastusedon' :itemRules="this.rules.lastusedon" class='' :caption="$t('entities.ibizlist.edit_datapanel_form.details.lastusedon')" uiStyle="DEFAULT" :labelWidth="130" :isShowCaption="true" :error="detailsModel.lastusedon.error" :isEmptyCaption="false" labelPos="LEFT">
<date-picker type="datetime" :transfer="true" format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" placeholder="请选择时间..." :value="data.lastusedon" :disabled="detailsModel.lastusedon.disabled" style="min-width: 150px; width:160px;" @on-change="(val1, val2) => { this.data.lastusedon = val1 }"></date-picker>
<i-col v-show="detailsModel.ownername.visible" :style="{}" :lg="{ span: 24, offset: 0 }">
<app-form-item name='ownername' :itemRules="this.rules.ownername" class='' :caption="$t('entities.ibizlist.edit_datapanel_form.details.ownername')" uiStyle="DEFAULT" :labelWidth="130" :isShowCaption="true" :error="detailsModel.ownername.error" :isEmptyCaption="false" labelPos="LEFT">
<input-box v-model="data.ownername" @enter="onEnter($event)" unit="" :disabled="detailsModel.ownername.disabled" type='text' style=""></input-box>
\ No newline at end of file
<template src="./edit-data-panel-form.html"/>
<script lang='tsx'>
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '@/studio-core';
import { Edit_DataPanelEditFormBase } from './edit-data-panel-form-base';
* form部件
* @export
* @class Edit_DataPanelEditForm
* @extends {Edit_DataPanelEditFormBase}
components: {
export default class Edit_DataPanelEditForm extends Edit_DataPanelEditFormBase { }
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