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为了保持性能,仅显示文件中的 1000/1000+

# 系统概览 iBiz4j Spring R7 dev
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## 前言
### 1. 简介
该web应用是基于iBiz平台提供的一套PC端前端解决方案Vue_R7【**一套基于Vue全家桶(Vue + Vue-router + Vuex)的前端框架**】生产而成,Vue_R7不仅适用于管理后台或管理系统开发,且广泛适用于B/S架构的项目开发。本文档主要介绍项目如何快速上手,成果物代码结构做一阐述,旨在能够为开发人员提供一定开发指导支持。而今框架开源,希望能有更多志同道合的伙伴参与Vue_R7的迭代 ^_^
### 2. 开发环境要求
- Node.js
- Yarn
- Vue Cli
### 3. 开发技术要求
### 4. 技术栈
- 前端MVVM框架:vue.js 2.6.10
- 路由:vue-router 3.1.3
- 状态管理:vue-router 3.1.3
- 国际化:vue-i18n 8.15.3
- 数据交互:axios 0.19.1
- UI框架:element-ui 2.13.0, view-design 4.1.0
- 工具库:qs, path-to-regexp, rxjs
- 图标库:font-awesome 4.7.0
- 引入组件: tinymce 4.8.5
- 代码风格检测:eslint
## 快速上手
### 1. 开发环境
> 在安装使用 `Yarn` 和 `Vue Cli (3.0)` 前,务必确认 [Node.js](https://nodejs.org) 已经升级到 v4.8.0 或以上,强烈建议升级至最新版本。
> 如果你想了解更多 `Yarn` 工具链的功能和命令,建议访问 [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com) 了解更多。
> 如果你想了解更多 `Vue Cli (3.0)` 工具链的功能和命令,建议访问 [Vue Cli (3.0)](https://cli.vuejs.org/) 了解更多。
- 访问 [Node.js](https://nodejs.org) ,根据文档安装 `Node.js`
- 访问 [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com) ,根据文档安装 `Yarn`
- 访问 [Vue Cli (3.0)](https://cli.vuejs.org/) ,根据文档安装 `Vue Cli (3.0)`
<blockquote style="border-color: red;"><p>在安装 Vue Cli (3.0) ,请使用 Yarn 模式全局安装。</p></blockquote>
$ yarn global add @vue/cli
以下为 Windows 环境开发正常配置
### 2. 安装依赖
$ yarn install
### 3. 启动
$ yarn dev-serve
启动后,通过 vue.config.js 开发服务 devServer 下配置的本地启动端口号访问开发项目。<br>
$ http://localhost:8111
### 4. 远程代理
$ yarn serve
修改远程代理文件 vue.config.js 代理地址
### 5. 打包
$ yarn build
## 成果物结构
|─ ─ app_iBizBusinessCentral
​ |─ ─ public public文件夹
​ |─ ─ assets 静态文件夹
|─ ─ favicon.ico 图标
​ |─ ─ src 工程文件夹
|─ ─ assets 静态资源
|─ ─ codelist 动态代码表服务
|─ ─ components 基础组件,主要包含编辑器组件和其他全局使用的组件
|─ ─ counter 计数器服务
|─ ─ engine 引擎文件,主要封装了内置视图的内置逻辑
|─ ─ environments 环境文件
​ |─ ─ interface 接口文件
​ |─ ─ locale 多语言文件
|─ ─ mock 模拟数据
|─ ─ pages 视图文件夹
|─ ─ module 模块名称
​ |─ ─ XXX-view 视图文件夹
|─ ─ XXX-view-base.vue 视图基类
|─ ─ XXX-view.vue 自定义视图文件
|─ ─ XXX-view.less 自定义视图样式文件
​ |─ ─ main.ts 应用主函数入口
​ |─ ─ page-register.ts 全局视图注册
​ |─ ─ router.ts 路由配置文件
|─ ─ service 应用实体数据服务文件夹
|─ ─ XXX 应用实体名称
|─ ─ XXX-service-base.ts 应用实体数据服务文件
|─ ─ XXX-service.ts 自定义应用实体数据服务文件
|─ ─ YYY-logic-base.ts 应用实体数据处理逻辑文件
|─ ─ YYY-logic.ts 自定义应用实体数据处理逻辑文件
|─ ─ store 全局状态管理
|─ ─ styles 样式文件夹
|─ ─ default.less 默认样式
|─ ─ user.less 用户自定义样式
|─ ─ theme 主题文件夹
|─ ─ uiservice 界面服务文件
|─ ─ XXX 应用实体名称
|─ ─ XXX-ui-service-base.ts 应用实体界面服务文件
|─ ─ XXX-ui-service.ts 自定义应用实体界面服务文件
|─ ─ YYY-ui-logic-base.ts 应用实体界面处理逻辑文件
|─ ─ YYY-ui-logic.ts 自定义应用实体界面处理逻辑文件
|─ ─ utils 工具类文件
|─ ─ utilservice 应用功能服务
|─ ─ widgets 部件文件夹
|─ ─ appde 应用实体名称
​ |─ ─ XXX 部件名称
|─ ─ XXX-base.vue 视图基类
|─ ─ XXX.vue 自定义部件文件
|─ ─ XXX.less 部件样式文件
​ |─ ─ XXX.model.ts 部件model文件
​ |─ ─ XXX.service.ts 部件服务文件
|─ ─ app-register.ts 公共组件全局注册
​ |─ ─ App.vue 入口组件
​ |─ ─ user-register.ts 自定义组件全局注册
​|─ ─ package.json 依赖管理文件
​ |─ ─ vue.config.js vue cli 配置
## 如何贡献
如果你希望参与贡献,欢迎 [Pull Request](<http://demo.ibizlab.cn/ibiz_r7/vue_r7/issues/new>),或通过自助服务群给我们报告 Bug。
强烈推荐阅读 [《提问的智慧》](https://github.com/ryanhanwu/How-To-Ask-Questions-The-Smart-Way)(本指南不提供此项目的实际支持服务!)[《如何向开源社区提问题》](https://github.com/seajs/seajs/issues/545)[《如何有效地报告 Bug》](https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs-cn.html)[《如何向开源项目提交无法解答的问题》](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/25795393),更好的问题更容易获得帮助。
## 社区互助
2.加入钉钉 Vue_R7自助服务群(中文)
<img src="./imgs/getting-started/vue-r7-group.png" height="400" width="400">
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module.exports = {
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"@vue/cli-plugin-router": "^4.1.0",
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/* 页面布局 */
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/* 通过设置 font-size 来改变图标大小 */
width: 1em;
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vertical-align: -0.15em;
/* 通过设置 color 来改变 SVG 的颜色/fill */
fill: currentColor;
/* path 和 stroke 溢出 viewBox 部分在 IE 下会显示
normalize.css 中也包含这行 */
overflow: hidden;
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/* 代码高亮 */
/* PrismJS 1.15.0
https://prismjs.com/download.html#themes=prism&languages=markup+css+clike+javascript */
* prism.js default theme for JavaScript, CSS and HTML
* Based on dabblet (http://dabblet.com)
* @author Lea Verou
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<li class="dib active"><span>Unicode</span></li>
<li class="dib"><span>Font class</span></li>
<li class="dib"><span>Symbol</span></li>
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<span class="icon iconfont">&#xea43;</span>
<div class="name">subnets </div>
<div class="code-name">&amp;#xea43;</div>
<div class="article markdown">
<h2 id="unicode-">Unicode 引用</h2>
<p>Unicode 是字体在网页端最原始的应用方式,特点是:</p>
<li>兼容性最好,支持 IE6+,及所有现代浏览器。</li>
<p>注意:新版 iconfont 支持多色图标,这些多色图标在 Unicode 模式下将不能使用,如果有需求建议使用symbol 的引用方式</p>
<p>Unicode 使用步骤如下:</p>
<h3 id="-font-face">第一步:拷贝项目下面生成的 <code>@font-face</code></h3>
<pre><code class="language-css"
>@font-face {
font-family: 'iconfont';
src: url('iconfont.eot');
src: url('iconfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('iconfont.woff2') format('woff2'),
url('iconfont.woff') format('woff'),
url('iconfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
url('iconfont.svg#iconfont') format('svg');
<h3 id="-iconfont-">第二步:定义使用 iconfont 的样式</h3>
<pre><code class="language-css"
>.iconfont {
font-family: "iconfont" !important;
font-size: 16px;
font-style: normal;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
<h3 id="-">第三步:挑选相应图标并获取字体编码,应用于页面</h3>
<code class="language-html"
>&lt;span class="iconfont"&gt;&amp;#x33;&lt;/span&gt;
<p>"iconfont" 是你项目下的 font-family。可以通过编辑项目查看,默认是 "iconfont"。</p>
<div class="content font-class">
<ul class="icon_lists dib-box">
<li class="dib">
<span class="icon iconfont studio-icon-subnets"></span>
<div class="name">
<div class="code-name">.studio-icon-subnets
<div class="article markdown">
<h2 id="font-class-">font-class 引用</h2>
<p>font-class 是 Unicode 使用方式的一种变种,主要是解决 Unicode 书写不直观,语意不明确的问题。</p>
<p>与 Unicode 使用方式相比,具有如下特点:</p>
<li>兼容性良好,支持 IE8+,及所有现代浏览器。</li>
<li>相比于 Unicode 语意明确,书写更直观。可以很容易分辨这个 icon 是什么。</li>
<li>因为使用 class 来定义图标,所以当要替换图标时,只需要修改 class 里面的 Unicode 引用。</li>
<h3 id="-fontclass-">第一步:引入项目下面生成的 fontclass 代码:</h3>
<pre><code class="language-html">&lt;link rel="stylesheet" href="./iconfont.css"&gt;
<h3 id="-">第二步:挑选相应图标并获取类名,应用于页面:</h3>
<pre><code class="language-html">&lt;span class="iconfont studio-icon-xxx"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;
iconfont" 是你项目下的 font-family。可以通过编辑项目查看,默认是 "iconfont"。</p>
<div class="content symbol">
<ul class="icon_lists dib-box">
<li class="dib">
<svg class="icon svg-icon" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="#studio-icon-subnets"></use>
<div class="name">subnets </div>
<div class="code-name">#studio-icon-subnets</div>
<div class="article markdown">
<h2 id="symbol-">Symbol 引用</h2>
<p>这是一种全新的使用方式,应该说这才是未来的主流,也是平台目前推荐的用法。相关介绍可以参考这篇<a href="">文章</a>
这种用法其实是做了一个 SVG 的集合,与另外两种相比具有如下特点:</p>
<li>通过一些技巧,支持像字体那样,通过 <code>font-size</code>, <code>color</code> 来调整样式。</li>
<li>兼容性较差,支持 IE9+,及现代浏览器。</li>
<li>浏览器渲染 SVG 的性能一般,还不如 png。</li>
<h3 id="-symbol-">第一步:引入项目下面生成的 symbol 代码:</h3>
<pre><code class="language-html">&lt;script src="./iconfont.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
<h3 id="-css-">第二步:加入通用 CSS 代码(引入一次就行):</h3>
<pre><code class="language-html">&lt;style&gt;
.icon {
width: 1em;
height: 1em;
vertical-align: -0.15em;
fill: currentColor;
overflow: hidden;
<h3 id="-">第三步:挑选相应图标并获取类名,应用于页面:</h3>
<pre><code class="language-html">&lt;svg class="icon" aria-hidden="true"&gt;
&lt;use xlink:href="#icon-xxx"&gt;&lt;/use&gt;
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var tabContent = $('.tab-container .content')
var index = $(this).index()
if ($(this).hasClass('active')) {
} else {
$('#tabs li').removeClass('active')
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font-style: normal;
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content: "\ea43";
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"description": "Studio模板专增图标",
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2013-9-30: Created.
Created by iconfont
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"New window": "New window",
"None": "None",
"The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:\/\/ prefix?": "The URL you entered seems to be an external link. Do you want to add the required http:\/\/ prefix?",
"Paste or type a link": "Paste or type a link",
"Target": "Target",
"The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?": "The URL you entered seems to be an email address. Do you want to add the required mailto: prefix?",
"Insert\/edit link": "Insert\/edit link",
"Insert\/edit video": "Insert\/edit video",
"Media": "Media",
"Alternative source": "Alternative source",
"Paste your embed code below:": "Paste your embed code below:",
"Insert video": "Insert video",
"Poster": "Poster",
"Insert\/edit media": "Insert\/edit media",
"Embed": "Embed",
"Nonbreaking space": "Non-breaking space",
"Page break": "Page break",
"Paste as text": "Paste as text",
"Preview": "Preview",
"Print": "Print",
"Save": "Save",
"Could not find the specified string.": "Could not find the specified string.",
"Replace": "Replace",
"Next": "Next",
"Whole words": "Whole words",
"Find and replace": "Find and replace",
"Replace with": "Replace with",
"Find": "Find",
"Replace all": "Replace all",
"Match case": "Match case",
"Prev": "Prev",
"Spellcheck": "Spell-check",
"Finish": "Finish",
"Ignore all": "Ignore all",
"Ignore": "Ignore",
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"Row": "Row",
"Insert column before": "Insert column before",
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"Cell padding": "Cell padding",
"Cell spacing": "Cell spacing",
"Row type": "Row type",
"Insert table": "Insert table",
"Body": "Body",
"Caption": "Caption",
"Footer": "Footer",
"Delete row": "Delete row",
"Paste row before": "Paste row before",
"Scope": "Scope",
"Delete table": "Delete table",
"H Align": "H Align",
"Top": "Top",
"Header cell": "Header cell",
"Column": "Column",
"Row group": "Row group",
"Cell": "Cell",
"Middle": "Middle",
"Cell type": "Cell type",
"Copy row": "Copy row",
"Row properties": "Row properties",
"Table properties": "Table properties",
"Bottom": "Bottom",
"V Align": "V Align",
"Header": "Header",
"Right": "Right",
"Insert column after": "Insert column after",
"Cols": "Cols",
"Insert row after": "Insert row after",
"Width": "Width",
"Cell properties": "Cell properties",
"Left": "Left",
"Cut row": "Cut row",
"Delete column": "Delete column",
"Center": "Centre",
"Merge cells": "Merge cells",
"Insert template": "Insert template",
"Templates": "Templates",
"Background color": "Background colour",
"Custom...": "Custom...",
"Custom color": "Custom colour",
"No color": "No colour",
"Text color": "Text colour",
"Table of Contents": "Table of Contents",
"Show blocks": "Show blocks",
"Show invisible characters": "Show invisible characters",
"Words: {0}": "Words: {0}",
"Insert": "Insert",
"File": "File",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help": "Rich Text Area. Press ALT-F9 for menu. Press ALT-F10 for toolbar. Press ALT-0 for help",
"Tools": "Tools",
"View": "View",
"Table": "Table",
"Format": "Format"
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/* PrismJS 1.14.0
https://prismjs.com/download.html#themes=prism&languages=markup+css+clike+javascript */
* prism.js default theme for JavaScript, CSS and HTML
* Based on dabblet (http://dabblet.com)
* @author Lea Verou
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.tinymce-mobile-unfocused-selections .tinymce-mobile-unfocused-selection{position:absolute;display:inline-block;background-color:green;opacity:.5}body{-webkit-text-size-adjust:none}body img{max-width:96vw}body table img{max-width:95%}
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window.Environment = {
// 是否为开发模式
devMode: true,
// 项目模板地址
ProjectUrl: "https://gitee.com/ibizlab/iBizPMS",
// 配置平台地址
StudioUrl: "http://studio.ibizlab.cn/slnstudio/",
// 方案标识
SlnId: "506FF789-2742-4C35-A91D-E3990C379D41",
// 系统标识
SysId: "3A921F6B-613D-4975-ACD6-79565D82E1DE",
// 前端应用标识
AppId: "67ca55365f7abcc05c30f4fba9f8ee37"
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<div id='app'>
<router-view v-if="isRouterAlive"/>
+<script lang='ts'>
import { Vue, Component, Provide } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import store from '@/store';
import { LoadAppData } from '@/utils';
export default class App extends Vue {
* 控制视图是否显示
public isRouterAlive:boolean = false;
* 向后代注入加载行为
public reload = this.viewreload;
* vue生命周期
public created(){
* 视图重新加载
public viewreload () {
this.isRouterAlive = false;
this.$nextTick(function () {
this.isRouterAlive = true;
* 视图加载代码表
public async loadAppData(){
const _store:any = store;
if(_store.state && _store.state.codelists && _store.state.codelists.length >0){
this.isRouterAlive = true;
await LoadAppData.getInstance().load(store);
this.isRouterAlive = true;
\ No newline at end of file
* 代码表--云系统操作者
* @export
* @class SysOperator
export default class SysOperator {
* 是否启用缓存
* @type boolean
* @memberof SysOperator
public isEnableCache:boolean = true;
* 过期时间
* @type any
* @memberof SysOperator
public expirationTime:any;
* 缓存超长时长
* @type any
* @memberof SysOperator
public cacheTimeout:any = -1;
* 代码表模型对象
* @type any
* @memberof SysOperator
public codelistModel:any = {
* 自定义参数集合
* @type any
* @memberof SysOperator
public userParamNames:any ={
* 查询参数集合
* @type any
* @memberof SysOperator
public queryParamNames:any ={
* 获取数据项
* @param {*} data
* @param {boolean} [isloading]
* @returns {Promise<any>}
* @memberof SysOperator
public getItems(data: any={}, isloading?: boolean): Promise<any> {
return Promise.reject([]);
* 处理查询参数
* @param data 传入data
* @memberof SysOperator
public handleQueryParam(data:any){
let tempData:any = data?JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)):{};
if(this.userParamNames && Object.keys(this.userParamNames).length >0){
Object.keys(this.userParamNames).forEach((name: string) => {
if (!name) {
let value: string | null = this.userParamNames[name];
if (value && value.startsWith('%') && value.endsWith('%')) {
const key = value.substring(1, value.length - 1);
if (this.codelistModel && this.codelistModel.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
value = (this.codelistModel[key] !== null && this.codelistModel[key] !== undefined) ? this.codelistModel[key] : null;
} else {
value = null;
Object.assign(tempData, { [name]: value });
Object.assign(tempData,{page: 0, size: 1000});
if(this.queryParamNames && Object.keys(this.queryParamNames).length > 0){
return tempData;
html, body {
height: 100%;
.app-error-view {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
.app-error-container {
height: 380px;
width: 670px;
position: absolute;
top: calc((100% - 400px) / 2);
left: calc((100% - 670px) / 2);
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.error-text {
padding-left: 20px;
.error-text1 {
font-size: 20px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.error-text2 {
font-size: 14px;
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="app-error-view">
<div class="app-error-container">
<img src="/assets/img/404.png" />
<div class="error-text">
<div class="error-text1">{{$t('components.404.errorText1')}}</div>
<div class="error-text2">{{$t('components.404.errorText2')}} <a @click="gotoIndexView">{{$t('components.404.indexPage')}}</a> {{$t('components.404.continue')}}</div>
<script lang="ts">
import { Vue, Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
export default class Error404 extends Vue {
* 跳转首页
* @memberof Error404
public gotoIndexView() {
<style lang='less'>
@import './404.less';
\ No newline at end of file
html, body {
height: 100%;
.app-error-view {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
.app-error-container {
height: 380px;
width: 670px;
position: absolute;
top: calc((100% - 400px) / 2);
left: calc((100% - 670px) / 2);
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.error-text {
padding-left: 20px;
.error-text1 {
font-size: 20px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.error-text2 {
font-size: 14px;
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="app-error-view">
<div class="app-error-container">
<img src="/assets/img/500.png" />
<div class="error-text">
<div class="error-text1">{{$t('components.500.errorText1')}}</div>
<div class="error-text2">{{$t('components.500.errorText2')}} <a @click="gotoIndexView">{{$t('components.500.indexPage')}}</a> {{$t('components.500.continue')}}</div>
<script lang="ts">
import { Vue, Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';
export default class Error404 extends Vue {
* 跳转首页
* @memberof Error404
public gotoIndexView() {
<style lang='less'>
@import './500.less';
\ No newline at end of file
.app-actionbar {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
flex-wrap: wrap;
background: var(--view-button-background-color);
border-radius: 5px;
.app-actionbar-item {
>.ivu-btn.ivu-btn-text {
color: var(--view-button-color);
>.ivu-btn.ivu-btn-text:hover {
color: var(--view-button-background-color-active);
.app-actionbar-item:nth-child(n + 2) {
border-left: 1px solid var(--app-dividing-line-color-bright);
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="app-actionbar">
<div class="app-actionbar-item" v-for="(item,index) in items" :key="index">
v-if="item.counterService && item.counterService.counterData"
<i-button type="text" ghost @click="handleClick(item.viewlogicname)">{{item.actionName}}</i-button>
<i-button v-else type="text" ghost @click="handleClick(item.viewlogicname)">{{item.actionName}}</i-button>
<script lang="tsx">
import { Vue, Component, Prop, Model, Emit } from "vue-property-decorator";
import { Subject } from "rxjs";
export default class AppActionBar extends Vue {
* 传入操作栏模型数据
* @type {any}
* @memberof AppActionBar
@Prop() public items!: any;
* 触发界面行为
* @memberof AppActionBar
public handleClick($event: any) {
this.$emit("itemClick", $event);
<style lang='less'>
@import "./app-actionbar.less";
\ No newline at end of file
<div class="appAddressSelection">
size ="medium"
<script lang='ts'>
import { Component, Vue, Prop, Model, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged } from 'rxjs/operators';
import axios from 'axios';
export default class AppAddressSelection extends Vue {
* 传入值
* @type {any}
* @memberof AppAddressSelection
@Prop() public value?:any;
* 是否禁用
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof AppAddressSelection
@Prop() public disabled?: boolean;
* 当前值
* @memberof AppAddressSelection
get CurrentVal() {
return this.value;
* 值变化
* @memberof AppAddressSelection
set CurrentVal(val: any) {
this.$emit("change", val);
* 城市数据
* @memberof AppAddressSelection
public city :any = [];
* 获取城市数据
* @memberof AppAddressSelection
public getcity() {
axios.get("../../assets/json/city_code.json").then((response: any) => {
}).catch((response: any) => {
* 生命周期
* @memberof AppAddressSelection
public created() {
* 数据格式化
* @memberof AppAddressSelection
public format(data :any) {
let data1 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data).replace(/city/g, 'children'))
let data2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data1).replace(/name/g, 'label'))
let data3 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data2).replace(/area/g, 'children'))
let data4 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data3).replace(/code/g, 'value'))
this.city = data4;
<style lang='less'>
@import './app-address-selection.less';
\ No newline at end of file
.ivu-auto-complete {
.ivu-select-dropdown-list {
height: 300px;
<template v-slot:suffix>
<i v-if="curvalue && !disabled" class='el-icon-circle-close' @click="onClear"></i>
<i class="el-icon-arrow-down"></i>
<script lang='ts'>
import { Component, Vue, Prop, Model, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged } from 'rxjs/operators';
export default class AppAutocomplete extends Vue {
* 表单数据
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppAutocomplete
@Prop() public data: any;
* 视图上下文
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppAutocomplete
@Prop() public context!: any;
* 视图参数
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppFormDRUIPart
@Prop() public viewparams!: any;
* AC参数
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppFormDRUIPart
@Prop({default: {}}) public acParams?: any;
* 表单服务
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppFormDRUIPart
@Prop() public service?: any;
* 应用实体主信息属性名称
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppAutocomplete
@Prop({default: 'srfmajortext'}) public deMajorField!: string;
* 应用实体主键属性名称
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppAutocomplete
@Prop({default: 'srfkey'}) public deKeyField!: string;
* 是否启用
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof AppAutocomplete
@Prop() public disabled?: boolean;
* 属性项名称
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppAutocomplete
@Prop() public name!: string;
* 编辑器参数
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppAutocomplete
@Prop() public itemParam?: any;
* 值项名称
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppAutocomplete
@Prop() public valueitem?: string;
* 值
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppPicker
@Model('change') public value?: any;
* 当前值
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppPicker
public curvalue: string = '';
* 远程请求url 地址
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppAutocomplete
@Prop() public url?: string;
* 数组
* @type {any[]}
* @memberof AppAutocomplete
public items: any[] = [];
* 输入状态
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof AppAutocomplete
public inputState: boolean = false;
* 值变化
* @param {*} newVal
* @param {*} oldVal
* @memberof AppPicker
public onValueChange(newVal: any, oldVal: any) {
this.curvalue = newVal;
* 执行搜索数据
* @param query
* @param callback
public onSearch(query: any, callback: any): void {
// 公共参数处理
let data: any = {};
const bcancel: boolean = this.handlePublicParams(data);
if (!bcancel) {
// 参数处理
let _context = data.context;
let _param = data.param;
// 处理搜索参数
query = !query ? '' : query;
if (!this.inputState && Object.is(query, this.value)) {
query = '';
this.inputState = false;
Object.assign(_param, { query: query });
// 错误信息国际化
let error: string = (this.$t('components.appAutocomplete.error') as any);
let miss: string = (this.$t('components.appAutocomplete.miss') as any);
let requestException: string = (this.$t('components.appAutocomplete.requestException') as any);
this.$Notice.error({ title: error, desc: miss+'service' });
} else if(!this.acParams.serviceName) {
this.$Notice.error({ title: error, desc: miss+'serviceName' });
} else if(!this.acParams.interfaceName) {
this.$Notice.error({ title: error, desc: miss+'interfaceName' });
} else {
this.service.getItems(this.acParams.serviceName,this.acParams.interfaceName, _context, _param).then((response: any) => {
if (!response) {
this.$Notice.error({ title: error, desc: requestException });
} else {
this.items = [...response];
if (callback) {
}).catch((error: any) => {
if (callback) {
* 选中数据回调
* @param item
public onACSelect(item: any): void {
if (this.name) {
this.$emit('formitemvaluechange', { name: this.name, value: item[this.deMajorField] });
if (this.valueitem) {
this.$emit('formitemvaluechange', { name: this.valueitem, value: item[this.deKeyField] });
* 输入过程中
* @memberof AppAutocomplete
public onInput($event: any) {
if (Object.is($event, this.value)) {
this.inputState = true;
* 失去焦点事件
* @param e
public onBlur(e: any): void {
let val: string = e.target.value;
if (!Object.is(val, this.value)) {
this.onACSelect({ [this.deMajorField]: val, [this.deKeyField]: '' });
* 清除
public onClear($event: any): void {
if (this.name) {
this.$emit('formitemvaluechange', { name: this.name, value: '' });
if (this.valueitem) {
this.$emit('formitemvaluechange', { name: this.valueitem, value: '' });
* 公共参数处理
* @param {*} arg
* @returns
* @memberof AppAutocomplete
public handlePublicParams(arg: any): boolean {
if (!this.data) {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('components.appPicker.error') as any), desc: (this.$t('components.appPicker.formdataException') as any) });
return false;
// 合并表单参数
arg.param = this.viewparams ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.viewparams)) : {};
arg.context = this.context ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)) : {};
// 附加参数处理
if (this.itemParam && this.itemParam.context) {
let _context = this.$util.formatData(this.data,arg.context,this.itemParam.context);
if (this.itemParam && this.itemParam.param) {
let _param = this.$util.formatData(this.data,arg.param,this.itemParam.param);
return true;
<style lang='less'>
@import './app-autocomplete.less';
\ No newline at end of file
.el-breadcrumb__inner a {
font-weight: 400 !important;
.app-breadcrumb.el-breadcrumb {
display: inline-block;
font-size: 14px;
line-height: 50px;
margin-left: 8px;
.no-redirect {
color: #97a8be;
cursor: text;
\ No newline at end of file
<transition-group name="breadcrumb">
v-for="(item, index) in breadcrumbs"
v-if="item.redirect === 'noredirect' || index === breadcrumbs.length-1"
>{{ $t(item.meta.caption) }}</span>
>{{ $t(item.meta.caption) }}</a>
<script lang="ts">
import { compile } from 'path-to-regexp'
import { Component, Vue, Watch, Prop } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import { RouteRecord, Route } from 'vue-router'
name: 'Breadcrumb'
export default class extends Vue {
private breadcrumbs: RouteRecord[] = []
@Prop() public defPSAppView?: any;
private onRouteChange(route: Route) {
// if you go to the redirect page, do not update the breadcrumbs
if (route.path.startsWith('/redirect/')) {
created() {
private getBreadcrumb() {
let matched = this.$route.matched.filter((item) => item.meta && item.meta.caption)
const first = matched[0]
if (!this.isDashboard(first)) {
matched = [{ path: "/index/:index?", meta: {
caption: 'app.views.index.caption',
viewType: 'APPINDEX',
parameters: [
{ pathName: 'index', parameterName: 'index' },
requireAuth: true, } } as RouteRecord].concat(matched)
this.breadcrumbs = matched.filter((item) => {
return item.meta && item.meta.caption && item.meta.breadcrumb !== false
private isDashboard(route: RouteRecord) {
const name = route && route.meta.parameters[0].pathName;
if (!name) {
return false
return name.trim().toLocaleLowerCase() === 'index'.toLocaleLowerCase()
private pathCompile(item: any) {
const { params, path, query } = item;
return { params, path, query };
private handleLink(item: any) {
this.$router.push(this.pathCompile(item)).catch(err => {
<style lang='less'>
@import "./app-breadcrumb.less";
\ No newline at end of file
.show-type {
text-align: right;
position: absolute;
z-index: 99;
right: 0;
top: 2px;
.ivu-btn-group {
.collapse-btn {
padding: 0;
\ No newline at end of file
<div class='show-type'>
<button-group v-show="!showTypeDir">
<i-button class="collapse-btn" type="primary" @click="clickCollapse('left')">
<icon type="ios-arrow-back"/>
<button-group v-show="showTypeDir">
<el-tooltip :content="$t('components.appBuild.custom')">
<i-button icon="md-build" type="primary" @click="handleClick"></i-button>
<i-button class="collapse-btn" type="primary" @click="clickCollapse('right')">
<icon type="ios-arrow-forward"/>
<script lang="ts">
import {Vue, Component, Prop, Watch} from 'vue-property-decorator';
export default class AppBuild extends Vue {
* 工具栏伸缩
* @protected
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof AppBuild
public showTypeDir: boolean = false;
* 点击伸缩
* @param {*} type
* @memberof AppBuild
public clickCollapse(type: string) {
this.showTypeDir = Object.is(type, 'left') ? true : false;
* 工具点击
*@memberof AppBuild
public handleClick(){
<style lang="less">
@import './app-build.less';
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.app-checkbox-list {
overflow: auto;
\ No newline at end of file
<checkbox-group class="app-checkbox-list" v-model="selectArray">
<checkbox v-for="(item,index) in items" :key="index" :label="item.value" :disabled="isDisabled || item.disabled">
<span>{{Object.is(codelistType,'STATIC') ? $t('codelist.'+tag+'.'+item.value) : item.text}}</span>
</checkbox-group >
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue, Prop, Model, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator';
import CodeListService from "@service/app/codelist-service";
export default class AppCheckBox extends Vue {
* 代码表服务对象
* @type {CodeListService}
* @memberof AppCheckBox
public codeListService:CodeListService = new CodeListService({ $store: this.$store });
* 代码表标识
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppCheckBox
@Prop() public tag?: string;
* 代码表类型
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppCheckBox
@Prop() public codelistType?: string;
* 代码表值分隔符
* @type {string}
* @memberof AppCheckBox
@Prop({default:','}) public valueSeparator?: string;
* 是否禁用
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof AppCheckBox
@Prop() disabled?: boolean;
* 传入表单数据
* @type {*}
* @memberof DropDownList
@Prop() public data?: any;
* 传入额外参数
* @type {*}
* @memberof DropDownList
@Prop() public itemParam?: any;
* 视图上下文
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppAutocomplete
@Prop() public context!: any;
* 视图参数
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppFormDRUIPart
@Prop() public viewparams!: any;
* 获取启用禁用状态
* @readonly
* @memberof AppCheckBox
get isDisabled() {
if (this.disabled) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* 属性名称
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppCheckBox
@Prop() name?: any;
* 模式(数字或者字符串)
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppCheckBox
@Prop() mode: any;
* 当前模式
* @readonly
* @memberof AppCheckBox
get currentmode() {
if (this.mode) {
return this.mode;
} else {
return 'str';
* 选中值
* @type {*}
* @memberof AppCheckBox
@Model('change') selects?: any;
* 选中数组
* @memberof AppCheckBox
get selectArray() {
if (this.selects) {
if (Object.is(this.currentmode, 'num') && this.items) {
let selectsArray: Array<any> = [];
let num: number = parseInt(this.selects, 10);
this.items.forEach((item: any) => {
if ((num & item.value) == item.value) {
return selectsArray;
} else if (Object.is(this.currentmode, 'str')) {
if (this.selects !== '') {
return this.selects.split(this.valueSeparator);
} else {
return [];
* 设置选中
* @memberof AppCheckBox
set selectArray(val: any) {
let value: null | string | number = null;
if (Object.is(this.currentmode, 'num')) {
let temp: number = 0;
val.forEach((item: any) => {
temp = temp | parseInt(item, 10);
value = temp;
} else if (Object.is(this.currentmode, 'str')) {
let _datas: string[] = [];
this.items.forEach((item: any) => {
const index = val.findIndex((_key: any) => Object.is(item.value, _key));
if (index === -1) {
value = _datas.join(this.valueSeparator);
this.$emit('change', value);
* 代码表数组
* @type {any[]}
* @memberof AppCheckBox
public items: any[] = [];
* 公共参数处理
* @param {*} arg
* @returns
* @memberof DropDownList
public handlePublicParams(arg: any) {
// 合并表单参数
arg.param = this.viewparams ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.viewparams)) : {};
arg.context = this.context ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)) : {};
// 附加参数处理
if (this.itemParam && this.itemParam.context) {
let _context = this.$util.formatData(this.data,arg.context,this.itemParam.context);
if (this.itemParam && this.itemParam.param) {
let _param = this.$util.formatData(this.data,arg.param,this.itemParam.param);
* vue 生命周期
* @memberof AppCheckBox
public created() {
if (Object.is(this.codelistType,"STATIC")) {
const codelist = this.$store.getters.getCodeList(this.tag);
if (codelist) {
this.items = [...JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(codelist.items))];
} else {
} else if (Object.is(this.codelistType,"DYNAMIC")) {
// 公共参数处理
let data: any = {};
// 参数处理
let _context = data.context;
let _param = data.param;
this.codeListService.getItems(this.tag,_context,_param).then((res:any) => {
this.items = res;
}).catch((error:any) => {
* 监听表单数据变化
* @memberof AppOrgSelect
onDataChange(newVal: any, oldVal: any) {
if(this.tag && this.codelistType == 'DYNAMIC'){
// 公共参数处理
let data: any = {};
// 参数处理
let _context = data.context;
let _param = data.param;
this.codeListService.getItems(this.tag,_context,_param).then((res:any) => {
this.items = res;
<style lang='less'>
@import './app-checkbox-list.less';
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