email_en_US.ts 4.8 KB
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export default {
  fields: {
    mimetype: 'MIME 类型',
    to: '收件人',
    lastopenedtime: '上次打开时间',
    createman: '建立人',
    scheduledend: '截止日期',
    regardingobjectid: '关于',
    opencount: '打开计数',
    sendersaccountname: '电子邮件发件人帐户名称',
    emailremindertype: '电子邮件提醒类型',
    correlationmethod: '相关性方法',
    messageiddupcheck: '消息 ID 重复检测',
    senton: '发送日期',
    linksclickedcount: '链接单击计数',
    compressed: '压缩',
    statecode: '活动状态',
    inreplyto: '答复消息',
    emailreminderstatus: '电子邮件提醒状态',
    safedescription: '安全说明',
    traversedpath: '遍历的路径',
    description: '说明',
    reminderactioncardid: '提醒操作卡 ID。',
    versionnumber: '版本号',
    onholdtime: '暂候时间(分钟)',
    subcategory: '子类别',
    emailfollowed: '后续活动',
    followemailuserpreference: '跟踪',
    activityid: '电子邮件',
    emailtrackingid: '电子邮件跟踪 ID',
    scheduledstart: '开始日期',
    owneridyominame: '负责人',
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
    emailremindertext: '电子邮件提醒文本',
    trackingtoken: '跟踪令牌',
    activitytypecode: '活动类型',
    deliveryattempts: '尝试传送的次数',
    sendersaccountobjecttypecode: '发件人帐户类型',
    deliveryreceiptrequested: '需要“送达”回执',
    emailreminderexpirytime: '电子邮件提醒到期时间',
    exchangerate: '汇率',
    overriddencreatedon: '创建记录的时间',
    ownerid: '负责人',
    billed: '已记帐',
    category: '类别',
    baseconversationindexhash: '对话索引(哈希)',
    createdate: '建立时间',
    processid: '流程',
    conversationindex: '对话索引',
    stageid: '流程阶段',
    postponeemailprocessinguntil: '延迟电子邮件处理,直至',
    emailsenderyominame: '电子邮件发件人 Yomi 名称',
    directioncode: '方向',
    notifications: '通知',
    emailsenderobjecttypecode: '电子邮件发件人类型',
    sortdate: '排序日期',
    messageid: '消息 ID',
    activityadditionalparams: '附加参数',
    updatedate: '更新时间',
    readreceiptrequested: '需要“已读”回执',
    workflowcreated: '由工作流创建',
    unsafe: 'IsUnsafe',
    regardingobjecttypecode: 'RegardingObjectTypeCode',
    prioritycode: '优先级',
    delayedemailsendtime: '稍后发送',
    from: '发件人',
    emailsendername: '电子邮件发件人名称',
    bcc: '密件抄送',
    actualstart: '实际开始时间',
    actualend: '实际结束时间',
    slaname: 'SLAName',
    conversationtrackingid: '对话跟踪 ID',
    sender: '发件人',
    lastonholdtime: '上一暂候时间',
    submittedby: '提交者',
    torecipients: '至收件人',
    deliveryprioritycode: '传递优先级',
    sendersaccountyominame: '电子邮件发件人帐户 Yomi 名称',
    owneridtype: '负责人类型',
80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87
    attachmentcount: '附件计数',
    attachmentopencount: '附件打开计数',
    scheduleddurationminutes: '计划持续时间',
    importsequencenumber: '导入序列号',
    timezoneruleversionnumber: '时区规则版本号',
    replycount: '回复计数',
    regularactivity: '是定期活动',
    updateman: '更新人',
    regardingobjectidyominame: '关于',
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169
    cc: '抄送',
    statuscode: '状态描述',
    subject: '主题',
    utcconversiontimezonecode: 'UTC 转换时区代码',
    emailreminderset: '已设置提醒',
    actualdurationminutes: '持续时间',
    parentactivityid: '父活动 ID',
    serviceid: '服务',
    templateid: '使用的模板的 ID。',
    slaid: 'SLA',
    transactioncurrencyid: '货币',
	views: {
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			caption: "电子邮件",
      title: 'email编辑视图',
	main_form: {
		details: {
			group1: "email基本信息", 
			formpage1: "基本信息", 
			group2: "操作信息", 
			formpage2: "其它", 
			srfupdatedate: "更新时间", 
			srforikey: "", 
			srfkey: "电子邮件", 
			srfmajortext: "主题", 
			srftempmode: "", 
			srfuf: "", 
			srfdeid: "", 
			srfsourcekey: "", 
			subject: "主题", 
			createman: "建立人", 
			createdate: "建立时间", 
			updateman: "更新人", 
			updatedate: "更新时间", 
			activityid: "电子邮件", 
		uiactions: {
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