service-appointment_en_US.ts 3.5 KB
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export default {
  fields: {
    updateman: '更新人',
    scheduledstart: '计划开始时间',
    ownerid: '负责人',
    statecode: '状态',
    deliverylastattemptedon: '上次尝试传递的日期',
    scheduledend: '计划结束时间',
    createman: '建立人',
    resources: '资源',
    importsequencenumber: 'Import Sequence Number',
    onholdtime: '暂候时间(分钟)',
    utcconversiontimezonecode: 'UTC 转换时区代码',
    actualend: '实际结束时间',
    requiredattendees: 'Required Attendees',
    actualstart: '实际开始时间',
    senton: '发送日期',
    actualdurationminutes: '实际持续时间',
    billed: '已记帐',
    regardingobjectidyominame: '关于',
    overriddencreatedon: 'Record Created On',
    updatedate: '更新时间',
    slaname: 'SLAName',
    mapiprivate: '专用',
    category: '类别',
    owneridyominame: '负责人',
    cc: 'CC',
    prioritycode: '优先级',
    bcc: 'BCC',
    createdate: '建立时间',
    to: 'To',
    location: '送达位置',
    statuscode: '状态描述',
    subscriptionid: '预订',
    exchangeweblink: 'Exchange WebLink',
    activityadditionalparams: '附加参数',
    alldayevent: '全天事件',
    deliveryprioritycode: '传递优先级',
    instancetypecode: '定期实例类型',
    traversedpath: '遍历的路径',
    regardingobjectid: '相关',
    stageid: '流程阶段',
    organizer: 'Organizer',
    leftvoicemail: '保留的语音邮件',
    exchangerate: '汇率',
    partners: 'Outsource Vendors',
    seriesid: '系列 ID',
    versionnumber: '版本号',
    activityid: '服务活动',
    lastonholdtime: '上一暂候时间',
    sortdate: '排序日期',
    subject: '主题',
    from: 'From',
    subcategory: '子类别',
    timezoneruleversionnumber: '时区规则版本号',
    owneridtype: '负责人类型',
    community: '社交渠道',
    description: '说明',
    optionalattendees: 'Optional Attendees',
    scheduleddurationminutes: '计划持续时间',
    processid: '流程',
    activitytypecode: '活动类型',
    regularactivity: '是定期活动',
    exchangeitemid: 'Exchange 项目 ID',
    workflowcreated: '由工作流创建',
    customers: '客户',
    regardingobjecttypecode: 'RegardingObjectTypeCode',
    slaid: 'SLA',
    serviceid: '服务',
    siteid: '场所',
    transactioncurrencyid: '货币',
	views: {
		editview: {
			caption: "服务活动",
      title: '服务活动编辑视图',
	main_form: {
		details: {
			group1: "serviceappointment基本信息", 
			formpage1: "基本信息", 
			group2: "操作信息", 
			formpage2: "其它", 
			srfupdatedate: "更新时间", 
			srforikey: "", 
			srfkey: "服务活动", 
			srfmajortext: "主题", 
			srftempmode: "", 
			srfuf: "", 
			srfdeid: "", 
			srfsourcekey: "", 
			subject: "主题", 
			createman: "建立人", 
			createdate: "建立时间", 
			updateman: "更新人", 
			updatedate: "更新时间", 
			activityid: "服务活动", 
		uiactions: {
	editviewtoolbar_toolbar: {
		tbitem3: {
			caption: "Save",
			tip: "Save",
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			caption: "Save And New",
			tip: "Save And New",
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			caption: "Save And Close",
			tip: "Save And Close Window",
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			caption: "-",
			tip: "",
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			caption: "Remove And Close",
			tip: "Remove And Close Window",
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			tip: "",
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			caption: "New",
			tip: "New",
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