import Vue from 'vue'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import VueRouter from 'vue-router'; import App from '@/App.vue'; import ElementUi from 'element-ui'; import ViewUI from 'view-design'; import ibizLab from 'ibiz-vue-lib'; import axios from "axios"; import { AppComponentService, initNoticeHandler, Interceptors } from '@/utils'; import { Print } from '@/utils/print'; import i18n from '@/locale'; import { vueinstall } from 'ibiz-vue'; import { installPlugin } from '@/plugin/app-plugin-service'; import { Environment } from '@/environments/environment'; import format from 'vue-text-format'; import less from 'less'; import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css'; import 'view-design/dist/styles/iview.css'; import 'ibiz-vue-lib/lib/ibiz-vue-lib.css'; import '@/styles/default.less'; import { AppLayoutService, NoticeHandler } from 'ibiz-vue'; import VueAMap from 'vue-amap'; Vue.use(VueAMap); AppComponentService.registerAppComponents(); AppLayoutService.registerLayoutComponent(); VueAMap.initAMapApiLoader({ key: '6ab2751103aea67e817c90a5528181b5', plugin: ["AMap.Geolocation", "AMap.PlaceSearch", "AMap.Geocoder", "AMap.Autocomplete"], uiVersion: '1.1' }); // 取消模型包警告输出 import {install} from "@ibiz/dynamic-model-api"; install(); const pathToRegExp = require('path-to-regexp'); import { AppComponents } from '@/app-register'; import { PageComponents } from '@/page-register'; import { UserComponents } from '@/user-register'; import store from '@/store'; import router from './router'; import { translate } from '@/locale/local-util'; import { AppServiceBase, Util, ViewTool } from 'ibiz-core'; import { MicroAppService } from '@/micro'; import qs from 'qs'; const win: any = window; win.axios = axios; vueinstall(); installPlugin(); initNoticeHandler(); // 注册环境配置 AppServiceBase.getInstance().setAppEnvironment(Environment); // 异常处理 Vue.config.errorHandler = function (err: any, vm: any, info: any) { NoticeHandler.errorHandler(err, info); } Vue.prototype.$throw = function (err: any, fnName?: string, param?: any) { NoticeHandler.errorHandler(err, { param, caller: this, fnName }); }; Vue.prototype.$success = function (message: any, fnName?: string, param?: any) { NoticeHandler.successHandler(message, { param, caller: this, fnName }); }; Vue.prototype.$warning = function (message: any, fnName?: string, param?: any) { NoticeHandler.warningHandler(message, { param, caller: this, fnName }); }; Vue.prototype.$info = function (message: any, fnName?: string, param?: any) { NoticeHandler.infoHandler(message, { param, caller: this, fnName }); }; Vue.prototype.$tl = function (key: string, value?: string) { return translate(key, this, value); }; // 解决75版本浏览器不支持replaceAll方法 String.prototype.replaceAll = function (FindText: any, RepText: any) { let regExp = new RegExp(FindText, "g"); return this.replace(regExp, RepText as any); } Vue.config.productionTip = false; Vue.use(Print); Vue.use(ibizLab); Vue.use(Vuex); Vue.use(win.AVUE); Vue.use(format); Vue.use(VueRouter);; Vue.use(ElementUi, { i18n: (key: any, value: any) => i18n.t(key, value) }); Vue.use(ViewUI, { i18n: (key: any, value: any) => i18n.t(key, value) }); Vue.prototype.$pathToRegExp = pathToRegExp; Vue.use(AppComponents); Vue.use(PageComponents); Vue.use(UserComponents); Vue.use(less); router.beforeEach((to: any, from: any, next: any) => { if (sessionStorage.getItem('lockState') && to.path != '/lock') { next({ path: '/lock'}); }else{ if (to.meta && !to.meta.ignoreAddPage && !to.path.endsWith('/redirectview')) { if (router && &&$store) { const { viewParams } = ViewTool.getViewParamsByPath(to.fullPath); const historyPathList =$store.state.historyPathList; const historyPaths: string[] = historyPathList.filter((path: string) => path.startsWith(to.path)); delete viewParams.srfnav; let isAddPage: boolean = true; if (historyPaths.length > 0) { // 除了srfnav还有其他参数 if (Object.keys(viewParams).length > 0) { // 如果参数相同不添加新页面, historyPaths.forEach((historyPath: string) => { if (historyPath && historyPath.indexOf('?') > -1) { const { viewParams: tempViewParams } = ViewTool.getViewParamsByPath(historyPath); delete tempViewParams.srfnav; if (Util.isFieldsSame(viewParams, tempViewParams)) { isAddPage = false;$store.commit('updatePage', { oldPath: historyPath, newRoute: to }); } } }); } else { historyPaths.forEach((historyPath: string) => {$store.commit('updatePage', { oldPath: historyPath, newRoute: to }); }) isAddPage = false; } } if (isAddPage) {$store.commit('addPage', to); } } } next(); } }); Interceptors.getInstance(router, store); let instance:any = null; const init = async (props:any = {}) => { const { container } = props; instance = new Vue({ i18n, store, router, render: (h: any) => h(App), }).$mount(container?container.querySelector('#app'):'#app'); }; // 动态路由配置 if ((window as any).__POWERED_BY_QIANKUN__) { __webpack_public_path__ = (window as any).__INJECTED_PUBLIC_PATH_BY_QIANKUN__; } // 非qiankun环境直接渲染 if (!(window as any).__POWERED_BY_QIANKUN__) { init(); } // 父应用已经到了子应用时的生命周期(简单来说:父应用的路由目前等于子应用的activeRule) TODO:activeRule #/child = /child export async function bootstrap() { MicroAppService.getInstance().initMicroApp(); } // 父应用已经到了子应用具体配置的路由时的生命周期(简单来说:路由地址对应的是子应用的路由地址,前置为父应用的activeRule) TODO:activeRule #/child = /child/子应用路由 export async function mount(props:any) { MicroAppService.getInstance().mountMicroApp(props); init(props); } // 父应用离开子应用时的生命周期(简单来说:路由不拼子应用里的) export async function unmount() { MicroAppService.getInstance().destroyMicroApp({instance}); }