import Vue from 'vue'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { IPSControl, IPSAppCounterRef } from '@ibiz/dynamic-model-api'; import { AppCtrlEventEngine, AppCustomEngine, AppModelService, AppPanelEventEngine, AppServiceBase, AppTimerEngine, ControlInterface, CounterService, GetModelService, LogUtil, PluginService, Util } from 'ibiz-core'; /** * 部件基类 * * @export * @class ControlBase * @extends {Vue} */ export class ControlBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface { /** * 环境文件 * * @type {any} * @protected * @memberof ControlBase */ protected Environment: any = AppServiceBase.getInstance().getAppEnvironment(); /** * 部件UI是否存在权限 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof ControlBase */ public enableControlUIAuth: boolean = true; /** * 原生引用控件名称 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public realCtrlRefName: string = ''; /** * 视图标识 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlBase */ public viewtag: any; /** * 插件工厂 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlBase */ public PluginFactory: PluginService = PluginService.getInstance(); /** * 显示处理提示 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof ControlBase */ public showBusyIndicator: boolean = true; /** * 是否启用动态模式 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof ControlBase */ public enableDynamicMode!: boolean; /** * 部件模型实例对象 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlBase */ public controlInstance!: any; /** * 名称 * * @type {string} * @memberof ControlBase */ public name!: string; /** * 视图通讯对象 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlBase */ public viewState: any; /** * 应用上下文 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlBase */ public context: any = {}; /** * 视图参数 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlBase */ public viewparams: any = {}; /** * 拷贝应用上下文 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlBase */ public copyContext: any = {}; /** * 拷贝视图参数 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlBase */ public copyViewparams: any = {}; /** * 模型数据是否加载完成 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public controlIsLoaded: boolean = false; /** * 绘制参数 * * @type {*} * @memberof AppDefaultSearchForm */ public renderOptions: any = { controlClassNames: {} }; /** * 部件服务对象 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlBase */ public service: any; /** * 实体服务对象 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlBase */ public appEntityService: any; /** * 订阅视图状态事件 * * @public * @type {(Subscription | undefined)} * @memberof ControlBase */ public viewStateEvent: Subscription | undefined; /** * 计数器服务对象集合 * * @type {Array<*>} * @memberof ControlBase */ public counterServiceArray: Array<any> = []; /** * 模型服务 * * @type {AppModelService} * @memberof ControlBase */ public modelService !: AppModelService; /** * 部件ID * * @memberof ControlBase */ public controlId: string = ''; /** * @description 是否无padding模式 * @type {boolean} * @memberof ControlBase */ public noPadding: boolean = false; /** * 本地资源标识 * * @type {string} * @memberof ControlBase */ public localSourceTag: string = ''; /** * 外部传入数据对象 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlBase */ public navdatas?: any; /** * 视图操作参数集合 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlBase */ public viewCtx?: any; /** * 界面触发逻辑Map * * @memberof ControlBase */ public ctrlTriggerLogicMap: Map<string, any> = new Map(); /** * 原生界面触发逻辑集合 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public realCtrlTriggerLogicArray: Array<any> = []; /** * 原生界面触发逻辑分隔符 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public realCtrlSeparator: string = 'ibiz_'; /** * 注册事件逻辑分隔符 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public registerEventSeparator: string = 'ibiz__'; /** * 工作流启动数据 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlBase */ public WFStartData: any = null; /** * 部件事件抛出方法 * * @param {{ controlname: string; action: string; data: any }} { controlname, action, data } * @memberof ControlBase */ public ctrlEvent({ controlname, action, data }: { controlname: string; action: string; data: any }): void { } /** * 部件事件 * @param ctrl 部件 * @param action 行为 * @param data 数据 * * @memberof ViewBase */ public onCtrlEvent(controlname: string, action: string, data: any) { if (action == 'controlIsMounted') { this.setIsMounted(controlname); } else { this.ctrlEvent({ controlname, action, data }); } } /** * 初始化部件的绘制参数 * * @type {Array<*>} * @memberof ViewBase */ public initRenderOptions(opts?: any) { this.renderOptions = {}; const { controlType, codeName } = this.controlInstance; // 部件类名 const controlClassNames: any = { 'control-container': true, [`app-control-${controlType.toLowerCase()}`]: true, [Util.srfFilePath2(codeName)]: true, }; Object.assign(controlClassNames, opts); if (this.controlInstance?.getPSSysCss?.()?.cssName) { Object.assign(controlClassNames, { [this.controlInstance.getPSSysCss()?.cssName]: true }); } this.$set(this.renderOptions, 'controlClassNames', controlClassNames); } /** * 计算目标部件所需参数 * * @param {*} controlInstance 要绘制的部件实例 * @param {*} [otherParam] 其他参数 * @returns * @memberof ControlBase */ public computeTargetCtrlData(controlInstance: any) { const targetCtrlName: string = `app-control-shell`; const targetCtrlParam: any = { dynamicProps: { viewparams: Util.deepCopy(this.viewparams), context: Util.deepCopy(this.context), viewCtx: this.viewCtx }, staticProps: { viewState: this.viewState, viewtag: this.viewtag, modelData: controlInstance, } }; Object.defineProperty(targetCtrlParam.staticProps, 'modelData', { enumerable: false, writable: true }); const targetCtrlEvent: any = { 'ctrl-event': ({ controlname, action, data }: { controlname: string, action: string, data: any }) => { this.onCtrlEvent(controlname, action, data); }, closeView: ($event: any) => { this.closeView($event); } } return { targetCtrlName: targetCtrlName, targetCtrlParam: targetCtrlParam, targetCtrlEvent: targetCtrlEvent }; } /** * 获取部件类型 * * @returns {string} * @memberof ControlBase */ public getControlType(): string { return this.controlInstance.controlType; } /** * 获取多项数据 * * @returns {any[]} * @memberof ControlBase */ public getDatas(): any[] { return []; } /** * 静态输入属性 * * @returns {any} * @memberof ControlBase */ public staticProps!: any; /** * 动态输入属性 * * @returns {any} * @memberof ControlBase */ public dynamicProps!: any; /** * 获取单项数据 * * @returns {*} * @memberof ControlBase */ public getData(): any { return null; } /** * 监听动态参数变化 * * @param {*} newVal * @param {*} oldVal * @memberof ControlBase */ public onDynamicPropsChange(newVal: any, oldVal: any) { if (newVal?.context && newVal.context !== oldVal?.context) { this.context = newVal.context; if (this.context.srfparentdename && this.context.srfparentkey) { Object.assign(this.context, { [this.context.srfparentdename.toLowerCase()]: this.context.srfparentkey }); } this.copyContext = Util.deepCopy(newVal.context); } if (newVal?.viewparams && newVal.viewparams !== oldVal?.viewparams) { this.viewparams = newVal.viewparams; this.copyViewparams = Util.deepCopy(newVal.viewparams); if (newVal.viewparams.hasOwnProperty('srfwfstartdata')) { this.WFStartData = newVal.viewparams['srfwfstartdata']; delete this.viewparams['srfwfstartdata']; delete this.copyViewparams['srfwfstartdata']; } } if (newVal?.navdatas && newVal.navdatas !== oldVal?.navdatas) { this.navdatas = newVal.navdatas; } if (newVal?.viewCtx && newVal.viewCtx !== oldVal?.viewCtx) { this.viewCtx = newVal.viewCtx; } } /** * 监听导航数据参数变化 * * @param {*} newVal * @param {*} oldVal * @memberof ControlBase */ public setNavdatas(args: any) { this.navdatas = args; if (Util.isExistData(this.navdatas)) { this.handleCustomCtrlData(); } else { this.context = Util.deepCopy(this.copyContext); this.viewparams = Util.deepCopy(this.copyViewparams); } } /** * 挂载状态集合 * * @type {Map<string,boolean>} * @memberof ControlBase */ public mountedMap: Map<string, boolean> = new Map(); /** * 是否部件已经完成ctrlMounted * * @type {boolean} * @memberof ControlBase */ public hasCtrlMounted: boolean = false; /** * 初始化挂载状态集合 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public initMountedMap() { let controls = this.controlInstance?.getPSControls?.(); controls?.forEach((item: any) => { if (item.controlType == "CONTEXTMENU" || item.controlType == "TOOLBAR") { this.mountedMap.set(, true); } else { this.mountedMap.set(, false); } }) this.mountedMap.set('self', false); } /** * 设置已经绘制完成状态 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public setIsMounted(name: string = 'self') { this.mountedMap.set(name, true); if ([...this.mountedMap.values()].indexOf(false) == -1) { // 执行ctrlMounted if (!this.hasCtrlMounted) { this.$nextTick(() => { this.ctrlMounted(); }) } } } /** * 监听静态参数变化 * * @param {*} newVal * @param {*} oldVal * @memberof ControlBase */ public onStaticPropsChange(newVal: any, oldVal: any) { this.controlInstance = this.staticProps.modelData; this.viewState = this.staticProps.viewState; this.viewtag = this.staticProps.viewtag; this.localSourceTag = this.staticProps.localSourceTag; this.controlId = this.staticProps.controlId; this.noPadding = this.staticProps.noPadding; this.ctrlModelInit().then((res: any) => { this.ctrlInit(); this.controlIsLoaded = true; setTimeout(() => { this.setIsMounted(); }, 0); }) } /** * 初始化模型服务 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public async initModelService() { this.modelService = await GetModelService(this.context); } /** * 部件模型数据加载 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public async ctrlModelLoad() { // 部件子部件数据加载 if (this.controlInstance?.getPSControls?.()) { for (const control of this.controlInstance.getPSControls() as IPSControl[]) { await control.fill(); } } } /** * 处理部件UI请求 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public onControlRequset(action: string, context: any, viewparam: any) { } /** * 处理部件UI响应 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public onControlResponse(action: string, response: any) { } /** * 部件模型数据初始化实例 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public async ctrlModelInit(args?: any) { await this.initModelService(); await this.ctrlModelLoad(); this.initMountedMap(); = ? : this.controlInstance.codeName; this.showBusyIndicator = this.controlInstance.showBusyIndicator; this.initRenderOptions(); await this.initCounterService(this.controlInstance); await this.initControlLogic(this.controlInstance); } /** * 部件初始化 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public ctrlInit(args?: any) { if (this.viewState) { this.viewStateEvent = this.viewState.subscribe( ({ tag, action, data }: { tag: string; action: string; data: any }) => { if (!, { return; } if ('reset', action)) { this.onReset(); } }, ); } // 增加本地模式默认加载数据逻辑 if(this.localSourceTag){ const _this:any = this; if(_this.load && _this.load instanceof Function){ _this.load(); } } // 处理部件定时器逻辑 this.handleTimerLogic(); } /** * 部件挂载 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public ctrlMounted(args?: any) { this.hasCtrlMounted = true; this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: 'controlIsMounted', data: true }) if (this.realCtrlRefName && this.realCtrlTriggerLogicArray.length > 0) { let timer: any = setInterval(() => { if (this.$refs && this.$refs[this.realCtrlRefName]) { clearInterval(timer); for (const item of this.realCtrlTriggerLogicArray) { (this.$refs[this.realCtrlRefName] as Vue).$on(item, (...args: any) => { this.handleRealCtrlEvent(item, this.getData(), args); }); } } }, 100); } } /** * 部件销毁 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public ctrlDestroyed(args?: any) { if (this.viewStateEvent) { this.viewStateEvent.unsubscribe(); } // 销毁计数器定时器 if (this.counterServiceArray && this.counterServiceArray.length > 0) { this.counterServiceArray.forEach((item: any) => { let counterService = item.service; if (counterService && counterService.destroyCounter && counterService.destroyCounter instanceof Function) { counterService.destroyCounter(); } }) } // 销毁部件定时器逻辑 this.destroyLogicTimer(); this.viewCtx = null; } /** * 计数器刷新 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public counterRefresh(arg?: any) { if (this.counterServiceArray && this.counterServiceArray.length > 0) { this.counterServiceArray.forEach((item: any) => { let counterService = item.service; if (counterService && counterService.refreshCounterData && counterService.refreshCounterData instanceof Function) { const tempParams = Util.deepCopy(this.viewparams); if (arg && Object.keys(arg).length > 0) { Object.assign(tempParams, arg); } counterService.refreshCounterData(this.context, tempParams); } }) } } /** * 关闭视图 * * @param {any} args * @memberof ControlBase */ public closeView(args: any): void { this.$emit('closeView', [args]); } /** * 初始化计数器服务 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public async initCounterService(param: any) { if (!param) { return; } const appCounterRef: Array<IPSAppCounterRef> = param.getPSAppCounterRefs?.() || []; if (appCounterRef && appCounterRef.length > 0) { for (const counterRef of appCounterRef) { const counter = counterRef.getPSAppCounter?.(); if (counter) { await counter.fill(true); const counterService = new CounterService(); await counterService.loaded(counter, { context: this.context, viewparams: this.viewparams }); const tempData: any = { id:, path: counter.modelPath, service: counterService }; this.counterServiceArray.push(tempData); } } } } /** * 初始化部件逻辑 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public async initControlLogic(opts: any) { if (opts.getPSControlLogics() && opts.getPSControlLogics().length > 0) { this.realCtrlTriggerLogicArray = []; opts.getPSControlLogics().forEach((element: any) => { // 目标逻辑类型类型为实体界面逻辑、系统预置界面逻辑、前端扩展插件、脚本代码 if (element && element.triggerType && (, 'DEUILOGIC') ||, 'SYSVIEWLOGIC') ||, 'PFPLUGIN') ||, 'SCRIPT'))) { switch (element.triggerType) { case 'CUSTOM': this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.set(, new AppCustomEngine(element)); break; case 'CTRLEVENT': if (element.eventNames.startsWith(this.registerEventSeparator)) { this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.set(element.eventNames.toLowerCase(), new AppCtrlEventEngine(element)); } else { if (element.eventNames.startsWith(this.realCtrlSeparator)) { let eventNames = element.eventNames.slice(this.realCtrlSeparator.length); eventNames = eventNames.replace(/_/g, "-"); eventNames = `${this.realCtrlSeparator}${eventNames}`; this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.set(eventNames.toLowerCase(), new AppCtrlEventEngine(element)); } else { this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.set(element.eventNames.toLowerCase(), new AppCtrlEventEngine(element)); } } break; case 'TIMER': this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.set(, new AppTimerEngine(element)); break; default: console.log(`${element.triggerType}类型暂未支持`); break; } } // 目标逻辑类型类型为视图逻辑 if (element &&, 'APPVIEWLOGIC') && opts.getPSAppViewLogics?.()) { const targetViewLogic = opts.getPSAppViewLogics().find((viewLogic: any) => { return ===; }) if (targetViewLogic && targetViewLogic.logicTrigger && (, 'DEUILOGIC') ||, 'SYSVIEWLOGIC') ||, 'PFPLUGIN') ||, 'SCRIPT') ||, 'APPVIEWUIACTION') )){ if(,'PANELEVENT')){ if (targetViewLogic?.getPSViewCtrlName() && targetViewLogic?.eventNames) { this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.set(`${targetViewLogic.getPSViewCtrlName()?.toLowerCase()}-${targetViewLogic.eventNames?.toLowerCase()}`, new AppPanelEventEngine(targetViewLogic)); } } } } // 初始化原生界面触发逻辑 if (element.eventNames && element.eventNames.startsWith(this.realCtrlSeparator)) { let eventNames = element.eventNames.slice(this.realCtrlSeparator.length); eventNames = eventNames.replace(/_/g, "-"); this.realCtrlTriggerLogicArray.push(eventNames); } // 绑定用户自定义事件 if (element.eventNames && element.eventNames.startsWith(this.registerEventSeparator)) { this.$on(element.eventNames, (...args: any) => { this.handleCtrlCustomEvent(element.eventNames.toLowerCase(), this.getData(), args); }); } }); } } /** * 处理自定义部件导航数据 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public handleCustomCtrlData() { const customCtrlNavContexts = this.controlInstance.getPSControlNavContexts(); const customCtrlParams = this.controlInstance.getPSControlNavParams(); if (customCtrlNavContexts && (customCtrlNavContexts.length > 0)) { customCtrlNavContexts.forEach((item: any) => { let tempContext: any = {}; let curNavContext: any = item; this.handleCustomDataLogic(curNavContext, tempContext, item.key); Object.assign(this.context, tempContext); }) } if (customCtrlParams && (customCtrlParams.length > 0)) { customCtrlParams.forEach((item: any) => { let tempParam: any = {}; let curNavParam: any = item; this.handleCustomDataLogic(curNavParam, tempParam, item.key); Object.assign(this.viewparams, tempParam); }) } } /** * 处理部件自定义导航参数逻辑 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public handleCustomDataLogic(curNavData: any, tempData: any, item: string) { const navDatas: any = Array.isArray(this.navdatas) ? this.navdatas[0] : this.navdatas; // 直接值直接赋值 if (curNavData.rawValue) { if (, "null") ||, "")) { Object.defineProperty(tempData, item.toLowerCase(), { value: null, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } else { Object.defineProperty(tempData, item.toLowerCase(), { value: curNavData.value, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } } else { // 先从导航上下文取数,没有再从导航参数(URL)取数,如果导航上下文和导航参数都没有则为null if (this.context[(curNavData.value).toLowerCase()] != null) { Object.defineProperty(tempData, item.toLowerCase(), { value: this.context[(curNavData.value).toLowerCase()], writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); return; } else if (this.viewparams[(curNavData.value).toLowerCase()] != null) { Object.defineProperty(tempData, item.toLowerCase(), { value: this.viewparams[(curNavData.value).toLowerCase()], writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); return; } else if (navDatas[(curNavData.value).toLowerCase()] != null) { Object.defineProperty(tempData, item.toLowerCase(), { value: navDatas[(curNavData.value).toLowerCase()], writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); return; } else { Object.defineProperty(tempData, item.toLowerCase(), { value: null, writable: true, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } } } /** * 处理部件事件 * * @param {string} actionName 事件名称 * @param {*} [args={}] 事件参数 * @return {*} {Promise<boolean>} * @memberof ControlBase */ public async handleCtrlEvents(actionName: string, args: any = {}): Promise<boolean> { // 行为数据 const actionData: any = { sender: this, navContext: Util.deepCopy(this.context), navParam: Util.deepCopy(this.viewparams), navData: this.navdatas, data: this.getData() || {} }; Object.assign(actionData, args); // 执行部件界面逻辑 const result = await this.executeCtrlEventLogic(actionName, actionData); if (result && result?.hasOwnProperty('srfret') && (result.srfret === 'false' || result.srfref === false)) { return false; } // 抛出事件 this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: actionName, data: actionData }); return true; } /** * 重置 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public onReset() { LogUtil.warn(`${}重置功能暂未实现`); } /** * 执行部件事件逻辑 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public async executeCtrlEventLogic(name: string, args: any) { if (this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.get(name)) { return await this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.get(name).executeAsyncUILogic({ arg: args, utils: this.viewCtx, app:, view: this.viewCtx.view, ctrl: this }); } } /** * 调用控件逻辑 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public invoke(methodName: string, args: any) { if (!methodName) { LogUtil.warn('方法名不能为空'); return; } if (methodName.startsWith(this.realCtrlSeparator)) { // 原生控件方法 if (this.realCtrlRefName && this.$refs && this.$refs[this.realCtrlRefName]) { let realCtrl: any = this.$refs[this.realCtrlRefName]; let realMethodName: string = methodName.slice(this.realCtrlSeparator.length); if (realCtrl[realMethodName] && realCtrl[realMethodName] instanceof Function) { realCtrl[realMethodName](args); } else { LogUtil.warn(`当前控件未找到指定方法${methodName}`); } } else { LogUtil.warn('原生控件未找到'); } } else { // 代理层控件方法 let proxyCtrl: any = this; if (proxyCtrl[methodName] && proxyCtrl[methodName] instanceof Function) { proxyCtrl[methodName](args); } else { LogUtil.warn(`当前控件未找到指定方法${methodName}`); } } } /** * 处理原生控件事件 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public handleRealCtrlEvent(name: string, data: any, args: any) { if (this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.get(`${this.realCtrlSeparator}${name}`)) { this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.get(`${this.realCtrlSeparator}${name}`).executeAsyncUILogic({ arg: { sender: this.$refs[this.realCtrlRefName], navContext: this.context, navParam: this.viewparams, navData: this.navdatas, data: data, args: args }, utils: this.viewCtx, app:, view: this.viewCtx.view, ctrl: this }); } } /** * 处理控件自定义事件 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public handleCtrlCustomEvent(name: string, data: any, args: any) { if (this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.get(`${name}`)) { this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.get(`${name}`).executeAsyncUILogic({ arg: { sender: this, navContext: this.context, navParam: this.viewparams, navData: this.navdatas, data: data, args: args }, utils: this.viewCtx, app:, view: this.viewCtx.view, ctrl: this }); } } /** * 处理部件定时器逻辑 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public handleTimerLogic() { if (this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap && this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.size > 0) { for (let item of this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.values()) { if (item && (item instanceof AppTimerEngine)) { item.executeAsyncUILogic({ arg: { sender: this, navContext: this.context, navParam: this.viewparams, navData: this.navdatas, data: this.getData() }, utils: this.viewCtx, app:, view: this.viewCtx.view, ctrl: this }); } } } } /** * 销毁部件定时器逻辑 * * @memberof ControlBase */ public destroyLogicTimer() { if (this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap && this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.size > 0) { for (let item of this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.values()) { if (item && (item instanceof AppTimerEngine)) { item.destroyTimer(); } } } } }