import components_en_US from '@locale/lanres/components/components_en_US'; import usercustom_en_US from '@locale/lanres/usercustom/usercustom_en_US'; function getAppLocale(){ const data:any = { app: { commonwords:{ error: "Error", success: "Success", ok: "OK", cancel: "Cancel", save: "Save", codenotexist: 'Code list does not exist', reqexception: "Request exception", sysexception: "System abnormality", warning: "Warning", wrong: "Error", rulesexception: "Abnormal value check rule", savesuccess: "Saved successfully", savefailed: "Save failed", deletesuccess: "Successfully deleted!", deleteerror: "Failed to delete", deldatafail: "Failed to delete data", nodata: "No data", startsuccess:"Start successful", loadmore:"Load more", nomore:"No more", other:"other", nosupportsingle: "Single item data is not supported", nosupportmultiple: "Multiple data is not supported", getappiderror: "Failed to get web application appid", getdinginfoerror: "Failed to retrieve user information", getiderror: "Failed to get the enterprise ID", noassign: "No application functionality specified", codelistwarn: "Code table value type and property type do not match, automatic cast exception, please correct code table value type and property type match", yes: "yes", no: "no", wrongdataformat:"The data format is wrong!", alreadyexist:"Exist", srfmajortext: "Major Text", batchaddsuccess: "Batch added successfully" }, local:{ new: "New", add: "Add", delete: "Delete", }, grid: { choicecolumns: "Choice columns", refresh: "refresh", show: "Show", records: "records", total: "total", selected: "selected ", novalueexist: "Value cannot be empty", group:"Group", other:"Other", notconfig: { fetchaction: "The view table fetchaction parameter is not configured", removeaction: "The view table removeaction parameter is not configured", createaction: "The view table createaction parameter is not configured", updateaction: "The view table updateaction parameter is not configured", loaddraftaction: "The view table loadtrafaction parameter is not configured", }, data: "Data", deldatafail: "Failed to delete data", delsuccess: "Delete successfully!", confirmdel: "Are you sure you want to delete", norecoverable: "delete will not be recoverable?", notbatch: "Batch addition not implemented", grid: "Grid", exportfail: "Data export failed", sum: "Total", formitemfailed: "Form item update failed", dataaggregate:{ dataaggregate: "Aggregate", sum: "Sum:", avg: "Avg:", max: "Max:", min: "Min:", }, exportexcel: { error: 'Export error' } }, list: { notconfig: { fetchaction: "View list fetchAction parameter is not configured", removeaction: "View table removeAction parameter is not configured", createaction: "View list createAction parameter is not configured", updateaction: "View list updateAction parameter is not configured", }, confirmdel: "Are you sure you want to delete", norecoverable: "delete will not be recoverable?", loadmore: "Load More", }, listexpbar: { title: "List navigation bar", }, wfexpbar: { title: "Process navigation bar", }, calendarexpbar:{ title: "Calendar navigation bar", }, treeexpbar: { title: "Tree view navigation bar", }, portlet: { noextensions: "No extensions", }, tabpage: { sureclosetip: { title: "Close warning", content: "Form data Changed, are sure close?", }, closeall: "Close all", closeother: "Close other", }, searchbutton: { search: "Search", reset: "Reset", }, calendar:{ today: "today", month: "month", week: "week", day: "day", list: "list", dateselectmodaltitle: "select the time you wanted", gotodate: "goto", from: "From", to: "To", }, utilview:{ importview:"Import Data", warning:"warning", info:"Please configure the data import item", nodatakey:"No data primary key", printerror:"Printing failed", noprint:"No print items" }, formpage:{ error: "Error", desc1: "Operation failed, failed to find current form item", desc2: "Can't continue", notconfig: { loadaction: "View form loadAction parameter is not configured", loaddraftaction: "View form loaddraftAction parameter is not configured", actionname: "View form actionName parameter is not configured", removeaction: "View form removeAction parameter is not configured", }, saveerror: "Error saving data", savecontent: "The data is inconsistent. The background data may have been modified. Do you want to reload the data?", rulesexception: "Value rule check exception", savesuccess: "Saved successfully!", deletesuccess: "Successfully deleted!", workflow: { starterror: "Workflow started successfully", startsuccess: "Workflow failed to start", submiterror: "Workflow submission failed", submitsuccess: "Workflow submitted successfully", }, updateerror: "Form item update failed", valueverify:"Please input ", updateAction: "Update", createAction: "Create", compositeitem: { datepicker: 'The end time cannot be less than the start time', }, }, gridexpbar: { title: "Table navigation bar", }, multieditview: { notconfig: { fetchaction: "View multi-edit view panel fetchAction parameter is not configured", loaddraftaction: "View multi-edit view panel loaddraftAction parameter is not configured", }, }, dataviewexpbar: { title: "Card view navigation bar", }, kanban: { notconfig: { fetchaction: "View list fetchAction parameter is not configured", removeaction: "View table removeAction parameter is not configured", }, delete1: "Confirm to delete ", delete2: "the delete operation will be unrecoverable!", }, dashboard: { handleclick: { title: "Panel design", }, dataerror: "Data Exception", serviceerror: "Server exception", loaderror: "Error loading panel model" }, dataview: { sum: "total", data: "data", useless: "Packet data invalid", loadmore:'Load more' }, chart: { undefined: "Undefined", quarter: "Quarter", year: "Year", noindicator: "Indicator does not exist. Cannot convert data set!" }, searchform: { notconfig: { loadaction: "View search form loadAction parameter is not configured", loaddraftaction: "View search form loaddraftAction parameter is not configured", }, custom: "Store custom queries", title: "Name", globalerrortip:"Please check if the information is incorrect", nosearchparam: "No search param" }, wizardpanel: { back: "Back", next: "Next", complete: "Complete", preactionmessage:"The calculation of the previous behavior is not configured", nofind: "Process function action view not found", success: "Submitted data successfully", error: "Mark the backlog task as read failed" }, viewlayoutpanel: { applogoutview: { prompt1: "Dear customer, you have successfully exited the system, after", prompt2: "seconds, we will jump to the", loginpage: "login page", }, appwfsteptraceview: { title: "Application process processing record view", }, appwfstepdataview: { title: "Application process tracking view", }, apploginview: { username: "Username", password: "Password", login: "Login", }, }, viewpanel: { noconfig: { getaction: "The panel gets data behavior is not configured" }, error: { notgetservice: "Can't get entity service" } }, editor: { noexist: "Editor instance does not exist!", nooutput: "The base class does not output", unsupport: "The editor type is not currently supported", nofind: "The destination editor could not be found", error: "Mark the cc task as read failed" }, button: { leftbtn: "left shift", rightbtn: "right shift", allleftbtn: "All left", allrightbtn: "All the moves to the right", }, nosupport: { nosupport: "This component is not currently supported", layout: "This layout pattern is not currently supported", unopen: "This mode is not supported to open", unassign: "The relational view is not specified", uncustom: "Custom not implemented" }, warn: { nton: "Batch add need to add N:N relation", batcherror: "The batch operation failed" , onlybatchadd: "Only batch additions are supported unimplemented", geterror: "Data acquisition exception", load: "Loading data", nofind: "No relevant data could be found", unopendata: "There is no opendata", unnewdata: "There is no newdata", unremove: "Don't remove", unrefresh: "There is no refresh", unopenview: "No open view" }, error: { ok: " Success, no mistakes", internalerror: " Internal error occurred", accessdeny: " Access denied", invaliddata: " Invalid data", invaliddatakeys: " Invalid data key", inputerror: " The input is incorrect", duplicatekey: " Duplicate data key values", duplicatedata: " Duplicate data", daletereject: " Remove restrictions", logicerror: " Logic handling error", datanotmatch: " Data mismatch", daletedata: " Data that has been deleted", userconfirm: " Need to be validated", notimpl: " The specified function was not implemented", modelerror: " The model error", usererror: " User error", systemerror: "System anomaly", error_ok: "Success, no mistakes", error_empty: "Error with null data entry", error_datatype: "Incorrect data type error", error_valuerule: "Value rule error", error_duplicate: "Value duplicate error", }, }, components: components_en_US(), usercustom: usercustom_en_US(), }; return data; } export default getAppLocale;