import { ControlServiceBase, Util } from 'ibiz-core';
import { AppMobCalendarModel, Errorlog } from 'ibiz-vue';
import { DataServiceHelp } from 'ibiz-core';
import { IPSAppDEDataSet, IPSDECalendar, IPSSysCalendar, IPSSysCalendarItem, IPSAppDataEntity } from '@ibiz/dynamic-model-api';

export class AppMobCalendarService extends ControlServiceBase {

    * 日历实例对象
    * @memberof AppMobCalendarService
    public declare controlInstance: IPSDECalendar;

     * 数据服务对象
     * @type {any}
     * @memberof AppMobCalendarService
    public appEntityService!: any;

     * 日历项实体服务集合
     * @private
     * @type {Map<string, any>}
     * @memberof AppMobCalendarService
    private $itemEntityServiceMap: Map<string, any> = new Map();

     * 初始化服务参数
     * @type {boolean}
     * @memberof AppMobCalendarService
    public async initServiceParam(opts: any) {
        this.controlInstance = opts;
        this.appEntityService = await DataServiceHelp.getInstance().getService(this.controlInstance?.getPSAppDataEntity(), { context: this.context });

     * Creates an instance of AppMobFormService.
     * @param {*} [opts={}]
     * @memberof AppMobCalendarService
    constructor(opts: any = {}, context?: any, args?: any) {
        super(opts, context, args);
        this.model = new AppMobCalendarModel(opts);

     * 事件配置集合
     * @public
     * @type {any[]}
     * @memberof AppMobCalendarService
    public eventsConfig: any[] = [];

     * 初始化事件配置集合
     * @memberof AppMobCalendarService
    public initEventsConfig() {
        let tempArr: any[] = [];
        const calendarItems = (this.controlInstance as IPSSysCalendar).getPSSysCalendarItems() || [];
        if (calendarItems?.length > 0) {
            calendarItems.forEach((item: IPSSysCalendarItem) => {
                    itemType: item.itemType,
                    color: item.bKColor,
                    textColor: item.color
        this.eventsConfig = [...tempArr];

     * 初始化日历项实体服务
     * @memberof AppMobCalendarService
    public async initItemEntityService() {
        const calendarItems = (this.controlInstance as IPSSysCalendar).getPSSysCalendarItems() || [];
        if (calendarItems?.length > 0) {
            for (const item of calendarItems) {
                const codeName = item.getPSAppDataEntity()?.codeName;
                if (codeName) {
                    let service: any = await DataServiceHelp.getInstance().getService(this.controlInstance?.getPSAppDataEntity(), { context: this.context });
                    this.$itemEntityServiceMap.set(codeName, service);

     * 查询数据
     * @param {string} action
     * @param {*} [context={}]
     * @param {*} [data={}]
     * @param {boolean} [isloading]
     * @returns {Promise<any>}
     * @memberof AppMobCalendarService
    public async search(action: string, context: any = {}, data: any = {}, isloading?: boolean): Promise<any> {
        let _this = this;
        const calendarItems = (_this.controlInstance as IPSSysCalendar).getPSSysCalendarItems() || [];
        if (calendarItems.length != _this.$itemEntityServiceMap.size) {
            await this.initItemEntityService();
        return new Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => {
            let item: any = {};
            let promises: any[] = [];
            const items = (_this.controlInstance as IPSSysCalendar).getPSSysCalendarItems() || [];
            const appde = this.controlInstance.getPSAppDataEntity();
            if (items?.length > 0) {
                for (const item of calendarItems) {
                    const codeName = (item.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName || '' as string;
                    let service: any = _this.$itemEntityServiceMap.get(codeName);
                    let tempRequest: any = _this.handleRequestData(action, context, data, true, item.itemStyle || '' as string);
                    Object.assign(, { start: data.start, end: data.end });
                    const appDeDataSet: IPSAppDEDataSet = item.getPSAppDEDataSet() as IPSAppDEDataSet;
                    if (appDeDataSet.codeName && service) {
                        promises.push(service.execute(appDeDataSet.codeName, tempRequest.context,;
            Promise.all(promises).then((resArray: any) => {
                let _data: any = [];
                resArray.forEach((response: any, resIndex: number) => {
                    if (!response || response.status !== 200) {
                    let _response: any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response));
           any, index: number) => {
              [index].color = _this.eventsConfig[resIndex].color;
              [index].textColor = _this.eventsConfig[resIndex].textColor;
              [index].itemType = _this.eventsConfig[resIndex].itemType;
                    _this.handleResponse(action, _response, false, _this.eventsConfig[resIndex]?.itemType);
                    let itemType = items[resIndex].itemType.toLowerCase();
                    Object.assign(item, { [itemType]: });
                // 排序
                // _data.sort((a:any, b:any)=>{
                //     let dateA = new Date(Date.parse(a.start.replace(/-/g, "/")));
                //     let dateB = new Date(Date.parse(b.start.replace(/-/g, "/")));
                //     return dateA > dateB ? 1 : -1 ;
                // });
                let result = { status: 200, data: item };
            }).catch((response: any) => {

     * 修改数据
     * @param {string} action
     * @param {*} [context={}]
     * @param {*} [data={}]
     * @param {boolean} [isloading]
     * @returns {Promise<any>}
     * @memberof AppMobCalendarService
    public update(itemType: string, context: any = {}, data: any = {}, isloading?: boolean): Promise<any> {
        return new Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => {
            let result: any;
            let tempRequest: any;
            const calendarItems = (this.controlInstance as IPSSysCalendar).getPSSysCalendarItems() || [];
            const item = calendarItems.find((_item: IPSSysCalendarItem) => { return _item.itemType == itemType });
            if (item) {
                tempRequest = this.handleRequestData("", context, data, false, itemType);
                let codeName: any = item.getPSAppDataEntity()?.codeName;
                if (codeName && this.$itemEntityServiceMap.get(codeName)) {
                    let service: any = this.$itemEntityServiceMap.get(codeName);
                    const action = item.getUpdatePSAppDEAction?.()?.codeName || 'Update';
                    if (service && action) {
                        result = service.execute(action, tempRequest.context,;
            if (result) {
                result.then((response: any) => {
                    this.handleResponse("", response);
                }).catch((response: any) => {
            } else {

     * 删除数据
     * @param {string} action
     * @param {*} [context={}]
     * @param {*} [data={}]
     * @param {boolean} [isLoading]
     * @returns {Promise<any>}
     * @memberof AppMobCalendarService
    public async delete(itemType: string, context: any = {}, data: any = {}, isloading?: boolean): Promise<any> {
        return new Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => {
            let result: any;
            let tempRequest: any;
            const calendarItems = (this.controlInstance as IPSSysCalendar).getPSSysCalendarItems() || [];
            const item = calendarItems.find((_item: IPSSysCalendarItem) => { return _item.itemType == itemType });
            if (item) {
                tempRequest = this.handleRequestData("", context, data, false, itemType);
                let codeName: any = item.getPSAppDataEntity()?.codeName;
                if (codeName && this.$itemEntityServiceMap.get(codeName)) {
                    let service: any = this.$itemEntityServiceMap.get(codeName);
                    result = service.Remove(tempRequest.context,, isloading);
            if (result) {
                result.then((response: any) => {
                    this.handleResponse("", response);
                }).catch((response: any) => {
            } else {

     * 处理request请求数据
     * @param action 行为 
     * @param data 数据
     * @memberof ControlService
    public handleRequestData(action: string, context: any = {}, data: any = {}, isMerge: boolean = false, itemType: string = "") {
        let model: any = this.getMode();
        model.itemType = itemType;
        if (!model && model.getDataItems instanceof Function) {
            return data;
        let dataItems: any[] = model.getDataItems();
        let requestData: any = {};
        if (isMerge && (data && data.viewparams)) {
            Object.assign(requestData, data.viewparams);
        dataItems.forEach((item: any) => {
            if (item && item.dataType &&, 'FRONTKEY')) {
                if (item && item.prop && {
                    requestData[item.prop] = context[];
            } else {
                if (item && item.prop) {
                    requestData[item.prop] = data[];
        let tempContext: any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(context));
        if (tempContext && tempContext.srfsessionid) {
            tempContext.srfsessionkey = tempContext.srfsessionid;
            delete tempContext.srfsessionid;
        return { context: tempContext, data: requestData };

     * 处理response返回数据
     * @param {string} action
     * @param {*} response
     * @memberof ControlService
    public async handleResponse(action: string, response: any, isCreate: boolean = false, itemType: string = "") {
        let model: AppMobCalendarModel = this.getMode();
        model.itemType = itemType;
        super.handleResponse(action, response, isCreate);

     * 处理返回数据
     * @param {string} action
     * @param {*} response
     * @memberof ControlService
    public handleResponseData(action: string, data: any = {}, isCreate?: boolean, codelistArray?: any) {
        let model: any = this.getMode();
        if (!model && model.getDataItems instanceof Function) {
            return data;
        const tempData: any = data;
        let dataItems: any[] = model.getDataItems();
        dataItems.forEach(dataitem => {
            let val = tempData.hasOwnProperty(dataitem.prop) ? tempData[dataitem.prop] : null;
            if (!val) {
                val = tempData.hasOwnProperty( ? tempData[] : null;
            tempData[] = val;
        return tempData;