import { Component, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator'; import { VueLifeCycleProcessing } from '../../../decorators'; import { IPSAppCodeList, IPSDEGridColumn, IPSDEGridFieldColumn } from '@ibiz/dynamic-model-api'; import { AppGridBase } from '../app-common-control/app-grid-base'; /** * 透视表 * * @export * @class AppPivotTable * @class AppPivotTable * @extends {Vue} */ @Component({}) @VueLifeCycleProcessing() export class AppPivotTable extends AppGridBase { /** * 选中数据字符串 * * @type {string} * @memberof AppPivotTable */ public selectedData?: string; /** * 监听静态参数变化 * * @param {*} newVal * @param {*} oldVal * @memberof AppPivotTable */ public onStaticPropsChange(newVal: any, oldVal: any) { this.selectedData = newVal.selectedData; super.onStaticPropsChange(newVal, oldVal); } /** * 选中值变化 * * @param {*} newVal * @param {*} oldVal * @memberof AppPivotTable */ @Watch('selectedData') public onValueChange(newVal: any, oldVal: any) { this.selections = []; if(this.selectedData){ const refs: any = this.$refs; if (refs[this.gridRefName]) { refs[this.gridRefName].clearSelection(); JSON.parse(this.selectedData).forEach((selection:any)=>{ let selectedItem = this.items.find((item:any)=>{ return, selection.srfkey); }); if(selectedItem){ this.rowClick(selectedItem); } }); } } } /** * 表格数据加载 * * @param {*} [arg={}] * @memberof AppPivotTable */ public async load(opt: any = {}, pageReset: boolean = false) { if(!this.fetchAction){ this.$throw((this.$t('app.grid.notconfig.fetchaction') as string),'load'); return; } if(pageReset){ this.curPage = 1; } const arg: any = {...opt}; const page: any = {}; if (this.isEnablePagingBar) { Object.assign(page, { page: this.curPage-1, size: this.limit }); } // 设置排序 if (!this.isNoSort && !, '') && !, '')) { const sort: string = this.minorSortPSDEF+","+this.minorSortDir; Object.assign(page, { sort: sort }); } Object.assign(arg, page); const parentdata: any = {}; this.ctrlEvent({ controlname: , action: "beforeload", data: parentdata }); Object.assign(arg, parentdata); let tempViewParams:any = parentdata.viewparams?parentdata.viewparams:{}; Object.assign(tempViewParams,JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.viewparams))); Object.assign(arg,{viewparams:tempViewParams}); let tempContext:any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)); this.onControlRequset('load', tempContext, arg); const post: Promise<any> =, tempContext, arg, this.showBusyIndicator); post.then(async (response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('load', response); if (!response.status || response.status !== 200) { this.$throw(response,'load'); return; } const data: any =; this.totalRecord =; this.items = await this.formatGridData(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))); this.gridItemsModel = []; this.items.forEach(()=>{this.gridItemsModel.push(this.getGridRowModel())}); this.items.forEach((item:any)=>{ Object.assign(item,this.getActionState(item)); }); this.ctrlEvent({ controlname: , action: "load", data: this.items }); // 设置默认选中 let _this = this; setTimeout(() => { //在导航视图中,如已有选中数据,则右侧展开已选中数据的视图,如无选中数据则默认选中第一条 if(_this.isSelectFirstDefault){ if(_this.selections && _this.selections.length > 0){ if(_this.items.length == 0) { let models: Array<any> = this.service.getMode().getDataItems(); if(models?.length>0) { let emptyItem: any = {}; models.forEach((model: any) => { emptyItem[] = null; }); this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: "selectionchange", data: [emptyItem] }); } } _this.selections.forEach((select: any)=>{ const index = _this.items.findIndex((item:any) =>,select.srfkey)); if(index != -1){ _this.rowClick(_this.items[index]); } }) }else{ _this.rowClick(this.items[0]); } } if(_this.selectedData){ const table: any = (this.$refs as any)[this.gridRefName]; if (table) { table.clearSelection(); JSON.parse(_this.selectedData).forEach((selection:any)=>{ let selectedItem = _this.items.find((item:any)=>{ return, selection.srfkey); }); if(selectedItem){ _this.rowClick(selectedItem); } }); } } }, 300); if(this.aggMode &&, "ALL")) { this.getAggData(); } }).catch((response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('load', response); this.$throw(response,'load'); }); } /** * 表格数据代码表翻译 * * @public * @param {any} data 表格数据 * @memberof AppPivotTable */ public async formatGridData(data:any){ let columnsInstanceArr: Array<IPSDEGridColumn> = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridColumns() || []; let codelistColumns:Array<any> = []; if(columnsInstanceArr && columnsInstanceArr.length>0) { for(const columnInstance of columnsInstanceArr) { const codelist: IPSAppCodeList = (columnInstance as IPSDEGridFieldColumn).getPSAppCodeList() as IPSAppCodeList; if(codelist && codelist.codeName){ let codeListColumn = { name:, srfkey: codelist.codeName, codelistType: codelist.codeListType, } if(codelist.orMode &&'STR', codelist.orMode)){ Object.assign(codeListColumn,{ renderMode: 'string', textSeparator: codelist.textSeparator, valueSeparator: codelist.valueSeparator, }) } else if(codelist.orMode &&'NUM', codelist.orMode)){ Object.assign(codeListColumn,{ renderMode: 'number', textSeparator: codelist.textSeparator, valueSeparator: ',', }) } else { Object.assign(codeListColumn,{ renderMode: 'other', textSeparator: '、', valueSeparator: ',', }) } codelistColumns.push(codeListColumn); } } } let _this = this; if(codelistColumns.length >0){ for (const codelist of codelistColumns) { let items = await _this.codeListService.getDataItems({ type: codelist.codelistType, tag: codelist.srfkey, context: this.context }); data.forEach((row:any)=>{ row[] = _this.getCodeListItemValue(items, row[]); }); } } return data; } /** * 代码表转化 * * @public * @param {any} items 代码表所有数据 * @param {any} value 当前数据当前项代码表值 * @memberof AppPivotTable */ public getCodeListItemValue(items: any, value: any){ if(items && items.length >0){ for(let i=0;i<items.length;i++){ if(items[i].value === value){ return items[i].text; } } return value; }else{ return value; } } /** * 绘制透视表内容 * * @param h * @memberof AppPivotTable */ public renderGridContent(h: any){ const style = { 'height' : this.isEnablePagingBar && this.items.length > 0 ? 'calc(100% - 50px)' : '100%', 'overflow': 'auto' } return ( <div style={style}> {/* <app-vue-pivottable datas={this.items} allColumns={this.allColumns}></app-vue-pivottable> */} 暂未支持 </div> ); } }