import userCustom_en_US from '@locale/lanres/userCustom/userCustom_en_US';; import commonLogic from '@/locale/logic/common/common-logic'; function getAppLocale() { const data: any = { app: { commonWords: { error: "Error", success: "Success", ok: "OK", cancel: "Cancel", save: "Save", codeNotExist: 'Code list does not exist', reqException: "Request exception", sysException: "System abnormality", warning: "Warning", wrong: "Error", rulesException: "Abnormal value check rule", saveSuccess: "Saved successfully", saveFailed: "Save failed", deleteSuccess: "Successfully deleted!", deleteError: "Failed to delete", delDataFail: "Failed to delete data", noData: "No data", startsuccess: "Start successful", submitsuccess: "Submit successful", loadmore: "Load more", nomore: "No more", other: "other", filter: 'filter', recentSearch: 'Recent search', chooseOne: 'Choose One', noAction: 'NO Action', noAssign: "No application function specified", serverException: 'Server exception', yes: "Yes", no: "No" }, local: { new: "New", add: "Add", }, gridpage: { choicecolumns: 'Choice columns', refresh: 'refresh', show: 'Show', records: 'records', totle: 'totle', }, tabpage: { sureclosetip: { title: 'Close warning', content: 'Form data Changed, are sure close?', }, closeall: 'Close all', closeother: 'Close other', }, fileUpload: { caption: 'Upload', }, searchForm: { title: 'Conditional search', searchButton: { search: 'Search', reset: 'Reset' } }, form: { rules: { 'required': 'cannot be empty', 'string': 'must be a string', 'number': 'must be a number' } }, portlet: { noextensions: "No Extensions", }, formpage: { error: "Error", desc1: "Operation failed, failed to find current form item", desc2: "Can't continue", notconfig: { loadaction: "View form loadAction parameter is not configured", loaddraftaction: "View form loaddraftAction parameter is not configured", actionname: "View form actionName parameter is not configured", removeaction: "View form removeAction parameter is not configured", }, saveerror: "Error saving data", savecontent: "The data is inconsistent. The background data may have been modified. Do you want to reload the data?", valuecheckex: "Value rule check exception", savesuccess: "Saved successfully!", deletesuccess: "Successfully deleted!", workflow: { starterror: "Workflow started successfully", startsuccess: "Workflow failed to start", submiterror: "Workflow submission failed", submitsuccess: "Workflow submitted successfully", }, updateerror: "Form item update failed", }, viewName: { meditView: 'Multi form editing view' }, components: { app_icon_menu: { statusValue_open: 'open', statusValue_close: 'close', }, app_search_history: { remind: 'remind', clear: 'Do you want to clear the search history?' } }, button: { cancel: 'Cancel', confirm: 'Confirm', back: 'Back', loadmore: 'Load more', previousStep: 'Previous step', nextStep: 'Next step', finish: 'finish', }, loadding: 'Loadding', fastsearch: 'Quick search', pulling_text: 'Pull down to refresh', ctrl: { form: "Form", multieditviewpanel: "multieditviewpanel", searchform: "searchform", }, view: "View", notConfig: " Parameter not configured", message: { success: "successfully", fail: "failed", savedSuccess: "Saved successfully", deleteSccess: "successfully deleted", warning: " Warning ", confirmToDelete: "Confirm to delete", unrecoverable: " Will the delete operation be unrecoverable ", totle: " A total of ", data: " data" }, statusMessage: { 200: 'The server successfully returned the requested data', 201: 'New or modified data is successful.', 202: 'The request has been queued in the background (asynchronous task).', 204: 'The data was deleted successfully.', 400: 'There was an error in the request issued, and the server did not create or modify data.', 401: 'The user does not have permission (token, user name, wrong password).', 403: 'The user is authorized, but access is prohibited.', 404: 'The request issued was for a non-existent record, and the server did not operate.', 405: 'Method not allowed', 406: 'The requested format is not available.', 410: 'The requested resource is permanently deleted and will no longer be available.', 422: 'When creating an object, a validation error occurred.', 500: 'An error occurred on the server, please check the server.', 502: 'Gateway error.', 503: 'The service is unavailable, the server is temporarily overloaded or maintained.', 504: 'Gateway timeout.', }, errorMessage: { 100: 'unknown', 101: 'Request error', 5001: 'Data does not exist', 5002: 'Data already exists and cannot be recreated', 5003: 'New creation failed', 5004: 'The data does not exist and cannot be saved', 5005: 'Data deletion failed' }, title: { choose: 'Choose', customDashboard: 'Custom dashboard', styleSetting: 'Style setting' }, pickupviewpanel: { havechosen: 'Chosen:' }, error: { batchError: 'Batch operation failed', systemError: 'Error, system exception', systemErrorRetry: 'The system is abnormal, please try again!', dataError: 'data is abnormal', loadPanelError: 'Loading panel model is abnormal', unopendata: "There is no opendata", unnewdata: "There is no newdata", unremove: "Don't remove", unrefresh: "There is no refresh", }, warn: { notSupportThisMode: 'Does not support this mode to open', editLogicNotExist: 'Edit application interface logic does not exist', newLogicNotExist: 'New application interface logic does not exist', addNNInBatches: 'Add N:N relationship when adding in batches', unbatchadd: 'Only supports batch addition but not implemented', dynaViewNotFound: 'Process function operation view not found', markAsFailRead: 'Failed to mark to-do task as read', getDataWarn: 'Get data abnormal' }, log: { redirection: 'Redirection...' }, success: { submitSuccess: 'Submit data successfully' } }, userCustom: userCustom_en_US, } return data; } export default getAppLocale;