var J = Object.defineProperty;
var H = (e, t, o) => t in e ? J(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: o }) : e[t] = o;
var E = (e, t, o) => (H(e, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, o), o);
import { GridFieldColumnController as M, GridRowController as Y, WFStepTraceViewController as K, UploadEditorController as W } from "@ibiz-template/controller";
import { defineComponent as U, computed as G, h as l, getCurrentInstance as P, ref as m, watch as k, toRefs as N } from "vue";
import { useNamespace as S, useViewController as Q, usePropsWatch as B, getUploadProps as X, getEditorEmits as Z, getGridUploadProps as L, useClickOutside as ee, useEventListener as te, useWFStepTraceViewController as oe, useWFDynaEditView3Controller as se, useEditView3Controller as ie } from "@ibiz-template/vue-util";
import { colorBlend as re, IBizContext as ne, isImage as ae, uploadFile as le, RuntimeError as ce } from "@ibiz-template/core";
import { getCookie as de } from "qx-util";
import { ViewMode as A } from "@ibiz-template/runtime";
import { ViewType as ue } from "@ibiz-template/model";
const me = U({
  name: "CodeListGridColumn",
  props: {
    controller: {
      type: M,
      required: !0
    row: {
      type: Y,
      required: !0
  setup(e) {
    const t = S("grid-field-column"), o = G(() => {
      var a;
      if (e.controller.model.source.cLConvertMode !== "FRONT")
        return [];
      const n =[e.controller.model.codeName];
      return ((a = e.controller.codeListItems) == null ? void 0 : a.length) && n ? n.split(",").map((v) => {
        const h = e.controller.codeListItems.find((f) => f.value === v);
        if (h) {
          const f = h.color || "#515a6e";
          return {
            text: h.text,
            colorStyle: t.cssVarBlock({
              color: f,
              "border-color": f,
              "bg-color": re(f, "#fff")
      }).filter(Boolean) : [];
    }), s = (n) => {
      e.controller.isLinkColumn && e.controller.openLinkView(e.row, n);
    }, r = G(() => {
      let n = "";
      switch (e.controller.model.align) {
        case "LEFT":
          n = "flex-start";
        case "RIGHT":
          n = "flex-end";
          n = "center";
      return t.cssVarBlock({
        "justify-content": n
    return {
      ns: t,
      alignStyle: r,
      selectedItems: o,
      onCellClick: s
  render() {
    const e = this.controller, t =[e.model.codeName];
    return l("div", {
      class: [this.ns.b(), e.isLinkColumn && this.ns.m("link-column")],
      style: this.alignStyle,
      on: {
        click: this.onCellClick
    }, [this.selectedItems.length > 0 ? => l("span", {
      class: this.ns.e("code-list-item"),
      style: o.colorStyle
    }, [o.text])) : l("span", {
      class: this.ns.e("text")
    }, [t])]);
class pe extends K {
  constructor() {
    E(this, "imgSrc");
  async getUIData() {
    const o = new ne(this.params, this.context), s = await, r = new Blob([]);
    this.imgSrc = URL.createObjectURL(r);
const he = U({
  name: "PresetWFChartView",
  props: {
    context: Object,
    params: {
      type: Object
    modelPath: {
      type: String,
      required: !0
    modal: {
      type: Object
    deName: {
      type: String,
      required: !0
  setup(e) {
    const t = S("preset-wf-chart-view"), {
      proxy: o
    } = P(), s = Q(o, (r, n) => new pe(e.modelPath, r, n));
    return B(o, "deName", s.setDeName.bind(s)), {
      c: s,
      ns: t
  render() {
    return l("div", {
      class: this.ns.b()
    }, [l("img", {
      attrs: {
        src: this.c.imgSrc
const fe = U({
  name: "WFToolbar",
  props: {
    wfLinks: {
      type: Array,
      required: !0
  setup(e, {
    emit: t
  }) {
    return {
      ns: S("wf-toolbar"),
      handleClick: async (r, n) => {
        t("wf-link-click", r, n);
  render() {
    const e = this.wfLinks || [];
    return l("div", {
      class: `${this.ns.b()}`
    }, [e.length > 0 && => {
      const o = t.sequenceFlowName == "\u9A73\u56DE" || t.sequenceFlowName == "\u53D6\u6D88";
      return l("div", {
        key: t.sequenceFlowId,
        class: [this.ns.e("item"), o ? this.ns.em("item", "reject") : ""]
      }, [l("i-button", {
        attrs: {
          title: t.sequenceFlowName
        on: {
          click: (s) => this.handleClick(t, s)
      }, [t.sequenceFlowName || ""])]);
}), be = typeof btoa == "function", _ = typeof Buffer == "function";
typeof TextDecoder == "function" && new TextDecoder();
const O = typeof TextEncoder == "function" ? new TextEncoder() : void 0, ve = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", I =;
((e) => {
  let t = {};
  return e.forEach((o, s) => t[o] = s), t;
const x = String.fromCharCode.bind(String);
typeof Uint8Array.from == "function" && Uint8Array.from.bind(Uint8Array);
const ye = (e) => e.replace(/=/g, "").replace(/[+\/]/g, (t) => t == "+" ? "-" : "_"), we = (e) => {
  let t, o, s, r, n = "";
  const a = e.length % 3;
  for (let c = 0; c < e.length; ) {
    if ((o = e.charCodeAt(c++)) > 255 || (s = e.charCodeAt(c++)) > 255 || (r = e.charCodeAt(c++)) > 255)
      throw new TypeError("invalid character found");
    t = o << 16 | s << 8 | r, n += I[t >> 18 & 63] + I[t >> 12 & 63] + I[t >> 6 & 63] + I[t & 63];
  return a ? n.slice(0, a - 3) + "===".substring(a) : n;
}, R = be ? (e) => btoa(e) : _ ? (e) => Buffer.from(e, "binary").toString("base64") : we, ge = _ ? (e) => Buffer.from(e).toString("base64") : (e) => {
  let o = [];
  for (let s = 0, r = e.length; s < r; s += 4096)
    o.push(x.apply(null, e.subarray(s, s + 4096)));
  return R(o.join(""));
}, Fe = (e) => {
  if (e.length < 2) {
    var t = e.charCodeAt(0);
    return t < 128 ? e : t < 2048 ? x(192 | t >>> 6) + x(128 | t & 63) : x(224 | t >>> 12 & 15) + x(128 | t >>> 6 & 63) + x(128 | t & 63);
  } else {
    var t = 65536 + (e.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) * 1024 + (e.charCodeAt(1) - 56320);
    return x(240 | t >>> 18 & 7) + x(128 | t >>> 12 & 63) + x(128 | t >>> 6 & 63) + x(128 | t & 63);
}, Ce = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFFF]|[^\x00-\x7F]/g, Ue = (e) => e.replace(Ce, Fe), V = _ ? (e) => Buffer.from(e, "utf8").toString("base64") : O ? (e) => ge(O.encode(e)) : (e) => R(Ue(e)), z = (e, t = !1) => t ? ye(V(e)) : V(e);
function xe(e, t, o) {
  const s = m([]), r = m({
    Authorization: `Bearer ${de("access_token")}`
  }), n = m(""), a = m(""), c = {
    count: 0,
    cacheFiles: []
    () => e.value,
    (i) => {
      s.value = i ? JSON.parse(i) : [];
    { immediate: !0 }
  ), k(
    () =>,
    (i) => {
      if (i) {
        const d = o.calcBaseUrl(i);
        n.value = d.uploadUrl, a.value = d.downloadUrl;
    { immediate: !0, deep: !0 }
  ), k(
    (i) => {
      (i == null ? void 0 : i.length) && a.value && i.forEach((d) => {
        d.url = d.url || a.value.replace("%fileId%",;
    { immediate: !0 }
  ), k(
    (i) => {
      i && s.value.length && s.value.forEach((d) => {
        d.url = a.value.replace("%fileId%",;
    { immediate: !0 }
  const u = () => {
    const i = [...s.value, ...c.cacheFiles], d = i.length > 0 ? JSON.stringify( => ({ name:, id: }))) : null;
    c.cacheFiles = [], t(d);
  }, v = () => {
    c.count += 1;
  }, h = (i) => {
    !i || (c.cacheFiles.push({
      name: i.filename,
      id: i.fileid
    }), c.count -= 1, c.count === 0 && u());
  }, f = (i) => {
    throw c.count -= 1, i;
  }, w = (i) => {
    if (e.disabled)
    const d = s.value.findIndex((T) => ===;
    d !== -1 && s.value.splice(d, 1), u();
  }, C = (i) => {
    const d = i.url || a.value.replace("%fileId%",;
    o.fileDownload({ url: d, name: });
  }, p = m(!1), g = m(""), F = m("");
  return {
    uploadUrl: n,
    downloadUrl: a,
    headers: r,
    files: s,
    onDownload: C,
    onError: f,
    onRemove: w,
    onSuccess: h,
    beforeUpload: v,
    showModal: p,
    modalTitle: g,
    iframeUrl: F,
    onModalCancel: () => {
      p.value = !1, g.value = "", F.value = "";
    previewFile: (i) => {
      p.value = !0, g.value =;
      const d = window.Environment.previewFileUrl;
      if (d) {
        const T = encodeURIComponent(
        F.value = `${d}/onlinePreview?url=${T}`;
const Se = U({
  name: "SyFileUpload",
  props: X(),
  emits: Z(),
  setup(e, {
    emit: t
  }) {
    const o = S("sy-file-upload"), s = e.controller, {
      uploadUrl: r,
      headers: n,
      files: a,
      onDownload: c,
      onError: u,
      onRemove: v,
      onSuccess: h,
      beforeUpload: f,
      showModal: w,
      modalTitle: C,
      iframeUrl: p,
      onModalCancel: g,
      previewFile: F
    } = xe(e, (b) => {
      t("change", b);
    }, s);
    return {
      ns: o,
      c: s,
      uploadUrl: r,
      headers: n,
      files: a,
      onDownload: c,
      onError: u,
      onRemove: v,
      onSuccess: h,
      beforeUpload: f,
      showModal: w,
      modalTitle: C,
      iframeUrl: p,
      onModalCancel: g,
      previewFile: F
  render(e) {
    return e("div", {
      class: [this.ns.b(), this.disabled ? this.ns.m("disabled") : "", this.readonly ? this.ns.m("readonly") : ""]
    }, [e("IUpload", {
      ref: "fileUpload",
      props: {
        action: this.uploadUrl,
        headers: this.headers,
        disabled: this.disabled,
        "default-file-list": this.files,
        multiple: this.c.model.multiple,
        type: this.c.model.isDrag ? "drag" : "select",
        accept: this.c.model.accept,
        "before-upload": this.beforeUpload,
        "on-success": this.onSuccess,
        "on-error": this.onError,
        "on-remove": this.onRemove,
        "on-preview": this.onDownload,
        "show-upload-list": !1
    }, [this.c.model.isDrag ? e("div", {
      class:"box", "drag")
    }, [e("i-icon", {
      attrs: {
        type: "md-cloud-upload"
    }), e("div", {
      class:"box", "title")
    }, [e("span", ["\u5C06\u6587\u4EF6\u62D6\u5230\u6B64\u5904\uFF0C\u6216"]), e("span", ["\u70B9\u51FB\u4E0A\u4F20"])])]) : e("i-button", {
      attrs: {
        icon: "ios-cloud-upload-outline"
      class:"box", "select")
    }, ["\u4E0A\u4F20\u6587\u4EF6"])]), e("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-list")
    }, [ => e("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-item"),
    }, [e("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-item-left")
    }, [e("i-icon", {
      attrs: {
        type: "md-document"
    })]), e("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-item-right")
    }, [e("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-item-right-title"),
      on: {
        click: () => this.previewFile(t)
    }, []), e("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-item-right-action")
    }, [e("i-icon", {
      attrs: {
        type: "md-download"
      on: {
        click: () => this.onDownload(t)
    }), e("i-icon", {
      attrs: {
        type: "md-eye"
      on: {
        click: () => this.previewFile(t)
    }), this.disabled || this.readonly ? null : e("i-icon", {
      attrs: {
        type: "md-close"
      on: {
        click: () => this.onRemove(t)
    })])])]))]), e("i-modal", {
      attrs: {
        value: this.showModal,
        title: this.modalTitle,
        "class-name": this.ns.b("modal"),
        width: "70%",
        transfer: !1,
        "footer-hide": !0
      on: {
        "on-cancel": this.onModalCancel
    }, [e("iframe", {
      class: this.ns.b("iframe"),
      attrs: {
        src: this.iframeUrl
function D(e, t) {
  if (e.url = t.replace("%fileId%",, e.status || (e.status = "finished"), !e.fileName) {
    const o =".");
    e.fileName =, o), e.fileExt =, e.isImage = ae(;
  return e;
function j(e) {
  const t = m(""), o = m(""), s = m([]);
  return k(,
    (r) => {
      if (r) {
        const n = e.controller.value.calcBaseUrl(r);
        t.value = n.uploadUrl, o.value = n.downloadUrl;
    { immediate: !0, deep: !0 }
  ), k(
    (r) => {
      s.value = r ? JSON.parse(r) : [], s.value.length && o.value && s.value.forEach((n) => {
        D(n, o.value);
    { immediate: !0 }
  ), k(
    (r) => {
      r && s.value.length && s.value.forEach((n) => {
        D(n, r);
    { immediate: !0 }
  ), {
    downloadUrl: o,
    uploadUrl: t,
    valueList: s
function q(e) {
  const t = m("undo"), o = m([]), { downloadUrl: s, value: r, uploadUrl: n } = e;
    (b) => {
      b.length > 0 && (o.value = [], b.forEach((y) => {
        o.value.push(D(y, s.value));
      immediate: !0,
      deep: !0
  const a = (b, y) => (y.forEach((i) => {
      status: i.status,
      percentage: i.percentage,
      id: i.uid,
      url: ""
  }), !0), c = (b) => {
    b.forEach((y) => {
      o.value.find((i) => === y.uid ? (i.percentage = y.percentage, !0) : !1);
  }, u = (b, y) => {
    b.forEach((i) => {
      o.value.find((d) => === i.uid ? (d.status = i.status, =, =, D(d, s.value), !0) : !1);
  }, v = (b) => {
    b.forEach((y) => {
      o.value.find((i) => === y.uid ? (i.status = y.status, !0) : !1);
  }, h = (b) => {
    t.value = "done";
  }, f = () => {
      multiple: e.multiple,
      accept: e.accept,
      uploadUrl: n.value,
      beforeUpload: a,
      progress: c,
      success: u,
      error: v,
      finish: h
  }, w = m(!1), C = m(""), p = m("");
  return {
    selectFile: f,
    fileList: o,
    uploadState: t,
    showModal: w,
    modalTitle: C,
    iframeUrl: p,
    onModalCancel: () => {
      w.value = !1, C.value = "", p.value = "";
    previewFile: (b) => {
      w.value = !0, C.value =;
      const y = window.Environment.previewFileUrl;
      if (y) {
        const i = encodeURIComponent(
        p.value = `${y}/onlinePreview?url=${i}`;
const Ee = U({
  name: "SyGridFileUpload",
  props: L(),
  setup(e) {
    const t = S("sy-grid-file-upload"), {
      value: o,
      data: s,
      controller: r
    } = N(e), {
      downloadUrl: n,
      uploadUrl: a,
      valueList: c
    } = j({
      value: o,
      data: s,
      controller: r
    }), {
      fileList: u,
      showModal: v,
      modalTitle: h,
      iframeUrl: f,
      previewFile: w,
      onModalCancel: C
    } = q({
      downloadUrl: n,
      uploadUrl: a,
      value: c
    return {
      ns: t,
      fileList: u,
      showModal: v,
      modalTitle: h,
      iframeUrl: f,
      downloadFile: (g) => {
      previewFile: w,
      onModalCancel: C
  render() {
    return l("grid-editor", {
      attrs: {
        disabled: this.disabled,
        readonly: this.readonly
      class: [this.ns.b(), this.disabled ? this.ns.m("disabled") : "", this.readonly ? this.ns.m("readonly") : ""]
    }, [l("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-list")
    }, [ => l("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-item"),
    }, [l("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-item-title"),
      on: {
        click: () => this.previewFile(e)
    }, []), l("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-item-action")
    }, [l("i-icon", {
      attrs: {
        type: "md-download"
      on: {
        click: () => this.downloadFile(e)
    }), l("i-icon", {
      attrs: {
        type: "md-eye"
      on: {
        click: () => this.previewFile(e)
    })])]))]), l("i-modal", {
      attrs: {
        value: this.showModal,
        title: this.modalTitle,
        "class-name": this.ns.b("modal"),
        width: "70%",
        transfer: !1,
        "footer-hide": !0
      on: {
        "on-cancel": this.onModalCancel
    }, [l("iframe", {
      class: this.ns.b("iframe"),
      attrs: {
        src: this.iframeUrl
}), ke = U({
  name: "SyGridFileUploadContainer",
  props: L(),
  render(e) {
    return this.disabled || this.readonly ? e("SyGridFileUpload", {
      props: {
    }) : e("SyEditGridFileUpload", {
      props: {
const Te = U({
  name: "SyEditGridFileUploadPopover",
  props: {
    uploadUrl: {
      type: String,
      required: !0
    downloadUrl: {
      type: String,
      required: !0
    value: {
      type: Array,
      required: !0
    controller: {
      type: W,
      required: !0
  emits: {
    close: (e) => !0
  setup(e, {
    emit: t
  }) {
    const o = S("sy-edit-grid-file-upload-popover"), {
      downloadUrl: s,
      value: r,
      uploadUrl: n
    } = N(e), {
      fileList: a,
      uploadState: c,
      selectFile: u
    } = q({
      downloadUrl: s,
      value: r,
      uploadUrl: n
    }), v = m(), h = m(!1), f = ee(v, async (p) => {
      t("close", {
        isModified: h.value,
        resultFiles: a.value
    return k(c, (p) => {
      p === "done" ? (h.value = !0, f.proceed()) : p === "loading" && f.pause();
    }), {
      ns: o,
      componentRef: v,
      fileList: a,
      deleteFile: (p) => {
        const g = a.value.findIndex((F) => ===;
        a.value.splice(g, 1), h.value = !0;
      selectFile: u,
      downloadFile: (p) => {
  render() {
    return l("div", {
      ref: "componentRef",
      style: "width:300px",
      class: this.ns.b()
    }, [l("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-list")
    }, [ => l("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-item"),
    }, [l("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-item-title"),
      on: {
        click: () => this.downloadFile(e)
    }, []), l("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-item-action")
    }, [l("i-icon", {
      attrs: {
        type: "md-close"
      on: {
        click: () => this.deleteFile(e)
    })])]))]), l("div", {
      on: {
        click: () => this.selectFile()
      class: this.ns.e("button")
    }, [l("i-icon", {
      attrs: {
        type: "md-add"
    }), "\u6DFB\u52A0\u6587\u4EF6"])]);
const Ie = U({
  name: "SyEditGridFileUpload",
  props: L(),
  setup(e) {
    const t = S("sy-edit-grid-file-upload"), {
      value: o,
      data: s,
      controller: r
    } = N(e), {
      downloadUrl: n,
      uploadUrl: a,
      valueList: c
    } = j({
      value: o,
      data: s,
      controller: r
    }), u = m(), v = async () => {
      if (!u.value)
        throw new ce("\u5BB9\u5668\u5143\u7D20\u4E0D\u5B58\u5728");
      const h = u.value.$el, f = h.offsetHeight, w = ibiz.overlay.createPopover((g) => g(Te, {
        props: {
          value: c.value,
          uploadUrl: a.value,
          downloadUrl: n.value,
          controller: r.value
        on: {
          close: (F) => {
      }), void 0, {
        noArrow: !0,
        placement: "bottom-start",
        offsetOpts: {
          mainAxis: -f,
          crossAxis: 0
      await w.present(h);
      const {
        isModified: C,
        resultFiles: p
      } = await w.onWillDismiss();
      if (C) {
        const g = p.length > 0 ? JSON.stringify( => ({
        }))) : null;
        await e.rowDataChange(g), await e.rowSave();
    return te(u, "click", (h) => {
      e.disabled || v();
    }), {
      ns: t,
      valueList: c,
      componentRef: u
  render() {
    return l("grid-editor", {
      attrs: {
        disabled: this.disabled,
        readonly: this.readonly
      ref: "componentRef",
      class: this.ns.b()
    }, [l("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-list")
    }, [ => l("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-item"),
    }, [l("div", {
      class: this.ns.b("file-item-title")
    }, [])]))])]);
class De {
  constructor() {
    E(this, "component", he);
class Pe {
  constructor() {
    E(this, "component", me);
  async createController(t, o) {
    const s = new M(t, o);
    return await s.init(), s;
class Ne {
  constructor() {
    E(this, "component", "IndexView");
const $ = U({
  name: "WFStepTraceGrid",
  props: {
    context: Object,
    params: {
      type: Object
    modelPath: {
      type: String,
      required: !0
    modal: {
      type: Object
    deName: {
      type: String,
      required: !0
  setup(e) {
    const {
      proxy: t
    } = P(), o = oe(t, e.modelPath);
    B(t, "deName", o.setDeName.bind(o));
    const s = S("wf-step-trace-grid"), r = m([]);
    o.nerve.self.evt.on("mounted", () => {
      var a;
      ! || (a = == null || a.forEach((c) => {
        c.identitylinks.length > 0 || (c.comments.length > 0 && c.comments.forEach((u) => {
            nodeName: c.userTaskName,
            personName: u.authorName,
            time: u.time,
            content: u.type,
            comment: u.fullMessage
        }), r.value.sort((u, v) => Date.parse(v.time) - Date.parse(u.time)));
    const n = m([{
      title: "\u5904\u7406\u73AF\u8282",
      key: "nodeName",
      width: 180,
      resizable: !0
    }, {
      title: "\u5904\u7406\u4EBA",
      key: "personName",
      width: 180,
      resizable: !0
    }, {
      title: "\u5904\u7406\u65F6\u95F4",
      key: "time",
      width: 180,
      resizable: !0
    }, {
      title: "\u5904\u7406\u5185\u5BB9",
      key: "content",
      width: 180,
      resizable: !0
    }, {
      title: "\u5904\u7406\u610F\u89C1",
      key: "comment"
    return {
      c: o,
      ns: s,
      gridData: r,
      columns: n
  render() {
    return l("div", {
      class: this.ns.b()
    }, [l("div", {
      class: this.ns.e("title")
    }, ["\u5BA1\u6279\u4FE1\u606F"]), l("i-table", {
      attrs: {
        "disabled-hover": !0,
        columns: this.columns,
        data: this.gridData
      class: this.ns.e("grid")
}), Le = U({
  props: {
    context: Object,
    params: {
      type: Object
    modelPath: {
      type: String,
      required: !0
    modal: {
      type: Object
  setup(e) {
    const {
      proxy: t
    } = P(), o = se(t, e.modelPath), s = S(`view-${ue.DE_WF_DYNA_EDIT_VIEW3}`.toLowerCase()), r = m(["mainForm"]);
    return {
      c: o,
      ns: s,
      onTabClick: (a) => {
        r.value.includes(a) || r.value.push(a);
      lazyList: r
  render(e) {
    const t = [];
    if (this.c.complete) {
      const {
        activeForm: o
      } = this.c;
      o && this.c.providers[] && t.push(e(this.c.providers[].component, {
        props: {
          modelData: o,
          context: this.c.context,
          params: this.c.params
        style: {
          height: "auto"
        on: {
          neuronInit: this.c.nerve.onNeuronInit("form")
    if (this.c.complete && this.c.model.drTab.pages[0]) {
      const o = this.c.model.drTab.pages[0], s = this.c.drPages[];
      t.push(e($, {
        attrs: {
          context: s.context,
          params: s.params,
          deName: this.c.model.appEntity.source.codeName,
          modal: this.modal,
          modelPath: o.embedView.source.modelPath
    return e("view-base", {
      attrs: {
        controller: this.c
      scopedSlots: {
        toolbar: () => this.c.complete ? [this.c.wfLinks.length > 0 && e("wf-toolbar", {
          attrs: {
            wfLinks: this.c.wfLinks
          on: {
            "wf-link-click": (o) => {
        })] : null
    }, [this.c.complete && e("i-tabs", {
      class: ["", "tab")],
      attrs: {
      on: {
        "on-click": this.onTabClick
    }, [e("i-tab-pane", {
      class:"", "tab-item"),
      attrs: {
        label: this.c.model.drTab.source.editItemCaption,
        name: "mainForm"
    }, [t]), => {
      const s = this.c.drPages[];
      return e("i-tab-pane", {
        class:"", "tab-item"),
        attrs: {
          disabled: this.c.isNewData,
          label: o.source.caption,
      }, [!this.c.isNewData && this.lazyList.includes( && e("ViewShell", {
        props: {
          context: s.context,
          params: s.params,
          modal: {
            mode: A.EMBED
          modelPath: o.embedView.source.modelPath,
          deName: this.c.model.appEntity.source.codeName
        on: {
          neuronInit: this.c.nerve.onNeuronInit(
        key: s.key
class _e {
  constructor() {
    E(this, "component", Le);
const Ge = U({
  name: "SyEditView3",
  props: {
    context: Object,
    params: {
      type: Object
    modelPath: {
      type: String,
      required: !0
    modal: {
      type: Object
  setup(e) {
    const {
      proxy: t
    } = P(), o = ie(t, e.modelPath), s = S("view-deeditview3"), r = m(["mainForm"]);
    return {
      c: o,
      ns: s,
      onTabClick: (a) => {
        r.value.includes(a) || r.value.push(a);
      lazyList: r
  render(e) {
    return e("view-base", {
      attrs: {
        controller: this.c
    }, [this.c.complete && e("i-tabs", {
      class: ["", "tab")],
      attrs: {
      on: {
        "on-click": this.onTabClick
    }, [e("i-tab-pane", {
      class:"", "tab-item"),
      attrs: {
        label: this.c.model.drTab.source.editItemCaption,
        name: "mainForm"
    }, [e("edit-form-control", {
      attrs: {
        modelData: this.c.model.form,
        context: this.c.context,
        params: this.c.params
      style: {
        height: "auto"
      on: {
        neuronInit: this.c.nerve.onNeuronInit(
    }), e($, {
      attrs: {
        context: this.c.drPages[this.c.model.drTab.pages[0]].context,
        params: this.c.drPages[this.c.model.drTab.pages[0]].params,
        deName: this.c.model.appEntity.source.codeName,
        modal: this.modal,
        modelPath: this.c.model.drTab.pages[0].embedView.source.modelPath
    })]), => {
      const o = this.c.drPages[];
      if (!!o)
        return e("i-tab-pane", {
          class:"", "tab-item"),
          attrs: {
            disabled: this.c.isNewData,
            label: t.source.caption,
        }, [!this.c.isNewData && this.lazyList.includes( && e("ViewShell", {
          props: {
            context: o.context,
            params: o.params,
            modal: {
              mode: A.EMBED
            modelPath: t.embedView.source.modelPath,
            deName: this.c.model.appEntity.source.codeName
          on: {
            neuronInit: this.c.nerve.onNeuronInit(
          key: o.key
class Oe {
  constructor() {
    E(this, "component", Ge);
class Ve {
  constructor() {
    E(this, "formEditor", "SyFileUpload");
    E(this, "gridEditor", "SyGridFileUploadContainer");
  async createController(t, o) {
    const s = new W(t, o);
    return await s.init(), s;
const $e = {
  mateUrl: import.meta.url,
  install(e) {
    ibiz.config.enableDataInfoBar = !1, e.component("WfToolbar", fe), ibiz.register.view.register(
      new Ne()
    ), ibiz.register.view.register(
      new De()
    ), ibiz.register.gridColumn.register(
      new Pe()
    ), ibiz.register.view.register(
      new _e()
    ), ibiz.register.view.register(
      new Oe()
    ), e.component("SyFileUpload", Se), e.component("SyGridFileUpload", Ee), e.component("SyEditGridFileUpload", Ie), e.component("SyGridFileUploadContainer", ke), ibiz.register.editor.register(
      new Ve()
export {
  $e as default