<template> <el-autocomplete class="app-autocomplete" :disabled="disabled || readonly" v-model="curvalue" popper-class="app-autocomplete__popper" size="small" :readonly="Object.is('AC_FS', editorType) || Object.is('AC_FS_NOBUTTON', editorType) ? true : false" :trigger-on-focus="Object.is('AC_NOBUTTON', editorType) ? false : true" :fetch-suggestions="onSearch" :sort="sort" @select="onACSelect" @input="onInput" @blur="onBlur" style="width: 100%" > <template v-slot:suffix> <i v-if="curvalue && !disabled && !(Object.is('AC_NOBUTTON', editorType) || Object.is('AC_FS_NOBUTTON', editorType))" class="el-icon-circle-close" @click="onClear"></i> <i v-if="!(Object.is('AC_NOBUTTON', editorType) || Object.is('AC_FS_NOBUTTON', editorType))" class="el-icon-arrow-down"></i> </template> <template slot-scope="{ item }"> <span v-if="!dataItems">{{ item[deMajorField] }}</span> <span v-if="dataItems">{{ item.text }}</span> </template> </el-autocomplete> </template> <script lang='ts'> import { Component, Vue, Prop, Model, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator'; import { Util } from 'ibiz-core'; @Component({}) export default class AppAutocomplete extends Vue { /** * 表单数据 * * @type {*} * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ @Prop() public data: any; /** * 视图上下文 * * @type {*} * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ @Prop() public context!: any; /** * 视图参数 * * @type {*} * @memberof AppFormDRUIPart */ @Prop() public viewparams!: any; /** * AC参数 * * @type {*} * @memberof AppFormDRUIPart */ @Prop({ default: () => {} }) public acParams?: any; /** * 表单服务 * * @type {*} * @memberof AppFormDRUIPart */ @Prop() public service?: any; /** * 应用实体主信息属性名称 * * @type {string} * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ @Prop({ default: 'srfmajortext' }) public deMajorField!: string; /** * 应用实体主键属性名称 * * @type {string} * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ @Prop({ default: 'srfkey' }) public deKeyField!: string; /** * 是否启用 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ @Prop() public disabled?: boolean; /** * 属性项名称 * * @type {string} * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ @Prop() public name!: string; /** * 局部上下文导航参数 * * @type {any} * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ @Prop() public localContext!: any; /** * 局部导航参数 * * @type {any} * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ @Prop() public localParam!: any; /** * 排序 * * @type {string} * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ @Prop() public sort?: string; /** * 数据项 * * @type {Array<any>} * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ @Prop() public dataItems?: Array<any>; /** * 值 * * @type {*} * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ @Model('change') public value?: any; /** * 当前值 * * @type {string} * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ public curvalue: string = ''; /** * 编辑器类型 * * @type {string} * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ @Prop() public editorType!: string; /** * 远程请求url 地址 * * @type {string} * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ @Prop() public url?: string; /** * 只读模式 * * @type {boolean} */ @Prop({default: false}) public readonly?: boolean; /** * 数组 * * @type {any[]} * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ public items: any[] = []; /** * 输入状态 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ public inputState: boolean = false; /** * 值变化 * * @param {*} newVal * @param {*} oldVal * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ @Watch('value', { immediate: true }) public onValueChange(newVal: any, oldVal: any) { this.curvalue = newVal; } /** * 执行搜索数据 * @param query * @param callback * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ public onSearch(query: any, callback: any): void { // 公共参数处理 let data: any = {}; const bcancel: boolean = this.handlePublicParams(data); if (!bcancel) { return; } // 参数处理 let _context = data.context; let _param = data.param; // 处理搜索参数 query = !query ? '' : query; if (!this.inputState && Object.is(query, this.value)) { query = ''; } this.inputState = false; if (this.sort && !Object.is(this.sort, '')) { Object.assign(_param, { sort: this.sort }); } Object.assign(_param, { query: query }); // 错误信息国际化 let error: string = this.$t('components.appautocomplete.error') as any; let miss: string = this.$t('components.appautocomplete.miss') as any; let requestException: string = this.$t('components.appautocomplete.requestexception') as any; if (!this.service) { this.$throw(miss + 'service', 'onSearch'); } else if (!this.acParams.serviceName) { this.$throw(miss + 'serviceName', 'onSearch'); } else if (!this.acParams.interfaceName) { this.$throw(miss + 'interfaceName', 'onSearch'); } else { this.service .getItems(this.acParams.serviceName, this.acParams.interfaceName, _context, _param) .then((response: any) => { if (!response) { this.$throw(requestException, 'onSearch'); } else { this.items = this.handleDataItems([...response]); } if (callback) { callback(this.items); } }) .catch((error: any) => { if (callback) { callback([]); } }); } } /** * 处理数据项转化 * * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ public handleDataItems(opts: any) { if (this.dataItems && this.dataItems.length > 0) { if (opts && opts.length > 0) { for(let element of opts){ for (let item of this.dataItems as Array<any>) { if (!item.customCode) { if (item.getPSAppDEField()?.codeName) { element[item.name] = element[item.getPSAppDEField().codeName.toLowerCase()]; } } } // 先计算非脚本的数据项,防止数据有误 for (let item of this.dataItems as Array<any>) { if (item.customCode) { let data = element; element[item.name] = eval(`${item.scriptCode}`); } } } } } return opts; } /** * 选中数据回调 * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ public onACSelect(item: any): void { if (this.name) { this.$emit('formitemvaluechange', { name: this.name, value: item[this.deMajorField] }); } } /** * 输入过程中 * * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ public onInput($event: any) { if (Object.is($event, this.value)) { this.inputState = true; } } /** * 失去焦点事件 * @param e */ public onBlur(event: any): void { this.$emit('blur', event); let val: string = event.target.value; if (!Object.is(val, this.value)) { this.onACSelect({ [this.deMajorField]: val, [this.deKeyField]: '' }); } this.$forceUpdate(); } /** * 清除 */ public onClear($event: any): void { if (this.name) { this.$emit('formitemvaluechange', { name: this.name, value: '' }); } this.$forceUpdate(); } /** * 公共参数处理 * * @param {*} arg * @returns * @memberof AppAutocomplete */ public handlePublicParams(arg: any): boolean { if (!this.data) { this.$throw(this.$t('components.AppAutocomplete.formdataException') as any, 'handlePublicParams'); return false; } // 合并表单参数 arg.param = this.viewparams ? Util.deepCopy(this.viewparams) : {}; arg.context = this.context ? Util.deepCopy(this.context) : {}; // 附加参数处理 if (this.localContext && Object.keys(this.localContext).length > 0) { let _context = Util.computedNavData(this.data, arg.context, arg.param, this.localContext); Object.assign(arg.context, _context); } if (this.localParam && Object.keys(this.localParam).length > 0) { let _param = Util.computedNavData(this.data, arg.param, arg.param, this.localParam); Object.assign(arg.param, _param); } return true; } } </script>