import { Vue, Watch } from 'vue-property-decorator'; import { Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import dayGridPlugin from '@fullcalendar/daygrid'; import timeGridPlugin from '@fullcalendar/timegrid'; import listPlugin from '@fullcalendar/list'; import interactionPlugin from '@fullcalendar/interaction'; import { Util, ViewTool, ModelTool, LogUtil, throttle, CalendarControlInterface, DataServiceHelp, AppServiceBase, AppItemEngine } from 'ibiz-core'; import { MDControlBase } from './md-control-base'; import { AppCalendarService } from '../ctrl-service'; import { ContextMenu } from '../components/common/context-menu/context-menu'; import { AppGlobalService, AppViewLogicService } from '../app-service'; import { IPSAppDataEntity, IPSControlLogic, IPSDECalendar, IPSDECMUIActionItem, IPSDEContextMenu, IPSDETBUIActionItem, IPSDEToolbar, IPSDEToolbarItem, IPSDEUIAction, IPSSysCalendar, IPSSysCalendarItem } from '@ibiz/dynamic-model-api'; import moment from 'moment'; /** * 应用日历部件基类 * * @export * @class CalendarControlBase * @extends {MDControlBase} */ export class CalendarControlBase extends MDControlBase implements CalendarControlInterface { /** * 日历部件模型实例 * * @type {IPSDECalendar} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public declare controlInstance: IPSDECalendar; /** * 是否初始化完成 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public inited: boolean = false; /** * 日历默认打开样式 * * @type {string} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public defaultView: string = 'dayGridMonth'; /** * this引用 * * @type {any} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public thisRef: any = this; /** * 自定义按钮 * * @type {*} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public customButtons: any = {}; /** * 引用插件集合 * * @public * @type {any[]} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public calendarPlugins: any[] = [ dayGridPlugin, timeGridPlugin, listPlugin, interactionPlugin ]; /** * 设置头部显示 * * @public * @type {} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public header: any = { left: 'prev,next today gotoDate', center: 'title', right: 'dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,timeGridDay,listWeek' }; /** * 按钮文本集合 * * @public * @type {} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public buttonText: any = { today: this.$t(''), month: this.$t('app.calendar.month'), week: this.$t('app.calendar.week'), day: this.$t(''), list: this.$t('app.calendar.list'), }; /** * 模态显示控制变量 * * @public * @type boolean * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public modalVisible: boolean = false; /** * 跳转日期 * * @public * @type Date * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public selectedGotoDate: Date = new Date(); /** * 日历部件动态参数 * * @type {any} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public ctrlParams: any; /** * 有效日期范围 * * @public * @type {} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public validRange: any = { start: "0000-01-01", end: "9999-12-31" }; /** * 默认加载日期 * * @public * @type {} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public defaultDate: any = Util.dateFormat(new Date()); /** * 快速工具栏项 * * @type {Array<any>} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public quickToolbarItems: Array<any> = []; /** * 快速工具栏模型 * * @type {*} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public quickToolbarModels: any = {}; /** * 日程事件集合 * * @public * @type {any[]} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public events: any[] = []; /** * 日历项上下文菜单集合 * * @type {string[]} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public actionModel: any = { //TODO待补充 } /** * 备份日历项上下文菜单 * * @type {string[]} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public copyActionModel: any; /** * 日历样式类型 * * @public * @type {string} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public calendarType: string = ''; /** * 图例显示控制 * * @public * @type {any} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public isShowlegend: any = {}; /** * 是否已经选中第一条数据 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public isSelectFirst: boolean = false; /** * 事件id * * @type {string} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public eventid: string = ""; /** * 事件类型map * * @type {any} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public eventKey: any = new Map(); /** * 查询参数缓存 * * @public * @type {any} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public searchArgCache: any = {}; /** * @description 日历部件事件 * @type {(Subscription | undefined)} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public calendarControlEvent: Subscription | undefined; /** * @description 日历模态事件 * @type {(Subscription | undefined)} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public calendarModalEvent: Subscription | undefined; /** * 监听部件参数变化 * * @param {*} newVal * @param {*} oldVal * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public onStaticPropsChange(newVal: any, oldVal: any) { this.isSelectFirstDefault = newVal.isSelectFirstDefault ? true : false; super.onStaticPropsChange(newVal, oldVal) } /** * 部件模型数据初始化 * * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public async ctrlModelInit(args?: any) { await super.ctrlModelInit(); if (!(this.Environment && this.Environment.isPreviewMode)) { this.service = new AppCalendarService(this.controlInstance, this.context); this.appEntityService = await DataServiceHelp.getInstance().getService(this.controlInstance?.getPSAppDataEntity(), { context: this.context }); } this.initShowLegend(); this.initActionModel(); this.initQuickToolbar(); this.initEventKey(); this.calendarType = this.controlInstance?.calendarStyle; this.ctrlParams = this.controlInstance?.getPSControlParam()?.ctrlParams; this.customButtons = { gotoDate: { text: this.$t('app.calendar.gotodate'), click: this.openDateSelect.bind(this) } }; if (, 'WEEK')) { this.defaultView = 'timeGridWeek'; } else if (, 'DAY')) { this.defaultView = 'timeGridDay'; } } /** * 部件模型数据加载 * * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public async ctrlModelLoad() { const calendarItems = (this.controlInstance as IPSSysCalendar).getPSSysCalendarItems() || []; if (calendarItems.length > 0) { for (const item of calendarItems) { await item.getPSAppDataEntity?.()?.fill?.(); await item.getNavPSAppView?.()?.fill?.(); } } } /** * 日历视图部件初始化 * * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public ctrlInit() { super.ctrlInit(); if (!, 'TIMELINE')) { this.setButtonText(); } if (this.viewState) { this.calendarControlEvent = this.viewState.subscribe(({ tag, action, data }: any) => { if (!, { return; } if (, 'load')) { if (this.inited) { this.refresh(); } else { this.inited = true; if (, 'TIMELINE')) { this.load(); } } } if (, 'updateSize')) { this.updateSize(); } }); } } /** * 部件挂载 * * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public ctrlMounted() { super.ctrlMounted(); this.updateSize(); } /** * 初始化日历项上下文菜单集合 * * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public initActionModel() { const calendarItems: Array<IPSSysCalendarItem> = (this.controlInstance as IPSSysCalendar).getPSSysCalendarItems() || []; let tempModel: any = {}; if (calendarItems.length > 0) { calendarItems.forEach((item: IPSSysCalendarItem) => { const contextMenuItems: Array<IPSDEToolbarItem> = (item.getPSDEContextMenu() as IPSDEContextMenu)?.getPSDEToolbarItems() || []; if (contextMenuItems.length > 0) { this.initContextMenuUILogic(item.getPSDEContextMenu()!); contextMenuItems.forEach((toolbarItem: IPSDEToolbarItem) => { this.initActionModelItem(toolbarItem, item, tempModel) }) } }) } this.actionModel = {}; Object.assign(this.actionModel, tempModel); } /** * 初始化上下菜单项 * * @param toolbarItem * @param item * @param tempModel * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public initActionModelItem(toolbarItem: IPSDEToolbarItem, item: IPSSysCalendarItem, tempModel: any) { let tempItem: any = { name:, nodeOwner: item.itemType } if (toolbarItem.itemType == 'DEUIACTION') { const uiAction: IPSDEUIAction = (toolbarItem as IPSDECMUIActionItem).getPSUIAction() as IPSDEUIAction; if (uiAction) { Object.assign(tempItem, { type: item.itemType, tag:, visabled: true, disabled: false, actiontarget: uiAction.actionTarget, noprivdisplaymode: uiAction.noPrivDisplayMode, dataaccaction: uiAction.dataAccessAction }) } } tempModel[`${item.itemType}_${}`] = tempItem; //TODO YY 上下文菜单子项 // if(toolbarItem.getPSDEToolbarItems?.length > 0){ // for(let toolBarChild of toolbarItem.getPSDEToolbarItems){ // this.initActionModelItem(toolBarChild,item,tempModel) // } // } } /** * 初始化快速工具栏 * * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public initQuickToolbar() { const quickToolbaItems: Array<IPSDEToolbarItem> = (ModelTool.findPSControlByType('QUICKTOOLBAR', this.controlInstance.getPSControls() || []) as IPSDEToolbar)?.getPSDEToolbarItems() || []; if (quickToolbaItems.length > 0) { let items: Array<any> = quickToolbaItems.filter((item: IPSDEToolbarItem) => { return item.itemType == "DEUIACTION"; }); this.quickToolbarItems = [...items]; } this.initQuickToolbarItemModel(); } /** * 初始化快速工具栏模型 * * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public initQuickToolbarItemModel() { const items: Array<IPSDEToolbarItem> = this.quickToolbarItems; let models: any = {}; if (items.length > 0) { items.forEach((_item: IPSDEToolbarItem) => { const item: IPSDETBUIActionItem = _item as IPSDETBUIActionItem; const uiAction: IPSDEUIAction = item.getPSUIAction() as IPSDEUIAction; let model: any = {}; Object.assign(model, { name:, actiontarget: "NONE", disabled: false, visabled: true, type: item.itemType, noprivdisplaymode: uiAction?.noPrivDisplayMode, dataaccaction: uiAction?.dataAccessAction, uiaction: { tag: uiAction?.uIActionTag ? uiAction.uIActionTag : ? : '', target: uiAction?.actionTarget } }); Object.assign(models, { [`${}`]: model }); }) } this.quickToolbarModels = {}; Object.assign(this.quickToolbarModels, models); } /** * 初始化事件map对象 * * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public initEventKey() { const calendarItems: Array<IPSSysCalendarItem> = (this.controlInstance as IPSSysCalendar).getPSSysCalendarItems() || []; if (calendarItems.length > 0) { calendarItems.forEach((calendarItem) => { let eventKey = ModelTool.getAppEntityKeyField(calendarItem?.getPSAppDataEntity())?.codeName?.toLowerCase() || ''; this.eventKey.set(calendarItem.itemType, eventKey); }) } } /** * 初始化图例显示控制 * * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public initShowLegend() { if (Object.keys(this.isShowlegend).length > 0) { return; } const calendarItems: Array<IPSSysCalendarItem> = (this.controlInstance as IPSSysCalendar).getPSSysCalendarItems() || []; if (calendarItems.length > 0) { calendarItems.forEach((item: IPSSysCalendarItem) => { this.isShowlegend[item.itemType as string] = true; }) } } /** * 图例点击事件 * * @param {string} itemType 日历项类型 * @return {*} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public legendTrigger(itemType: string) { const eventDisabled = this.$el.getElementsByClassName('event-disabled').length; if (Object.keys(this.isShowlegend).length != 1 && eventDisabled == Object.keys(this.isShowlegend).length - 1 && this.isShowlegend[itemType]) { return; } this.isShowlegend[itemType] = !this.isShowlegend[itemType]; this.refresh(); this.$forceUpdate(); } /** * 面板数据变化处理事件 * @param {any} item 当前数据 * @param {any} $event 面板事件数据 * * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public onPanelDataChange(item: any, $event: any) { Object.assign(item, $event, { rowDataState: 'update' }); } /** * 搜索获取日程事件 * * @param {*} [fetchInfo] 日期信息 * @param {*} [successCallback] 成功回调 * @return {*} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public load(fetchInfo: any = {}, successCallback?: any) { if (this.Environment && this.Environment.isPreviewMode) { = []; return; } // 处理请求参数 let start = (fetchInfo && fetchInfo.start) ? Util.dateFormat(fetchInfo.start) : null; let end = (fetchInfo && fetchInfo.end) ? Util.dateFormat(fetchInfo.end) : null; let arg = { start: start, end: end }; if (fetchInfo && fetchInfo.query) { Object.assign(arg, { query: fetchInfo.query }); } const parentdata: any = {}; this.$emit("ctrl-event", { controlname: this.controlInstance?.name, action: "beforeload", data: parentdata }); Object.assign(arg, parentdata); let tempViewParams: any = parentdata.viewparams ? parentdata.viewparams : {}; Object.assign(tempViewParams, Util.deepCopy(this.viewparams ? this.viewparams : '')); Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: tempViewParams }); // 处理events数据 let _this = this; let handleEvents = () => { if (_this.isSelectFirstDefault) { _this.isSelectFirst = true; } let filterEvents = any) => { return _this.isShowlegend[event.itemType]; }); if (successCallback) { successCallback(filterEvents); } // 刷新日历的大小(仅fullcalendar组件使用) if (!, "TIMELINE") && !this.ctrlParams) { let appCalendar: any = _this.$refs[this.controlInstance?.codeName]; let api = appCalendar.getApi(); if (api) { api.updateSize(); } } } if (JSON.stringify(arg) === JSON.stringify(this.searchArgCache)) { handleEvents(); return; } else { this.searchArgCache = arg; } let tempContext: any = Util.deepCopy(this.context); this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforeload', { action: this.loadAction, navContext: tempContext, navParam: arg }).then((res: boolean) => { if (res) { this.onControlRequset('load', tempContext, arg); const post: Promise<any> =, tempContext, arg, this.showBusyIndicator); post.then((response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('load', response); if (!response || response.status !== 200) { this.handleCtrlEvents('onloaderror', { action: this.loadAction, navParam: arg, data: response?.data }).then((res: boolean) => { if (res) { this.$throw(response, 'searchEvents'); } }) } else { // 默认选中第一项 =; this.handleCtrlEvents('onloadsuccess', { action: this.loadAction, navParam: arg, data: }).then((res: boolean) => { if (res) { this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: 'load', data:, }); handleEvents(); this.scheduleSort(); } }) } }, (error: any) => { this.onControlResponse('load', error); this.handleCtrlEvents('onloaderror', { action: this.loadAction, navParam: arg, data: error?.data }).then((res: boolean) => { if (res) { this.$throw(error, 'searchEvents'); } }) }); } }) } /** * 日期点击事件 * * @param {*} $event 日期信息 * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public onDateClick($event: any) { let date = $; let datestr = $event.dateStr; } /** * 时间轴点击事件 * * @param {*} item 项数据 * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public onTimeLineClick(item: any) { any) => { event.srfchecked = 0; }) item.srfchecked = Number(!item.srfchecked); this.onEventClick(item, true); this.$forceUpdate(); } /** * 处理日历日程选中样式 * * @param {*} item 项数据 * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public handleEventSelectStyle($event: any) { const calendarApi: any = (this.$refs[this.controlInstance?.codeName] as any)?.getApi(); if (!calendarApi) { return; } const findApis = (id: any) => { if (!id) { return []; } return calendarApi.getEvents().filter((event: any) => { return event.extendedProps.curdata[this.getEventKey(event.extendedProps)] === id; }); } const eventId: any = $event.event.extendedProps.curdata[this.getEventKey($event.event.extendedProps)]; const eventApis: any[] = findApis(eventId); eventApis.forEach((api: any) => { const classNames: any[] = [...api.classNames]; if (classNames.findIndex((className: any) => { return className == 'selected-event'; }) === -1) { classNames.push('selected-event') } api.setProp('classNames', classNames); }) if (this.isSelectFirstDefault && this.eventid != eventId || (!this.isSelectFirstDefault)) { const _eventApis: any[] = findApis(this.eventid); _eventApis.forEach((api: any) => { const _temp: any[] = [...api.classNames]; const index = _temp.findIndex((className: any) => { return className == 'selected-event'; }); if (index !== -1) { _temp.splice(index, 1); api.setProp('classNames', _temp); } }) } this.eventid = this.eventid && this.eventid == eventId && !this.isSelectFirstDefault ? '' : eventId; } /** * 日程点击事件 * * @param {*} $event calendar事件对象或event数据 * @param {*} isOriginData true:$event是原始event数据,false:是组件 * @param {*} $event timeline事件对象 * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public onEventClick($event: any, isOriginData: boolean = false, $event2?: any) { this.handleCtrlEvents('onselectionchange', { action: 'SelectionChange', data: $event }).then((res: boolean) => { if (!res) { return; } // 处理event数据 let event: any = {}; if (isOriginData) { event = Util.deepCopy($event); } else { event = Object.assign({ title: $event.event.title, start: $event.event.start, end: $event.event.end }, $event.event.extendedProps); } // 点击选中样式 let JSelement: any = null; if (!isOriginData && $event.el) { JSelement = $event.el; } else if (isOriginData && $event2 && $event2.currentTarget) { JSelement = $event2.currentTarget; } const eventId: any = event.curdata[this.getEventKey(event)]; let tempItem = any) => { return _item.curdata[this.getEventKey(_item)] == eventId }); if (this.eventid && this.eventid == eventId) { if (tempItem) tempItem.curdata.srfchecked = 0; } else { if (tempItem) tempItem.curdata.srfchecked = 1; } this.selections = this.eventid && this.eventid == eventId ? [] : [event]; this.handleEventSelectStyle($event); // 处理上下文数据 let _this: any = this; let view: any = {}; let _context: any = Object.assign({}, this.context); let _viewparams: any = Object.assign({ start: event.start, end: event.end }, this.viewparams); const item: IPSSysCalendarItem = (((this.controlInstance as IPSSysCalendar).getPSSysCalendarItems() || []) as Array<IPSSysCalendarItem>).find((_item: IPSSysCalendarItem) => { return _item.itemType == event.itemType; }) as IPSSysCalendarItem; if (item) { const codeName = ((item.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName as string).toLowerCase(); if (codeName) { _context[codeName] = event[codeName]; view = this.getEditView(codeName); } } // 导航栏中不需要打开视图,只要抛出选中数据 this.$emit("ctrl-event", { controlname:, action: "selectionchange", data: this.selections }); if (this.isSelectFirstDefault) { return; } // 根据打开模式打开视图 if (!view.viewname) { return; } else if (, 'INDEXVIEWTAB') || Util.isEmpty(view.placement)) { const routePath = ViewTool.buildUpRoutePath(_this.$route, this.context, view.deResParameters, view.parameters, [Util.deepCopy(_context)], _viewparams); _this.$router.push(routePath); } else { let container: Subject<any> = new Subject(); if (, 'POPOVER')) { container = _this.$apppopover.openPop(isOriginData ? $event2 : $event.jsEvent, view, Util.deepCopy(_context), _viewparams); } else if (, 'POPUPMODAL')) { container = _this.$appmodal.openModal(view, Util.deepCopy(_context), _viewparams); } else if (view.placement.startsWith('DRAWER')) { container = _this.$appdrawer.openDrawer(view, Util.getViewProps(_context, _viewparams)); } this.calendarModalEvent = container.subscribe((result: any) => { if (!result || !, 'OK')) { return; } // 刷新日历 _this.refresh(); }); } }); } /** * 日历刷新 * * @param {*} [args] 额外参数 * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public refresh(args?: any) { if (, 'TIMELINE')) { this.searchArgCache = {} this.load(); } else if (this.ctrlParams) { let calendarTimeLine: any = this.$refs['appCalendarTimeline']; if (calendarTimeLine) { calendarTimeLine.refetchEvents(); } } else { let calendarApi = (this.$refs[this.controlInstance?.codeName] as any).getApi(); calendarApi.refetchEvents(); } } /** * 日程拖动事件 * * @param {*} $event 事件信息 * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public onEventDrop($event: any) { if (this.isSelectFirstDefault) { return; } let arg: any = {}; let _context: any = Object.assign({}, this.context); arg.start = Util.dateFormat($event.event.start); arg.end = Util.dateFormat($event.event.end); let itemType = $event.event._def.extendedProps.itemType; const item: IPSSysCalendarItem = (((this.controlInstance as IPSSysCalendar).getPSSysCalendarItems() || []) as Array<IPSSysCalendarItem>).find((_item: IPSSysCalendarItem) => { return _item.itemType == itemType; }) as IPSSysCalendarItem; if (item) { const codeName = ((item.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName as string).toLowerCase(); if (codeName) { arg[codeName] = $event.event._def.extendedProps[codeName]; _context[codeName] = $event.event._def.extendedProps[codeName]; } } Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: this.viewparams }); let tempContext: any = Util.deepCopy(this.context); this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforedrop', { action: itemType, navContext: tempContext, navParam: arg }).then((res: boolean) => { if (res) { this.onControlRequset('onEventDrop', tempContext, arg); const post: Promise<any> = this.service.update(itemType, tempContext, arg, this.showBusyIndicator); post.then((response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('onEventDrop', response); if (!response || response.status !== 200) { this.handleCtrlEvents('ondroperror', { action: itemType, navParam: arg, data: response?.data }).then((res: boolean) => { if (res) { this.$throw(response, 'onEventDrop'); } }) } else { this.handleCtrlEvents('ondropsuccess', { action: itemType, navParam: arg, data: response?.data }).then((res: boolean) => { if (res) { // TODO } }) } }, (response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('onEventDrop', response); this.handleCtrlEvents('ondroperror', { action: itemType, navParam: arg, data: response?.data }).then((res: boolean) => { if (res) { this.$throw(response, 'onEventDrop'); } }) }); } }) } /** * 快速工具栏菜单项点击 * * @param {*} tag 菜单项标识 * @param {*} $event 事件源 * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public itemClick(tag: any, $event: any) { if (AppServiceBase.getInstance().getEnableUIModelEx()) { const uiAction = ModelTool.getToolBarUIActionByItemName(this.quickToolbarInstance, tag); AppGlobalService.getInstance().executeGlobalUIAction(uiAction, $event, this); } else { AppViewLogicService.getInstance().executeViewLogic(`calendar_quicktoolbar_${tag}_click`, $event, this, {}, this.controlInstance.getPSAppViewLogics() || []); } } /** * 时间点击 * * @param {*} $event 当前时间 * @param {*} jsEvent 原生事件对象 * @returns * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public onDayClick($event: any, jsEvent: any) { let _this: any = this; let content: any = this.renderBarMenu; const container: any = _this.$apppopover.openPopover(jsEvent, content, "left-end", true, 103, _this.quickToolbarItems.length * 34); } /** * 计算节点右键权限 * * @param {*} data 日历项数据 * @param {*} appEntityName 应用实体名称 * @returns * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public async computeNodeState(data: any, appEntity: IPSAppDataEntity) { let service = await DataServiceHelp.getInstance().getService(appEntity, { context: this.context }); if (this.copyActionModel && Object.keys(this.copyActionModel).length > 0) { if (service) { let tempContext: any = Util.deepCopy(this.context); tempContext[appEntity.codeName.toLowerCase()] = data[appEntity.codeName.toLowerCase()]; let targetData = await service.execute('Get', tempContext, {}); ViewTool.calcTreeActionItemAuthState(, this.copyActionModel, this.appUIService); this.handleContextMenuLogic([], this.copyActionModel); return this.copyActionModel; } else { LogUtil.warn(this.$t('app.warn.geterror')); return this.copyActionModel; } } return this.copyActionModel; } /** * 计算日历日程样式 * * @param info */ public handleEventStyle(info?: any) { if (!info) { return; } const calendarApi: any = (this.$refs[this.controlInstance?.codeName] as any)?.getApi(); if (!calendarApi) { return; } const data = info.event.extendedProps.curdata; let calendarItem: IPSSysCalendarItem = (((this.controlInstance as IPSSysCalendar).getPSSysCalendarItems() || []) as Array<IPSSysCalendarItem>).find((_item: IPSSysCalendarItem) => { return _item.itemType == data.itemType; }) as IPSSysCalendarItem; const cssName = calendarItem?.getPSSysCss?.()?.cssName; const calendarEvents: any[] = calendarApi.getEvents().filter((event: any) => { return event.extendedProps.curdata[this.getEventKey(event.extendedProps)] === data[this.getEventKey(info.event.extendedProps)]; }); if (cssName && calendarEvents.length > 0) { calendarEvents.forEach((event: any) => { const classNames: any[] = [...event.classNames]; if (classNames.findIndex((className: any) => { return className == cssName; }) === -1) { classNames.push(cssName); event.setProp('classNames', classNames); } }) } } /** * 事件绘制回调 * * @param {*} info 信息 * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public eventRender(info?: any,) { if (this.isSelectFirstDefault && this.isSelectFirst) { this.isSelectFirst = false; this.onEventClick(info); } this.handleEventStyle(info); let data = Object.assign({ title: info.event.title, start: info.event.start, end: info.event.end }, info.event.extendedProps); info.el.addEventListener('contextmenu', (event: MouseEvent) => { this.showContext(data, event); }); } /** * 显示上下文菜单 * * @param {*} data * @param {*} event * @return {*} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public showContext(data: any, event: any) { this.copyActionModel = {}; Object.values(this.actionModel).forEach((item: any) => { if (, data.itemType)) { this.copyActionModel[] = item; } }) if (Object.keys(this.copyActionModel).length === 0) { return; } let dataMapping: IPSSysCalendarItem = (((this.controlInstance as IPSSysCalendar).getPSSysCalendarItems() || []) as Array<IPSSysCalendarItem>).find((_item: IPSSysCalendarItem) => { return _item.itemType == data.itemType; }) as IPSSysCalendarItem; const appDECodeName = (dataMapping.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName as string; if (!appDECodeName) { return; } this.computeNodeState(data, (dataMapping.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)).then((result: any) => { let flag: boolean = false; if (Object.values(result).length > 0) { flag = Object.values(result).some((item: any) => { return item.visabled === true; }) } if (flag) { let props = { data: data, renderContent: this.renderContextMenu }; let component = ContextMenu; const vm: any = new Vue({ render(h) { return h(component, { props }); } }).$mount(); document.body.appendChild(vm.$el); const comp: any = vm.$children[0]; comp.showContextMenu(event.clientX, event.clientY); } }); } /** * 绘制右键菜单 * * @param {*} event * @returns * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public renderContextMenu(event: any) { if (!event || !event.itemType) { return null; } this.selections = [event]; const calendarItems: Array<IPSSysCalendarItem> = (this.controlInstance as IPSSysCalendar).getPSSysCalendarItems() || []; if (calendarItems.length > 0) { let item: IPSSysCalendarItem = calendarItems.find((_item: IPSSysCalendarItem) => { return _item.itemType == event.itemType; }) as IPSSysCalendarItem; const contextMenu = item.getPSDEContextMenu() as IPSDEContextMenu; if (contextMenu && contextMenu.controlType == "CONTEXTMENU") { let { targetCtrlName, targetCtrlParam, targetCtrlEvent }: { targetCtrlName: string, targetCtrlParam: any, targetCtrlEvent: any } = this.computeTargetCtrlData(contextMenu, event); targetCtrlParam.dynamicProps.contextMenuActionModel = this.copyActionModel; return this.$createElement(targetCtrlName, { props: targetCtrlParam, ref:, on: targetCtrlEvent }); } } return null; } /** * 绘制快速工具栏项 * * @returns * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public renderBarMenu() { return ( <div class="calendar-popover"> <dropdown class="quick-toolbar" trigger="custom" visible={true} on-on-click={($event: any, $event2: any) => throttle(this.itemClick, [$event, $event2], this)}> <dropdown-menu slot="list"> { any) => { return ( <dropdown-item name={} v-show={this.quickToolbarModels[].visabled} disabled={this.quickToolbarModels[].disabled}> {item.showIcon && item.getPSSysImage ? <i class={item.getPSSysImage?.cssClass}></i> : null} {item.showCaption ? <span title={item.tooltip}>{item.caption}</span> : null} </dropdown-item> ); })} </dropdown-menu> </dropdown> </div> ); } /** * 部件事件 * @param ctrl 部件 * @param action 行为 * @param data 数据 * * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public onCtrlEvent(controlname: string, action: string, data: any) { if (action == 'contextMenuItemClick') { if (AppServiceBase.getInstance().getEnableUIModelEx()) { const itemType = this.copyActionModel[].nodeOwner; if (itemType) { const calendarItem = (this.controlInstance as IPSSysCalendar).getPSSysCalendarItems()?.find((item: IPSSysCalendarItem) => item.itemType === itemType); if (calendarItem && calendarItem.getPSDEContextMenu()) { const uiAction = ModelTool.getToolBarUIActionByItemName(calendarItem.getPSDEContextMenu()!,; AppGlobalService.getInstance().executeGlobalUIAction(uiAction, undefined, this, undefined, this.selections); } } } else { AppViewLogicService.getInstance().executeViewLogic(`${controlname}_${data?.data}_click`, undefined, this, {}, this.controlInstance?.getPSAppViewLogics() || []); } } else if (action == 'panelDataChange') { this.onPanelDataChange(data.item,; } else { this.ctrlEvent({ controlname, action, data }); } } /** * 设置按钮文本 * * @public * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public setButtonText() { = this.$t(''); this.buttonText.month = this.$t('app.calendar.month'); this.buttonText.week = this.$t('app.calendar.week'); = this.$t(''); this.buttonText.list = this.$t('app.calendar.list'); this.customButtons.gotoDate.text = this.$t('app.calendar.gotodate'); } /** * 监听语言变化 * * @public * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ @Watch('$i18n.locale') public onLocaleChange(newval: any, val: any) { this.setButtonText(); } /** * 打开时间选择模态 * * @public * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public openDateSelect() { this.modalVisible = true; } /** * 跳转到指定时间 * * @public * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public gotoDate() { let appCalendar: any = this.$refs[this.controlInstance?.codeName]; let api = appCalendar?.getApi(); if (api) { api.gotoDate(this.selectedGotoDate); } } /** * 获取事件key * * @param {*} event 事件对象 * @return {*} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public getEventKey(event: any) { if (event?.itemType && this.eventKey.has(event.itemType)) { return this.eventKey.get(event.itemType) } return ""; } /** * 获取编辑视图信息 * * @param {string} deName 视图名称 * @return {*} * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public getEditView(deName: string) { let view: any = {}; //TODO return view; } /** * 重置日历尺寸 * * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public updateSize() { const calendar: any = this.$refs[this.controlInstance?.codeName]; if (calendar) { const api = calendar.getApi(); api.updateSize() } } /** * 计算部件所需参数 * * @param {*} controlInstance 部件模型对象 * @param {*} item 日历项数据 * @returns * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public computeTargetCtrlData(controlInstance: any, item?: any) { const { targetCtrlName, targetCtrlParam, targetCtrlEvent } = super.computeTargetCtrlData(controlInstance); Object.assign(targetCtrlParam.dynamicProps, { navdatas: [item?.curdata], }) Object.assign(targetCtrlParam.staticProps, { transformData: this.transformData, opendata: this.opendata, newdata: this.newdata, refresh: this.refresh, }) targetCtrlEvent['ctrl-event'] = ({ controlname, action, data }: { controlname: string, action: string, data: any }) => { this.onCtrlEvent(controlname, action, { item: item.curdata, data: data }); }; return { targetCtrlName, targetCtrlParam, targetCtrlEvent }; } /** * 日程排序 * * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public scheduleSort() { if (, 'TIMELINE') && > 0) { any, b: any) => { const x: any = a.start; const y: any = b.start; return moment(x).isAfter(y) ? -1 : moment(x).isBefore(y) ? 1 : 0; }) // 默认选中第一项 if (this.isSelectFirstDefault) { this.onTimeLineClick([0]); } } } /** * @description 部件销毁 * @memberof CalendarControlBase */ public ctrlDestroyed() { super.ctrlDestroyed(); if (this.calendarControlEvent) { this.calendarControlEvent.unsubscribe(); } if (this.calendarModalEvent) { this.calendarModalEvent.unsubscribe(); } } }