<template> <div class="mpvue-calendar" ref="calendar"> <div class="calendar-tools" v-if="!isMonthRange"> <div class="calendar-prev" @click="prev"> <img :src="arrowLeft" v-if="!!arrowLeft"> <i class="iconfont icon-arrow-left" v-else></i> </div> <div class="calendar-next" @click="next"> <img :src="arrowRight" v-if="!!arrowRight"> <i class="iconfont icon-arrow-right" v-else></i> </div> <div class="calendar-info" @click.stop="changeYear"> <div class="mc-month"> <div :class="['mc-month-inner', oversliding ? '' : 'month-transition']" :style="{'top': monthPosition + unit}" v-if="isIos" > <span v-for="(m, i) in monthsLoop" :key="i" >{{m}}</span> </div> <div class="mc-month-text" v-else>{{monthText}}</div> </div> <div class="mc-year">{{year}}</div> </div> </div> <table cellpadding="5"> <div class="mc-head" :class="['mc-head', {'mc-month-range-mode-head': isMonthRange}]"> <div class="mc-head-box"> <div v-for="(week, index) in weeks" :key="index" class="mc-week">{{week}}</div> </div> </div> <div :class="['mc-body', {'mc-range-mode': range, 'week-switch': weekSwitch && !isMonthRange, 'month-range-mode': isMonthRange}]" v-for="(days, index) in monthRangeDays" :key='index' :style="mcbodyStyle()" style=" transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out 0s; overflow: hidden;" > <div class="month-rang-head" v-if="isMonthRange">{{rangeOfMonths[index][2]}}</div> <tr v-for="(day,k1) in days" :key="k1" :class="{'gregorianStyle': !lunar}" :style="itemtrStyle(day,days)" style="transition: all .5s; overflow: hidden;"> <td v-for="(child,k2) in day" :key="k2" :class="[{'selected': child.selected, 'mc-today-element': child.isToday, 'disabled': child.disabled, 'mc-range-select-one': rangeBgHide && child.selected, 'lunarStyle': lunar, 'mc-range-row-first': k2 === 0 && child.selected, 'month-last-date': child.lastDay, 'month-first-date': 1 === child.day, 'mc-range-row-last': k2 === 6 && child.selected, 'mc-last-month': child.lastMonth, 'mc-next-month': child.nextMonth}, child.className, child.rangeClassName]" @click="select(k1, k2, child, $event, index)" class="mc-day" :style="itemStyle()" > <span v-if="showToday.show && child.isToday" class="mc-today calendar-date">{{showToday.text}}</span> <span :class="[{'mc-date-red': k2 === (monFirst ? 5 : 0) || k2 === 6}, 'calendar-date']" v-else>{{child.day}}</span> <div class="slot-element" v-if="!!child.content">{{child.content}}</div> <div class="mc-text remark-text" v-if="child.eventName && !clean">{{child.eventName}}</div> <div class="mc-dot" v-if="child.eventName && clean" /> <!-- user --> <template v-for="(usersign,us) in sign"> <div class="sign" v-if="usersign.time==child.date" :key="us"> <div class="sign-item" v-for="(sigin,si) in usersign.evens" :key="si" :style="{color: sigin.color}">—</div> </div> </template> <div class="mc-text" :class="{'isLunarFestival': child.isAlmanac || child.isLunarFestival, 'isGregorianFestival': child.isGregorianFestival, 'isTerm': child.isTerm}" v-if="lunar && (!child.eventName || clean)" > {{child.almanac || child.lunar}} </div> <div class="mc-range-bg" v-if="range && child.selected" /> </td> </tr> </div> </table> <div class="mpvue-calendar-change" :class="{'show': yearsShow}"> <div class="calendar-years" v-if="!weekSwitch"> <span v-for="y in years" :key="y" @click.stop="selectYear(y)" :class="{'active': y === year}">{{y}}</span> </div> <div :class="['calendar-months', {'calendar-week-switch-months': weekSwitch}]"> <span v-for="(m, i) in months" :key="m" @click.stop="changeMonth(i)" :class="{'active': i === month}">{{m}}</span> </div> </div> <!-- user --> <div v-if="isChangeStyle" @click="changeStyle()" class="changebox"> <div v-if="!changebtntop" class="changeStyle_bottom"></div> <div v-if="changebtntop" class="changeStyle_top"></div> </div> <!-- user --> <div v-if="illustration" class="illustration"> <div v-for="(il,index) in illustration" :key="index" class="illustration-item"><div :style="{'background-color': il.color}" class="illustration-color"></div><div class="illustration-text">{{il.text}}</div></div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import calendar, {defaultLunar, defaultGregorian, todayString, isBrowser} from './calendarinit.js'; import './icon.css'; import './browser-style.css'; export default { props: { multi: { type: Boolean, default: false }, illustration:{ type: Array, default: null }, touchLength:{ type: Number, default: 0 }, arrowLeft: { type: String, default: '' }, arrowRight: { type: String, default: '' }, clean: { type: Boolean, default: false }, now: { type: [String, Boolean], default: true }, range: { type: Boolean, default: false }, completion: { type: Boolean, default: false }, value: { type: Array, default() { return []; } }, begin: { type: Array, default() { return []; } }, end: { type: Array, default() { return []; } }, zero: { type: Boolean, default: false }, disabled: { type: Array, default() { return []; } }, almanacs: { type: Object, default() { return {}; } }, tileContent: { type: Array, default() { return []; } }, sign:{type: Array, default:[] }, lunar: { type: Boolean, default: false }, monFirst: { type: Boolean, default: false }, weeks: { type: Array, default() { return this.monFirst ? ['一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六', '日'] : ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六']; } }, months: { type: Array, default() { return ['一月', '二月', '三月', '四月', '五月', '六月', '七月', '八月', '九月', '十月', '十一月', '十二月']; } }, events: { type: Object, default() { return {}; } }, isChangeStyle:{ type: Boolean, default: false }, weekSwitch: { type: Boolean, default: false }, monthRange: { type: Array, default() { return []; } }, responsive: { type: Boolean, default: false }, rangeMonthFormat: { type: String, default: '' } }, data() { return { changebtntop: true, years: [], yearsShow: false, year: 0, month: 0, monthPosition: 0, day: 0, days: [], multiDays: [], today: [], handleMultiDay: [], firstRender: true, isIos: true, showToday: {}, monthText: '', festival: { lunar: defaultLunar, gregorian: defaultGregorian, }, rangeBegin: [], rangeEnd: [], multiDaysData: [], monthsLoop: [], itemWidth: 50, unit: isBrowser ? 'px' : 'rpx', positionH: isBrowser ? -24 : -40, monthIndex: 0, oversliding: false, rangeBgHide: false, monthRangeDays: [], rangeOfMonths: [], monthDays: [], weekIndex: 0, startWeekIndex: 0, positionWeek: true, isMonthRange: false, isseletd:false, changeStyle2(item){ this.changebtntop = item; this.render(this.year, this.month); }, createdinit(){ this.changebtntop = false; this.render(this.year, this.month); }, }; }, computed: { }, watch: { events() { if (this.isRendeRangeMode()) return; this.render(this.year, this.month, '_WATCHRENDER_', 'events'); }, touchLength(){ // console.log(this.touchLength); }, disabled() { if (this.isRendeRangeMode()) return; this.render(this.year, this.month, '_WATCHRENDER_', 'disabled'); }, value() { if (this.isRendeRangeMode('_WATCHRENDERVALUE_')) return; const {value} = this; let year = value[0] || this.year; let month = value[1] - 1 || this.month; let day; if (this.multi) { if (this.isUserSelect) { year = this.year; month = this.month; this.isUserSelect = false; } else { year = (value[value.length - 1] || [])[0] || this.year; month = (value[value.length - 1]|| [])[1] - 1 || this.month; } } else if (this.range) { if (this.isUserSelect) { year = this.year; month = this.month; this.isUserSelect = false; } else { if (value.length) { year = value[0][0]; month = value[0][1] - 1; day = value[0][2]; } return this.render(year, month, '_WATCHRENDERVALUE_', [year, month, day]); } } this.render(year, month, '_WATCHRENDERVALUE_'); }, tileContent() { if (this.isRendeRangeMode()) return; this.render(this.year, this.month, '_WATCHRENDER_', 'tileContent'); }, almanacs() { if (this.isRendeRangeMode()) return; this.render(this.year, this.month, '_WATCHRENDER_', 'almanacs'); }, monthRange() { if (this.isRendeRangeMode()) return; this.render(this.year, this.month, '_WATCHRENDER_', 'almanacs'); }, responsive() { if (this.responsive) this.addResponsiveListener(); }, weekSwitch() { if (this.isRendeRangeMode()) return; this.render(this.year, this.month, '_WATCHRENDER_', 'almanacs'); } }, created() { this.isMonthRange = !!this.monthRange.length; const loopArray = this.months.concat(); loopArray.unshift(this.months[this.months.length - 1]); loopArray.push(this.months[0]); this.monthsLoop = loopArray; this.monthsLoopCopy = this.monthsLoop.concat(); }, mounted() { const self = this; this.resize(); if (!isBrowser) { wx.getSystemInfo({ success(res) { self.isIos = (res.system.split(' ') || [])[0] === 'iOS'; } }); } else if (this.responsive) { this.addResponsiveListener(); } this.oversliding = true; this.initRender = true; this.init(); }, beforeDestroy() { if (isBrowser) { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.resize); } }, methods: { itemStyle() { return { width: `${this.itemWidth}px`, height: `${this.itemWidth}px`, fontSize: `${this.itemWidth / 4}px`, lineHeight: this.lunar ? `${this.itemWidth / 1.5}px` : `${this.itemWidth}px` }; }, // user itemtrStyle(day,days){ let tempH = parseFloat(this.itemWidth) + 8; let tmpSelect = false; days.forEach((item)=>{ if(item.some((i)=>{return i.selected})){ tmpSelect = true; }; }); let falg = day.some((item)=>{ return tmpSelect?item.selected:item.isToday; }); if(falg){ return {height: `${tempH}px`,} } return this.changebtntop?{ height: `${tempH}px`, }:{height: 0,} }, mcbodyStyle(){ let count = 0; this.monthRangeDays.forEach((item)=>{ item.forEach((i)=>{ count ++; }); }); if(!this.changebtntop){ count = 1; } return {height: `${(this.itemWidth+16)*count+45}px`} }, tempTouchLength(){ return this.touchLength>0?this.touchLength:""; }, changeStyle(){ this.changebtntop = !this.changebtntop; this.render(this.year, this.month); }, init() { const now = new Date(); this.year = now.getFullYear(); this.month = now.getMonth(); this.day = now.getDate(); this.monthIndex = this.month + 1; if (this.value.length || this.multi) { if (this.range) { this.year = Number(this.value[0][0]); this.month = this.value[0][1] - 1; this.day = Number(this.value[0][2]); const yearEnd = Number(this.value[1][0]); const monthEnd = this.value[1][1] - 1; const dayEnd = this.value[1][2]; this.rangeBegin = [this.year, this.month, this.day]; this.rangeEnd = [yearEnd, monthEnd, dayEnd]; } else if (this.multi) { this.multiDays = this.value; const {handleMultiDay} = this; if (this.firstRender) { this.firstRender = false; const thatYear = (this.value[0] || [])[0]; const thatMonth = (this.value[0] || [])[1]; if (isFinite(thatYear) && isFinite(thatMonth)) { this.month = parseInt(thatMonth, 10) - 1; this.year = parseInt(thatYear, 10); } } else if (this.handleMultiDay.length) { this.month = parseInt(handleMultiDay[handleMultiDay.length - 1][1], 10) - 1; this.year = parseInt(handleMultiDay[handleMultiDay.length - 1][0], 10); this.handleMultiDay = []; } else { this.month = parseInt(this.value[this.value.length - 1][1], 10) - 1; this.year = parseInt(this.value[this.value.length - 1][0], 10); } this.day = parseInt((this.value[0] || [])[2], 10); } else { this.year = parseInt(this.value[0], 10); this.month = parseInt(this.value[1], 10) - 1; this.day = parseInt(this.value[2], 10); } } this.updateHeadMonth(); if (this.isRendeRangeMode()) return; this.render(this.year, this.month); }, renderOption(year, month, i, playload) { const weekSwitch = this.monthRange.length ? false : this.weekSwitch; const {value: selectSplit} = this; const isMonthModeCurrentMonth = !weekSwitch && !playload; const disabledFilter = (disabled) => disabled.find(v => { const dayArr = v.split('-'); return year === Number(dayArr[0]) && month === (dayArr[1] - 1) && i === Number(dayArr[2]); }); if (this.range) { const lastDay = new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate() === i ? {lastDay: true} : null; const options = Object.assign( {day: i}, this.getLunarInfo(year, month + 1, i), this.getEvents(year, month + 1, i), lastDay ); const {date, day} = options; const copyRangeBegin = this.rangeBegin.concat(); const copyRangeEnd = this.rangeEnd.concat(); copyRangeBegin[1] += 1; copyRangeEnd[1] += 1; if (weekSwitch || isMonthModeCurrentMonth) { (copyRangeEnd.join('-') === date) && (options.rangeClassName = 'mc-range-end'); (copyRangeBegin.join('-') === date) && (options.rangeClassName = 'mc-range-begin'); } if (year === copyRangeEnd[0] && (month + 1) === copyRangeEnd[1] && day === (copyRangeEnd[2] - 1)) { options.rangeClassName = options.rangeClassName ? ['mc-range-begin', 'mc-range-second-to-last'] : 'mc-range-second-to-last'; } if (this.rangeBegin.length) { const beginTime = +new Date(this.rangeBegin[0], this.rangeBegin[1], this.rangeBegin[2]); const endTime = +new Date(this.rangeEnd[0], this.rangeEnd[1], this.rangeEnd[2]); const stepTime = +new Date(year, month, i); if (beginTime <= stepTime && endTime >= stepTime) { options.selected = true; } } if (this.begin.length) { const beginTime = +new Date(parseInt(this.begin[0], 10), parseInt(this.begin[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(this.begin[2], 10)); if (beginTime > +new Date(year, month, i)) { options.disabled = true; } } if (this.end.length) { const endTime = Number(new Date(parseInt(this.end[0], 10), parseInt(this.end[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(this.end[2], 10))); if (endTime < Number(new Date(year, month, i))) { options.disabled = true; } } if (playload && !weekSwitch) { options.disabled = true; } else if (this.disabled.length && disabledFilter(this.disabled)) { options.disabled = true; } const monthFirstDay = `${year}-${month + 1}-1`; const monthLastDay = `${year}-${month + 1}-${new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate()}`; (monthFirstDay === date && options.selected && !options.rangeClassName) && (options.rangeClassName = 'mc-range-month-first'); (monthLastDay === date && options.selected && !options.rangeClassName) && (options.rangeClassName = 'mc-range-month-last'); this.isCurrentMonthToday(options) && (options.isToday = true); (!weekSwitch && playload) && (options.selected = false); return options; } if (this.multi) { let options; if (this.value.find(v => year === v[0] && (month === v[1] - 1) && i === v[2])) { options = Object.assign( {day: i, selected: true}, this.getLunarInfo(year, month + 1, i), this.getEvents(year, month + 1, i) ); } else { options = Object.assign( {day: i, selected: false}, this.getLunarInfo(year, month + 1, i), this.getEvents(year, month + 1, i) ); if (this.begin.length) { const beginTime = +new Date(parseInt(this.begin[0], 10), parseInt(this.begin[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(this.begin[2], 10)); if (beginTime > +(new Date(year, month, i))) { options.disabled = true; } } if (this.end.length) { const endTime = +new Date(parseInt(this.end[0], 10), parseInt(this.end[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(this.end[2], 10)); if (endTime < +(new Date(year, month, i))) { options.disabled = true; } } if (this.disabled.length && disabledFilter(this.disabled)) { options.disabled = true; } } this.isCurrentMonthToday(options) && (options.isToday = true); if (playload && !weekSwitch) { options.disabled = true; options.selected = false; } return options; } else { const options = {}; const monthHuman = month + 1; if (selectSplit[0] === year && selectSplit[1] === monthHuman && selectSplit[2] === i) { Object.assign( options, {day: i, selected: true}, this.getLunarInfo(year, monthHuman, i), this.getEvents(year, monthHuman, i) ); } else { Object.assign( options, {day: i, selected: false}, this.getLunarInfo(year, monthHuman, i), this.getEvents(year, monthHuman, i) ); if (this.begin.length) { const beginTime = +new Date(parseInt(this.begin[0], 10), parseInt(this.begin[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(this.begin[2], 10)); if (beginTime > Number(new Date(year, month, i))) { options.disabled = true; } } if (this.end.length) { const endTime = +new Date(parseInt(this.end[0], 10), parseInt(this.end[1], 10) - 1, parseInt(this.end[2], 10)); if (endTime < +(new Date(year, month, i))) { options.disabled = true; } } if (this.disabled.length && disabledFilter(this.disabled)) { options.disabled = true; } } this.isCurrentMonthToday(options) && (options.isToday = true); if (playload && !weekSwitch) { options.disabled = true; options.selected = false; } return options; } }, isCurrentMonthToday(options) { const isToday = todayString === options.date; if (!isToday) return false; return this.weekSwitch ? isToday : (Number(todayString.split('-')[1]) === this.month + 1); }, watchRender(type) { const {weekSwitch} = this; const daysDeepCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.monthDays)); if (type === 'events') { const events = this.events || {}; Object.keys(events).forEach(value => { daysDeepCopy.some(v => v.some(vv => { if (vv.date === value) { vv.eventName = events[value]; return true; } })); }); } else if (type === 'disabled') { const disabled = this.disabled || []; disabled.forEach(value => { daysDeepCopy.some(v => v.some(vv => { if (vv.date === value) { vv.disabled = true; return true; } })); }); } else if (type === 'almanacs') { const almanacs = this.almanacs || {}; Object.keys(almanacs).forEach(value => { daysDeepCopy.some(v => v.some(vv => { if (vv.date.slice(5, 20) === value) { const [y, m, d] = vv.date.split('-'); Object.assign(vv, this.getLunarInfo(y, m, d)); return true; } })); }); } else if (type === 'tileContent') { const tileContent = this.tileContent || []; tileContent.forEach(value => { daysDeepCopy.some(v => v.some(vv => { if (vv.date === value.date) { vv.className = value.className; vv.content = value.content; return true; } })); }); } this.monthDays = daysDeepCopy; if (weekSwitch) { this.days = [daysDeepCopy[this.weekIndex]]; this.monthRangeDays = [this.days]; } else { this.days = daysDeepCopy; this.monthRangeDays = [this.days]; } }, render(y, m, renderer, payload) { const {weekSwitch} = this; const isCustomRender = renderer === 'CUSTOMRENDER'; const isWatchRenderValue = renderer === '_WATCHRENDERVALUE_'; this.year = y; this.month = m; if (renderer === '_WATCHRENDER_') return this.watchRender(payload); if (this.range && isWatchRenderValue) { if (!Array.isArray((this.value || [])[0])) { this.rangeBegin = []; this.rangeEnd = []; } else { this.rangeBegin = [this.value[0][0], this.value[0][1] - 1, this.value[0][2]]; this.rangeEnd = [this.value[1][0], this.value[1][1] - 1, this.value[1][2]]; } } if (isWatchRenderValue && weekSwitch) { this.positionWeek = true; } if (isCustomRender) { this.year = y; this.month = m; this.positionWeek = true; if (weekSwitch && !payload) { this.startWeekIndex = 0; this.weekIndex = 0; } this.updateHeadMonth(); } const firstDayOfMonth = new Date(y, m, 1).getDay(); const lastDateOfMonth = new Date(y, m + 1, 0).getDate(); const lastDayOfLastMonth = new Date(y, m, 0).getDate(); this.year = y; let i = 1; let line = 0; let nextMonthPushDays = 1; const temp = []; for (i; i <= lastDateOfMonth; i++) { const day = new Date(y, m, i).getDay(); let k; if (day === 0) { temp[line] = []; } else if (i === 1) { temp[line] = []; k = lastDayOfLastMonth - firstDayOfMonth + 1; for (let j = 0; j < firstDayOfMonth; j++) { //generate prev month surplus option temp[line].push(Object.assign( this.renderOption(this.computedPrevYear(y, m), this.computedPrevMonth(false, m), k, 'prevMonth'), {lastMonth: true} )); k++; } } temp[line].push(this.renderOption(y, m, i)); //generate current month option if (day === 6 && i < lastDateOfMonth) { line++; } else if (i === lastDateOfMonth) { let nextDay = 1; const lastDateOfMonthLength = this.monFirst ? 7 : 6; for (let d = day; d < lastDateOfMonthLength; d++) { //generate next month surplus option temp[line].push(Object.assign( this.renderOption(this.computedNextYear(y, m), this.computedNextMonth(false, m), nextDay, 'nextMonth'), {nextMonth: true} )); nextDay++; } nextMonthPushDays = nextDay; } } const {completion} = this; if (this.monFirst) { if (!firstDayOfMonth) { let lastMonthDay = lastDayOfLastMonth; const LastMonthItems = []; for (let d = 1; d <= 7; d++) { LastMonthItems.unshift(Object.assign( this.renderOption(this.computedPrevYear(y, m), this.computedPrevMonth(false, m), lastMonthDay, 'prevMonth'), {lastMonth: true} )); lastMonthDay--; } temp.unshift(LastMonthItems); } temp.forEach((item, index) => { if (!index) { return item.splice(0, 1); } temp[index - 1].length < 7 && temp[index - 1].push(item.splice(0, 1)[0]); }); if (this.isMonthRange && temp[temp.length - 1][0].nextMonth) { temp.splice(temp.length - 1, 1); //if the first day of last line is nextMonth, delete this line } if (!completion && !weekSwitch) { const lastIndex = temp.length - 1; const secondToLastIndex = lastIndex - 1; const differentMonth = temp[lastIndex][0].date.split('-')[1] !== temp[secondToLastIndex][6].date.split('-')[1]; differentMonth && temp.splice(lastIndex, 1); } } if (completion && !weekSwitch && temp.length <= 5 && nextMonthPushDays > 0) { for (let completionIndex = temp.length; completionIndex <= 5; completionIndex++) { temp[completionIndex] = []; const start = nextMonthPushDays + (completionIndex - line - 1) * 7; for (let d = start; d <= start + 6; d++) { temp[completionIndex].push(Object.assign( {day: d, disabled: true, nextMonth: true}, this.getLunarInfo(this.computedNextYear(y, m), this.computedNextMonth(true, m), d), this.getEvents(this.computedNextYear(y, m), this.computedNextMonth(true, m), d) )); } } } if (this.tileContent.length) { temp.forEach((item, index) => { item.forEach(v => { const contents = this.tileContent.find(val => val.date === v.date); if (contents) { const {className, content} = contents || {}; v.className = className; v.content = content; } }); }); } if (weekSwitch) { const tempLength = temp.length; const lastLineMonth = temp[tempLength - 1][0].date.split('-')[1]; // last line month const secondLastMonth = temp[tempLength - 2][0].date.split('-')[1]; // second-to-last line month lastLineMonth !== secondLastMonth && temp.splice(tempLength - 1, 1); } this.monthDays = temp; if (weekSwitch && !this.isMonthRange) { if (this.positionWeek) { let payloadDay = ''; let searchIndex = true; if (Array.isArray(payload)) { //range payloadDay = [payload[0], payload[1] + 1, payload[2]].join('-'); } else if (this.multi || isWatchRenderValue) { if (this.thisTimeSelect) { payloadDay = this.thisTimeSelect; } else { payloadDay = this.multi ? this.value[this.value.length - 1].join('-') : this.value.join('-'); } } if (payload === 'SETTODAY') { payloadDay = todayString; } else if (isCustomRender) { if (typeof payload === 'string') { payloadDay = [y, Number(m) + 1, payload].join('-'); searchIndex = true; } else if (typeof payload === 'number') { const setIndex = payload > temp.length ? temp.length - 1 : payload; this.startWeekIndex = setIndex; this.weekIndex = setIndex; this.positionWeek = false; searchIndex = false; } } const positionDay = payloadDay || todayString; if (searchIndex) { temp.some((v, index) => { const isWeekNow = v.find(vv => vv.date === positionDay); if (isWeekNow) { this.startWeekIndex = index; this.weekIndex = index; return true; } }); } this.positionWeek = false; } this.days = [temp[this.startWeekIndex]]; if(this.changebtntop){ let days = temp.filter((item)=>{ return item.some((day)=>{ return day.selected == true; }) == true }) if(days.length > 0){ this.days = days; } } if (this.initRender) { this.setMonthRangeofWeekSwitch(); this.initRender = false; } } else { this.days = temp; } const todayText = '今'; if (typeof this.now === 'boolean' && !this.now) { this.showToday = {show: false}; } else if (typeof this.now === 'string') { this.showToday = { show: true, text: this.now || todayText }; } else { this.showToday = { show: true, text: todayText }; } this.monthRangeDays = [this.days]; isWatchRenderValue && this.updateHeadMonth(); return this.days; }, rendeRange(renderer) { const range = []; const self = this; const monthRange = this.monthRange; function formatDateText(fYear, fMonth) { const reg = /([y]+)(.*?)([M]+)(.*?)$/i; const rangeMonthFormat = self.rangeMonthFormat || 'yyyy-MM'; reg.exec(rangeMonthFormat); return String(fYear).substring(4 - RegExp.$1.length) + RegExp.$2 + String(fMonth).substring(2 - RegExp.$3.length) + RegExp.$4; } if (monthRange[0] === monthRange[1]) { const [y, m] = monthRange[0].split('-'); range.push([Number(y), Number(m), formatDateText(y, m)]); } else { const monthRangeOfStart = monthRange[0].split('-'); const monthRangeOfEnd = monthRange[1].split('-'); let startYear = +monthRangeOfStart[0]; let startMonth = +monthRangeOfStart[1]; const endYear = +monthRangeOfEnd[0]; const endtMonth = +monthRangeOfEnd[1] > 12 ? 12 : +monthRangeOfEnd[1]; while (startYear < endYear || startMonth <= endtMonth) { range.push([startYear, startMonth, formatDateText(startYear, startMonth)]); if (startMonth === 12 && startYear !== endYear) { startYear++; startMonth = 0; } startMonth++; } } this.rangeOfMonths = range; const monthsRange = range.map(item => { const [yearParam, monthParam] = item; return this.render(yearParam, monthParam - 1, renderer); }); this.monthRangeDays = monthsRange; }, isRendeRangeMode(renderer) { this.isMonthRange = !!this.monthRange.length; if (this.isMonthRange) { this.rendeRange(renderer); return true; } }, renderer(y, m, w) { const renderY = y || this.year; const renderM = typeof parseInt(m, 10) === 'number' ? (m - 1) : this.month; this.initRender = true; this.render(renderY, renderM, 'CUSTOMRENDER', w); !this.weekSwitch && (this.monthsLoop = this.monthsLoopCopy.concat()); }, computedPrevYear(year, month) { let value = year; if ((month - 1) < 0) { value--; } return value; }, computedPrevMonth(isString, month) { let value = month; if ((month - 1) < 0) { value = 11; } else { value--; } if (isString) { return value + 1; } return value; }, computedNextYear(year, month) { let value = year; if ((month + 1) > 11) { value++; } return value; }, computedNextMonth(isString, month) { let value = month; if ((month + 1) > 11) { value = 0; } else { value++; } if (isString) { return value + 1; } return value; }, getLunarInfo(y, m, d) { const lunarInfo = calendar.solar2lunar(y, m, d); const {Term, lMonth, lDay, lYear} = lunarInfo || {}; let yearEve = ''; if (lMonth === 12 && lDay === calendar.monthDays(lYear, 12)) { yearEve = '除夕'; } let lunarValue = lunarInfo.IDayCn; let isLunarFestival = false; let isGregorianFestival = false; if (this.festival.lunar[`${lunarInfo.lMonth}-${lunarInfo.lDay}`]) { lunarValue = this.festival.lunar[`${lunarInfo.lMonth}-${lunarInfo.lDay}`]; isLunarFestival = true; } else if (this.festival.gregorian[`${m}-${d}`]) { lunarValue = this.festival.gregorian[`${m}-${d}`]; isGregorianFestival = true; } const lunarInfoObj = { date: `${y}-${m}-${d}`, lunar: yearEve || Term || lunarValue, isLunarFestival, isGregorianFestival, isTerm: !!yearEve || lunarInfo.isTerm }; if (Object.keys(this.almanacs).length) { Object.assign(lunarInfoObj, { almanac: this.almanacs[`${m}-${d}`] || '', isAlmanac: !!this.almanacs[`${m}-${d}`] }); } return lunarInfoObj; }, getEvents(y, m, d) { if (!Object.keys(this.events).length) return; const eventName = this.events[`${y}-${m}-${d}`]; const data = {}; if (eventName) { data.eventName = eventName; } return data; }, prev(e) { e && e.stopPropagation(); if (this.isMonthRange) return; const weekSwitch = this.weekSwitch; const changeMonth = (changed) => { if (this.monthIndex === 1) { this.oversliding = false; this.month = 11; this.year = parseInt(this.year, 10) - 1; this.monthIndex = this.monthIndex - 1; } else if (this.monthIndex === 0) { this.oversliding = true; this.monthIndex = 12; setTimeout(() => this.prev(e), 50); return this.updateHeadMonth('custom'); } else if (this.monthIndex === 13) { this.month = 11; this.year = parseInt(this.year, 10) - 1; this.monthIndex = this.monthIndex - 1; } else { this.oversliding = false; this.month = parseInt(this.month, 10) - 1; this.monthIndex = this.monthIndex - 1; } this.updateHeadMonth('custom'); this.render(this.year, this.month); (typeof changed === 'function') && changed(); const weekIndex = weekSwitch ? this.weekIndex : undefined; this.$emit('prev', this.year, this.month + 1, weekIndex); }; if (!this.weekSwitch) return changeMonth(); const changeWeek = () => { this.weekIndex = this.weekIndex - 1; this.days = [this.monthDays[this.weekIndex]]; this.monthRangeDays = [this.days]; this.setMonthRangeofWeekSwitch(); this.$emit('prev', this.year, this.month + 1, this.weekIndex); }; const currentWeek = (this.days[0] || [])[0] || {}; if (currentWeek.lastMonth || currentWeek.day === 1) { const monthChenged = () => { const lastMonthLength = this.monthDays.length; const startWeekIndex = currentWeek.lastMonth ? lastMonthLength - 1 : lastMonthLength; this.startWeekIndex = startWeekIndex; this.weekIndex = startWeekIndex; changeWeek(); }; changeMonth(monthChenged); } else { changeWeek(); } }, next(e) { e && e.stopPropagation(); if (this.isMonthRange) return; const weekSwitch = this.weekSwitch; const changeMonth = () => { if (this.monthIndex === 12) { this.oversliding = false; this.month = 0; this.year = parseInt(this.year, 10) + 1; this.monthIndex = this.monthIndex + 1; } else if (this.monthIndex === 0 && this.month === 11) { this.oversliding = false; this.month = 0; this.year = parseInt(this.year, 10) + 1; this.monthIndex = this.monthIndex + 1; } else if (this.monthIndex === 13) { this.oversliding = true; this.monthIndex = 1; setTimeout(() => this.next(e), 50); return this.updateHeadMonth('custom'); } else { this.oversliding = false; this.month = parseInt(this.month, 10) + 1; this.monthIndex = this.monthIndex + 1; } this.updateHeadMonth('custom'); this.render(this.year, this.month); const weekIndex = weekSwitch ? this.weekIndex : undefined; this.$emit('next', this.year, this.month + 1, weekIndex); }; if (!this.weekSwitch) return changeMonth(); const changeWeek = () => { this.weekIndex = this.weekIndex + 1; this.days = [this.monthDays[this.weekIndex]]; this.monthRangeDays = [this.days]; this.setMonthRangeofWeekSwitch(); this.$emit('next', this.year, this.month + 1, this.weekIndex); }; const currentWeek = (this.days[0] || [])[6] || {}; if (currentWeek.nextMonth || currentWeek.day === (new Date(this.year, this.month + 1, 0).getDate())) { const startWeekIndex = currentWeek.nextMonth ? 1 : 0; this.startWeekIndex = startWeekIndex; this.weekIndex = startWeekIndex; changeMonth(); } else { changeWeek(); } }, select(k1, k2, data, e, monthIndex) { e && e.stopPropagation(); const weekSwitch = this.weekSwitch; if (data.lastMonth && !weekSwitch) { return this.prev(e); } if (data.nextMonth && !weekSwitch) { return this.next(e); } if (data.disabled) return; (data || {}).event = (this.events || {})[data.date] || ''; const {selected, day, date} = data; const selectedDates = date.split('-'); const selectYear = Number(selectedDates[0]); const selectMonth = selectedDates[1] - 1; const selectMonthHuman = Number(selectedDates[1]); const selectDay = Number(selectedDates[2]); if (this.range) { this.isUserSelect = true; const rangeDate = (dateArray) => dateArray.map((v, k) => { const value = k === 1 ? v + 1 : v; return this.zero ? this.zeroPad(value) : value; }); if (this.rangeBegin.length === 0 || this.rangeEndTemp !== 0) { this.rangeBegin = [selectYear, selectMonth, selectDay]; this.rangeBeginTemp = this.rangeBegin; this.rangeEnd = [selectYear, selectMonth, selectDay]; this.thisTimeSelect = this.rangeEnd; this.rangeEndTemp = 0; this.$emit('select', rangeDate(this.rangeBegin), undefined); } else { this.rangeEnd = [selectYear, selectMonth, selectDay]; this.thisTimeSelect = [selectYear, selectMonth, selectDay]; if (this.rangeBegin.join('-') === this.rangeEnd.join('-')) { return this.rangeEndTemp = 0; } this.rangeEndTemp = 1; if (+new Date(this.rangeEnd[0], this.rangeEnd[1], this.rangeEnd[2]) < +new Date(this.rangeBegin[0], this.rangeBegin[1], this.rangeBegin[2])) { this.rangeBegin = this.rangeEnd; this.rangeEnd = this.rangeBeginTemp; } const begin = rangeDate(this.rangeBegin); const end = rangeDate(this.rangeEnd); this.value.splice(0, 1, begin); this.value.splice(1, 1, end); this.$emit('select', begin, end); } this.rangeBgHide = !this.rangeEndTemp || (this.rangeBegin.join('-') === this.rangeEnd.join('-')); this.positionWeek = true; if (this.isMonthRange) { this.rendeRange(); } else { this.render(this.year, this.month, undefined, this.thisTimeSelect); } } else if (this.multi) { this.isUserSelect = true; const filterDayIndex = this.value.findIndex(v => v.join('-') === date); if (~filterDayIndex) { this.handleMultiDay = this.value.splice(filterDayIndex, 1); } else { this.value.push([Number(Number(selectedDates[0])), Number(selectedDates[1]), day]); } this.monthRangeDays[monthIndex][k1][k2].selected = !selected; this.multiDaysData = this.value.map(dateItem => { const [year, month, d] = dateItem; return Object.assign( {day: d, selected: true}, this.getLunarInfo(year, month, d), this.getEvents(year, month, d) ); }); this.thisTimeSelect = date; this.$emit('select', this.value, this.multiDaysData); } else { const valueClone = this.value.splice(); const currentSelected = valueClone.join('-'); this.monthRangeDays.some(value => value.some(v => !!v.find(vv => { if (vv.date === currentSelected) { vv.selected = false; return true; } }))); this.monthRangeDays[monthIndex][k1][k2].selected = true; this.day = day; const selectDate = [selectYear, selectMonthHuman, selectDay]; this.value[0] = selectYear; this.value[1] = selectMonthHuman; this.value[2] = selectDay; this.today = [k1, k2]; this.$emit('select', selectDate, data); } }, changeYear() { if (this.yearsShow) { this.yearsShow = false; return false; } this.yearsShow = true; this.years = []; for (let i = this.year - 5; i < this.year + 7; i++) { this.years.push(i); } }, changeMonth(value) { this.oversliding && (this.oversliding = false); this.yearsShow = false; this.month = value; this.render(this.year, this.month, 'CUSTOMRENDER', 0); this.updateHeadMonth(); this.weekSwitch && this.setMonthRangeofWeekSwitch(); this.$emit('selectMonth', this.month + 1, this.year); }, selectYear(value) { this.yearsShow = false; this.year = value; this.render(this.year, this.month); this.$emit('selectYear', value); }, setToday() { const now = new Date(); this.year = now.getFullYear(); this.month = now.getMonth(); this.day = now.getDate(); this.positionWeek = true; this.render(this.year, this.month, undefined, 'SETTODAY'); this.updateHeadMonth(); }, setMonthRangeofWeekSwitch() { this.monthsLoop = this.monthsLoopCopy.concat(); this.days[0].reduce((prev, current) => { if (!prev) return; const prveDate = ((prev || {}).date || '').split('-'); const prevYear = prveDate[0]; const prevMonth = prveDate[1]; const currentMonth = ((current || {}).date || '').split('-')[1]; if (prevMonth === currentMonth) { return current; } const prevMonthText = this.months[prevMonth - 1]; const currentMonthText = this.months[currentMonth - 1]; this.monthsLoop[this.monthIndex] = `${prevMonthText}~${currentMonthText}`; }); }, dateInfo(y, m, d) { return calendar.solar2lunar(y, m, d); }, zeroPad(n) { return String(n < 10 ? `0${n}` : n); }, updateHeadMonth(type) { if (!type) this.monthIndex = this.month + 1; this.monthPosition = this.monthIndex * this.positionH; this.monthText = this.months[this.month]; }, addResponsiveListener() { window.addEventListener('resize', this.resize); }, resize() { const width = this.$refs.calendar.clientWidth; this.itemWidth = (width/7 - 4).toFixed(5); } } }; </script>