import Vue from "vue"; import { IPSAppCounterRef, IPSAppDataEntity, IPSAppDEField, IPSAppDERedirectView, IPSAppDERS, IPSAppDEView, IPSAppUILogicRefView, IPSAppUINewDataLogic, IPSAppUIOpenDataLogic, IPSAppView, IPSAppViewLogic, IPSAppViewRef, IPSControl, IPSControlContainer, IPSDETBGroupItem, IPSDETBRawItem, IPSDEToolbar, IPSDEToolbarItem, IPSDEUIAction, IPSLanguageRes, IPSNavigateContext, IPSNavigateParam } from "@ibiz/dynamic-model-api"; import { AppCtrlEventEngine, AppPanelEventEngine, AppServiceBase, AppTimerEngine, AppViewEventEngine, CounterService, DataServiceHelp, IParams, LogUtil, ModelTool, throttle, UIServiceHelp, Util, ViewTool } from "ibiz-core"; import { AppViewLogicService, LayoutLoadingService, ViewLoadingService } from "../app-service"; import { Subject } from "rxjs"; /** * 容器对象 */ export class ControlContainer extends Vue { /** * 容器模型 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlContainer */ public containerModel: any; /** * 容器类型 * * @type {('VIEW' | 'VIEWLAYOUT' | 'CTRL')} * @memberof ControlContainer */ public type: 'VIEW' | 'VIEWLAYOUT' | 'CTRL' = 'VIEW'; /** * 应用上下文 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlContainer */ public context: any = {}; /** * 视图参数 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlContainer */ public viewparams: any = {}; /** * 导航数据(用于数据穿透) * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlContainer */ public navdatas!: any; /** * 视图操作参数集合 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlContainer */ public viewCtx: any = {}; /** * 计数器服务对象集合 * * @type {Array<*>} * @memberof ControlContainer */ public counterServiceArray: Array = []; /** * 界面触发逻辑Map * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public containerTriggerLogicMap: Map = new Map(); /** * 注册事件逻辑分隔符 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public registerEventSeparator: string = 'ibiz__'; /** * 挂载状态集合 * * @type {Map} * @memberof ControlContainer */ public mountedMap: Map = new Map(); /** * 容器是否已经完成挂载 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof ControlContainer */ public hasContainerMounted: boolean = false; /** * 实体服务对象 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlContainer */ public appEntityService: any; /** * 环境文件 * * @protected * @memberof ControlContainer */ protected Environment: any = AppServiceBase.getInstance().getAppEnvironment(); /** * 视图loading服务 * * @type {ViewLoadingService} * @memberof ControlContainer */ public viewLoadingService: ViewLoadingService = new ViewLoadingService(); /** * 视图布局面板loading服务 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlContainer */ public layoutLoadingService: LayoutLoadingService = new LayoutLoadingService(); /** * 实体UI服务对象 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlContainer */ public appUIService: any; /** * 视图引擎 * * @public * @type {*} * @memberof ControlContainer */ public engine: any; /** * 默认工具栏模型数据 * * @type {*} * @memberof ControlContainer */ public toolbarModels: any; /** * 初始化容器模型(初始化调用,需外部调用) * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public initUIContainerModel(type: 'VIEW' | 'VIEWLAYOUT' | 'CTRL', opts: any) { this.type = type; this.containerModel = opts; } /** * 初始化容器基础数聚(上下文构造之前) * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public async initUIContainerBeforeCtx() { if (!this.containerModel) { return; } // 容器模型数据加载 await this.UIContainerModelLoad(); // 初始化挂载状态集合 this.initUIContainerMountedMap(); } /** * 初始化容器基础数聚(上下文构造之后) * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public async initUIContainerAfterCtx() { if (!this.containerModel) { return; } // 初始化容器计数器服务 await this.initUICounterService(this.containerModel, this.context, this.viewparams); // 初始化应用界面基础服务 await this.initContainerBasicService(); // 初始化容器逻辑 await this.initUIContainerLogic(this.containerModel); // 初始化容器默认工具栏 this.initDefaultToolBar(); } /** * @description 容器销毁 * @memberof ControlContainer */ public containerDestroyed() { if (this.engine) { this.engine.destroyed(); } this.viewCtx = null; } /** * 销毁容器 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public destroyUIContainer() { // 销毁计数器定时器 this.destroyContainerCounter(); // 销毁容器定时器逻辑 this.destroyContainerLogicTimer(); } /** * 容器模型数据加载 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public async UIContainerModelLoad() { // 视图部件数据加载 if (this.containerModel.getPSControls()) { for (const control of this.containerModel.getPSControls() as IPSControl[]) { await control.fill(); } } // 视图应用实体加载 await this.containerModel?.getPSAppDataEntity?.()?.fill(); } /** * 初始化挂载状态集合 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public initUIContainerMountedMap() { let controls = this.containerModel?.getPSControls?.(); controls?.forEach((item: any) => { if (item.controlType == "TOOLBAR" || item.controlType == "SEARCHBAR" || item.controlType == "CAPTIONBAR" || item.controlType == "DATAINFOBAR") { this.mountedMap.set(, true); } else { this.mountedMap.set(, false); } }) this.mountedMap.set('self', false); } /** * 设置已经绘制完成状态 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public setContainerIsMounted(name: string = 'self') { this.mountedMap.set(name, true); if ([...this.mountedMap.values()].indexOf(false) == -1) { if (!this.hasContainerMounted) { this.$nextTick(() => { this.containerMounted(); }) } } } /** * 容器挂载完成 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public containerMounted() { this.hasContainerMounted = true; // 处理视图定时器逻辑 this.handleContainerTimerLogic(); } /** * 初始化容器计数器服务 * * @param {*} model 视图实例 * @memberof ControlContainer */ public async initUICounterService(model: any, context: any, viewParam: any) { const appCounterRef: Array = (model as IPSControlContainer).getPSAppCounterRefs() || []; if (appCounterRef && appCounterRef.length > 0) { for (const counterRef of appCounterRef) { const counter = counterRef.getPSAppCounter?.(); if (counter) { await counter.fill(true); const counterService: any = new CounterService(); await counterService.loaded(counter, { context: context, viewparams: viewParam }); const tempData: any = { id:, path: counter.modelPath, service: counterService }; this.counterServiceArray.push(tempData); } } } } /** * 计数器刷新 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public counterRefresh(arg?: any) { if (this.counterServiceArray && this.counterServiceArray.length > 0) { this.counterServiceArray.forEach((item: any) => { let counterService = item.service; if (counterService && counterService.refreshCounterData && counterService.refreshCounterData instanceof Function) { const tempParams = Util.deepCopy(this.viewparams); if (arg && Object.keys(arg).length > 0) { Object.assign(tempParams, arg); } counterService.refreshCounterData(this.context, tempParams); } }) } } /** * 销毁计数器定时器 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public destroyContainerCounter() { if (this.counterServiceArray && this.counterServiceArray.length > 0) { this.counterServiceArray.forEach((item: any) => { let counterService = item.service; if (counterService && counterService.destroyCounter && counterService.destroyCounter instanceof Function) { counterService.destroyCounter(); } }) } } /** * 初始化应用界面基础服务 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public async initContainerBasicService() { if ( this.containerModel && this.containerModel.getPSAppDataEntity() && ModelTool.getContainerAppEntityCodeName(this.containerModel) ) { this.appUIService = await UIServiceHelp.getInstance().getService( this.containerModel.getPSAppDataEntity(), { context: this.context } ); if (this.appUIService) { await this.appUIService.loaded(); } this.appEntityService = await DataServiceHelp.getInstance().getService( this.containerModel?.getPSAppDataEntity(), { context: this.context } ); } } /** * 初始化容器逻辑 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public async initUIContainerLogic(model: any) { if (model.getPSAppViewLogics() && model.getPSAppViewLogics().length > 0) { model.getPSAppViewLogics().forEach((element: any) => { // 目标逻辑类型类型为实体界面逻辑、系统预置界面逻辑、前端扩展插件、脚本代码 if (element && element.logicTrigger && (, 'DEUILOGIC') ||, 'SYSVIEWLOGIC') ||, 'PFPLUGIN') ||, 'SCRIPT'))) { switch (element.logicTrigger) { case 'TIMER': this.containerTriggerLogicMap.set(, new AppTimerEngine(element)); break; case 'CTRLEVENT': if (element?.getPSViewCtrlName() && element?.eventNames) { this.containerTriggerLogicMap.set(`${element.getPSViewCtrlName()?.toLowerCase()}-${element.eventNames?.toLowerCase()}`, new AppCtrlEventEngine(element)); } break; case 'PANELEVENT': if (element?.getPSViewCtrlName() && element?.eventNames) { this.containerTriggerLogicMap.set(`${element.getPSViewCtrlName()?.toLowerCase()}-${element.eventNames?.toLowerCase()}`, new AppPanelEventEngine(element)); } break; case 'VIEWEVENT': if (element?.eventNames) { this.containerTriggerLogicMap.set(`${element.eventNames?.toLowerCase()}`, new AppViewEventEngine(element)); } break; default: console.log(`视图${element.logicTrigger}类型暂未支持`); break; } } // 绑定用户自定义事件 if (element.eventNames && element.eventNames.toLowerCase().startsWith(this.registerEventSeparator)) { this.$on(element.eventNames, (...args: any) => { this.handleContainerCustomEvent(, null, args); }); } }); } } /** * 处理容器预置事件 * * @param {string} eventName * @memberof ControlContainer */ public async handleContainerPreEvent(eventName: string) { if (this.containerTriggerLogicMap.get(eventName.toLowerCase())) { return await this.containerTriggerLogicMap.get(eventName.toLowerCase()).executeAsyncUILogic({ arg: { sender: this, navContext: this.context, navParam: this.viewparams, navData: this.navdatas, data: {}, args: {} }, utils: this.viewCtx, app:, view: this }); } else { return true; } } /** * 处理容器自定义事件 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public handleContainerCustomEvent(name: string, data: any, args: any) { if (this.containerTriggerLogicMap.get(name)) { this.containerTriggerLogicMap.get(name).executeAsyncUILogic({ arg: { sender: this, navContext: this.context, navParam: this.viewparams, navData: this.navdatas, data: data, args: args }, utils: this.viewCtx, app:, view: this }); } } /** * 处理容器定时器逻辑 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public handleContainerTimerLogic() { if (this.containerTriggerLogicMap && this.containerTriggerLogicMap.size > 0) { for (let item of this.containerTriggerLogicMap.values()) { if (item && (item instanceof AppTimerEngine)) { item.executeAsyncUILogic({ arg: { sender: this, navContext: this.context, navParam: this.viewparams, navData: this.navdatas, data: null }, utils: this.viewCtx, app:, view: this }); } } } } /** * 销毁容器定时器逻辑 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public destroyContainerLogicTimer() { if (this.containerTriggerLogicMap && this.containerTriggerLogicMap.size > 0) { for (let item of this.containerTriggerLogicMap.values()) { if (item && (item instanceof AppTimerEngine)) { item.destroyTimer(); } } } } /** * 引擎初始化 * * @param {*} [opts={}] 引擎参数 * @memberof ControlContainer */ public engineInit(opts: any = {}): void { const conatinerEngine = this.containerModel.findPSAppViewEngine('engine'); if (!conatinerEngine) { LogUtil.log(`${this.containerModel.codeName}容器无引擎`); return; } let engineOpts = Object.assign({ view: this, p2k: '0', isLoadDefault: true, keyPSDEField: this.appDeCodeName.toLowerCase(), majorPSDEField: this.appDeMajorFieldName.toLowerCase() }, opts); const appUIEngineParams = conatinerEngine.getPSUIEngineParams(); if (appUIEngineParams && (appUIEngineParams.length > 0)) { appUIEngineParams.forEach((element: any) => { // 逻辑 if (, 'LOGIC')) { if (, 'OPENDATA')) { Object.assign(engineOpts, { opendata: (args: any[], fullargs?: any[], params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any) => { this.opendata(args, fullargs, params, $event, xData); } }) } if (, 'NEWDATA')) { Object.assign(engineOpts, { newdata: (args: any[], fullargs?: any[], params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any) => { this.newdata(args, fullargs, params, $event, xData); } }) } } // 部件 if (, 'CTRL')) { Object.assign(engineOpts, { [element.ctrlName]: (this.$refs[element.ctrlName] as any).ctrl }) } }); } this.engine.init(engineOpts); } /** * 部件事件 * * @param controlname 部件名称 * @param action 行为 * @param data 数据 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public onCtrlEvent(controlname: string, action: string, data: any) { if (action == 'controlIsMounted') { this.setContainerIsMounted(controlname); } else if (action === 'destoryCounter') { this.destroyContainerCounter(); } else { if (, 'authlimit')) { this.renderShade(); } else { if (controlname && action && this.containerTriggerLogicMap.get(`${controlname.toLowerCase()}-${action.toLowerCase()}`)) { if (this.containerTriggerLogicMap.get(`${controlname.toLowerCase()}-${action.toLowerCase()}`)) { this.containerTriggerLogicMap.get(`${controlname.toLowerCase()}-${action.toLowerCase()}`).executeAsyncUILogic({ arg: data, utils: this.viewCtx, app:, view: this, ctrl: (this.$refs[controlname] as any).ctrl }).then((args: any) => { if (args && args?.hasOwnProperty('srfret') && !args.srfret) { return; } if (this.engine) { this.exeMountedCtrlEvent(action, data); this.engine.onCtrlEvent(controlname, action, data); } }) } } else { if (this.engine) { this.exeMountedCtrlEvent(action, data); this.engine.onCtrlEvent(controlname, action, data); } } } } } /** * 绘制容器部件集合 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public renderContainerControls() { const controlArray: Array = []; if (this.containerModel.getPSControls() && (this.containerModel.getPSControls() as IPSControl[]).length > 0) { (this.containerModel.getPSControls() as IPSControl[]).forEach((control: IPSControl) => { const targetCtrl = this.renderTargetControl(control); controlArray.push(targetCtrl); }); } return controlArray; } /** * 初始化容器默认工具栏数据 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public initDefaultToolBar() { const targetViewToolbarItems: any[] = []; const viewToolBar: IPSDEToolbar = ModelTool.findPSControlByName('toolbar', this.containerModel.getPSControls()); if (viewToolBar && viewToolBar.getPSDEToolbarItems()) { viewToolBar.getPSDEToolbarItems()?.forEach((toolbarItem: IPSDEToolbarItem) => { targetViewToolbarItems.push(this.initToolBarItems(toolbarItem)); }); } this.toolbarModels = targetViewToolbarItems; } /** * 初始化工具栏项 * * @param {IPSDEToolbarItem} item * * @@memberof ControlContainer */ public initToolBarItems(item: IPSDEToolbarItem): void { if (item.itemType === 'ITEMS') { const items = (item as IPSDETBGroupItem).getPSDEToolbarItems(); if (items && items.length != 0) { const models: Array = []; const tempModel: any = { name:, showCaption: item.showCaption, showIcon: item.showIcon, caption: this.$tl((item.getCapPSLanguageRes() as IPSLanguageRes)?.lanResTag, item.caption), tooltip: this.$tl((item.getTooltipPSLanguageRes() as IPSLanguageRes)?.lanResTag, item.tooltip), disabled: false, visabled: true, itemType: item.itemType, dataaccaction: '', actionLevel: (item as any).actionLevel, dynaClass: item.dynaClass, iconcls: item.getPSSysImage()?.cssClass }; items.forEach((_item: any) => { models.push(this.initToolBarItems(_item)); }); Object.assign(tempModel, { model: models, }); return tempModel; } } const img = item.getPSSysImage(); const css = item.getPSSysCss(); const uiAction = (item as any)?.getPSUIAction?.() as IPSDEUIAction; const tempModel: any = { name:, showCaption: item.showCaption, caption: this.$tl((item.getCapPSLanguageRes() as IPSLanguageRes)?.lanResTag, item.caption), tooltip: this.$tl((item.getTooltipPSLanguageRes() as IPSLanguageRes)?.lanResTag, item.tooltip), disabled: false, visabled: uiAction?.dataAccessAction && this.Environment.enablePermissionValid ? false : true, itemType: item.itemType, dataaccaction: uiAction?.dataAccessAction, noprivdisplaymode: uiAction?.noPrivDisplayMode, uiaction: uiAction, showIcon: item.showIcon, class: css ? css.cssName : '', dynaClass: item.dynaClass, getPSSysImage: img ? { cssClass: img.cssClass, imagePath: img.imagePath } : '', actionLevel: (item as any).actionLevel }; if (item.itemType == 'RAWITEM') { Object.assign(tempModel, { rawType: (item as IPSDETBRawItem).contentType, rawContent: (item as IPSDETBRawItem).rawContent, htmlContent: (item as IPSDETBRawItem).htmlContent, dynaClass: item.dynaClass, style: {} }) if (item.height) { Object.assign(, { height: item.height + 'px' }); } if (item.width) { Object.assign(, { width: item.width + 'px' }); } } return tempModel; } /** * 渲染容器默认工具栏 * * @memberof MainViewBase */ public renderToolBar() { if (!(this.toolbarModels && this.toolbarModels.length > 0)) { return null; } const slotName = `toolbar`; return ( { throttle(this.handleItemClick, [data, $event], this); }} > ); } /** * 绘制目标部件 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public renderTargetControl(control: IPSControl, slotMode: boolean = true, args?: any) { if (, 'TOOLBAR')) { if (, 'toolbar')) { return this.renderToolBar(); } else { const viewToolBar: IPSDEToolbar = control as IPSDEToolbar; const targetViewToolbarItems: any[] = []; if (viewToolBar && viewToolBar.getPSDEToolbarItems()) { viewToolBar.getPSDEToolbarItems()?.forEach((toolbarItem: IPSDEToolbarItem) => { targetViewToolbarItems.push(this.initToolBarItems(toolbarItem)); }); } return ( { throttle(this.handleItemClick, [data, $event], this); }} > ); } } else { let { targetCtrlName, targetCtrlParam, targetCtrlEvent } = this.computeTargetCtrlData(control, args); if (slotMode) { return this.$createElement(targetCtrlName, { slot: `layout-${}`, props: targetCtrlParam, ref: control?.name, on: targetCtrlEvent }); } else { return this.$createElement(targetCtrlName, { props: targetCtrlParam, ref: control?.name, on: targetCtrlEvent }); } } } /** * 执行挂载部件事件拦截 * * @param {string} eventName 事件名称 * @param {*} data 数据 * @memberof ControlContainer */ public exeMountedCtrlEvent(eventName: string, data: any) { } /** * 计算目标部件所需参数 * * @param controlInstance 部件模型 * @param args 额外参数 {staticProps:{xxx},dynamicProps:{xxx},customEvent:{xxx}} * @memberof ControlContainer */ public computeTargetCtrlData(controlInstance: any, args?: any) { let targetCtrlName: string = `app-control-shell`; let targetCtrlParam: any = { staticProps: { containerInstance: this.containerModel, modelData: controlInstance, ref: controlInstance?.name, viewLoadingService: this.viewLoadingService, layoutLoadingService: this.layoutLoadingService }, dynamicProps: { viewparams: this.viewparams, context: this.context, viewCtx: this.viewCtx } }; if (!, 'SEARCHFORM') && !, 'FORM') && !, 'TOOLBAR') && !, 'SEARCHBAR')) { Object.assign(targetCtrlParam.staticProps, { opendata: this.opendata, newdata: this.newdata, }); } Object.defineProperty(targetCtrlParam.staticProps, 'containerInstance', { enumerable: false, writable: true }); Object.defineProperty(targetCtrlParam.staticProps, 'modelData', { enumerable: false, writable: true }); let targetCtrlEvent: any = { 'ctrl-event': ({ controlname, action, data }: { controlname: string, action: string, data: any }) => { this.onCtrlEvent(controlname, action, data); } } // 合并传入自定义参数 if (args && args.staticProps && Object.keys(args.staticProps).length > 0) { Object.assign(targetCtrlParam.staticProps, args.staticProps); } if (args && args.dynamicProps && Object.keys(args.dynamicProps).length > 0) { Object.assign(targetCtrlParam.dynamicProps, args.dynamicProps); } if (args && args.customEvent && Object.keys(args.customEvent).length > 0) { Object.assign(targetCtrlEvent, args.customEvent); } return { targetCtrlName: targetCtrlName, targetCtrlParam: targetCtrlParam, targetCtrlEvent: targetCtrlEvent }; } /** * 工具栏点击 * * @param ctrl 部件 * @param action 行为 * @param data 数据 * @param $event 事件源对象 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public handleItemClick(data: any, $event: any) { if (this.Environment && this.Environment.isPreviewMode) { return; } const viewToolBar: IPSDEToolbar = ModelTool.findPSControlByType('TOOLBAR', this.containerModel.getPSControls()); let toolbarTag: string = 'toolbar'; if (viewToolBar) { toolbarTag =; } AppViewLogicService.getInstance().executeViewLogic( `${toolbarTag}_${data.tag}_click`, $event, this, undefined, this.containerModel.getPSAppViewLogics(), ); } /** * 绘制权限遮罩 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public renderShade() { const currentViewKey = `${this.containerModel.codeName}`; const el: any = currentViewKey ? document.getElementById(currentViewKey) : null; if (el) { el.classList.add('no-authority-shade'); const shade = document.createElement('div'); shade.setAttribute('class', 'no-authority-shade-child'); el.appendChild(shade); } } /** * 删除权限遮罩 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public removeShade() { const currentViewKey = `${this.containerModel.codeName}`; const el: any = currentViewKey ? document.getElementById(currentViewKey) : null; if (el) { el.classList.remove('no-authority-shade'); const targetElement = document.getElementsByClassName("no-authority-shade-child")[0]; if(targetElement){ el.removeChild(targetElement); } } } /** * 绘制无数据遮罩 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public renderNoDataShade() { const currentViewKey = `${this.containerModel.codeName}`; const el: any = currentViewKey ? document.getElementById(currentViewKey) : null; if (el) { el.classList.add('no-nodata-shade'); const shade = document.createElement('div'); shade.setAttribute('class', 'no-nodata-shade-child'); const span = document.createElement('span'); span.setAttribute('class', 'empty-data-shade-tip') span.append(`${this.$t('app.commonwords.nodata')}`); shade.appendChild(span); el.appendChild(shade); } } /** * 删除权限遮罩 * * @memberof ControlContainer */ public removeNoDataShade() { const currentViewKey = `${this.containerModel.codeName}`; const el: any = currentViewKey ? document.getElementById(currentViewKey) : null; if (el) { el.classList.remove('no-nodata-shade'); const targetElement = document.getElementsByClassName("no-nodata-shade-child")[0]; if(targetElement){ el.removeChild(targetElement); } } } /** * 应用实体代码名称 * * @readonly * @memberof ControlContainer */ get appDeCodeName() { return ModelTool.getContainerAppEntityCodeName(this.containerModel); } /** * 应用实体主键属性代码名称 * * @readonly * @memberof ControlContainer */ get appDeKeyFieldName() { return ( (ModelTool.getAppEntityKeyField( this.containerModel?.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity, ) as IPSAppDEField)?.codeName || '' ); } /** * 应用实体映射实体名称 * * @readonly * @memberof ControlContainer */ get deName() { return (this.containerModel?.getPSAppDataEntity() as any)?.getPSDEName() || ''; } /** * 应用实体主信息属性代码名称 * * @readonly * @memberof ControlContainer */ get appDeMajorFieldName() { return ( (ModelTool.getAppEntityMajorField( this.containerModel?.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity, ) as IPSAppDEField)?.codeName || '' ); } /** * 打开编辑数据视图 * * @param {any[]} args 数据参数 * @param {*} [fullargs] 全量参数 * @param {*} [params] 额外参数 * @param {*} [$event] 事件源数据 * @param {*} [xData] 数据部件 * @memberof ControlContainer */ public async opendata(args: any[], fullargs?: any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any) { const openAppViewLogic: IPSAppViewLogic | null = this.containerModel.findPSAppViewLogic('opendata'); if (!openAppViewLogic || !openAppViewLogic.getPSAppUILogic()) { return; } let viewOpenAppUIlogic: | IPSAppUIOpenDataLogic | undefined | null = openAppViewLogic.getPSAppUILogic() as IPSAppUIOpenDataLogic; if (viewOpenAppUIlogic && viewOpenAppUIlogic?.getParentPSModelObject()?.M.viewType) { // todo } if (viewOpenAppUIlogic?.getOpenDataPSAppView()) { const openViewRef: IPSAppUILogicRefView = viewOpenAppUIlogic.getOpenDataPSAppView() as IPSAppUILogicRefView; const data: any = {}; let tempContext = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)); // 准备参数 if (args.length > 0) { Object.assign(tempContext, args[0]); } if ( openViewRef?.getPSNavigateContexts() && (openViewRef?.getPSNavigateContexts() as IPSNavigateContext[])?.length > 0 ) { const localContext = Util.formatNavParam(openViewRef.getPSNavigateContexts()); let _context: any = Util.computedNavData(fullargs[0], this.context, this.viewparams, localContext); Object.assign(tempContext, _context); } if ( openViewRef?.getPSNavigateParams() && (openViewRef.getPSNavigateParams() as IPSNavigateParam[])?.length > 0 ) { const localViewParam = Util.formatNavParam(openViewRef.getPSNavigateParams()); let _param: any = Util.computedNavData(fullargs[0], this.context, this.viewparams, localViewParam); Object.assign(data, _param); } if ( fullargs && fullargs.length > 0 && fullargs[0]['srfprocessdefinitionkey'] && fullargs[0]['srftaskdefinitionkey'] ) { Object.assign(data, { processDefinitionKey: fullargs[0]['srfprocessdefinitionkey'] }); Object.assign(data, { taskDefinitionKey: fullargs[0]['srftaskdefinitionkey'] }); // 将待办任务标记为已读准备参数 const that: any = this; if (that.quickGroupData && that.quickGroupData.hasOwnProperty('srfwf') && fullargs[0]['srftaskid']) { Object.assign(data, { srfwf: that.quickGroupData['srfwf'] }); Object.assign(data, { srftaskid: fullargs[0]['srftaskid'] }); } } let deResParameters: any[] = []; let parameters: any[] = []; const openView: IPSAppView | null = openViewRef.getRefPSAppView(); if (!openView) return; await openView.fill(true); if (openView.getPSAppDataEntity()) { // 处理视图关系参数 (只是路由打开模式才计算) if (!openView.openMode || openView.openMode == 'INDEXVIEWTAB' || openView.openMode == 'POPUPAPP') { deResParameters = Util.formatAppDERSPath( tempContext, (openView as IPSAppDEView).getPSAppDERSPaths(), ); } } if (!openView?.openMode || openView.openMode == 'INDEXVIEWTAB' || openView.openMode == 'POPUPAPP') { if (openView.getPSAppDataEntity()) { parameters = [ { pathName: Util.srfpluralize( (openView.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName, ).toLowerCase(), parameterName: (openView.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName.toLowerCase(), }, { pathName: 'views', parameterName: ((openView as IPSAppDEView).getPSDEViewCodeName() as string).toLowerCase(), }, ]; } else { parameters = [{ pathName: 'views', parameterName: }]; } } else { if (openView?.getPSAppDataEntity()) { parameters = [ { pathName: Util.srfpluralize( (openView.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName, )?.toLowerCase(), parameterName: (openView.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName?.toLowerCase(), }, ]; } if (openView && openView.modelPath) { Object.assign(tempContext, { viewpath: openView.modelPath }); } } // 关闭视图回调 let callback: Function = (result: any, xData: any) => { if (!result || !, 'OK')) { return; } if (!xData || !(xData.refresh instanceof Function)) { return; } xData.refresh(result.datas); }; // 重定向视图 if (openView?.redirectView) { let targetRedirectView: IPSAppDERedirectView = openView as IPSAppDERedirectView; await targetRedirectView.fill(); if ( targetRedirectView.getRedirectPSAppViewRefs() && targetRedirectView.getRedirectPSAppViewRefs()?.length === 0 ) { return; } const targetViewparams: IParams = {}; if (params && Object.keys(params).length > 0) { Object.assign(targetViewparams, params); } Object.assign(targetViewparams, data); const redirectUIService: any = await UIServiceHelp.getInstance().getService(targetRedirectView.getPSAppDataEntity(), { context: this.context }); await redirectUIService.loaded(); const redirectAppEntity: IPSAppDataEntity | null = targetRedirectView.getPSAppDataEntity(); await ViewTool.calcRedirectContext(tempContext, fullargs[0], redirectAppEntity); redirectUIService.getRDAppView( tempContext, targetViewparams, args[0], { action: targetRedirectView.getGetDataPSAppDEAction()?.codeName, type: targetRedirectView.getTypePSAppDEField()?.codeName } ) .then(async (result: any) => { if (!result) { return; } let targetOpenViewRef: | IPSAppViewRef | undefined = ViewTool.computeRedirectViewRef(targetRedirectView, params, result); if (!targetOpenViewRef) { return; } let targetOpenView: IPSAppView | null = targetOpenViewRef.getRefPSAppView(); if (!targetOpenView) { return; } await targetOpenView.fill(true); if (result && result.indextype) { const indexContext: any = Util.formatNavParam( [{ key: targetOpenView?.getPSAppDataEntity()?.codeName, rawValue: false, value: this.appDeCodeName }], true, ); const _context: any = Util.computedNavData(fullargs[0], tempContext, data, indexContext); Object.assign(tempContext, _context); } if ( targetOpenViewRef.getPSNavigateContexts() && (targetOpenViewRef.getPSNavigateContexts() as IPSNavigateContext[]).length > 0 ) { let localContextRef: any = Util.formatNavParam( targetOpenViewRef.getPSNavigateContexts(), true, ); let _context: any = Util.computedNavData(fullargs[0], tempContext, data, localContextRef); Object.assign(tempContext, _context); } ViewTool.clearParentParams(tempContext,data); const view: any = { viewname: 'app-view-shell', height: targetOpenView.height, width: targetOpenView.width, title: this.$tl(targetOpenView.getTitlePSLanguageRes()?.lanResTag, targetOpenView.title), }; if (!targetOpenView.openMode || targetOpenView.openMode == 'INDEXVIEWTAB' || targetOpenView.openMode == 'POPUPAPP') { if (targetOpenView.getPSAppDataEntity()) { deResParameters = Util.formatAppDERSPath( tempContext, (targetOpenView as IPSAppDEView).getPSAppDERSPaths(), ); parameters = [ { pathName: Util.srfpluralize( (targetOpenView.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName, ).toLowerCase(), parameterName: (targetOpenView.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName.toLowerCase(), }, { pathName: 'views', parameterName: ((targetOpenView as IPSAppDEView).getPSDEViewCodeName() as string).toLowerCase(), }, ]; } else { parameters = [ { pathName: targetOpenView.codeName.toLowerCase(), parameterName: targetOpenView.codeName.toLowerCase(), }, ]; } } else { if (targetOpenView.getPSAppDataEntity()) { parameters = [ { pathName: Util.srfpluralize( (targetOpenView.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName, ).toLowerCase(), parameterName: (targetOpenView.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName.toLowerCase(), }, ]; } if (targetOpenView && targetOpenView.modelPath) { Object.assign(tempContext, { viewpath: targetOpenView.modelPath }); } } this.openTargtView( targetOpenView, view, tempContext, data, xData, $event, deResParameters, parameters, args, callback, ); }); } else { if (fullargs && fullargs.copymode) { Object.assign(data, { copymode: true }); } let view: any = { viewname: 'app-view-shell', height: openView.height, width: openView.width, title: this.$tl(openView.getCapPSLanguageRes()?.lanResTag, openView.caption), }; this.openTargtView( openView, view, tempContext, data, xData, $event, deResParameters, parameters, args, callback, ); } } else { LogUtil.warn(this.$t('app.nosupport.unassign'), 'opendata'); } } /** * 打开新建数据视图 * * @param {any[]} args 数据参数 * @param {*} [fullargs] 全量参数 * @param {*} [params] 额外参数 * @param {*} [$event] 事件源数据 * @param {*} [xData] 数据部件 * @memberof ControlContainer */ public async newdata(args: any[], fullargs?: any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any) { const newAppViewLogic: IPSAppViewLogic | null = this.containerModel?.findPSAppViewLogic('newdata'); if (!newAppViewLogic || !newAppViewLogic.getPSAppUILogic()) { return; } let viewNewAppUIlogic: IPSAppUINewDataLogic | undefined | null = newAppViewLogic.getPSAppUILogic() as IPSAppUINewDataLogic; if (viewNewAppUIlogic) { if (viewNewAppUIlogic.enableWizardAdd) { let wizardPSAppView: IPSAppView | null; if (viewNewAppUIlogic.getWizardPSAppView()) { wizardPSAppView = (viewNewAppUIlogic.getWizardPSAppView() as IPSAppUILogicRefView).getRefPSAppView(); if (!wizardPSAppView) return; await wizardPSAppView.fill(); const view: any = { viewname: 'app-view-shell', height: wizardPSAppView.height, width: wizardPSAppView.width, title: this.$tl(wizardPSAppView.getTitlePSLanguageRes()?.lanResTag, wizardPSAppView.title), }; const tempContext: any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)); if (wizardPSAppView && wizardPSAppView.modelPath) { Object.assign(tempContext, { viewpath: wizardPSAppView.modelPath }); } let container: Subject = this.$appmodal.openModal(view, tempContext, args[0]); container.subscribe(async (result: any) => { if (!result || !, 'OK')) { return; } if (result && result.datas && result.datas.length > 0) { const newDataAppViews: Array< IPSAppUILogicRefView > | null = (viewNewAppUIlogic as IPSAppUINewDataLogic).getNewDataPSAppViews(); if (newDataAppViews) { const targetNewDataAppViewRef: | IPSAppUILogicRefView | undefined | null = newDataAppViews.find((item: IPSAppUILogicRefView) => { return item.refMode === result.datas[0].srfkey; }); if (!targetNewDataAppViewRef) return; Object.assign( tempContext, Util.formatNavParam(targetNewDataAppViewRef.getPSNavigateContexts()), ); const targetNewDataAppView: IPSAppView | null = targetNewDataAppViewRef.getRefPSAppView(); if (!targetNewDataAppView) return; await targetNewDataAppView.fill(); const view: any = { viewname: 'app-view-shell', height: targetNewDataAppView.height, width: targetNewDataAppView.width, title: this.$tl(targetNewDataAppView.getTitlePSLanguageRes()?.lanResTag, targetNewDataAppView.title), }; if (targetNewDataAppView && targetNewDataAppView.modelPath) { Object.assign(tempContext, { viewpath: targetNewDataAppView.modelPath }); } let container: Subject = this.$appmodal.openModal(view, tempContext, args[0]); container.subscribe((result: any) => { if (!result || !, 'OK')) { return; } if (result && result.datas && result.datas.length > 0) { if (!xData || !(xData.refresh instanceof Function)) { return; } xData.refresh(result.datas); } }); } } }); } } else if (viewNewAppUIlogic.enableBatchAdd) { let batchAddPSAppViews: Array = []; let minorPSAppDERSs: IPSAppDERS[] = (this.containerModel.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity).getMinorPSAppDERSs() as IPSAppDERS[]; if (!minorPSAppDERSs) return; await (minorPSAppDERSs[0] as IPSAppDERS).fill(); if ( viewNewAppUIlogic.getBatchAddPSAppViews() && (viewNewAppUIlogic.getBatchAddPSAppViews() as IPSAppUILogicRefView[]).length > 0 ) { batchAddPSAppViews = viewNewAppUIlogic.getBatchAddPSAppViews() as IPSAppUILogicRefView[]; } if (batchAddPSAppViews.length == 0) { this.$warning(this.$t('app.warn.nton'), 'newdata'); return; } let openViewModel: IPSAppUILogicRefView | undefined = batchAddPSAppViews.find( (item: IPSAppUILogicRefView) => { return item.refMode && item.refMode !== this.context.srfparentdename.toUpperCase(); }, ); let otherViewModel: IPSAppUILogicRefView | undefined = batchAddPSAppViews.find( (item: IPSAppUILogicRefView) => { return item.refMode && item.refMode == this.context.srfparentdename.toUpperCase(); }, ); if (!openViewModel) { this.$warning(this.$t('app.warn.nton'), 'newdata'); return; } let openView: IPSAppDEView = openViewModel.getRefPSAppView() as IPSAppDEView; await openView.fill(true); let otherView: IPSAppDEView; if (otherViewModel) { otherView = otherViewModel.getRefPSAppView() as IPSAppDEView; await otherView.fill(true); } let view: any = { viewname: 'app-view-shell', height: openView.height, width: openView.width, title: this.$tl(openView.getCapPSLanguageRes()?.lanResTag, openView.caption), }; let tempContext: any = Util.deepCopy(this.context); if (openView && openView.modelPath) { Object.assign(tempContext, { viewpath: openView.modelPath }); } let container: Subject = this.$appmodal.openModal(view, tempContext, args[0]); container.subscribe(async (result: any) => { if (!result || !, 'OK')) { return; } if (result.datas && result.datas.length == 0) { return; } let requestParam: Array = []; // 从数据模式 // if (this.containerModel.tempMode === 2) { // let tempMajorAppEntity: any; // if (this.context['srfparentdename']) { // const activedAppDERS = minorPSAppDERSs.find((item: IPSAppDERS) => { // return item.M.majorDECodeName === this.context['srfparentdename']; // }) // tempMajorAppEntity = activedAppDERS?.getMajorPSAppDataEntity(); // await tempMajorAppEntity?.fill(); // } // if (!tempMajorAppEntity) { // this.$warning(this.$t('app.warn.batcherror'), 'newdata'); // } // const tempMajorKey = (ModelTool.getAppEntityKeyField(tempMajorAppEntity) as IPSAppDEField)?.codeName.toLowerCase(); // const tempOpenKey = (ModelTool.getAppEntityKeyField(openView?.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity) as IPSAppDEField)?.codeName.toLowerCase(); // const tempOpenText = (ModelTool.getAppEntityMajorField(openView?.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity) as IPSAppDEField)?.codeName.toLowerCase(); // result.datas.forEach((record: any) => { // let tempParam: any = {}; // tempParam[tempMajorKey] = this.context['srfparentkey']; // tempParam[tempOpenKey] = record.srfkey; // tempParam[tempOpenText] = record.srfmajortext; // requestParam.push(tempParam); // }); // const tempContext = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)); // if (tempContext.srfsessionid) { // Object.assign(tempContext, { srfsessionkey: tempContext.srfsessionid }); // delete tempContext.srfsessionid; // } // const storeItems = await this.appEntityService.getLocals(tempContext); // if (requestParam && requestParam.length > 0) { // let response: any; // if (storeItems && storeItems.length > 0) { // for (let i = 0; i < requestParam.length; i++) { // const storeItem = storeItems.find((ele: any) => { // return ele[tempOpenKey] === requestParam[i][tempOpenKey]; // }) // if (storeItem) { // const requestData = Object.assign(storeItem, requestParam[i]); // response = await this.appEntityService.UpdateTemp(tempContext, requestData); // } else { // response = await this.appEntityService.CreateTemp(tempContext, requestParam[i]); // } // if (!response || response.status !== 200) { // this.$throw(this.$t('app.warn.batcherror'), 'newdata'); // return; // } // } // } else { // // 纯添加 // response = await this.appEntityService.CreateBatchTemp(tempContext, requestParam); // if (!response || response.status !== 200) { // this.$throw(this.$t('app.warn.batcherror'), 'newdata'); // return; // } // } // if (!xData || !(xData.refresh instanceof Function)) { // return; // } // xData.refresh(result.datas); // } // } else { const getActiveField: Function = (path: string) => { const activeAppDER = minorPSAppDERSs.find((item: IPSAppDERS) => { return (item.getMajorPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity).modelPath == path; }) return activeAppDER?.getParentPSAppDEField(); } result.datas.forEach((record: any) => { let tempParam: any = {}; if (otherView) { const key = (getActiveField((otherView.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity).modelPath))?.codeName; if (key) { tempParam[key] = this.context['srfparentkey']; } } if (getActiveField((openView.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity).modelPath)) { tempParam[ (getActiveField((openView.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity).modelPath))?.codeName.toLowerCase() ] = record.srfkey; } else { tempParam[ (ModelTool.getAppEntityKeyField( openView?.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity, ) as IPSAppDEField)?.codeName.toLowerCase() ] = record.srfkey; } requestParam.push(tempParam); }); let promises: any; const entityCodeName = (ModelTool.getAppEntityKeyField( openView?.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity, ) as IPSAppDEField)?.codeName.toLowerCase(); if (requestParam && requestParam.length) { const promiseArr: any[] = []; requestParam.forEach((param: any) => { let _context = Util.deepCopy(this.context); Object.assign(_context, { [entityCodeName]: param[entityCodeName] }); if (this.viewparams && Object.keys(this.viewparams).length) { Object.assign(param, this.viewparams); } promiseArr.push(this.appEntityService.execute('Create', _context, param)); }); promises = Promise.all(promiseArr); } if (promises) { promises.then((response: any) => { if ((!response || response.status !== 200) && !Array.isArray(response)) { this.$throw(this.$t('app.warn.batcherror'), 'newdata'); return; } else { this.$success(this.$t('app.commonwords.batchaddsuccess'), 'newdata'); } if (!xData || !(xData.refresh instanceof Function)) { return; } xData.refresh(result.datas); }).catch((error: any) => { this.$throw(error && && ? : this.$t('app.warn.batcherror')); }) } // } }); } else if (viewNewAppUIlogic.batchAddOnly) { LogUtil.warn(this.$t('app.warn.onlybatchadd')); } else if (viewNewAppUIlogic.getNewDataPSAppView()) { const _this: any = this; const newviewRef: IPSAppUILogicRefView | null = viewNewAppUIlogic.getNewDataPSAppView(); if (!newviewRef) return; const data: any = {}; if (args[0].srfsourcekey) { data.srfsourcekey = args[0].srfsourcekey; } if (fullargs && (fullargs as any).copymode) { Object.assign(data, { copymode: (fullargs as any).copymode }); } let tempContext = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)); const dataview: IPSAppView | null = newviewRef.getRefPSAppView(); if (!dataview) return; await dataview.fill(true); if ( dataview.getPSAppDataEntity() && tempContext[(dataview.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName.toLowerCase()] ) { delete tempContext[(dataview.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName.toLowerCase()]; } if (args.length > 0) { Object.assign(tempContext, args[0]); } if ( newviewRef.getPSNavigateContexts() && (newviewRef.getPSNavigateContexts() as IPSNavigateContext[]).length > 0 ) { const localContext = Util.formatNavParam(newviewRef.getPSNavigateContexts()); let _context: any = Util.computedNavData(fullargs[0], this.context, this.viewparams, localContext); Object.assign(tempContext, _context); } if ( newviewRef.getPSNavigateParams() && (newviewRef.getPSNavigateParams() as IPSNavigateParam[]).length > 0 ) { const localViewParam = Util.formatNavParam(newviewRef.getPSNavigateParams()); let _param: any = Util.computedNavData(fullargs[0], this.context, this.viewparams, localViewParam); Object.assign(data, _param); } let deResParameters: any[] = []; let parameters: any[] = []; if (dataview.getPSAppDataEntity()) { // 处理视图关系参数 (只是路由打开模式才计算) if (!dataview.openMode || dataview.openMode == 'INDEXVIEWTAB' || dataview.openMode == 'POPUPAPP') { deResParameters = Util.formatAppDERSPath( tempContext, (dataview as IPSAppDEView)?.getPSAppDERSPaths(), ); } } if (!dataview.openMode || dataview.openMode == 'INDEXVIEWTAB' || dataview.openMode == 'POPUPAPP') { if (dataview.getPSAppDataEntity()) { parameters = [ { pathName: Util.srfpluralize( (dataview.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName, ).toLowerCase(), parameterName: (dataview.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName.toLowerCase(), }, { pathName: 'views', parameterName: ((dataview as IPSAppDEView).getPSDEViewCodeName() as string).toLowerCase(), }, ]; } else { parameters = [{ pathName: 'views', parameterName: dataview?.codeName.toLowerCase() }]; } } else { if (dataview.getPSAppDataEntity()) { parameters = [ { pathName: Util.srfpluralize( (dataview.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName, ).toLowerCase(), parameterName: (dataview.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity)?.codeName.toLowerCase(), }, ]; } if (dataview && dataview.modelPath) { Object.assign(tempContext, { viewpath: dataview.modelPath }); } } let view: any = { viewname: 'app-view-shell', height: dataview.height, width: dataview.width, title: this.$tl(dataview.getCapPSLanguageRes()?.lanResTag, dataview.caption), }; // 关闭视图回调 let callback: Function = (result: any, xData: any) => { if (!result || !, 'OK')) { return; } if (!xData || !(xData.refresh instanceof Function)) { return; } xData.refresh(result.datas); }; if (!dataview.openMode || dataview.openMode == 'INDEXVIEWTAB') { // 打开顶级分页视图 const _data: any = { w: new Date().getTime() }; Object.assign(_data, data); if (tempContext.srfdynainstid) { Object.assign(_data, { srfdynainstid: tempContext.srfdynainstid }); } const routePath = ViewTool.buildUpRoutePath( _this.$route, tempContext, deResParameters, parameters, args, _data, ); _this.$router.push(routePath); } else if (dataview.openMode == 'POPUPAPP') { // 独立程序打开 const routePath = ViewTool.buildUpRoutePath( _this.$route, tempContext, deResParameters, parameters, args, data, );'./#' + routePath, '_blank'); } else if (dataview.openMode == 'POPUPMODAL') { // 打开模态 let container: Subject = _this.$appmodal.openModal(view, tempContext, data); container.subscribe((result: any) => { if (!result || !, 'OK')) { return; } callback(result, xData); }); } else if (dataview.openMode.indexOf('DRAWER') !== -1) { // 打开抽屉 if (, 'DRAWER_TOP')) { Object.assign(view, { isfullscreen: true }); let container: Subject = _this.$appdrawer.openTopDrawer( view, Util.getViewProps(tempContext, data), ); container.subscribe((result: any) => { callback(result, xData); }); } else { Object.assign(view, { placement: dataview.openMode }); let container: Subject = _this.$appdrawer.openDrawer( view, Util.getViewProps(tempContext, data), ); container.subscribe((result: any) => { callback(result, xData); }); } } else if (dataview.openMode == 'POPOVER') { // 打开气泡卡片 Object.assign(view, { placement: dataview.openMode }); let container: Subject = _this.$apppopover.openPop($event, view, tempContext, data); container.subscribe((result: any) => { callback(result, xData); }); } else { this.$warning(`${dataview.title}${this.$t('app.nosupport.unopen')}`, 'newdata'); } } else { LogUtil.warn(this.$t('app.nosupport.unassign'), 'newdata'); } } else { LogUtil.warn(this.$t('app.nosupport.unassign'), 'newdata'); } } /** * 打开目标视图 * * @param {*} openView 目标视图模型对象 * @param {*} view 视图对象 * @param {*} tempContext 临时上下文 * @param {*} data 数据 * @param {*} xData 数据部件实例 * @param {*} $event 事件源 * @param {*} deResParameters * @param {*} parameters * @param {*} args 额外参数 * @param {Function} callback 回调 * @memberof ControlContainer */ public openTargtView( openView: any, view: any, tempContext: any, data: any, xData: any, $event: any, deResParameters: any, parameters: any, args: any, callback: Function, ) { const _this: any = this; if (!openView?.openMode || openView.openMode == 'INDEXVIEWTAB') { if (tempContext.srfdynainstid) { Object.assign(data, { srfdynainstid: tempContext.srfdynainstid }); } const routePath = ViewTool.buildUpRoutePath( _this.$route, tempContext, deResParameters, parameters, args, data, ); _this.$router.push(routePath); } else if (openView.openMode == 'POPUPAPP') { const routePath = ViewTool.buildUpRoutePath( _this.$route, tempContext, deResParameters, parameters, args, data, );'./#' + routePath, '_blank'); } else if (openView.openMode == 'POPUPMODAL') { // 打开模态 let container: Subject = _this.$appmodal.openModal(view, tempContext, data); container.subscribe((result: any) => { if (!result || !, 'OK')) { return; } callback(result, xData); }); } else if (openView.openMode.indexOf('DRAWER') !== -1) { // 打开抽屉 if (, 'DRAWER_TOP')) { Object.assign(view, { isfullscreen: true }); let container: Subject = _this.$appdrawer.openTopDrawer( view, Util.getViewProps(tempContext, data), ); container.subscribe((result: any) => { callback(result, xData); }); } else { Object.assign(view, { placement: openView.openMode }); let container: Subject = _this.$appdrawer.openDrawer(view, Util.getViewProps(tempContext, data)); container.subscribe((result: any) => { callback(result, xData); }); } } else if (openView.openMode == 'POPOVER') { // 打开气泡卡片 Object.assign(view, { placement: openView.openMode }); let container: Subject = _this.$apppopover.openPop($event, view, tempContext, data); container.subscribe((result: any) => { callback(result, xData); }); } else { this.$warning(openView.title + this.$t('app.nosupport.unopen'), 'openTargtView'); } } }