import { notNilEmpty } from 'qx-util'; import { ViewTool, Util, LogUtil, throttle, DataViewControlInterface, AppServiceBase } from 'ibiz-core'; import { IPSDEDataView, IPSDEDataViewItem, IPSDEDataViewDataItem } from '@ibiz/dynamic-model-api'; import { MDControlBase } from './md-control-base'; import { AppDataViewService } from '../ctrl-service'; import { AppGlobalService, AppViewLogicService } from '../app-service'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; /** * 数据视图部件基类 * * @export * @class DataViewControlBase * @extends {MDControlBase} */ export class DataViewControlBase extends MDControlBase implements DataViewControlInterface { /** * 部件行为--submit * * @type {*} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public WFSubmitAction?: any; /** * 部件行为--start * * @type {*} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public WFStartAction?: any; /** * 是否单选 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public declare isSingleSelect: boolean; /** * 数据视图模型实例 * * @type {*} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public declare controlInstance: IPSDEDataView; /** * 分组属性 * * @type {string} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public groupAppField: string = ''; /** * 分组属性代码表标识 * * @type {string} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public groupAppFieldCodelistTag: string = ''; /** * 分组属性是否配置代码表 * * @type {string} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public groupFieldCodelist: boolean = false; /** * 分组属性代码表类型 * * @type {string} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public groupAppFieldCodelistType: string = ''; /** * 分组代码表标识 * * @type {string} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public codelistTag: string = ''; /** * 分组代码表类型 * * @type {string} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public codelistType: string = ''; /** * 分组数据 * * @type {*} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public groupData: Array<any> = []; /** * 分组模式 * * @type {string} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public groupMode: string = ''; /** * 分组代码表 * * @type {string} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public groupCodeListParams?: any; /** * 加载的数据是否附加在items之后 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public isAddBehind: boolean = false; /** * 是否启用分组 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public isEnableGroup: boolean = false; /** * 排序字段 * * @type {string} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public sortField: string = ''; /** * 排序模型数据集 * * @type {string} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public sortModel: any[] = []; /** * 排序方向 * * @type {string} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public sortDir: string = ''; /** * 默认隐藏批量操作工具栏 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public flag: boolean = false; /** * 是否显示排序栏 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public hasSortBar: boolean = false; /** * this引用 * * @type {number} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public thisRef: any = this; /** * 拖拽元素对象 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public dragEle: any; /** * 拖拽后位置left * * @type {boolean} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public leftP: any; /** * 拖拽后位置top * * @type {boolean} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public topP: any; /** * 拖拽标识 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public dragflag: boolean = false; /** * 为拖拽不是点击 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public moveflag: boolean = false; /** * 分组展开项 * * @type {string[]} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public activeName: string[] = []; /** * 允许分页栏 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public enablePagingBar: boolean = false; /** * 允许排序 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public enableSort: boolean = false; /** * @description 数据视图部件事件 * @type {(Subscription | undefined)} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public dataviewControlEvent: Subscription | undefined; /** * 监听静态参数变化 * * @param {*} newVal * @param {*} oldVal * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public onStaticPropsChange(newVal: any, oldVal: any) { this.isSingleSelect = newVal.isSingleSelect !== false; this.isSelectFirstDefault = newVal.isSelectFirstDefault; super.onStaticPropsChange(newVal, oldVal); } /** * 部件模型初始化 * * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public async ctrlModelInit() { super.ctrlModelInit(); if (!(this.Environment && this.Environment.isPreviewMode)) { this.service = new AppDataViewService(this.controlInstance, this.context, { localSourceTag: this.localSourceTag }); await this.service.loaded(); } this.initSortModel(); const m = this.controlInstance; this.sortField = m.getMinorSortPSAppDEField()?.codeName?.toLowerCase() as string; this.sortDir = m.minorSortDir?.toLowerCase(); this.isEnableGroup = m.enableGroup ? true : false; this.groupMode = m.groupMode; this.groupAppField = m.getGroupPSAppDEField()?.codeName.toLowerCase() || ''; // 代码表参数 const codeList = m.getGroupPSCodeList(); if (codeList) { this.groupCodeListParams = { type: codeList.codeListType, tag: codeList.codeName, context: this.context, viewparam: this.viewparams, }; } // 部件控件模型配置是否展示分页栏与排序栏 const ctrlParams = this.controlInstance?.getPSControlParam()?.ctrlParams || {}; this.enableSort =, 'true'); this.enablePagingBar =, 'true'); // 计算是否显示排序栏 const dataViewItems = this.controlInstance.getPSDEDataViewDataItems() || []; if (this.enableSort && dataViewItems.length > 0) { this.hasSortBar = dataViewItems.some((dataItem: IPSDEDataViewDataItem) => { return dataItem.getPSAppDEField() && !dataItem.getPSAppDEField()?.keyField; }); } this.limit = this.controlInstance?.pagingSize || this.limit; } /** * 初始化排序模型数据 * * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public initSortModel() { this.sortModel = []; this.controlInstance.getPSDEDataViewItems()?.forEach((cardViewItem: IPSDEDataViewItem) => { if (cardViewItem.enableSort) { this.sortModel.push({ caption: this.$tl(cardViewItem.getCapPSLanguageRes()?.lanResTag, cardViewItem.caption), codeName: cardViewItem.dataItemName }); } }); } /** * 页面变化 * * @param {*} $event 事件源 * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public pageOnChange($event: any): void { if (!$event) { return; } if ($event === this.curPage) { return; } this.curPage = $event; this.load({}); } /** * 分页条数变化 * * @param {*} $event 事件源 * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public onPageSizeChange($event: any): void { if (!$event) { return; } if ($event === this.limit) { return; } this.limit = $event; if (this.curPage === 1) { this.load({}); } } /** * 分页刷新 * * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public pageRefresh(): void { this.load({}, true); } /** * 初始化数据映射 * * @memberof ListControlBase */ public initDataMap() { const dataItems: IPSDEDataViewDataItem[] | null = this.controlInstance.getPSDEDataViewDataItems(); if (dataItems && dataItems.length > 0) { dataItems.forEach((dataItem: IPSDEDataViewDataItem) => { this.dataMap.set(, { customCode: dataItem.customCode ? true : false }); }); } } /** * 数据视图部件初始化 * * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public ctrlInit() { super.ctrlInit(); // 绑定this this.transformData = this.transformData.bind(this); this.remove = this.remove.bind(this); this.refresh = this.refresh.bind(this); if (this.viewState) { this.dataviewControlEvent = this.viewState.subscribe(({ tag, action, data }: any) => { if (!, tag)) { return; } if (, 'load')) { this.refresh(data); } if (, 'filter')) { this.refresh(data); } if (, 'save')) {; } }); } } /** * 初始化界面行为模型 * * @type {*} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public initCtrlActionModel() { let cardViewItems = this.controlInstance.getPSDEDataViewItems() || []; if (cardViewItems?.length > 0) { for (let cardItem of cardViewItems) { let groupDetails = cardItem.getPSDEUIActionGroup()?.getPSUIActionGroupDetails() || []; if (groupDetails?.length > 0) { for (let uiActionDetail of groupDetails) { const appUIAction = uiActionDetail.getPSUIAction(); if (appUIAction) { const model: any = { name:, caption: appUIAction.caption, cssClass: appUIAction?.getPSSysImage?.()?.cssClass, codeName: appUIAction.codeName, lanResTag: appUIAction.getCapPSLanguageRes?.()?.lanResTag, dataItemName: cardItem.dataItemName, actionTarget: appUIAction.actionTarget, uIActionMode: appUIAction.uIActionMode, uIActionTag: appUIAction.uIActionTag, uIActionType: appUIAction.uIActionType, showCaption: uiActionDetail.showCaption, showIcon: uiActionDetail.showIcon, dataAccessAction: appUIAction.dataAccessAction, disabled: false, visabled: true, getNoPrivDisplayMode: (appUIAction as any).noPrivDisplayMode ? (appUIAction as any).noPrivDisplayMode : 6, } this.actionModel[appUIAction.uIActionTag] = model; } } } } } } /** * 数据加载 * * @param {*} [opt={}] 额外参数 * @param {boolean} [isReset=false] 是否重置数据,默认加载到的数据附加在已有的之后 * @return {*} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public async load(opt: any = {}, isReset: boolean = false) { if (!this.fetchAction) { this.$throw( `${this.controlInstance.codeName}` + (this.$t('app.list.notconfig.fetchaction') as string), 'load', ); return; } const arg: any = {}; const page: any = {}; if (this.isEnablePagingBar) { Object.assign(page, { page: this.curPage - 1, size: this.limit }); } // 设置排序 if (!this.isNoSort && Util.isExistAndNotEmpty(this.sortField) && Util.isExistAndNotEmpty(this.sortDir)) { const sort: string = this.sortField + ',' + this.sortDir; Object.assign(page, { sort: sort }); } Object.assign(arg, page); const parentdata: any = {}; this.$emit('ctrl-event', { controlname:, action: 'beforeload', data: parentdata }); Object.assign(arg, parentdata); let tempViewParams: any = parentdata.viewparams ? parentdata.viewparams : opt ? opt : {}; Object.assign(tempViewParams, Util.deepCopy(this.viewparams)); Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: tempViewParams }, opt); if (this.service) { let tempContext: any = Util.deepCopy(this.context); if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforeload', { action: this.fetchAction, navContext: tempContext, navParam: arg }))) { return; } this.onControlRequset('load', tempContext, arg); try { const response: any = await, tempContext, arg, this.showBusyIndicator); this.onControlResponse('load', response); if (!response || response.status !== 200) { if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onloaderror', { action: this.fetchAction, navParam: arg, data: response?.data }))) { return; } this.$throw(response, 'load'); return; } const data: any =; if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onloadsuccess', { action: this.fetchAction, navParam: arg, data: data }))) { return; } if (!this.isAddBehind) { this.items = []; } if (Object.keys(data).length > 0) { let datas = Util.deepCopy(data); any) => { if (!item.srfchecked) { Object.assign(item, { srfchecked: 0 }); } }); this.totalRecord =; if (isReset) { this.items = datas; } else { this.items.push(...datas); } } this.isAddBehind = false; this.items.forEach((item: any) => { Object.assign(item, this.getActionState(item)); }); this.$emit('ctrl-event', { controlname:, action: 'load', data: this.items, }); //在导航视图中,如已有选中数据,则右侧展开已选中数据的视图,如无选中数据则默认选中第一条 if (this.isSelectFirstDefault && this.items.length > 0) { // 新数据集是否包含选中数据 let flag: boolean = false; let index: number = 0; // 有选中数据时获取选中下标 if (this.selections && this.selections.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < this.selections.length; i++) { const _index = this.items.findIndex((item: any) => { return, this.selections[i].srfkey) }); if (_index != -1) { index = _index; flag = true; return; } } } if (!flag) { this.selections = []; } this.handleClick(this.items[index]); } if (this.isEnableGroup) {; } } catch(error: any) { this.onControlResponse('load', error); if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onloaderror', { action: this.fetchAction, navParam: arg, data: error?.data }))) { return; } this.$throw(error, 'load'); } } } /** * 删除 * * @param {any[]} datas 删除数据 * @returns {Promise<any>} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public async remove(datas: any[]): Promise<any> { if (!this.removeAction) { this.$throw( `${this.controlInstance.codeName}` + (this.$t('app.grid.notconfig.removeaction') as string), 'remove', ); return; } let _datas: any[] = []; datas.forEach((record: any, index: number) => { if (, '0')) { this.items.some((val: any, num: number) => { if (JSON.stringify(val) == JSON.stringify(record)) { this.items.splice(num, 1); return true; } }); } else { _datas.push(datas[index]); } }); if (_datas.length === 0) { return; } let dataInfo = ''; _datas.forEach((record: any, index: number) => { let srfmajortext = record.srfmajortext; if (index < 5) { if (!, '')) { dataInfo += '、'; } dataInfo += srfmajortext; } else { return false; } }); if (_datas.length < 5) { dataInfo = dataInfo + ' ' + (this.$t('app.dataview.sum') as string) + _datas.length + (this.$t('') as string); } else { dataInfo = dataInfo + '...' + ' ' + (this.$t('app.dataview.sum') as string) + _datas.length + (this.$t('') as string); } const removeData = async () => { let keys: any[] = []; _datas.forEach((data: any) => { keys.push(data.srfkey); }); let _removeAction =this.removeAction; let _keys = keys.length > 1 ? keys : keys[0]; const tempContext: any = Util.deepCopy(this.context); const appDeCodeName = this.appDeCodeName?.toLowerCase(); const arg = { [appDeCodeName]: _keys}; let promises:any; Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: this.viewparams }); if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforeremove', { action: this.removeAction, navParam: arg, data: keys }))) { return; } this.onControlRequset('remove', tempContext, arg); if(keys && keys.length > 1){ let promiseArr: any = []; _keys.forEach((ele:any) =>{ Object.assign(tempContext,{[this.appDeCodeName?.toLowerCase()]:ele}); promiseArr.push(this.service.delete(_removeAction, tempContext, arg, this.showBusyIndicator)); }) promises = Promise.all(promiseArr); }else{ Object.assign(tempContext,{[this.appDeCodeName?.toLowerCase()]:_keys}); promises = this.service.delete(_removeAction, tempContext, arg, this.showBusyIndicator); } return new Promise((resolve:any,reject:any)=>{ promises.then( async (response:any)=>{ this.onControlResponse('remove', response); if (!response || response.status !== 200 && !Array.isArray(response)) { if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onremoveerror', { action: this.removeAction, navParam: arg, data: response?.data }))) { return; } this.$throw(response, 'remove'); return; } else { if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onremovesuccess', { action: this.removeAction, navParam: arg, data: response?.data }))) { return; } this.$success(this.$t('app.commonwords.deletesuccess') as string, 'remove'); } this.refresh(); this.$emit('ctrl-event', { controlname:, action: 'remove', data: {} }); this.selections = []; }).catch(async (error: any) =>{ this.onControlResponse('remove', error); if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onremoveerror', { action: this.removeAction, navParam: arg, data: error?.data }))) { return; } this.$throw(error, 'remove'); }) }) }; dataInfo = dataInfo .replace(/[null]/g, '') .replace(/[undefined]/g, '') .replace(/[ ]/g, ''); this.$Modal.confirm({ title: this.$t('app.commonwords.warning') as string, content: (this.$t('app.grid.confirmdel') as string) + ' ' + dataInfo + ',' + (this.$t('app.grid.norecoverable') as string), onOk: () => { removeData(); }, onCancel: () => { }, }); return removeData; } /** * 保存 * * @param {any[]} args 额外参数 * @return {*} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public async save(args: any = {}) { let _this = this; let successItems: any = []; let errorItems: any = []; let errorMessage: any = []; if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforesave', { data: _this.items }))) { return; } for (const item of _this.items) { try { if (, 'create')) { if (!this.createAction) { this.$throw( `${this.controlInstance.codeName}` + (this.$t('app.list.notconfig.createaction') as string), 'save', ); } else { Object.assign(item, { viewparams: this.viewparams }); let tempContext: any = Util.deepCopy(this.context); this.onControlRequset('create', tempContext, item); let response = await this.service.add( this.createAction, tempContext, item, this.showBusyIndicator, ); this.onControlResponse('create', response); successItems.push(Util.deepCopy(; } } else if (, 'update')) { if (!this.updateAction) { this.$throw( `${this.controlInstance.codeName}` + (this.$t('app.list.notconfig.updateaction') as string), 'save', ); } else { Object.assign(item, { viewparams: this.viewparams }); if (item[this.appDeCodeName?.toLowerCase()]) { Object.assign(this.context, { [this.appDeCodeName?.toLowerCase()]: item[this.appDeCodeName?.toLowerCase()] }); } let tempContext: any = Util.deepCopy(this.context); this.onControlRequset('update', tempContext, item); let response = await this.service.add( this.updateAction, tempContext, item, this.showBusyIndicator, ); this.onControlResponse('update', response); successItems.push(Util.deepCopy(; } } } catch (error) { this.onControlResponse('save', error); errorItems.push(Util.deepCopy(item)); errorMessage.push(error); } } this.$emit('ctrl-event', { controlname:, action: 'save', data: successItems }); this.refresh(); if (errorItems.length === 0) { if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onsavesuccess', { data: successItems }))) { return; } if (args?.showResultInfo || (args && !args.hasOwnProperty('showResultInfo'))) { this.$success(this.$t('app.commonwords.savesuccess') as string, 'save'); } } else { if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onsaveerror', { data: errorItems }))) { return; } errorItems.forEach((item: any, index: number) => { this.$throw(item.majorentityname + (this.$t('app.commonwords.savefailed') as string) + '!', 'save'); }); } return successItems; } /** * 刷新 * * @param {*} [args={}] 额外参数 * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public refresh(args: any = {}) { this.curPage = 1; this.load(args, true); } /** * 加载更多 * * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public loadMore(e: MouseEvent) { e.stopPropagation(); if (this.totalRecord > this.items.length) { this.curPage = ++this.curPage; this.isAddBehind = true; this.load({}); } } /** * 单击事件 * * @param {*} args 数据 * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public handleClick(args: any) { this.handleCtrlEvents('onrowclick', { action: 'RowClick', data: args }).then((res: boolean) => { if (res) { if (this.mDCtrlActiveMode === 1) { this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: 'rowclick', data: args }); return; } args.srfchecked = Number(!args.srfchecked); if (this.isSingleSelect) { this.items.forEach((item: any) => { if (item.srfkey !== args.srfkey) { item.srfchecked = 0; } }); } this.selectchange(); } }); } /** * 触发事件 * * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public selectchange() { const selections: any[] = []; any) => { if (item.srfchecked === 1) { const data = Util.deepCopy(item); delete data.srfchecked; selections.push(data); } }); this.handleCtrlEvents('onselectionchange', { action: 'SelectionChange', data: selections }).then((res: boolean) => { if (res) { this.selections = [...selections]; this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: 'selectionchange', data: this.selections, }); } }); } /** * 面板数据变化处理事件 * @param {any} item 当前卡片数据 * @param {any} $event 面板事件数据 * * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public onPanelDataChange(item: any, $event: any) { Object.assign(item, $event, { rowDataState: 'update' }); } /** * 双击事件 * * @param {*} args 数据 * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public handleDblClick(args: any) { this.handleCtrlEvents('onrowdblclick', { action: 'RowDBLClick', data: args }).then((res: boolean) => { if (res) { if (this.mDCtrlActiveMode !== 0) { this.$emit('ctrl-event', { controlname:, action: 'rowdblclick', data: args }); } } }); } /** * 处理操作列点击 * * @param {*} data 数据 * @param {*} event 事件源 * @param {*} item 数据视图项模型 * @param {*} detail 操作列模型 * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public handleActionClick(data: any, event: any, item: any, detail: any) { event.stopPropagation(); if (AppServiceBase.getInstance().getEnableUIModelEx()) { const cardItems = this.controlInstance.getPSDEDataViewItems() let uiAction: any = null; if (cardItems && cardItems.length > 0) { cardItems.forEach(cardItem => { cardItem.getPSDEUIActionGroup()?.getPSUIActionGroupDetails()?.forEach(groupDetail => { if ( == { uiAction = groupDetail.getPSUIAction() } }); }) } AppGlobalService.getInstance().executeGlobalUIAction(uiAction, event, this, undefined, data); } else { AppViewLogicService.getInstance().executeViewLogic( this.getViewLogicTag(, item.dataItemName,, event, this, data, this.controlInstance.getPSAppViewLogics() as Array<any>, ); } } /** * 排序点击事件 * @param {string} codeName 属性标识 * * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public sortClick(codeName: string) { if (this.sortField !== codeName) { this.sortField = codeName; this.sortDir = 'asc'; } else if (this.sortDir === 'asc') { this.sortDir = 'desc'; } else if (this.sortDir === 'desc') { this.sortDir = ''; } else { this.sortDir = 'asc'; } this.refresh(); } /** * 分组方法 * * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public group() { if (, 'AUTO')) { this.drawGroup(); } else if (, 'CODELIST')) { this.drawCodeListGroup(); } this.activeName = any) => } /** * 部件事件 * * @param {string} controlname 部件名 * @param {string} action 事件名 * @param {*} data 数据 * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public onCtrlEvent(controlname: string, action: string, data: any) { super.onCtrlEvent(controlname, action, data); if (action == 'panelDataChange') { this.onPanelDataChange(data.item,; } } /** * 计算卡片视图部件所需参数 * * @param {*} controlInstance 部件模型对象 * @param {*} item 单条卡片数据 * @returns * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public computeTargetCtrlData(controlInstance: any, item?: any) { const { targetCtrlName, targetCtrlParam, targetCtrlEvent } = super.computeTargetCtrlData(controlInstance); Object.assign(targetCtrlParam.dynamicProps, { navdatas: [item], }); Object.assign(targetCtrlParam.staticProps, { transformData: this.transformData, isLoadDefault: true, opendata: this.opendata, newdata: this.newdata, remove: this.remove, refresh: this.refresh, dataMap: this.dataMap, }); targetCtrlEvent['ctrl-event'] = ({ controlname, action, data, }: { controlname: string; action: string; data: any; }) => { this.onCtrlEvent(controlname, action, { item: item, data: data }); }; return { targetCtrlName, targetCtrlParam, targetCtrlEvent }; } /** * 更改批量操作工具栏显示状态 * * @param $event 时间源 * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public onClick($event: any) { if (!this.moveflag) { this.flag = !this.flag; } this.moveflag = false; } /** * 绘制加载数据提示信息 * * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public renderLoadDataTip() { return ( <div v-show={this.items.length == 0} class='app-data-empty' style={{ height: this.hasSortBar ? 'calc(100% - 42px)' : '100%' }} > {super.renderLoadDataTip()} </div> ); } /** * 绘制无数据提示信息 * * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public renderEmptyDataTip() { return ( <div v-show={this.items.length == 0} class='app-data-empty' style={{ height: this.hasSortBar ? 'calc(100% - 42px)' : '100%' }} > {super.renderEmptyDataTip()} </div> ); } /** * 绘制卡片视图项布局面板部件 * * @returns {*} * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public renderItemPSLayoutPanel(item: any) { let { targetCtrlName, targetCtrlParam, targetCtrlEvent, }: { targetCtrlName: string; targetCtrlParam: any; targetCtrlEvent: any } = this.computeTargetCtrlData( this.controlInstance.getItemPSLayoutPanel(), item, ); Object.assign(targetCtrlParam.staticProps, { panelType: 'ITEMLAYOUTPANEL', noPadding: true }); return this.$createElement(targetCtrlName, { props: targetCtrlParam, ref: this.controlInstance.getItemPSLayoutPanel()?.name, on: targetCtrlEvent, }); } /** * 根据分组代码表绘制分组列表 * * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public async drawCodeListGroup() { let groups: Array<any> = []; const groupTree: Array<any> = []; const data: Array<any> = [...this.items]; if (this.groupCodeListParams) { let groupCodelist: any = await this.codeListService.getDataItems(this.groupCodeListParams); groups = Util.deepCopy(groupCodelist); } if (groups.length == 0) { LogUtil.warn(this.$t('app.dataview.useless')); } const map: Map<string, any> = new Map(); data.forEach(item => { const tag = item[this.groupAppField]; if (notNilEmpty(tag)) { if (!map.has(tag)) { map.set(tag, []); } const arr: any[] = map.get(tag); arr.push(item); } }); groups.forEach((group: any) => { const children: any[] = []; if (this.groupFieldCodelist && map.has(group.label)) { children.push(; } else if (map.has(group.value)) { children.push(; } const item: any = { label: group.label, group: group.label, data: group, children, }; groupTree.push(item); }); const child: any[] = []; data.forEach((item: any) => { let i: number = 0; if (this.groupFieldCodelist) { i = groups.findIndex((group: any) =>, item[this.groupAppField])); } else { i = groups.findIndex((group: any) =>, item[this.groupAppField])); } if (i < 0) { child.push(item); } }); const Tree: any = { label: this.$t('app.commonwords.other'), group: this.$t('app.commonwords.other'), children: child, }; if (child && child.length > 0) { groupTree.push(Tree); } this.groupData = groupTree; } /** * 绘制分组列表 * * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public async drawGroup() { const data: Array<any> = [...this.items]; let groups: Array<any> = []; data.forEach((item: any) => { if (item.hasOwnProperty(this.groupAppField)) { groups.push(item[this.groupAppField]); } }); groups = [ Set(groups)]; if (groups.length == 0) { LogUtil.warn(this.$t('app.dataview.useless')); } const groupTree: Array<any> = []; groups.forEach((group: any, i: number) => { const children: Array<any> = []; data.forEach((item: any, j: number) => { if (, item[this.groupAppField])) { children.push(item); } }); group = group ? group : this.$t('app.commonwords.other'); const tree: any = { label: group, group: group, children: children, }; groupTree.push(tree); }); this.groupData = groupTree; } /** * 排序class变更 * @param {string} field 属性名 * * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public getsortClass(field: string) { if (this.sortField !== field || this.sortDir === '') { return ''; } else if (this.sortDir === 'asc') { return 'sort-ascending'; } else if (this.sortDir === 'desc') { return 'sort-descending'; } } /** * 获取界面行为权限状态 * * @param {*} data 当前列表行数据 * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public getActionState(data: any) { let tempActionModel: any = Util.deepCopy(this.actionModel); let targetData: any = this.transformData(data); ViewTool.calcActionItemAuthState(targetData, tempActionModel, this.appUIService); return tempActionModel; } /** * @description 部件销毁 * @memberof DataViewControlBase */ public ctrlDestroyed() { super.ctrlDestroyed(); if (this.dataviewControlEvent) { this.dataviewControlEvent.unsubscribe(); } } }