import { Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { ViewTool, FormItemModel, Util, Verify, ModelTool, AppServiceBase, LogUtil, AppErrorCode, EntityFieldErrorCode, GridControlInterface, DataTypes, DataServiceHelp, EntityFieldError } from 'ibiz-core'; import { MDControlBase } from './md-control-base'; import { AppGridService } from '../ctrl-service/app-grid-service'; import { AppGlobalService, AppViewLogicService } from 'ibiz-vue'; import { IPSDEDataImport, IPSAppCodeList, IPSAppDataEntity, IPSAppDEField, IPSDEDataExport, IPSDEDataExportItem, IPSDEGrid, IPSDEGridColumn, IPSDEGridDataItem, IPSDEGridEditItem, IPSDEGridFieldColumn, IPSDEGridUAColumn, IPSDEUIAction, IPSDEUIActionGroup, IPSUIAction, IPSUIActionGroupDetail, IPSDEGridGroupColumn, IPSDEGridEditItemUpdate, IPSAppDEDataSet, IPSDEFValueRule, IPSAppDERS } from '@ibiz/dynamic-model-api'; import axios from 'axios'; import moment from 'moment'; /** * 表格部件基类 * * @export * @class GridControlBase * @extends {MDControlBase} */ export class GridControlBase extends MDControlBase implements GridControlInterface { /** * 表格实例 * * @type {IBizGridModel} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public declare controlInstance: IPSDEGrid; /** * 表格引用名称 * * @type * @memberof GridControlBase */ public gridRefName: string = ""; /** * 是否默认保存 * * @type {*} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public autosave?: any; /** * 本地模式 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public localMode?: boolean; /** * 总条数 * * @type {number} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public totalrow: number = 0; /** * 部件行为--submit * * @type {*} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public WFSubmitAction?: any; /** * 部件行为--start * * @type {*} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public WFStartAction?: any; /** * 主信息表格列 * * @type {string} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public majorInfoColName: string = ''; /** * 是否默认选中第一条数据 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public isSelectFirstDefault: boolean = false; /** * 选中数据字符串 * * @type {string} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public selectedData?: string; /** * 表格数据 * * @type {Array<any>} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public items: Array<any> = []; /** * 表格行数据默认激活模式 * 0 不激活 * 1 单击激活 * 2 双击激活 * * @type {(number | 0 | 1 | 2)} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public gridRowActiveMode: number | 0 | 1 | 2 = 2; /** * 是否开启行编辑 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public isOpenEdit: boolean = false; /** * 新建行状态 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public newRowState: boolean = true; /** * 实际是否开启行编辑 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public actualIsOpenEdit: boolean = this.isOpenEdit; /** * 表格更新默认值项 * * @type {Array<any>} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public defaultUpdateItems: Array<any> = []; /** * 行编辑值校验错误信息 * * @type {Array<any>} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public errorMessages: Array<any> = []; /** * 选项框列宽 * * @type {number} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public checkboxColWidth: number = 40; /** * 拦截行选中 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public stopRowClick: boolean = false; /** * 当前编辑行数据 * * @type {*} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public curEditRowData: any = {}; /** * 是否允许拖动列宽 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public isDragendCol: boolean = true; /** * 所有列成员 * * @type {any[]} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public allColumns: any[] = []; /** * 所有导出列成员 * * @type {any[]} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public allExportColumns: any[] = []; /** * 所有列实例对象 * * @type {Array<any>} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public allColumnsInstance: Array<IPSDEGridColumn> = []; /** * 表格模型集合 * * @type {any[]} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public gridItemsModel: any[] = []; /** * 主键列名 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public columnKeyName: string = ""; /** * 表格是否自适应宽度 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public renderEmptyColumn: boolean = true; /** * 值规则集合 * * @type {*} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public rules: any = {}; /** * 聚合模式 * * @type {any[]} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public aggMode: any; /** * 表格聚合行为 * * @type {string} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public aggAction?: string; /** * 远程数据 * * @type {*} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public remoteData: any = {}; /** * 表格是否显示 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public isDisplay: boolean = true; /** * 是否启用分组 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public isEnableGroup: boolean = false; /** * 分组属性 * * @type {string} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public groupAppField: string = ""; /** * 分组属性代码表标识 * * @type {string} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public groupAppFieldCodelistTag: string = ""; /** * 分组属性代码表类型 * * @type {string} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public groupAppFieldCodelistType: string = ""; /** * 分组属性代码表 * * @type {*} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public groupAppFieldCodelist: any; /** * 分组模式 * * @type {string} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public groupMode: string = ""; /** * 分组代码表标识 * * @type {string} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public codelistTag: string = ""; /** * 分组代码表 * * @type {*} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public codelist: any; /** * 分组代码表类型 * * @type {string} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public codelistType: string = ""; /** * 是否隐藏标题 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public isHideHeader: boolean = false; /** * @description 下载文件路径 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public downloadUrl = AppServiceBase.getInstance().getAppEnvironment().ExportFile; /** * @description 导入状态事件 * @type {(Subscription | undefined)} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public importStateEvent: Subscription | undefined; /** * @description 表格部件事件 * @type {(Subscription | undefined)} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public gridControlEvent: Subscription | undefined; /** * 获取表格行模型 * * @type {*} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public getGridRowModel() { let tempModel: any = {}; const editItems: Array<any> = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridEditItems() || []; if (editItems.length > 0) { editItems.forEach((item: any) => { tempModel[] = new FormItemModel(); }); } return tempModel; } /** * 获取选中行胡数据 * * @returns {any[]} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public getSelection(): any[] { return this.selections; } /** * 属性值规则 * * @type {*} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public deRules() { return {} } /** * 初始化值规则 * * @memberof EditFormControlBase */ public initRules() { // 先初始化系统值规则和属性值规则 let staticRules: any = {}; const allGridEditItemVRs = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridEditItemVRs() || []; if (allGridEditItemVRs.length > 0) { allGridEditItemVRs.forEach((item: any) => { const { checkMode, valueRuleType, getPSSysValueRule: sysRule } = item; const deRule: IPSDEFValueRule | null = item.getPSDEFValueRule(); const gridEditItemName = item.getPSDEGridEditItemName(); if (!staticRules[gridEditItemName]) { staticRules[gridEditItemName] = []; } // 排除后台检查的值规则 if (checkMode == 2) { return } // 系统值规则 if (valueRuleType == 'SYSVALUERULE' && sysRule) { // 正则值规则 if (sysRule.ruleType == 'REG') { staticRules[gridEditItemName].push({ pattern: new RegExp(sysRule.regExCode), message: sysRule.ruleInfo, trigger: ['change', 'blur'] }) // 脚本值规则 } else if (sysRule.ruleType == 'SCRIPT') { staticRules[gridEditItemName].push({ validator: (rule: any, value: any, callback: any, source: any) => { // 空值时不校验 if (Util.isEmpty(source[gridEditItemName])) { return true } try { eval(sysRule.scriptCode); } catch (error) { this.$throw(error, 'initRules'); } return true; }, trigger: ['change', 'blur'] }) } // 属性值规则 } else if (valueRuleType == 'DEFVALUERULE' && deRule) { // 有值项的情况,校验值项的值 let editItem: IPSDEGridEditItem = (this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridEditItems() || []).find((item: IPSDEGridEditItem) => { return item.M.getPSDEGridEditItemName === gridEditItemName; }) as IPSDEGridEditItem; let valueName = editItem && editItem.valueItemName ? editItem.valueItemName : gridEditItemName; staticRules[gridEditItemName].push({ validator: (rule: any, value: any, callback: any, source: any) => { // 空值时不校验 if (Util.isEmpty(source[valueName])) { return true } const { isPast, infoMessage } = Verify.verifyDeRules(valueName, source, deRule?.getPSDEFVRGroupCondition()); if (!isPast) { callback(new Error(infoMessage || deRule.ruleInfo)); } return true; }, trigger: ['change', 'blur'] }) } }) } // 初始化非空值规则和数据类型值规则 this.rules = {}; const appDataEntity = this.controlInstance.getPSAppDataEntity(); const allEditColumns: Array<IPSDEGridEditItem> = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridEditItems() || []; if (appDataEntity && allEditColumns?.length > 0) { for (const editColumn of allEditColumns) { let editorRules = []; if (editColumn) { editorRules = Verify.buildVerConditions(editColumn.getPSEditor()); } let otherRules = staticRules[] || []; this.rules[] = [ // 非空值规则 { validator: (rule: any, value: any, callback: any) => { return (!editColumn.allowEmpty && (value === null || value === undefined || value === "")) ? false : true }, message: `${editColumn.caption ||} 必须填写`, trigger: ['change', 'blur'] }, // 表格值规则 ...otherRules, // 编辑器基础值规则 ...editorRules ] } } } /** * 监听动态参数变化 * * @param {*} newVal * @param {*} oldVal * @memberof GridControlBase */ public onDynamicPropsChange(newVal: any, oldVal: any) { super.onDynamicPropsChange(newVal, oldVal); if (newVal?.selectedData && newVal.selectedData != oldVal?.selectedData) { this.selectedData = newVal.selectedData; this.onSelectedDataValueChange(newVal.selectedData); } } /** * 监听静态参数变化 * * @param {*} newVal * @param {*} oldVal * @memberof GridControlBase */ public onStaticPropsChange(newVal: any, oldVal: any) { this.isOpenEdit = newVal.isOpenEdit; this.localMode = newVal.localmode; this.actualIsOpenEdit = this.isOpenEdit; this.gridRowActiveMode = newVal.gridRowActiveMode == undefined ? 2 : newVal.gridRowActiveMode; this.isSelectFirstDefault = newVal.isSelectFirstDefault; super.onStaticPropsChange(newVal, oldVal); } /** * 初始化表格模型 * * @type {*} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public async ctrlModelInit() { await super.ctrlModelInit(); if (!(this.Environment && this.Environment.isPreviewMode)) { this.service = new AppGridService(this.controlInstance, this.context, { localSourceTag: this.localSourceTag }); await this.service.loaded(); } this.initGridBasicData(); this.initAllColumns(); this.initColumnKeyName(); this.initAllExportColumns(); this.initRules(); } /** * 初始化数据映射 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public initDataMap() { const gridColumns: IPSDEGridColumn[] | null = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridColumns(); if (gridColumns && gridColumns.length > 0) { gridColumns.forEach((gridColumn: IPSDEGridColumn) => { if (gridColumn.dataItemName) { const dataItem: IPSDEGridDataItem | undefined = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridDataItems()?.find((_dataItem: IPSDEGridDataItem) =>,; if (dataItem) { this.dataMap.set(, { itemUIName: }); }; }; }); }; } /** * 表格部件初始化 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public ctrlInit() { super.ctrlInit(); this.setColState(); if (this.viewState) { this.gridControlEvent = this.viewState.subscribe(({ tag, action, data }: any) => { if (!, { return; } if ('load', action)) { this.load(data); } if ('remove', action)) { this.remove(data); } if ('save', action)) {; } }); } } /** * 初始化表格基础数据 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public initGridBasicData() { this.isSingleSelect = this.staticProps.isSingleSelect === true ? true : this.staticProps.isSingleSelect === false ? false : this.controlInstance.singleSelect; this.autosave = this.controlInstance.autoLoad; this.limit = this.controlInstance.pagingSize ? this.controlInstance.pagingSize : 20; this.isNoSort = this.controlInstance.noSort; this.minorSortDir = this.controlInstance.minorSortDir; this.minorSortPSDEF = (this.controlInstance.getMinorSortPSAppDEField() as IPSAppDEField)?.name?.toLowerCase(); this.realCtrlRefName = `${}grid`; this.gridRefName = `${}grid`; this.aggMode = this.controlInstance.aggMode; this.allColumnsInstance = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridColumns() || []; // 计算主信息表格列名 this.initMajorInfoColName(); //开启分组 if (this.isEnableGroup) { const groupCodeList: IPSAppCodeList = this.controlInstance.getGroupPSCodeList() as IPSAppCodeList; this.groupAppField = this.controlInstance.getGroupPSAppDEField()?.codeName.toLowerCase() || ''; if (groupCodeList && groupCodeList.codeName) { this.codelistTag = groupCodeList.codeName; this.codelistType = groupCodeList.codeListType || 'STATIC'; this.codelist = groupCodeList; } } } /** * 计算主信息表格列名 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public initMajorInfoColName() { if (this.allColumnsInstance.length > 0) { this.allColumnsInstance.forEach((column: any) => { if (column.columnType == 'DEFGRIDCOLUMN') { let majorInfoField = column.getPSAppDEField(); if (majorInfoField && majorInfoField.majorField) { this.majorInfoColName =; } } }) } } /** * 获取所有列成员模型 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public initAllColumns() { this.allColumns = []; const init = (columns: IPSDEGridColumn[]) => { if (columns && columns.length > 0) { for (const columnInstance of columns) { if (columnInstance.columnType == 'GROUPGRIDCOLUMN') { init((columnInstance as IPSDEGridGroupColumn).getPSDEGridColumns() || []); } let editItem: IPSDEGridEditItem = ModelTool.getGridItemByCodeName(columnInstance.codeName, this.controlInstance) as IPSDEGridEditItem; //表格列 const column = { name:, label: this.$tl(columnInstance.getCapPSLanguageRes()?.lanResTag, columnInstance.caption), langtag: columnInstance.getCapPSLanguageRes()?.lanResTag, show: !columnInstance.hideDefault, unit: columnInstance.widthUnit, isEnableRowEdit: columnInstance.enableRowEdit, enableCond: editItem?.enableCond ? editItem?.enableCond : 3, columnType: columnInstance.columnType }; const field = (columnInstance as IPSDEGridFieldColumn).getPSAppDEField?.(); const valueFormat = (columnInstance as IPSDEGridFieldColumn).valueFormat || field?.valueFormat; if (field) { Object.assign(column, { dataType: DataTypes.toString(field.stdDataType) }); if (valueFormat) { if (DataTypes.isDate(field.stdDataType)) { Object.assign(column, { dateFormat: valueFormat }); } else { Object.assign(column, { valueFormat: valueFormat }); } } } this.allColumns.push(column); } } } let columnsInstanceArr: Array<IPSDEGridColumn> = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridColumns() || []; init(columnsInstanceArr); } /** * 初始化主键属性列名 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public initColumnKeyName() { this.columnKeyName = ""; const dataItems: Array<IPSDEGridDataItem> = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridDataItems() || []; if (dataItems.length > 0) { const dataItem: IPSDEGridDataItem | undefined = dataItems.find((item: IPSDEGridDataItem) => { if(item.getPSAppDEField()){ return, item.getPSAppDEField()?.codeName); }else{ return false; } }) if (dataItem && this.allColumnsInstance?.length > 0) { const srfKeyColumn: any = this.allColumnsInstance.find((columnInstance: IPSDEGridColumn) => { return, 'DEFGRIDCOLUMN') &&,; }) if (srfKeyColumn) { this.columnKeyName =; } } } } /** * 获取所有导出列成员模型 * * @param {IBizGridModel} gridInstance 表格部件实例对象 */ public initAllExportColumns() { this.allExportColumns = []; const exportModel: IPSDEDataExport = this.controlInstance.getPSDEDataExport() as IPSDEDataExport; if (exportModel != null) { const items: Array<IPSDEDataExportItem> = exportModel.getPSDEDataExportItems() || []; if (items.length > 0) { items.forEach((item: any) => { this.allExportColumns.push({ name:, label: this.$tl(item.getCapPSLanguageRes()?.lanResTag, item.caption), langtag: item.getCapPSLanguageRes()?.lanResTag, show: true }) }) } } } /** * 获取导入模型 * * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public getImportDataModel() { const importData: any = this.controlInstance.getPSDEDataImport() as IPSDEDataImport; let importDataModel: any; if (importData) { const appDataEntity: IPSAppDataEntity = this.controlInstance.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity; importDataModel = { importId: importData.codeName, serviceName: appDataEntity.codeName, appDeLogicName: appDataEntity.logicName, ignoreError: importData?.ignoreError } } return importDataModel; } /** * 初始化界面行为模型 * * @type {*} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public initCtrlActionModel() { const allColumns: Array<IPSDEGridColumn> = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridColumns() || []; if (allColumns.length === 0) { return; } let UAGridColumn: IPSDEGridUAColumn = allColumns.find((item: any) => { return item.columnType === "UAGRIDCOLUMN"; }) as IPSDEGridUAColumn; if (UAGridColumn) { const UIActionGroupDetails: IPSUIActionGroupDetail[] = (UAGridColumn.getPSDEUIActionGroup() as IPSDEUIActionGroup)?.getPSUIActionGroupDetails() || []; if (UIActionGroupDetails.length > 0) { UIActionGroupDetails.forEach((detail: IPSUIActionGroupDetail) => { const uiAction: IPSUIAction | null = detail.getPSUIAction(); if (uiAction) { const appUIAction: any = Util.deepCopy(uiAction) as IPSDEUIAction; this.actionModel[uiAction.uIActionTag] = Object.assign(appUIAction?._data ? appUIAction._data : {}, { disabled: false, visabled: true, getNoPrivDisplayMode: appUIAction._data.noPrivDisplayMode ? appUIAction._data.noPrivDisplayMode : 6 }); } }) } } // 具有内置界面行为的数据表格列 let UIActionColumn: IPSDEGridFieldColumn = allColumns.find((item: IPSDEGridColumn) => { return item.columnType === "DEFGRIDCOLUMN" && (item as IPSDEGridFieldColumn).getPSDEUIAction(); }) as IPSDEGridFieldColumn; const uiAction = UIActionColumn?.getPSDEUIAction(); if (uiAction) { const appUIAction: any = Util.deepCopy(uiAction) as IPSDEUIAction; this.actionModel[uiAction.uIActionTag] = Object.assign(appUIAction?._data ? appUIAction._data : {}, { disabled: false, visabled: true, getNoPrivDisplayMode: appUIAction._data.noPrivDisplayMode ? appUIAction._data.noPrivDisplayMode : 6 }); } } /** * selectedData选中值变化 * * @param {*} newVal * @memberof TreeControlBase */ public onSelectedDataValueChange(newVal: any) { this.selections = []; if (this.selectedData) { const refs: any = this.$refs; if (refs[this.realCtrlRefName]) { refs[this.realCtrlRefName].clearSelection(); JSON.parse(this.selectedData).forEach((selection: any) => { let selectedItem = this.items.find((item: any) => { return, selection.srfkey); }); if (selectedItem) { this.selections.push(selectedItem); refs[this.realCtrlRefName].toggleRowSelection(selectedItem, true); } }); } } } /** * 表格模型数据加载 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public async ctrlModelLoad() { await super.ctrlModelLoad(); const appDataEntity = this.controlInstance.getPSAppDataEntity(); if (appDataEntity) { await appDataEntity.fill(); } const editItems = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridEditItems(); if (editItems && editItems.length > 0) { for (const editItem of editItems) { await editItem.fill(); } } const gridColumns = this.controlInstance?.getPSDEGridColumns?.(); if (gridColumns && gridColumns.length > 0) { for (const gridColumn of gridColumns) { await (gridColumn as IPSDEGridFieldColumn)?.getPSAppCodeList?.()?.fill?.(); if (gridColumn.columnType == "DEFGRIDCOLUMN") { if ((gridColumn as IPSDEGridFieldColumn)?.getLinkPSAppView && (gridColumn as IPSDEGridFieldColumn)?.getLinkPSAppView()) { await (gridColumn as IPSDEGridFieldColumn)?.getLinkPSAppView()?.fill?.(); await (gridColumn as IPSDEGridFieldColumn)?.getLinkPSAppView()?.getPSAppDataEntity?.()?.fill(); } } } } } /** * 获取界面行为权限状态 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public getActionState(data: any) { let tempActionModel: any = Util.deepCopy(this.actionModel); let targetData: any = this.transformData(data); ViewTool.calcActionItemAuthState(targetData, tempActionModel, this.appUIService); return tempActionModel; } /** * 表格行编辑项校验 * * @param {string} name 属性名 * @param {*} data 行数据 * @param {number} rowIndex 行索引 * @returns Promise<any> * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public validate(name: string, data: any, rowIndex: number): Promise<any> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Util.validateItem(name, data, this.rules).then(() => { this.gridItemsModel[rowIndex][name].setError(null); resolve(true); }).catch(({ errors, fields }: any) => { this.gridItemsModel[rowIndex][name].setError(errors?.[0].message); resolve(false); }); }); } /** * 校验所有修改过的编辑项 * * @returns Promise<any> * @memberof GridControlBase */ public async validateAll() { this.errorMessages = []; let validateState = true; let index = -1; for (let item of this.items) { let tempMessage: string = ''; index++; if (item.rowDataState === "create" || item.rowDataState === "update") { for (let property of Object.keys(this.rules)) { if (!await this.validate(property, item, index)) { validateState = false; tempMessage = tempMessage + '<p>' + this.gridItemsModel[index][property].error + '</p>'; } } } if (tempMessage) { this.errorMessages.push(tempMessage); } } return validateState; } /** * 表格数据加载 * * @param {*} [opt] 参数 * @param {boolean} [pageReset] 页码是否重置 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public async load(opt: any = {}, pageReset: boolean = false) { const fetchAction = this.localMode ? 'selectAppLocal' : this.fetchAction; if (!fetchAction) { this.$throw(`${this.controlInstance.codeName}` + (this.$t('app.grid.notconfig.fetchaction') as string), 'load'); return; } if (pageReset) { this.curPage = 1; } const arg: any = { ...opt }; const page: any = {}; if (this.isEnablePagingBar) { Object.assign(page, { page: this.curPage - 1, size: this.limit }); } // 设置排序 if (!this.isNoSort && (this.minorSortDir !== null && this.minorSortDir !== undefined && this.minorSortDir !== '') && (this.minorSortPSDEF !== null && this.minorSortPSDEF !== undefined && this.minorSortPSDEF !== '')) { const sort: string = this.minorSortPSDEF + "," + this.minorSortDir; Object.assign(page, { sort: sort }); } Object.assign(arg, page); const parentdata: any = {}; this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: "beforeload", data: parentdata }); Object.assign(arg, parentdata); let tempViewParams: any = parentdata.viewparams ? parentdata.viewparams : opt ? opt : {}; Object.assign(tempViewParams, Util.deepCopy(this.viewparams)); // 多实例查询数据处理 let appEnvironment = AppServiceBase.getInstance().getAppEnvironment(); if (appEnvironment.bDynamic) { if (!tempViewParams.hasOwnProperty("srfinsttag")) { Object.assign(tempViewParams, { srfinsttag: "__srfstdinst__" }); } } else { if (tempViewParams.hasOwnProperty("srfwf")) { Object.assign(tempViewParams, { srfinsttag: "__srfstdinst__" }); } } Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: tempViewParams }); let tempContext: any = Util.deepCopy(this.context); if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforeload', { action: fetchAction, navContext: tempContext, navParam: arg }))) { return; } this.onControlRequset('load', tempContext, arg); try { const response = await, tempContext, arg, this.showBusyIndicator); this.onControlResponse('load', response); if (!response.status || response.status !== 200) { if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onloaderror', { action: fetchAction, navParam: arg, data: response?.data }))) { return; } this.$throw(response, 'load'); return; } const data: any =; if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onloadsuccess', { action: fetchAction, navParam: arg, data: data }))) { return; } this.totalRecord =; this.items = data; // 清空selections,gridItemsModel this.gridItemsModel = []; this.items.forEach(() => { this.gridItemsModel.push(this.getGridRowModel()) }); this.items.forEach((item: any, index: number) => { Object.assign(item, this.getActionState(item)); this.$set(this.items, index, item); }); this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: "load", data: this.items }); // 设置默认选中 let _this = this; setTimeout(() => { //在导航视图中,如已有选中数据,则右侧展开已选中数据的视图,如无选中数据则默认选中第一条 if (_this.isSelectFirstDefault && _this.items.length > 0) { let index: number = 0; // 新数据集是否包含选中数据 let flag: boolean = false; // 有选中数据时获取选中下标 if (_this.selections && _this.selections.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < _this.selections.length; i++) { const _index = _this.items.findIndex((item: any) => { return, _this.selections[i].srfkey) }); if (_index != -1) { index = _index; flag = true; return; } } } // 如果新加载的数据中不包含选中数据,则清空选中数据集合 if (!flag) { this.selections = []; } _this.rowClick(this.items[index]); } _this.onSelectedDataValueChange(_this.selectedData); }, 300); if (this.aggMode &&, "ALL")) { const tempViewParam = Util.deepCopy(tempViewParams); Object.assign(tempViewParam, page) Object.keys(parentdata)?.forEach((key: string) => { if (!, 'viewparams') && parentdata[key]) { Object.assign(tempViewParam, { [key]: parentdata[key] }) } }) this.getAggData(tempContext, tempViewParam); } if (this.isEnableGroup && !"USER", this.controlInstance.gridStyle)) {; } this.$nextTick(() => { this.resetGridLayout(); }) return; } catch (error: any) { this.onControlResponse('load', error); if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onloaderror', { action: fetchAction, navParam: arg, data: error?.data }))) { return; } this.$throw(error, 'load'); return error; } } /** * 重置表格布局 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public resetGridLayout() { const grid = (this.$refs[this.realCtrlRefName] as any)?.$el; if (!grid) { return; } const headerHeight = grid.querySelector('.el-table__header-wrapper')?.scrollHeight || null; // 头部高度为45时不作处理(默认已适配45px) if (headerHeight == 45) { return; } // 设置内容区高度 const body = grid.querySelector('.el-table__body-wrapper'); if (headerHeight && body) {'height', `calc(100% - ${headerHeight}px)`); } // 设置固定列内容区高度 const fixBody = grid.querySelector('.el-table__fixed-right .el-table__fixed-body-wrapper'); if (headerHeight && fixBody) {'height', `calc(100% - ${headerHeight}px)`); } } /** * 删除 * * @param {any[]} datas 删除数据 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public async remove(datas: any[]): Promise<any> { const removeAction = this.localMode ? 'removeAppLocal' : this.removeAction; if (!removeAction) { this.$throw(`${this.controlInstance.codeName}` + (this.$t('app.grid.notconfig.removeaction') as string), 'remove'); return; } let _datas: any[] = []; datas.forEach((record: any, index: number) => { if (, "0")) { this.items.some((val: any, num: number) => { if (JSON.stringify(val) == JSON.stringify(record)) { this.items.splice(num, 1); this.gridItemsModel.splice(num, 1); return true; } }); } else { _datas.push(datas[index]); } }); if (_datas.length === 0) { return; } let dataInfo = ''; _datas.forEach((record: any, index: number) => { let srfmajortext = record[this.appDeMajorFieldName.toLowerCase()]; if (index < 5) { if (!, '')) { dataInfo += '、'; } dataInfo += srfmajortext ? srfmajortext : ''; } else { return false; } }); if (!dataInfo) { dataInfo = (this.$t('app.grid.selected') as string) + _datas.length + (this.$t('app.grid.records') as string) + (this.$t('') as string); } else { if (_datas.length < 5) { dataInfo = dataInfo + ' ' + (this.$t('') as string) + _datas.length + (this.$t('app.grid.records') as string) + (this.$t('') as string); } else { dataInfo = ' ... ' + (this.$t('') as string) + _datas.length + (this.$t('app.grid.records') as string) + (this.$t('') as string); } } const removeData = async () => { let keys: any[] = []; _datas.forEach((data: any) => { keys.push(data.srfkey); }); if (keys.length === 0) { return; } let _removeAction = removeAction; // 临时模式批删除 if (, 'RemoveTemp') && keys.length > 1) { _removeAction = 'RemoveBatchTemp'; } const tempContext: any = Util.deepCopy(this.context); let _keys = keys.length > 1 ? keys : keys[0]; const arg = { [this.appDeCodeName.toLowerCase()]: _keys }; Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: this.viewparams }); let promises: any; if (keys && keys.length > 1) { let promiseArr: any = []; _keys.forEach((ele: any) => { Object.assign(tempContext, { [this.appDeCodeName?.toLowerCase()]: ele }); if (this.viewparams && Object.keys(this.viewparams).length) { Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: this.viewparams }); } Object.assign(arg, { [this.appDeCodeName.toLowerCase()]: ele }); promiseArr.push(this.service.delete(_removeAction, tempContext, arg, this.showBusyIndicator)); }) promises = Promise.all(promiseArr); } else { Object.assign(tempContext, { [this.appDeCodeName?.toLowerCase()]: _keys }); if (this.viewparams && Object.keys(this.viewparams).length) { Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: this.viewparams }); } promises = this.service.delete(_removeAction, tempContext, arg, this.showBusyIndicator); } if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforeremove', { action: removeAction, navParam: arg, data: _keys }))) { return; } this.onControlRequset('remove', tempContext, arg); promises.then(async (response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('remove', response); if ((!response || response.status !== 200) && !Array.isArray(response)) { if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onremoveerror', { action: removeAction, navParam: arg, data: response?.data }))) { return; } this.$throw((this.$t('app.grid.deldatafail') as string) + ',' +, 'remove'); return; } else { if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onremovesuccess', { action: removeAction, navParam: arg, data: response?.data }))) { return; } this.$success((this.$t('app.grid.delsuccess') as string), 'remove'); } //删除items中已删除的项 _datas.forEach((data: any) => { this.items.some((item: any, index: number) => { if (, data.srfkey)) { this.items.splice(index, 1); this.gridItemsModel.splice(index, 1); return true; } }); }); this.totalRecord -= _datas.length; this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: "remove", data: {} }); this.selections = []; }).catch(async (error: any) => { this.onControlResponse('remove', error); if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onremoveerror', { action: removeAction, navParam: arg, data: error?.data }))) { return; } this.$throw(error, 'remove'); }) } dataInfo = dataInfo.replace(/[null]/g, '').replace(/[undefined]/g, ''); this.$Modal.confirm({ title: (this.$t('app.commonwords.warning') as string), content: (this.$t('app.grid.confirmdel') as string) + ' ' + dataInfo + ',' + (this.$t('app.grid.norecoverable') as string), onOk: () => { removeData(); }, onCancel: () => { } }); return removeData; } /** * 保存 * * @param {*} args 额外参数 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public async save(args: any = {}): Promise<any> { let _this = this; // 拷贝模式 if (_this.viewparams && _this.viewparams.copymode &&, 'true') && _this.items && _this.items.length > 0) { for (const item of _this.items) { item.rowDataState = 'create'; } } if (_this.items && _this.items.length > 0) { for (const item of _this.items) { if (, 'update')) { _this.updateDefault(item); } } } if (!await this.validateAll()) { if (this.localMode){ this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: 'checkFail', data: false, }); } else { if (this.errorMessages && this.errorMessages.length > 0) { this.$throw(this.errorMessages[0], 'save', { dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true }); } else { this.$throw((this.$t('app.commonwords.rulesexception') as string), 'save'); } } return []; } let successItems: any = []; let errorItems: any = []; let errorMessage: any = []; const appDeCodeName: any = this.controlInstance.getPSAppDataEntity()?.codeName; if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforesave', { data: _this.items }))) { return; } for (const item of _this.items) { try { if (, 'create')) { const createAction = this.localMode ? 'createAppLocal' : this.createAction; if (!createAction) { this.$throw(`${this.controlInstance.codeName}` + (this.$t('app.grid.notconfig.createaction') as string), 'save'); } else { Object.assign(item, { viewparams: this.viewparams }); let tempContext: any = Util.deepCopy(this.context); this.onControlRequset('create', tempContext, item); let response = await this.service.add(createAction, tempContext, item, this.showBusyIndicator); this.onControlResponse('create', response); successItems.push(Util.deepCopy(; } } else if (, 'update')) { const updateAction = this.localMode ? 'updateAppLocal' : this.updateAction; if (!updateAction) { this.$throw(`${this.controlInstance.codeName}` + (this.$t('app.grid.notconfig.updateaction') as string), 'save'); } else { Object.assign(item, { viewparams: this.viewparams }); if (item[appDeCodeName?.toLowerCase()]) { Object.assign(this.context, { [appDeCodeName?.toLowerCase()]: item[appDeCodeName?.toLowerCase()] }); } let tempContext: any = Util.deepCopy(this.context); this.onControlRequset('update', tempContext, item); let response = await this.service.update(updateAction, tempContext, item, this.showBusyIndicator); this.onControlResponse('update', response); successItems.push(Util.deepCopy(; } } } catch (error) { this.onControlResponse('save', error); errorItems.push(Util.deepCopy(item)); errorMessage.push(error); } } this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: "save", data: successItems }); if (errorItems.length === 0 && successItems.length > 0) { if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onsavesuccess', { data: successItems }))) { return; } this.refresh(); if (args?.showResultInfo || (args && !args.hasOwnProperty('showResultInfo'))) { this.$success((this.$t('app.commonwords.savesuccess') as string), 'save'); } } else { if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onsaveerror', { data: errorItems }))) { return; } errorItems.forEach((item: any, index: number) => { if (errorMessage[index] && errorMessage[index].data) { if ([index].data.errorKey, 'DupCheck')) { let errorProp: string = errorMessage[index].data.message.match(/\[[a-zA-Z]*\]/)[0]; let name: string = errorProp ? this.service.getNameByProp(errorProp.substr(1, errorProp.length - 2)) : ''; if (name) { let desc: any = this.allColumns.find((column: any) => { return, name); }); this.$throw((desc ? desc.label : '') + " : " + item[name] + (this.$t('app.commonwords.alreadyexist') as string) + '!', 'save'); } else { this.$throw(errorMessage[index].data.message ? errorMessage[index].data.message : (this.$t('app.commonwords.sysexception') as string), 'save', { dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true }); } } else if ([index].data.errorKey, 'DuplicateKeyException')) { if (Util.isEmpty(this.columnKeyName)) { this.$throw(errorMessage[index].data.message ? errorMessage[index].data.message : (this.$t('app.commonwords.sysexception') as string), 'save', { dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true }); } else { let name: string = this.service.getNameByProp(this.columnKeyName); if (name) { let desc: any = this.allColumns.find((column: any) => { return, name); }); this.$throw((desc ? desc.label : '') + " : " + item[name] + (this.$t('app.commonwords.alreadyexist') as string) + '!', 'save'); } } } else { this.$throw(errorMessage[index].data.message ? errorMessage[index].data.message : (this.$t('app.commonwords.sysexception') as string), 'save', { dangerouslyUseHTMLString: true }); } } else { this.$throw((item[this.majorInfoColName] ? item[this.majorInfoColName] : "") + (this.$t('app.commonwords.savefailed') as string) + '!', 'save'); } }); } return successItems; } /** * 新建行 * * @param {any[]} args 新建数据 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public async newRow(args: any[]): Promise<void> { const loadDraftAction = this.localMode ? 'createAppLocal' : this.loaddraftAction; if (!loadDraftAction) { this.$throw(`${this.controlInstance.codeName}` + (this.$t('app.grid.notconfig.loaddraftaction') as string), 'newRow'); return; } let _this = this; Object.assign(args[0], { viewparams: this.viewparams }); let tempContext: any = Util.deepCopy(this.context); this.onControlRequset('newRow', tempContext, args[0]); if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforeloaddraft', { action: loadDraftAction, navContext: tempContext, data: args[0] }))) { return; } try { const response = await this.service.loadDraft(loadDraftAction, tempContext, args[0], this.showBusyIndicator); this.onControlResponse('newRow', response); if (!response.status || response.status !== 200) { if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onloaddrafterror', { action: loadDraftAction, navContext: tempContext, data: response?.data }))) { return; } this.$throw(response, 'newRow'); return; } const data =; if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onloaddraftsuccess', { action: loadDraftAction, navContext: tempContext, data: response?.data }))) { return; } this.createDefault(data); data.rowDataState = "create"; let gridDatas = [...this.items,data]; this.newRowState = false; this.items = []; this.$nextTick(() => { this.items = gridDatas; this.newRowState = true; }); _this.gridItemsModel.push(_this.getGridRowModel()); } catch (error: any) { this.onControlResponse('newRow', error); if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onloaddrafterror', { action: loadDraftAction, navContext: tempContext, data: error?.data }))) { return; } this.$throw(error, 'newRow'); } } /** * 数据导入 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public importExcel(): void { let _this: any = this; if (!this.getImportDataModel()) { this.$warning((this.$t("") as string), 'importExcel'); return; } this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforeimport').then((result: boolean) => { if (result) { let customClass = 'app-data-upload-modal'; customClass += this.viewStyle != 'STYLE2' ? ' view-default' : ' view-style2'; const view: any = { viewname: 'app-data-upload', title: this.$t("app.utilview.importview"), width: 544, height: 368, customClass: customClass } const tempContext = Util.deepCopy(this.context); const appEntity = this.controlInstance.getPSAppDataEntity(); if (appEntity) { Object.assign(tempContext, { appEntityName: appEntity.codeName }); } if(tempContext.srfparentkey && tempContext.srfparentdename && this.controlInstance.getPSAppDataEntity()){ const appDataEntity = this.controlInstance.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity; if(!appDataEntity.getMinorPSAppDERSs() || (appDataEntity.getMinorPSAppDERSs() as IPSAppDERS[]).length === 0){ delete tempContext.srfparentkey; delete tempContext.srfparentdename; } } let container: Subject<any> = _this.$appmodal.openModal(view, tempContext, this.getImportDataModel()); this.importStateEvent = container.subscribe((result: any) => { if (, 'OK')) { this.handleCtrlEvents('onimportsuccess', { data: result.datas }).then((res: boolean) => { if (res) { this.refresh(result.datas); } }); } else { this.handleCtrlEvents('onimporterror').then((res: boolean) => { }); } }); } }); } /** * 获取数据类型 * * @param {string} [dataType=""] * @return {*} {string} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public getType(dataType: string = ""): string { // 目前仅支持识别数值、日期,其余类型视为字符串 if (dataType) { if (DataTypes.isDate2(dataType)) { return 'date'; } else if (DataTypes.isNumber(dataType)) { return 'number'; } else { return 'string'; } } return 'string'; } /** * 数据导出 * * @param {*} args 额外参数 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public exportExcel(args: any = {}): void { let _this: any = this; const exportModel = this.controlInstance.getPSDEDataExport?.(); if (exportModel && exportModel.M.enableBackend) { this.exportExcelByBackend(args); return; } // 导出Excel const doExport = async (_data: any) => { const tHeader: Array<any> = []; const filterVal: Array<any> = []; let allColumns: Array<any> = this.allExportColumns?.length > 0 ? [...this.allExportColumns] : [...this.allColumns]; // 数据类型 const colTypes: string[] = []; // 值格式化 const colFormat: string[] = []; allColumns.forEach((item: any) => { if (!item.columnType || (item.columnType && item.columnType != 'UAGRIDCOLUMN')) { if ( { item.label ? tHeader.push(item.label) : ''; filterVal.push(item.dataItemName ? item.dataItemName.toLowerCase() :; colTypes.push(this.getType(item.dataType)); if (item.valueFormat) { colFormat.push(item.valueFormat); } else { colFormat.push(''); } } } }); const data = await this.formatExcelData(filterVal, _data); const appDataEntity: IPSAppDataEntity = this.controlInstance.getPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity; _this.$export.exportExcel().then((excel: any) => { excel.export_json_to_excel({ header: tHeader, //表头 必填 data, //具体数据 必填 filename: `${appDataEntity?.logicName}` + (this.$t('app.grid.grid') as string), //非必填 autoWidth: true, //非必填 bookType: "xlsx", //非必填 colTypes, // 列类型 colFormat // 列格式化(支持Excel标准格式化配置) }); }); }; const page: any = {}; // 设置page,size if (, 'maxRowCount')) { Object.assign(page, { page: 0, size: args.maxRowCount ? args.maxRowCount : 1000 }); } else if (, 'activatedPage')) { if (this.allExportColumns?.length > 0) { Object.assign(page, { page: this.curPage - 1, size: this.limit }); } else { try { this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforeexport', { data: this.items }).then((result: boolean) => { if (result) { doExport(Util.deepCopy(this.items)); } }); } catch (error) { this.$throw(error, 'exportExcel'); } return; } } else if (, 'custom')) { Object.assign(page, { page: 0, offset: (args.startPage - 1) * this.limit, size: (args.endPage - args.startPage + 1) * this.limit }); } // 设置排序 if (!this.isNoSort && Util.isExistAndNotEmpty(this.minorSortDir) && Util.isExistAndNotEmpty(this.minorSortPSDEF)) { const sort: string = this.minorSortPSDEF + "," + this.minorSortDir; Object.assign(page, { sort: sort }); } const arg: any = {}; Object.assign(arg, page); // 获取query,搜索表单,viewparams等父数据 const parentdata: any = {}; this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: "beforeload", data: parentdata }); Object.assign(arg, parentdata); let tempViewParams: any = parentdata.viewparams ? parentdata.viewparams : {}; Object.assign(tempViewParams, Util.deepCopy(this.viewparams)); // 多实例查询数据处理 let appModelObj = AppServiceBase.getInstance().getAppModelDataObject(); let appEnvironment = AppServiceBase.getInstance().getAppEnvironment(); if (appEnvironment.bDynamic) { if (!tempViewParams.hasOwnProperty("srfinsttag")) { Object.assign(tempViewParams, { srfinsttag: "__srfstdinst__" }); } } else { if (tempViewParams.hasOwnProperty("srfwf")) { Object.assign(tempViewParams, { srfinsttag: "__srfstdinst__" }); } } Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: tempViewParams }); let tempContext: any = Util.deepCopy(this.context); this.onControlRequset('exportExcel', tempContext, arg); this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforeexport', { data: this.items }).then((result: boolean) => { if (result) { const post: Promise<any> = this.allExportColumns?.length > 0 ? this.service.searchDEExportData(this.fetchAction, tempContext, arg, this.showBusyIndicator) :, tempContext, arg, this.showBusyIndicator); post.then((response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('exportExcel', response); if (!response || response.status !== 200) { this.handleCtrlEvents('onexporterror', { data: response?.data }).then((result: boolean) => { }); this.$throw((this.$t('app.grid.exportfail') as string) + ',' +, 'exportExcel'); return; } this.handleCtrlEvents('onexportsuccess', { data: response?.data }).then((result: boolean) => { if (result) { try { doExport(Util.deepCopy(; } catch (error) { this.$throw(error, 'exportExcel'); } } }); }).catch((response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('exportExcel', response); this.handleCtrlEvents('onexporterror', { data: response?.data }).then((result: boolean) => { }); this.$throw(response, 'exportExcel'); }); } }); } /** * 后台导出 * * @param {*} [args={}] * @memberof GridControlBase */ public exportExcelByBackend(args: any = {}) { let url: string = `/${Util.srfpluralize(this.appDeCodeName).toLowerCase()}/exportdata/${this.fetchAction ? this.fetchAction.toLowerCase() : 'fetchdefault'}`; // 存在父添加父主键信息 if (this.context.srfparentdename && this.context.srfparentkey) { url = `/${Util.srfpluralize(this.context.srfparentdename).toLowerCase()}/${this.context.srfparentkey}` + url; } const exportModel = this.controlInstance.getPSDEDataExport?.(); // 参数 const params: any = {}; url += `?srfexporttag=${exportModel?.codeName}` if (args.type === 'maxRowCount') { Object.assign(params, { page: 0 }); } else if (args.type === 'activatedPage') { Object.assign(params, { page: this.curPage - 1, size: this.limit }); } else if (args.type === 'custom') { Object.assign(params, { page: 0, offset: (args.startPage - 1) * this.limit, size: (args.endPage - args.startPage + 1) * this.limit }); } // 排序 if (!this.isNoSort && Util.isExistAndNotEmpty(this.minorSortDir) && Util.isExistAndNotEmpty(this.minorSortPSDEF)) { const sort: string = this.minorSortPSDEF + "," + this.minorSortDir; Object.assign(params, { sort: sort }); } this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforeexport', { navParam: params, data: this.items }).then((beforeExportResult: boolean) => { if (!beforeExportResult) { return; } axios({ url: url, method: 'post', data: params, responseType: 'blob' }).then((response: any) => { if (!response || response.status !== 200) { this.handleCtrlEvents('onexporterror', { navParam: params, data: this.items }).then((exportErrorResult: boolean) => { }); return; } this.handleCtrlEvents('onexportsuccess', { navParam: params, data: this.items }).then((exportSuccessResult: boolean) => { if (!exportSuccessResult) { return; } let fileName = `${this.controlInstance.getPSAppDataEntity?.()?.logicName}` + (this.$t('app.grid.grid') as string) + '.xlsx';; fileName = decodeURIComponent(fileName); let blob = new Blob([], { type: 'application/' }); let elink = document.createElement('a'); = fileName; = 'none'; elink.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); document.body.appendChild(elink);; URL.revokeObjectURL(elink.href); // 释放URL 对象 document.body.removeChild(elink); }) }).catch((error: any) => { this.handleCtrlEvents('onexporterror', { navParam: params, data: this.items }).then((result: boolean) => { }); try { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsText(, 'utf-8'); reader.onload = (event: any) => { const message = JSON.parse(; this.$throw(message ? message : this.$t('app.grid.exportexcel.error'), 'exportExcel'); } } catch (error) { this.$throw(this.$t('app.grid.exportexcel.error'), 'exportExcel'); } }) }); } /** * 部件刷新 * * @param {*} args 额外参数 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public refresh(args?: any): Promise<any> { let data: any = {}; if (args && args instanceof Array && args.length > 0) { data = args[0]; } else { data = args || {}; } return new Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => { this.load(data).then((res: any) => { resolve(res); }).catch((error: any) => { reject(error); }) }); } /** * 导出数据格式化 * * @param {*} filterVal * @param {*} jsonData * @returns {[]} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public async formatExcelData(filterVal: any, jsonData: any) { let codelistColumns: Array<any> = []; let exportItems: Array<IPSDEDataExportItem> = this.controlInstance.getPSDEDataExport()?.getPSDEDataExportItems() || []; if (exportItems && exportItems.length > 0) { exportItems.forEach((item: IPSDEDataExportItem) => { const codeList = item.getPSCodeList(); if (codeList) { let codeListColumn = { name:, codeList: codeList, } codelistColumns.push(codeListColumn); } }) } else { const allColumns: Array<IPSDEGridColumn> = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridColumns() || []; if (allColumns.length > 0) { allColumns.forEach((item: IPSDEGridColumn) => { const codelist = (item as IPSDEGridFieldColumn)?.getPSAppCodeList?.(); if (!item.hideDefault && != '' && codelist && (item as IPSDEGridFieldColumn).cLConvertMode == "FRONT") { let codeListColumn = { name:, codeList: codelist, } codelistColumns.push(codeListColumn); } }) } } for (const codelistColumn of codelistColumns) { const { codeList } = codelistColumn; let items: any = await this.codeListService.getDataItems({ tag: codeList.codeName, type: codeList.codeListType, data: codeList, context: this.context, viewparams: this.viewparams }); jsonData.forEach((row: any) => { row[] = ModelTool.getCodelistValue(items, row[], codelistColumn.codeList, this) || row[]; }) } // 值格式化 const allColumns: Array<any> = this.allExportColumns?.length > 0 ? [...this.allExportColumns] : [...this.allColumns]; allColumns.forEach((column: any) => { // 日期格式化 if (column.dateFormat) { try { jsonData.forEach((row: any) => { if (row[]) { row[] = moment(row[]).format(column.dateFormat); } }); } catch { } } }) return any) => any) => v[j])) } /** * 根据分组代码表绘制分组列表 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public async drawCodelistGroup() { // 分组 let groupTree: Array<any> = []; let allGroup: Array<any> = []; //其他 let otherItems: Array<any> = []; if (this.codelistTag && this.codelistType) { allGroup = await this.codeListService.getDataItems({ tag: this.codelistTag, type: this.codelistType, data: this.codelist, context: this.context }); } if (!this.items || this.items.length == 0) { return; } if (allGroup.length == 0) { LogUtil.warn(this.$t('app.dataview.useless')); this.items.forEach((item: any, index: number) => { Object.assign(item, { groupById: Util.createUUID(), group: "" }); otherItems.push(item); }) } else { // 其他 this.items.forEach((item: any, index: number) => { Object.assign(item, { groupById: Util.createUUID(), group: "" }); const i = allGroup.findIndex((group: any) => !, item[this.groupAppField])); if (i < 0) { otherItems.push(item); } }); // 分组 allGroup.forEach((group: any, index: number) => { let children: Array<any> = []; this.items.forEach((item: any, _index: number) => { if ([this.groupAppField], group.value)) { children.push(item); } }) const tree = this.initTree(group.label, index, children); groupTree.push(tree); }) } if (otherItems.length > 0) { otherItems = [ Set(otherItems)]; const tree = this.initTree(this.$t('app.commonwords.other'), allGroup.length + 1, otherItems); groupTree.push(tree); } this.items = groupTree; if (this.actualIsOpenEdit) { for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { this.gridItemsModel.push(this.getGridRowModel()); } } } /** * 绘制分组 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public drawGroup() { if (!this.isEnableGroup) return; // 分组 let allGroup: Array<any> = []; this.items.forEach((item: any) => { if (item.hasOwnProperty(this.groupAppField)) { allGroup.push(item[this.groupAppField]); } }); let groupTree: Array<any> = []; allGroup = [ Set(allGroup)]; if (allGroup.length == 0) { LogUtil.warn(this.$t('app.dataview.useless')); } // 组装数据 allGroup.forEach((group: any, groupIndex: number) => { let children: Array<any> = []; this.items.forEach((item: any, itemIndex: number) => { if (, item[this.groupAppField])) { item.groupById = Util.createUUID(); = ''; children.push(item); } }); group = group ? group : this.$t('app.grid.other'); const tree: any = this.initTree(group, groupIndex, children); groupTree.push(tree); }); this.items = groupTree; if (this.actualIsOpenEdit) { for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { this.gridItemsModel.push(this.getGridRowModel()); } } } /** * 初始化自动分组树 * * @param group * @param groupIndex * @param children * @memberof GridControlBase */ public initTree(group: any, groupIndex: number, children: Array<any>) { let tree: any = { groupById: Util.createUUID(), group: group, children: children, } if (children) { tree["hasChildren"] = true; } let allColumns: Array<IPSDEGridColumn> = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridColumns() || []; if (allColumns.length > 0) { for (let singleColumn of allColumns) { if (singleColumn.columnType && singleColumn.columnType == "UAGRIDCOLUMN") { const uiActionGroupDetails: Array<IPSUIActionGroupDetail> = (singleColumn as IPSDEGridUAColumn).getPSDEUIActionGroup()?.getPSUIActionGroupDetails() || []; if (uiActionGroupDetails.length > 0) { uiActionGroupDetails.forEach((element: IPSUIActionGroupDetail) => { const uiAction = element.getPSUIAction(); if (uiAction) { tree[uiAction.uIActionTag] = { visabled: false }; } }); } } else if (singleColumn.columnType && singleColumn.columnType == "DEFGRIDCOLUMN") { const uiAction = (singleColumn as IPSDEGridFieldColumn)?.getPSDEUIAction() if (uiAction) { tree[uiAction.uIActionTag] = { visabled: false }; } tree[singleColumn.codeName] = ''; } } } return tree; } /** * 单个复选框选中 * * @param {*} selection 所有选中行数据 * @param {*} row 当前选中行数据 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public select(selection: any, row: any): void { this.handleCtrlEvents('onselectionchange', { action: 'SelectionChange', data: row }).then((res: boolean) => { if (!res) { return; } if (this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.get(`${this.realCtrlSeparator}select`)) { return; } if (this.groupAppField) { let isContain: boolean = selection.some((item: any) => { return item == row; }) // 是否选中当前行,选中为true,否则为false if (isContain) { // 当前行为分组行 if (row.children && row.children.length > 0) { this.toggleSelection(row.children, true); row.children.forEach((children: any) => { this.selections.push(children); }); } else { this.selections.push(row); } } else { if (row.children && row.children.length > 0) { this.toggleSelection(row.children, false); this.selections = this.computeCheckedData(this.selections, row.children); } else { this.selections = this.computeCheckedData(this.selections, row); } } this.selections = [ Set(this.selections)] } else { if (!selection) { return; } this.selections = [...selection]; } this.items.forEach((item: any) => { if (this.selections.indexOf(item) === -1) { item.srfchecked = 0; } else { item.srfchecked = 1; } }) this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: "selectionchange", data: this.selections }); }) } /** * 计算当前选中数据 * * @param {*} selectionArray 所有选中行数据 * @param {*} cancelData 被取消选中行数据,分组行为数组,非分组行为对象 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public computeCheckedData(selectionArray: any[], cancelData: Array<any> | any) { let targetArray: Array<any> = []; // 分组行 if (Array.isArray(cancelData)) { if (selectionArray && selectionArray.length > 0) { selectionArray.forEach((selection: any) => { let tempFlag: boolean = true; cancelData.forEach((child: any) => { if (selection.groupById === child.groupById) { tempFlag = false; } }) if (tempFlag) targetArray.push(selection); }) } } else { // 非分组行 if (selectionArray && selectionArray.length > 0) { selectionArray.forEach((selection: any) => { let tempFlag: boolean = true; if (selection.groupById === cancelData.groupById) { tempFlag = false; } if (tempFlag) targetArray.push(selection); }) } } return targetArray; } /** * 设置非分组行checkbox选中状态 * * @param {*} rows 选中数据数组 * @param {boolean} flag 是否选中 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public toggleSelection(rows?: any, flag?: boolean) { const table: any = (this.$refs as any)[this.realCtrlRefName]; if (rows) { rows.forEach((row: any) => { table.toggleRowSelection(row, flag); }); } else { table.clearSelection(); } } /** * 复选框数据全部选中 * * @param {*} selection 选中数据 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public selectAll(selection: any): void { if (this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.get(`${this.realCtrlSeparator}selectselect-all`)) { return; } this.selections = []; if (this.groupAppField) { let flag: boolean = true; if (selection && selection.length === this.items.length) { selection.forEach((element: any) => { if (element.children) { this.toggleSelection(element.children, flag); element.children.forEach((children: any) => { this.selections.push(children); }); } else { flag = false; } }); } else { flag = false; } if (!flag) { this.toggleSelection(); } } else { if (!selection) { return; } this.selections = [...selection]; } this.items.forEach((item: any) => { if (this.selections.indexOf(item) === -1) { item.srfchecked = 0; } else { item.srfchecked = 1; } }) this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: "selectionchange", data: this.selections }); } /** * 表格行选中样式 * * @param {{ row: any, rowIndex: any }} { row, rowIndex } * @memberof GridControlBase */ public onRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }: { row: any, rowIndex: any }): string { const index = this.selections.findIndex((select: any) =>, row.srfkey)); return index !== -1 ? 'grid-row-select' : ''; } /** * 行单击选中 * * @param {*} row 行 * @param {*} column 列 * @param {*} event 点击事件 * @param {boolean} isExecute 是否执行 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public rowClick(row: any, column?: any, event?: any, isExecute: boolean = false): void { if (column?.columnKey && column.columnKey.includes('uagridcolumn')) { return } if (this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.get(`${this.realCtrlSeparator}row-click`)) { return; } this.handleCtrlEvents('onrowclick', { action: 'RowClick', data: row }).then((res: boolean) => { if (res) { //是否是分组列,是分组列时选中数据 const isSelectColumn: boolean = column &&, 'selection') ? true : false; // 分组行跳过 if (row && row.children) { return; } if (!isExecute && (!row || this.actualIsOpenEdit)) { return; } if (this.stopRowClick) { this.stopRowClick = false; return; } this.selections = []; row.srfchecked = 1; if (this.gridRowActiveMode == 1 && !isSelectColumn) { this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: "rowclick", data: Util.deepCopy(row) }); this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: "selectionchange", data: [Util.deepCopy(row)] }); } else if (this.gridRowActiveMode == 2 || this.gridRowActiveMode == 0 || isSelectColumn) { // 只选中当前行 this.selections.push(Util.deepCopy(row)); const table: any = (this.$refs as any)[this.realCtrlRefName]; if (table) { table.clearSelection(); if (this.isSingleSelect) { table.setCurrentRow(row); } else { table.toggleRowSelection(row, true); } } this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: "selectionchange", data: this.selections }); } } }) } /** * 行双击事件 * * @param {*} $event 点击事件 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public rowDBLClick(row: any, column?: any, event?: any): void { if (column?.columnKey && column.columnKey.includes('uagridcolumn')) { return } this.handleCtrlEvents('onrowdblclick', { action: 'RowDBLClick', data: row }).then((res: boolean) => { if (res) { if (this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.get(`${this.realCtrlSeparator}row-dblclick`)) { return; } // 分组行跳过 if (row && row.children) { return; } if (!row || this.actualIsOpenEdit ||, 0)) { return; } this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: "rowdblclick", data: row }); } }); } /** * 获取对应行class * * @param {*} $args row 行数据,rowIndex 行索引 * @returns {void} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public getRowClassName(args: { row: any, rowIndex: number }) { const appde = this.controlInstance.getPSAppDataEntity(); if (appde != null) { let isSelected = this.selections.some((item: any) => { return[appde.codeName.toLowerCase()], args.row[appde?.codeName.toLowerCase()]); }); return isSelected ? "grid-selected-row" : ""; } return ""; } /** * 获取对应单元格class * * @param {*} $args row 行数据,column 列数据,rowIndex 行索引,columnIndex 列索引 * @returns {void} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public getCellClassName(args: { row: any, column: any, rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number }) { let className: string = ''; if ( { const columnInstance = this.controlInstance.findPSDEGridColumn(; if (columnInstance && columnInstance.getCellPSSysCss?.()?.cssName) { className += columnInstance.getCellPSSysCss()?.cssName; } let col = this.allColumns.find((item: any) => { return,; }) if (col !== undefined) { if (col.isEnableRowEdit && this.actualIsOpenEdit) { className += 'edit-cell '; } } else { className += 'info-cell'; } } if (this.groupAppField && args.columnIndex === 0 && !this.isSingleSelect) { if (args.row.children && args.row.children.length > 0) { className += this.computeGroupRow(args.row.children, args.row); } } return className; } /** * 计算分组行checkbox选中样式 * * @param {*} rows 当前分组行下的所有数据 * @returns {*} currentRow 当前分组行 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public computeGroupRow(rows: any[], currentRow: any) { const table: any = (this.$refs as any)[this.realCtrlRefName]; let count: number = 0; this.selections.forEach((select: any) => { rows.forEach((row: any) => { if (row.groupById === select.groupById) { count++; } }) }) if (count === rows.length) { table.toggleRowSelection(currentRow, true); return 'cell-select-all '; } else if (count !== 0 && count < rows.length) { return 'cell-indeterminate ' } else if (count === 0) { table.toggleRowSelection(currentRow, false); return ''; } } /** * 页面变化 * * @param {*} $event 事件源 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public pageOnChange($event: any): void { if (!$event) { return; } if ($event === this.curPage) { return; } this.curPage = $event; this.load({}); } /** * 分页条数变化 * * @param {*} $event 事件源 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public onPageSizeChange($event: any): void { if (!$event) { return; } if ($event === this.limit) { return; } this.limit = $event; if (this.curPage === 1) { this.load({}); } } /** * 分页刷新 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public pageRefresh(): void { this.load({}, true); } /** * 排序变化 * * @param {{ column: any, prop: any, order: any }} { column, prop, order } UI回调数据 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public onSortChange({ column, prop, order }: { column: any, prop: any, order: any }): void { if (this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.get(`${this.realCtrlSeparator}sort-change`)) { return; } const dir =, 'ascending') ? 'asc' :, 'descending') ? 'desc' : ''; if (, this.minorSortDir) &&, prop)) { return; } this.minorSortDir = dir; this.minorSortPSDEF = prop ? prop : ''; this.load({}); } /** * 远程获取合计行数据 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public getAggData(context: any = {}, data: any = {}) { const _this: any = this; const dataEntity = _this.controlInstance.getAggPSAppDataEntity() as IPSAppDataEntity; const dataSet = _this.controlInstance.getAggPSAppDEDataSet() as IPSAppDEDataSet; if (!(dataEntity && dataSet && dataSet.codeName)) { return; } DataServiceHelp.getInstance().getService(dataEntity, { context }).then((service: any) => { if (service && dataSet.codeName) { service.execute(dataSet.codeName, context, data).then((response: any) => { _this.onControlResponse('getAggData', response); if (!response.status || response.status !== 200) { _this.$throw(response, 'getAggData'); return; } _this.remoteData =[0]; _this.isDisplay = true; }).catch((response: any) => { _this.onControlResponse('getAggData', response); _this.remoteData = {}; _this.isDisplay = true; _this.$throw(response, 'getAggData'); }) } }); } /** * 设置列状态 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public setColState() { const _data: any = localStorage.getItem(`${this.appDeCodeName.toLowerCase()}_${this.controlInstance.codeName.toLowerCase()}_${}`); if (_data) { let columns = JSON.parse(_data); columns.forEach((col: any) => { let column = this.allColumns.find((item) =>,; if (column) { Object.assign(column, col); } }); } } /** * 列变化 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public onColChange() { localStorage.setItem(`${this.appDeCodeName.toLowerCase()}_${this.controlInstance.codeName.toLowerCase()}_${}`, JSON.stringify(this.allColumns)); } /** * 获取列状态 * * @param {string} name * @returns {boolean} * @memberof GridControlBase */ public getColumnState(name: string): boolean { let column = this.allColumns.find((col: any) =>, ); return ? true : false; } /** * 表格编辑项值变更 * * @param row 行数据 * @param {{ name: string, value: any }} 变化数据键值 * @param rowIndex 行索引 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public onGridItemValueChange(row: any, $event: { name: string, value: any }, rowIndex: number): void { if (!$event) { return; } if (!$ ||$, '') || !row.hasOwnProperty($ { return; } row[$] = $event.value; this.gridEditItemChange(row, $, $event.value, rowIndex); } /** * 表格编辑项值变更 * * @param row 行数据 * @param {{ name: string, value: any }} 变化数据键值 * @param rowIndex 行索引 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public gridDetailClick(row: any, $event: { name: string, value: any }, rowIndex: number): void { //todo 接收表格行编辑器点击事件 console.log('接收到点击事件') } /** * 表格编辑项值变更 * * @param row 行数据 * @param {{ name: string, value: any }} 变化数据键值 * @param rowIndex 行索引 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public gridDetailFocus(row: any, $event: { name: string, value: any }, rowIndex: number): void { //todo 接收表格行编辑器聚焦事件 console.log('接收到聚焦事件') } /** * 表格编辑项值变更 * * @param row 行数据 * @param {{ name: string, value: any }} 变化数据键值 * @param rowIndex 行索引 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public gridDetailBlur(row: any, $event: { name: string, value: any }, rowIndex: number): void { //todo 接收表格行编辑器失去焦点事件 console.log('接收到失去焦点事件') } /** * 表格编辑项值变化 * * @public * @param row 行数据 * @param property 列编辑项名 * @param row 列编辑项值 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public gridEditItemChange(row: any, property: string, value: any, rowIndex: number) { if (this.majorInfoColName == property) { this.items[rowIndex].srfmajortext = value; } else if ("USER", this.controlInstance.gridStyle)) { this.$set(this.items, rowIndex, row); } row.rowDataState = row.rowDataState ? row.rowDataState : "update"; if (, "update")) { if (this.defaultUpdateItems.includes(property)) { row.hasUpdated = true; } } this.curEditRowData = row; this.resetGridData(row, property, rowIndex); this.validate(property, row, rowIndex); // 表格项更新对象 const allEditColumns: Array<IPSDEGridEditItem> = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridEditItems() || []; if (allEditColumns && allEditColumns.length > 0) { allEditColumns.forEach((item: IPSDEGridEditItem) => { const itemUpdate: IPSDEGridEditItemUpdate | null = item.getPSDEGridEditItemUpdate?.(); if (itemUpdate &&, { if (itemUpdate.customCode) { if (itemUpdate.scriptCode) { const context = Util.deepCopy(this.context); const viewparams = Util.deepCopy(this.viewparams); let data = this.items[rowIndex]; eval(itemUpdate.scriptCode); } } else { let details: string[] = []; const updateDetails: any[] = itemUpdate.getPSDEGEIUpdateDetails() || []; updateDetails.forEach((detail: any) => { details.push(; }) const showBusyIndicator = itemUpdate.hasOwnProperty('showBusyIndicator') ? itemUpdate.showBusyIndicator : true; this.updateGridEditItem(itemUpdate.getPSAppDEMethod?.()?.codeName as string, row, details, rowIndex, showBusyIndicator); } } }) } } /** * 表格编辑项更新 * * @param {string} mode 界面行为名称 * @param {*} [data={}] 请求数据 * @param {string[]} updateDetails 更新项 * @param {boolean} [showloading] 是否显示加载状态 * @param {number} [rowIndex] 行号 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public updateGridEditItem(mode: string, data: any = {}, updateDetails: string[], rowIndex: number, showloading?: boolean): void { if (!mode || (mode &&, ''))) { return; } let tempContext: any = Util.deepCopy(this.context); const appDeCodeName: string = this.controlInstance.getPSAppDataEntity()?.codeName || ""; if (!Util.isEmpty(this.columnKeyName)) { Object.assign(tempContext, { [appDeCodeName?.toLowerCase()]: data[this.columnKeyName] }); } const arg: any = Util.deepCopy(data); Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: this.viewparams }); this.onControlRequset('updateGridEditItem', tempContext, arg); const post: Promise<any> = this.service.frontLogic(mode, tempContext, arg, showloading); post.then((response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('updateGridEditItem', response); if (!response || response.status !== 200) { this.$throw((this.$t('app.grid.formitemfailed') as string), 'updateGridEditItem'); return; } const _data: any =; if (!_data) { return; } updateDetails.forEach((name: string) => { if (!_data.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return; } data[name] = _data[name]; if ("USER", this.controlInstance.gridStyle)) { this.$set(this.items, rowIndex, data); } }); }).catch((response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('updateGridEditItem', response); this.$throw(response, 'updateGridEditItem'); }); } /** * 新建默认值 * @param {*} row 行数据 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public createDefault(row: any) { const editItems: Array<any> = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridEditItems() || []; if (editItems && editItems.length > 0) { for (const item of editItems) { const property = item?.codeName?.toLowerCase(); //新建默认值(具备类型) if (item.createDVT && property && row.hasOwnProperty(property)) { switch (item.createDVT) { case "CONTEXT": if (item.createDV) { row[property] = this.viewparams[item.createDV]; } break; case "SESSION": case "APPDATA": if (item.createDV) { row[property] = this.context[item.createDV]; } break; case "OPERATORNAME": row[property] = this.context["srfusername"]; break; case "OPERATOR": row[property] = this.context["srfuserid"]; break; case "CURTIME": row[property] = Util.dateFormat(new Date(), item.getPSAppDEField()?.valueFormat); break; case "PARAM": if (item.createDV) { row[property] = this.computeDefaultValueWithParam("CREATE", item.createDV, row); } break; } } else if (item.createDV && property && row.hasOwnProperty(property)) { row[property] = item.appDEField?.isNumber ? Number(item.createDV) : item.createDV; } } } } /** * 更新默认值 * @param {*} row 行数据 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public updateDefault(row: any) { const editItems: Array<any> = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridEditItems() || []; if (editItems && editItems.length > 0) { for (const item of editItems) { const property = item?.codeName?.toLowerCase(); if (item.updateDVT && property && row.hasOwnProperty(property)) { switch (item.updateDVT) { case "CONTEXT": if (item.updateDV) { row[property] = this.viewparams[item.updateDV]; } break; case "SESSION": case "APPDATA": if (item.updateDV) { row[property] = this.context[item.updateDV]; } break; case "OPERATORNAME": row[property] = this.context["srfusername"]; break; case "OPERATOR": row[property] = this.context["srfuserid"]; break; case "CURTIME": row[property] = Util.dateFormat(new Date(), item.getPSAppDEField()?.valueFormat); break; case "PARAM": if (item.updateDV) { row[property] = this.computeDefaultValueWithParam("CREATE", item.updateDV, row); } break; } } else if (item.updateDV && property && row.hasOwnProperty(property)) { row[property] = item.appDEField?.isNumber ? Number(item.updateDV) : item.updateDV; } } } } /** * 计算数据对象类型的默认值 * @param {string} action 行为 * @param {string} param 默认值参数 * @param {*} data 当前行数据 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public computeDefaultValueWithParam(action: string, param: string, data: any) { if (, "UPDATE")) { const nativeData: any = this.service.getCopynativeData(); if (nativeData && (nativeData instanceof Array) && nativeData.length > 0) { let targetData: any = nativeData.find((item: any) => { // return item.${appde.getKeyPSAppDEField().getCodeName()?lower_case} === data.srfkey; }) if (targetData) { return targetData[param] ? targetData[param] : null; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } else { return this.service.getRemoteCopyData()[param] ? this.service.getRemoteCopyData()[param] : null; } } /** * 获取表格列禁用状态 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public getColumnDisabled(data: any, name: string) { if (this.allColumns || Array.isArray(this.allColumns)) { const curColumn: any = this.allColumns.find((item: any) => { return === name; }) if (curColumn.hasOwnProperty('enableCond')) { return data.srfuf == 1 ? (curColumn.enableCond & 2) !== 2 : (curColumn.enableCond & 1) !== 1 } else { return false; } } } /** * 重置表格项值 * * @param {*} row 当前行 * @param {string} property 属性名 * @param {number} rowIndex 行下标 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public resetGridData(row: any, property: string, rowIndex: number) { const allColumns: Array<IPSDEGridColumn> = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridColumns() || []; if (this.actualIsOpenEdit && allColumns.length > 0) { allColumns.forEach((item: IPSDEGridColumn) => { const editItem: IPSDEGridEditItem = ModelTool.getGridItemByCodeName(item.codeName, this.controlInstance) as IPSDEGridEditItem; if (editItem?.resetItemName &&, editItem?.resetItemName)) { this.onGridItemValueChange(row, { name:, value: null }, rowIndex); if (editItem?.valueItemName) { this.onGridItemValueChange(row, { name: editItem?.valueItemName, value: null }, rowIndex); } } }) } } /** * 合计行绘制 * * @param {any} param * @memberof GridControlBase */ public getSummaries(param: any) { const _this: any = this; const valueFormat = (value: any, format: any) => { try { return _this.textFormat(value, format); } catch { return value; } } const { columns, data } = param; const sums: Array<any> = []; const ctrlParams = this.controlInstance.getPSControlParam()?.ctrlParams; let aggTitle: any = (this.$t('app.grid.dataaggregate.dataaggregate') as string); if (ctrlParams && ctrlParams.hasOwnProperty('AGGTITLE')) { aggTitle = ctrlParams.AGGTITLE } if (, "PAGE")) { columns.forEach((column: any, index: number) => { if (index === 0) { sums[index] = aggTitle; return; } this.allColumnsInstance.forEach((columnInstance: any) => { if (, "UAGRIDCOLUMN") && column.columnKey &&, { sums[index] = ''; return; } }) const columnInstance: IPSDEGridColumn | undefined = this.allColumnsInstance.find((_column: any) => { return,; }); const values = any) => Number(item[columnInstance && columnInstance.aggField ? columnInstance.aggField.toLowerCase() :])); if (!values.every((value: any) => isNaN(value)) && columnInstance) { if (, "SUM")) { let tempData = values.reduce((prev: any, curr: any) => { const value = Number(curr); if (!isNaN(value)) { return prev + curr; } else { return prev; } }, 0); sums[index] = columnInstance.aggValueFormat ? valueFormat(tempData, columnInstance.aggValueFormat) : (this.$t('app.grid.dataaggregate.sum') as string) + tempData.toFixed(3); } else if (, "AVG")) { let tempData = values.reduce((prev: any, curr: any) => { const value = Number(curr); if (!isNaN(value)) { return prev + curr; } else { return prev; } }, 0); sums[index] = columnInstance.aggValueFormat ? valueFormat(tempData, columnInstance.aggValueFormat) : (this.$t('app.grid.dataaggregate.avg') as string) + (tempData / data.length).toFixed(2); } else if (, "MAX")) { let tempData: any; values.forEach((item: any) => { const value = Number(item); if (!isNaN(value)) { if (!tempData) { tempData = value; } if (value > tempData) { tempData = value; } } }); sums[index] = columnInstance.aggValueFormat ? valueFormat(tempData, columnInstance.aggValueFormat) : (this.$t('app.grid.dataaggregate.max') as string) + tempData; } else if (, "MIN")) { let tempData: any; values.forEach((item: any) => { const value = Number(item); if (!isNaN(value)) { if (!tempData) { tempData = value; } if (value < tempData) { tempData = value; } } }); sums[index] = columnInstance.aggValueFormat ? valueFormat(tempData, columnInstance.aggValueFormat) : (this.$t('app.grid.dataaggregate.min') as string) + tempData; } } else { sums[index] = ''; } }); this.calcAggRowMergeCol(columns, data); return sums; } else if (, "ALL")) { columns.forEach((column: any, index: number) => { if (index === 0) { sums[index] = aggTitle; return; } else if (index === (columns.length - 1)) { sums[index] = ''; return; } else { sums[index] = ''; const columnInstance: IPSDEGridColumn | undefined = this.allColumnsInstance.find((_column: any) => { return, _column.codeName.toLowerCase()); }); if (columnInstance && this.remoteData) { const value = this.remoteData[columnInstance.aggField ? columnInstance.aggField.toLowerCase() : columnInstance.codeName.toLowerCase()]; if (, 'USER') && !Util.isEmpty(value)) { sums[index] = value; } if (!isNaN(value)) { switch (columnInstance.aggMode) { case 'SUM': sums[index] = columnInstance.aggValueFormat ? valueFormat(value, columnInstance.aggValueFormat) : (this.$t('app.grid.dataaggregate.sum') as string) + value; break; case 'AVG': sums[index] = columnInstance.aggValueFormat ? valueFormat(value, columnInstance.aggValueFormat) : (this.$t('app.grid.dataaggregate.avg') as string) + value; break; case 'MAX': sums[index] = columnInstance.aggValueFormat ? valueFormat(value, columnInstance.aggValueFormat) : (this.$t('app.grid.dataaggregate.max') as string) + value; break; case 'MIN': sums[index] = columnInstance.aggValueFormat ? valueFormat(value, columnInstance.aggValueFormat) : (this.$t('app.grid.dataaggregate.min') as string) + value; break; } } } } }); this.calcAggRowMergeCol(columns, data); return sums; } } /** * @description 计算合计行合并列 * @param {*} column 当前列 * @param {*} data 表格数据 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public calcAggRowMergeCol(columns: any[], data: any) { if (this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.get('calcaggrowmergecol')) { return this.ctrlTriggerLogicMap.get('calcaggrowmergecol').executeUILogic({ arg: { columns, data } }); } } /** * 合并分组行 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public arraySpanMethod({ row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex }: any) { if (row && row.children) { if (columnIndex == (this.isSingleSelect ? 0 : 1)) { const allColumns: Array<any> = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridColumns() || []; return [1, allColumns.length + (this.renderEmptyColumn ? 2 : 1)]; } else if (columnIndex > (this.isSingleSelect ? 0 : 1)) { return [0, 0]; } } } /** * 处理操作列点击 * * @param data 行数据 * @param event 事件源 * @param column 列对象 * @param detail 触发成员对象 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public handleActionClick(data: any, event: any, column: any, detail: any) { if (this.Environment && this.Environment.isPreviewMode) { return; } if (AppServiceBase.getInstance().getEnableUIModelEx()) { AppGlobalService.getInstance().executeGlobalUIAction(detail.getPSUIAction(), event, this, undefined, data); } else { AppViewLogicService.getInstance().executeViewLogic(this.getViewLogicTag(, column.codeName,, event, this, data, this.controlInstance.getPSAppViewLogics() || []); } } /** * 表格列内置界面行为 * * @param data 行数据 * @param event 事件源 * @param column 列对象 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public columnUIAction(data: any, event: any, column: any) { if (this.Environment && this.Environment.isPreviewMode) { return; } if (AppServiceBase.getInstance().getEnableUIModelEx()) { AppGlobalService.getInstance().executeGlobalUIAction(column.getPSDEUIAction(), event, this, undefined, data); } else { const tag = `grid_${column.codeName.toLowerCase()}_click`; AppViewLogicService.getInstance().executeViewLogic(tag, event, this, data, this.controlInstance.getPSAppViewLogics() || []); } } /** * 通过属性名获取编辑列 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public findEditItemByField(fieldName: string) { const editItems: Array<any> = this.controlInstance.getPSDEGridEditItems() || []; return editItems.find((editItem: any) => { return editItem.getPSAppDEField()?.name == fieldName; }) } /** * 获取当前数据的行号 * * @param data 当前数据的JSON * @memberof GridControlBase */ public findRowDataIndex(data: string) { const _data = JSON.parse(data); const indexs: any[] = []; this.items.forEach((item: any, index: number) => { let flag = item[this.appDeCodeName.toLowerCase()] == _data[this.appDeKeyFieldName.toLowerCase()]; // 新建时判断除主键外数据是否一致 if (flag && !_data[this.appDeKeyFieldName.toLowerCase()]) { for (const tempData in _data) { if (!, this.appDeKeyFieldName.toLowerCase())) { if (item[tempData] != _data[tempData]) { flag = false; return; } } } } if (flag) { indexs.push(index); } }); return indexs; } /** * 处理部件UI请求 * * @param {string} action 行为名称 * @param {*} context 上下文 * @param {*} viewparam 视图参数 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public onControlRequset(action: string, context: any, viewparam: any) { if (!, 'updateGridEditItem')) { this.ctrlBeginLoading(); } } /** * 处理部件UI响应 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public onControlResponse(action: string, response: any) { if (!, 'updateGridEditItem')) { this.ctrlEndLoading(); } if (response && response.status && response.status == 403) { this.enableControlUIAuth = false; this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: 'authlimit', data: response, }); } if (response && response.status && response.status != 200 && { const data: any =; if (data.code &&, data.code) && data.details?.length > 0) { let errorMsg: string = ''; // 获取当前数据行的索引数组,存在才处理数据 const indexs = this.findRowDataIndex(response.config?.data); indexs.length > 0 && data.details.forEach((detail: any) => { if (!, detail.fielderrortype) && detail.fieldname) { // 解析错误信息 let entityFieldError = new EntityFieldError(detail); let fieldErrorInfo = entityFieldError.fieldlogicname + entityFieldError.fielderrorinfo; // 填充有detailModel字段的错误信息。 const tempEditItem: any = this.findEditItemByField(detail.fieldname); if (tempEditItem) { indexs.forEach((_index: any) => { Object.assign(this.gridItemsModel[_index][], { error: new String(fieldErrorInfo) }); }) } // notice显示的错误信息,默认只显示没有detailModel字段的错误信息,noticeAllFieldsError为true时显示所有的字段。 if (this.Environment.noticeAllFieldsError || !tempEditItem) { indexs.forEach((_index: any) => { errorMsg += `第${_index + 1}行:${fieldErrorInfo}<br/>`; }) } } }) = errorMsg ? errorMsg : (this.$t('app.searchform.globalerrortip') as string); } } this.$forceUpdate(); } /** * 操作列按钮点击 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public handleActionButtonClick(row: any, $event: any, _column: IPSDEGridUAColumn, uiactionDetail: IPSUIActionGroupDetail) { (this.$apppopover as any).popperDestroy2(); this.handleActionClick(row, $event, _column, uiactionDetail); } /** * 计算目标部件参数 * * @memberof GridControlBase */ public computeTargetCtrlData(controlInstance: any, item?: any) { const { targetCtrlName, targetCtrlParam, targetCtrlEvent } = super.computeTargetCtrlData(controlInstance); Object.assign(targetCtrlParam.dynamicProps, { navdatas: [item], }) Object.assign(targetCtrlParam.staticProps, { transformData: this.transformData, opendata: this.opendata, newdata: this.newdata, remove: this.remove, refresh: this.refresh, }) targetCtrlEvent['ctrl-event'] = ({ controlname, action, data }: { controlname: string, action: string, data: any }) => { this.onCtrlEvent(controlname, action, { item: item, data: data }); }; return { targetCtrlName, targetCtrlParam, targetCtrlEvent }; } /** * @description 初始化空白列 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public initEmptyColumn() { this.renderEmptyColumn = !this.allColumns.find((column: any) => { return column.columnType != 'GROUPGRIDCOLUMN' && &&, 'STAR'); }); let gridElement: any; if(this.$el && this.$el.getElementsByClassName instanceof Function && this.$el.getElementsByClassName('el-table__body-wrapper')){ gridElement = this.$el.getElementsByClassName('el-table__body-wrapper')[0]; } if(gridElement && gridElement.scrollWidth > gridElement.offsetWidth){ this.renderEmptyColumn = false; } } /** * @description 部件销毁 * @memberof GridControlBase */ public ctrlDestroyed() { super.ctrlDestroyed(); this.gridItemsModel.forEach((row: any) => { Object.values(row).forEach((item: any) => { item.destroyed(); }) }) if (this.gridControlEvent) { this.gridControlEvent.unsubscribe(); } if (this.importStateEvent) { this.importStateEvent.unsubscribe(); } } }