import { Component, Vue, Prop } from 'vue-property-decorator'; import { Http, getSessionStorage, AppServiceBase } from 'ibiz-core'; import { getCookie } from 'qx-util'; import { CreateElement } from 'vue'; @Component({}) export default class AppFileUploadCamera extends Vue { /** * 上传文件路径 * * @memberof AppFileUpload */ @Prop({default: '/ibizutil/upload'}) public uploadUrl!: string; /** * 请求头 * * @type {*} * @memberof AppImageUpload */ public headers: any = {}; /** * vue 生命周期 * * @returns * @memberof AppFileUpload */ public mounted() { navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().then(this.gotDevices).then(this.getStream).catch(this.handleError); this.setHeaders(); } /** * 设置请求头 * * @memberof AppFileUpload */ public setHeaders(){ if (AppServiceBase.getInstance().getAppEnvironment().SaaSMode) { let activeOrgData = getSessionStorage('activeOrgData'); this.headers['srforgid'] = activeOrgData?.orgid; this.headers['srfsystemid'] = activeOrgData?.systemid; if(getSessionStorage("srfdynaorgid")){ this.headers['srfdynaorgid'] = getSessionStorage("srfdynaorgid"); } } else { if(getSessionStorage("srfdynaorgid")){ this.headers['srfdynaorgid'] = getSessionStorage("srfdynaorgid"); } } if (getCookie('ibzuaa-token')) { this.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${getCookie('ibzuaa-token')}`; } else { // 第三方应用打开免登 if (sessionStorage.getItem("srftoken")) { const token = sessionStorage.getItem('srftoken'); this.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${token}`; } } } public videoSelect:any = ""; public options:any = []; public gotDevices(deviceInfos: any):any { this.options = []; for (var i = 0; i < deviceInfos.length; ++i) { var deviceInfo = deviceInfos[i]; if (deviceInfo.kind === 'videoinput') { if(deviceInfo.label.startsWith("Integrated ")){}else{ if(deviceInfo.label.startsWith("ZMFZL")){ this.videoSelect = deviceInfo.deviceId; } var option:any = {}; option.value = deviceInfo.deviceId; option.label = deviceInfo.label; this.options.push(option); } } } } public _streamCopy:any = null; public getStream():any { this.closeCamera(); var constraints:any = { audio:false, video: { optional: [ { sourceId: this.videoSelect } ] } }; navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints).then(this.gotStream).catch(this.handleError); } public handleError(error: any):any { this.$info( + ": " + error.message,'handleError'); } public gotStream(stream: any):any { this._streamCopy = stream; // make stream available to console var videoSource:any = this.$refs.videoSource; videoSource.srcObject = stream; } public closeCamera():any{ if (this._streamCopy != null) { try { this._streamCopy.stop(); // if this method doesn't exist, the catch will be executed. } catch (e) { this._streamCopy.getVideoTracks()[0].stop(); // then stop the first video track of the stream } } } public changeCamera(event:any):any{ var constraints:any = { audio:false, video: { width: 200, height: 100, optional: [ { sourceId: event } ] } }; navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints).then(this.gotStream).catch(this.handleError); } public rotateDeg:any = 90; /** * 左旋转 */ public leftRotate():any{ this.rotateDeg-=90; var videoSource:any = this.$refs.videoSource; = "rotate("+this.rotateDeg+"deg)"; } /** * 右旋转 */ public rightRotate():any{ this.rotateDeg+=90; var videoSource:any = this.$refs.videoSource; = "rotate("+this.rotateDeg+"deg)"; } /** * 拍照 */ public takePicture():any{ var videoSource:any = this.$refs.videoSource; var height = videoSource.videoHeight; var width = videoSource.videoWidth; var c=document.createElement("canvas"); var ctx=c.getContext('2d'); var degree = this.rotateDeg%360; if(degree==0||degree==-0){ c.height = height; c.width = width; ctx?.translate(0,0); }else if(degree==90||degree==-270){ c.height = width; c.width = height; ctx?.translate(height,0); }else if(degree==180||degree==-180){ c.height = height; c.width = width; ctx?.translate(width,height); }else if(degree==270||degree==-90){ c.height = width; c.width = height; ctx?.translate(0,width); } ctx?.rotate(degree*Math.PI/180); ctx?.drawImage(videoSource, 0, 0,width,height); var preview:any = {}; preview.url = c.toDataURL('image/jpeg',1); this.$emit("takePicture",preview); this.imgFiles.push(preview); //抛出图片数据 } public imgFiles:any = []; /** * 上传图片 */ public saveImg():any{ var params:any = {}; params.images = this.imgFiles; Http.getInstance().post(this.uploadUrl,params).then((response:any)=>{ if (! { return; } const data = { name:, id: }; this.imgFiles = []; this.$emit('closecamera', data); }).catch((response:any) => { this.$throw(response,'saveImg'); }); } public dialogVisible:any=false; public dialogImageUrl:any=""; /** * 预览 * * @param {*} file * @memberof AppFileUpload */ public handlePictureCardPreview(file: any) { this.dialogImageUrl = file.url; this.dialogVisible = true; } /** * 删除图片 */ public handlePictureRemove(file: any,fileList: any){ this.imgFiles = fileList; } /** * 关闭预览 */ public handleClose(){ this.dialogVisible = false; } /** * 解析条形码 */ public parseBarcode(){ this.$info('开发中','parseBarcode'); } public rederImgContainer(){ return( this.$createElement( 'el-upload', { props: { action:"#", headers: this.headers, "list-type":"picture-card", 'file-list': this.imgFiles, 'on-preview': (file: any) => this.handlePictureCardPreview(file), "on-remove":(file: any, fileList: any) => this.handlePictureRemove(file,fileList), } } ) ) } /** * 绘制内容 * * @param {CreateElement} h * @returns * @memberof AppFileUpload */ public render(h: CreateElement) { return ( <div class="file-upload-camera2"> <div class="file-upload__camera-container"> <div class="camera-select"> <span>{this.$t('')}</span> {/* <el-radio-group v-model={this.videoSelect}> {this.options ? any,index) => { return <el-radio label={items.value} on-change={(event)=>{this.getStream()}}>{items.label}</el-radio> }):''} </el-radio-group> */} <el-select class="camera-select__video-select" x-placement="top-start" v-model={this.videoSelect} popper-append-to-body={false} size="mini" on-change={(event: any)=>{this.getStream()}}> { this.options ? any,index: any) => { return <el-option value={items.value} label={items.label}></el-option> }) : "" } </el-select> </div> <div class="camera-video-container"> <video class="viedo-source" ref="videoSource" autoplay crossOrigin='Anonymous' style="transform:rotate(90deg)"></video> </div> <div class="camera-action-container"> <div> <el-button size="small" class="elBtn" type="primary" on-click={()=>{this.leftRotate()}} icon="el-icon-refresh-left">{this.$t('')}</el-button> <el-button size="small" class="elBtn" type="primary" on-click={()=>{this.rightRotate()}} icon="el-icon-refresh-right">{this.$t('')}</el-button> <el-button size="small" class="elBtn" type="primary" on-click={()=>{this.takePicture()}} icon="el-icon-camera-solid">{this.$t('')}</el-button> <el-button size="small" class="elBtn" type="primary" on-click={()=>{this.saveImg()}} icon="el-icon-document-checked">{this.$t('')}</el-button> {/* <el-button size="small" class="elBtn" type="primary" on-click={()=>{this.parseBarcode()}}>识别条码</el-button> */} </div> </div> </div> <div class="file-upload__img-container"> { this.rederImgContainer() } </div> <el-dialog class="file-upload__dialog-handlepicture" visible={this.dialogVisible} before-close={this.handleClose} append-to-body={true}><img src={this.dialogImageUrl} width="100%"/></el-dialog> </div> ); } }