import { FormButtonModel, FormDruipartModel, FormGroupPanelModel, FormIFrameModel, FormItemModel, FormPageModel, FormPartModel, FormTabPageModel, FormTabPanelModel, FormUserControlModel, FormRawItemModel, MobFormControlInterface, ModelTool, Util, Verify, ViewTool, IParams } from 'ibiz-core'; import schema from 'async-validator'; import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; import { AppMobFormService } from '../ctrl-service'; import { MainControlBase } from './main-control-base'; import { AppCenterService, CodeListTranslator } from '../app-service/common-service'; import { IPSAppDEUIAction, IPSDEEditFormItem, IPSDEFDCatGroupLogic, IPSDEFormButton, IPSDEFormDetail, IPSDEFormGroupPanel, IPSDEFormItem, IPSDEFormItemVR, IPSDEFormPage, IPSDEFormTabPage, IPSDEFormTabPanel, IPSDEFIUpdateDetail, IPSDEFormItemUpdate, IPSDEForm, IPSCodeListEditor } from '@ibiz/dynamic-model-api'; import { AppViewLogicService } from '../app-service'; import { NoticeHandler } from '../utils'; /** * 表单部件基类 * * @export * @class FromControlBase * @extends {MainControlBase} */ export class MobFormControlBase extends MainControlBase implements MobFormControlInterface { /** * 部件模型实例对象 * * @type {*} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public declare controlInstance: IPSDEForm; /** * 是否自动加载 * * @type {*} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public isAutoLoad?: any; /** * 关系界面数量 * * @type {number} * @memberof EditFormControlBase */ public drCount: number = 0; /** * 是否默认保存 * * @type {*} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public isAutoSave?: any; /** * 部件行为工作流提交 * * @type {*} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public WFSubmitAction?: any; /** * 部件行为工作流开始 * * @type {*} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public WFStartAction?: any; /** * 部件行为更新 * * @type {*} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public updateAction: any; /** * 部件行为--load * * @type {*} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public loadAction: any; /** * 部件行为--loaddraft * * @type {*} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public loadDraftAction: any; /** * 值规则 * * @type {*} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public rules: any = {} /** * 关系界面计数器 * * @type {number} * @memberof EditMobFormControlBase */ public drCounter: number = 0; /** * 需要等待关系界面保存时,第一次调用save参数的备份 * * @type {number} * @memberof EditMobFormControlBase */ public drSaveOpt: any = {}; /** * 表单保存回调存储对象 * * @type {any} * @memberof EditMobFormControlBase */ public saveState: any; /** * 部件行为--remove * * @type {*} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public removeAction: any; /** * 部件行为--create * * @type {*} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public createAction?: any; /** * 当前执行的行为逻辑 * * @type {string} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ protected currentAction: string = ""; /** * 主键表单项名称 * * @protected * @type {string} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public majorKeyItemName: string = ""; /** * 主信息属性映射表单项名称 * * @type {string} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public majorMessageItemName: string = ""; /** * 表单状态 * * @type {Subject<any>} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public formState!: Subject<any>; /** * 数据变化 * * @public * @type {Subject<any>} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public dataChange!: Subject<any>; /** * 表单数据对象 * * @type {*} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public data: any = {}; /** * 详情模型集合 * * @type {*} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public detailsModel: any; /** * 原始数据 * * @private * @type {*} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ private oldData: any = {}; /** * 忽略表单项值变化 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public ignorefieldvaluechange?: boolean; /** * 转化代码项值映射 * * @type {Map<string,IParams>} * @memberof FormControlBase */ public codeItemTextMap: Map<string, IParams> = new Map(); /** * 编辑表单初始化 * * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public ctrlInit(args?: any) { super.ctrlInit(args); // 初始化默认值 this.formState = new Subject(); this.dataChange = new Subject(); this.ignorefieldvaluechange = false; if (this.isAutoLoad) { this.autoLoad({ srfkey: this.context[this.appDeCodeName.toLowerCase()] }); } if (this.viewState) { this.viewStateEvent = this.viewState.subscribe(({ tag, action, data }: { tag: string, action: string, data: any }) => { if (!, { return; } if ('autoload', action)) { this.autoLoad(data); } if ('load', action)) { this.load(data); } if ('loaddraft', action)) { this.loadDraft(data); } if ('save', action)) {, data.showResultInfo); } if ('remove', action)) { this.remove(data); } if ('saveandexit', action)) { this.saveAndExit(data); } if ('saveandnew', action)) { this.saveAndNew(data); } if ('removeandexit', action)) { this.removeAndExit(data); } if ('refresh', action)) { this.refresh(data); } if ('panelaction', action)) { this.panelAction(data.action, data.emitAction,, data.callBack); } }); } this.dataChange.subscribe((data: any) => { if (this.isAutoSave) { this.autoSave(); } const state = !, data) ? true : false; this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: 'datachange', data: state, }) }); } /** * 监听静态参数变化 * * @param {*} newVal * @param {*} oldVal * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public onStaticPropsChange(newVal: any, oldVal: any) { this.isAutoLoad = this.staticProps.isAutoLoad; super.onStaticPropsChange(newVal, oldVal); } /** * 部件模型数据初始化实例 * * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public async ctrlModelInit(arg?: any) { await super.ctrlModelInit(); if (!(this.Environment?.isPreviewMode)) { this.service = new AppMobFormService(this.controlInstance, this.context, { localSourceTag: this.localSourceTag }); await this.service.loaded(); } // 初始化data this.controlInstance.getPSDEFormItems()?.forEach((formItem: IPSDEFormItem) => { this.$set(,, null); }); // // 初始化表单成员运行时模型 this.initDetailsModel(); // 初始化静态值规则 this.initRules(); } /** * 初始化表单成员模型 * * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public initDetailsModel() { this.detailsModel = {}; const { noTabHeader, name } = this.controlInstance; const allFormDetails: IPSDEFormDetail[] = ModelTool.getAllFormDetails(this.controlInstance); if (allFormDetails.length > 0) { for (const detail of allFormDetails) { let detailOpts: any = { name:, caption: detail.caption, isShowCaption: detail.showCaption, detailType: detail.detailType, visible: !ModelTool.findGroupLogicByLogicCat('PANELVISIBLE', detail.getPSDEFDGroupLogics()), form: this, isControlledContent: detail.showMoreMode == 1, }; let detailModel: any = null; switch (detail.detailType) { case 'BUTTON': Object.assign(detailOpts, { disabled: false, }); const uiAction = (detail as IPSDEFormButton).getPSUIAction?.(); if (uiAction) { detailOpts.uiaction = { type: uiAction.uIActionType, tag: uiAction.uIActionTag, visabled: true, disabled: false, } if (uiAction.actionTarget) { detailOpts.uiaction.actiontarget = uiAction.actionTarget; } if ((uiAction as IPSAppDEUIAction).noPrivDisplayMode) { detailOpts.uiaction.noprivdisplaymode = (uiAction as IPSAppDEUIAction).noPrivDisplayMode; } if (uiAction.dataAccessAction) { detailOpts.uiaction.dataaccaction = uiAction.dataAccessAction; } } detailModel = new FormButtonModel(detailOpts); break; case 'FORMITEM': Object.assign(detailOpts, { disabled: false, required: !(detail as IPSDEFormItem).allowEmpty, enableCond: (detail as IPSDEFormItem).enableCond, captionItemName: (detail as IPSDEFormItem).captionItemName, convertToCodeItemText: (detail as IPSDEFormItem).convertToCodeItemText ? true : false, }); if ((detail as IPSDEFormItem).getPSEditor() && ((detail as IPSDEFormItem).getPSEditor() as IPSCodeListEditor).getPSAppCodeList instanceof Function) { Object.assign(detailOpts, { codelist: ((detail as IPSDEFormItem).getPSEditor() as IPSCodeListEditor).getPSAppCodeList() }); } detailModel = new FormItemModel(detailOpts); break; case 'GROUPPANEL': detailOpts.isManageContainer = detail.showMoreMode == 2; const PSUIActionGroup = (detail as IPSDEFormGroupPanel).getPSUIActionGroup(); // 界面行为组 let uiActionGroup: any = { caption: PSUIActionGroup?.name, langbase: '', extractMode: (detail as IPSDEFormGroupPanel).actionGroupExtractMode || 'ITEM', details: [], } const PSUIActionGroupDetails = PSUIActionGroup?.getPSUIActionGroupDetails?.() || []; if (PSUIActionGroupDetails.length > 0) { PSUIActionGroupDetails.forEach((actionDetail: any) => { let uiaction = actionDetail?.getPSUIAction?.() as IPSAppDEUIAction; let temp: any = { name: `${}_${}`, tag: uiaction?.uIActionTag, caption: this.$tl(uiaction?.getCapPSLanguageRes()?.lanResTag, uiaction?.caption || ''), disabled: false, visabled: true, visible: true, noprivdisplaymode: uiaction?.noPrivDisplayMode, actiontarget: uiaction?.actionTarget || '', dataaccaction: uiaction?.dataAccessAction || '', isShowCaption: actionDetail.showCaption, isShowIcon: actionDetail.showIcon, } if (uiaction?.getPSAppDataEntity?.()) { temp.uiactiontag = `${uiaction?.getPSAppDataEntity?.()?.codeName?.toLowerCase()}_${uiaction?.uIActionTag?.toLowerCase()}` } // 图标 if (uiaction?.getPSSysImage?.()) { let image = uiaction.getPSSysImage(); if (image?.cssClass) { temp.icon = image.cssClass; } else { temp.img = image?.imagePath; } } uiActionGroup.details.push(temp); }) } detailOpts.uiActionGroup = uiActionGroup; // 受控容器的成员 let showMoreModeItems: any[] = []; // 支持锚点的成员 let anchorPoints: any[] = []; // todo (detail as IPSDEFormGroupPanel).getPSDEFormDetails()?.forEach((item: IPSDEFormDetail, index: number) => { if (!item) return; if (item.showMoreMode == 1) { showMoreModeItems.push(; } if ((item as any).enableAnchor) { anchorPoints.push({ name:, editor: (item as IPSDEFormItem).getPSEditor() || {} }); } const showMore = item.getShowMoreMgrPSDEFormDetail?.(); if (showMore && &&, { detailOpts.isManageContainer = true; } }) detailOpts.controlledItems = showMoreModeItems; detailOpts.anchorPoints = anchorPoints; detailModel = new FormGroupPanelModel(detailOpts); break; case 'TABPANEL': // 添加tab分页 let tabPages: any[] = []; (detail as IPSDEFormTabPanel).getPSDEFormTabPages()?.forEach((item: IPSDEFormTabPage, index: number) => { tabPages.push({ name:, index: index, visible: !ModelTool.findGroupLogicByLogicCat('PANELVISIBLE', detail.getPSDEFDGroupLogics()) }) }) Object.assign(detailOpts, { tabPages: tabPages, }); detailModel = new FormTabPanelModel(detailOpts); break; case 'TABPAGE': detailModel = new FormTabPageModel(detailOpts); break; case 'FORMPAGE': detailModel = new FormPageModel(detailOpts); break; case 'FORMPART': detailModel = new FormPartModel(detailOpts); break; case 'DRUIPART': this.drCount++; detailModel = new FormDruipartModel(detailOpts); break; case 'IFRAME': detailModel = new FormIFrameModel(detailOpts); break; case 'RAWITEM': detailModel = new FormRawItemModel(detailOpts); break; case 'USERCONTROL': detailModel = new FormUserControlModel(detailOpts); break; } this.$set(this.detailsModel,, detailModel) } } // 有分页头表格时 if (!noTabHeader) { let formPages: any[] = []; this.controlInstance.getPSDEFormPages()?.forEach((item: IPSDEFormPage, index: number) => { formPages.push({ name:, index: index, visible: !ModelTool.findGroupLogicByLogicCat('PANELVISIBLE', item.getPSDEFDGroupLogics()) }) }) this.$set(this.detailsModel, name, new FormTabPanelModel({ caption: name, detailType: 'TABPANEL', name: name, visible: true, isShowCaption: true, form: this, tabPages: formPages, })) } } /** * 自动加载 * * @param {*} [arg={}] * @returns {void} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public autoLoad(arg: any = {}): void { if (arg.srfkey && !, '')) { Object.assign(arg, { srfkey: arg.srfkey }); this.load(arg); return; } if (arg.srfkeys && !, '')) { Object.assign(arg, { srfkey: arg.srfkeys }); this.load(arg); return; } this.loadDraft(arg); } /** * 加载 * * @private * @param {*} [opt={}] * @returns {Promise<any>} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public async load(opt: any = {}): Promise<any> { const { codeName } = this.controlInstance; if (!this.loadAction) { this.$Notice.error(codeName + this.$t('app.view') + this.$t('app.ctrl.form') + 'loadAction' + this.$t('app.notConfig')); return Promise.reject(); } if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforeload', { action: this.loadAction, data: opt }))) { return; } const arg: any = { ...opt }; let response; let tempContext: any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)); let viewParamResult: any = Object.assign(arg, this.viewparams); this.onControlRequset('load', tempContext, viewParamResult); try { response = await this.service.get(this.loadAction, tempContext, { viewparams: viewParamResult }, this.showBusyIndicator); } catch (error: any) { this.onControlResponse('load', error); if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onloaderror', { action: this.loadAction, data: error?.data }))) { return; } this.$Notice.error( ? : (this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string)); } if (response && response.status === 200) { const data =; if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onloadsuccess', { action: this.loadAction, data: data }))) { return; } this.onControlResponse('load', response); await this.onFormLoad(data, 'load'); this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: 'load', data: data, }); this.$nextTick(() => {{ type: 'load', data: data }); }); } else if (response && response.status !== 401) { this.onControlResponse('load', response); const { error: _data } = response; this.$Notice.error(_data?.message || this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string); } return response; } /** * 加载草稿 * * @param {*} [opt={}] * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public async loadDraft(opt: any = {}): Promise<any> { let callBack: any; const { codeName } = this.controlInstance; if (!this.loadDraftAction) { this.$Notice.error(codeName + this.$t('app.view') + this.$t('app.ctrl.form') + 'loadDraftAction' + this.$t('app.notConfig')); return Promise.reject(); } const arg: any = { ...opt }; let tempContext: any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)); let viewParamResult: any = Object.assign(arg, this.viewparams); if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforeloaddraft', { action: this.loadDraftAction, data: arg }))) { return; } this.createDefault(); if( && Object.keys( >0){ Object.keys( =>{ if([key] !== null){ Object.assign(viewParamResult,{[key]:[key]}); } }) } if (opt.callBack) { callBack = opt.callBack; delete opt.callBack; } this.onControlRequset('loadDraft', tempContext, viewParamResult); let response; try { response = await this.service.loadDraft(this.loadDraftAction, tempContext, { viewparams: viewParamResult }, this.showBusyIndicator); } catch (error: any) { if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onloaddrafterror', { action: this.loadDraftAction, data: error?.data }))) { return; } this.onControlResponse('loadDraft', response); this.$Notice.error( ? : (this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string)); } if (response && response.status === 200) { if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onloaddraftsuccess', { action: this.loadDraftAction, data: response?.data }))) { return; } this.onControlResponse('loadDraft', response); const data =; if (this.appDeCodeName?.toLowerCase() && data[this.appDeCodeName.toLowerCase()]) { Object.assign(this.context, { [this.appDeCodeName.toLowerCase()]: data[this.appDeCodeName.toLowerCase()] }); } await this.onFormLoad(data, 'loadDraft'); if (callBack && (callBack instanceof Function)) callBack(); // 删除主键表单项的值 this.controlInstance.getPSDEFormItems()?.find((item: IPSDEFormItem) => { if (item.getPSAppDEField()?.keyField && !item.hidden) { data[] = null; } }) this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: 'load', data: data, }); this.$nextTick(() => {{ type: 'load', data: data }); }); } else if (response && response.status !== 401) { this.onControlResponse('loadDraft', response); const { error: _data } = response; this.$Notice.error(_data?.message); } return response; } /** * 面板行为 * * @param {string} [action] 调用的实体行为 * @param {string} [emitAction] 抛出行为 * @param {*} [data={}] 传入数据 * @param {boolean} [showloading] 是否显示加载状态 * * @memberof EditFormControlBase */ public panelAction(action: string, emitAction: string, data: any = {}, callBack?: Function, showloading?: boolean): void { if (!action || (action &&, ''))) { return; } const arg: any = { }; const formdata = this.getData(); Object.assign(arg, this.viewparams); Object.assign(arg, formdata); let tempContext: any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)); if (data[this.appDeCodeName.toLowerCase()]) { Object.assign(tempContext, { [this.appDeCodeName.toLowerCase()]: data[this.appDeCodeName.toLowerCase()] }); } this.onControlRequset('panelAction', tempContext, arg); const post: Promise<any> = this.service.frontLogic(action, tempContext, arg, showloading); post.then( async (response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('panelAction', response); if (!response.status || response.status !== 200) { this.$Notice.error(response?.message); return; } callBack ? callBack() : null; const data =; await this.onFormLoad(data, emitAction); this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: emitAction, data: data, }); this.$nextTick(() => {{ type: emitAction, data: data }); }); }).catch((response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('panelAction', response); this.$Notice.error(response?.message); }); } /** * 表单加载完成 * * @private * @param {*} [data={}] * @param {string} [action] * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public async onFormLoad(data: any = {}, action: string): Promise<void> { this.computeButtonState(data); this.setFormEnableCond(data); await this.fillForm(data, action); this.oldData = {}; this.context[this.appDeCodeName.toLowerCase()] = data[this.appDeCodeName.toLowerCase()]; Object.assign(this.oldData, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(; if (action !== 'autoSave') {; } // 表单加载完成后,是新建表单就取消订阅全局刷新通知 if (action == 'loadDraft' && this.appStateEvent) { this.appStateEvent.unsubscribe(); } this.formLogic({ name: '', newVal: null, oldVal: null }); } /** * 计算表单按钮权限状态 * * @param {*} [data] 传入数据 * @memberof EditFormControlBase */ public computeButtonState(data: any) { let targetData: any = this.transformData(data); const _this = this; ViewTool.calcActionItemAuthState(targetData, this.actionModel, this.appUIService); if (this.detailsModel && Object.keys(this.detailsModel).length > 0) { Object.keys(this.detailsModel).forEach((name: any) => { const model = _this.detailsModel[name]; if (model?.detailType == "BUTTON" && model.uiaction?.tag) { // 更新detailsModel里的按钮的权限状态值 if (Util.isEmpty(_this.actionModel[model.uiaction.tag].dataActionResult)) { _this.detailsModel[name].isPower = true; _this.detailsModel[name].visible = true; _this.detailsModel[name].disabled = false; } else { _this.detailsModel[name].visible = _this.actionModel[model.uiaction.tag].visabled; _this.detailsModel[name].disabled = _this.actionModel[model.uiaction.tag].disabled; _this.detailsModel[name].isPower = _this.actionModel[model.uiaction.tag].dataActionResult === 1 ? true : false; } } else if (model?.detailType == 'GROUPPANEL' && model.uiActionGroup?.details?.length > 0) { // 更新分组面板界面行为组的权限状态值 model.uiActionGroup.details.forEach((actionDetail: any) => { actionDetail.visible = _this.actionModel[actionDetail.tag].visabled; actionDetail.disabled = _this.actionModel[actionDetail.tag].disabled; }) } }) } } /** * 设置表单项是否启用 * * @public * @param {*} data * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public setFormEnableCond(data: any): void { Object.values(this.detailsModel).forEach((detail: any) => { if (!, 'FORMITEM')) { return; } const formItem: any = detail; formItem.setEnableCond(data.srfuf); }); this.$forceUpdate(); } /** * 值填充 * * @param {*} [_datas={}] * @param {string} [action] * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public async fillForm(_datas: any = {}, action: string): Promise<void> { this.ignorefieldvaluechange = true; const tempData = Util.deepCopy(_datas); for (let i = 0; i < Object.keys(_datas).length; i++) { const name = Object.keys(_datas)[i]; if (tempData.hasOwnProperty(name)) { // 是否转化为代码项文本 if (this.detailsModel[name] && this.detailsModel[name]['convertToCodeItemText'] && this.detailsModel[name]['codelist']) { const codeListTranslator: CodeListTranslator = new CodeListTranslator(); const text: string = await codeListTranslator.getCodeListText(_datas[name], this.detailsModel[name]['codelist'], this, this.context, this.viewparams); tempData[name] = text; this.codeItemTextMap.set(name, { val: _datas[name], text }); } else { tempData[name] = _datas[name]; } } } Object.assign(, tempData); if (, 'load')) { this.updateDefault(); } this.$nextTick(function () { this.ignorefieldvaluechange = false; }) } /** * 新建默认值 * * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public createDefault() { const allFormDetails: IPSDEEditFormItem[] = ModelTool.getAllFormItems(this.controlInstance); if (allFormDetails.length > 0) { for (const detail of allFormDetails) { const property = detail?.codeName?.toLowerCase(); if ((detail?.createDV || detail?.createDVT) && { switch (detail.createDVT) { case 'CONTEXT':[property] = this.viewparams[detail?.createDV]; break; case 'SESSION':[property] = this.context[detail?.createDV]; break; case 'APPDATA':[property] = this.context[detail?.createDV]; break; case 'OPERATORNAME':[property] = this.context['srfusername']; break; case 'OPERATOR':[property] = this.context['srfuserid']; break; case 'CURTIME':[property] = Util.dateFormat(new Date()); break; case 'PARAM':[property] = this.service.getRemoteCopyData()?.[property] || null; break; default:[property] = ModelTool.isNumberField(detail?.getPSAppDEField()) ? Number(detail?.createDV) : detail?.createDV; break; } } } } } /** * 更新默认值 * * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public updateDefault() { const allFormDetails: IPSDEEditFormItem[] = ModelTool.getAllFormItems(this.controlInstance); if (allFormDetails.length > 0) { for (const detail of allFormDetails) { const property = detail?.codeName?.toLowerCase(); if ((detail?.updateDV || detail?.updateDVT) && { switch (detail?.updateDVT) { case 'CONTEXT':[property] = this.viewparams[detail?.updateDV]; break; case 'SESSION':[property] = this.context[detail?.updateDV]; break; case 'APPDATA':[property] = this.context[detail?.updateDV]; break; case 'OPERATORNAME':[property] = this.context['srfusername']; break; case 'OPERATOR':[property] = this.context['srfuserid']; break; case 'CURTIME':[property] = Util.dateFormat(new Date()); break; case 'PARAM':[property] = this.service.getRemoteCopyData()?.[property] || null; break; case 'RESET':[property] = null; default:[property] = ModelTool.isNumberField(detail?.getPSAppDEField()) ? Number(detail?.updateDV) : detail?.updateDV; break; } } } } } /** * 重置表单项值 * * @public * @param {{ name: string, newVal: any, oldVal: any }} { name, newVal, oldVal } * @memberof AppDefaultMobForm */ public resetFormData({ name, newVal, oldVal }: { name: string, newVal: any, oldVal: any }): void { const formItems: IPSDEEditFormItem[] = ModelTool.getAllFormItems(this.controlInstance); if (formItems && formItems.length > 0) { for (const item of formItems) { if (item.resetItemName && item.resetItemName == name) { this.onFormItemValueChange({ name:, value: null }); if (item.valueItemName) { this.onFormItemValueChange({ name: item.valueItemName, value: null }); } } } } } /** * 表单项值变更 * * @param {{ name: string, value: any }} $event * @returns {void} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public onFormItemValueChange($event: { name: string, value: any }) { if (!$event) { return; } if (!$ ||$, '') || !$ { return; }[$] = $event.value; this.formDataChange({ name: $, newVal: $event.value, oldVal: null }) } /** * 表单值变化 * * @public * @param {{ name: string, newVal: any, oldVal: any }} { name, newVal, oldVal } * @returns {void} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public formDataChange({ name, newVal, oldVal }: { name: string, newVal: any, oldVal: any }): void { if (this.ignorefieldvaluechange) { return; } this.resetFormData({ name: name, newVal: newVal, oldVal: oldVal }); this.formLogic({ name: name, newVal: newVal, oldVal: oldVal });; this.validItem(name,; } /** * 校验动态逻辑结果 * * @param {*} data 数据对象 * @param {*} logic 逻辑对象 * @returns * @memberof EditMobFormControlBase */ public verifyGroupLogic(data: any, logic: any) { if (logic.logicType == 'GROUP' && logic?.getPSDEFDLogics()?.length > 0) { let result: boolean = true; if (logic.groupOP == 'AND') { let falseItem = logic.getPSDEFDLogics().find((childLogic: any) => { return !this.verifyGroupLogic(data, childLogic); }) result = falseItem == undefined; } else if (logic.groupOP == 'OR') { let trueItem = logic.getPSDEFDLogics().find((childLogic: any) => { return this.verifyGroupLogic(data, childLogic); }) result = trueItem != undefined; } // 是否取反 return logic.notMode ? !result : result; } else if (logic.logicType == 'SINGLE') { return Verify.testCond(data[logic.dEFDName.toLowerCase()], logic.condOP, logic.value) } return false; } /** * 表单项更新 * * @param {string} mode 界面行为名称 * @param {*} [data={}] 请求数据 * @param {string[]} updateDetails 更新项 * @param {boolean} [showloading] 是否显示加载状态 * @returns {void} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public updateFormItems(mode: string, data: any = {}, updateDetails: string[], showloading: boolean = false): void { if (!mode || (mode &&, ''))) { return; } const arg: any = Object.assign(Util.deepCopy(this.viewparams), data); let tempContext: any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)); this.onControlRequset('updateFormItems', tempContext, arg); const post: Promise<any> = this.service.frontLogic(mode, tempContext, arg, showloading); post.then((response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('updateFormItems', response); if (!response || response.status !== 200) { this.$Notice((this.$t('app.formpage.updateerror') as string)); return; } const data =; const _data: any = {}; updateDetails.forEach((name: string) => { if (!data.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return; } Object.assign(_data, { [name]: data[name] }); }); this.setFormEnableCond(_data); this.fillForm(_data, 'updateFormItem').then(()=>{ this.formLogic({ name: '', newVal: null, oldVal: null });; this.$nextTick(() => {{ type: 'updateformitem', ufimode: arg.srfufimode, data: _data }); }); }); }).catch((response: any) => { const { error: _data } = response; if (, 'BAD_REQUEST') && _data.parameters && _data.parameters.fieldErrors) { this.resetValidates(); this.fillValidates(_data.parameters.fieldErrors) } this.$Notice.error(_data?.message); }); } /** * 重置校验结果 * * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public resetValidates(): void { Object.values(this.detailsModel).forEach((detail: any) => { if (!, 'FORMITEM')) { return; } const formItem: FormItemModel = detail; formItem.setError(''); }); } /** * 填充校验结果 (后台) * * @param {any[]} fieldErrors * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ protected fillValidates(fieldErrors: any[]): void { fieldErrors.forEach((error: any) => { const formItem: FormItemModel = this.detailsModel[error.field]; if (!formItem) { return; } this.$nextTick(() => { formItem.setError(error.message); }); }); } /** * 获取多项数据 * * @returns {any[]} * @memberof FormControlBase */ public getDatas(): any[] { const data = Util.deepCopy(; if (this.codeItemTextMap.size > 0) { this.codeItemTextMap.forEach((value, key) => { const { val } = value; data[key] = val; }) } return [data]; } /** * 获取单项数据 * * @returns {*} * @memberof FormControlBase */ public getData(): any { const data = Util.deepCopy(; if (this.codeItemTextMap.size > 0) { this.codeItemTextMap.forEach((value, key) => { const { val } = value; data[key] = val; }) } return data; } /** * 表单逻辑 * * @public * @param {{ name: string, newVal: any, oldVal: any }} { name, newVal, oldVal } * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public async formLogic({ name, newVal, oldVal }: { name: string, newVal: any, oldVal: any }) { const allFormDetails: IPSDEFormDetail[] = ModelTool.getAllFormDetails(this.controlInstance); // 表单动态逻辑 allFormDetails?.forEach((detail: IPSDEFormDetail) => { detail.getPSDEFDGroupLogics()?.forEach((logic: IPSDEFDCatGroupLogic) => { // todo lxm 缺少getRelatedDetailNames let relatedNames = logic.getRelatedDetailNames() || []; if (, '') || relatedNames.indexOf(name) != -1) { let ret = this.verifyGroupLogic(, logic); switch (logic.logicCat) { // 动态空输入,不满足则必填 case 'ITEMBLANK': this.detailsModel[].required = !ret; break; // 动态启用,满足则启用 case 'ITEMENABLE': this.detailsModel[].setDisabled(!ret); break; // 动态显示,满足则显示 case 'PANELVISIBLE': this.detailsModel[].setVisible(ret); break; } } }) if (, 'FORMITEM')) { const captionItemName = (detail as IPSDEFormItem).captionItemName; if (captionItemName) { // 动态标题值项 this.detailsModel[].caption = captionItemName ?[captionItemName] : this.detailsModel[].caption; } } }) // 表单项更新 let formDetail = ModelTool.getFormDetailByName(this.controlInstance, name) as IPSDEFormItem; const formItemUpdate: IPSDEFormItemUpdate | null = formDetail?.getPSDEFormItemUpdate?.(); if (formItemUpdate) { if (await this.validItem(, { if (formItemUpdate.customCode) { if (formItemUpdate.scriptCode) { eval(formItemUpdate.scriptCode); } } else { const showBusyIndicator = formItemUpdate.showBusyIndicator; const getPSAppDEMethod = formItemUpdate.getPSAppDEMethod(); const getPSDEFIUpdateDetails = formItemUpdate.getPSDEFIUpdateDetails(); let details: string[] = []; getPSDEFIUpdateDetails?.forEach((item: IPSDEFIUpdateDetail) => { details.push( }) this.updateFormItems(getPSAppDEMethod?.codeName as string,, details, showBusyIndicator); } } } this.$forceUpdate(); } /** * 初始化值规则 * * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public initRules() { // 先初始化系统值规则和属性值规则 let staticRules: any = {}; const allFormItemVRs = this.controlInstance.getPSDEFormItemVRs(); allFormItemVRs?.forEach((item: IPSDEFormItemVR) => { const { checkMode, valueRuleType } = item; const formItemName = item.getPSDEFormItemName() || ''; const sysRule = item.getPSSysValueRule(); const deRule = item.getPSDEFValueRule(); if (!staticRules[formItemName]) { staticRules[formItemName] = []; } // 排除后台检查的值规则 if (checkMode == 2) { return } // 系统值规则 if (valueRuleType == 'SYSVALUERULE' && sysRule) { // 正则值规则 if (sysRule.ruleType == 'REG') { staticRules[formItemName].push({ pattern: new RegExp(sysRule.regExCode), message: sysRule.ruleInfo, trigger: ['change', 'blur'] }) // 脚本值规则 } else if (sysRule.ruleType == 'SCRIPT') { staticRules[formItemName].push({ validator: (rule: any, value: any, callback: any) => { // 空值时不校验 if (Util.isEmpty([formItemName])) { return true } let source =; try { eval(sysRule.scriptCode); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } return true; }, trigger: ['change', 'blur'] }) } // 属性值规则 } else if (valueRuleType == 'DEFVALUERULE' && deRule) { // 有值项的情况,校验值项的值 let formItem = this.controlInstance.findPSDEFormItem(formItemName); let valueName = formItem?.valueItemName || formItemName; staticRules[formItemName].push({ validator: (rule: any, value: any, callback: any, source: any) => { // 空值时不校验 if (Util.isEmpty([valueName])) { return true } const { isPast, infoMessage } = Verify.verifyDeRules(valueName,, deRule.getPSDEFVRGroupCondition()); if (!isPast) { callback(new Error(infoMessage || deRule.ruleInfo)); } return true; }, trigger: ['change', 'blur'] }) } }) // 初始化非空值规则和数据类型值规则 this.rules = {}; const allFormItems = ModelTool.getAllFormItems(this.controlInstance) as IPSDEEditFormItem[]; if (allFormItems && allFormItems.length > 0) { for (const detail of allFormItems) { if (detail.detailType == 'FORMITEM' && detail.getPSEditor()?.editorType != 'HIDDEN' && !detail.compositeItem) { let type = ModelTool.isNumberField(detail?.getPSAppDEField()) ? 'number' : 'string'; let otherRules = staticRules[] || []; let editorRules = Verify.buildVerConditions(detail.getPSEditor()) this.rules[] = [ // 非空值规则 { validator: (rule: any, value: any, callback: any) => { return !(this.detailsModel[].required && (value === null || value === undefined || value === "")) }, message: `${detail.caption} ${this.$t('app.form.rules.required')}` }, // 表单值规则 ...otherRules, // 编辑器基础值规则 ...editorRules ] } } } } /** * 表单项校验逻辑 * * @public * @param name 属性名 * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public validItem(property: string, data: any): Promise<boolean> { return new Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => { if (!this.rules[property]) { resolve(true) } const scheam = new schema({ [property]: this.rules[property] }); scheam.validate({ [property]: data[property] }).then((error: any) => { this.detailsModel[property].error = ''; this.$forceUpdate(); resolve(true) }).catch(({ errors, fields }: any) => { console.log(errors, fields); const { field, message } = errors[0]; this.detailsModel[field].error = message; this.$forceUpdate(); resolve(false) }) }) } /** * 校验全部 * * @public * @param {{ filter: string}} { filter} * @returns {void} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public async formValidateStatus(filter: string = "defult"): Promise<boolean> { let filterProperty = "" if (filter === 'new') { filterProperty = this.appDeKeyFieldName?.toLowerCase(); } return new Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => { const scheam = new schema(this.rules); scheam.validate( any) => { for (const key in this.detailsModel) { if (, key)) { const model = this.detailsModel[key]; model.error = ""; } } this.$forceUpdate(); resolve(true); }).catch(({ errors, fields }: any) => { if (!errors) { resolve(true); } let errorMessage = "" for (let index = 0; index < errors.length; index++) { const error = errors[index]; const { field, message } = error; this.detailsModel[field].error = message; errorMessage = !index ? message : errorMessage; } this.$Notice.error(errorMessage); this.$forceUpdate(); resolve(false) }) }) } /** * 自动保存 * * @param {*} [opt={}] * @memberof EditFormControlBase */ public async autoSave(opt: any = {}): Promise<void> { if ( == '1' ? !await this.formValidateStatus() : !await this.formValidateStatus('new')) { return Promise.reject(); } const arg: any = { ...opt }; const data = this.getData(); Object.assign(arg, data); Object.assign(arg, { srfmajortext: data[this.majorMessageItemName] }); const action: any =, '1') ? this.updateAction : this.createAction; if (!action) { this.$Notice.error(`${this.controlInstance.codeName}` + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.actionname') as string)); return; } Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: this.viewparams }); this.onControlRequset('autoSave', { ...this.context }, arg); const post: Promise<any> = this.service.add(action, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)), arg, this.showBusyIndicator); post.then(async (response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('autoSave', response); if (!response.status || response.status !== 200) { if ( { this.$Notice.error( || this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string); } return; } const data =; await this.onFormLoad(data, 'autoSave'); this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: 'save', data: data, }); AppCenterService.notifyMessage({ name: this.controlInstance.getPSAppDataEntity()?.codeName || '', action: 'appRefresh', data: data }); this.$nextTick(() => {{ type: 'save', data: data }); }); }).catch((response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('autoSave', response); if (response && response.status && { if ( { if (, "versionCheck")) { this.$, (this.$t('app.formpage.saveerror') as string), (this.$t('app.formpage.savecontent') as string)).then((result: any) => { if (result) { this.refresh([]); } }); } else if (, 'DupCheck')) { let errorProp: string =\[[a-zA-Z]*\]/)[0]; let name: string = this.service.getNameByProp(errorProp.substr(1, errorProp.length - 2)); if (name) { this.$Notice.error( this.detailsModel[name].caption + " : " + arg[name] + (this.$t('app.commonWords.isExist') as string) + '!', ); } else { this.$Notice.error( ? : (this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string), ) } } else if (, 'DuplicateKeyException')) { this.$Notice.error( this.detailsModel[this.majorKeyItemName].caption + " : " + arg[this.majorKeyItemName] + (this.$t('app.commonWords.isExist') as string) + '!', ); } else { this.$Notice.error( ? : (this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string)); } } else { this.$Notice.error( ? : (this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string)); } return; } else { this.$Notice.error(this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string); } }); } /** * 保存 * * @param {*} [opt={}] * @param {boolean} [showResultInfo] * @param {boolean} [isStateNext] formState是否下发通知 * @returns {Promise<any>} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public async save(opt: any = {}, showResultInfo?: boolean, isStateNext: boolean = true): Promise<any> { showResultInfo = showResultInfo === undefined ? true : false; if ( == '1' ? !await this.formValidateStatus() : !await this.formValidateStatus('new')) { return Promise.reject(); } return new Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => { const arg: any = { ...opt }; const data = this.getData(); Object.assign(arg, this.context); Object.assign(arg, data); Object.assign(arg, { srfmajortext: data[this.majorMessageItemName] }); if (isStateNext && this.drCount > 0) { this.drCounter = this.drCount; this.drSaveOpt = opt;{ type: 'beforesave', data: arg });//先通知关系界面保存 this.saveState = resolve; return; } if (this.viewparams && this.viewparams.copymode) { data.srfuf = '0'; } const action: any =, '1') ? this.updateAction : this.createAction; this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforesave', { action: action, data: opt }).then((flag: boolean) => { if (!flag) { reject(); } }) if (!action) { this.$Notice.error(`${this.controlInstance.codeName}` + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.actionname') as string)); return; } Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: this.viewparams }); const post: Promise<any> =, '1') ? this.service.update(action, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)), arg, this.showBusyIndicator) : this.service.add(action, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)), arg, this.showBusyIndicator); post.then(async (response: any) => { if (!response.status || response.status !== 200) { this.handleCtrlEvents('onsaveerror', { action: action, data: response?.data }).then((flag: boolean) => { if (!flag) { reject(response); } }); if ( { this.$Notice.error( || this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string); } return; } this.handleCtrlEvents('onsavesuccess', { action: action, data: response?.data }).then((flag: boolean) => { if (!flag) { reject(response); } }) this.viewparams.copymode = false; const data =; await this.onFormLoad(data, 'save'); this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: 'save', data: data, }); AppCenterService.notifyMessage({ name: this.appDeCodeName, action: 'appRefresh', data: data }); this.$nextTick(() => {{ type: 'save', data: data }); }); if (showResultInfo) { NoticeHandler.message(response,() =>{ this.$Notice.success((data.srfmajortext ? data.srfmajortext : '') + ' ' + (this.$t('app.formpage.savesuccess') as string)); }) } resolve(response); }).catch((response: any) => { this.handleCtrlEvents('onsaveerror', { action: action, data: response?.data }).then((flag: boolean) => { if (!flag) { reject(response); } }); if (response && response.status && { if ( { if (, "versionCheck")) { this.$, (this.$t('app.formpage.saveerror') as string), (this.$t('app.formpage.savecontent') as string)).then(() => { this.refresh(); }); } else if (, 'DupCheck')) { let errorProp: string =\[[a-zA-Z]*\]/)[0]; let name: string = this.service.getNameByProp(errorProp.substr(1, errorProp.length - 2)); if (name) { this.$Notice.error( this.detailsModel[name].caption + " : " + arg[name] + (this.$t('app.commonWords.isExist') as string) + '!' ); } else { this.$Notice.error(, ) } } else { this.$Notice.error( || this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string); } } else { this.$Notice.error( || this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string); reject(response); } return; } else { this.$Notice.error(this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string); reject(response); } reject(response); }); }) } /** * 删除 * * @private * @param {Array<any>} [opt=[]] * @param {boolean} [showResultInfo] * @returns {Promise<any>} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public async remove(opt: Array<any> = [], showResultInfo?: boolean): Promise<any> { if (!this.removeAction) { const view = this.controlInstance.getParentPSModelObject(); this.$Notice.error(view?.name + this.$t('app.view') + this.$t('app.ctrl.form') + 'removeAction' + this.$t('app.notConfig')); return Promise.reject(); } if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforeremove', { action: this.removeAction, data: opt }))) { return; } const arg: any = opt[0]; const _this: any = this; Object.assign(arg, this.viewparams); const response: any = await this.service.delete(_this.removeAction, { ...this.context }, arg, showResultInfo); if (response && response.status === 200) { if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onremovesuccess', { action: this.removeAction, data: response?.data }))) { return; } const data =; this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: 'remove', data: data, });{ type: 'remove', data: data }); = false; AppCenterService.notifyMessage({ name: this.appDeCodeName, action: 'appRefresh', data: data }); NoticeHandler.message(response,() =>{ this.$Notice.success((data.srfmajortext ? data.srfmajortext : '') + ' ' + this.$t('app.message.deleteSccess')); }); } else if (response && response.status !== 401) { if (!(await this.handleCtrlEvents('onremoveerror', { action: this.removeAction, data: response?.data }))) { return; } const { error: _data } = response; this.$Notice.error(_data?.message || (this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string)); } return response; } /** * 工作流启动 * * @param {*} data 表单数据 * @param {*} [localdata] 补充逻辑完成参数 * @return {*} {Promise<any>} * @memberof EditFormControlBase */ public async wfstart(data: any, localdata?: any): Promise<any> { if (!await this.formValidateStatus()) { return; } return new Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => { this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforewfstart', { action: this.WFStartAction, data: data }).then((falg: boolean) => { if (!falg) { reject(null); } }) const _this: any = this; const formData: any = this.getData(); const copyData: any = Util.deepCopy(data[0]); Object.assign(formData, { viewparams: copyData }); let tempContext: any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)); this.onControlRequset('save', tempContext, formData); const post: Promise<any> =, '1') ? this.service.update(this.updateAction, tempContext, formData, this.showBusyIndicator, true) : this.service.add(this.createAction, tempContext, formData, this.showBusyIndicator, true); post.then(async (response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('save', response); const arg: any =; const responseData: any = Util.deepCopy(arg); // 保存完成UI处理 await this.onFormLoad(arg, 'save'); this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: 'save', data: arg, }); this.$nextTick(() => {{ type: 'save', data: arg }); }); // 准备工作流数据,填充未存库数据 let tempWFData: any = {}; if (copyData && Object.keys(copyData).length > 0) { Object.keys(copyData).forEach((key: string) => { if ((!arg.hasOwnProperty(key)) || (!arg[key] && copyData[key])) { tempWFData[key] = copyData[key]; } }) } // 准备提交参数 if (this.viewparams) { let copyViewParams: any = Util.deepCopy(this.viewparams); if (copyViewParams.w) { delete copyViewParams.w; } if (this.appDeKeyFieldName && copyViewParams[this.appDeKeyFieldName.toLocaleLowerCase()]) { delete copyViewParams[this.appDeKeyFieldName.toLocaleLowerCase()] } if (this.appDeMajorFieldName && copyViewParams[this.appDeMajorFieldName.toLocaleLowerCase()]) { delete copyViewParams[this.appDeMajorFieldName.toLocaleLowerCase()] } Object.assign(responseData, copyViewParams); } if (tempWFData && Object.keys(tempWFData).length > 0) { Object.assign(responseData, tempWFData); } Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: responseData }); // 强制补充srfwfmemo if (copyData.srfwfmemo) { Object.assign(arg, { srfwfmemo: copyData.srfwfmemo }); } let tempContext: any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)); this.onControlRequset('wfstart', tempContext, arg); const result: Promise<any> = this.service.wfstart(_this.WFStartAction, tempContext, arg, this.showBusyIndicator, localdata); result.then((response: any) => { this.handleCtrlEvents('onwfstartsuccess', { action: this.WFStartAction, data: response?.data }).then((falg: boolean) => { if (!falg) { reject(response); } }) this.onControlResponse('wfstart', response); if (!response || response.status !== 200) { this.$Notice.error((this.$t('app.formpage.workflow.starterror') as string) + ', ' +; return; } AppCenterService.notifyMessage({ name: this.controlInstance.getPSAppDataEntity()?.codeName || '', action: 'appRefresh', data: data }); NoticeHandler.message(response,() =>{ this.$Notice.success((this.$t('app.formpage.workflow.startsuccess') as string)); }); resolve(response); }).catch((response: any) => { this.handleCtrlEvents('onwfstarterror', { action: this.WFStartAction, data: response?.data }).then((falg: boolean) => { if (!falg) { reject(response); } }) this.onControlResponse('wfstart', response); reject(response); }); }).catch((response: any) => { this.handleCtrlEvents('onwfstarterror', { action: this.WFStartAction, data: response?.data }).then((falg: boolean) => { if (!falg) { reject(response); } }) this.onControlResponse('wfstart', response); reject(response); }) }); } /** * 保存并退出 * * @protected * @param {any[]} data * @returns {Promise<any>} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public async saveAndExit(data: any[]): Promise<any> { let arg: any = {}; if (data && data.length > 0) { Object.assign(arg, data[0]); } this.currentAction = 'saveAndExit'; const response: any = await[arg]); if (response && response.status === 200) { this.closeView([{ }]); } return response; } /** * 置空对象 * * @param {any[]} args * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public ResetData(_datas: any) { if (Object.keys(_datas).length > 0) { Object.keys(_datas).forEach((name: string) => { if ( {[name] = null; } }); } } /** * 保存并新建 * * @protected * @param {any[]} data * @returns {Promise<any>} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public async saveAndNew(data: any[]): Promise<any> { let arg: any = {}; if (data && data[0]) { arg = {[0] }; } this.currentAction = 'saveAndNew'; const response: any = await[arg]); if (response && response.status === 200) { this.ResetData(; this.loadDraft({}); } return response; } /** * 删除并退出 * * @protected * @param {any[]} data * @returns {Promise<any>} * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public async removeAndExit(data: any[]): Promise<any> { let arg: any = {}; if (data && data[0]) { arg = {[0] }; } const response: any = await this.remove([arg]); if (response && response.status === 200) { this.closeView([{ }]); } return response; } /** * 部件刷新 * * @param {any[]} args * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public refresh(args?: any[]): void { let arg: any = {}; if (args) { Object.assign(arg, args[0]); } if ( { this.load(arg); return; } } /** * 关系界面数据保存完成 * * @param {any} $event * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ protected drdatasaved($event: any) { this.drCounter--; if (this.drCounter > 0) { return; }, this.showBusyIndicator, false).then((res) => { this.saveState(res); this.drSaveOpt = {}; }); } /** * 工作流提交 * * @param {*} data 表单数据 * @param {*} [localdata] 补充逻辑完成参数 * @return {*} {Promise<any>} * @memberof EditFormControlBase */ public async wfsubmit(data: any, localdata?: any, isStateNext: boolean = true): Promise<any> { if (!await this.formValidateStatus()) { let descMessage: string = this.$t('app.searchform.globalerrortip') + '<br/>'; this.$Notice.error(descMessage as string); return; } this.currentAction = 'WFSubmit'; return new Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => { this.handleCtrlEvents('onbeforewfsubmit', { action: this.WFSubmitAction, data: data }).then((falg: boolean) => { if (!falg) { reject(); } }) const _this: any = this; const arg: any = data[0]; const copyData: any = Util.deepCopy(arg); Object.assign(this.viewparams, copyData); Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: this.viewparams }); if (!arg[this.appDeKeyFieldName.toLowerCase()]) { return; } if (isStateNext && this.drCount > 0) { this.drCounter = this.drCount; this.drSaveOpt = { data: data, localdata: localdata };{ type: 'beforesave', data: arg });//先通知关系界面保存 this.saveState = resolve; return; } const submitData: Function = (arg: any, responseData: any) => { // 准备工作流数据,填充未存库数据 let tempWFData: any = {}; if (copyData && Object.keys(copyData).length > 0) { Object.keys(copyData).forEach((key: string) => { if ((!arg.hasOwnProperty(key)) || (!arg[key] && copyData[key])) { tempWFData[key] = copyData[key]; } }) } // 准备提交参数 if (this.viewparams) { Object.assign(responseData, this.viewparams); } if (tempWFData && Object.keys(tempWFData).length > 0) { Object.assign(responseData, tempWFData); } // 补充逻辑完成参数 if (localdata && localdata.type &&, "finish")) { Object.assign(responseData, { srfwfpredefaction: "finish" }); } Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: responseData }); // 强制补充srfwfmemo if (copyData.srfwfmemo) { Object.assign(arg, { srfwfmemo: copyData.srfwfmemo }); } let tempContext: any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)); this.onControlRequset('wfsubmit', tempContext, arg); const result: Promise<any> = this.service.wfsubmit(_this.WFSubmitAction, tempContext, arg, this.showBusyIndicator, localdata); result.then(async (response: any) => { this.handleCtrlEvents('onwfsubmitsuccess', { action: this.WFSubmitAction, data: response?.data }).then((falg: boolean) => { if (!falg) { reject(response); } }) this.onControlResponse('wfsubmit', response); if (!response || response.status !== 200) { this.$Notice.error((this.$t('app.formpage.workflow.submiterror') as string) + ', ' +; return; } await this.onFormLoad(arg, 'submit'); AppCenterService.notifyMessage({ name: this.controlInstance.getPSAppDataEntity()?.codeName || '', action: 'appRefresh', data: data }); NoticeHandler.message(response,() =>{ this.$Notice.success(this.$t('app.commonWords.submitsuccess')); }); resolve(response); }).catch((response: any) => { this.handleCtrlEvents('onwfsubmiterror', { action: this.WFSubmitAction, data: response?.data }).then((falg: boolean) => { if (!falg) { reject(response); } }) this.onControlResponse('wfsubmit', response); this.$Notice.error(; reject(response); }); } let tempContext: any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)); this.onControlRequset('save', tempContext, arg); const post: Promise<any> =, '1') ? this.service.update(this.updateAction, tempContext, arg, this.showBusyIndicator, true) : this.service.add(this.createAction, tempContext, arg, this.showBusyIndicator, true); post.then(async (response: any) => { this.onControlResponse('save', response); const responseData: any =; let tempResponseData: any = Util.deepCopy(response); this.service.handleResponse('save', tempResponseData); const arg: any =; // 保存完成UI处理 await this.onFormLoad(arg, 'save'); this.ctrlEvent({ controlname:, action: 'save', data: arg, }); this.$nextTick(() => {{ type: 'save', data: arg }); }); submitData(arg, responseData); }).catch((response: any) => { this.handleCtrlEvents('onwfsubmiterror', { action: this.WFSubmitAction, data: response?.data }).then((falg: boolean) => { if (!falg) { reject(response); } }) this.onControlResponse('save', response); this.$Notice.error(; reject(response); }) }) } /** * 表单按钮行为触发 * * @param {*} { formDetail, event } * @memberof MobFormControlBase */ public async onFormItemActionClick({ formDetail, event }: any) { if (formDetail && formDetail.actionType &&, 'FIUPDATE')) { const itemUpdate = formDetail.getPSDEFormItemUpdate(); const showBusyIndicator = itemUpdate?.showBusyIndicator; const getPSAppDEMethod = itemUpdate?.getPSAppDEMethod(); const getPSDEFIUpdateDetails = itemUpdate?.getPSDEFIUpdateDetails(); let details: string[] = []; getPSDEFIUpdateDetails?.forEach((item: IPSDEFIUpdateDetail) => { details.push(; }) if (formDetail.getParamPickupPSAppView()) { const pickupview = formDetail.getParamPickupPSAppView(); await pickupview.fill(); if (!pickupview) { this.updateFormItems(getPSAppDEMethod?.codeName as string,, details, showBusyIndicator); } else { const tempContext: any = Util.deepCopy(this.context); const data: any = Util.deepCopy(this.viewparams); if (formDetail?.getPSNavigateContexts() && (formDetail.getPSNavigateContexts().length > 0)) { let _context: any = Util.computedNavData(, tempContext, data, formDetail.getPSNavigateContexts()); Object.assign(tempContext, _context); } if (formDetail?.getPSNavigateParams() && (formDetail.getPSNavigateParams().length > 0)) { let _param: any = Util.computedNavData(, tempContext, data, formDetail.getPSNavigateParams()); Object.assign(data, _param); } if (pickupview.openMode.indexOf('DRAWER') !== -1) { const view: any = { viewname: 'app-view-shell', height: pickupview.height, width: pickupview.width, title: pickupview.title, placement: pickupview.openMode, }; if (pickupview && pickupview.modelPath) { Object.assign(tempContext, { viewpath: pickupview.modelPath }); } const appdrawer = this.$appdrawer.openDrawer(view, Util.getViewProps(tempContext, data)); appdrawer.subscribe((result: any) => { if (result &&, 'OK')) { const arg: any = this.getData(); Object.assign(arg, { srfactionparam: result.datas }); this.updateFormItems(getPSAppDEMethod?.codeName as string, arg, details, showBusyIndicator); } }); } else { const view: any = { viewname: 'app-view-shell', height: pickupview.height, width: pickupview.width, title: pickupview.title, }; if (pickupview && pickupview.modelPath) { Object.assign(tempContext, { viewpath: pickupview.modelPath }); } const appmodal = this.$appmodal.openModal(view, tempContext, data); appmodal.subscribe((result: any) => { if (result &&, 'OK')) { const arg: any = this.getData(); Object.assign(arg, { srfactionparam: result.datas }); this.updateFormItems(getPSAppDEMethod?.codeName as string, arg, details, showBusyIndicator); } }); } } } else { this.updateFormItems(getPSAppDEMethod?.codeName as string,, details, showBusyIndicator); } } else { AppViewLogicService.getInstance().executeViewLogic(`${}_${}_click`, event, this, null, this.controlInstance.getPSAppViewLogics()); } } /** * 处理操作列点击 * * @param {*} event 事件对象 * @param {*} formDetail 表单成员模型对象 * @param {*} actionDetal 界面行为模型对象 * @memberof EditFormControlBase */ public handleActionClick(event: any, formDetail: any, actionDetal: any) { AppViewLogicService.getInstance().executeViewLogic(this.getViewLogicTag(, formDetail.codeName,, event, this, undefined, this.controlInstance.getPSAppViewLogics() || []); } }