提交 987bee88 编写于 作者: zhujiamin's avatar zhujiamin

feat: 更新插件

上级 b52fff0b
var Z = Object.defineProperty;
var ee = (t, n, s) => n in t ? Z(t, n, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: s }) : t[n] = s;
var b = (t, n, s) => (ee(t, typeof n != "symbol" ? n + "" : n, s), s);
import { PluginStaticResource as te, ViewMode as se } from "@ibiz-template/runtime";
import { ref as k, watch as _, defineComponent as S, getCurrentInstance as O, computed as N, onMounted as z, h as a, toRefs as U, reactive as ae, nextTick as F, toRef as ne } from "vue";
import { useRouter as H, useRoute as B, useIndexViewController as re, useNamespace as q, useControlController as oe, usePropsWatch as ie, useListController as le, useListExpViewController as ce, useRouteKey as de, getUploadProps as ue, getEditorEmits as pe, useMPickupViewController as he, useTreeController as me } from "@ibiz-template/vue-util";
import { createUUID as fe } from "qx-util";
import { IndexViewModel as ge, PortletPartModel as ye, ViewPortletModel as ve, ListModel as W, TreeModel as xe } from "@ibiz-template/model";
import K from "dayjs";
import { CustomPortletController as Ce, ViewPortletController as be, EditFormController as ke, ListController as we, UploadEditorController as Pe, FormMDCtrlController as De } from "@ibiz-template/controller";
import { init as Y, registerMap as Se } from "echarts";
import { mergeDeepRight as qe } from "ramda";
import { Treeselect as _e } from "@riophae/vue-treeselect";
const E = new te(import.meta.url);
class Me {
var J = Object.defineProperty;
var G = (t, n, s) => n in t ? J(t, n, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: s }) : t[n] = s;
var v = (t, n, s) => (G(t, typeof n != "symbol" ? n + "" : n, s), s);
import { PluginStaticResource as Q, ViewMode as X } from "@ibiz-template/runtime";
import { ref as C, watch as M, defineComponent as D, getCurrentInstance as V, computed as A, onMounted as z, h as a, toRefs as F, reactive as Z, nextTick as $, toRef as ee } from "vue";
import { useRouter as B, useRoute as te, useIndexViewController as se, useNamespace as S, useControlController as ae, usePropsWatch as ne, useListController as re, useListExpViewController as oe, useRouteKey as ie, getUploadProps as le, getEditorEmits as ce, useMPickupViewController as de, useTreeController as ue } from "@ibiz-template/vue-util";
import { createUUID as R } from "qx-util";
import { IndexViewModel as pe, PortletPartModel as he, ViewPortletModel as me, ListModel as U, TreeModel as fe } from "@ibiz-template/model";
import j from "dayjs";
import { CustomPortletController as ge, ViewPortletController as ye, EditFormController as ve, ListController as xe, UploadEditorController as Ce, FormMDCtrlController as be } from "@ibiz-template/controller";
import { init as H, registerMap as ke } from "echarts";
import { mergeDeepRight as we } from "ramda";
import { Treeselect as Pe } from "@riophae/vue-treeselect";
const E = new Q(import.meta.url);
class De {
constructor() {
b(this, "component", "UserIndexView");
v(this, "component", "UserIndexView");
const Ee = (t) => {
const Se = (t) => {
const { view2: n, params2: s, params1: e } = t.params;
if (!n)
return "";
......@@ -26,36 +26,47 @@ const Ee = (t) => {
return o = o || ibiz.env.routePlaceholder, `/${e}/${n}/${o}`;
}, Te = (t) => {
}, qe = (t) => {
const { view1: n, appContext: s } = t.params;
return `/${s}/${n}/${ibiz.env.routePlaceholder}`;
function Ie(t, n) {
const s = H(t), e = k(""), o = k(""), r = k([]), d = k([]), f = (l) => {
l.forEach((p) => {
const x = r.value.indexOf(p);
x !== -1 && r.value.splice(x, 1);
const w = d.value.findIndex((v) => v.key === p);
w !== -1 && d.value.splice(w, 1);
function _e(t, n) {
const s = B(t), e = C(""), o = C(""), r = C([]), d = C([]), g = (h) => {
h.forEach((u) => {
const c = r.value.indexOf(u);
if (c !== -1) {
r.value.splice(c, 1);
const l = d.value.findIndex((m) => m.key === u);
d.value.splice(l, 1);
return M(
(h, u) => {
if (h !== u && h) {
const c = r.value.indexOf(h);
c === -1 || r.value.splice(c, 1), r.value.unshift(h);
{ immediate: !0 }
), M(
() => t.$route.path,
(l, p) => {
if (l !== p) {
const x = B(t);
e.value = Ee(x), o.value = Te(x);
const w = d.value.find(
(v) => v.key === e.value
(h, u) => {
if (h !== u) {
const c = te(t);
e.value = Se(c), o.value = qe(c);
const l = d.value.find(
(m) => m.key === e.value
if (w)
w.fullPath = x.fullPath;
if (l)
l.fullPath = c.fullPath;
else {
if (l === o.value)
if (h === o.value)
key: e.value,
fullPath: x.fullPath,
fullPath: c.fullPath,
modelPath: "",
caption: ""
......@@ -63,78 +74,28 @@ function Ie(t, n) {
{ deep: !0, immediate: !0 }
), _(
(l, p) => {
if (l !== p && l) {
const x = r.value.indexOf(l);
x === -1 || r.value.splice(x, 1), r.value.unshift(l);
{ immediate: !0 }
const i = async (l, p) => {
const x = d.value.find((w) => w.key === e.value);
x && (p.caption && (x.caption = p.caption), p.modelPath && (x.modelPath = p.modelPath));
}, h = (l = e.value) => {
const p = r.value[0];
if (!p)
n.model.source.blankMode ? window.close() : (e.value = "", s.push(o.value));
else {
const x = d.value.find((w) => w.key === p);
}, g = (l) => {
const p = d.value[l];
p && s.push(p.fullPath);
}, y = () => {
const p = B(t).fullPath;
let x = p.indexOf("/");
for (let v = 0; v < 2; v++)
x = p.indexOf("/", x + 1);
const w = `${p.substring(0, x)}/-`;
}, u = () => {
if (r.value.length > 0) {
const l = d.value.find(
(p) => p.key === r.value[0]
l && s.push(l.fullPath);
} else
return {
), {
currentKey: e,
keyHistory: r,
routeMsgs: d,
updateRouteMsg: i,
closeView: h,
deleteRouteCache: f,
handleTabClick: g,
handleTabDelete: (l) => {
const p = d.value[l];
p && (f([p.key]), u());
updateRouteMsg: (h, u) => {
const c = d.value.find((l) => l.key === e.value);
c && (u.caption && (c.caption = u.caption), u.modelPath && (c.modelPath = u.modelPath));
handleCloseAll: () => {
if (d.value.length > 0) {
const l = [];
d.value.forEach((p) => {
}), f(l), u();
closeView: (h = e.value) => {
const u = r.value[0];
if (!u)
n.model.source.blankMode ? (window.callback && window.callback(), window.close()) : (e.value = "", s.push(o.value));
else {
const c = d.value.find((l) => l.key === u);
handleCloseOther: () => {
if (d.value.length > 0) {
const l = [];
d.value.forEach((p) => {
p.key !== e.value && l.push(p.key);
}), f(l), u();
deleteRouteCache: g
const Ve = /* @__PURE__ */ S({
const Me = /* @__PURE__ */ D({
__name: "index-view",
props: {
context: null,
......@@ -142,93 +103,91 @@ const Ve = /* @__PURE__ */ S({
modelPath: null
setup(t) {
const n = t, { proxy: s } = O(), e = re(s, n.modelPath), o = !0;
let r = null, d = null, f = () => {
}, i = null, h = null, g = null, y = null, u = null, c, m, C, l;
const p = k(fe());
const n = t, { proxy: s } = V(), e = se(s, n.modelPath), o = !1;
let r = null, d = null, g = () => {
}, i = null, p = null, h = null, u = null, c = null, l, m, y, f;
const b = C(R());
const {
currentKey: w,
keyHistory: v,
routeMsgs: D,
updateRouteMsg: P,
closeView: R,
deleteRouteCache: L,
handleTabClick: I,
handleTabDelete: V,
handleCloseAll: T,
handleCloseOther: Q
} = Ie(s, e);
m = w, C = v, l = D, i = L, h = I, g = V, y = T, u = Q, r = (M) => {
const A = m.value;
M.evt.on("closeView", () => {
}), M.evt.on("setTitle", (X) => {
P(A, { caption: X });
currentKey: q,
keyHistory: x,
routeMsgs: w,
updateRouteMsg: k,
closeView: N,
deleteRouteCache: L
} = _e(s, e);
m = q, y = x, f = w, i = L, r = (P) => {
const _ = m.value;
P.evt.on("closeView", () => {
}), P.evt.on("setTitle", (I) => {
k(_, { caption: I });
}, d = (M) => {
P(m.value, M);
}, d = (P) => {
k(m.value, P);
}, g = () => {
i(y.value.slice(1)), b.value = R();
}, window.onpopstate = () => {
}, c = N(() => {
const M = l.value.find(
(A) => A.key === m.value
}, l = A(() => {
const P = f.value.find(
(_) => _.key === m.value
return (M == null ? void 0 : M.modelPath) || "";
return (P == null ? void 0 : P.modelPath) || "";
return z(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
const w = document.querySelector(".app-loading-x");
w && (w.style.display = "none");
const q = document.querySelector(".app-loading-x");
q && (q.style.display = "none");
}, 300);
}), { __sfc: !0, props: n, proxy: s, c: e, isShowTabPageExp: o, onCreated: r, onViewFound: d, onMenuRouteChange: f, deleteRouteCache: i, handleTabClick: h, handleTabDelete: g, handleCloseAll: y, handleCloseOther: u, currentPath: c, currentKey: m, keyHistory: C, routeMsgs: l, appKeepAliveKey: p, collapseChange: (w) => {
e.collapseChange = w;
}), { __sfc: !0, props: n, proxy: s, c: e, isShowTabPageExp: o, onCreated: r, onViewFound: d, onMenuRouteChange: g, deleteRouteCache: i, handleTabClick: p, handleTabDelete: h, handleCloseAll: u, handleCloseOther: c, currentPath: l, currentKey: m, keyHistory: y, routeMsgs: f, appKeepAliveKey: b, collapseChange: (q) => {
e.collapseChange = q;
} };
function Oe(t, n, s, e, o, r, d, f) {
function Ee(t, n, s, e, o, r, d, g) {
var i = typeof t == "function" ? t.options : t;
n && (i.render = n, i.staticRenderFns = s, i._compiled = !0), e && (i.functional = !0), r && (i._scopeId = "data-v-" + r);
var h;
if (d ? (h = function(u) {
u = u || this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext || this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext, !u && typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ < "u" && (u = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__), o && o.call(this, u), u && u._registeredComponents && u._registeredComponents.add(d);
}, i._ssrRegister = h) : o && (h = f ? function() {
var p;
if (d ? (p = function(c) {
c = c || this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext || this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext, !c && typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ < "u" && (c = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__), o && o.call(this, c), c && c._registeredComponents && c._registeredComponents.add(d);
}, i._ssrRegister = p) : o && (p = g ? function() {
(i.functional ? this.parent : this).$root.$options.shadowRoot
} : o), h)
} : o), p)
if (i.functional) {
i._injectStyles = h;
var g = i.render;
i.render = function(c, m) {
return h.call(m), g(c, m);
i._injectStyles = p;
var h = i.render;
i.render = function(l, m) {
return p.call(m), h(l, m);
} else {
var y = i.beforeCreate;
i.beforeCreate = y ? [].concat(y, h) : [h];
var u = i.beforeCreate;
i.beforeCreate = u ? [].concat(u, p) : [p];
return {
exports: t,
options: i
var ze = function() {
var Ie = function() {
var n = this, s = n._self._c, e = n._self._setupProxy;
return s("UserAppLayout", { attrs: { "is-complete": e.c.complete, model: e.c.model, "is-show-tab-page-exp": e.isShowTabPageExp }, on: { onCollapseChange: e.collapseChange } }, [e.c.complete ? [e.c.complete ? s("app-menu", { attrs: { slot: "menu", "current-path": e.currentPath, "model-data": e.c.model.appMenu, context: e.c.context, "collapse-change": e.c.collapseChange }, on: { menuRouteChange: e.onMenuRouteChange }, slot: "menu" }) : n._e(), e.isShowTabPageExp ? s("user-tab-page-exp", { attrs: { slot: "tabPageExp", "route-msgs": e.routeMsgs, "current-key": e.currentKey }, on: { "tab-click": e.handleTabClick, "tab-delete": e.handleTabDelete, "close-all": e.handleCloseAll, "close-other": e.handleCloseOther }, slot: "tabPageExp" }) : n._e(), e.isShowTabPageExp ? s("AppKeepAlive", { attrs: { "key-list": e.keyHistory } }, [s("router-view", { key: e.currentKey, on: { neuronInit: e.onCreated, viewFound: e.onViewFound } })], 1) : s("AppKeepAlive", { key: e.appKeepAliveKey, attrs: { "key-list": e.keyHistory } }, [s("router-view", { key: e.currentKey, on: { neuronInit: e.onCreated, viewFound: e.onViewFound } })], 1)] : n._e()], 2);
}, Le = [], Ae = /* @__PURE__ */ Oe(
}, Ve = [], Te = /* @__PURE__ */ Ee(
const je = Ae.exports;
function Ke(t, n) {
const ze = Te.exports;
function Le(t, n) {
return a("div", {
class: t.e("logo")
}, [a("img", {
......@@ -240,11 +199,11 @@ function Ke(t, n) {
class: t.e("logo-caption")
}, [n.caption])]);
const Ne = S({
const Oe = D({
name: "UserAppLayout",
props: {
model: {
type: ge,
type: pe,
required: !0
isComplete: {
......@@ -260,33 +219,33 @@ const Ne = S({
emit: n,
slots: s
}) {
var C;
const e = q("layout"), o = k(!1), r = () => {
var y;
const e = S("layout"), o = C(!1), r = () => {
o.value = !o.value, n("onCollapseChange", o.value);
}, d = N(() => t.model.source.blankMode === !0), f = async () => {
var p;
const l = (p = s.menu) == null ? void 0 : p.call(s)[0].componentInstance;
l && l.c && await l.c.onClickMenuItem("menuitem46");
}, d = A(() => t.model.source.blankMode === !0), g = async () => {
var b;
const f = (b = s.menu) == null ? void 0 : b.call(s)[0].componentInstance;
f && f.c && await f.c.onClickMenuItem("menuitem46");
}, {
srfusername: i = "\u6E38\u5BA2",
srforgsectorname: h
} = ((C = ibiz.appData) == null ? void 0 : C.context) || {}, {
proxy: g
} = O(), y = H(g), u = async () => {
(await ibiz.auth.v7logout()).ok ? (ibiz.message.success("\u767B\u51FA\u6210\u529F"), y.push(`/login?ru=${encodeURIComponent(window.location.hash.replace("#/", "/"))}`)) : ibiz.message.error("\u767B\u51FA\u5931\u8D25");
}, c = k(!0);
srforgsectorname: p
} = ((y = ibiz.appData) == null ? void 0 : y.context) || {}, {
proxy: h
} = V(), u = B(h), c = async () => {
(await ibiz.auth.v7logout()).ok ? (ibiz.message.success("\u767B\u51FA\u6210\u529F"), u.push(`/login?ru=${encodeURIComponent(window.location.hash.replace("#/", "/"))}`)) : ibiz.message.error("\u767B\u51FA\u5931\u8D25");
}, l = C(!0);
return {
ns: e,
collapseChange: o,
isBlank: d,
collapseMenus: r,
openView: f,
openView: g,
srfusername: i,
srforgsectorname: h,
clickOut: u,
isShowOpt: c,
srforgsectorname: p,
clickOut: c,
isShowOpt: l,
changeShowOpt: () => {
c.value = !c.value;
l.value = !l.value;
......@@ -299,7 +258,7 @@ const Ne = S({
value: this.collapseChange
class: [this.ns.b("nav"), this.ns.is("collapse", this.collapseChange)]
}, [Ke(this.ns, this.model), a("div", {
}, [Le(this.ns, this.model), a("div", {
class: this.ns.b("option")
}, [a("i-poptip", {
attrs: {
......@@ -387,19 +346,19 @@ const Ne = S({
}, [this.$slots.tabPageExp, this.$slots.default])])]) : null;
class J extends Ce {
class W extends ge {
constructor() {
b(this, "options", []);
b(this, "kqrq", "");
b(this, "rylx", "");
v(this, "options", []);
v(this, "kqrq", "");
v(this, "rylx", "");
async onInit() {
await super.onInit(), this.options = await ibiz.codeListService.get(
), this.context.srforgcode && (this.params.orgcode = this.context.srforgcode), this.kqrq = K().subtract(1, "day").startOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"), this.rylx = this.options.map((s) => s.value).join(","), this.changeViewParams();
), this.context.srforgcode && (this.params.orgcode = this.context.srforgcode), this.kqrq = j().subtract(1, "day").startOf("day").format("YYYY-MM-DD"), this.rylx = this.options.map((s) => s.value).join(","), this.changeViewParams();
changeViewParams() {
......@@ -413,34 +372,34 @@ class J extends Ce {
const $e = S({
const je = D({
name: "PortletSearchHeader",
props: {
modelData: {
type: ye,
type: he,
required: !0
controller: {
type: J,
type: W,
required: !0
setup(t) {
const n = q("portal-search-header"), s = k([]), e = k(new Date()), o = (i) => {
const n = S("portal-search-header"), s = C([]), e = C(new Date()), o = (i) => {
s.value = i, t.controller.rylx = i.join(","), t.controller.changeViewParams();
}, r = (i) => {
e.value = i, t.controller.kqrq = i ? K(i).format("YYYY-MM-DD") : "", t.controller.changeViewParams();
e.value = i, t.controller.kqrq = i ? j(i).format("YYYY-MM-DD") : "", t.controller.changeViewParams();
e.value = new Date(t.controller.kqrq), s.value = t.controller.rylx.split(",");
const d = K();
const d = j();
return {
ns: n,
selectArray: s,
selectDate: e,
options: {
disabledDate: (i) => {
const h = K(i);
return d.isSame(h, "day") || d.isBefore(h, "day");
const p = j(i);
return d.isSame(p, "day") || d.isBefore(p, "day");
onSelectArrayChange: o,
......@@ -481,12 +440,12 @@ const $e = S({
class Re {
class Ae {
constructor() {
b(this, "component", $e);
v(this, "component", je);
async createController(n, s, e) {
const o = new J(
const o = new W(
......@@ -494,17 +453,17 @@ class Re {
return await o.init(), o;
class G extends be {
class Y extends ye {
constructor() {
b(this, "data", {});
b(this, "mapData", []);
b(this, "pointData", []);
b(this, "form");
b(this, "hasLoad", !1);
b(this, "isloading", !1);
b(this, "entityService");
b(this, "pointClicked", !1);
v(this, "data", {});
v(this, "mapData", []);
v(this, "pointData", []);
v(this, "form");
v(this, "hasLoad", !1);
v(this, "isloading", !1);
v(this, "entityService");
v(this, "pointClicked", !1);
async onInit() {
await super.onInit(), await this.model.embedView.init();
......@@ -512,7 +471,7 @@ class G extends be {
this.entityService = await ibiz.entityService.getService(
), this.form = new ke(s, this.context, {
), this.form = new ve(s, this.context, {
}), await this.form.init(), this.dashboard.nerve.self.evt.on("mounted", () => {
......@@ -578,7 +537,7 @@ class G extends be {
const j = S({
const O = D({
name: "RingChart",
props: {
percent: {
......@@ -595,11 +554,11 @@ const j = S({
setup(t) {
const n = q("ring-chart"), s = k();
const n = S("ring-chart"), s = C();
let e;
const o = N(() => {
const h = 100 / t.colors.length, g = Math.round(t.percent / h);
return t.colors[g];
const o = A(() => {
const p = 100 / t.colors.length, h = Math.round(t.percent / p);
return t.colors[h];
}), r = () => ({
tooltip: {
trigger: "item"
......@@ -622,8 +581,8 @@ const j = S({
label: {
show: !1,
position: "center",
formatter(h) {
return [`{a|${`${h.percent * 2}%`}}`, `{b|${t.text}}`].join(`
formatter(p) {
return [`{a|${`${p.percent * 2}%`}}`, `{b|${t.text}}`].join(`
rich: {
......@@ -661,14 +620,14 @@ const j = S({
z(() => {
e = Y(s.value), e.setOption(r());
e = H(s.value), e.setOption(r());
const {
percent: d,
colors: f,
colors: g,
text: i
} = U(t);
return _([d, f, i], () => {
} = F(t);
return M([d, g, i], () => {
e && (e.setOption(r()), e.resize());
}), window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
e == null || e.resize();
......@@ -683,85 +642,85 @@ const j = S({
ref: "chartRef"
}), Fe = ["#FF0700", "#FFF400", "#73A0FA"], Be = {
}), Ke = ["#FF0700", "#FFF400", "#73A0FA"], Ne = {
strMapCode: !0,
visualMap: {
text: ["\u9AD8", "\u4F4E"],
min: 0,
max: 100,
rangeColor: Fe
rangeColor: Ke
pointSymbol: "pin"
}, Ue = "/assets/json/map/jiangsu/{id}.json";
async function He(t) {
}, $e = "/assets/json/map/jiangsu/{id}.json";
async function Re(t) {
return (await ibiz.net.axios({
url: E.dir(Ue.replace("{id}", t))
url: E.dir($e.replace("{id}", t))
function We(t, n) {
const s = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), e = k(""), o = k([]);
function Fe(t, n) {
const s = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), e = C(""), o = C([]);
let r;
const d = k(), f = (c) => {
const d = C(), g = (l) => {
const m = {
cityNames: {},
noChild: c.features.length === 1
noChild: l.features.length === 1
return c.features.forEach((C) => {
const { adcode: l, name: p } = C.properties;
m.cityNames[l] = p;
return l.features.forEach((y) => {
const { adcode: f, name: b } = y.properties;
m.cityNames[f] = b;
}), m;
}, i = async (c) => {
if (s.has(c))
}, i = async (l) => {
if (s.has(l))
const m = await He(c);
s.set(c, f(m)), Se(c, m);
}, h = (c) => {
const m = await Re(l);
s.set(l, g(m)), ke(l, m);
}, p = (l) => {
const m = s.get(e.value);
if (m)
return m.cityNames[c];
}, g = () => {
const c = t(e.value);
r.setOption(c), r.resize();
}, y = async (c, m = !1) => {
m || n("mapChange", { name: c }), s.has(c) || await i(c), e.value = c, o.value.push(c), g();
}, u = () => {
return m.cityNames[l];
}, h = () => {
const l = t(e.value);
r.setOption(l), r.resize();
}, u = async (l, m = !1) => {
m || n("mapChange", { name: l }), s.has(l) || await i(l), e.value = l, o.value.push(l), h();
}, c = () => {
if (o.value.length > 1) {
const c = o.value.pop();
const l = o.value.pop();
return z(() => {
r = Y(d.value), window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
r = H(d.value), window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
r == null || r.resize();
}), r.on("click", (c) => {
if (c.componentType === "series" && c.seriesType === "scatter") {
n("pointClick", c.data);
}), r.on("click", (l) => {
if (l.componentType === "series" && l.seriesType === "scatter") {
n("pointClick", l.data);
c.name !== e.value && y(c.name);
}), r.on("mouseover", function(c) {
if (c.componentType === "series" && c.seriesType === "scatter") {
const m = c.dataIndex, C = r.getOption(), l = C.series[c.seriesIndex].data, p = C.series[c.seriesIndex].symbolSize;
l[m].symbolSize = p + 10, r.setOption(C);
l.name !== e.value && u(l.name);
}), r.on("mouseover", function(l) {
if (l.componentType === "series" && l.seriesType === "scatter") {
const m = l.dataIndex, y = r.getOption(), f = y.series[l.seriesIndex].data, b = y.series[l.seriesIndex].symbolSize;
f[m].symbolSize = b + 10, r.setOption(y);
}), r.on("mouseout", function(c) {
if (c.componentType === "series" && c.seriesType === "scatter") {
const m = c.dataIndex, C = r.getOption(), l = C.series[c.seriesIndex].data;
delete l[m].symbolSize, r.setOption(C);
}), r.on("mouseout", function(l) {
if (l.componentType === "series" && l.seriesType === "scatter") {
const m = l.dataIndex, y = r.getOption(), f = y.series[l.seriesIndex].data;
delete f[m].symbolSize, r.setOption(y);
}), {
chartRef: d,
historyNames: o,
currenName: e,
changeMap: y,
getCityName: h,
goBack: u,
refresh: g
changeMap: u,
getCityName: p,
goBack: c,
refresh: h
const Ye = S({
const Be = D({
name: "MapChart",
props: {
mapData: {
......@@ -783,20 +742,20 @@ const Ye = S({
setup(t, {
emit: n
}) {
const s = q("map-chart"), e = N(() => qe(Be, t.options)), {
const s = S("map-chart"), e = A(() => we(Ne, t.options)), {
chartRef: o,
historyNames: r,
changeMap: d,
getCityName: f,
getCityName: g,
goBack: i,
refresh: h
} = We((u) => {
refresh: p
} = Fe((c) => {
const {
visualMap: c,
visualMap: l,
pointSymbol: m
} = e.value, C = {
} = e.value, y = {
geo: {
map: u
map: c
tooltip: {
trigger: "item",
......@@ -809,32 +768,32 @@ const Ye = S({
extraCssText: "backdrop-filter: blur(3px);"
visualMap: {
min: c.min,
max: c.max,
text: c.text,
min: l.min,
max: l.max,
text: l.text,
realtime: !1,
hoverLink: !1,
inRange: {
color: c.rangeColor
color: l.rangeColor
series: [
type: "map",
map: u,
map: c,
nameProperty: e.value.strMapCode ? "adcodeStr" : "adcode",
tooltip: {
formatter: (l) => {
const p = f(l.name), x = t.mapData.find((w) => w.name == l.name);
if (!!x)
formatter: (f) => {
const b = g(f.name), T = t.mapData.find((q) => q.name == f.name);
if (!!T)
return `
<div style='display:flex;justify-content: space-between;'>
<div style='display:flex;justify-content: space-between;'>
......@@ -843,19 +802,19 @@ const Ye = S({
show: !0,
color: "#000000",
fontSize: 11,
formatter: (l) => f(l.name)
formatter: (f) => g(f.name)
select: {
disabled: !0
data: t.mapData.map((l) => ({
name: l.name,
value: l.value
data: t.mapData.map((f) => ({
name: f.name,
value: f.value
return t.pointData && C.series.push({
return t.pointData && y.series.push({
type: "scatter",
coordinateSystem: "geo",
symbol: m,
......@@ -869,43 +828,43 @@ const Ye = S({
color: "#000000",
fontSize: 10,
textShadowBlur: 0,
formatter: (l) => l.data.title,
formatter: (f) => f.data.title,
position: "left",
offset: [10, -15]
tooltip: {
formatter: (l) => {
const p = l.data;
formatter: (f) => {
const b = f.data;
return `
<div style='display:flex;justify-content: space-between;'>
<div style='display:flex;justify-content: space-between;'>
data: t.pointData.map((l) => ({
value: [Number(l.jd), Number(l.wd)],
data: t.pointData.map((f) => ({
value: [Number(f.jd), Number(f.wd)],
visualMap: !1
}), C;
}, (u, c) => {
u === "mapChange" ? n("mapChange", c.name) : n(u, c);
}), y;
}, (c, l) => {
c === "mapChange" ? n("mapChange", l.name) : n(c, l);
z(() => {
d(t.defaultMapName, !0);
const {
mapData: g,
pointData: y
} = U(t);
return _([g, y], () => {
mapData: h,
pointData: u
} = F(t);
return M([h, u], () => {
}), {
ns: s,
chartRef: o,
......@@ -928,20 +887,20 @@ const Ye = S({
}, ["\u8FD4\u56DE"])]);
}), Je = `image://${E.dir("/assets/img/fiveStars.png")}`, Ge = S({
}), Ue = `image://${E.dir("/assets/img/fiveStars.png")}`, He = D({
name: "PortalMapArea",
props: {
modelData: {
type: ve,
type: me,
required: !0
controller: {
type: G,
type: Y,
required: !0
setup(t) {
const n = ae(t.controller), s = q("portal-map-area");
const n = Z(t.controller), s = S("portal-map-area");
return {
c: n,
ns: s
......@@ -963,12 +922,12 @@ const Ye = S({
}) : null, a("div", {
class: this.ns.e("left")
}, [a(j, {
}, [a(O, {
attrs: {
percent: this.c.data.zcl,
text: `\u6B63\u5E38\u6570 ${this.c.data.zcrs}`
}), a(j, {
}), a(O, {
attrs: {
percent: this.c.data.ycl,
text: `\u5F02\u5E38\u6570 ${this.c.data.ycrs}`
......@@ -977,14 +936,14 @@ const Ye = S({
class: this.ns.e("center")
}, [a("div", {
class: this.ns.e("title")
}, [`${this.c.data.orgname} \u2014 ${this.c.data.yzrs}\u4EBA`]), a(Ye, {
}, [`${this.c.data.orgname} \u2014 ${this.c.data.yzrs}\u4EBA`]), a(Be, {
class: this.ns.e("map"),
attrs: {
mapData: this.c.mapData,
pointData: this.c.pointData,
defaultMapName: this.c.params.orgcode,
options: {
pointSymbol: Je
pointSymbol: Ue
on: {
......@@ -1004,12 +963,12 @@ const Ye = S({
}, ["\u8FD4\u56DE"])]), a("div", {
class: this.ns.e("right")
}, [a(j, {
}, [a(O, {
attrs: {
percent: this.c.data.qjl,
text: `\u8BF7\u5047\u4EBA\u6570 ${this.c.data.qjrs}`
}), a(j, {
}), a(O, {
attrs: {
percent: this.c.data.xjl,
text: `\u4F11\u5047\u4EBA\u6570 ${this.c.data.xjrs}`
......@@ -1017,12 +976,12 @@ const Ye = S({
class Qe {
class We {
constructor() {
b(this, "component", Ge);
v(this, "component", He);
async createController(n, s, e) {
const o = new G(
const o = new Y(
......@@ -1030,12 +989,12 @@ class Qe {
return await o.init(), o;
class Xe extends we {
class Ye extends xe {
constructor() {
b(this, "unit", "");
b(this, "isPercent", !1);
b(this, "maxNum", 0);
v(this, "unit", "");
v(this, "isPercent", !1);
v(this, "maxNum", 0);
async onInit() {
var s;
......@@ -1051,13 +1010,13 @@ class Xe extends we {
}), s;
function Ze(t, n, s, e = {}) {
return oe(t, () => {
const o = new Xe(n, s, e);
return ie(t, "mdCtrlActiveMode", o.setMdCtrlActiveMode.bind(o)), o;
function Je(t, n, s, e = {}) {
return ae(t, () => {
const o = new Ye(n, s, e);
return ne(t, "mdCtrlActiveMode", o.setMdCtrlActiveMode.bind(o)), o;
function et(t) {
function Ge(t) {
return { handleClick: (e) => {
const o = t.selectedData.findIndex((r) => e.srfkey === r.srfkey);
if (t.singleSelect)
......@@ -1071,11 +1030,11 @@ function et(t) {
} };
const tt = S({
const Qe = D({
name: "KqqkListControl",
props: {
modelData: {
type: W,
type: U,
required: !0
context: {
......@@ -1102,14 +1061,14 @@ const tt = S({
setup(t) {
const {
proxy: n
} = O(), s = q("kqqk-list"), e = Ze(n, t.modelData, t.context, t.params), {
} = V(), s = S("kqqk-list"), e = Je(n, t.modelData, t.context, t.params), {
handleClick: o,
handleDblClick: r
} = et(e), d = (i, h) => {
const g = e.selectedData.findIndex((u) => u.srfkey === i.srfkey), y = [s.b("item"), s.is("active", g !== -1)];
} = Ge(e), d = (i, p) => {
const h = e.selectedData.findIndex((c) => c.srfkey === i.srfkey), u = [s.b("item"), s.is("active", h !== -1)];
return a("div", {
class: y,
key: i.srfkey + h,
class: u,
key: i.srfkey + p,
on: {
click: () => o(i),
dblclick: () => r(i)
......@@ -1128,7 +1087,7 @@ const tt = S({
return {
c: e,
ns: s,
renderListContent: () => e.items.map((i, h) => d(i, h))
renderListContent: () => e.items.map((i, p) => d(i, p))
render() {
......@@ -1140,12 +1099,12 @@ const tt = S({
}, [this.c.complete && [this.renderListContent()]]);
class st {
class Xe {
constructor() {
b(this, "component", tt);
v(this, "component", Qe);
function at(t) {
function Ze(t) {
return { handleClick: (e) => {
const o = t.selectedData.findIndex((r) => e.srfkey === r.srfkey);
if (t.singleSelect)
......@@ -1159,11 +1118,11 @@ function at(t) {
} };
const $ = S({
const K = D({
name: "ListExpControl",
props: {
modelData: {
type: W,
type: U,
required: !0
context: {
......@@ -1194,63 +1153,63 @@ const $ = S({
setup(t) {
const {
proxy: n
} = O(), s = q("control-list"), e = le(n, t.modelData, t.context, t.params), {
} = V(), s = S("control-list"), e = re(n, t.modelData, t.context, t.params), {
handleClick: o,
handleDblClick: r
} = at(e);
} = Ze(e);
let d = !0;
z(() => {
_(() => e, (u, c) => {
if (t.isExpView && u && u !== c) {
M(() => e, (c, l) => {
if (t.isExpView && c && c !== l) {
let m = e.items[0];
if (t.defaultSelectKeys && t.defaultSelectKeys.length > 0) {
const C = e.items.find((l) => l.srfkey === t.defaultSelectKeys[0]);
C && (m = C);
const y = e.items.find((f) => f.srfkey === t.defaultSelectKeys[0]);
y && (m = y);
m && e.onSelectionChange([m]);
}, {
immediate: !0
}), _(() => e.items.length, (u) => {
t.isExpView && u && e.onSelectionChange([e.items[0]]);
}), M(() => e.items.length, (c) => {
t.isExpView && c && e.onSelectionChange([e.items[0]]);
}, {
immediate: !0,
deep: !0
const f = (u) => {
const g = (c) => {
e.selectedData.length === 0 && (e.selectedData = [{
srfkey: e.items[0].srfkey
const c = e.selectedData.findIndex((l) => l.srfkey === u.srfkey), m = () => {
d = !1, delete e.context.n_orgid_eq, e.context.calendarcaption = u.deptname, o(u);
}, C = [s.b("item"), s.is("active", c !== -1 && d === !1)];
const l = e.selectedData.findIndex((f) => f.srfkey === c.srfkey), m = () => {
d = !1, delete e.context.n_orgid_eq, e.context.calendarcaption = c.deptname, o(c);
}, y = [s.b("item"), s.is("active", l !== -1 && d === !1)];
return a("div", {
class: C,
class: y,
on: {
click: () => m(),
dblclick: () => r(u)
dblclick: () => r(c)
}, [e.layoutPanelProvider ? a(e.layoutPanelProvider.component, {
props: {
modelData: e.model,
context: e.context,
params: e.params,
inputData: u
inputData: c
}) : `${u.deptname}`]);
}, i = () => e.model.source.enableGroup ? a("el-collapse") : e.items.map((u) => f(u)), h = () => Object.is(e.total, e.items.length) ? null : a("div", {
}) : `${c.deptname}`]);
}, i = () => e.model.source.enableGroup ? a("el-collapse") : e.items.map((c) => g(c)), p = () => Object.is(e.total, e.items.length) ? null : a("div", {
class: s.e("no-data")
}, [a("div", ["\u6682\u65E0\u6570\u636E"])]), g = (u) => {
}, [a("div", ["\u6682\u65E0\u6570\u636E"])]), h = (c) => {
d = !0, Object.assign(e.context, {
n_orgid_eq: e.params.n_orgid_eq
}), e.context.calendarcaption = u.deptname, o(u);
}, y = () => {
const u = [s.b("item"), s.is("active", d === !0)];
}), e.context.calendarcaption = c.deptname, o(c);
}, u = () => {
const c = [s.b("item"), s.is("active", d === !0)];
return e.items.length > 0 ? a("div", {
class: u,
class: c,
on: {
click: () => g({
click: () => h({
deptid: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
orgid: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
srfkey: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
......@@ -1260,19 +1219,19 @@ const $ = S({
}, ["\u5168\u90E8"]) : null;
return F(() => {
d && (g({
return $(() => {
d && (h({
deptid: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
orgid: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
srfkey: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
deptname: e.context.selectedDeptName,
sysdepartment: void 0
}), e.selectedData.length = 0);
}), _(() => e.items, () => {
F(() => {
}), M(() => e.items, () => {
$(() => {
d = !0, Object.assign(e.context, {
n_orgid_eq: e.params.n_orgid_eq
}), g({
}), h({
deptid: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
orgid: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
srfkey: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
......@@ -1287,9 +1246,9 @@ const $ = S({
c: e,
ns: s,
renderListContent: i,
renderLoadMore: h,
renderAll: y,
renderAllClick: g,
renderLoadMore: p,
renderAll: u,
renderAllClick: h,
isSelectAll: d
......@@ -1302,11 +1261,11 @@ const $ = S({
}, [this.c.complete && [this.renderAll(), this.renderListContent(), this.renderLoadMore()]]);
const nt = S({
const et = D({
name: "ListExpSelectTreeView",
components: {
Treeselect: _e,
ListExpControl: $
Treeselect: Pe,
ListExpControl: K
props: {
context: Object,
......@@ -1325,31 +1284,31 @@ const nt = S({
setup(t) {
const {
proxy: n
} = O(), s = ce(n, t.modelPath), e = k(""), o = k([]), r = q("list-exp-select-tree");
} = V(), s = oe(n, t.modelPath), e = C(""), o = C([]), r = S("list-exp-select-tree");
s.context.isRouter === !0 && s.nerve.self.evt.on("created", () => {
t.srfnav && (s.navItem.key = t.srfnav, o.value = [t.srfnav]), de(ne(s.navItem, "key"), n, e);
t.srfnav && (s.navItem.key = t.srfnav, o.value = [t.srfnav]), ie(ee(s.navItem, "key"), n, e);
const d = [`${s.context.srforgid}`];
s.context.srforgid && (s.context.selectedDeptName = s.context.srforgname, Object.assign(s.params, {
n_orgid_eq: s.context.srforgid
const f = (y) => ({
id: y.id,
label: y.text,
children: y.children
}), i = (y) => {
s.context.selectedDeptName = y.text, Object.assign(s.params, {
n_orgid_eq: y.value
const g = (u) => ({
id: u.id,
label: u.text,
children: u.children
}), i = (u) => {
s.context.selectedDeptName = u.text, Object.assign(s.params, {
n_orgid_eq: u.value
}), s.nerve.list.call.load();
}, h = k(!1);
}, p = C(!1);
return {
c: s,
defaultSelectKeys: o,
routeViewKey: e,
normalizer: f,
normalizer: g,
select: i,
dataItems: [],
isLoadCodeList: h,
isLoadCodeList: p,
value: d,
ns: r
......@@ -1378,7 +1337,7 @@ const nt = S({
expBarModel: this.c.model.listExpBar
scopedSlots: {
default: () => a($, {
default: () => a(K, {
attrs: {
modelData: s,
context: this.c.context,
......@@ -1417,7 +1376,7 @@ const nt = S({
context: this.c.navItem.context,
params: this.c.navItem.params,
modal: {
mode: se.EMBED
mode: X.EMBED
modelPath: s.navView.source.modelPath
......@@ -1429,33 +1388,33 @@ const nt = S({
return null;
class rt {
class tt {
constructor() {
b(this, "component", "ListExpSelectTreeView");
v(this, "component", "ListExpSelectTreeView");
class ot {
class st {
constructor() {
b(this, "component", "BYQKEditView");
v(this, "component", "BYQKEditView");
class it {
class at {
constructor() {
b(this, "formEditor", "KqBase64ImageUpload");
b(this, "gridEditor", "IBizGridFileUpload");
v(this, "formEditor", "KqBase64ImageUpload");
v(this, "gridEditor", "IBizGridFileUpload");
async createController(n, s) {
const e = new Pe(n, s);
const e = new Ce(n, s);
return await e.init(), e;
const lt = S({
const nt = D({
name: "KqBase64ImageUpload",
props: ue(),
emits: pe(),
props: le(),
emits: ce(),
setup(t) {
var r, d, f;
const n = q("kq-base64-image-upload"), s = ((r = t.controller.model) == null ? void 0 : r.width) || "auto", e = ((d = t.controller.model) == null ? void 0 : d.height) || "150px", o = ((f = t.controller.editorParams) == null ? void 0 : f["justify-content"]) || "center";
var r, d, g;
const n = S("kq-base64-image-upload"), s = ((r = t.controller.model) == null ? void 0 : r.width) || "auto", e = ((d = t.controller.model) == null ? void 0 : d.height) || "150px", o = ((g = t.controller.editorParams) == null ? void 0 : g["justify-content"]) || "center";
return () => a("div", {
class: n.b(),
style: {
......@@ -1471,12 +1430,12 @@ const lt = S({
class ct {
class rt {
constructor() {
b(this, "component", "KqdwCustomPickupTreeView");
v(this, "component", "KqdwCustomPickupTreeView");
const dt = S({
const ot = D({
name: "KqdwCustomPickupTreeView",
props: {
context: {
......@@ -1496,31 +1455,31 @@ const dt = S({
setup(t) {
const n = q("kqdw-custom-pickup-tree-view"), {
const n = S("kqdw-custom-pickup-tree-view"), {
proxy: s
} = O(), e = he(s, t.modelPath), o = k(null);
} = V(), e = de(s, t.modelPath), o = C(null);
let r = null;
const d = k([]), f = k({}), i = k([]), h = k([]), g = k(""), y = k([]), u = async (v) => {
await r.loadNodes(v), f.value = v, i.value.push(v);
const d = C([]), g = C({}), i = C([]), p = C([]), h = C(""), u = C([]), c = async (x) => {
await r.loadNodes(x), g.value = x, i.value.push(x);
return _(() => e.complete, async (v, D) => {
var P;
if (v !== D && v) {
return M(() => e.complete, async (x, w) => {
var k;
if (x !== w && x) {
await e.model.pickupViewPanel.embedView.init();
const L = (P = e.model.pickupViewPanel.embedView.source.getPSControls()) == null ? void 0 : P.find((V) => V.controlType === "TREEVIEW");
L || console.warn("\u672A\u627E\u5230[\u6811(tree)]\u90E8\u4EF6"), o.value = new xe(L), await o.value.init(), r = me(s, o.value, t.context, t.params), await r.init();
const I = await r.load();
if (I.length > 0 && (d.value = I, f.value.children = I, i.value.push({
const L = (k = e.model.pickupViewPanel.embedView.source.getPSControls()) == null ? void 0 : k.find((_) => _.controlType === "TREEVIEW");
L || console.warn("\u672A\u627E\u5230[\u6811(tree)]\u90E8\u4EF6"), o.value = new fe(L), await o.value.init(), r = ue(s, o.value, t.context, t.params), await r.init();
const P = await r.load();
if (P.length > 0 && (d.value = P, g.value.children = P, i.value.push({
text: "\u5F53\u524D\u9662",
children: I
children: P
})), e.params.selectedData) {
const V = JSON.parse(e.params.selectedData);
V.length > 0 && (h.value = V.map((T) => ({
srfkey: T.srfkey,
srfmajortext: T.srfmajortext,
value: T.srfkey,
text: T.srfmajortext,
dxlx: T.dxlx
const _ = JSON.parse(e.params.selectedData);
_.length > 0 && (p.value = _.map((I) => ({
srfkey: I.srfkey,
srfmajortext: I.srfmajortext,
value: I.srfkey,
text: I.srfmajortext,
dxlx: I.dxlx
......@@ -1528,47 +1487,47 @@ const dt = S({
ns: n,
c: e,
treeDatas: d,
currentTreeNode: f,
clickTreeNode: u,
currentTreeNode: g,
clickTreeNode: c,
treeHistory: i,
isChecked: (v) => h.value.findIndex((P) => P.value === v.value) !== -1,
selectTreeNodes: h,
handleSelect: (v) => {
const D = h.value.findIndex((P) => P.value === v.value);
D === -1 ? h.value.push(v) : h.value.splice(D, 1);
isChecked: (x) => p.value.findIndex((k) => k.value === x.value) !== -1,
selectTreeNodes: p,
handleSelect: (x) => {
const w = p.value.findIndex((k) => k.value === x.value);
w === -1 ? p.value.push(x) : p.value.splice(w, 1);
clickHistory: (v) => {
const D = i.value.findIndex((P) => P.value === v.value);
i.value = i.value.slice(0, D + 1), f.value = v;
clickHistory: (x) => {
const w = i.value.findIndex((k) => k.value === x.value);
i.value = i.value.slice(0, w + 1), g.value = x;
clearAll: () => {
h.value = [];
p.value = [];
onOkButtonClick: () => {
const v = h.value.map((D) => {
var P;
const x = p.value.map((w) => {
var k;
return {
srfkey: D.value,
srfmajortext: D.text,
dxlx: (P = D.deData) == null ? void 0 : P.dxlx
srfkey: w.value,
srfmajortext: w.text,
dxlx: (k = w.deData) == null ? void 0 : k.dxlx
ok: !0,
data: v
data: x
query: g,
queryChange: (v) => {
v.target && (g.value = v.target.value, Object.assign(e.params, {
query: g.value
query: h,
queryChange: (x) => {
x.target && (h.value = x.target.value, Object.assign(e.params, {
query: h.value
search: async () => {
const v = await (r == null ? void 0 : r.load());
v && (y.value = v);
const x = await (r == null ? void 0 : r.load());
x && (u.value = x);
queryTreeNodeList: y
queryTreeNodeList: u
render() {
......@@ -1685,16 +1644,16 @@ const dt = S({
}, ["\u53D6\u6D88"])])]);
class ut {
class it {
constructor() {
b(this, "component", "KqbcFormMDCtrl");
v(this, "component", "KqbcFormMDCtrl");
async createController(n, s, e) {
const o = new De(n, s, e);
const o = new be(n, s, e);
return await o.init(), o;
const pt = S({
const lt = D({
name: "UserTabPageExp",
props: {
routeMsgs: {
......@@ -1710,16 +1669,16 @@ const pt = S({
setup(t, {
emit: n
}) {
const s = q("user-tab-page-exp"), e = k("0"), o = [{
const s = S("user-tab-page-exp"), e = C("0"), o = [{
text: "\u5173\u95ED\u6240\u6709",
value: "closeAll"
}, {
text: "\u5173\u95ED\u5176\u4ED6",
value: "closeOther"
return _(() => t.currentKey, (i, h) => {
const g = t.routeMsgs.findIndex((y) => y.key === i);
g !== -1 && (e.value = `${g}`);
return M(() => t.currentKey, (i, p) => {
const h = t.routeMsgs.findIndex((u) => u.key === i);
h !== -1 && (e.value = `${h}`);
}), {
ns: s,
tabsValue: e,
......@@ -1764,10 +1723,10 @@ const pt = S({
}), Pt = {
}), Ct = {
mateUrl: import.meta.url,
install(t) {
t.component("UserTabPageExp", pt), t.component("UserIndexView", je), t.component("UserAppLayout", Ne), t.component("ListExpSelectTreeView", nt), t.component("ListExpControl", $), t.component(
t.component("UserTabPageExp", lt), t.component("UserIndexView", ze), t.component("UserAppLayout", Oe), t.component("ListExpSelectTreeView", et), t.component("ListExpControl", K), t.component(
() => import("./byqk-edit-view.fea98c06.js")
), t.component(
......@@ -1775,31 +1734,31 @@ const pt = S({
() => import("./kqbc-form-mdctrl.b92c2279.js")
), ibiz.register.view.register(
new Me()
new De()
), ibiz.register.view.register(
new rt()
new tt()
), E.loadStyle(["/style.css"]), ibiz.register.portletPart.register(
new Re()
new Ae()
), ibiz.register.portletPart.register(
new Qe()
new We()
), ibiz.register.control.register(
new st()
new Xe()
), ibiz.register.view.register(
new ot()
), t.component("KqBase64ImageUpload", lt), ibiz.register.editor.register(
new st()
), t.component("KqBase64ImageUpload", nt), ibiz.register.editor.register(
new it()
), t.component("KqdwCustomPickupTreeView", dt), ibiz.register.view.register(
new at()
), t.component("KqdwCustomPickupTreeView", ot), ibiz.register.view.register(
new ct()
), ibiz.register.formDetail.register("MDCTRL", new ut());
new rt()
), ibiz.register.formDetail.register("MDCTRL", new it());
export {
Pt as default
Ct as default
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