提交 6b07a0d8 编写于 作者: ibizdev's avatar ibizdev

tony001 发布系统代码 [TrainSys,网页端]

上级 e80fbe24
......@@ -7910,6 +7910,12 @@
"name" : "书实体索引关系选择数据视图(部件视图)",
"realModelType" : "PSDEVIEWBASE"
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"codeName" : "GanttTestView",
"logicName" : "甘特图测试",
......@@ -5173,6 +5173,10 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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"id" : "FetchDefault"
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
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"codeName" : "PhoneId"
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"name" : "PBOOKID",
"codeName" : "Pbookid"
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"id" : "FilterGet"
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
"modelref" : true,
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"getPSAppDEMethod" : {
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"modelref" : true,
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"name" : "search",
"getPSAppDEMethod" : {
"modelref" : true,
"id" : "FilterSearch"
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
"modelref" : true,
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"name" : "searchform",
"modelid" : "EFD4CD4C-66CA-4A81-8C56-2572B2EEF2BD",
}, {
"controlType" : "SEARCHBAR",
"name" : "searchbar",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
"modelref" : true,
"getPSControlParam" : {
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\ No newline at end of file
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"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPMODULES/Test.json"
"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPMODULES/Ungroup.json"
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"getPSControlParam" : { }
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"getAllPSPanelFields" : [ {
"id" : "auth_userid",
"viewFieldName" : "username"
}, {
"id" : "auth_password",
"viewFieldName" : "password"
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"id" : "auth_rememberme"
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"getPSLayout" : {
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