提交 64c46293 编写于 作者: fzh's avatar fzh

feat: 更新插件

上级 fe6e8959
var Z = Object.defineProperty;
var ee = (t, a, s) => a in t ? Z(t, a, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: s }) : t[a] = s;
var w = (t, a, s) => (ee(t, typeof a != "symbol" ? a + "" : a, s), s);
import { PluginStaticResource as te, ViewMode as se } from "@ibiz-template/runtime";
import { ref as C, watch as _, defineComponent as D, getCurrentInstance as I, computed as L, onMounted as N, h as i, toRefs as ae, reactive as ie, nextTick as K, toRef as re, onActivated as ne } from "vue";
import { useRouter as G, useRoute as B, useIndexViewController as oe, useNamespace as S, useControlController as le, usePropsWatch as ce, useListController as de, useListExpViewController as ue, useRouteKey as he, getUploadProps as pe, getEditorEmits as me, useMPickupViewController as fe, useTreeController as ge, useViewController as ve } from "@ibiz-template/vue-util";
import { createUUID as ye, notNilEmpty as we } from "qx-util";
import { IndexViewModel as be, PortletPartModel as Ce, ViewPortletModel as xe, ListModel as H, TreeModel as ke, getControl as $, GridModel as U } from "@ibiz-template/model";
import { PluginStaticResource as te, ViewMode as se, AppFuncCommand as ae } from "@ibiz-template/runtime";
import { ref as C, watch as _, defineComponent as D, getCurrentInstance as j, computed as R, onMounted as L, h as i, toRefs as ie, reactive as re, nextTick as F, toRef as ne, onActivated as oe } from "vue";
import { useRouter as G, useRoute as B, useIndexViewController as le, useNamespace as S, useControlController as ce, usePropsWatch as de, useListController as ue, useListExpViewController as he, useRouteKey as pe, getUploadProps as me, getEditorEmits as fe, useMPickupViewController as ge, useTreeController as ve, useViewController as ye } from "@ibiz-template/vue-util";
import { createUUID as we, notNilEmpty as be } from "qx-util";
import { IndexViewModel as Ce, PortletPartModel as xe, ViewPortletModel as ke, ListModel as H, TreeModel as Pe, getControl as $, GridModel as U } from "@ibiz-template/model";
import A from "dayjs";
import { CustomPortletController as Pe, ViewPortletController as qe, EditFormController as De, ListController as Se, UploadEditorController as _e, FormMDCtrlController as Me, GridViewNerve as Ee, GridViewController as Te } from "@ibiz-template/controller";
import { CustomPortletController as qe, ViewPortletController as De, EditFormController as Se, ListController as _e, UploadEditorController as Me, FormMDCtrlController as Ee, GridViewNerve as Te, GridViewController as je } from "@ibiz-template/controller";
import { mergeDeepRight as Ie } from "ramda";
import { init as Ve, registerMap as je } from "echarts";
import { Treeselect as ze } from "@riophae/vue-treeselect";
import { convertNavData as Ae } from "@ibiz-template/service";
import { init as Ve, registerMap as ze } from "echarts";
import { Treeselect as Ae } from "@riophae/vue-treeselect";
import { convertNavData as Oe } from "@ibiz-template/service";
const M = new te(import.meta.url);
class Oe {
class Ne {
constructor() {
w(this, "component", "UserIndexView");
......@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ const Re = (t) => {
const { view1: a, appContext: s } = t.params;
return `/${s}/${a}/${ibiz.env.routePlaceholder}`;
function Ne(t, a) {
const s = G(t), e = C(""), r = C(""), n = C([]), u = C([]), y = (l) => {
function Ke(t, a) {
const s = G(t), e = C(""), r = C(""), n = C([]), d = C([]), f = (l) => {
l.forEach((h) => {
const b = n.value.indexOf(h);
b !== -1 && n.value.splice(b, 1);
const k = u.value.findIndex((v) => v.key === h);
k !== -1 && u.value.splice(k, 1);
const k = d.value.findIndex((y) => y.key === h);
k !== -1 && d.value.splice(k, 1);
......@@ -46,15 +46,15 @@ function Ne(t, a) {
if (l !== h) {
const b = B(t);
e.value = Re(b), r.value = Le(b);
const k = u.value.find(
(v) => v.key === e.value
const k = d.value.find(
(y) => y.key === e.value
if (k)
b.matched.length === 2 ? s.push(k.fullPath) : k.fullPath = b.fullPath;
else {
if (l === r.value)
key: e.value,
fullPath: b.fullPath,
modelPath: "",
......@@ -75,62 +75,62 @@ function Ne(t, a) {
{ immediate: !0 }
const o = async (l, h) => {
const b = u.value.find((k) => k.key === e.value);
const b = d.value.find((k) => k.key === e.value);
b && (h.caption && (b.caption = h.caption), h.modelPath && (b.modelPath = h.modelPath));
}, p = (l = e.value) => {
const h = n.value[0];
if (!h)
a.model.source.blankMode ? window.close() : (e.value = "", s.push(r.value));
else {
const b = u.value.find((k) => k.key === h);
const b = d.value.find((k) => k.key === h);
}, f = (l) => {
const h = u.value[l];
}, g = (l) => {
const h = d.value[l];
h && s.push(h.fullPath);
}, g = () => {
}, v = () => {
const h = B(t).fullPath;
let b = h.indexOf("/");
for (let v = 0; v < 2; v++)
for (let y = 0; y < 2; y++)
b = h.indexOf("/", b + 1);
const k = `${h.substring(0, b)}/-`;
}, d = () => {
}, u = () => {
if (n.value.length > 0) {
const l = u.value.find(
const l = d.value.find(
(h) => h.key === n.value[0]
l && s.push(l.fullPath);
} else
return {
currentKey: e,
keyHistory: n,
routeMsgs: u,
routeMsgs: d,
updateRouteMsg: o,
closeView: p,
deleteRouteCache: y,
handleTabClick: f,
deleteRouteCache: f,
handleTabClick: g,
handleTabDelete: (l) => {
const h = u.value[l];
h && (y([h.key]), d());
const h = d.value[l];
h && (f([h.key]), u());
handleCloseAll: () => {
if (u.value.length > 0) {
if (d.value.length > 0) {
const l = [];
u.value.forEach((h) => {
d.value.forEach((h) => {
}), y(l), d();
}), f(l), u();
handleCloseOther: () => {
if (u.value.length > 0) {
if (d.value.length > 0) {
const l = [];
u.value.forEach((h) => {
d.value.forEach((h) => {
h.key !== e.value && l.push(h.key);
}), y(l), d();
}), f(l), u();
......@@ -143,58 +143,58 @@ const Fe = /* @__PURE__ */ D({
modelPath: null
setup(t) {
const a = t, { proxy: s } = I(), e = oe(s, a.modelPath), r = !0;
let n = null, u = null, y = () => {
}, o = null, p = null, f = null, g = null, d = null, c, m, x, l;
const h = C(ye());
const a = t, { proxy: s } = j(), e = le(s, a.modelPath), r = !0;
let n = null, d = null, f = () => {
}, o = null, p = null, g = null, v = null, u = null, c, m, x, l;
const h = C(we());
const {
currentKey: k,
keyHistory: v,
keyHistory: y,
routeMsgs: q,
updateRouteMsg: P,
closeView: z,
deleteRouteCache: O,
handleTabClick: V,
handleTabDelete: j,
handleTabClick: I,
handleTabDelete: V,
handleCloseAll: T,
handleCloseOther: J
} = Ne(s, e);
m = k, x = v, l = q, o = O, p = V, f = j, g = T, d = J, n = (E) => {
const R = m.value;
} = Ke(s, e);
m = k, x = y, l = q, o = O, p = I, g = V, v = T, u = J, n = (E) => {
const N = m.value;
E.evt.on("closeView", () => {
}), E.evt.on("setTitle", (X) => {
P(R, { caption: X });
P(N, { caption: X });
}, u = (E) => {
}, d = (E) => {
P(m.value, E);
}, window.onpopstate = () => {
}, c = L(() => {
}, c = R(() => {
const E = l.value.find(
(R) => R.key === m.value
(N) => N.key === m.value
return (E == null ? void 0 : E.modelPath) || "";
return N(() => {
return L(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
const k = document.querySelector(".app-loading-x");
k && (k.style.display = "none");
}, 300);
}), { __sfc: !0, props: a, proxy: s, c: e, isShowTabPageExp: r, onCreated: n, onViewFound: u, onMenuRouteChange: y, deleteRouteCache: o, handleTabClick: p, handleTabDelete: f, handleCloseAll: g, handleCloseOther: d, currentPath: c, currentKey: m, keyHistory: x, routeMsgs: l, appKeepAliveKey: h, collapseChange: (k) => {
}), { __sfc: !0, props: a, proxy: s, c: e, isShowTabPageExp: r, onCreated: n, onViewFound: d, onMenuRouteChange: f, deleteRouteCache: o, handleTabClick: p, handleTabDelete: g, handleCloseAll: v, handleCloseOther: u, currentPath: c, currentKey: m, keyHistory: x, routeMsgs: l, appKeepAliveKey: h, collapseChange: (k) => {
e.collapseChange = k;
} };
function Ke(t, a, s, e, r, n, u, y) {
function Be(t, a, s, e, r, n, d, f) {
var o = typeof t == "function" ? t.options : t;
a && (o.render = a, o.staticRenderFns = s, o._compiled = !0), e && (o.functional = !0), n && (o._scopeId = "data-v-" + n);
var p;
if (u ? (p = function(d) {
d = d || this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext || this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext, !d && typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ < "u" && (d = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__), r && r.call(this, d), d && d._registeredComponents && d._registeredComponents.add(u);
}, o._ssrRegister = p) : r && (p = y ? function() {
if (d ? (p = function(u) {
u = u || this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext || this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext, !u && typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ < "u" && (u = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__), r && r.call(this, u), u && u._registeredComponents && u._registeredComponents.add(d);
}, o._ssrRegister = p) : r && (p = f ? function() {
(o.functional ? this.parent : this).$root.$options.shadowRoot
......@@ -202,33 +202,33 @@ function Ke(t, a, s, e, r, n, u, y) {
} : r), p)
if (o.functional) {
o._injectStyles = p;
var f = o.render;
var g = o.render;
o.render = function(c, m) {
return p.call(m), f(c, m);
return p.call(m), g(c, m);
} else {
var g = o.beforeCreate;
o.beforeCreate = g ? [].concat(g, p) : [p];
var v = o.beforeCreate;
o.beforeCreate = v ? [].concat(v, p) : [p];
return {
exports: t,
options: o
var Be = function() {
var $e = function() {
var a = this, s = a._self._c, e = a._self._setupProxy;
return s("UserAppLayout", { attrs: { "is-complete": e.c.complete, model: e.c.model, "is-show-tab-page-exp": e.isShowTabPageExp }, on: { onCollapseChange: e.collapseChange } }, [e.c.complete ? [e.c.complete ? s("app-menu", { attrs: { slot: "menu", "current-path": e.currentPath, "model-data": e.c.model.appMenu, context: e.c.context, "collapse-change": e.c.collapseChange }, on: { menuRouteChange: e.onMenuRouteChange }, slot: "menu" }) : a._e(), e.isShowTabPageExp ? s("user-tab-page-exp", { attrs: { slot: "tabPageExp", "route-msgs": e.routeMsgs, "current-key": e.currentKey }, on: { "tab-click": e.handleTabClick, "tab-delete": e.handleTabDelete, "close-all": e.handleCloseAll, "close-other": e.handleCloseOther }, slot: "tabPageExp" }) : a._e(), e.isShowTabPageExp ? s("AppKeepAlive", { attrs: { "key-list": e.keyHistory } }, [s("router-view", { key: e.currentKey, on: { neuronInit: e.onCreated, viewFound: e.onViewFound } })], 1) : s("AppKeepAlive", { key: e.appKeepAliveKey, attrs: { "key-list": e.keyHistory } }, [s("router-view", { key: e.currentKey, on: { neuronInit: e.onCreated, viewFound: e.onViewFound } })], 1)] : a._e()], 2);
}, $e = [], Ue = /* @__PURE__ */ Ke(
}, Ue = [], Ge = /* @__PURE__ */ Be(
const Ge = Ue.exports;
const He = Ge.exports;
const Y = D({
name: "ChangePassword",
props: {
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ const Y = D({
oldPwd: "",
newPwd: "",
newPwd2: ""
}), n = C(!1), u = {
}), n = C(!1), d = {
oldPwd: [{
required: !0,
message: "\u8BF7\u8F93\u5165\u539F\u5BC6\u7801",
......@@ -261,32 +261,32 @@ const Y = D({
newPwd2: [{
required: !0,
trigger: "blur",
validator(o, p, f) {
p !== r.value.newPwd ? f(new Error("\u4E24\u6B21\u8F93\u5165\u5BC6\u7801\u4E0D\u4E00\u81F4\uFF0C\u8BF7\u68C0\u67E5")) : f();
validator(o, p, g) {
p !== r.value.newPwd ? g(new Error("\u4E24\u6B21\u8F93\u5165\u5BC6\u7801\u4E0D\u4E00\u81F4\uFF0C\u8BF7\u68C0\u67E5")) : g();
}, y = () => {
}, f = () => {
e.value.validate(async (o) => {
var p, f, g;
var p, g, v;
if (o)
try {
n.value = !0;
const d = await ibiz.net.post("/v7/changepwd ", {
const u = await ibiz.net.post("/v7/changepwd ", {
oldPwd: r.value.oldPwd,
newPwd: r.value.newPwd
if (d.ok) {
if (u.ok) {
title: "\u4FEE\u6539\u5BC6\u7801\u6210\u529F\uFF01"
}), n.value = !1, a("change-success");
title: ((p = d.data) == null ? void 0 : p.message) || "\u4FEE\u6539\u5BC6\u7801\u5931\u8D25\uFF01"
title: ((p = u.data) == null ? void 0 : p.message) || "\u4FEE\u6539\u5BC6\u7801\u5931\u8D25\uFF01"
}), n.value = !1;
} catch (d) {
} catch (u) {
title: ((g = (f = d.response) == null ? void 0 : f.data) == null ? void 0 : g.message) || "\u4FEE\u6539\u5BC6\u7801\u5931\u8D25\uFF01"
title: ((v = (g = u.response) == null ? void 0 : g.data) == null ? void 0 : v.message) || "\u4FEE\u6539\u5BC6\u7801\u5931\u8D25\uFF01"
}), n.value = !1;
......@@ -296,10 +296,10 @@ const Y = D({
}), {
ns: s,
formData: r,
rules: u,
rules: d,
loading: n,
formRef: e,
handleSubmit: y
handleSubmit: f
render(t) {
......@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ const Y = D({
}, ["\u786E\u8BA4\u4FEE\u6539"])])]);
function He(t, a) {
function Ye(t, a) {
return i("div", {
class: t.e("logo")
}, [i("img", {
......@@ -391,11 +391,11 @@ function He(t, a) {
class: t.e("logo-caption")
}, [a.caption])]);
const Ye = D({
const Qe = D({
name: "UserAppLayout",
props: {
model: {
type: be,
type: Ce,
required: !0
isComplete: {
......@@ -411,30 +411,30 @@ const Ye = D({
emit: a,
slots: s
}) {
var v;
var y;
const e = S("layout"), r = C(!1), n = () => {
r.value = !r.value, a("onCollapseChange", r.value);
}, u = L(() => t.model.source.blankMode === !0), y = async (q) => {
}, d = R(() => t.model.source.blankMode === !0), f = async (q) => {
var z;
const P = (z = s.menu) == null ? void 0 : z.call(s)[0].componentInstance;
P && P.c && await P.c.onClickMenuItem(q);
}, {
srfusername: o = "\u6E38\u5BA2",
srforgsectorname: p,
srffirstlogin: f
} = ((v = ibiz.appData) == null ? void 0 : v.context) || {}, {
proxy: g
} = I(), d = G(g), c = async () => {
(await ibiz.auth.v7logout()).ok ? (ibiz.message.success("\u767B\u51FA\u6210\u529F"), d.push(`/login?ru=${encodeURIComponent(window.location.hash.replace("#/", "/"))}`)) : ibiz.message.error("\u767B\u51FA\u5931\u8D25");
srffirstlogin: g
} = ((y = ibiz.appData) == null ? void 0 : y.context) || {}, {
proxy: v
} = j(), u = G(v), c = async () => {
(await ibiz.auth.v7logout()).ok ? (ibiz.message.success("\u767B\u51FA\u6210\u529F"), u.push(`/login?ru=${encodeURIComponent(window.location.hash.replace("#/", "/"))}`)) : ibiz.message.error("\u767B\u51FA\u5931\u8D25");
}, m = C(!0), x = () => {
m.value = !m.value;
}, l = C(!1), h = C(!0);
return f === 1 && (l.value = !0, h.value = !1), {
return g === 1 && (l.value = !0, h.value = !1), {
ns: e,
collapseChange: r,
isBlank: u,
isBlank: d,
collapseMenus: n,
openView: y,
openView: f,
srfusername: o,
srforgsectorname: p,
clickOut: c,
......@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ const Ye = D({
value: this.collapseChange
class: [this.ns.b("nav"), this.ns.is("collapse", this.collapseChange)]
}, [He(this.ns, this.model), i("div", {
}, [Ye(this.ns, this.model), i("div", {
class: this.ns.b("option")
}, [i("i-poptip", {
attrs: {
......@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ const Ye = D({
})])])]) : null;
class Q extends Pe {
class Q extends qe {
constructor() {
w(this, "options", []);
......@@ -608,11 +608,11 @@ class Q extends Pe {
const Qe = D({
const We = D({
name: "PortletSearchHeader",
props: {
modelData: {
type: Ce,
type: xe,
required: !0
controller: {
......@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ const Qe = D({
e.value = o, t.controller.kqrq = o ? A(o).format("YYYY-MM-DD") : "", t.controller.changeViewParams();
e.value = new Date(t.controller.kqrq), s.value = t.controller.rylx.split(",");
const u = A();
const d = A();
return {
ns: a,
selectArray: s,
......@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ const Qe = D({
options: {
disabledDate: (o) => {
const p = A(o);
return u.isSame(p, "day") || u.isBefore(p, "day");
return d.isSame(p, "day") || d.isBefore(p, "day");
onSelectArrayChange: r,
......@@ -676,9 +676,9 @@ const Qe = D({
class We {
class Je {
constructor() {
w(this, "component", Qe);
w(this, "component", We);
async createController(a, s, e) {
const r = new Q(
......@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ class We {
return await r.init(), r;
class W extends qe {
class W extends De {
constructor() {
w(this, "data", {});
......@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ class W extends qe {
this.entityService = await ibiz.entityService.getService(
), this.form = new De(s, this.context, {
), this.form = new Se(s, this.context, {
}), await this.form.init(), this.dashboard.nerve.self.evt.on("mounted", () => {
......@@ -775,25 +775,25 @@ class W extends qe {
const Je = ["#FF0700", "#FFF400", "#73A0FA"], Xe = {
const Xe = ["#FF0700", "#FFF400", "#73A0FA"], Ze = {
strMapCode: !0,
visualMap: {
text: ["\u9AD8", "\u4F4E"],
min: 0,
max: 100,
rangeColor: Je
rangeColor: Xe
pointSymbol: "pin"
}, Ze = "/assets/json/map/jiangsu/{id}.json";
async function et(t) {
}, et = "/assets/json/map/jiangsu/{id}.json";
async function tt(t) {
return (await ibiz.net.axios({
url: M.dir(Ze.replace("{id}", t))
url: M.dir(et.replace("{id}", t))
function tt(t, a) {
function st(t, a) {
const s = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), e = C(""), r = C([]);
let n;
const u = C(), y = (c) => {
const d = C(), f = (c) => {
const m = {
cityNames: {},
noChild: c.features.length === 1
......@@ -805,33 +805,33 @@ function tt(t, a) {
}, o = async (c) => {
if (s.has(c))
const m = await et(c);
s.set(c, y(m)), je(c, m);
const m = await tt(c);
s.set(c, f(m)), ze(c, m);
}, p = (c) => {
const m = s.get(e.value);
if (m)
return m.cityNames[c];
}, f = () => {
}, g = () => {
const c = t(e.value);
n.setOption(c), n.resize();
}, g = async (c, m = !1) => {
m || a("mapChange", { name: c }), s.has(c) || await o(c), e.value = c, r.value.push(c), f();
}, d = () => {
}, v = async (c, m = !1) => {
m || a("mapChange", { name: c }), s.has(c) || await o(c), e.value = c, r.value.push(c), g();
}, u = () => {
if (r.value.length > 1) {
const c = r.value.pop();
return N(() => {
n = Ve(u.value), window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
return L(() => {
n = Ve(d.value), window.addEventListener("resize", () => {
n == null || n.resize();
}), n.on("click", (c) => {
if (c.componentType === "series" && c.seriesType === "scatter") {
a("pointClick", c.data);
c.name !== e.value && g(c.name);
c.name !== e.value && v(c.name);
}), n.on("mouseover", function(c) {
if (c.componentType === "series" && c.seriesType === "scatter") {
const m = c.dataIndex, x = n.getOption(), l = x.series[c.seriesIndex].data, h = x.series[c.seriesIndex].symbolSize;
......@@ -844,16 +844,16 @@ function tt(t, a) {
}), {
chartRef: u,
chartRef: d,
historyNames: r,
currenName: e,
changeMap: g,
changeMap: v,
getCityName: p,
goBack: d,
refresh: f
goBack: u,
refresh: g
const st = D({
const at = D({
name: "MapChart",
props: {
mapData: {
......@@ -875,20 +875,20 @@ const st = D({
setup(t, {
emit: a
}) {
const s = S("map-chart"), e = L(() => Ie(Xe, t.options)), {
const s = S("map-chart"), e = R(() => Ie(Ze, t.options)), {
chartRef: r,
historyNames: n,
changeMap: u,
getCityName: y,
changeMap: d,
getCityName: f,
goBack: o,
refresh: p
} = tt((d) => {
} = st((u) => {
const {
visualMap: c,
pointSymbol: m
} = e.value, x = {
geo: {
map: d
map: u
tooltip: {
trigger: "item",
......@@ -913,11 +913,11 @@ const st = D({
series: [
type: "map",
map: d,
map: u,
nameProperty: e.value.strMapCode ? "adcodeStr" : "adcode",
tooltip: {
formatter: (l) => {
const h = y(l.name), b = t.mapData.find((k) => k.name == l.name);
const h = f(l.name), b = t.mapData.find((k) => k.name == l.name);
if (!!b)
return `
<div style='display:flex;justify-content: center;'>
......@@ -934,7 +934,7 @@ const st = D({
show: !0,
color: "#000000",
fontSize: 11,
formatter: (l) => y(l.name)
formatter: (l) => f(l.name)
select: {
disabled: !0
......@@ -984,17 +984,17 @@ const st = D({
visualMap: !1
}), x;
}, (d, c) => {
d === "mapChange" ? a("mapChange", c.name) : a(d, c);
}, (u, c) => {
u === "mapChange" ? a("mapChange", c.name) : a(u, c);
N(() => {
u(t.defaultMapName, !0);
L(() => {
d(t.defaultMapName, !0);
const {
mapData: f,
pointData: g
} = ae(t);
return _([f, g], () => {
mapData: g,
pointData: v
} = ie(t);
return _([g, v], () => {
}), {
ns: s,
......@@ -1018,11 +1018,11 @@ const st = D({
}, ["\u8FD4\u56DE"])]);
}), at = `image://${M.dir("/assets/img/fiveStars.png")}`, it = D({
}), it = `image://${M.dir("/assets/img/fiveStars.png")}`, rt = D({
name: "PortalMapArea",
props: {
modelData: {
type: xe,
type: ke,
required: !0
controller: {
......@@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ const st = D({
setup(t) {
const a = ie(t.controller), s = S("portal-map-area");
const a = re(t.controller), s = S("portal-map-area");
return {
c: a,
ns: s
......@@ -1057,14 +1057,14 @@ const st = D({
class: this.ns.e("center")
}, [i("div", {
class: this.ns.e("title")
}, [`${this.c.data.orgname} \u2014 ${this.c.data.yzrs}\u4EBA`]), i(st, {
}, [`${this.c.data.orgname} \u2014 ${this.c.data.yzrs}\u4EBA`]), i(at, {
class: this.ns.e("map"),
attrs: {
mapData: this.c.mapData,
pointData: this.c.pointData,
defaultMapName: this.c.params.orgcode,
options: {
pointSymbol: at
pointSymbol: it
on: {
......@@ -1087,9 +1087,9 @@ const st = D({
class rt {
class nt {
constructor() {
w(this, "component", it);
w(this, "component", rt);
async createController(a, s, e) {
const r = new W(
......@@ -1100,7 +1100,7 @@ class rt {
return await r.init(), r;
class nt extends Se {
class ot extends _e {
constructor() {
w(this, "unit", "");
......@@ -1121,13 +1121,13 @@ class nt extends Se {
}), s;
function ot(t, a, s, e = {}) {
return le(t, () => {
const r = new nt(a, s, e);
return ce(t, "mdCtrlActiveMode", r.setMdCtrlActiveMode.bind(r)), r;
function lt(t, a, s, e = {}) {
return ce(t, () => {
const r = new ot(a, s, e);
return de(t, "mdCtrlActiveMode", r.setMdCtrlActiveMode.bind(r)), r;
function lt(t) {
function ct(t) {
return { handleClick: (e) => {
const r = t.selectedData.findIndex((n) => e.srfkey === n.srfkey);
if (t.singleSelect)
......@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ function lt(t) {
} };
const ct = D({
const dt = D({
name: "KqqkListControl",
props: {
modelData: {
......@@ -1172,13 +1172,13 @@ const ct = D({
setup(t) {
const {
proxy: a
} = I(), s = S("kqqk-list"), e = ot(a, t.modelData, t.context, t.params), {
} = j(), s = S("kqqk-list"), e = lt(a, t.modelData, t.context, t.params), {
handleClick: r,
handleDblClick: n
} = lt(e), u = (o, p) => {
const f = e.selectedData.findIndex((d) => d.srfkey === o.srfkey), g = [s.b("item"), s.is("active", f !== -1)];
} = ct(e), d = (o, p) => {
const g = e.selectedData.findIndex((u) => u.srfkey === o.srfkey), v = [s.b("item"), s.is("active", g !== -1)];
return i("div", {
class: g,
class: v,
key: o.srfkey + p,
on: {
click: () => r(o),
......@@ -1198,7 +1198,7 @@ const ct = D({
return {
c: e,
ns: s,
renderListContent: () => e.items.map((o, p) => u(o, p))
renderListContent: () => e.items.map((o, p) => d(o, p))
render() {
......@@ -1210,12 +1210,12 @@ const ct = D({
}, [this.c.complete && [this.renderListContent()]]);
class dt {
class ut {
constructor() {
w(this, "component", ct);
w(this, "component", dt);
function ut(t) {
function ht(t) {
return { handleClick: (e) => {
const r = t.selectedData.findIndex((n) => e.srfkey === n.srfkey);
if (t.singleSelect)
......@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@ function ut(t) {
} };
const F = D({
const K = D({
name: "ListExpControl",
props: {
modelData: {
......@@ -1264,14 +1264,14 @@ const F = D({
setup(t) {
const {
proxy: a
} = I(), s = S("control-list"), e = de(a, t.modelData, t.context, t.params), {
} = j(), s = S("control-list"), e = ue(a, t.modelData, t.context, t.params), {
handleClick: r,
handleDblClick: n
} = ut(e);
let u = !0;
N(() => {
_(() => e, (d, c) => {
if (t.isExpView && d && d !== c) {
} = ht(e);
let d = !0;
L(() => {
_(() => e, (u, c) => {
if (t.isExpView && u && u !== c) {
let m = e.items[0];
if (t.defaultSelectKeys && t.defaultSelectKeys.length > 0) {
const x = e.items.find((l) => l.srfkey === t.defaultSelectKeys[0]);
......@@ -1281,46 +1281,46 @@ const F = D({
}, {
immediate: !0
}), _(() => e.items.length, (d) => {
t.isExpView && d && e.onSelectionChange([e.items[0]]);
}), _(() => e.items.length, (u) => {
t.isExpView && u && e.onSelectionChange([e.items[0]]);
}, {
immediate: !0,
deep: !0
const y = (d) => {
const f = (u) => {
e.selectedData.length === 0 && (e.selectedData = [{
srfkey: e.items[0].srfkey
const c = e.selectedData.findIndex((l) => l.srfkey === d.srfkey), m = () => {
u = !1, delete e.context.n_orgid_eq, e.context.calendarcaption = d.deptname, r(d);
}, x = [s.b("item"), s.is("active", c !== -1 && u === !1)];
const c = e.selectedData.findIndex((l) => l.srfkey === u.srfkey), m = () => {
d = !1, delete e.context.n_orgid_eq, e.context.calendarcaption = u.deptname, r(u);
}, x = [s.b("item"), s.is("active", c !== -1 && d === !1)];
return i("div", {
class: x,
on: {
click: () => m(),
dblclick: () => n(d)
dblclick: () => n(u)
}, [e.layoutPanelProvider ? i(e.layoutPanelProvider.component, {
props: {
modelData: e.model,
context: e.context,
params: e.params,
inputData: d
inputData: u
}) : `${d.deptname}`]);
}, o = () => e.model.source.enableGroup ? i("el-collapse") : e.items.map((d) => y(d)), p = () => Object.is(e.total, e.items.length) ? null : i("div", {
}) : `${u.deptname}`]);
}, o = () => e.model.source.enableGroup ? i("el-collapse") : e.items.map((u) => f(u)), p = () => Object.is(e.total, e.items.length) ? null : i("div", {
class: s.e("no-data")
}, [i("div", ["\u6682\u65E0\u6570\u636E"])]), f = (d) => {
u = !0, Object.assign(e.context, {
}, [i("div", ["\u6682\u65E0\u6570\u636E"])]), g = (u) => {
d = !0, Object.assign(e.context, {
n_orgid_eq: e.params.n_orgid_eq
}), e.context.calendarcaption = d.deptname, r(d);
}, g = () => {
const d = [s.b("item"), s.is("active", u === !0)];
}), e.context.calendarcaption = u.deptname, r(u);
}, v = () => {
const u = [s.b("item"), s.is("active", d === !0)];
return e.items.length > 0 ? i("div", {
class: d,
class: u,
on: {
click: () => f({
click: () => g({
deptid: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
orgid: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
srfkey: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
......@@ -1330,8 +1330,8 @@ const F = D({
}, ["\u5168\u90E8"]) : null;
return K(() => {
u && (f({
return F(() => {
d && (g({
deptid: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
orgid: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
srfkey: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
......@@ -1339,10 +1339,10 @@ const F = D({
sysdepartment: void 0
}), e.selectedData.length = 0);
}), _(() => e.items, () => {
K(() => {
u = !0, Object.assign(e.context, {
F(() => {
d = !0, Object.assign(e.context, {
n_orgid_eq: e.params.n_orgid_eq
}), f({
}), g({
deptid: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
orgid: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
srfkey: e.params.n_orgid_eq,
......@@ -1358,9 +1358,9 @@ const F = D({
ns: s,
renderListContent: o,
renderLoadMore: p,
renderAll: g,
renderAllClick: f,
isSelectAll: u
renderAll: v,
renderAllClick: g,
isSelectAll: d
render() {
......@@ -1372,11 +1372,11 @@ const F = D({
}, [this.c.complete && [this.renderAll(), this.renderListContent(), this.renderLoadMore()]]);
const ht = D({
const pt = D({
name: "ListExpSelectTreeView",
components: {
Treeselect: ze,
ListExpControl: F
Treeselect: Ae,
ListExpControl: K
props: {
context: Object,
......@@ -1395,32 +1395,32 @@ const ht = D({
setup(t) {
const {
proxy: a
} = I(), s = ue(a, t.modelPath), e = C(""), r = C([]), n = S("list-exp-select-tree");
} = j(), s = he(a, t.modelPath), e = C(""), r = C([]), n = S("list-exp-select-tree");
s.context.isRouter === !0 && s.nerve.self.evt.on("created", () => {
t.srfnav && (s.navItem.key = t.srfnav, r.value = [t.srfnav]), he(re(s.navItem, "key"), a, e);
t.srfnav && (s.navItem.key = t.srfnav, r.value = [t.srfnav]), pe(ne(s.navItem, "key"), a, e);
const u = [`${s.context.srforgid}`];
const d = [`${s.context.srforgid}`];
s.context.srforgid && (s.context.selectedDeptName = s.context.srforgname, Object.assign(s.params, {
n_orgid_eq: s.context.srforgid
const y = (g) => ({
id: g.id,
label: g.text,
children: g.children
}), o = (g) => {
s.context.selectedDeptName = g.text, Object.assign(s.params, {
n_orgid_eq: g.value
const f = (v) => ({
id: v.id,
label: v.text,
children: v.children
}), o = (v) => {
s.context.selectedDeptName = v.text, Object.assign(s.params, {
n_orgid_eq: v.value
}), s.nerve.list.call.load();
}, p = C(!1);
return {
c: s,
defaultSelectKeys: r,
routeViewKey: e,
normalizer: y,
normalizer: f,
select: o,
dataItems: [],
isLoadCodeList: p,
value: u,
value: d,
ns: n
......@@ -1435,8 +1435,8 @@ const ht = D({
const {
codeName: r
} = this.c.model.source.getQuickGroupPSCodeList();
(async (u) => {
this.dataItems = await ibiz.codeListService.get(u, this.c.context, {
(async (d) => {
this.dataItems = await ibiz.codeListService.get(d, this.c.context, {
size: 1e3
}), this.isLoadCodeList = !0;
......@@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@ const ht = D({
expBarModel: this.c.model.listExpBar
scopedSlots: {
default: () => i(F, {
default: () => i(K, {
attrs: {
modelData: s,
context: this.c.context,
......@@ -1499,33 +1499,33 @@ const ht = D({
return null;
class pt {
class mt {
constructor() {
w(this, "component", "ListExpSelectTreeView");
class mt {
class ft {
constructor() {
w(this, "component", "BYQKEditView");
class ft {
class gt {
constructor() {
w(this, "formEditor", "KqBase64ImageUpload");
w(this, "gridEditor", "IBizGridFileUpload");
async createController(a, s) {
const e = new _e(a, s);
const e = new Me(a, s);
return await e.init(), e;
const gt = D({
const vt = D({
name: "KqBase64ImageUpload",
props: pe(),
emits: me(),
props: me(),
emits: fe(),
setup(t) {
var n, u, y;
const a = S("kq-base64-image-upload"), s = ((n = t.controller.model) == null ? void 0 : n.width) || "auto", e = ((u = t.controller.model) == null ? void 0 : u.height) || "150px", r = ((y = t.controller.editorParams) == null ? void 0 : y["justify-content"]) || "center";
var n, d, f;
const a = S("kq-base64-image-upload"), s = ((n = t.controller.model) == null ? void 0 : n.width) || "auto", e = ((d = t.controller.model) == null ? void 0 : d.height) || "150px", r = ((f = t.controller.editorParams) == null ? void 0 : f["justify-content"]) || "center";
return () => i("div", {
class: a.b(),
style: {
......@@ -1541,12 +1541,12 @@ const gt = D({
class vt {
class yt {
constructor() {
w(this, "component", "KqdwCustomPickupTreeView");
const yt = D({
const wt = D({
name: "KqdwCustomPickupTreeView",
props: {
context: {
......@@ -1568,24 +1568,24 @@ const yt = D({
setup(t) {
const a = S("kqdw-custom-pickup-tree-view"), {
proxy: s
} = I(), e = fe(s, t.modelPath), r = C(null);
} = j(), e = ge(s, t.modelPath), r = C(null);
let n = null;
const u = C([]), y = C({}), o = C([]), p = C([]), f = C(""), g = C([]), d = async (v) => {
await n.loadNodes(v), y.value = v, o.value.push(v);
const d = C([]), f = C({}), o = C([]), p = C([]), g = C(""), v = C([]), u = async (y) => {
await n.loadNodes(y), f.value = y, o.value.push(y);
return _(() => e.complete, async (v, q) => {
return _(() => e.complete, async (y, q) => {
var P;
if (v !== q && v) {
if (y !== q && y) {
await e.model.pickupViewPanel.embedView.init();
const O = (P = e.model.pickupViewPanel.embedView.source.getPSControls()) == null ? void 0 : P.find((j) => j.controlType === "TREEVIEW");
O || console.warn("\u672A\u627E\u5230[\u6811(tree)]\u90E8\u4EF6"), r.value = new ke(O), await r.value.init(), n = ge(s, r.value, t.context, t.params), await n.init();
const V = await n.load();
if (V.length > 0 && (u.value = V, y.value.children = V, o.value.push({
const O = (P = e.model.pickupViewPanel.embedView.source.getPSControls()) == null ? void 0 : P.find((V) => V.controlType === "TREEVIEW");
O || console.warn("\u672A\u627E\u5230[\u6811(tree)]\u90E8\u4EF6"), r.value = new Pe(O), await r.value.init(), n = ve(s, r.value, t.context, t.params), await n.init();
const I = await n.load();
if (I.length > 0 && (d.value = I, f.value.children = I, o.value.push({
text: "\u5F53\u524D\u9662",
children: V
children: I
})), e.params.selectedData) {
const j = JSON.parse(e.params.selectedData);
j.length > 0 && (p.value = j.map((T) => ({
const V = JSON.parse(e.params.selectedData);
V.length > 0 && (p.value = V.map((T) => ({
srfkey: T.srfkey,
srfmajortext: T.srfmajortext,
value: T.srfkey,
......@@ -1597,25 +1597,25 @@ const yt = D({
}), {
ns: a,
c: e,
treeDatas: u,
currentTreeNode: y,
clickTreeNode: d,
treeDatas: d,
currentTreeNode: f,
clickTreeNode: u,
treeHistory: o,
isChecked: (v) => p.value.findIndex((P) => P.value === v.value) !== -1,
isChecked: (y) => p.value.findIndex((P) => P.value === y.value) !== -1,
selectTreeNodes: p,
handleSelect: (v) => {
const q = p.value.findIndex((P) => P.value === v.value);
q === -1 ? p.value.push(v) : p.value.splice(q, 1);
handleSelect: (y) => {
const q = p.value.findIndex((P) => P.value === y.value);
q === -1 ? p.value.push(y) : p.value.splice(q, 1);
clickHistory: (v) => {
const q = o.value.findIndex((P) => P.value === v.value);
o.value = o.value.slice(0, q + 1), y.value = v;
clickHistory: (y) => {
const q = o.value.findIndex((P) => P.value === y.value);
o.value = o.value.slice(0, q + 1), f.value = y;
clearAll: () => {
p.value = [];
onOkButtonClick: () => {
const v = p.value.map((q) => {
const y = p.value.map((q) => {
var P;
return {
srfkey: q.value,
......@@ -1625,20 +1625,20 @@ const yt = D({
ok: !0,
data: v
data: y
query: f,
queryChange: (v) => {
v.target && (f.value = v.target.value, Object.assign(e.params, {
query: f.value
query: g,
queryChange: (y) => {
y.target && (g.value = y.target.value, Object.assign(e.params, {
query: g.value
search: async () => {
const v = await (n == null ? void 0 : n.load());
v && (g.value = v);
const y = await (n == null ? void 0 : n.load());
y && (v.value = y);
queryTreeNodeList: g
queryTreeNodeList: v
render() {
......@@ -1755,16 +1755,16 @@ const yt = D({
}, ["\u53D6\u6D88"])])]);
class wt {
class bt {
constructor() {
w(this, "component", "KqbcFormMDCtrl");
async createController(a, s, e) {
const r = new Me(a, s, e);
const r = new Ee(a, s, e);
return await r.init(), r;
const bt = D({
const Ct = D({
name: "UserTabPageExp",
props: {
routeMsgs: {
......@@ -1788,8 +1788,8 @@ const bt = D({
value: "closeOther"
return _(() => t.currentKey, (o, p) => {
const f = t.routeMsgs.findIndex((g) => g.key === o);
f !== -1 && (e.value = `${f}`);
const g = t.routeMsgs.findIndex((v) => v.key === o);
g !== -1 && (e.value = `${g}`);
}), {
ns: s,
tabsValue: e,
......@@ -1835,12 +1835,12 @@ const bt = D({
class Ct {
class xt {
constructor() {
w(this, "component", "QytjGridView");
class xt extends Ee {
class kt extends Te {
constructor() {
w(this, "qjgrid");
......@@ -1853,7 +1853,7 @@ class xt extends Ee {
super.connect(s, e), s === "qjgrid" && (this.qjgrid = e), s === "ycgrid" && (this.ycgrid = e);
class kt extends Te {
class Pt extends je {
constructor() {
w(this, "activeRadio", "qyry");
......@@ -1861,7 +1861,7 @@ class kt extends Te {
w(this, "activeGrid", !0);
createNerve() {
return new xt(this);
return new kt(this);
async onInit() {
await super.onInit();
......@@ -1882,7 +1882,7 @@ class kt extends Te {
else {
const e = this.model.source.getPSAppViewNavParams();
let r = {};
we(e) && (r = Ae(e, this.context, this.params)), Object.assign(this.params, r);
be(e) && (r = Oe(e, this.context, this.params)), Object.assign(this.params, r);
s && s.ctrlParams.SORT && (this.params.sort = s.ctrlParams.SORT);
......@@ -1908,13 +1908,13 @@ class kt extends Te {
function Pt(t, a) {
return ve(
function qt(t, a) {
return ye(
(s, e) => new kt(a, s, e)
(s, e) => new Pt(a, s, e)
const qt = D({
const Dt = D({
name: "QytjGridView",
props: {
context: Object,
......@@ -1933,9 +1933,9 @@ const qt = D({
setup(t) {
const {
proxy: a
} = I(), s = S("qytj-grid-view"), e = Pt(a, t.modelPath);
ne(() => e.refresh());
const r = L(() => e.activeRadio);
} = j(), s = S("qytj-grid-view"), e = qt(a, t.modelPath);
oe(() => e.refresh());
const r = R(() => e.activeRadio);
return _(() => t.context, () => {
const n = e.context.n_orgid_eq;
n ? Object.assign(e.params, {
......@@ -2077,10 +2077,20 @@ const qt = D({
}, [a, s, e]);
}), Rt = {
class St extends ae {
custom(a, s, e) {
if (a.id === "performanceappraisal") {
const r = { userid: s == null ? void 0 : s.srfjxuserid }, n = JSON.stringify(r), d = window.btoa(n), f = `${a.htmlPageUrl}param=${d}`;
window.open(f, "_blank");
} else
throw ibiz.log.warn("custom", a, s, e), new Error("\u672A\u5B9E\u73B0");
const Lt = {
mateUrl: import.meta.url,
install(t) {
t.component("UserTabPageExp", bt), t.component("UserIndexView", Ge), t.component("UserAppLayout", Ye), t.component("ListExpSelectTreeView", ht), t.component("ListExpControl", F), t.component("ChangePassword", Y), t.component(
new St(), t.component("UserTabPageExp", Ct), t.component("UserIndexView", He), t.component("UserAppLayout", Qe), t.component("ListExpSelectTreeView", pt), t.component("ListExpControl", K), t.component("ChangePassword", Y), t.component(
() => import("./byqk-edit-view.fea98c06.js")
), t.component(
......@@ -2088,34 +2098,34 @@ const qt = D({
() => import("./kqbc-form-mdctrl.b92c2279.js")
), ibiz.register.view.register(
new Oe()
new Ne()
), ibiz.register.view.register(
new pt()
new mt()
), M.loadStyle(["/style.css"]), ibiz.register.portletPart.register(
new We()
new Je()
), ibiz.register.portletPart.register(
new rt()
new nt()
), ibiz.register.control.register(
new dt()
new ut()
), ibiz.register.view.register(
new mt()
), t.component("KqBase64ImageUpload", gt), ibiz.register.editor.register(
new ft()
), t.component("KqdwCustomPickupTreeView", yt), ibiz.register.view.register(
), t.component("KqBase64ImageUpload", vt), ibiz.register.editor.register(
new gt()
), t.component("KqdwCustomPickupTreeView", wt), ibiz.register.view.register(
new vt()
), t.component("QytjGridView", qt), ibiz.register.view.register(
new yt()
), t.component("QytjGridView", Dt), ibiz.register.view.register(
new Ct()
), ibiz.register.formDetail.register("MDCTRL", new wt());
new xt()
), ibiz.register.formDetail.register("MDCTRL", new bt());
export {
Rt as default
Lt as default
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