提交 2465f742 编写于 作者: ibizdev's avatar ibizdev

fangzhihao 发布系统代码 [TrainSys,网页端]

上级 e4c6cfba
......@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
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<constraints primaryKey="true" primaryKeyName="PK_PHONE"/>
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
<!--输出实体[STUDENT]数据结构 -->
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<changeSet author="root" id="tab-student-80-10">
<createTable tableName="T_STUDENT">
<column name="CREATEMAN" remarks="" type="VARCHAR(60)">
......@@ -2211,6 +2211,14 @@
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"realModelType" : "PSDEVIEWBASE"
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"realModelSubType" : "DEGRIDEXPVIEW",
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"codeName" : "PickupView",
"logicName" : "手机实体数据选择视图",
......@@ -136,6 +136,10 @@
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"viewType" : "DEEDITVIEW"
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"name" : "phoneGridExpView",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
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"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/TemplatePublish/PSAPPDATAENTITIES/Phone.json"
"getPSAppModule" : {
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"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/TemplatePublish/PSAPPMODULES/common.json"
"getPSAppViewEngines" : [ {
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"getPSAppViewLogics" : [ {
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"name" : "newdata",
"getPSAppUILogic" : {
"actionAfterWizard" : "DEFAULT",
"logicType" : "PREDEFINED",
"name" : "新建数据",
"viewLogicType" : "APP_NEWDATA",
"batchAddOnly" : false,
"enableBatchAdd" : false,
"enableWizardAdd" : false
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"logicTrigger" : "CUSTOM",
"logicType" : "SYSUILOGIC",
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"getPSAppUILogic" : {
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"getPSControls" : [ {
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"getPSControlHandler" : {
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"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/TemplatePublish/PSAPPDATAENTITIES/Phone.json"
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"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/TemplatePublish/PSAPPDATAENTITIES/Phone.json"
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"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/TemplatePublish/PSAPPDATAENTITIES/Phone.json"
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"path" : "PSSYSAPPS/TemplatePublish/PSAPPDATAENTITIES/Phone.json"
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"viewType" : "DEGRIDEXPVIEW"
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"getAllPSDEOPPrivs" : [ {
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......@@ -2812,6 +2812,60 @@
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"getAllPSAppDEUILogics" : [ {
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"enableWFActions" : true,
"major" : true
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"getWFStartPSControlAction" : {
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"getWFSubmitPSControlAction" : {
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"modelid" : "228C9548-3E8F-4CBC-9E21-07EBCC596865",
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"getWFStartPSControlAction" : {
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"modelid" : "ff1fe450591e81f2b7a0cc41f0559e8f_form",
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"getWFStartPSControlAction" : {
"modelref" : true,
"id" : "WFSTART"
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"getWFSubmitPSControlAction" : {
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"getPSAppViewLogics" : [ {
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"name" : "grid_uagridcolumn1_u1feafb4_click",
"name" : "grid_uagridcolumn1_u4c6267d_click",
"getPSAppViewUIAction" : {
"modelref" : true,
"id" : "表格界面_编辑操作"
"id" : "表格界面_删除操作"
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"logicTrigger" : "CUSTOM",
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"name" : "grid_uagridcolumn1_u4c6267d_click",
"name" : "grid_uagridcolumn1_u1feafb4_click",
"getPSAppViewUIAction" : {
"modelref" : true,
"id" : "表格界面_删除操作"
"id" : "表格界面_编辑操作"
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"getPSAppViewUIActions" : [ {
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"getPSUIAction" : {
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"id" : "Edit"
"id" : "Remove"
"uIActionTarget" : "SINGLEKEY",
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"xDataControlName" : "grid"
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"name" : "表格界面_删除操作",
"name" : "表格界面_编辑操作",
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"getPSControlLogics" : [ {
......@@ -168,40 +168,6 @@
"getPSDEUIActionGroup" : {
"name" : "界面行为组",
"getPSUIActionGroupDetails" : [ {
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"getPSUIAction" : {
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"getCapPSLanguageRes" : {
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"getTooltipPSLanguageRes" : {
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"rTMOSFilePath" : "pslanguageres/Auto130"
"uIActionMode" : "SYS",
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"addSeparator" : true,
"showCaption" : true,
"showIcon" : false
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"detailType" : "DEUIACTION",
"name" : "u4c6267d",
"getPSUIAction" : {
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"addSeparator" : true,
"showCaption" : false,
"showIcon" : true
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"getPSAppViewLogics" : [ {
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"name" : "db_sysportlet2_list_field_u4c6267d_click",
"getPSAppViewUIAction" : {
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"id" : "表格界面_删除操作"
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"name" : "db_sysportlet2_list_field_u1feafb4_click",
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"name" : "表格界面_删除操作",
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"name" : "表格界面_编辑操作",
"getPSUIAction" : {
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"getPSAppWF" : {
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"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
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"getWFStartPSControlAction" : {
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"getPSAppWF" : {
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"getPSAppWF" : {
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"getPSAppWF" : {
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"getPSViewLayoutPanel" : {
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"getPSControls" : [ {
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"getPSAppViewUIAction" : {
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"name" : "grid_uagridcolumn1_u1feafb4_click",
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"getPSAppViewUIActions" : [ {
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"name" : "表格界面_删除操作",
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"getPSControlHandler" : {
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"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
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"name" : "WFSUBMIT",
"name" : "wfsubmit",
"getPSAppDEMethod" : {
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"id" : "WFSubmit"
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
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"getWFStartPSControlAction" : {
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"codeName" : "Test",
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"dynaModelFilePath" : "PSSYSAPPS/Web/PSAPPDATAENTITIES/Student/PSCALENDARS/Calendar.json",
"groupMode" : "NONE",
"legendPos" : "NONE",
"mOSFilePath" : "psmodules/common/psdataentities/STUDENT/pssyscalendars/Calendar",
"logicName" : "test",
"mOSFilePath" : "psmodules/common/psdataentities/PHONE/pssyscalendars/Test",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
"modelref" : true,
"getPSControlHandler" : {
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"rTMOSFilePath" : "pssysapps/Web/psappdeviews/studentCalendarView/psappviewctrls/calendar",
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"modelid" : "2c472a3ac1d816a3b2be7b257c7299e1_calendar",
"modelid" : "C10C79E5-8EFD-4A5E-B0C6-E5DC49DA3E89",
"modeltype" : "PSSYSCALENDAR"
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"getPSDEViewCodeName" : "CalendarView",
......@@ -221,35 +221,35 @@
"getPSAppViewLogics" : [ {
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"name" : "db_sysportlet2_list_field_u1feafb4_click",
"name" : "db_sysportlet2_list_field_u4c6267d_click",
"getPSAppViewUIAction" : {
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"id" : "表格界面_编辑操作"
"id" : "表格界面_删除操作"
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"name" : "db_sysportlet2_list_field_u4c6267d_click",
"name" : "db_sysportlet2_list_field_u1feafb4_click",
"getPSAppViewUIAction" : {
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"getPSAppViewUIActions" : [ {
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"name" : "表格界面_删除操作",
"getPSUIAction" : {
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"id" : "Remove"
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"uIActionTarget" : "MULTIKEY",
"xDataControlName" : "db_sysportlet2_list"
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"name" : "表格界面_删除操作",
"name" : "表格界面_编辑操作",
"getPSUIAction" : {
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"id" : "Remove"
"id" : "Edit"
"uIActionTarget" : "MULTIKEY",
"uIActionTarget" : "SINGLEKEY",
"xDataControlName" : "db_sysportlet2_list"
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"getPSControlHandler" : {
......@@ -374,40 +374,6 @@
"getPSDEUIActionGroup" : {
"name" : "界面行为组",
"getPSUIActionGroupDetails" : [ {
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"getPSUIAction" : {
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"getPSAppViewUIAction" : {
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"getPSAppViewUIAction" : {
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"getPSAppViewUIActions" : [ {
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"name" : "表格界面_编辑操作",
"getPSUIAction" : {
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"uIActionTarget" : "MULTIKEY",
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"getPSControlHandler" : {
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"xDataControlName" : "grid"
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"getPSAppWF" : {
"modelref" : true,
"id" : "testWf"
"getPSControls" : [ {
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"name" : "视图消息组2",
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"name" : "视图消息2",
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"rTMOSFilePath" : "pssysapps/Web/psappviewmsggroups/VMGroup2"
......@@ -2295,6 +2295,32 @@
"resource" : "Reginfo",
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"getAllPSAppWFs" : [ {
"codeName" : "testWf",
"mOSFilePath" : "pssysapps/Web/psappwfs/testWf",
"name" : "测试工作流",
"getPSAppWFDEs" : [ {
"name" : "BOOK",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
"modelref" : true,
"getPSAppWF" : {
"modelref" : true,
"id" : "testWf"
"getWFStatePSAppDEField" : {
"name" : "TYPE",
"codeName" : "Type"
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"getPSWorkflow" : {
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"path" : "PSMODULES/common/PSWORKFLOWS/testWf.json"
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"hasPSAppWFVer" : false
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"getAllPSDEOPPrivs" : [ {
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"name" : "db_sysportlet2_list_field_u4c6267d_click",
"getPSAppViewUIAction" : {
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"id" : "表格界面_删除操作"
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"name" : "db_sysportlet2_list_field_u1feafb4_click",
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"getPSAppViewUIActions" : [ {
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"name" : "表格界面_删除操作",
"getPSUIAction" : {
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"getPSControlHandler" : {
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"getPSDEUIActionGroup" : {
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"getPSUIActionGroupDetails" : [ {
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"getPSAppViewUIActions" : [ {
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"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
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"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
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"name" : "form",
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"getPSAppWF" : {
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"getPSControls" : [ {
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"groupMode" : "NONE",
"legendPos" : "NONE",
"mOSFilePath" : "psmodules/common/psdataentities/STUDENT/pssyscalendars/Calendar",
"logicName" : "test",
"mOSFilePath" : "psmodules/common/psdataentities/PHONE/pssyscalendars/Test",
"getPSAppDataEntity" : {
"modelref" : true,
"getPSControlHandler" : {
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"rTMOSFilePath" : "pssysapps/Web/psappdeviews/studentCalendarView/psappviewctrls/calendar",
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"modeltype" : "PSSYSCALENDAR"
} ],
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"requestParamType" : "ENTITY",
"requestPath" : "/select",
"builtinMethod" : false
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"rTMOSFilePath" : "pssysapps/Web/psappdataentities/Book/psappdemethods/WFClose",
"builtinMethod" : true
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"name" : "WFGOTO",
"rTMOSFilePath" : "pssysapps/Web/psappdataentities/Book/psappdemethods/WFGoto",
"builtinMethod" : true
}, {
"codeName" : "WFMarkRead",
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"name" : "WFMARKREAD",
"rTMOSFilePath" : "pssysapps/Web/psappdataentities/Book/psappdemethods/WFMarkRead",
"builtinMethod" : true
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"builtinMethod" : true
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"name" : "WFRESTART",
"rTMOSFilePath" : "pssysapps/Web/psappdataentities/Book/psappdemethods/WFRestart",
"builtinMethod" : true
}, {
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"name" : "WFROLLBACK",
"rTMOSFilePath" : "pssysapps/Web/psappdataentities/Book/psappdemethods/WFRollback",
"builtinMethod" : true
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"name" : "WFSENDBACK",
"rTMOSFilePath" : "pssysapps/Web/psappdataentities/Book/psappdemethods/WFSendBack",
"builtinMethod" : true
}, {
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"name" : "WFSTART",
"rTMOSFilePath" : "pssysapps/Web/psappdataentities/Book/psappdemethods/WFStart",
"builtinMethod" : true
}, {
"codeName" : "WFSubmit",
"methodType" : "WFACTION",
"name" : "WFSUBMIT",
"rTMOSFilePath" : "pssysapps/Web/psappdataentities/Book/psappdemethods/WFSubmit",
"builtinMethod" : true
} ],
"getAllPSAppDEUILogics" : [ {
"codeName" : "test",
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"enableUICreate" : true,
"enableUIModify" : true,
"enableUIRemove" : true,
"enableWFActions" : false,
"enableWFActions" : true,
"major" : true
}, {
"getAllPSAppDEACModes" : [ {
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