提交 a8c2a67a 编写于 作者: tony001's avatar tony001


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width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: block;
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......@@ -14,10 +14,6 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { Component, Vue } from "vue-property-decorator";
import qs from "qs";
// import * as dd from "dingtalk-jsapi";
import axios from "axios";
import { Util } from "@/utils";
export default class AppThirdLogin extends Vue {
......@@ -46,33 +42,7 @@ export default class AppThirdLogin extends Vue {
* @memberof AppThirdLogin
async dingTalkHandleClick() {
let result: any = await this.dingtalkLogin();
if (result) {
if (result.state && Object.is(result.state, "SUCCESS")) {
const data = result.data;
// 截取地址,拼接需要部分组成新地址
const baseUrl = this.getNeedLocation();
// 1.钉钉开放平台提供的appId
const appId = data.appid;
// 2.钉钉扫码后回调地址,需要UrlEncode转码
const redirect_uri = baseUrl + "assets/third/dingdingRedirect.html?id=" + data.appid;
const redirect_uri_encode = encodeURIComponent(redirect_uri);
// 3.钉钉扫码url
const url =
"https://oapi.dingtalk.com/connect/qrconnect?response_type=code" +
"&appid=" +
appId +
"&redirect_uri=" +
redirect_uri_encode +
"&scope=snsapi_login" +
// 4.跳转钉钉扫码
window.location.href = url;
} else if (result.message) {
throw new Error(result.message);
......@@ -81,226 +51,7 @@ export default class AppThirdLogin extends Vue {
* @memberof AppThirdLogin
async wxWorkHandleClick() {
let result: any = await this.wxWorkLogin();
if (result) {
if (result.state && Object.is(result.state, "SUCCESS")) {
const data = result.data;
// 截取地址,拼接需要部分组成新地址
const baseUrl = this.getNeedLocation();
// 1.微信平台提供的appId
const appId = data.corp_id;
const agentId = data.agentid;
// 2.微信扫码后回调地址,需要UrlEncode转码
const redirect_uri = baseUrl + "assets/third/wxWorkRedirect.html?id=" + data.appid;
const redirect_uri_encode = encodeURIComponent(redirect_uri);
// 3.微信扫码url
const url =
"https://open.work.weixin.qq.com/wwopen/sso/qrConnect?state=STATE" +
"&appid=" +
appId +
"&agentid=" +
agentId +
"&redirect_uri=" +
// 4.跳转微信扫码
window.location.href = url;
} else if (result.message) {
throw new Error(result.message);
* 截取地址
* @memberof AppThirdLogin
private getNeedLocation() {
// 截取地址,拼接需要部分组成新地址
const scheme = window.location.protocol;
const host = window.location.host;
let baseUrl: any = scheme + "//" + host;
const port = window.location.port;
if (port) {
if (port == "80" || port == "443") {
baseUrl += "/";
} else {
baseUrl += ":" + port + "/";
} else {
baseUrl += "/";
return baseUrl;
* 钉钉授权登录
* @memberof AppThirdService
public dingtalkLogin(): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// 请求头
const headers = {};
const tempViewParam = Util.getDcSystemIdViewParam();
if (tempViewParam && tempViewParam.srfdcsystem) {
Object.assign(headers, { srfdcsystem: tempViewParam.srfdcsystem });
const get: Promise<any> = this.getData("/uaa/open/dingtalk/appid", {}, false, headers);
get.then((response: any) => {
if (response && response.status === 200) {
const data = response.data;
if (data && data.appid) {
resolve({ state: "SUCCESS", data: data });
} else {
state: "ERROR",
message: `获取网站应用appid失败,${data.detail}`,
}).catch((error: any) => {
const data = error.data;
if (data && data.detail) {
state: "ERROR",
message: `获取网站应用appid失败,${data.detail}`,
} else {
resolve({ state: "ERROR", message: `获取网站应用appid失败` });
* 企业微信授权登录
* @memberof AppThirdService
public wxWorkLogin(): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// 请求头
const headers = {};
const tempViewParam = Util.getDcSystemIdViewParam();
if (tempViewParam && tempViewParam.srfdcsystem) {
Object.assign(headers, { srfdcsystem: tempViewParam.srfdcsystem });
const get: Promise<any> = this.getData("/uaa/open/wxwork/appid", {}, false, headers);
get.then((response: any) => {
if (response && response.status === 200) {
const data = response.data;
if (data && (data.corp_id || data.appid)) {
resolve({ state: "SUCCESS", data: data });
} else {
state: "ERROR",
message: `获取网站应用appid失败,${data.detail}`,
}).catch((error: any) => {
const data = error.data;
if (data && data.detail) {
state: "ERROR",
message: `获取网站应用appid失败,${data.detail}`,
} else {
resolve({ state: "ERROR", message: `获取网站应用appid失败` });
* 钉钉内部免登
* @memberof AppThirdService
public embedDingTalkLogin(Environment: any): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// 请求头
const headers = {};
const tempViewParam = Util.getDcSystemIdViewParam();
if (tempViewParam && tempViewParam.srfdcsystem) {
Object.assign(headers, { srfdcsystem: tempViewParam.srfdcsystem });
const param = Util.handleViewParam(window.location.href);
if (param.corpId) {
let corpId: string = param.corpId;
if (corpId.indexOf("#") > -1) {
corpId = corpId.split("#")[0];
// dd.runtime.permission
// .requestAuthCode({ corpId })
// .then((res: any) => {
// if (res && res.code) {
// this.getData(`/uaa/open/dingtalk/auth/${res.code}`, {}, false, headers).then((res: any) => {
// if (res.status == 200 && (res.data.token || res.data.user)) {
// resolve({ state: "SUCCESS", data: res.data });
// } else {
// resolve({ state: "ERROR", message: `${res.data.message}` });
// }
// });
// } else {
// resolve({ state: "ERROR", message: `钉钉用户信息获取失败` });
// }
// })
// .catch((error: any) => {
// resolve({ state: "ERROR", message: `钉钉用户信息获取失败` });
// });
} else {
resolve({ state: "ERROR", message: `获取企业ID失败` });
* 获取数据
* @memberof AppThirdService
public getData(url: string, params: any = {}, isloading?: boolean, headers: any = {}) {
params = this.handleRequestData(params);
if (params.srfparentdata) {
Object.assign(params, params.srfparentdata);
delete params.srfparentdata;
if (Object.keys(params).length > 0) {
let tempParam: any = {};
Object.keys(params).forEach((item: any) => {
if (params[item] || Object.is(params[item], 0)) {
tempParam[item] = params[item];
if (Object.keys(tempParam).length > 0) {
url += `?${qs.stringify(tempParam)}`;
return new Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => {
axios.get(url, { headers: headers }).then((response: any) => {
* 处理请求数据
* @memberof AppThirdService
public handleRequestData(data: any) {
if (data.srfsessionkey) {
delete data.srfsessionkey;
if (data.srfsessionid) {
delete data.srfsessionid;
if (data.srfparentdemapname) {
delete data.srfparentdemapname;
return data;
......@@ -17,6 +17,14 @@ export class PanelContainerModel extends PanelDetailModel {
public details:string[] = [];
* 标题关闭模式
* @type {number}
* @memberof PanelContainerModel
public titleBarCloseMode:number = 0;
* Creates an instance of PanelContainerModel.
* @param {*} [opts={}]
......@@ -25,6 +33,7 @@ export class PanelContainerModel extends PanelDetailModel {
public constructor(opts: any = {}) {
this.details = opts.details;
this.titleBarCloseMode = opts.titleBarCloseMode;
import { Util } from "@/utils";
* 面板成员模型
......@@ -150,6 +152,30 @@ export class PanelDetailModel {
public flexGrow: number = 0;
* flex布局参数
* @type {*}
* @memberof PanelDetailModel
public flexParams: any = {};
* 是否显示标题
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof PanelDetailModel
public isShowCaption: boolean = false;
* 界面样式表
* @type {string}
* @memberof PanelDetailModel
public sysCss: string = ''
* Creates an instance of PanelDetailModel.
* PanelDetailModel 实例
......@@ -176,6 +202,182 @@ export class PanelDetailModel {
this.hAlignSelf = opts.hAlignSelf;
this.vAlignSelf = opts.vAlignSelf;
this.flexGrow = opts.flexGrow;
this.flexParams = opts.flexParams;
this.isShowCaption = opts.isShowCaption;
this.sysCss = opts.sysCss;
* 获取元素样式(元素,包含内容盒子 大小/边距/内容 的样式)
* @memberof PanelDetailModel
public getElementStyle() {
const elementStyle = {};
Object.assign(elementStyle, this.getBoxSizeStyle());
Object.assign(elementStyle, this.getBoxSpacingStyle());
Object.assign(elementStyle, this.getBoxContentStyle());
return elementStyle;
* 获取盒子间隔样式(元素)
* @memberof PanelDetailModel
public getBoxSpacingStyle() {
const boxStyle = {};
// 上方间隔模式
if (this.spacingTop) {
Object.assign(boxStyle, Util.getItemSpacingStyle(this.spacingTop, 'top'));
// 下方间隔模式
if (this.spacingBottom) {
Object.assign(boxStyle, Util.getItemSpacingStyle(this.spacingBottom, 'bottom'));
// 左侧间隔模式
if (this.spacingLeft) {
Object.assign(boxStyle, Util.getItemSpacingStyle(this.spacingLeft, 'left'));
// 右侧间隔模式
if (this.spacingRight) {
Object.assign(boxStyle, Util.getItemSpacingStyle(this.spacingRight, 'right'));
return boxStyle;
* 获取盒子大小样式(元素)
* @memberof PanelDetailModel
public getBoxSizeStyle() {
const boxStyle = {};
if (this.widthMode || this.layoutWidth) {
Object.assign(boxStyle, Util.getBoxSize("WIDTH", this.widthMode, this.layoutWidth));
if (this.heightMode || this.layoutHeight) {
Object.assign(boxStyle, Util.getBoxSize("HEIGHT", this.heightMode, this.layoutHeight));
return boxStyle;
* 获取盒子内容样式(元素,包含内容换行模式,内容水平对齐,内容垂直对齐)
* @memberof PanelDetailModel
public getBoxContentStyle() {
const boxStyle = {};
return boxStyle;
* 获取盒子边框样式(元素)
* @memberof PanelDetailModel
public getBoxBorderStyle() {
const boxStyle = {};
return boxStyle;
* 获取布局样式(布局,包含约束内容布局的样式,包含内容的对齐方式)
* @return {*}
* @memberof PanelDetailModel
public getLayoutStyle() {
const layoutStyle = {};
Object.assign(layoutStyle, this.getBoxSelfAlignStyle());
Object.assign(layoutStyle, this.getBoxLayOutStyle());
return layoutStyle;
* 获取自身对齐模式(布局)
* @memberof PanelDetailModel
public getBoxSelfAlignStyle() {
const boxStyle = {};
// 自身对齐方式
if (this.vAlignSelf || this.hAlignSelf) {
Object.assign(boxStyle, { 'display': 'flex' });
// 自身垂直对齐模式
switch (this.vAlignSelf) {
case 'TOP':
Object.assign(boxStyle, { 'align-items': 'flex-start' });
case 'MIDDLE':
Object.assign(boxStyle, { 'align-items': 'center' });
case 'BOTTOM':
Object.assign(boxStyle, { 'align-items': 'flex-end' });
// 自身水平对齐模式
switch (this.hAlignSelf) {
case 'LEFT':
Object.assign(boxStyle, { 'justify-content': 'flex-start' });
case 'CENTER':
Object.assign(boxStyle, { 'justify-content': 'center' });
case 'RIGHT':
Object.assign(boxStyle, { 'justify-content': 'flex-end' });
case 'JUSTIFY':
Object.assign(boxStyle, { 'justify-content': 'space-between' });
return boxStyle;
* 获取盒子布局样式(布局)
* @memberof PanelDetailModel
public getBoxLayOutStyle() {
const boxStyle = {};
// 识别FLEX
if (this.layout == 'FLEX') {
Object.assign(boxStyle, { 'display': 'flex', 'flex-grow': this.flexGrow ? this.flexGrow : 0 });
// 识别flex布局方向,横轴对齐,纵轴对齐
if (this.flexParams.align || this.flexParams.dir || this.flexParams.vAlign) {
Object.assign(boxStyle, { 'display': 'flex' });
if (this.flexParams.dir) {
Object.assign(boxStyle, { 'flex-direction': this.flexParams.dir });
if (this.flexParams.align) {
Object.assign(boxStyle, { 'justify-content': this.flexParams.align });
if (this.flexParams.vAlign) {
Object.assign(boxStyle, { 'align-items': this.flexParams.vAlign });
if (this.layout == 'SIMPLEFLEX') {
if (this.flexGrow) {
Object.assign(boxStyle, { 'width': `${(100 / 12) * this.flexGrow}%`, 'height': '100%' });
} else {
// 简单FLEX布局自适应
Object.assign(boxStyle, { 'flex-grow': 1, 'min-width': `${(100 / 12)}%`, 'height': '100%' });
// 识别边缘布局
if (this.layout == 'BORDER') {
Object.assign(boxStyle, { 'display': 'flex' });
return boxStyle;
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......@@ -472,9 +472,12 @@ export class Util {
* @returns
public static getBoxSize(mode: "WIDTH" | "HEIGHT", style: string, value: number) {
if (!mode || !style) {
if (!mode) {
return {};
style = 'PX';
if (style === "FULL") {
return { [mode.toLowerCase()]: "100%" };
} else {
......@@ -488,4 +491,34 @@ export class Util {
* 获取项间隔样式
* @param {string} spacingType
* @param {string} direction
* @return {*}
public static getItemSpacingStyle(spacingType: string, direction: string) {
switch (spacingType) {
return { [`margin-${direction}`]: '0px' };
return { [`margin-${direction}`]: '8px' };
return { [`margin-${direction}`]: '16px' };
return { [`margin-${direction}`]: '24px' };
return { [`padding-${direction}`]: '0px' };
return { [`padding-${direction}`]: '8px' };
return { [`padding-${direction}`]: '16px' };
return { [`padding-${direction}`]: '24px' };
return {};
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