export default { fields: { memberid: '组成员标识', membername: '组成员名称', groupid: '组标识', groupname: '用户组', userid: '用户标识', personname: '用户', }, views: { gridview: { caption: "成员", title: '成员', }, editview: { caption: "成员", title: '成员', }, }, main_form: { details: { group1: "成员基本信息", formpage1: "基本信息", srforikey: "", srfkey: "组成员标识", srfmajortext: "组成员名称", srftempmode: "", srfuf: "", srfdeid: "", srfsourcekey: "", groupid: "组标识", userid: "用户标识", personname: "用户", memberid: "组成员标识", }, uiactions: { }, }, main_grid: { columns: { personname: "用户", groupname: "用户组", }, uiactions: { }, }, default_searchform: { details: { formpage1: "常规条件", n_personname_like: "用户(文本包含(%))", }, uiactions: { }, }, gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: { tbitem3: { caption: "New", tip: "New", }, tbitem4: { caption: "Edit", tip: "Edit {0}", }, tbitem6: { caption: "Copy", tip: "Copy {0}", }, tbitem7: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem8: { caption: "Remove", tip: "Remove {0}", }, tbitem9: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem13: { caption: "Export", tip: "Export {0} Data To Excel", }, tbitem10: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem16: { caption: "其它", tip: "其它", }, tbitem21: { caption: "Export Data Model", tip: "导出数据模型", }, tbitem23: { caption: "数据导入", tip: "数据导入", }, tbitem17: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem19: { caption: "Filter", tip: "Filter", }, tbitem18: { caption: "Help", tip: "Help", }, }, editviewtoolbar_toolbar: { tbitem3: { caption: "Save", tip: "Save", }, tbitem6: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem7: { caption: "Remove And Close", tip: "Remove And Close Window", }, tbitem8: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem12: { caption: "New", tip: "New", }, tbitem13: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem14: { caption: "Copy", tip: "Copy {0}", }, tbitem16: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem22: { caption: "Help", tip: "Help", }, }, };