提交 c5774523 编写于 作者: sq3536's avatar sq3536

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

package cn.ibizlab.codegen.model;
import cn.ibizlab.codegen.utils.Inflector;
import cn.ibizlab.codegen.utils.StringAdvUtils;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONArray;
import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
......@@ -23,6 +26,49 @@ public class AppEntityModel extends BaseModel{
// 初始化应用实体资源数据
if(getAppDataEntity().getMinorPSAppDERSs() != null){
// 遍历多个主从关系
getAppDataEntity().getMinorPSAppDERSs().forEach(appDERS ->{
JSONObject appEntityResource = new JSONObject();
String majorCodeName = appDERS.getMajorPSAppDataEntity().getCodeName();
String minorCodeName = appDERS.getMinorPSAppDataEntity().getCodeName();
String path = String.format("%1$s/:%2$s?/%3$s/:%4$s?", Inflector.getInstance().pluralize(majorCodeName),majorCodeName,Inflector.getInstance().pluralize(minorCodeName),minorCodeName).toLowerCase();
// 实体关系路径集合
List deResPaths = new JSONArray();
// 主关系路径节点
JSONObject majorResNode = new JSONObject();
majorResNode.put("pathName", Inflector.getInstance().pluralize(majorCodeName).toLowerCase());
majorResNode.put("parameterName", majorCodeName.toLowerCase());
// 从关系路径节点
JSONObject minorResNode = new JSONObject();
minorResNode.put("pathName", Inflector.getInstance().pluralize(minorCodeName).toLowerCase());
minorResNode.put("parameterName", minorCodeName.toLowerCase());
appEntityResource.put("deResPaths", deResPaths);
// 没有主从关系,路径就只有自己本身一个
JSONObject appEntityResource = new JSONObject();
// 路由关系路径集合
List deResPaths = new JSONArray();
// 实体本身关系路径节点
JSONObject curResNode = new JSONObject();
curResNode.put("pathName", Inflector.getInstance().pluralize(appDataEntity.getCodeName()).toLowerCase());
curResNode.put("parameterName", appDataEntity.getCodeName().toLowerCase());
appEntityResource.put("deResPaths", deResPaths);
appEntityResource.put("deResPathsString", deResPaths.toString());
public IPSAppDataEntity getAppDataEntity()
......@@ -64,4 +110,10 @@ public class AppEntityModel extends BaseModel{
return ctrlsMap.values();
* 应用实体资源数据
private List<JSONObject> appEntityResources =new ArrayList<>();
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ public class AppModel extends BaseModel{
getApplication().getAllPSAppDataEntities().forEach(appDataEntity ->{
if(appDataEntity.getMinorPSAppDERSs() != null){
appDataEntity.getMinorPSAppDERSs().forEach(appDERS ->{
JSONObject tempObj = new JSONObject();
......@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ public class AppModel extends BaseModel{
{{#if item.valueItemName}}
......@@ -39,4 +38,12 @@
{{#eq item.psEditor.editorType "AC_FS_NOBUTTON"}}
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
@editorEvent="($event) => handleEditorEvent(index,$event)"
{{#if item.psEditor.disabled}}
......@@ -21,4 +20,12 @@
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
@editorEvent="($event) => handleEditorEvent(index,$event)"
{{#if item.psEditor.disabled}}
{{#if item.psEditor.isReadOnly}}
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
@editorEvent="($event) => handleEditorEvent(index,$event)"
{{#if item.valueItemName}}
......@@ -25,4 +24,12 @@
{{#if item.psEditor.pickUpData}}
\ No newline at end of file
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
@editorEvent="($event) => handleEditorEvent(index,$event)"
\ No newline at end of file
{{#if item.valueItemName}}
......@@ -48,4 +47,12 @@
{{#if (or (eq item.psEditor.editorType "ADDRESSPICKUP") (eq item.psEditor.editorType "ADDRESSPICKUP_AC"))}}
\ No newline at end of file
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
@editorEvent="($event) => handleEditorEvent(index,$event)"
\ No newline at end of file
{{#if item.psEditor.placeHolder}}
......@@ -46,4 +45,12 @@
dateFormat="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
@editorEvent="($event) => handleEditorEvent(index,$event)"
{{#if item.psEditor.codeList}}
......@@ -27,4 +26,12 @@
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
@editorEvent="($event) => handleEditorEvent(index,$event)"
{{#if item.psEditor.disabled}}
{{#if item.psEditor.readOnly}}
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
@editorEvent="($event) => handleEditorEvent(index,$event)"
{{#if item.psEditor.placeHolder}}
......@@ -37,5 +36,13 @@
{{#eq item.psEditor.editorType "TEXTAREA"}}
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
@editorEvent="($event) => handleEditorEvent(index,$event)"
{{#if item.psEditor.codeList}}
......@@ -21,4 +20,12 @@
\ No newline at end of file
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
@editorEvent="($event) => handleEditorEvent(index,$event)"
\ No newline at end of file
{{#if item.psEditor.disabled}}
......@@ -13,4 +12,12 @@
{{#if item.psEditor.editorParams.allowHalf}}
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
@editorEvent="($event) => handleEditorEvent(index,$event)"
{{#if item.psEditor.editorParams.contentType}}
......@@ -13,4 +12,12 @@
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
@editorEvent="($event) => handleEditorEvent(index,$event)"
{{#if item.psEditor.disabled}}
......@@ -17,4 +16,12 @@
{{#if item.psEditor.editorParams.max}}
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
@editorEvent="($event) => handleEditorEvent(index,$event)"
{{#if item.psEditor.codeList}}
......@@ -23,5 +22,11 @@
{{#if item.psEditor.psNavigateParams}}
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
{{#if item.psEditor.disabled}}
......@@ -19,4 +18,12 @@
{{#if item.psEditor.editorParams.max}}
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
@editorEvent="($event) => handleEditorEvent(index,$event)"
{{#if item.psEditor.disabled}}
......@@ -10,4 +9,12 @@
{{#if item.psEditor.editorParams.size}}
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
@editorEvent="($event) => handleEditorEvent(index,$event)"
{{#if item.psEditor.editorParams.method}}
......@@ -30,4 +29,12 @@
{{#if (or (eq ctrlType 'form') (eq ctrlType 'panel'))}}
{{#eq ctrlType 'grid'}}
@editorEvent="($event) => handleEditorEvent(index,$event)"
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<div style="flex-grow: {{#if item.psLayoutPos.grow}}{{item.psLayoutPos.grow}}{{else}}0{{/if}};">
<IbizFormItem name="{{item.codeName}}" label="{{item.caption}}">
{{#if item.psEditor}}
{{>(lookup . 'item.psEditor.editorType') item=item}}
{{>(lookup . 'item.psEditor.editorType') item=item ctrlType="form"}}
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<a-col :span="24">
<IbizFormItem name="{{item.codeName}}" label="{{item.caption}}">
{{#if item.psEditor}}
{{>(lookup . 'item.psEditor.editorType') item=item controlType="form"}}
{{>(lookup . 'item.psEditor.editorType') item=item ctrlType="form"}}
{{#each page.ctrls as | ctrl | }}
loadAction: '{{ctrl.getPSControlAction.psAppDEMethod.codeName}}',
removeAction: '{{ctrl.removePSControlAction.psAppDEMethod.codeName}}',
updateAction: '{{ctrl.updatePSControlAction.psAppDEMethod.codeName}}',
loadDraftAction: '{{ctrl.getDraftPSControlAction.psAppDEMethod.codeName}}',
createAction: '{{ctrl.getDraftPSControlAction.psAppDEMethod.codeName}}',
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -11,4 +11,14 @@
viewType: '{{page.viewType}}',
viewStyle: '{{page.viewStyle}}',
showCaptionBar: '{{page.viewStyle}}',
viewToolbarModel: [
{{#eq controlType "TOOLBAR"}}
{ name:'{{name}}',caption:'{{caption}}',groupExtractMode:'{{groupExtractMode}}',itemType:'{{itemType}}',noPrivDisplayMode:'{{noPrivDisplayMode}}',showIcon:{{showIcon}},showCaption:{{showCaption}},tooltip:'{{tooltip}}' },
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
{{#if (eq item.columnType 'UAGRIDCOLUMN')}}
{{!-- <ibizToolbar
:toolbarModel="record.{{lowerCase item.codeName}}"
@toolbarEvent="($event: ) => handleToolbarEvent()"/> --}}
name="{{lowerCase item.codeName}}"
:actionModel="record.{{lowerCase item.codeName}}"
@toolbarEvent="($event) => handleToolbarEvent(record, $event)"/>
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
itemType: "{{item.itemType}}",
expanded: {{item.expanded}},
tooltip: "{{item.tooltip}}",
funcTag: {{#if item.psAppFunc}}"{{item.psAppFunc.id}}"{{else}}''{{/if}},
funcTag: "{{item.psAppFunc.id}}",
hidden: {{#if item.hidden}}true{{else}}false{{/if}},
disableClose: {{#if item.disableClose}}true{{else}}false{{/if}},
{{#if item.counterId}}
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
iconCls: "{{item.psSysImage.cssClass}}",
{{#if item.psSysImage.imagePath}}
icon: "{{item.psSysImage.imagePath}}",
imgPath: "{{item.psSysImage.imagePath}}",
{{#if item.psNavigateContexts}}
{{#each app.pages as |appView|}}
"name": "{{appView.name}}",
"codeName": "{{appView.codeName}}",
"openMode": "{{#if appView.openMode}}{{appView.openMode}}{{else}}INDEXVIEWTAB{{/if}}",
"redirectView": {{appView.redirectView}},
"deResPaths": [
{{#each appView.appEntity.appEntityResources as |appEntityResource| }}
{{appEntityResource.deResPaths}}{{#unless @last}},{{/unless}}
"parameters": [
{ "pathName": "views", "parameterName": "{{lowerCase appView.codeName}}" }
{{#if appView.capPSLanguageRes}}
"captionTag": "{{appView.capPSLanguageRes.lanResTag}}",
"caption": "{{appView.caption}}",
{{#if appView.psSysImage}}
"imgPath": "{{appView.psSysImage.imagePath}}",
"iconCls": "{{appView.psSysImage.cssClass}}",
"viewType": "{{appView.viewType}}",
"fileDir": "@page/{{#if psAppDataEntity}}{{spinalCase psAppDataEntity.codeName}}{{else}}default{{/if}}/{{spinalCase appView.codeName}}"
}{{#unless (and @last ../@last)}},{{/unless}}
<script setup lang="ts">
// This starter template is using Vue 3 <script setup> SFCs
// Check out https://v3.vuejs.org/api/sfc-script-setup.html#sfc-script-setup
import {App} from '@service'
onMounted(async ()=>{
await App.init();
// App.openViewService.openView({codeName: 'ExampleEditorEditView'},{context: {},viewParams:{}})
......@@ -31,21 +31,33 @@ const showHeader = computed(()=> props.showHeader && (props.viewCaption || slot
<slot name="header-bottom" />
<div class="ibiz-view-layout__body">
<slot />
<div class="ibiz-view-footer">
<slot name="footer" />
<style lang="scss" scoped>
<style lang="scss">
.ibiz-view-layout {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
padding: 0 24px 24px;
.ibiz-view-layout__header {
flex: none;
.ibiz-view-layout__header-content {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
font-weight: 600;
padding: 16px 0;
.ibiz-view-layout__body {
flex: auto;
.ibiz-view-layout__footer {
flex: none;
<script setup lang="ts">
import { IParam } from "@ibiz-core";
interface Props{
width: number;
height: number;
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {})
let style = reactive({width:'600px',height:'600px'});
* Vue生命周期beforeMount
onBeforeMount(() => {
if (props.width) {
style.width = props.width + 'px';
} else if(props.height){
style.height = props.height + 'px';
<div :style="style" class="ar-loading">
<div class="ar-loading-spinner">
<svg class="circular" viewBox="25 25 50 50">
<circle id="circle1" cx="50" cy="50" r="20" fill="none"></circle>
<style lang="scss">
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
width: 80px;
height: 80px;
vertical-align: middle;
animation: ar-rotate 0.8s linear infinite;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
circle {
stroke: skyblue;
stroke-width: 3;
stroke-linecap: round;
animation: ar-circular 1.5s ease-in-out infinite;
@keyframes ar-rotate {
from {
transform: rotate(0deg);
to {
transform: rotate(360deg);
@keyframes ar-circular {
0% {
stroke-dasharray: 1, 200;
stroke-dashoffset: 0;
50% {
stroke-dasharray: 90, 150;
stroke-dashoffset: -40;
100% {
stroke-dasharray: 90, 150;
stroke-dashoffset: -120;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,20 +3,31 @@ import { IParam, IActionParam } from "@ibiz-core";
import { onBeforeMount, ref, Ref } from "vue";
interface ToolbarProps {
* @description 名称
name: string;
* @description 模式
mode: 'button' | 'link';
* @description 工具栏模型
* @description 行为模型
toolbarModel: IParam;
actionModel: IParam[];
interface toolbarEmit {
(name: "toolbarEvent", value: IActionParam): void;
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<ToolbarProps>(), {});
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<ToolbarProps>(), {
mode: 'button',
const emit = defineEmits<toolbarEmit>();
const items: Ref<IParam[]> = ref(props.toolbarModel?.items || []);
const items: Ref<IParam[]> = ref(props.actionModel || []);
const getItemClass = (item: IParam) => {
//todo 样式表
return item.class;
return item?.class;
const getItemIcon = (item: IParam) => {
if (item.getPSSysImage) {
......@@ -25,19 +36,21 @@ const getItemIcon = (item: IParam) => {
const itemClick = (item: IParam) => {
emit("toolbarEvent", {
tag: item.name,
tag: props.name,
action: "toolbarEvent",
data: item,
<div class="app-toolbar">
<div class="toolbar">
<a-space v-if="Object.is(mode,'button')" class="toolbar-button">
<template v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
v-if="Object.is(item.itemType, 'DEUIACTION')"
<!-- todo 无权限显示模式 -->
:class="['toolbar-item', getItemClass(item)]"
......@@ -45,7 +58,7 @@ const itemClick = (item: IParam) => {
<a-icon v-show="item.showIcon" :type="getItemIcon(item)" />
<!-- <a-icon v-show="item.showIcon" :type="getItemIcon(item)" /> -->
\{{ item.showCaption ? item.caption : "" }}
......@@ -63,24 +76,52 @@ const itemClick = (item: IParam) => {
<!-- <a-icon
/> -->
\{{ childItem.showCaption ? childItem.caption : "" }}
<a-space v-else class="toolbar-link">
<template v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
:class="['toolbar-item', getItemClass(item)]"
<!-- <a-icon v-show="item.showIcon" :type="getItemIcon(item)" /> -->
\{{ item.showCaption ? item.caption : "" }}
<div v-if="item.separator" class="separator"></div>
<style scoped>
.app-toolbar {
.app-toolbar .toolbar-item {
margin-right: 8px;
margin-bottom: 12px;
<style lang='scss'>
.toolbar {
.toolbar-link {
gap: 0 !important;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
.ant-space-item {
position: relative;
.separator {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 15%;
height: 70%;
width: 1px;
background: #1890ff;
export const FuncConfig = [
{{#each app.allPSAppFuncs as | func |}}
name: "{{func.name}}",
funcTag: "{{func.codeName}}",
appFuncType: "{{func.appFuncType}}",
{{#if (eq func.appFuncType 'OPENHTMLPAGE')}}
htmlPageUrl: "{{func.htmlPageUrl}}",
{{#if (eq func.appFuncType 'APPVIEW')}}
openMode: "{{func.openMode}}",
viewCodeName: "{{func.psAppView.codeName}}",
navParam: {
{{#if func.psNavigateParams}}
{{#each func.psNavigateParams as | param |}}
{{lowerCase param.key}}: "{{#if param.rawValue}}{{param.value}}{{else}}%{{lowerCase param.value}}%{{/if}}",
navContext: {
{{#if func.psNavigateContexts}}
{{#each func.psNavigateContexts as | context |}}
{{lowerCase context.key}}: "{{#if context.rawValue}}{{context.value}}{{else}}%{{lowerCase context.value}}%{{/if}}",
\ No newline at end of file
import { IParam, FuncConfig } from "@ibiz-core";
import { App } from "@service";
export class AppFuncService {
* @description 唯一实例
* @private
* @static
* @memberof AppFuncService
private static readonly instance = new AppFuncService();
* @description 获取唯一实例
* @static
* @return {*} {AppFuncService}
* @memberof AppFuncService
public static getInstance(): AppFuncService {
return AppFuncService.instance;
* @description 执行应用功能
* @param {string} menu 菜单项
* @param {IParam} context 上下文
* @param {IParam} viewParams 视图参数
* @memberof AppFuncService
executeAppFunc(menu: IParam, context: IParam, viewParams: IParam) {
const appFunc = FuncConfig.find((func: IParam)=> Object.is(func.funcTag, menu.funcTag));
if (appFunc) {
switch (appFunc.appFuncType) {
case 'APPVIEW':
return this.openAppView(appFunc, context, viewParams);
return this.openHtmlPage(appFunc, context, viewParams);
return this.executePresetFunc(appFunc, context, viewParams);
return this.executeJavaScript(appFunc, context, viewParams);
case 'CUSTOM':
return this.executeCustomFunc(appFunc, context, viewParams);
console.warn(`${appFunc.appFuncType} 类型应用功能暂未支持`);
} else {
console.warn(`菜单项 ${menu.caption} 未配置应用功能`);
* @description 执行自定义功能
* @param {IParam} appFunc 应用功能
* @param {IParam} context 上下文
* @param {IParam} viewParams 视图参数
* @memberof AppFuncService
executeCustomFunc(appFunc: IParam, context: IParam, viewParams: IParam) {
console.warn(`${appFunc.appFuncType} 类型应用功能暂未支持`);
* @description 执行JavaScript
* @param {IParam} appFunc 应用功能
* @param {IParam} context 上下文
* @param {IParam} viewParams 视图参数
* @memberof AppFuncService
executeJavaScript(appFunc: IParam, context: IParam, viewParams: IParam) {
console.warn(`${appFunc.appFuncType} 类型应用功能暂未支持`);
* @description 执行预置应用功能
* @static
* @param {IParam} appFunc 应用功能
* @param {IParam} context 上下文
* @param {IParam} viewParams 视图参数
* @memberof AppFuncService
executePresetFunc(appFunc: IParam, context: IParam, viewParams: IParam) {
console.warn(`${appFunc.appFuncType} 类型应用功能暂未支持`);
* @description 打开HTML页面
* @param {IParam} appFunc 应用功能
* @param {IParam} context 上下文
* @param {IParam} viewParams 视图参数
* @memberof AppFuncService
openHtmlPage(appFunc: IParam, context: IParam, viewParams: IParam) {
window.open(appFunc.htmlPageUrl, '_blank');
* @description 打开应用视图
* @param {IParam} appFunc 应用功能
* @param {IParam} context 上下文
* @param {IParam} viewParams 视图参数
* @memberof AppFuncService
openAppView(appFunc: IParam, context: IParam, viewParams: IParam) {
const view = {
codeName: appFunc.viewCodeName,
openMode: appFunc.openMode,
const params = {
context: context,
viewParams: viewParams,
App.openViewService.openView(view, params);
\ No newline at end of file
export * from './app-func-service';
export * from './app-func-config';
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,4 +2,5 @@ export * from './interface';
export * from './modules';
export * from './runtime';
export * from './service';
export * from './utils'
\ No newline at end of file
export * from './utils';
export * from './helper';
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -43,6 +43,13 @@ export interface ViewStateBase {
viewSubject: Subject<IActionParam>;
* @description 视图工具栏模型
* @type {IParam[]}
* @memberof ViewStateBase
viewToolbarModel: IParam[];
// 声明任意属性
[propName: string]: any;
......@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ export interface GridControlState extends MainControlState {
columnsModel: IParam[];
* @description 表格界面行为模型
* @description 表格操作列行为模型
* @type {IParam}
* @memberof GridControlState
actionModel: IParam;
uAColumnModel: IParam[];
* @description 值规则
......@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ export class GridControl extends MainControl {
* @memberof GridControl
public getActionAuthState(rowData: IParam) {
const { UIService, actionModel } = this.controlState;
let tempActionModel: any = deepCopy(actionModel);
calcActionItemAuthState(rowData, tempActionModel, UIService);
return tempActionModel;
const { UIService, uAColumnModel } = this.controlState;
let tempModel: any = deepCopy(uAColumnModel);
calcActionItemAuthState(rowData, tempModel, UIService);
return tempModel;
......@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ export class GridControl extends MainControl {
// return
// }
const data = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
for (let i = 0; i < 40; i++) {
group: i % 2 === 1 ? "分组1": "分组2",
srfkey: i,
......@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ export class GridControl extends MainControl {
// dataRef.value = response.data;
if (enablePagingBar) {
// paginationRef.value['total'] = response.total;
paginationRef.value["total"] = 100;
paginationRef.value["total"] = 40;
......@@ -435,6 +435,17 @@ export class GridControl extends MainControl {
* @description 处理工具栏事件
* @param {IActionParam} actionParam 行为参数
* @param {IParam} [row] 表格行数据
* @memberof GridControl
public handleToolbarEvent(actionParam: IActionParam, row?: IParam) {
const { tag, action, data } = actionParam;
console.log('触发界面行为', actionParam, row);
* @description 安装部件所有功能模块的方法
* @param {GridControlProps} props 传入的Props
......@@ -451,6 +462,7 @@ export class GridControl extends MainControl {
state: this.controlState,
handleEditorEvent: this.handleEditorEvent.bind(this),
handleToolbarEvent: this.handleToolbarEvent.bind(this),
import { Ref } from 'vue';
import { MenuControlProps, MenuControlState, IActionParam, ControlBase, IParam } from '@ibiz-core';
import { MenuControlProps, MenuControlState, IActionParam, ControlBase, IParam, AppFuncService, deepCopy } from '@ibiz-core';
import { App } from '@service';
* @description 菜单部件
......@@ -163,7 +164,8 @@ export class MenuControl extends ControlBase {
* @memberof MenuControl
public menuClick(item: IParam) {
const { context, viewParams } = this.controlState;
App.appFuncService.executeAppFunc(item, deepCopy(context), deepCopy(viewParams));
export * from './util';
export * from './view-util';
export * from './route-tool';
export { Http } from './net/http';
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -20,6 +20,16 @@ export function isExist(arg: any): boolean{
return arg !== undefined && arg !== null && arg === arg;
* @description 除undefined,null,NaN,空字符串以外都为true
* @export
* @param {*} arg
* @return {*} {boolean}
export function notEmpty(arg: any): boolean{
return isExist(arg) && arg != '';
* @description 是否拥有某个方法
* @param {*} arg 校验对象
export const ViewConfig = {
{{> @macro/front-end/view/common/viewBaseConfig.hbs}}
{{#eq controlType "TOOLBAR"}}
{{lowerCase codeName}}:{
{ name:'{{name}}',caption:'{{caption}}',groupExtractMode:'{{groupExtractMode}}',itemType:'{{itemType}}',noPrivDisplayMode:'{{noPrivDisplayMode}}',showIcon:{{showIcon}},showCaption:{{showCaption}},tooltip:'{{tooltip}}' },
{{> @macro/front-end/view/common/controlAction.hbs}}
{{#each page.ctrls as | ctrl |}}
{{#if (eq ctrl.controlType "FORM")}}
{{> @macro/front-end/view/common/controlAction.hbs ctrl=ctrl}}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ const { state, handleToolbarEvent } = new EditView(ViewConfig).moduleInstall(pro
{{#eq controlType "TOOLBAR"}}
<template v-slot:header-right>
:toolbarModel="state.{{lowerCase codeName}}"
name="{{lowerCase codeName}}"
{{#eq controlType "FORM"}}
export const ViewConfig = {
viewCodeName: '{{page.codeName}}',
viewName: '{{page.name}}',
viewCaption: '{{page.caption}}',
gridRowActiveMode: {{page.gridRowActiveMode}},
rowEditState: {{#if page.enableRowEdit}}{{page.rowEditDefault}}{{else}}false{{/if}},
{{> @macro/front-end/view/common/controlAction.hbs}}
{{> @macro/front-end/view/common/viewBaseConfig.hbs}}
{{#each page.ctrls as | ctrl |}}
{{#if (eq ctrl.controlType "GRID")}}
{{> @macro/front-end/view/common/controlAction.hbs ctrl=ctrl}}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -38,10 +38,16 @@ const { state, handleCtrlEvent } = new GridView(ViewConfig).moduleInstall(props)
<template v-slot:header-left>
<IbizIconText class="ibiz-view__caption" size="large" :text="state.viewCaption" />
{{#eq controlType "TOOLBAR"}}
<template v-slot:header-right>
name="{{lowerCase codeName}}"
{{#eq controlType "GRID"}}
import { AppModal } from '@/utils';
import { Http, deepCopy } from '@ibiz-core';
import { OpenViewService } from '@service';
import { AppFuncService } from '@ibiz-core';
export class App {
* 打开视图服务
* @static
public static openViewService: OpenViewService = OpenViewService.getInstance();
* 应用功能服务
* @static
public static appFuncService: AppFuncService = AppFuncService.getInstance();
* 打开视图服务
* @static
public static modalService: AppModal = AppModal.getInstance();
* 所有视图信息
* @static
public static allViewInfos: any;
* 获取视图信息
* @static
* @param codeName 视图codeName
* @return {*}
public static getViewInfo(codeName: string){
return App.allViewInfos[codeName] ? deepCopy(App.allViewInfos[codeName]) : undefined;
* 初始化
* @static
public static async init(){
const response = await Http.getInstance().get('./assets/json/views.json')
App.allViewInfos = response.data;
\ No newline at end of file
export * from './open-view/open-view-service';
export * from './app/app';
\ No newline at end of file
import { deepCopy, IParam, RouteTool } from '@ibiz-core';
import { App } from '@service';
import router from '@/router';
interface View extends IParam {
codeName: string;
openMode?: string;
interface Params extends IParam {
context: any;
viewParams: any;
* 视图打开服务
* @export
* @class OpenViewService
export class OpenViewService {
* 唯一实例
* @private
* @static
* @memberof OpenViewService
private static readonly instance = new OpenViewService();
* 获取唯一实例
* @static
* @return {*} {OpenViewService}
* @memberof OpenViewService
public static getInstance(): OpenViewService {
return OpenViewService.instance;
* 打开视图
* @param view 视图信息
* @param params 相关参数
public openView(view: View, params: Params) {
// 获取详细视图信息
let _view: any = App.getViewInfo(view.codeName);
if (!_view) {
// view的openMode覆盖配置的
if (view.openMode) {
_view.openMode = view.openMode;
// 重定向视图走重定向逻辑,其他根据openMode打开
if (_view.redirectView) {
this.openRedirectView(_view, params);
} else {
this.openByOpenMode(_view, params);
* 根据打开方式打开视图
* @param view 视图信息
* @param params 相关参数
public openByOpenMode(view: any, params: Params) {
const { openMode } = view;
const { viewParams, context } = params;
// 路由打开视图
if (openMode == 'INDEXVIEWTAB' || openMode == 'POPUPAPP') {
// TODO 视图关系参数处理
const routePath = RouteTool.buildUpRoutePath(view, context, viewParams, router.currentRoute.value);
if (openMode == 'INDEXVIEWTAB') {
} else {
window.open('./#' + routePath, '_blank');
} else if (openMode == 'POPUPMODAL') {
} else if (openMode.indexOf('DRAWER') !== -1) {
} else if (openMode == 'POPOVER') {
// TODO 打开气泡卡片
} else {
* 重定向视图处理
* @param view 视图信息
* @param params 相关参数
public openRedirectView(view: any, params: Params) {
// TODO 重定向视图处理
import { createVNode, render as vueRender } from 'vue'
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import Antd from 'ant-design-vue';
// import { AppServiceBase, LogUtil } from 'ibiz-core';
import AppModalComponent from "./app-modal.vue";
import IbizLoading from '@components/render/IbizLoading.vue';
export class AppModal {
* 实例对象
* @private
* @static
* @memberof AppModal
private static modal = new AppModal();
* vue 实例
* @private
* @type {Vue}
* @memberof AppModal
private vueExample!: any;
* store对象
* @private
* @memberof AppModal
private store: any;
* i18n对象
* @private
* @memberof AppModal
private i18n: any;
* router对象
* @private
* @memberof AppModal
private router: any;
* Creates an instance of AppModal.
* @memberof AppModal
private constructor() {
if (AppModal.modal) {
return AppModal.modal;
* 获取单例对象
* @static
* @returns {AppModal}
* @memberof AppModal
public static getInstance(): AppModal {
if (!AppModal.modal) {
AppModal.modal = new AppModal();
return AppModal.modal;
* 初始化基础数据
* @memberof AppModal
private initBasicData() {
// const appService = AppServiceBase.getInstance();
// this.store = appService.getAppStore();
// this.i18n = appService.getI18n();
// this.router = appService.getRouter();
* 创建 Vue 实例对象
* @private
* @param \{{ name: string, title: string, fileDir: string, width?: number, height?: number,isfullscreen?:boolean }} view 视图数据
* @param {*} [context={}] 应用上下文参数
* @param {*} [viewparams={}] 视图参数
* @param {*} [navdatas=[]] 导航数据
* @param {string} uuid 标识
* @returns {Subject<any>}
* @memberof AppModal
private createVueExample(view: { name: string, title: string, fileDir:string, width?: number, height?: number, isfullscreen?: boolean, customClass?: string }, context: any = {}, viewparams: any = {}, navdatas: Array<any> = [], uuid: string): Subject<any> {
const self: any = this;
if (!self.store || !self.i18n) {
try {
let subject: null | Subject<any> = new Subject<any>();
let props = { view: view, viewdata: context, viewparams: viewparams, navdatas: navdatas, uuid: uuid, subject: subject };
let dir = view.fileDir.replace(/@/, '../../')
const AsyncComp = defineAsyncComponent({
// 工厂函数
loader: () => import(dir),
// 加载异步组件时要使用的组件
loadingComponent: IbizLoading,
// 在显示 loadingComponent 之前的延迟 | 默认值:200(单位 ms)
delay: 0,
if (AsyncComp) {
const component = AppModalComponent;
const div = document.createElement('div');
const app = createApp(component,
close: () => { document.body.removeChild(div); app.unmount(); },
app.component(view.name, AsyncComp);
const vm = app.use(Antd).mount(div);
this.vueExample = vm;
return subject;
} catch (error) {
return new Subject<any>();
* 打开模态视图
* @param \{{ name: string, title: string, fileDir:string, width?: number, height?: number }} view 视图
* @param {*} [viewParam={}] 应用上下文参数
* @param {any[]} deResParameters 关系实体参数对象
* @param {any[]} parameters 当前应用视图参数对象
* @param {any[]} args 多项数据
* @param {*} [data={}] 行为参数
* @param {any[]} navdatas 导航数据
* @returns {Subject<any>}
* @memberof AppModal
public openModal(view: { name: string, title: string, fileDir:string, width?: number, height?: number, isfullscreen?: boolean, customClass?: string }, context: any = {}, data: any = {}, navdatas: Array<any> = []): Subject<any> {
try {
let viewdata: any = {};
Object.assign(viewdata, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(context)));
const uuid = this.getUUID();
const subject = this.createVueExample(view, viewdata, data, navdatas, uuid);
return subject;
} catch (error) {
return new Subject<any>();
* 获取节点标识
* @private
* @returns {string}
* @memberof AppModal
private getUUID(): string {
function s4() {
return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
return s4() + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + '-' + s4() + s4() + s4();
\ No newline at end of file
<script setup lang="ts">
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { Ref, ref } from 'vue';
interface AppModalProps {
* @description 视图
view: any;
* @description 视图上下文参数
viewdata?: any;
* @description 视图参数
viewparams?: any;
* @description 导航数据
navdatas?: any;
* @description 数据传递对象
* @description 关闭回调
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<AppModalProps>(), {
viewdata: {},
viewparams: {},
navdatas: [],
* 是否显示
let isShow: Ref<boolean> = ref(false);
* 是否满屏
let isfullscreen: Ref<boolean> = ref(false);
* 零时结果
let tempResult = { ret: '' };
* 视图名称
let viewname: Ref<string> = ref('');
* 视图标题
let title: string = '';
* 视图宽度
let width: Ref<number> = ref(0);
* 视图高度
let height: Ref<number> = ref(0);
* 视图层级
let zIndex: any = null;
* 视图样式
let style: any = {};
* 暴露subject
const getSubject = () => {
return props.subject;
* 监听isShow
() => isShow,
(newVal, oldVal) => {
if (newVal !== oldVal && newVal.value == false) {
zIndex -= 100;
// this.$store.commit('updateZIndex', this.zIndex);
* Vue生命周期beforeMount
onBeforeMount(() => {
if (props.view) {
viewname.value = props.view.name;
title = props.view.title;
isfullscreen.value = props.view.isfullscreen ? props.view.isfullscreen : false;
if (isfullscreen.value) {
Object.assign(style, { height: 'auto' });
} else {
if (!props.view.width || props.view.width === 0 || Object.is(props.view.width, '0px')) {
let viewWidth = 600;
if (window && window.innerWidth > 100) {
if (window.innerWidth > 100) {
viewWidth = window.innerWidth - 100;
} else {
viewWidth = window.innerWidth;
width.value = viewWidth;
} else {
width.value = props.view.width;
if (props.view.height && !Object.is(props.view.height, '0px')) {
Object.assign(style, { height: props.view.height + 'px' });
height.value = props.view.height;
} else {
height.value = 800;
* Vue生命周期mounted
onMounted(() => {
// const curmodal: any = this.$refs.curmodal;
// const zIndex = this.$store.getters.getZIndex();
// if (zIndex) {
// this.zIndex = zIndex + 100;
// this.$store.commit('updateZIndex', this.zIndex);
// }
isShow.value = true;
* 视图关闭
const close = (result: any) => {
if (result && Array.isArray(result) && result.length > 0) {
if (zIndex) {
// this.$store.commit('updateZIndex', zIndex - 100);
Object.assign(tempResult, { ret: 'OK' }, { datas: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)) });
isShow.value = false;
* 视图数据变化
const dataChange = (result: any) => {
tempResult = { ret: '' };
if (result && Array.isArray(result) && result.length > 0) {
Object.assign(tempResult, { ret: 'OK' }, { datas: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(result)) });
* 视图数据激活
const viewDatasActivated = (result: any) => {
if (result && Array.isArray(result) && result.length > 0) {
* 模态显示隐藏切换回调
const onVisibleChange = ($event: any) => {
* 处理数据,向外抛值
const handleShowState = ($event: any) => {
if (props.subject && tempResult) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
......@@ -9,7 +9,5 @@ export const CtrlConfig = {
{{>(lookup 'MENUITEM') item=item}}
funcs: [
funcs: [],
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ export class ControlVO extends ControlVOBase {
// 表单里没有映射实体属性的字段
// 表单里没有映射实体属性的字段(srfuf除外)
{{#each ctrl.psDEFormItems as | formItem | }}
{{#eq formItem.psAppDEField null }}
{{#if (and (eq formItem.psAppDEField null) (neq formItem.id "srfuf" )) }}
{{lowerCase formItem.id}}: any;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -43,6 +43,17 @@ export const CtrlConfig = {
enablePagingBar: false,
pagination: false,
{{#each ctrl.psDEGridColumns as | column |}}
{{#if (eq column.columnType 'UAGRIDCOLUMN')}}
{{#each column.psDEUIActionGroup.psUIActionGroupDetails as | action |}}
{ name: "{{name}}", caption: "{{psUIAction.caption}}", showIcon: {{showIcon}}, showCaption: {{showCaption}}, separator: {{addSeparator}}, uIActionTag: "{{psUIAction.uIActionTag}}", noPrivDisplayMode: {{#if psUIAction.noPrivDisplayMode}}{{psUIAction.noPrivDisplayMode}}{{else}}6{{/if}}, disabled: false, visabled: true,{{#if psUIAction.psSysImage}}{{#if psUIAction.psSysImage.imagePath}} imgPath: "{{psUIAction.psSysImage.imagePath}}",{{/if}}{{#if psUIAction.psSysImage.cssClass}} iconCls: "{{psUIAction.psSysImage.cssClass}}",{{/if}}{{/if}} },
columnsModel: [
{{#if ctrl.enableGroup}}
{{#if ctrl.groupPSAppDEField}}
......@@ -58,11 +69,7 @@ export const CtrlConfig = {
{{#each ctrl.psDEGridColumns as | column |}}
{{#if @last}}
{{>(lookup 'COLUMNMODEL') item=column lastColumn=true}}
{{>(lookup 'COLUMNMODEL') item=column lastColumn=false}}
{{>(lookup 'COLUMNMODEL') item=column}}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ interface CtrlEmit {
const emit = defineEmits<CtrlEmit>();
// 安装功能模块,提供状态和能力方法
const { state, load, handleEditorEvent } = new GridControl(CtrlConfig).moduleInstall(props);
const { state, load, handleEditorEvent, handleToolbarEvent } = new GridControl(CtrlConfig).moduleInstall(props);
// 表格滚动条配置
const gridScrollOption = computed(() => {
return {
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ const customRow = (record: IParam, index: number) => {
// 表格选择功能配置
const rowSelectionOption = computed(() => {
if (props.rowEditState || props.selectFirstDefault) {
if (props.selectFirstDefault) {
return false;
return {
......@@ -139,19 +139,21 @@ const handleChange = (pagination: IParam, filters: IParam, sorter: IParam, data:
{{#neq ctrl.aggMode 'NONE'}}
<template #summary>
<a-table-summary-cell align="center">数据聚合</a-table-summary-cell>
<a-table-summary-cell v-for="(item, index) in state.dataAgg" :key="index">
<style lang="scss">
.ibiz-grid {
margin: 20px;
height: 100%;
.table-striped {
background-color: #fafafa;
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