提交 c235e785 编写于 作者: Mosher's avatar Mosher


上级 8be0ecd3
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<div class="login">
<img src="@/assets/img/background.png" />
<div class="login-con" v-if="!isEmbedThridPlatForm">
<card :bordered="false">
<p slot="title" style="text-align: center">&nbsp;&nbsp;{{ appTitle }}</p>
<div class="form-con">
<a-form ref="loginForm" :rules="rules" :model="loginState">
<a-form-item name="loginname">
<template #prefix>
<user-outlined />
<a-form-item name="password">
<template #prefix>
<lock-outlined />
<a-button @click="handleSubmit" type="primary" class="login_btn">
<a-button @click="goReset" type="success" class="login_reset">
<div style="text-align: center">
<span class="form_tipinfo">其他登录方式</span>
<div style="text-align: center">
<div class="sign-btn" @click="handleThridLogin('DINGDING')">
<img src="@/assets/img/dingding.svg" class="third-svg-container" draggable="false" />
<div class="sign-btn" @click="handleThridLogin('WXWORK')">
<img src="@/assets/img/qiyeweixin.svg" class="third-svg-container" draggable="false" />
<p class="login-tip">
{{ this.loginTip }}
<div class="log_footer">
<div class="copyright">
<a href="https://www.ibizlab.cn/" target="_blank">{{ appTitle }} is based on ibizlab .</a>
<div class="login-loadding-container" v-if="isEmbedThridPlatForm">
<div class="content-loadding">
<div class="loading">
<script setup lang="ts">
import { Ref, ref } from 'vue';
import { useRoute, useRouter } from 'vue-router';
import { clearCookie, setCookie } from 'qx-util';
import { Environment } from '@/environments/environment';
import { Http } from '@core';
* 表单对象
* @type {*}
* @memberof Login
const loginState = reactive<LoginState>({
loginname: '',
password: ''
* 登录提示语
* @type {string}
* @memberof Login
const loginTip: Ref<string> = ref('');
* 运行平台
* @type {*}
* @memberof Login
const platform: Ref<any> = ref({});
* 是否嵌入第三方平台
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof Login
const isEmbedThridPlatForm: Ref<boolean> = ref(false);
* 按钮可点击
* @type {boolean}
* @memberof Login
const canClick: Ref<boolean> = ref(true);
* 应用名称
* @type {string}
* @memberof Login
const appTitle: string = Environment.AppTitle;
interface LoginState {
loginname: string,
password: ''
* 值规则
* @type {*}
* @memberof Login
const rules: Ref<any> = ref({});
const loginForm: Ref<any> = ref(null);
const setRules = () => {
rules.value = {
loginname: [{ required: true, message: '用户名不能为空', trigger: 'change' }],
password: [{ required: true, message: '密码不能为空', trigger: 'change' }],
const afterCreated = () => {
platform.value = window.navigator.userAgent.toUpperCase();
if (platform.value.indexOf('DINGTALK') !== -1) {
// this.DingDingLogin();
isEmbedThridPlatForm.value = true;
} else if (platform.value.indexOf('WXWORK') !== -1) {
// this.WXWorkLogin();
isEmbedThridPlatForm.value = true;
onMounted(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
const el = document.getElementById('app-loading-x');
if (el) {
el.style.display = 'none';
}, 300);
const goReset = () => {
loginForm.value = { loginname: '', password: '' };
const handleSubmit = (): void => {
// clearAppData();
const _form = unref(loginForm);
let validatestate: boolean = true;
_form.validate((valid: boolean) => {
validatestate = valid ? true : false;
if (!validatestate) {
const loginname: string = loginState.loginname;
console.log("登录用户名", loginState)
// TODO 使用AppAuthService
.post('/v7/login', loginState, true)
.then((post: any) => {
const { status, data } = post;
if (status == 200) {
if (data && data.token) {
setCookie('ibzuaa-token', data.token, 7, true);
if (data && data.user) {
setCookie('ibzuaa-user', JSON.stringify(data.user), 7, true);
// 设置cookie,保存账号密码7天
setCookie('loginname', loginname, 7, true);
// TODO 从路由中获取
const route = useRoute();
const url: any = route.query?.redirecrt ? route.query.redirecrt : '*';
const router = useRouter();
router.push({ path: url });
.catch((error: any) => {
console.log('登录失败', error);
const data = error.data;
if (data && data.message) {
loginTip.value = data.message;
// this.$throw((this.$t('components.login.loginfailed') as string) + ' ' + data.message,'handleSubmit');
} else {
// this.$throw(this.$t('components.login.loginfailed') as string,'handleSubmit');
const clearAppData = () => {
// 清除user、token
clearCookie('ibzuaa-token', true);
clearCookie('ibzuaa-expired', true);
clearCookie('ibzuaa-user', true);
// 清除应用级数据
// this.$store.commit('addAppData', {});
// this.$store.dispatch('authresource/commitAuthData', {});
// 清除租户相关信息
// removeSessionStorage("activeOrgData");
// removeSessionStorage("srfdynaorgid");
// removeSessionStorage("dcsystem");
// removeSessionStorage("orgsData");
* 第三方登录(网页扫码方式)
* @memberof Login
const handleThridLogin = (type: string) => {
if (!type) return;
switch (type) {
case 'DINGDING':
case 'WXWORK':
// LogUtil.log(`暂不支持${type}登录`);
* 钉钉授权登录
* @memberof Login
const dingtalkHandleClick = async () => {
// let result: any = await this.appThirdService.dingtalkLogin(Environment);
// if (result?.state && Object.is(result?.state, 'SUCCESS')) {
// const data = result.data;
// // 截取地址,拼接需要部分组成新地址
// const baseUrl = this.getNeedLocation();
// // 1.钉钉开放平台提供的appId
// const appId = data.appid;
// // 2.钉钉扫码后回调地址,需要UrlEncode转码
// const redirect_uri = baseUrl + 'assets/third/dingdingRedirect.html?id=' + data.appid;
// const redirect_uri_encode = encodeURIComponent(redirect_uri);
// // 3.钉钉扫码url
// const url =
// 'https://oapi.dingtalk.com/connect/qrconnect?response_type=code' +
// '&appid=' +
// appId +
// '&redirect_uri=' +
// redirect_uri_encode +
// '&scope=snsapi_login' +
// '&state=STATE';
// // 4.跳转钉钉扫码
// window.location.href = url;
// } else {
// this.$throw(result?.message,'dingtalkHandleClick');
// }
* 企业微信授权登录
* @memberof Login
const wxWorkHandleClick = async () => {
// let result: any = await this.appThirdService.wxWorkLogin(Environment);
// if (result?.state && Object.is(result?.state, 'SUCCESS')) {
// const data = result.data;
// // 截取地址,拼接需要部分组成新地址
// const baseUrl = this.getNeedLocation();
// // 1.钉钉开放平台提供的appId
// const appId = data.corp_id;
// const agentId = data.agentid;
// // 2.钉钉扫码后回调地址,需要UrlEncode转码
// const redirect_uri = baseUrl + 'assets/third/wxWorkRedirect.html?id=' + data.appid;
// const redirect_uri_encode = encodeURIComponent(redirect_uri);
// // 3.钉钉扫码url
// const url =
// 'https://open.work.weixin.qq.com/wwopen/sso/qrConnect?state=STATE' +
// '&appid=' +
// appId +
// '&agentid=' +
// agentId +
// '&redirect_uri=' +
// redirect_uri_encode;
// // 4.跳转钉钉扫码
// window.location.href = url;
// } else {
// // this.$throw(result?.message,'wxWorkHandleClick');
// }
* 钉钉免登
* @memberof Login
const DingDingLogin = async () => {
// let result: any = await this.appThirdService.embedDingTalkLogin(Environment);
// if (result?.state && Object.is(result?.state, 'SUCCESS')) {
// if (result.data.token && result.data.user) {
// setCookie('ibzuaa-token', result.data.token, 7,true);
// if (this.$route.query.redirect) {
// window.location.href = decodeURIComponent(this.$route.query.redirect as any);
// } else {
// this.$router.push({ path: '/' });
// }
// }
// } else {
// this.$throw(result?.message,'DingDingLogin');
// }
const WXWorkLogin = async () => {
// let result: any = await this.appThirdService.embedwxWorkLogin(Environment);
// if (result?.state && Object.is(result?.state, 'SUCCESS')) {
// // 截取地址,拼接需要部分组成新地址
// const baseUrl = this.getNeedLocation();
// // 1.企业微信提供的corp_id
// const appId = result.data.corp_id;
// // 2.认证成功后回调地址,需要UrlEncode转码
// const redirect_uri = baseUrl + 'assets/third/wxWorkRedirect.html?id=' + result.data.appid;
// const redirect_uri_encode = encodeURIComponent(redirect_uri);
// // 3.微信认证url
// const url =
// 'https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&scope=snsapi_base&#wechat_redirect' +
// '&appid=' +
// appId +
// '&redirect_uri=' +
// redirect_uri_encode +
// '&scope=snsapi_base' +
// '&state=STATE';
// // 4.跳转到微信认证地址
// window.location.href = url;
// } else {
// this.$throw(result?.message,'WXWorkLogin');
// }
const getNeedLocation = () => {
// 截取地址,拼接需要部分组成新地址
const scheme = window.location.protocol;
const host = window.location.host;
let baseUrl: any = scheme + '//' + host;
const port = window.location.port;
if (port) {
if (port == '80' || port == '443') {
baseUrl += '/';
} else {
baseUrl += ':' + port + '/';
} else {
baseUrl += '/';
return baseUrl;
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import { IActionParam, MainControl } from "@core";
import { IActionParam, IParam, MainControl } from "@core";
import { ExpBarControlProps } from "./exp-bar-control-prop";
import { ExpBarControlState } from "./exp-bar-control-state";
......@@ -16,6 +16,40 @@ export class ExpBarControl extends MainControl {
public declare state: ExpBarControlState;
* 当前视图表格部件
* @type {IParam}
* @memberof GridView
public declare xData: IParam;
* 通知状态
* @param { tag: string, action: string, data: any } { tag, action, data }
* @memberof ViewEngine
public next({ tag, action, data }: { tag: string, action: string, data: any }): void {
const { viewSubject } = this.props;
viewSubject.next({ tag: tag, action: action, data: data })
* @description 导航部件初始化
* @protected
* @memberof ExpBarControl
protected useExpCtrlInit() {
this.xData = ref(null);
onMounted(() => {
const xDataControl = this.getXDataCtrl();
if (xDataControl) {
this.next({ tag: xDataControl.name, action: 'load', data: null });
* @description 处理部件事件
* @param {IActionParam} actionParam
......@@ -31,10 +65,19 @@ export class ExpBarControl extends MainControl {
protected onSelectionChange(data: any[]) {
console.log("处理选中事件", data);
* @description 处理选中事件
* @protected
* @param {any[]} data
* @memberof ExpBarControl
protected onSelectionChange(data: any[]) { }
* @description 计算工具栏权限
* @param {boolean} state
* @memberof ExpBarControl
public calcToolbarItemState(state: boolean) {
// TODO 计算工具栏权限
// let _this: any = this;
......@@ -57,6 +100,10 @@ export class ExpBarControl extends MainControl {
// }
* @description 计算导航栏工具栏权限
* @memberof ExpBarControl
public calcNavigationToolbarState() {
let _this: any = this;
if (_this.toolbarModels) {
......@@ -64,6 +111,16 @@ export class ExpBarControl extends MainControl {
* @description 获取多数据部件
* @private
* @return {*}
* @memberof ExpBarControl
private getXDataCtrl() {
return unref(this.xData);
* @description 安装部件所有功能模块的方法
* @return {*}
......@@ -71,8 +128,10 @@ export class ExpBarControl extends MainControl {
public moduleInstall() {
const superParams = super.moduleInstall();
return {
xData: this.xData,
onCtrlEvent: this.onCtrlEvent.bind(this)
import { MainControlState } from "@core";
import { MDControlState } from "@core";
* @description 树部件通讯对象
......@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ import { MainControlState } from "@core";
* @interface TreeControlState
* @extends {MainControlState}
export interface TreeControlState extends MainControlState {
export interface TreeControlState extends MDControlState {
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import { deepCopy, deepObjectMerge, IActionParam, MainControl } from "@core";
import { deepCopy, deepObjectMerge, IActionParam, MDControl } from "@core";
import { TreeControlProps } from "./tree-control-prop";
import { TreeControlState } from "./tree-control-state";
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { TreeControlState } from "./tree-control-state";
* @class TreeControl
* @extends {MainControl}
export class TreeControl extends MainControl {
export class TreeControl extends MDControl {
* @description 部件状态
* @type {TreeControlState}
......@@ -68,6 +68,16 @@ export class TreeControl extends MainControl {
return tempContext;
* @description 加载数据
* @protected
* @param {*} node 树节点
* @param {boolean} [isFirst]
* @return {*} {Promise<any>}
* @memberof TreeControl
protected async load(node: any, isFirst?: boolean): Promise<any> {}
* @description 使用加载功能模块
* @return {*}
......@@ -75,7 +85,7 @@ export class TreeControl extends MainControl {
public useLoad() {
const { viewSubject, controlName } = this.state;
const load = async (node: any, isFirst: boolean = false) => {
const load = async (node?: any, isFirst: boolean = false): Promise<any> => {
if (node?.dataRef?.children) {
return null;
......@@ -86,7 +96,7 @@ export class TreeControl extends MainControl {
let curNode: any = {};
curNode = deepObjectMerge(curNode, node);
const params: any = {
srfnodeid: node.dataRef && node.dataRef.id ? node.dataRef.id : '#',
srfnodeid: node?.dataRef && node.dataRef.id ? node.dataRef.id : '#',
srfnodefilter: srfnodefilter,
parentData: curNode.dataRef?.curData
......@@ -113,7 +123,7 @@ export class TreeControl extends MainControl {
// TODO 展开
// this.formatExpanded(items);
// this.formatAppendCaption(items);
const isRoot = Object.is(node.level, 0);
const isRoot = Object.is(node?.level, 0);
if (isFirst) {
data.splice(0, data.length);
items.forEach((item: any) => {
......@@ -122,7 +132,7 @@ export class TreeControl extends MainControl {
} else {
node.dataRef.children = items;
const isSelectedAll = node.checked;
const isSelectedAll = node?.checked;
// TODO 默认选中
// this.setDefaultSelection(items, isRoot, isSelectedAll);
this.emit("ctrlEvent", { tag: this.props.name, action: "load", data: items });
......@@ -130,10 +140,17 @@ export class TreeControl extends MainControl {
// 在类里绑定能力方法
this.load = load;
// 订阅viewSubject,监听load行为
if (viewSubject) {
let subscription = viewSubject.subscribe(({ tag, action, data }: IActionParam) => {
if (Object.is(controlName, tag) && Object.is("load", action)) {
if (!Object.is(controlName, tag)) {
if (Object.is("load", action)) {
load(data, true);
......@@ -15,6 +15,13 @@ export class TreeExpBarControl extends ExpBarControl {
public declare state: TreeExpBarControlState;
* @description 选中数据变化
* @protected
* @param {any[]} args
* @return {*}
* @memberof TreeExpBarControl
protected onSelectionChange(args: any[]) {
if (args.length == 0) {
......@@ -26,7 +33,7 @@ export class TreeExpBarControl extends ExpBarControl {
const nodeType = arg.id.split(';')[0];
// const refView: any = this.get
// 获取导航视图
const refView = this.getExpItemView({ nodeType: nodeType });
// TODO 选择视图面板支持
if (refView) {
......@@ -45,6 +52,13 @@ export class TreeExpBarControl extends ExpBarControl {
* @description 获取导航视图
* @protected
* @param {*} [arg={}]
* @return {*} {(IParam | null)}
* @memberof TreeExpBarControl
protected getExpItemView(arg: any = {}): IParam | null {
const expMode: string = `EXPITEM:${arg.nodeType}`;
const { viewRefs } = this.state;
......@@ -56,6 +70,13 @@ export class TreeExpBarControl extends ExpBarControl {
* @description 计算导航参数
* @protected
* @param {*} arg
* @return {*} \{{ tempContext: any, tempViewParams: any }}
* @memberof TreeExpBarControl
protected computeNavParams(arg: any): { tempContext: any, tempViewParams: any } {
const tempContext: any = {};
const tempViewParams: any = {};
......@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ const routes = [
path: "/",
redirect: "/apps/{{lowerCase app.codeName}}"
path: '/login',
name: 'login',
component: () => import("@components/common/login.vue")
const router = createRouter({
history: createWebHashHistory(),
......@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ import { ctrlState } from './{{spinalCase ctrl.codeName}}-tree-exp-bar-state';
import { {{codeName}}Tree} from '@widgets/{{spinalCase appEntity.codeName}}/{{spinalCase codeName}}-tree';
{{!-- {{#each ctrl.getAppViewRefs as | viewRef |}}
{{#each ctrl.getAppViewRefs as | viewRef |}}
{{#if viewRef.refPSAppView}}
import {{viewRef.refPSAppView.name}} from '@views/{{spinalCase viewRef.refPSAppView.psAppModule.codeName}}/{{spinalCase viewRef.refPSAppView.codeName}}';
{{/each}} --}}
interface Props {
context: IContext;
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ interface CtrlEmit {
const emit = defineEmits <CtrlEmit> ();
// 安装功能模块,提供状态和能力方法
const { state, onCtrlEvent } = new TreeExpBarControl(ctrlState, props, emit).moduleInstall();
const { state, onCtrlEvent, xData } = new TreeExpBarControl(ctrlState, props, emit).moduleInstall();
// 暴露内部状态及能力
defineExpose({ state, name: '{{ctrl.name}}' });
......@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ defineExpose({ state, name: '{{ctrl.name}}' });
{{#eq controlType "TREEVIEW"}}
......@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ defineExpose({ state, name: '{{ctrl.name}}' });
{{!-- {{#each ctrl.psAppViewRefs as | viewRef |}}
{{#each ctrl.psAppViewRefs as | viewRef |}}
{{#if viewRef.refPSAppView}}
v-if="state.selection.viewName && state.selection.viewName === '{{viewRef.refPSAppView.name}}'"
......@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ defineExpose({ state, name: '{{ctrl.name}}' });
{{/each}} --}}
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