export default { fields: { statuscode: '状态描述', regardingobjectidyominame: '关于', regularactivity: '是定期活动', createdate: '建立时间', overriddencreatedon: 'Record Created On', sortdate: '排序日期', traversedpath: '遍历的路径', activitytypecode: '活动类型', optionalattendees: 'Optional Attendees', ownerid: '负责人', scheduledend: '计划结束时间', customers: 'Customers', organizer: 'Organizer', budgetedcost: '预算分配', category: '类别', channeltypecode: '渠道', budgetedcost_base: '预算分配 (Base)', bcc: 'BCC', scheduleddurationminutes: '计划持续时间', subcategory: '子类别', cc: 'CC', prioritycode: '优先级', updateman: '更新人', partners: 'Outsource Vendors', typecode: '类型', statecode: '状态', actualstart: '实际开始时间', slaname: 'SLAName', versionnumber: '版本号', donotsendonoptout: '排除退出的成员', exchangeitemid: 'Exchange 项目 ID', exchangeweblink: 'Exchange WebLink', community: '社交渠道', subject: '主题', actualcost_base: '实际成本 (Base)', to: 'To', instancetypecode: '定期实例类型', lastonholdtime: '上一暂候时间', timezoneruleversionnumber: '时区规则版本号', owneridyominame: '负责人', stageid: '流程阶段', onholdtime: '暂候时间(分钟)', description: '说明', mapiprivate: '隐藏', activityadditionalparams: '活动附加参数', deliveryprioritycode: '传递优先级', requiredattendees: 'Required Attendees', serviceid: '服务', exchangerate: '汇率', updatedate: '更新时间', importsequencenumber: 'Import Sequence Number', scheduledstart: '计划开始时间', actualdurationminutes: '实际持续时间', senton: '发送日期', activityid: '市场活动项目', excludeifcontactedinxdays: '天数', leftvoicemail: '保留的语音邮件', workflowcreated: '由工作流创建', regardingobjecttypecode: 'RegardingObjectTypeCode', utcconversiontimezonecode: 'UTC 转换时区代码', regardingobjectid: '关于', ignoreinactivelistmembers: '忽略停用市场营销列表成员', createman: '建立人', from: '来自', billed: '已记帐', actualcost: '实际成本', owneridtype: '负责人类型', deliverylastattemptedon: '上次尝试传递的日期', actualend: '实际结束时间', seriesid: '系列 ID', processid: '流程', resources: 'Resources', slaid: 'SLA', }, views: { quickcreate: { caption: "快速新建", title: '快速新建', }, editview: { caption: "市场活动项目", title: '市场活动项目编辑视图', }, byparentkey: { caption: "市场活动项目", title: '市场活动项目表格视图', }, gridview: { caption: "市场活动项目", title: '市场活动项目表格视图', }, }, main_form: { details: { group1: "campaignactivity基本信息", formpage1: "基本信息", group2: "操作信息", formpage2: "其它", srfupdatedate: "更新时间", srforikey: "", srfkey: "市场活动项目", srfmajortext: "主题", srftempmode: "", srfuf: "", srfdeid: "", srfsourcekey: "", subject: "主题", createman: "建立人", createdate: "建立时间", updateman: "更新人", updatedate: "更新时间", activityid: "市场活动项目", }, uiactions: { }, }, quickcreate_form: { details: { group1: "campaignactivity基本信息", formpage1: "基本信息", srfupdatedate: "更新时间", srforikey: "", srfkey: "市场活动项目", srfmajortext: "主题", srftempmode: "", srfuf: "", srfdeid: "", srfsourcekey: "", subject: "主题", category: "类别", channeltypecode: "渠道", description: "说明", scheduledstart: "计划开始时间", scheduledend: "计划结束时间", actualstart: "实际开始时间", actualend: "实际结束时间", budgetedcost: "预算分配", actualcost: "实际成本", regardingobjectid: "关于", activityid: "市场活动项目", }, uiactions: { }, }, main_grid: { columns: { subject: "主题", updateman: "更新人", updatedate: "更新时间", }, uiactions: { }, }, default_searchform: { details: { formpage1: "常规条件", }, uiactions: { }, }, editviewtoolbar_toolbar: { tbitem3: { caption: "Save", tip: "Save", }, tbitem4: { caption: "Save And New", tip: "Save And New", }, tbitem5: { caption: "Save And Close", tip: "Save And Close Window", }, tbitem6: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem7: { caption: "Remove And Close", tip: "Remove And Close Window", }, tbitem8: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem12: { caption: "New", tip: "New", }, tbitem13: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem14: { caption: "Copy", tip: "Copy {0}", }, }, byparentkeytoolbar_toolbar: { tbitem3: { caption: "New", tip: "New", }, tbitem4: { caption: "Edit", tip: "Edit {0}", }, tbitem6: { caption: "Copy", tip: "Copy {0}", }, tbitem7: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem8: { caption: "Remove", tip: "Remove {0}", }, tbitem9: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem13: { caption: "Export", tip: "Export {0} Data To Excel", }, tbitem10: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem19: { caption: "Filter", tip: "Filter", }, }, gridviewtoolbar_toolbar: { tbitem3: { caption: "New", tip: "New", }, tbitem4: { caption: "Edit", tip: "Edit {0}", }, tbitem6: { caption: "Copy", tip: "Copy {0}", }, tbitem7: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem8: { caption: "Remove", tip: "Remove {0}", }, tbitem9: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem13: { caption: "Export", tip: "Export {0} Data To Excel", }, tbitem10: { caption: "-", tip: "", }, tbitem19: { caption: "Filter", tip: "Filter", }, }, };