<template> <div class='grid' style="height:100%"> <i-form style="height:100%;display:flex;flex-direction: column;justify-content: space-between"> <el-table v-if="isDisplay === true" :default-sort="{ prop: minorSortPSDEF, order: Object.is(minorSortDir, 'ASC') ? 'ascending' : Object.is(minorSortDir, 'DESC') ? 'descending' : '' }" @sort-change="onSortChange($event)" :border="isDragendCol" :highlight-current-row ="isSingleSelect" :row-class-name="getRowClassName" :cell-class-name="getCellClassName" max-height="items.length > 0 ? 'calc(100%-50px)' : '100%'" @row-click="rowClick($event)" @select-all="selectAll($event)" @select="select" @row-class-name="onRowClassName($event)" @row-dblclick="rowDBLClick($event)" ref='multipleTable' :data="items" :show-header="!isHideHeader"> <template slot="empty"> {{$t('entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.nodata')}} </template> <template v-if="!isSingleSelect"> <el-table-column align="center" type='selection' :width="checkboxColWidth"></el-table-column> </template> <template v-if="getColumnState('orderuid')"> <el-table-column show-overflow-tooltip :prop="'orderuid'" :label="$t('entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.orderuid')" :width="100" :align="'left'" :sortable="'custom'"> <template v-slot:header="{column}"> <span class="column-header "> {{$t('entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.orderuid')}} </span> </template> <template v-slot="{row,column,$index}"> <span>{{row.orderuid}}</span> </template> </el-table-column> </template> <template v-if="getColumnState('ibizordername')"> <el-table-column show-overflow-tooltip :prop="'ibizordername'" :label="$t('entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.ibizordername')" :min-width="1" :align="'left'" :sortable="'custom'"> <template v-slot:header="{column}"> <span class="column-header "> {{$t('entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.ibizordername')}} </span> </template> <template v-slot="{row,column,$index}"> <template v-if="actualIsOpenEdit && !row.children"> <app-form-item :error="gridItemsModel[$index][column.property].error"> <input-box :disabled="getColumnDisabled(row,column.property)" v-model="row[column.property]" style="" type="text" @change="($event)=>{gridEditItemChange(row, column.property, $event, $index)}"> </input-box> </app-form-item> </template> <template v-if="!actualIsOpenEdit"> <app-span name='IBIZordername' editorType="TEXTBOX" :value="row.ibizordername" dataType="TEXT" precision="0" ></app-span> </template> </template> </el-table-column> </template> <template v-if="getColumnState('ibizcustomername')"> <el-table-column show-overflow-tooltip :prop="'ibizcustomername'" :label="$t('entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.ibizcustomername')" :width="160" :align="'left'" :sortable="'custom'"> <template v-slot:header="{column}"> <span class="column-header "> {{$t('entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.ibizcustomername')}} </span> </template> <template v-slot="{row,column,$index}"> <template v-if="actualIsOpenEdit && !row.children"> <app-form-item :error="gridItemsModel[$index][column.property].error"> <app-picker :formState="viewState" :data="row" :context="context" :viewparams="viewparams" :localContext ='{ }' :localParam ='{ }' :disabled="getColumnDisabled(row,column.property)" name='IBIZcustomername' deMajorField='ibizcustomername' deKeyField='ibizcustomer' :service="service" :acParams="{ serviceName: 'IBIZCustomerService', interfaceName: 'FetchDefault'}" valueitem='ibizcustomerid' :value="row[column.property]" editortype="" :pickupView="{ viewname: 'ibizcustomer-pickup-view', title: $t('entities.ibizcustomer.views.pickupview.title'), deResParameters: [], parameters: [{ pathName: 'ibizcustomers', parameterName: 'ibizcustomer' }, { pathName: 'pickupview', parameterName: 'pickupview' } ], placement:'' }" style="" @formitemvaluechange="($event)=>{onGridItemValueChange(row,$event,$index)}"> </app-picker> </app-form-item> </template> <template v-if="!actualIsOpenEdit"> <app-span name='IBIZcustomername' editorType="PICKER" :value="row.ibizcustomername" dataType="PICKUPTEXT" precision="0" ></app-span> </template> </template> </el-table-column> </template> <template v-if="getColumnState('ordertime')"> <el-table-column show-overflow-tooltip :prop="'ordertime'" :label="$t('entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.ordertime')" :width="190" :align="'left'" :sortable="'custom'"> <template v-slot:header="{column}"> <span class="column-header "> {{$t('entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.ordertime')}} </span> </template> <template v-slot="{row,column,$index}"> <template v-if="actualIsOpenEdit && !row.children"> <app-form-item :error="gridItemsModel[$index][column.property].error"> <date-picker type="date" :transfer="true" format="yyyy-MM-dd" :disabled="getColumnDisabled(row,column.property)" :value="row[column.property]" style="" @on-change="(val1, val2) => { row[column.property] = val1; gridEditItemChange(row, column.property, val1, $index)}"></date-picker> </app-form-item> </template> <template v-if="!actualIsOpenEdit"> <app-span name='ordertime' editorType="DATEPICKER" :value="row.ordertime" dataType="DATE" precision="0" ></app-span> </template> </template> </el-table-column> </template> <template v-if="getColumnState('orderstate')"> <el-table-column show-overflow-tooltip :prop="'orderstate'" :label="$t('entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.orderstate')" :width="190" :align="'left'" :sortable="'custom'"> <template v-slot:header="{column}"> <span class="column-header "> {{$t('entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.orderstate')}} </span> </template> <template v-slot="{row,column,$index}"> <template v-if="actualIsOpenEdit && !row.children"> <app-form-item :error="gridItemsModel[$index][column.property].error"> <dropdown-list v-model="row[column.property]" :disabled="getColumnDisabled(row,column.property)" :data="row" :context="context" :viewparams="viewparams" :localContext ='{ }' :localParam ='{ }' tag='ORDERSTATE' codelistType='STATIC' placeholder='请选择...' style="" @change="($event)=>{gridEditItemChange(row, column.property, $event, $index)}"> </dropdown-list> </app-form-item> </template> <template v-if="!actualIsOpenEdit"> <codelist :value="row.orderstate" tag='ORDERSTATE' codelistType='STATIC' ></codelist> </template> </template> </el-table-column> </template> <template v-if="getColumnState('updatedate')"> <el-table-column show-overflow-tooltip :prop="'updatedate'" :label="$t('entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.updatedate')" :width="145" :align="'left'" :sortable="'custom'"> <template v-slot:header="{column}"> <span class="column-header "> {{$t('entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.updatedate')}} </span> </template> <template v-slot="{row,column,$index}"> <app-format-data format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" :data="row.updatedate"></app-format-data> </template> </el-table-column> </template> <template v-if="adaptiveState"> <el-table-column></el-table-column> </template> </el-table> <row class='grid-pagination' v-show="items.length > 0"> <page class='pull-right' @on-change="pageOnChange($event)" @on-page-size-change="onPageSizeChange($event)" :transfer="true" :total="totalrow" show-sizer :current="curPage" :page-size="limit" :page-size-opts="[10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]" show-elevator show-total> <span> <span class="page-column"> <poptip transfer placement="top-start"> <i-button icon="md-menu">{{$t('app.gridpage.choicecolumns')}}</i-button> <div slot="content"> <template v-for="col in allColumns"> <div :key="col.name"><el-checkbox v-model="col.show" @change="onColChange()">{{$t(col.langtag)}}</el-checkbox></div> </template> </div> </poptip> </span> <span class="page-button"><i-button icon="md-refresh" :title="$t('app.gridpage.refresh')" @click="pageRefresh()"></i-button></span> <span> {{$t('app.gridpage.show')}} <span> <template v-if="items.length === 1"> 1 </template> <template v-else> <span>{{(curPage - 1) * limit + 1}} - {{totalrow > curPage * limit ? curPage * limit : totalrow}}</span> </template> </span> {{$t('app.gridpage.records')}},{{$t('app.gridpage.totle')}} {{totalrow}} {{$t('app.gridpage.records')}} </span> </span> </page> </row> </i-form> </div> </template> <script lang='tsx'> import { Vue, Component, Prop, Provide, Emit, Watch, Model,Inject } from 'vue-property-decorator'; import { CreateElement } from 'vue'; import { Subject, Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import { ControlInterface } from '@/interface/control'; import { UIActionTool,Util,ViewTool } from '@/utils'; import NavDataService from '@/service/app/navdata-service'; import AppCenterService from "@service/app/app-center-service"; import IBIZOrderService from '@/service/ibizorder/ibizorder-service'; import UIPART_0017Service from './uipart-0017-grid-service'; import IBIZOrderUIService from '@/uiservice/ibizorder/ibizorder-ui-service'; import CodeListService from "@/codelist/codelist-service"; import { FormItemModel } from '@/model/form-detail'; import { Environment } from '@/environments/environment'; @Component({ components: { } }) export default class UIPART_0017Base extends Vue implements ControlInterface { /** * 名称 * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop() public name?: string; /** * 视图通讯对象 * * @type {Subject<ViewState>} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop() public viewState!: Subject<ViewState>; /** * 应用上下文 * * @type {*} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop() public context!: any; /** * 视图参数 * * @type {*} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop() public viewparams!: any; /** * 视图状态事件 * * @public * @type {(Subscription | undefined)} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public viewStateEvent: Subscription | undefined; /** * 获取部件类型 * * @returns {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public getControlType(): string { return 'GRID' } /** * 计数器服务对象集合 * * @type {Array<*>} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public counterServiceArray:Array<any> = []; /** * 建构部件服务对象 * * @type {UIPART_0017Service} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public service: UIPART_0017Service = new UIPART_0017Service({ $store: this.$store }); /** * 实体服务对象 * * @type {IBIZOrderService} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public appEntityService: IBIZOrderService = new IBIZOrderService({ $store: this.$store }); /** * 转化数据 * * @param {any} args * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public transformData(args: any) { let _this: any = this; if(_this.service && _this.service.handleRequestData instanceof Function && _this.service.handleRequestData('transform',_this.context,args)){ return _this.service.handleRequestData('transform',_this.context,args)['data']; } } /** * 关闭视图 * * @param {any} args * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public closeView(args: any): void { let _this: any = this; _this.$emit('closeview', [args]); } /** * 计数器刷新 * * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public counterRefresh(){ const _this:any =this; if(_this.counterServiceArray && _this.counterServiceArray.length >0){ _this.counterServiceArray.forEach((item:any) =>{ if(item.refreshData && item.refreshData instanceof Function){ item.refreshData(); } }) } } /** * 代码表服务对象 * * @type {CodeListService} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public codeListService:CodeListService = new CodeListService({ $store: this.$store }); /** * 主信息表格列 * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public majorInfoColName:string = "IBIZordername"; /** * 界面UI服务对象 * * @type {IBIZOrderUIService} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public appUIService:IBIZOrderUIService = new IBIZOrderUIService(this.$store); /** * 界面行为模型 * * @type {*} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public actionModel:any ={ }; /** * 应用状态事件 * * @public * @type {(Subscription | undefined)} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public appStateEvent: Subscription | undefined; /** * 获取多项数据 * * @returns {any[]} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public getDatas(): any[] { return this.selections; } /** * 获取单项树 * * @returns {*} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public getData(): any { return this.selections[0]; } /** * 打开新建数据视图 * * @type {any} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop() public newdata: any; /** * 打开编辑数据视图 * * @type {any} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop() public opendata: any; /** * 是否嵌入关系界面 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop({default:false}) public isformDruipart?: boolean; /** * 显示处理提示 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop({ default: true }) public showBusyIndicator?: boolean; /** * 部件行为--update * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop() public updateAction!: string; /** * 部件行为--fetch * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop() public fetchAction!: string; /** * 部件行为--remove * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop() public removeAction!: string; /** * 部件行为--load * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop() public loadAction!: string; /** * 部件行为--loaddraft * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop() public loaddraftAction!: string; /** * 部件行为--create * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop() public createAction!: string; /** * 当前页 * * @type {number} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public curPage: number = 1; /** * 数据 * * @type {any[]} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public items: any[] = []; /** * 是否支持分页 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public isEnablePagingBar: boolean = true; /** * 是否禁用排序 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public isNoSort: boolean = false; /** * 排序方向 * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public minorSortDir: string = ''; /** * 排序字段 * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public minorSortPSDEF: string = ''; /** * 分页条数 * * @type {number} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public limit: number = 10; /** * 是否显示标题 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public isHideHeader: boolean = false; /** * 是否默认选中第一条数据 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop({ default: false }) public isSelectFirstDefault!: boolean; /** * 是否单选 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop() public isSingleSelect?: boolean; /** * 选中数据字符串 * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop() public selectedData?: string; /** * 选中值变化 * * @param {*} newVal * @param {*} oldVal * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Watch('selectedData') public onValueChange(newVal: any, oldVal: any) { this.selections = []; if(this.selectedData){ const refs: any = this.$refs; if (refs.multipleTable) { refs.multipleTable.clearSelection(); JSON.parse(this.selectedData).forEach((selection:any)=>{ let selectedItem = this.items.find((item:any)=>{ return Object.is(item.srfkey, selection.srfkey); }); if(selectedItem){ this.rowClick(selectedItem); } }); } } } /** * 表格行数据默认激活模式 * 0 不激活 * 1 单击激活 * 2 双击激活 * * @type {(number | 0 | 1 | 2)} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop({default: 2}) public gridRowActiveMode!: number; /** * 是否开启行编辑 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ @Prop({default: false}) public isOpenEdit!: boolean; /** * 实际是否开启行编辑 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public actualIsOpenEdit: boolean = this.isOpenEdit; /** * 总条数 * * @type {number} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public totalrow: number = 0; /** * 表格更新默认值项 * * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public defaultUpdateItems:Array<any> =[,,,,,]; /** * 选中行数据 * * @type {any[]} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public selections: any[] = []; /** * 拦截行选中 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public stopRowClick: boolean = false; /** * 当前编辑行数据 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public curEditRowData:any; /** * 表格是否显示 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public isDisplay:boolean = true; /** * 表格行编辑项校验错误提示信息 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public errorMessages: Array<any> = []; /** * 部件刷新 * * @param {any} args * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public refresh(args?: any): void { this.load(); } /** * 选项框列宽 * * @type {number} * @memberof AppIndex */ public checkboxColWidth: number = 50; /** * 是否允许拖动列宽 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof AppEmbedPicker */ public isDragendCol: boolean = true; /** * 所有列成员 * * @type {any[]} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public allColumns: any[] = [ { name: 'orderuid', label: '订单编号', langtag: 'entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.orderuid', show: true, unit: 'PX', isEnableRowEdit: false, enableCond: 3 , }, { name: 'ibizordername', label: '订单名称(支持行编辑)', langtag: 'entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.ibizordername', show: true, unit: 'STAR', isEnableRowEdit: true, enableCond: 3 , }, { name: 'ibizcustomername', label: '客户(支持行编辑)', langtag: 'entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.ibizcustomername', show: true, unit: 'PX', isEnableRowEdit: true, enableCond: 3 , }, { name: 'ordertime', label: '订单日期(支持行编辑)', langtag: 'entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.ordertime', show: true, unit: 'PX', isEnableRowEdit: true, enableCond: 3 , }, { name: 'orderstate', label: '订单状态(支持行编辑)', langtag: 'entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.orderstate', show: true, unit: 'PX', isEnableRowEdit: true, enableCond: 3 , }, { name: 'updatedate', label: '更新时间', langtag: 'entities.ibizorder.uipart_0017_grid.columns.updatedate', show: true, unit: 'PX', isEnableRowEdit: false, enableCond: 3 , }, ] /** * 表格模型集合 * * @type {*} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public gridItemsModel: any[] = []; /** * 是否启用分组 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public isEnableGroup:boolean = false; /** * 分组属性 * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public groupAppField:string =""; /** * 分组属性代码表标识 * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public groupAppFieldCodelistTag:string =""; /** * 分组属性代码表类型 * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public groupAppFieldCodelistType: string = ""; /** * 分组模式 * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public groupMode:string ="NONE"; /** * 分组代码表标识 * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public codelistTag: string = ""; /** * 分组代码表类型 * * @type {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public codelistType: string = ""; /** * 获取界面行为权限状态 * * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public getActionState(data:any){ let tempActionModel:any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.actionModel)); let targetData:any = this.transformData(data); ViewTool.calcActionItemAuthState(targetData,tempActionModel,this.appUIService); return tempActionModel; } /** * 获取表格行模型 * * @type {*} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public getGridRowModel(){ return { IBIZordername: new FormItemModel(), ibizcustomerid: new FormItemModel(), orderstate: new FormItemModel(), IBIZcustomername: new FormItemModel(), ordertime: new FormItemModel(), srfkey: new FormItemModel(), } } /** * 属性值规则 * * @type {*} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public deRules:any = { }; /** * 值规则集合 * * @type {*} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public rules: any = { IBIZordername: [ { required: true, validator: (rule:any, value:any, callback:any) => { return (rule.required && (value === null || value === undefined || value === "")) ? false : true;}, message: '订单名称(支持行编辑) 值不能为空', trigger: 'change' }, { required: true, validator: (rule:any, value:any, callback:any) => { return (rule.required && (value === null || value === undefined || value === "")) ? false : true;}, message: '订单名称(支持行编辑) 值不能为空', trigger: 'blur' }, ], ibizcustomerid: [ { required: false, validator: (rule:any, value:any, callback:any) => { return (rule.required && (value === null || value === undefined || value === "")) ? false : true;}, message: '值不能为空', trigger: 'change' }, { required: false, validator: (rule:any, value:any, callback:any) => { return (rule.required && (value === null || value === undefined || value === "")) ? false : true;}, message: '值不能为空', trigger: 'blur' }, ], orderstate: [ { required: false, validator: (rule:any, value:any, callback:any) => { return (rule.required && (value === null || value === undefined || value === "")) ? false : true;}, message: '订单状态(支持行编辑) 值不能为空', trigger: 'change' }, { required: false, validator: (rule:any, value:any, callback:any) => { return (rule.required && (value === null || value === undefined || value === "")) ? false : true;}, message: '订单状态(支持行编辑) 值不能为空', trigger: 'blur' }, ], IBIZcustomername: [ { required: false, validator: (rule:any, value:any, callback:any) => { return (rule.required && (value === null || value === undefined || value === "")) ? false : true;}, message: '客户(支持行编辑) 值不能为空', trigger: 'change' }, { required: false, validator: (rule:any, value:any, callback:any) => { return (rule.required && (value === null || value === undefined || value === "")) ? false : true;}, message: '客户(支持行编辑) 值不能为空', trigger: 'blur' }, ], ordertime: [ { required: false, validator: (rule:any, value:any, callback:any) => { return (rule.required && (value === null || value === undefined || value === "")) ? false : true;}, message: '订单日期(支持行编辑) 值不能为空', trigger: 'change' }, { required: false, validator: (rule:any, value:any, callback:any) => { return (rule.required && (value === null || value === undefined || value === "")) ? false : true;}, message: '订单日期(支持行编辑) 值不能为空', trigger: 'blur' }, ], srfkey: [ { required: false, validator: (rule:any, value:any, callback:any) => { return (rule.required && (value === null || value === undefined || value === "")) ? false : true;}, message: '订单标识 值不能为空', trigger: 'change' }, { required: false, validator: (rule:any, value:any, callback:any) => { return (rule.required && (value === null || value === undefined || value === "")) ? false : true;}, message: '订单标识 值不能为空', trigger: 'blur' }, ], } /** * 表格行编辑项校验 * * @param {string} property 属性名 * @param {*} data 行数据 * @param {number} rowIndex 行索引 * @returns Promise<any> * * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public validate(property:string, data:any, rowIndex:number):Promise<any>{ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.$util.validateItem(property,data,this.rules).then(()=>{ this.gridItemsModel[rowIndex][property].setError(null); resolve(true); }).catch(({ errors, fields }) => { this.gridItemsModel[rowIndex][property].setError(errors[0].message); resolve(false); }); }); } /** * 校验所有修改过的编辑项 * * @returns Promise<any> * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public async validateAll(){ this.errorMessages = []; let validateState = true; let index = -1; for (let item of this.items) { let tempMessage: string = ''; index++; if (item.rowDataState === "create" || item.rowDataState === "update") { for (let property of Object.keys(this.rules)) { if (!await this.validate(property, item, index)) { validateState = false; tempMessage = tempMessage + '<p>' + this.gridItemsModel[index][property].error + '<p>'; } } } this.errorMessages.push(tempMessage); } return validateState; } /** * 表格数据加载 * * @param {*} [arg={}] * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public load(opt: any = {}, pageReset: boolean = false): void { if(!this.fetchAction){ this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZOrderSF20GridView'+(this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.fetchAction') as string) }); return; } if(pageReset){ this.curPage = 1; } const arg: any = {...opt}; const page: any = {}; if (this.isEnablePagingBar) { Object.assign(page, { page: this.curPage-1, size: this.limit }); } // 设置排序 if (!this.isNoSort && !Object.is(this.minorSortDir, '') && !Object.is(this.minorSortPSDEF, '')) { const sort: string = this.minorSortPSDEF+","+this.minorSortDir; Object.assign(page, { sort: sort }); } Object.assign(arg, page); const parentdata: any = {}; this.$emit('beforeload', parentdata); Object.assign(arg, parentdata); let tempViewParams:any = parentdata.viewparams?parentdata.viewparams:{}; Object.assign(tempViewParams,JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.viewparams))); Object.assign(arg,{viewparams:tempViewParams}); const post: Promise<any> = this.service.search(this.fetchAction,JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)), arg, this.showBusyIndicator); post.then((response: any) => { if (!response.status || response.status !== 200) { if (response.errorMessage) { this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: response.errorMessage }); } return; } const data: any = response.data; this.totalrow = response.total; this.items = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); // 清空selections,gridItemsModel //this.selections = []; this.gridItemsModel = []; this.items.forEach(()=>{this.gridItemsModel.push(this.getGridRowModel())}); this.items.forEach((item:any)=>{ Object.assign(item,this.getActionState(item)); }); this.$emit('load', this.items); // 设置默认选中 let _this = this; setTimeout(() => { //在导航视图中,如已有选中数据,则右侧展开已选中数据的视图,如无选中数据则默认选中第一条 if(_this.isSelectFirstDefault){ if(_this.selections && _this.selections.length > 0){ _this.selections.forEach((select: any)=>{ const index = _this.items.findIndex((item:any) => Object.is(item.srfkey,select.srfkey)); if(index != -1){ _this.rowClick(_this.items[index]); } }) }else{ _this.rowClick(this.items[0]); } } if(_this.selectedData){ const refs: any = _this.$refs; if (refs.multipleTable) { refs.multipleTable.clearSelection(); JSON.parse(_this.selectedData).forEach((selection:any)=>{ let selectedItem = _this.items.find((item:any)=>{ return Object.is(item.srfkey, selection.srfkey); }); if(selectedItem){ _this.rowClick(selectedItem); } }); } } }, 300); }).catch((response: any) => { if (response && response.status === 401) { return; } this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: response.errorMessage }); }); } /** * 删除 * * @param {any[]} datas * @returns {Promise<any>} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public async remove(datas: any[]): Promise<any> { if(!this.removeAction){ this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZOrderSF20GridView'+(this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.removeAction') as string) }); return; } let _datas:any[] = []; datas.forEach((record: any, index: number) => { if (Object.is(record.srfuf,"0")) { this.items.some((val: any, num: number) =>{ if(JSON.stringify(val) == JSON.stringify(record)){ this.items.splice(num,1); this.gridItemsModel.splice(num,1); return true; } }); }else{ _datas.push(datas[index]); } }); if (_datas.length === 0) { return; } let dataInfo = ''; _datas.forEach((record: any, index: number) => { let srfmajortext = record.ibizordername; if (index < 5) { if (!Object.is(dataInfo, '')) { dataInfo += '、'; } dataInfo += srfmajortext; } else { return false; } }); if (_datas.length < 5) { dataInfo = dataInfo + ' ' + (this.$t('app.gridpage.totle') as string) + _datas.length + (this.$t('app.gridpage.records') as string) + (this.$t('app.gridpage.data') as string); } else { dataInfo = ' ... ' + (this.$t('app.gridpage.totle') as string) + _datas.length + (this.$t('app.gridpage.records') as string) + (this.$t('app.gridpage.data') as string); } const removeData = () => { let keys: any[] = []; _datas.forEach((data: any) => { keys.push(data.srfkey); }); let _removeAction = keys.length > 1 ? 'removeBatch' : this.removeAction ; let _keys = keys.length > 1 ? keys : keys[0] ; const context:any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)); const post: Promise<any> = this.service.delete(_removeAction,Object.assign(context,{ ibizorder: _keys }),Object.assign({ ibizorder: _keys },{viewparams:this.viewparams}), this.showBusyIndicator); return new Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => { post.then((response: any) => { if (!response || response.status !== 200) { this.$Notice.error({ title: '', desc: (this.$t('app.gridpage.delDataFail') as string)+',' + response.info }); return; } else { this.$Notice.success({ title: '', desc: (this.$t('app.gridpage.delSuccess') as string) }); } //删除items中已删除的项 _datas.forEach((data: any) => { this.items.some((item:any,index:number)=>{ if(Object.is(item.srfkey,data.srfkey)){ this.items.splice(index,1); this.gridItemsModel.splice(index,1); return true; } }); }); this.totalrow -= _datas.length; this.$emit('remove', null); this.selections = []; resolve(response); }).catch((response: any) => { if (response && response.status === 401) { return; } if (!response || !response.status || !response.data) { this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: (this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string) }); reject(response); return; } reject(response); }); }); } dataInfo = dataInfo.replace(/[null]/g, '').replace(/[undefined]/g, ''); this.$Modal.confirm({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.warning') as string), content: (this.$t('app.gridpage.confirmDel') as string)+' ' + dataInfo + ','+(this.$t('app.gridpage.notRecoverable') as string), onOk: () => { removeData(); }, onCancel: () => { } }); return removeData; } /** * 批量添加 * * @param {*} [arg={}] * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public addBatch(arg: any = {}): void { if(!this.fetchAction){ this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZOrderSF20GridView'+(this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.fetchAction') as string) }); return; } if(!arg){ arg = {}; } console.error((this.$t('app.gridpage.notBatch') as string)); } /** * 数据导入 * * @param {*} data * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public importExcel(data:any ={}):void{ //导入excel const importDataModel:any ={ importId:'Import', serviceName:'ibizorder', appDeLogicName:'订单', importData:{ "ORDERTIME":{"headername":"订单时间","isuniqueitem":false,"name":"ordertime","order":1000}, "ORDERUID":{"headername":"订单编号","isuniqueitem":true,"name":"orderuid","order":1000}, "IBIZORDERNAME":{"headername":"订单名称","isuniqueitem":false,"name":"ibizordername","order":1000}, "ORDERTYPE":{"codelist":{"type":"DYNAMIC","tag":"ORDERTYPE","isnumber":false},"headername":"订单类型","isuniqueitem":false,"name":"ordertype","order":1000} } } if(Object.keys(importDataModel).length == 0){ this.$Notice.warning({ 'title': (this.$t("app.utilview.warning") as string), 'desc': (this.$t("app.utilview.info") as string) }); return; } const view:any ={ viewname: 'app-data-upload', title: this.$t("app.utilview.importview"), width: 900, height: 700 } let container: Subject<any> = this.$appmodal.openModal(view, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)), importDataModel); container.subscribe((result: any) => { if(Object.is(result.ret,'OK')){ this.refresh(result.datas); } }); } /** * 数据导出 * * @param {*} data * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public exportExcel(data: any = {}): void { // 导出Excel const doExport = async (_data:any) => { const tHeader: Array<any> = []; const filterVal: Array<any> = []; this.allColumns.forEach((item: any) => { item.show && item.label ? tHeader.push(this.$t(item.langtag)) : ""; item.show && item.name ? filterVal.push(item.name) : ""; }); const data = await this.formatExcelData(filterVal, _data); this.$export.exportExcel().then((excel:any)=>{ excel.export_json_to_excel({ header: tHeader, //表头 必填 data, //具体数据 必填 filename: "订单"+(this.$t('app.gridpage.grid') as string), //非必填 autoWidth: true, //非必填 bookType: "xlsx" //非必填 }); }); }; const page: any = {}; // 设置page,size if (Object.is(data.type, 'maxRowCount')) { Object.assign(page, { page: 0, size: data.maxRowCount }); } else if (Object.is(data.type, 'activatedPage')) { try { doExport(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.items))); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } return; } // 设置排序 if (!this.isNoSort && !Object.is(this.minorSortDir, '') && !Object.is(this.minorSortPSDEF, '')) { const sort: string = this.minorSortPSDEF+","+this.minorSortDir; Object.assign(page, { sort: sort }); } const arg: any = {}; Object.assign(arg, page); // 获取query,搜索表单,viewparams等父数据 const parentdata: any = {}; this.$emit('beforeload', parentdata); Object.assign(arg, parentdata); const post: Promise<any> = this.service.search(this.fetchAction,JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)), arg, this.showBusyIndicator); post.then((response: any) => { if (!response || response.status !== 200) { this.$Notice.error({ title: '', desc: (this.$t('app.gridpage.exportFail') as string)+',' + response.info }); return; } try { doExport(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response.data))); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }).catch((response: any) => { if (response && response.status === 401) { return; } this.$Notice.error({ title: '', desc: (this.$t('app.gridpage.exportFail') as string) }); }); } /** * 导出数据格式化 * * @param {*} filterVal * @param {*} jsonData * @returns {[]} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public async formatExcelData(filterVal:any, jsonData:any) { let codelistColumns:Array<any> = [ { name: 'orderstate', srfkey: 'ORDERSTATE', codelistType : 'STATIC', renderMode: 'other', textSeparator: '、', valueSeparator: ',', }, ]; let _this = this; for (const codelist of codelistColumns) { // 动态代码表处理 if (Object.is(codelist.codelistType, "DYNAMIC")) { let items = await _this.codeListService.getItems(codelist.srfkey); jsonData.forEach((row:any)=>{ row[codelist.name] = _this.getCodelistValue(items, row[codelist.name], codelist); }); // 静态处理 } else if(Object.is(codelist.codelistType, "STATIC")){ let items = await _this.$store.getters.getCodeListItems(codelist.srfkey); jsonData.forEach((row:any)=>{ row[codelist.name] = _this.getCodelistValue(items, row[codelist.name], codelist); }); } } return jsonData.map((v:any) => filterVal.map((j:any) => v[j])) } /** * 解析代码表和vlaue,设置items * * @public * @param {any[]} items 代码表数据 * @param {*} value * @returns {*} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public getCodelistValue(items: any[], value: any, codelist: any,){ if(!value && value !== 0 && value !== false){ return this.$t('codelist.'+codelist.srfkey+'.empty'); } if (items) { let result:any = []; if(Object.is(codelist.renderMode,"number")){ items.map((_item: any, index: number)=>{ const nValue = parseInt((value as any), 10); const codevalue = _item.value; if((parseInt(codevalue, 10) & nValue) > 0){ result.push(_item); } }); } else if(Object.is(codelist.renderMode,"string")){ const arrayValue: Array<any> = (value as any).split(codelist.valueSeparator); arrayValue.map((value: any, index: number) => { result.push([]); let values: any[] = Object.is(this.$util.typeOf(value), 'number') ? [value] : [...(value as any).split(codelist.valueSeparator)]; values.map((val:any ,num: number)=>{ const item = this.getItem(items, val, codelist); if(item){ result[index].push(item); } }); }); } else { let values: any[] = Object.is(this.$util.typeOf(value), 'number') ? [value] : [...(value as any).split(codelist.valueSeparator)]; values.map((value:any ,index: number)=>{ const item = this.getItem(items, value, codelist); if(item){ result.push(item); } }); } // 设置items if(result.length != 0){ return result.join(codelist.valueSeparator); }else{ return value; } } } /** * 获取代码项 * * @public * @param {any[]} items * @param {*} value * @returns {*} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public getItem(items: any[], value: any, codelist: any): any { const arr: Array<any> = items.filter(item => {return item.value == value}); if (arr.length !== 1) { return undefined; } if(Object.is(codelist.codelistType,'STATIC')){ return this.$t('codelist.'+codelist.srfkey+'.'+arr[0].value); }else{ return arr[0].text; } } /** * 生命周期 * * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public created(): void { this.afterCreated(); } /** * 执行created后的逻辑 * * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public afterCreated(){ this.setColState(); if (this.viewState) { this.viewStateEvent = this.viewState.subscribe(({ tag, action, data }) => { if (!Object.is(tag, this.name)) { return; } if (Object.is('load', action)) { this.load(data,true); } if (Object.is('remove', action)) { this.remove(data); } if (Object.is('save', action)) { this.save(data); } }); } if(AppCenterService && AppCenterService.getMessageCenter()){ this.appStateEvent = AppCenterService.getMessageCenter().subscribe(({ name, action, data }) =>{ if(!Object.is(name,"IBIZOrder")){ return; } if(Object.is(action,'appRefresh')){ if(this.selections && this.selections.length > 0) { this.selections = []; this.$emit('selectionchange', this.selections); } this.refresh([data]); } }) } } /** * vue 生命周期 * * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public destroyed() { this.afterDestroy(); } /** * 执行destroyed后的逻辑 * * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public afterDestroy() { if (this.viewStateEvent) { this.viewStateEvent.unsubscribe(); } if(this.appStateEvent){ this.appStateEvent.unsubscribe(); } } /** * 获取选中行胡数据 * * @returns {any[]} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public getSelection(): any[] { return this.selections; } /** * 行双击事件 * * @param {*} $event * @returns {void} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public rowDBLClick($event: any): void { // 分组行跳过 if($event && $event.children){ return; } if (!$event || this.actualIsOpenEdit || Object.is(this.gridRowActiveMode,0)) { return; } this.selections = []; this.selections.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($event))); const refs: any = this.$refs; if (refs.multipleTable) { refs.multipleTable.clearSelection(); refs.multipleTable.toggleRowSelection($event); } this.$emit('rowdblclick', this.selections); this.$emit('selectionchange', this.selections); } /** * 合并分组行 * * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public arraySpanMethod({row, column, rowIndex, columnIndex} : any) { let allColumns:Array<any> = ['orderuid','IBIZordername','IBIZcustomername','ordertime','orderstate','updatedate']; if(row && row.children) { if(columnIndex == (this.isSingleSelect ? 0:1)) { return [1, allColumns.length+1]; } else if(columnIndex > (this.isSingleSelect ? 0:1)) { return [0,0]; } } } /** * 分组方法 * * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public group(){ if(Object.is(this.groupMode,"AUTO")){ this.drawGroup(); }else if(Object.is(this.groupMode,"CODELIST")){ this.drawCodelistGroup(); } } /** * 获取表格分组相关代码表 * * @param {string} codelistType 代码表类型 * @param {string} codelistTag 代码表标识 * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public getGroupCodelist(codelistType: string,codelistTag:string){ let codelist: Array<any> = []; // 动态代码表 if (Object.is(codelistType, "DYNAMIC")) { this.codeListService.getItems(codelistTag).then((res: any)=>{ codelist = res; }).catch((error: any) => { }); // 静态代码表 } else if(Object.is(codelistType, "STATIC")){ codelist = this.$store.getters.getCodeListItems(codelistTag); } return codelist; } /** * 根据分组代码表绘制分组列表 * * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public drawCodelistGroup(){ if(!this.isEnableGroup) return; // 分组 let allGroup: Array<any> = []; let allGroupField: Array<any> =[]; let groupTree:Array<any> = []; allGroup = this.getGroupCodelist(this.codelistType,this.codelistTag); allGroupField = this.getGroupCodelist(this.groupAppFieldCodelistType,this.groupAppFieldCodelistTag); if(allGroup.length == 0){ console.warn("分组数据无效"); } allGroup.forEach((group: any,i: number)=>{ let children:Array<any> = []; this.items.forEach((item: any,j: number)=>{ if(allGroupField && allGroupField.length > 0){ if(Object.is(group.label,item[this.groupAppField])){ item.groupById = Number((i+1) * 100 + (j+1) * 1); item.group = ''; children.push(item); } }else if(Object.is(group.value,item[this.groupAppField])){ item.groupById = Number((i+1) * 100 + (j+1) * 1); item.group = ''; children.push(item); } }); const tree: any ={ groupById: Number((i+1)*100), group: group.label, orderuid:'', IBIZordername:'', IBIZcustomername:'', ordertime:'', orderstate:'', updatedate:'', children: children } groupTree.push(tree); }); let child:Array<any> = []; this.items.forEach((item: any,index: number)=>{ let i: number = 0; if(allGroupField && allGroupField.length > 0){ i = allGroup.findIndex((group: any)=>Object.is(group.label,item[this.groupAppField])); }else{ i = allGroup.findIndex((group: any)=>Object.is(group.value,item[this.groupAppField])); } if(i < 0){ item.groupById = Number((allGroup.length+1) * 100 + (index+1) * 1); item.group = ''; child.push(item); } if(i < 0){ item.groupById = Number((allGroup.length+1) * 100 + (index+1) * 1); item.group = ''; child.push(item); } }) const Tree: any = { groupById: Number((allGroup.length+1)*100), group: this.$t('app.gridpage.other'), orderuid:'', IBIZordername:'', IBIZcustomername:'', ordertime:'', orderstate:'', updatedate:'', children: child } if(child && child.length > 0){ groupTree.push(Tree); } this.items = groupTree; if(this.actualIsOpenEdit) { for(let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { this.gridItemsModel.push(this.getGridRowModel()); } } } /** * 绘制分组 * * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public drawGroup(){ if(!this.isEnableGroup) return; // 分组 let allGroup: Array<any> = []; this.items.forEach((item: any)=>{ if(item.hasOwnProperty(this.groupAppField)){ allGroup.push(item[this.groupAppField]); } }); let groupTree:Array<any> = []; allGroup = [...new Set(allGroup)]; if(allGroup.length == 0){ console.warn("分组数据无效"); } // 组装数据 allGroup.forEach((group: any, groupIndex: number)=>{ let children:Array<any> = []; this.items.forEach((item: any,itemIndex: number)=>{ if(Object.is(group,item[this.groupAppField])){ item.groupById = Number((groupIndex+1) * 100 + (itemIndex+1) * 1); item.group = ''; children.push(item); } }); group = group ? group : this.$t('app.gridpage.other'); const tree: any ={ groupById: Number((groupIndex+1)*100), group: group, orderuid:'', IBIZordername:'', IBIZcustomername:'', ordertime:'', orderstate:'', updatedate:'', children: children, } groupTree.push(tree); }); this.items = groupTree; if(this.actualIsOpenEdit) { for(let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { this.gridItemsModel.push(this.getGridRowModel()); } } } /** * 单个复选框选中 * * @param {*} selection 所有选中行数据 * @param {*} row 当前选中行数据 * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public select(selection: any, row: any): void { if(this.groupAppField) { let isContain:boolean = selection.some((item:any) =>{ return item == row; }) // 是否选中当前行,选中为true,否则为false if(isContain) { // 当前行为分组行 if(row.children && row.children.length > 0) { this.toggleSelection(row.children, true); row.children.forEach((children: any) => { this.selections.push(children); }); } else { this.selections.push(row); } } else { if(row.children && row.children.length > 0) { this.toggleSelection(row.children, false); this.selections = this.computeCheckedData(this.selections, row.children); } else { this.selections = this.computeCheckedData(this.selections, row); } } this.selections = [...new Set(this.selections)] } else { if(!selection) { return; } this.selections = [...JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(selection))]; } this.$emit('selectionchange', this.selections); } /** * 计算当前选中数据 * * @param {*} selectionArray 所有选中行数据 * @param {*} cancelData 被取消选中行数据,分组行为数组,非分组行为对象 * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public computeCheckedData(selectionArray: any[], cancelData: Array<any> | any) { let targetArray: Array<any> = []; // 分组行 if(Array.isArray(cancelData)) { if(selectionArray && selectionArray.length > 0) { selectionArray.forEach((selection:any) =>{ let tempFlag:boolean = true; cancelData.forEach((child:any) =>{ if(selection.groupById===child.groupById){ tempFlag = false; } }) if(tempFlag) targetArray.push(selection); }) } } else { // 非分组行 if(selectionArray && selectionArray.length > 0) { selectionArray.forEach((selection:any) =>{ let tempFlag:boolean = true; if(selection.groupById===cancelData.groupById){ tempFlag = false; } if(tempFlag) targetArray.push(selection); }) } } return targetArray; } /** * 设置非分组行checkbox选中状态 * * @param {*} rows 选中数据数组 * @param {boolean} flag 是否选中 * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public toggleSelection(rows?: any, flag?: boolean) { if(rows) { rows.forEach((row:any) => { (this.$refs.multipleTable as any).toggleRowSelection(row, flag); }); } else { (this.$refs.multipleTable as any).clearSelection(); } } /** * 复选框数据全部选中 * * @param {*} $event * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public selectAll(selection: any): void { this.selections = []; if(this.groupAppField) { let flag: boolean = true; if(selection && selection.length === this.items.length) { selection.forEach((element: any) => { if(element.children) { this.toggleSelection(element.children, flag); element.children.forEach((children: any) => { this.selections.push(children); }); } else { flag = false; } }); } else { flag = false; } if(!flag) { this.toggleSelection(); } } else { if(!selection) { return; } this.selections = [...JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(selection))]; } this.$emit('selectionchange', this.selections); } /** * 行单击选中 * * @param {*} $event * @returns {void} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public rowClick($event: any, ifAlways: boolean = false): void { // 分组行跳过 if($event && $event.children){ return; } if (!ifAlways && (!$event || this.actualIsOpenEdit)) { return; } if(this.stopRowClick) { this.stopRowClick = false; return; } if(this.isSingleSelect){ this.selections = []; } // 已选中则删除,没选中则添加 let selectIndex = this.selections.findIndex((item:any)=>{ return Object.is(item.ibizorder,$event.ibizorder); }); if (Object.is(selectIndex,-1)){ this.selections.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($event))); } else { this.selections.splice(selectIndex,1); } const refs: any = this.$refs; if (refs.multipleTable) { if(this.isSingleSelect){ refs.multipleTable.clearSelection(); refs.multipleTable.setCurrentRow($event); }else{ refs.multipleTable.toggleRowSelection($event); } } this.$emit('selectionchange', this.selections); } /** * 页面变化 * * @param {*} $event * @returns {void} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public pageOnChange($event: any): void { if (!$event) { return; } if ($event === this.curPage) { return; } this.curPage = $event; this.load({}); } /** * 分页条数变化 * * @param {*} $event * @returns {void} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public onPageSizeChange($event: any): void { if (!$event) { return; } if ($event === this.limit) { return; } this.limit = $event; if (this.curPage === 1) { this.load({}); } } /** * 分页刷新 * * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public pageRefresh(): void { this.load({}); } /** * 排序变化 * * @param {{ column: any, prop: any, order: any }} { column, prop, order } * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public onSortChange({ column, prop, order }: { column: any, prop: any, order: any }): void { const dir = Object.is(order, 'ascending') ? 'asc' : Object.is(order, 'descending') ? 'desc' : ''; if (Object.is(dir, this.minorSortDir) && Object.is(this.minorSortPSDEF, prop)) { return; } this.minorSortDir = dir; this.minorSortPSDEF = prop ? prop : ''; this.load({}); } /** * 表格行选中样式 * * @param {{ row: any, rowIndex: any }} { row, rowIndex } * @returns {string} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public onRowClassName({ row, rowIndex }: { row: any, rowIndex: any }): string { const index = this.selections.findIndex((select: any) => Object.is(select.srfkey, row.srfkey)); return index !== -1 ? 'grid-row-select' : ''; } /** * 界面行为 * * @param {*} row * @param {*} tag * @param {*} $event * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public uiAction(row: any, tag: any, $event: any) { // this.rowClick(row, true); $event.stopPropagation(); } /** * 设置列状态 * * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public setColState() { const _data: any = localStorage.getItem('ibizorder_uipart_0017_grid'); if (_data) { let columns = JSON.parse(_data); columns.forEach((col: any) => { let column = this.allColumns.find((item) => Object.is(col.name, item.name)); if (column) { Object.assign(column, col); } }); } } /** * 列变化 * * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public onColChange() { localStorage.setItem('ibizorder_uipart_0017_grid', JSON.stringify(this.allColumns)); } /** * 获取列状态 * * @param {string} name * @returns {boolean} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public getColumnState(name: string): boolean { let column = this.allColumns.find((col: any) => Object.is(name, col.name) ); return column.show ? true : false; } /** * 表格列是否自适应布局 * * @readonly * @type {boolean} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ get adaptiveState(): boolean { return !this.allColumns.find((column: any) => column.show && Object.is(column.unit, 'STAR')); } /** * 保存 * * @param {*} $event * @returns {Promise<any>} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public async save(args: any[], params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any){ let _this = this; // 拷贝模式 if(_this.viewparams && _this.viewparams.copymode && Object.is(_this.viewparams.copymode,'true') && _this.items && _this.items.length >0){ for (const item of _this.items) { item.rowDataState = 'create'; } } if(_this.items && _this.items.length >0){ for (const item of _this.items) { if(Object.is(item.rowDataState, 'update')){ _this.updateDefault(item); } } } if (!await this.validateAll()) { if(this.errorMessages && this.errorMessages.length > 0) { this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: this.errorMessages[0] }); } else { this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: (this.$t('app.commonWords.rulesException') as string) }); } return []; } let successItems:any = []; let errorItems:any = []; let errorMessage:any = []; for (const item of _this.items) { try { if(Object.is(item.rowDataState, 'create')){ if(!this.createAction){ this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZOrderSF20GridView'+(this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.createAction') as string) }); }else{ Object.assign(item,{viewparams:this.viewparams}); let response = await this.service.add(this.createAction, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)),item, this.showBusyIndicator); successItems.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response.data))); } }else if(Object.is(item.rowDataState, 'update')){ if(!this.updateAction){ this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZOrderSF20GridView'+(this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.updateAction') as string) }); }else{ Object.assign(item,{viewparams:this.viewparams}); if(item.ibizorder){ Object.assign(this.context,{ibizorder:item.ibizorder}); } let response = await this.service.update(this.updateAction,JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)),item, this.showBusyIndicator); successItems.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response.data))); } } } catch (error) { errorItems.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item))); errorMessage.push(error); } } this.$emit('save', successItems); this.refresh([]); if(errorItems.length === 0 && successItems.length > 0){ this.$Notice.success({ title: '', desc: (this.$t('app.commonWords.saveSuccess') as string) }); }else{ errorItems.forEach((item: any, index: number) => { if(errorMessage[index] && errorMessage[index].data) { if(Object.is(errorMessage[index].data.errorKey, 'DupCheck')) { let errorProp: string = errorMessage[index].data.message.match(/\[[a-zA-Z]*\]/)[0]; let name: string = errorProp ? this.service.getNameByProp(errorProp.substr(1, errorProp.length-2)) : ''; if(name) { let desc: any = this.allColumns.find((column: any) =>{ return Object.is(column.name, name); }); this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.createFailed') as string), desc: (desc ? desc.label : '') + " : " + item[name] + (this.$t('app.commonWords.isExist') as string) + '!', }); } else { this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.createFailed') as string), desc: errorMessage[index].data.message?errorMessage[index].data.message:(this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string), }); } } else if(Object.is(errorMessage[index].data.errorKey, 'DuplicateKeyException')){ this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.saveFailed') as string), desc: errorMessage[index].data.message?errorMessage[index].data.message:(this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string), }); }else { this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.saveFailed') as string), desc: errorMessage[index].data.message?errorMessage[index].data.message:(this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string), }); } } else { this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.saveFailed') as string), desc: (item[this.majorInfoColName]?item[this.majorInfoColName]:"") + (this.$t('app.commonWords.saveFailed') as string) + '!' }); } }); } return successItems; } /** * 新建行 * * @param {*} $event * @returns {void} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public newRow(args: any[], params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any): void { if(!this.loaddraftAction){ this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZOrderSF20GridView'+(this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.loaddraftAction') as string) }); return; } let _this = this; Object.assign(args[0],{viewparams:this.viewparams}); let post: Promise<any> = this.service.loadDraft(this.loaddraftAction, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)), args[0], this.showBusyIndicator); post.then((response: any) => { if (!response.status || response.status !== 200) { if (response.errorMessage) { this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: response.errorMessage }); } return; } const data = response.data; this.createDefault(data); data.rowDataState = "create"; this.items.splice(0,0,data); _this.gridItemsModel.push(_this.getGridRowModel()); }).catch((response: any) => { if (response && response.status === 401) { return; } if (!response || !response.status || !response.data) { this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: (this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string) }); return; } }); } /** * 表格编辑项值变更 * * @param row 行数据 * @param {{ name: string, value: any }} $event * @returns {void} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public onGridItemValueChange(row: any,$event: { name: string, value: any },rowIndex: number): void { if (!$event) { return; } if (!$event.name || Object.is($event.name, '') || !row.hasOwnProperty($event.name)) { return; } row[$event.name] = $event.value; this.gridEditItemChange(row, $event.name, $event.value, rowIndex); } /** * 表格编辑项值变化 * * @public * @param row 行数据 * @param property 列编辑项名 * @param row 列编辑项值 * @returns {void} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public gridEditItemChange(row: any, property: string, value: any, rowIndex: number){ row.rowDataState = row.rowDataState ? row.rowDataState : "update" ; if(Object.is(row.rowDataState,"update")){ if(this.defaultUpdateItems.includes(property)){ row.hasUpdated = true; } } this.curEditRowData = row; this.resetGridData(row, property, rowIndex); this.validate(property,row,rowIndex); } /** * 表格编辑项更新 * * @param {string} mode 界面行为名称 * @param {*} [data={}] 请求数据 * @param {string[]} updateDetails 更新项 * @param {boolean} [showloading] 是否显示加载状态 * @returns {void} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public updateGridEditItem(mode: string, data: any = {}, updateDetails: string[], showloading?: boolean): void { if (!mode || (mode && Object.is(mode, ''))) { return; } let tempContext: any = this.$util.deepCopy(this.context); const arg: any = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); Object.assign(arg,{viewparams:this.viewparams}); const post: Promise<any> = this.service.frontLogic(mode,JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tempContext)),arg, showloading); post.then((response: any) => { if (!response || response.status !== 200) { this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: (this.$t('app.gridpage.formitemFailed') as string) }); return; } const _data: any = response.data; if(!_data){ return; } updateDetails.forEach((name: string) => { if (!_data.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return; } data[name] = _data[name]; }); }).catch((response: any) => { if (response && response.status === 401) { return; } if (!response || !response.status || !response.data) { this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: (this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string) }); return; } }); } /** * 获取对应行class * * @param {*} $args row 行数据,rowIndex 行索引 * @returns {void} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public getRowClassName(args:{row: any,rowIndex: number}){ let isSelected = this.selections.some((item:any)=>{ return Object.is(item.ibizorder,args.row.ibizorder); }); return isSelected ? "grid-selected-row" : ""; } /** * 获取对应单元格class * * @param {*} $args row 行数据,column 列数据,rowIndex 行索引,columnIndex 列索引 * @returns {void} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public getCellClassName(args:{row: any, column: any, rowIndex: number, columnIndex:number}){ let className: string = ''; if(args.column.property){ let col = this.allColumns.find((item:any)=>{ return Object.is(args.column.property,item.name); }) if(col !== undefined){ if(col.isEnableRowEdit && this.actualIsOpenEdit ){ className += 'edit-cell '; } } else { className += 'info-cell'; } } if(this.groupAppField && args.columnIndex === 0 && !this.isSingleSelect) { if(args.row.children && args.row.children.length > 0) { className += this.computeGroupRow(args.row.children, args.row); } } return className; } /** * 计算分组行checkbox选中样式 * * @param {*} rows 当前分组行下的所有数据 * @returns {*} currentRow 当前分组行 * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public computeGroupRow(rows: any[], currentRow: any) { let count: number = 0; this.selections.forEach((select: any) => { rows.forEach((row: any) => { if(row.groupById === select.groupById) { count++; } }) }) if(count === rows.length) { (this.$refs.multipleTable as any).toggleRowSelection(currentRow, true); return 'cell-select-all '; } else if(count !== 0 && count < rows.length) { return 'cell-indeterminate ' } else if(count === 0) { (this.$refs.multipleTable as any).toggleRowSelection(currentRow, false); return ''; } } /** * 新建默认值 * @param {*} row 行数据 * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public createDefault(row: any){ } /** * 更新默认值 * @param {*} row 行数据 * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public updateDefault(row: any){ } /** * 计算数据对象类型的默认值 * @param {string} action 行为 * @param {string} param 默认值参数 * @param {*} data 当前行数据 * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public computeDefaultValueWithParam(action:string,param:string,data:any){ if(Object.is(action,"UPDATE")){ const nativeData:any = this.service.getCopynativeData(); if(nativeData && (nativeData instanceof Array) && nativeData.length >0){ let targetData:any = nativeData.find((item:any) =>{ return item.ibizorderid === data.srfkey; }) if(targetData){ return targetData[param]?targetData[param]:null; }else{ return null; } }else{ return null; } }else{ return this.service.getRemoteCopyData()[param]?this.service.getRemoteCopyData()[param]:null; } } /** * 校验属性值规则 * * @public * @param {{ name: string }} { name } * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public verifyDeRules(name:string,rule:any = this.deRules,op:string = "AND",value:any) :{isPast:boolean}{ let falg:any = {}; if(!rule || !rule[name]){ return falg; } let opValue = op == 'AND'? true :false; let startOp = (val:boolean)=>{ if(falg.isPast){ if(opValue){ falg.isPast = falg.isPast && val; }else{ falg.isPast = falg.isPast || val; } }else{ falg.isPast = val; } } for(let i=0; i < rule[name].length; i++) { let item: any = rule[name][i]; if((value === null || value === undefined || value === "") && (item.type != 'GROUP')){ startOp(true); return falg; } try { // 常规规则 if(item.type == 'SIMPLE'){ startOp(!this.$verify.checkFieldSimpleRule(value,item.condOP,item.paramValue,item.ruleInfo,item.paramType,this.curEditRowData,item.isKeyCond)); falg.infoMessage = item.ruleInfo; if(!falg.isPast) return falg; } // 数值范围 if(item.type == 'VALUERANGE2'){ startOp( !this.$verify.checkFieldValueRangeRule(value,item.minValue,item.isIncludeMinValue,item.maxValue,item.isIncludeMaxValue,item.ruleInfo,item.isKeyCond)); falg.infoMessage = item.ruleInfo; if(!falg.isPast) return falg; } // 正则式 if (item.type == "REGEX") { startOp(!this.$verify.checkFieldRegExRule(value,item.regExCode,item.ruleInfo,item.isKeyCond)); falg.infoMessage = item.ruleInfo; if(!falg.isPast) return falg; } // 长度 if (item.type == "STRINGLENGTH") { startOp(!this.$verify.checkFieldStringLengthRule(value,item.minValue,item.isIncludeMinValue,item.maxValue,item.isIncludeMaxValue,item.ruleInfo,item.isKeyCond)); falg.infoMessage = item.ruleInfo; if(!falg.isPast) return falg; } // 系统值规则 if(item.type == "SYSVALUERULE") { startOp(!this.$verify.checkFieldSysValueRule(value,item.sysRule.regExCode,item.ruleInfo,item.isKeyCond)); falg.infoMessage = item.ruleInfo; if(!falg.isPast) return falg; } } catch(error) { falg.infoMessage = item.ruleInfo; startOp(false); if(!falg.isPast) return falg; } // 分组 if(item.type == 'GROUP'){ falg = this.verifyDeRules('group',item,item.condOP?item.condOP:"AND",value) if(item.isNotMode){ falg.isPast = !falg.isPast; } } }; if(!falg.hasOwnProperty("isPast")){ falg.isPast = true; } if(!value && value != 0){ falg.isPast = true; } return falg; } /** * 工作流提交 * * @param {*} [data={}] * @param {*} [localdata={}] * @returns {Promise<any>} * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public async submitbatch(data: any,localdata:any): Promise<any> { return new Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => { const _this: any = this; const arg: any = data; const result: Promise<any> = this.service.submitbatch(_this.WFSubmitAction, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)),arg,localdata,this.showBusyIndicator); result.then((response: any) => { if (!response || response.status !== 200) { if(response.data){ this.$Notice.error({ title: '', desc: (this.$t('app.formpage.workflow.submiterror') as string) + ', ' + response.data.message }); } return; } this.$Notice.info({ title: '', desc: (this.$t('app.formpage.workflow.submitsuccess') as string) }); resolve(response); }).catch((response: any) => { if (response && response.status && response.data) { this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: response.data.message }); reject(response); return; } if (!response || !response.status || !response.data) { this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: (this.$t('app.commonWords.sysException') as string) }); reject(response); return; } reject(response); }); }) } /** * 获取表格列禁用状态 * * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public getColumnDisabled(data:any,name:string){ if(this.allColumns || Array.isArray(this.allColumns)){ const curColumn:any = this.allColumns.find((item:any) =>{ return item.name === name; }) if(curColumn.hasOwnProperty('enableCond')){ return data.srfuf == 1 ? (curColumn.enableCond & 2) !== 2 : (curColumn.enableCond & 1) !== 1 }else{ return false; } } } /** * 重置表格项值 * * @param {*} row 当前行 * @param {string} property 属性名 * @param {number} rowIndex 行下标 * @memberof UIPART_0017Base */ public resetGridData(row: any, property: string, rowIndex: number) { if(this.actualIsOpenEdit) { } } } </script> <style lang='less'> @import './uipart-0017-grid.less'; </style>