<template> <div class="app-view-layout ibizbooktest-cllist-view" style="height: '100%'; width: '100%';'display': 'flex'; 'flex-direction': 'column';"> <app-standard-container name="page_container" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails"> <template #container_grid1> <app-simpleflex-container name="container_grid1" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails"> <template #container1> <app-simpleflex-container name="container1" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails"> <template #view_pagecaption> <app-preset-caption name="view_pagecaption" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails">图书</app-preset-caption> </template> </app-simpleflex-container> </template> <template #container2> <app-simpleflex-container name="container2" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails"> <template #quicksearchbar> <app-ctrl-pos name="quicksearchbar" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails"> <i-input v-model="query" search enter-button @on-search="onSearch($event)" class='quick-search-input' style='max-width: 400px;' placeholder="图书名称" /> </app-ctrl-pos> </template> </app-simpleflex-container> </template> <template #container_2> <app-simpleflex-container name="container_2" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails"> <template #toolbar> <app-ctrl-pos name="toolbar" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails"> <div class='toolbar-container'> <tooltip :transfer="true" :max-width="600"> <i-button v-show="toolBarModels.tbitem3.visabled" :disabled="toolBarModels.tbitem3.disabled" class=' deepskyblueToolBar' v-loading:i-button @click="toolbar_click({ tag: 'tbitem3' }, $event)"> <i class='fa fa-file-text-o'></i> <span class='caption'>{{$t('entities.ibizbook.testcllistviewtoolbar_toolbar.tbitem3.caption')}}</span> </i-button> <div slot='content'>{{$t('entities.ibizbook.testcllistviewtoolbar_toolbar.tbitem3.tip')}}</div> </tooltip> <tooltip :transfer="true" :max-width="600"> <i-button v-show="toolBarModels.tbitem4.visabled" :disabled="toolBarModels.tbitem4.disabled" class='' v-loading:i-button @click="toolbar_click({ tag: 'tbitem4' }, $event)"> <span class='caption'>{{$t('entities.ibizbook.testcllistviewtoolbar_toolbar.tbitem4.caption')}}</span> </i-button> <div slot='content'>{{$t('entities.ibizbook.testcllistviewtoolbar_toolbar.tbitem4.tip')}}</div> </tooltip> <tooltip :transfer="true" :max-width="600"> <i-button v-show="toolBarModels.deuiaction1.visabled" :disabled="toolBarModels.deuiaction1.disabled" class='' v-loading:i-button @click="toolbar_click({ tag: 'deuiaction1' }, $event)"> <i class='fa fa-refresh'></i> <span class='caption'>{{$t('entities.ibizbook.testcllistviewtoolbar_toolbar.deuiaction1.caption')}}</span> </i-button> <div slot='content'>{{$t('entities.ibizbook.testcllistviewtoolbar_toolbar.deuiaction1.tip')}}</div> </tooltip> <tooltip :transfer="true" :max-width="600"> <i-button v-show="toolBarModels.tbitem6.visabled" :disabled="toolBarModels.tbitem6.disabled" class='' v-loading:i-button @click="toolbar_click({ tag: 'tbitem6' }, $event)"> <span class='caption'>{{$t('entities.ibizbook.testcllistviewtoolbar_toolbar.tbitem6.caption')}}</span> </i-button> <div slot='content'>{{$t('entities.ibizbook.testcllistviewtoolbar_toolbar.tbitem6.tip')}}</div> </tooltip> <span class='seperator'>|</span> <tooltip :transfer="true" :max-width="600"> <i-button v-show="toolBarModels.tbitem8.visabled" :disabled="toolBarModels.tbitem8.disabled" class='' v-loading:i-button @click="toolbar_click({ tag: 'tbitem8' }, $event)"> <span class='caption'>{{$t('entities.ibizbook.testcllistviewtoolbar_toolbar.tbitem8.caption')}}</span> </i-button> <div slot='content'>{{$t('entities.ibizbook.testcllistviewtoolbar_toolbar.tbitem8.tip')}}</div> </tooltip> <span class='seperator'>|</span> <dropdown v-show="toolBarModels.tbitem16.visabled" trigger='click'> <tooltip :transfer="true" :max-width="600"> <i-button class=''> <i class=''></i> <span class='caption'>{{$t('entities.ibizbook.testcllistviewtoolbar_toolbar.tbitem16.caption')}}</span> <icon type="ios-arrow-down"></icon> </i-button> <div slot='content'>{{$t('entities.ibizbook.testcllistviewtoolbar_toolbar.tbitem16.tip')}}</div> </tooltip> <dropdown-menu slot='list'> <dropdown-item> <tooltip :transfer="true" :max-width="600"> <i-button v-show="toolBarModels.tbitem21.visabled" :disabled="toolBarModels.tbitem21.disabled" class='' v-loading:i-button @click="toolbar_click({ tag: 'tbitem21' }, $event)"> <i class='fa fa-download'></i> <span class='caption'>{{$t('entities.ibizbook.testcllistviewtoolbar_toolbar.tbitem21.caption')}}</span> </i-button> <div slot='content'>{{$t('entities.ibizbook.testcllistviewtoolbar_toolbar.tbitem21.tip')}}</div> </tooltip> </dropdown-item> </dropdown-menu> </dropdown> </div> </app-ctrl-pos> </template> </app-simpleflex-container> </template> </app-simpleflex-container> </template> <template #container5> <app-standard-container name="container5" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails"> <template #searchform> <app-ctrl-pos name="searchform" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails"> <view_searchform :viewState="viewState" :viewparams="viewparams" :context="context" :showBusyIndicator="true" loaddraftAction="FilterGetDraft" loadAction="FilterGet" name="searchform" ref='searchform' @search="searchform_search($event)" @load="searchform_load($event)" @save="searchform_save($event)" @closeview="closeView($event)"> </view_searchform> </app-ctrl-pos> </template> <template #list> <app-ctrl-pos name="list" :layoutModelDetails="layoutModelDetails"> <view_list :viewState="viewState" :viewparams="viewparams" :context="context" createAction="Create" removeAction="Remove" updateAction="Update" fetchAction="FetchDefault" :showBusyIndicator="true" :parentType="controlType" :newdata="newdata" :opendata="opendata" name="list" ref='list' @rowdblclick="list_rowdblclick($event)" @selectionchange="list_selectionchange($event)" @remove="list_remove($event)" @load="list_load($event)" @beforeload="list_beforeload($event)" @closeview="closeView($event)"> </view_list> </app-ctrl-pos> </template> </app-standard-container> </template> </app-standard-container> </div> </template> <script lang='tsx'> import { Vue, Component, Prop, Provide, Emit, Watch,Inject } from 'vue-property-decorator'; import { UIActionTool,Util } from '@/utils'; import NavDataService from '@/service/app/navdata-service'; import { Subject,Subscription } from 'rxjs'; import IBIZBOOKService from '@/service/ibizbook/ibizbook-service'; import IBIZBOOKAuthService from '@/authservice/ibizbook/ibizbook-auth-service'; import ListViewEngine from '@engine/view/list-view-engine'; import IBIZBOOKUIService from '@/uiservice/ibizbook/ibizbook-ui-service'; import { PanelContainerModel, PanelRawitemModel, PanelFieldModel, PanelControlModel, PanelButtonModel, PanelUserControlModel, PanelTabPanelModel, PanelTabPageModel, PanelCtrlPosModel} from '@/model/panel-detail'; import CodeListService from "@/codelist/codelist-service"; @Component({ components: { }, }) export default class IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase extends Vue { /** * 实体服务对象 * * @type {IBIZBOOKService} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public appEntityService: IBIZBOOKService = new IBIZBOOKService; /** * 实体UI服务对象 * * @type IBIZBOOKUIService * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public appUIService: IBIZBOOKUIService = new IBIZBOOKUIService(); /** * 数据变化 * * @param {*} val * @returns {*} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ @Emit() public viewDatasChange(val: any):any { return val; } /** * 传入视图上下文 * * @type {string} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ @Prop() public viewdata!: string; /** * 传入视图参数 * * @type {string} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ @Prop() public viewparam!: string; /** * 视图默认使用 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ @Prop({ default: true }) public viewDefaultUsage!: boolean; /** * 视图默认使用 * * @type {string} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ @Inject({from:'navModel',default: 'tab'}) public navModel!:string; /** * 视图标识 * * @type {string} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public viewtag: string = '79C13556-8423-4886-ADB3-6FF73C1E97F1'; /** * 视图类型 * * @type {string} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public viewType: string = 'DELISTVIEW'; /** * 自定义视图导航上下文集合 * * @type {*} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public customViewNavContexts:any ={ }; /** * 自定义视图导航参数集合 * * @type {*} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public customViewParams:any ={ }; /** * 视图模型数据 * * @type {*} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public model: any = { srfCaption: 'entities.ibizbook.views.testcllistview.caption', srfTitle: 'entities.ibizbook.views.testcllistview.title', srfSubTitle: 'entities.ibizbook.views.testcllistview.subtitle', dataInfo: '' } /** * 视图参数变化 * * @param {*} newVal * @param {*} oldVal * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ @Watch('viewparam',{immediate: true, deep: true}) onParamData(newVal: any, oldVal: any) { if(newVal){ this.viewparams = {}; if(typeof newVal == 'string') { Object.assign(this.viewparams, JSON.parse(this.viewparam)); }else{ this.viewparams = Util.deepCopy(this.viewparam); } } } /** * 处理应用上下文变化 * * @param {*} newVal * @param {*} oldVal * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ @Watch('viewdata') onViewData(newVal: any, oldVal: any) { const _this: any = this; if (!Object.is(newVal, oldVal) && _this.engine) { this.$nextTick(()=>{ _this.parseViewParam(); _this.engine.load(); }); } else if(!Object.is(newVal, oldVal) && _this.refresh && _this.refresh instanceof Function) { _this.refresh(); } } /** * 容器模型 * * @type {*} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public containerModel: any = { view_toolbar: { name: 'toolbar', type: 'TOOLBAR' }, view_searchform: { name: 'searchform', type: 'SEARCHFORM' }, view_list: { name: 'list', type: 'LIST' }, }; /** * 视图刷新 * * @param {*} args * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public refresh(args?: any): void { const refs: any = this.$refs; if (refs && refs.list) { refs.list.refresh(); } } /** * 计数器刷新 * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public counterRefresh(){ const _this:any =this; if(_this.counterServiceArray && _this.counterServiceArray.length >0){ _this.counterServiceArray.forEach((item:any) =>{ if(item.refreshData && item.refreshData instanceof Function){ item.refreshData(); } }) } } /** * 视图状态订阅对象 * * @public * @type {Subject<{action: string, data: any}>} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public viewState: Subject<ViewState> = new Subject(); /** * 工具栏模型 * * @type {*} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListView */ public toolBarModels: any = { tbitem3: { name: 'tbitem3', actiontarget: 'NONE', caption: '新建', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'New', target: '' } }, tbitem4: { name: 'tbitem4', actiontarget: 'NONE', caption: '编辑', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Edit', target: 'SINGLEKEY' } }, deuiaction1: { name: 'deuiaction1', actiontarget: 'NONE', caption: '刷新', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Refresh', target: '' } }, tbitem6: { name: 'tbitem6', actiontarget: 'NONE', caption: '拷贝', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Copy', target: 'SINGLEKEY' } }, tbitem7: { name: 'tbitem7', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } }, tbitem8: { name: 'tbitem8', actiontarget: 'NONE', caption: '删除', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'Remove', target: 'MULTIKEY' } }, tbitem9: { name: 'tbitem9', type: 'SEPERATOR', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } }, tbitem16: { name: 'tbitem16', caption: '其它', disabled: false, type: 'ITEMS', visabled: true, dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { } }, tbitem21: { name: 'tbitem21', actiontarget: 'NONE', caption: '导出数据模型', disabled: false, type: 'DEUIACTION', visabled: true,noprivdisplaymode:2,dataaccaction: '', uiaction: { tag: 'ExportModel', target: '' } }, }; /** * 视图布局顶级成员名称 * * @public * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public rootLayoutDetailNames: string[] = [ 'page_container' ]; /** * 视图布局数据 * * @public * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public layoutData:any = { view_pagecaption:null, container1:null, quicksearchbar:null, container2:null, toolbar:null, container_2:null, container_grid1:null, searchform:null, list:null, container5:null, page_container:null }; /** * 视图布局面板模型对象 * * @public * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public layoutModelDetails:any = { view_pagecaption:new PanelFieldModel({ name: 'view_pagecaption', caption: '页面标题', isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'FIELD', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'FULL', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'FULL', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'LEFT', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container1', panel: this , fieldState: '0', predefinedType: 'VIEW_PAGECAPTION', }), container1:new PanelContainerModel({ name: 'container1', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:6, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_grid1', panel: this , details:['view_pagecaption'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' }), quicksearchbar:new PanelCtrlPosModel({ name: 'quicksearchbar', caption: 'QUICKSEARCHBAR', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CTRLPOS', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'FULL', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'RIGHT', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container2', panel: this }), container2:new PanelContainerModel({ name: 'container2', caption: '面板容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:3, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_grid1', panel: this , details:['quicksearchbar'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' }), toolbar:new PanelCtrlPosModel({ name: 'toolbar', caption: 'TOOLBAR', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CTRLPOS', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'FULL', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'RIGHT', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_2', panel: this }), container_2:new PanelContainerModel({ name: 'container_2', caption: '容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container_grid1', panel: this , details:['toolbar'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' }), container_grid1:new PanelContainerModel({ name: 'container_grid1', caption: '栅格容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'SIMPLEFLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'page_container', panel: this , details:['container1','container2','container_2'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' }), searchform:new PanelCtrlPosModel({ name: 'searchform', caption: 'SEARCHFORM', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CTRLPOS', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'FULL', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container5', panel: this }), list:new PanelCtrlPosModel({ name: 'list', caption: 'LIST', isShowCaption: true, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CTRLPOS', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:100, heightMode:'PERCENTAGE', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'container5', panel: this }), container5:new PanelContainerModel({ name: 'container5', caption: '容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'FLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'column',vAlign:''}, parentName: 'page_container', panel: this , details:['searchform','list'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' }), page_container:new PanelContainerModel({ name: 'page_container', caption: '容器', titleBarCloseMode: 0, isShowCaption: false, sysCss: '', itemType: 'CONTAINER', itemStyle: 'DEFAULT', visible: true, disabled: false, layout:'FLEX', layoutPos:'', layoutHeight:0, heightMode:'', layoutWidth:0, widthMode:'', spacingBottom:'', spacingLeft:'', spacingRight:'', spacingTop:'', hAlignSelf:'', vAlignSelf:'', flexGrow:-1, flexParams:{align:'',dir:'column',vAlign:''}, panel: this , details:['container_grid1','container5'] , dataRegionType: 'INHERIT' }) }; /** * 初始化布局 * * @public * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public async initLayout() { if (this.rootLayoutDetailNames.length > 0) { this.rootLayoutDetailNames.forEach(async (name: string) => { const rootLayoutModelDetail = this.layoutModelDetails[name]; if (!rootLayoutModelDetail) { return; } await this.initLayoutItem(rootLayoutModelDetail); }) } } /** * 初始化布局项 * * @public * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public async initLayoutItem(layoutModelDetail: any, index: number = 0) { const { name } = layoutModelDetail; if (!index) { await layoutModelDetail.load(); this.layoutData[name] = layoutModelDetail.getData(); } else { const clonelayoutModelDetail = Util.deepCopy(layoutModelDetail); clonelayoutModelDetail.setIndex(index); await clonelayoutModelDetail.load(); this.layoutModelDetails.$set(`${name}_${index}`, clonelayoutModelDetail); this.layoutData.$set(`${name}_${index}`, clonelayoutModelDetail.getData()); } if (layoutModelDetail && layoutModelDetail.details) { if (layoutModelDetail.dataRegionType === 'MULTIDATA') { const multiData = layoutModelDetail.getData(); if (multiData && multiData.length > 0) { multiData.forEach(async (data: any, index: number) => { for (const key of layoutModelDetail.details) { if (this.layoutModelDetails[key]) { await this.initLayoutItem(this.layoutModelDetails[key], index); } } }) } } else { for (const key of layoutModelDetail.details) { if (this.layoutModelDetails[key]) { await this.initLayoutItem(this.layoutModelDetails[key]); } } } } } /** * 处理值改变 * * @public * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public handleValueChange($event: { name: string, value: any }) { if (!$event || !$event.name || Object.is($event.name, '') || !this.layoutData.hasOwnProperty($event.name)) { return; } this.layoutData[$event.name] = $event.value; } /** * 处理按钮点击 * * @public * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public handleButtonClick(name: string, $event?: any) { let datas: any[] = [this.layoutData]; let xData: any = null; let paramJO: any = {}; let contextJO: any = {}; const _this: any = this; } /** * 视图引擎 * * @public * @type {Engine} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public engine: ListViewEngine = new ListViewEngine(); /** * 引擎初始化 * * @public * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public engineInit(): void { this.engine.init({ view: this, list: this.$refs.list, opendata: (args: any[],fullargs?:any[],params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any) => { this.opendata(args,fullargs, params, $event, xData); }, newdata: (args: any[],fullargs?:any[],params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any) => { this.newdata(args,fullargs, params, $event, xData); }, searchform: this.$refs.searchform, keyPSDEField: 'ibizbook', majorPSDEField: 'ibizbookname', isLoadDefault: true, }); } /** * 应用导航服务 * * @type {*} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public navDataService = NavDataService.getInstance(); /** * 导航服务事件 * * @public * @type {(Subscription | undefined)} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public serviceStateEvent: Subscription | undefined; /** * 门户部件状态对象 * * @type {*} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ @Prop() public portletState?: any; /** * 门户部件状态事件 * * @public * @type {(Subscription | undefined)} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public portletStateEvent: Subscription | undefined; /** * 门户部件状态事件 * * @public * @type {(Subscription | undefined)} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public formDruipartEvent: Subscription | undefined; /** * 应用上下文 * * @type {*} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public context:any = {}; /** * 视图参数 * * @type {*} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public viewparams:any = {}; /** * 视图缓存数据 * * @type {*} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public viewCacheData:any; /** * 计数器服务对象集合 * * @type {Array<*>} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public counterServiceArray:Array<any> = []; /** * 解析视图参数 * * @public * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public parseViewParam(inputvalue:any = null): void { for(let key in this.context){ delete this.context[key]; } if(this.$store.getters.getAppData() && this.$store.getters.getAppData().context){ Object.assign(this.context,this.$store.getters.getAppData().context); } if (!this.viewDefaultUsage && this.viewdata && !Object.is(this.viewdata, '')) { if(typeof this.viewdata == 'string') { Object.assign(this.context, JSON.parse(this.viewdata)); } if(this.context && this.context.srfparentdename){ Object.assign(this.viewparams,{srfparentdename:this.context.srfparentdename}); } if(this.context && this.context.srfparentkey){ Object.assign(this.viewparams,{srfparentkey:this.context.srfparentkey}); } this.handleCustomViewData(); return; } const path = (this.$route.matched[this.$route.matched.length - 1]).path; const keys: Array<any> = []; const curReg = this.$pathToRegExp.pathToRegexp(path, keys); const matchArray = curReg.exec(this.$route.path); let tempValue: Object = {}; keys.forEach((item: any, index: number) => { if(matchArray[index + 1]){ Object.defineProperty(tempValue, item.name, { enumerable: true, value: decodeURIComponent(matchArray[index + 1]) }); } }); this.$viewTool.formatRouteParams(tempValue,this.$route,this.context,this.viewparams); if(inputvalue){ Object.assign(this.context,{'ibizbook':inputvalue}); } //初始化视图唯一标识 Object.assign(this.context,{srfsessionid:this.$util.createUUID()}); this.handleCustomViewData(); //初始化导航数据 this.initNavDataWithRoute(); } /** * 处理自定义视图数据 * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public handleCustomViewData(){ if(Object.keys(this.customViewNavContexts).length > 0){ Object.keys(this.customViewNavContexts).forEach((item:any) =>{ let tempContext:any = {}; let curNavContext:any = this.customViewNavContexts[item]; this.handleCustomDataLogic(curNavContext,tempContext,item); Object.assign(this.context,tempContext); }) } if(Object.keys(this.customViewParams).length > 0){ Object.keys(this.customViewParams).forEach((item:any) =>{ let tempParam:any = {}; let curNavParam:any = this.customViewParams[item]; this.handleCustomDataLogic(curNavParam,tempParam,item); Object.assign(this.viewparams,tempParam); }) } } /** * 处理自定义视图数据逻辑 * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public handleCustomDataLogic(curNavData:any,tempData:any,item:string){ // 直接值直接赋值 if(curNavData.isRawValue){ if(Object.is(curNavData.value,"null") || Object.is(curNavData.value,"")){ Object.defineProperty(tempData, item.toLowerCase(), { value: null, writable : true, enumerable : true, configurable : true }); }else{ Object.defineProperty(tempData, item.toLowerCase(), { value: curNavData.value, writable : true, enumerable : true, configurable : true }); } }else{ // 先从导航上下文取数,没有再从导航参数(URL)取数,如果导航上下文和导航参数都没有则为null if(this.context[(curNavData.value).toLowerCase()] != null){ Object.defineProperty(tempData, item.toLowerCase(), { value: this.context[(curNavData.value).toLowerCase()], writable : true, enumerable : true, configurable : true }); }else{ if(this.viewparams[(curNavData.value).toLowerCase()] != null){ Object.defineProperty(tempData, item.toLowerCase(), { value: this.viewparams[(curNavData.value).toLowerCase()], writable : true, enumerable : true, configurable : true }); }else{ Object.defineProperty(tempData, item.toLowerCase(), { value: null, writable : true, enumerable : true, configurable : true }); } } } } /** * 初始化导航数据(路由模式) * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public initNavDataWithRoute(data:any = null, isNew:boolean = false, isAlways:boolean = false){ if( isAlways || (this.viewDefaultUsage && Object.is(this.navModel,"route")) ){ this.navDataService.addNavData({id:'ibizbooktest-cllist-view',tag:this.viewtag,srfkey:isNew ? null : this.context.ibizbook,title:this.$t(this.model.srfCaption),data:data,context:this.context,viewparams:this.viewparams,path:this.$route.fullPath}); } } /** * 初始化导航数据(分页模式) * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public initNavDataWithTab(data:any = null,isOnlyAdd:boolean = true, isAlways:boolean = false){ if( isAlways || (this.viewDefaultUsage && !Object.is(this.navModel,"route")) ){ this.navDataService.addNavDataByOnly({id:'ibizbooktest-cllist-view',tag:this.viewtag,srfkey:this.context.ibizbook,title:this.$t(this.model.srfCaption),data:data,context:this.context,viewparams:this.viewparams,path:this.$route.fullPath},isOnlyAdd); } } /** * Vue声明周期 * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public created() { this.afterCreated(); } /** * 执行created后的逻辑 * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public afterCreated(){ let _this:any = this; const secondtag = _this.$util.createUUID(); _this.$store.commit('viewaction/createdView', { viewtag: _this.viewtag, secondtag: secondtag }); _this.viewtag = secondtag; _this.parseViewParam(); _this.serviceStateEvent = _this.navDataService.serviceState.subscribe(({ action,name, data }:{ action:string,name:any,data:any }) => { if(!Object.is(name,'ibizbooktest-cllist-view')){ return; } if (Object.is(action, 'viewrefresh')) { _this.$nextTick(()=>{ _this.parseViewParam(data); if(_this.engine){ _this.engine.load(); } }); } }); if(_this.portletState){ _this.portletStateEvent = _this.portletState.subscribe((res:any) =>{ if(!Object.is(res.name,'IBIZBOOKTestCLListView')){ return; } if(Object.is(res.action,'refresh') && _this.refresh && _this.refresh instanceof Function){ _this.refresh(); } }) } } /** * 销毁之前 * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public beforeDestroy() { this.$store.commit('viewaction/removeView', this.viewtag); let _this: any = this if (_this.serviceStateEvent) { _this.serviceStateEvent.unsubscribe(); } if (_this.portletStateEvent) { _this.portletStateEvent.unsubscribe(); } if (_this.engine) { _this.engine.destroy(); } } /** * Vue声明周期(组件初始化完毕) * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public mounted() { this.afterMounted(); } /** * 执行mounted后的逻辑 * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public afterMounted(){ const _this: any = this; _this.engineInit(); if (_this.loadModel && _this.loadModel instanceof Function) { _this.loadModel(); } _this.loadQuickGroupModel(); } /** * toolbar 部件 click 事件 * * @param {*} [args={}] * @param {*} $event * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public toolbar_click($event: any, $event2?: any) { if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem3')) { this.toolbar_tbitem3_click(null, '', $event2); } if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem4')) { this.toolbar_tbitem4_click(null, '', $event2); } if (Object.is($event.tag, 'deuiaction1')) { this.toolbar_deuiaction1_click(null, '', $event2); } if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem6')) { this.toolbar_tbitem6_click(null, '', $event2); } if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem24')) { this.toolbar_tbitem24_click(null, '', $event2); } if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem25')) { this.toolbar_tbitem25_click(null, '', $event2); } if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem8')) { this.toolbar_tbitem8_click(null, '', $event2); } if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem13')) { this.toolbar_tbitem13_click(null, '', $event2); } if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem11')) { this.toolbar_tbitem11_click(null, '', $event2); } if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem21')) { this.toolbar_tbitem21_click(null, '', $event2); } if (Object.is($event.tag, 'tbitem23')) { this.toolbar_tbitem23_click(null, '', $event2); } } /** * searchform 部件 search 事件 * * @param {*} [args={}] * @param {*} $event * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public searchform_search($event: any, $event2?: any) { this.engine.onCtrlEvent('searchform', 'search', $event); } /** * searchform 部件 load 事件 * * @param {*} [args={}] * @param {*} $event * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public searchform_load($event: any, $event2?: any) { this.engine.onCtrlEvent('searchform', 'load', $event); } /** * searchform 部件 save 事件 * * @param {*} [args={}] * @param {*} $event * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public searchform_save($event: any, $event2?: any) { this.engine.onCtrlEvent('searchform', 'save', $event); } /** * list 部件 rowdblclick 事件 * * @param {*} [args={}] * @param {*} $event * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public list_rowdblclick($event: any, $event2?: any) { this.engine.onCtrlEvent('list', 'rowdblclick', $event); } /** * list 部件 selectionchange 事件 * * @param {*} [args={}] * @param {*} $event * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public list_selectionchange($event: any, $event2?: any) { this.engine.onCtrlEvent('list', 'selectionchange', $event); } /** * list 部件 remove 事件 * * @param {*} [args={}] * @param {*} $event * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public list_remove($event: any, $event2?: any) { this.engine.onCtrlEvent('list', 'remove', $event); } /** * list 部件 load 事件 * * @param {*} [args={}] * @param {*} $event * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public list_load($event: any, $event2?: any) { this.engine.onCtrlEvent('list', 'load', $event); } /** * list 部件 beforeload 事件 * * @param {*} [args={}] * @param {*} $event * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public list_beforeload($event: any, $event2?: any) { this.engine.onCtrlEvent('list', 'beforeload', $event); } /** * 逻辑事件 * * @param {*} [params={}] * @param {*} [tag] * @param {*} [$event] * @memberof */ public toolbar_tbitem3_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) { // 参数 // 取数 let datas: any[] = []; let xData: any = null; // _this 指向容器对象 const _this: any = this; let paramJO:any = {}; let contextJO:any = {}; xData = this.$refs.list; if (xData.getDatas && xData.getDatas instanceof Function) { datas = [...xData.getDatas()]; } if(params){ datas = [params]; } // 界面行为 this.New(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"IBIZBOOK"); } /** * 逻辑事件 * * @param {*} [params={}] * @param {*} [tag] * @param {*} [$event] * @memberof */ public toolbar_tbitem4_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) { // 参数 // 取数 let datas: any[] = []; let xData: any = null; // _this 指向容器对象 const _this: any = this; let paramJO:any = {}; let contextJO:any = {}; xData = this.$refs.list; if (xData.getDatas && xData.getDatas instanceof Function) { datas = [...xData.getDatas()]; } if(params){ datas = [params]; } // 界面行为 this.Edit(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"IBIZBOOK"); } /** * 逻辑事件 * * @param {*} [params={}] * @param {*} [tag] * @param {*} [$event] * @memberof */ public toolbar_deuiaction1_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) { // 参数 // 取数 let datas: any[] = []; let xData: any = null; // _this 指向容器对象 const _this: any = this; let paramJO:any = {}; let contextJO:any = {}; xData = this.$refs.list; if (xData.getDatas && xData.getDatas instanceof Function) { datas = [...xData.getDatas()]; } if(params){ datas = [params]; } // 界面行为 this.Refresh(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"IBIZBOOK"); } /** * 逻辑事件 * * @param {*} [params={}] * @param {*} [tag] * @param {*} [$event] * @memberof */ public toolbar_tbitem6_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) { // 参数 // 取数 let datas: any[] = []; let xData: any = null; // _this 指向容器对象 const _this: any = this; let paramJO:any = {}; let contextJO:any = {}; xData = this.$refs.list; if (xData.getDatas && xData.getDatas instanceof Function) { datas = [...xData.getDatas()]; } if(params){ datas = [params]; } // 界面行为 this.Copy(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"IBIZBOOK"); } /** * 逻辑事件 * * @param {*} [params={}] * @param {*} [tag] * @param {*} [$event] * @memberof */ public toolbar_tbitem24_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) { // 参数 // 取数 let datas: any[] = []; let xData: any = null; // _this 指向容器对象 const _this: any = this; let paramJO:any = {}; let contextJO:any = {}; xData = this.$refs.list; if (xData.getDatas && xData.getDatas instanceof Function) { datas = [...xData.getDatas()]; } if(params){ datas = [params]; } // 界面行为 this.ToggleRowEdit(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"IBIZBOOK"); } /** * 逻辑事件 * * @param {*} [params={}] * @param {*} [tag] * @param {*} [$event] * @memberof */ public toolbar_tbitem25_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) { // 参数 // 取数 let datas: any[] = []; let xData: any = null; // _this 指向容器对象 const _this: any = this; let paramJO:any = {}; let contextJO:any = {}; xData = this.$refs.list; if (xData.getDatas && xData.getDatas instanceof Function) { datas = [...xData.getDatas()]; } if(params){ datas = [params]; } // 界面行为 this.NewRow(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"IBIZBOOK"); } /** * 逻辑事件 * * @param {*} [params={}] * @param {*} [tag] * @param {*} [$event] * @memberof */ public toolbar_tbitem8_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) { // 参数 // 取数 let datas: any[] = []; let xData: any = null; // _this 指向容器对象 const _this: any = this; let paramJO:any = {}; let contextJO:any = {}; xData = this.$refs.list; if (xData.getDatas && xData.getDatas instanceof Function) { datas = [...xData.getDatas()]; } if(params){ datas = [params]; } // 界面行为 this.Remove(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"IBIZBOOK"); } /** * 逻辑事件 * * @param {*} [params={}] * @param {*} [tag] * @param {*} [$event] * @memberof */ public toolbar_tbitem13_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) { // 参数 // 取数 let datas: any[] = []; let xData: any = null; // _this 指向容器对象 const _this: any = this; let paramJO:any = {}; let contextJO:any = {}; xData = this.$refs.list; if (xData.getDatas && xData.getDatas instanceof Function) { datas = [...xData.getDatas()]; } if(params){ datas = [params]; } // 界面行为 this.ExportExcel(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"IBIZBOOK"); } /** * 逻辑事件 * * @param {*} [params={}] * @param {*} [tag] * @param {*} [$event] * @memberof */ public toolbar_tbitem11_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) { // 参数 // 取数 let datas: any[] = []; let xData: any = null; // _this 指向容器对象 const _this: any = this; let paramJO:any = {}; let contextJO:any = {}; xData = this.$refs.list; if (xData.getDatas && xData.getDatas instanceof Function) { datas = [...xData.getDatas()]; } if(params){ datas = [params]; } // 界面行为 this.Print(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"IBIZBOOK"); } /** * 逻辑事件 * * @param {*} [params={}] * @param {*} [tag] * @param {*} [$event] * @memberof */ public toolbar_tbitem21_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) { // 参数 // 取数 let datas: any[] = []; let xData: any = null; // _this 指向容器对象 const _this: any = this; let paramJO:any = {}; let contextJO:any = {}; xData = this.$refs.list; if (xData.getDatas && xData.getDatas instanceof Function) { datas = [...xData.getDatas()]; } if(params){ datas = [params]; } // 界面行为 this.ExportModel(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"IBIZBOOK"); } /** * 逻辑事件 * * @param {*} [params={}] * @param {*} [tag] * @param {*} [$event] * @memberof */ public toolbar_tbitem23_click(params: any = {}, tag?: any, $event?: any) { // 参数 // 取数 let datas: any[] = []; let xData: any = null; // _this 指向容器对象 const _this: any = this; let paramJO:any = {}; let contextJO:any = {}; xData = this.$refs.list; if (xData.getDatas && xData.getDatas instanceof Function) { datas = [...xData.getDatas()]; } if(params){ datas = [params]; } // 界面行为 this.Import(datas, contextJO,paramJO, $event, xData,this,"IBIZBOOK"); } /** * 打开新建数据视图 * * @param {any[]} args * @param {*} [params] * @param {*} [fullargs] * @param {*} [$event] * @param {*} [xData] * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListView */ public newdata(args: any[],fullargs?:any[], params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any) { let localContext:any = null; let localViewParam:any =null; const data: any = {}; if(args[0].srfsourcekey){ data.srfsourcekey = args[0].srfsourcekey; } let tempContext = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)); delete tempContext.ibizbook; if(args.length >0){ Object.assign(tempContext,args[0]); } const deResParameters: any[] = []; const parameters: any[] = [ { pathName: 'ibizbooks', parameterName: 'ibizbook' }, { pathName: 'editview', parameterName: 'editview' }, ]; const _this: any = this; const openIndexViewTab = (data: any) => { const _data: any = { w: (new Date().getTime()) }; Object.assign(_data, data); const routePath = this.$viewTool.buildUpRoutePath(this.$route, tempContext, deResParameters, parameters, args, _data); this.$router.push(routePath); } openIndexViewTab(data); } /** * 打开编辑数据视图 * * @param {any[]} args * @param {*} [params] * @param {*} [fullargs] * @param {*} [$event] * @param {*} [xData] * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListView */ public opendata(args: any[],fullargs?:any,params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any) { if(!this.viewDefaultUsage){ if(Object.is(this.navModel,"route")){ this.initNavDataWithRoute(this.viewCacheData, false, true); }else{ this.initNavDataWithTab(this.viewCacheData, false, true); } } let localContext:any = null; let localViewParam:any =null; const data: any = {}; let tempContext = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)); if(args.length >0){ Object.assign(tempContext,args[0]); } const deResParameters: any[] = []; const parameters: any[] = [ { pathName: 'ibizbooks', parameterName: 'ibizbook' }, { pathName: 'editview', parameterName: 'editview' }, ]; const _this: any = this; if (fullargs && fullargs.length > 0) { const _args = fullargs[0]; if (_args['srfprocessdefinitionkey'] && _args['srftaskdefinitionkey']) { Object.assign(data, { processDefinitionKey: _args['srfprocessdefinitionkey'], taskDefinitionKey: _args['srftaskdefinitionkey'] }); if (_args['srftaskid']) { Object.assign(data, { 'srftaskid': _args['srftaskid'] }); } } } if(fullargs && fullargs.copymode){ Object.assign(data,{copymode:true}); } const openIndexViewTab = (data: any) => { const routePath = this.$viewTool.buildUpRoutePath(this.$route, tempContext, deResParameters, parameters, args, data); this.$router.push(routePath); } openIndexViewTab(data); } /** * 新建 * * @param {any[]} args 当前数据 * @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文 * @param {*} [params] 附加参数 * @param {*} [$event] 事件源 * @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件 * @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文 * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public New(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) { const _this: any = this; if (_this.newdata && _this.newdata instanceof Function) { const data: any = {}; _this.newdata([{ ...data }],[{ ...data }], params, $event, xData); } else { _this.$Notice.error({ title: '错误', desc: 'newdata 视图处理逻辑不存在,请添加!' }); } } /** * 编辑 * * @param {any[]} args 当前数据 * @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文 * @param {*} [params] 附加参数 * @param {*} [$event] 事件源 * @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件 * @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文 * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public Edit(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) { if (args.length === 0) { return; } const _this: any = this; if (_this.opendata && _this.opendata instanceof Function) { const data: any = { }; if (args.length > 0) { Object.assign(data, { ibizbook: args[0].ibizbook }) } _this.opendata([{ ...data }], args, params, $event, xData); } else { _this.$Notice.error({ title: '错误', desc: 'opendata 视图处理逻辑不存在,请添加!' }); } } /** * 刷新 * * @param {any[]} args 当前数据 * @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文 * @param {*} [params] 附加参数 * @param {*} [$event] 事件源 * @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件 * @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文 * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public Refresh(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) { const _this: any = this; if (xData && xData.refresh && xData.refresh instanceof Function) { xData.refresh(args); } else if (_this.refresh && _this.refresh instanceof Function) { _this.refresh(args); } } /** * 拷贝 * * @param {any[]} args 当前数据 * @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文 * @param {*} [params] 附加参数 * @param {*} [$event] 事件源 * @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件 * @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文 * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public Copy(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) { if (args.length === 0) { return; } const _this: any = this; if (_this.opendata && _this.opendata instanceof Function) { const data: any = { }; if (args.length > 0) { Object.assign(data, { ibizbook: args[0].ibizbook }); } if(!params) params = {}; Object.assign(args,{copymode:true}); _this.opendata([{ ...data }], args, params, $event, xData); } else { Object.assign(this.viewparams,{copymode:true}); } } /** * 行编辑 * * @param {any[]} args 当前数据 * @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文 * @param {*} [params] 附加参数 * @param {*} [$event] 事件源 * @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件 * @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文 * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public ToggleRowEdit(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) { xData.actualIsOpenEdit = !xData.actualIsOpenEdit; } /** * 新建行 * * @param {any[]} args 当前数据 * @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文 * @param {*} [params] 附加参数 * @param {*} [$event] 事件源 * @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件 * @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文 * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public NewRow(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) { const _this: any = this; const data: any = {}; if (_this.hasOwnProperty('newRow') && _this.newRow instanceof Function) { _this.newRow([{ ...data }], params, $event, xData); } else if(xData.newRow && xData.newRow instanceof Function) { xData.newRow([{ ...data }], params, $event, xData); }else{ _this.$Notice.error({ title: '错误', desc: 'newRow 视图处理逻辑不存在,请添加!' }); } } /** * 删除 * * @param {any[]} args 当前数据 * @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文 * @param {*} [params] 附加参数 * @param {*} [$event] 事件源 * @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件 * @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文 * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public Remove(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) { const _this: any = this; if (!xData || !(xData.remove instanceof Function)) { return ; } xData.remove(args); } /** * 导出 * * @param {any[]} args 当前数据 * @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文 * @param {*} [params] 附加参数 * @param {*} [$event] 事件源 * @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件 * @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文 * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public ExportExcel(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) { const _this: any = this; if (!xData || !(xData.exportExcel instanceof Function) || !$event) { return ; } xData.exportExcel($event.exportparms); } /** * 打印 * * @param {any[]} args 当前数据 * @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文 * @param {*} [params] 附加参数 * @param {*} [$event] 事件源 * @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件 * @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文 * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public Print(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) { let _this:any = this; if (!xData || !(xData.print instanceof Function) || !$event) { return ; } xData.print(); } /** * 导出数据模型 * * @param {any[]} args 当前数据 * @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文 * @param {*} [params] 附加参数 * @param {*} [$event] 事件源 * @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件 * @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文 * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public ExportModel(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) { this.$Notice.error({ title: '错误', desc: '导出数据模型未支持' }); } /** * 数据导入 * * @param {any[]} args 当前数据 * @param {any} contextJO 行为附加上下文 * @param {*} [params] 附加参数 * @param {*} [$event] 事件源 * @param {*} [xData] 执行行为所需当前部件 * @param {*} [actionContext] 执行行为上下文 * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public Import(args: any[],contextJO?:any, params?: any, $event?: any, xData?: any,actionContext?:any,srfParentDeName?:string) { const _this: any = this; if (!xData || !(xData.importExcel instanceof Function) || !$event) { return ; } xData.importExcel(params); } /** * 关闭视图 * * @param {any[]} args * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public closeView(args: any[]): void { let _view: any = this; if (_view.viewdata) { _view.$emit('viewdataschange', Array.isArray(args)?args:[args]); _view.$emit('close', Array.isArray(args)?args:[args]); } else if (_view.$tabPageExp) { _view.$tabPageExp.onClose(_view.$route.fullPath); } } /** * 销毁视图回调 * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public destroyed(){ this.afterDestroyed(); } /** * 执行destroyed后的逻辑 * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public afterDestroyed(){ if(this.viewDefaultUsage){ let localStoreLength = Object.keys(localStorage); if(localStoreLength.length > 0){ localStoreLength.forEach((item:string) =>{ if(item.startsWith(this.context.srfsessionid)){ localStorage.removeItem(item); } }) } if(Object.is(this.navModel,"tab")){ this.navDataService.removeNavDataByTag(this.viewtag); } } if (this.serviceStateEvent) { this.serviceStateEvent.unsubscribe(); } // 销毁计数器定时器 if(this.counterServiceArray && this.counterServiceArray.length >0){ this.counterServiceArray.forEach((item:any) =>{ if(item.destroyCounter && item.destroyCounter instanceof Function){ item.destroyCounter(); } }) } if(this.portletStateEvent){ this.portletStateEvent.unsubscribe(); } if (this.formDruipartEvent) { this.formDruipartEvent.unsubscribe(); } this.viewState.complete(); } /** * 搜索值 * * @type {string} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListView */ public query: string = ''; /** * 视图类型 * * @type {string} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListView */ public controlType: string = "view"; /** * 是否展开搜索表单 * * @type {boolean} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListView */ public isExpandSearchForm: boolean = true; /** * 快速搜索 * * @param {*} $event * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListView */ public onSearch($event: any): void { const refs: any = this.$refs; if (refs.list) { refs.list.load({}); } } /** * 代码表服务对象 * * @type {CodeListService} * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public codeListService:CodeListService = new CodeListService(); /** * 快速分组数据对象 * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public quickGroupData:any; /** * 快速分组是否有抛值 * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public isEmitQuickGroupValue:boolean = false; /** * 快速分组模型 * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public quickGroupModel:Array<any> = []; /** * 是否单选 * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public isSingleSelect:boolean = true; /** * 加载快速分组模型 * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public loadQuickGroupModel(){ let quickGroupCodeList:any = {tag:'Bookgroup',codelistType:'STATIC'}; if(quickGroupCodeList.tag && Object.is(quickGroupCodeList.codelistType,"STATIC")){ const codelist = this.$store.getters.getCodeList(quickGroupCodeList.tag); if (codelist) { this.quickGroupModel = [...this.handleDynamicData(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(codelist.items)))]; } else { console.log(`----${quickGroupCodeList.tag}----代码表不存在`); } }else if(quickGroupCodeList.tag && Object.is(quickGroupCodeList.codelistType,"DYNAMIC")){ this.codeListService.getItems(quickGroupCodeList.tag,{},{}).then((res:any) => { this.quickGroupModel = res; }).catch((error:any) => { console.log(`----${quickGroupCodeList.tag}----代码表不存在`); }); } } /** * 处理快速分组模型动态数据部分(%xxx%) * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public handleDynamicData(inputArray:Array<any>){ if(inputArray.length >0){ inputArray.forEach((item:any) =>{ if(item.data && Object.keys(item.data).length >0){ Object.keys(item.data).forEach((name:any) =>{ let value: any = item.data[name]; if (value && typeof(value)=='string' && value.startsWith('%') && value.endsWith('%')) { const key = (value.substring(1, value.length - 1)).toLowerCase(); if (this.context[key]) { value = this.context[key]; } else if(this.viewparams[key]){ value = this.viewparams[key]; } } item.data[name] = value; }) } }) } return inputArray; } /** * 快速分组值变化 * * @memberof IBIZBOOKTestCLListViewBase */ public quickGroupValueChange($event:any){ if($event){ this.quickGroupData = $event.data; if(this.isEmitQuickGroupValue){ this.onSearch($event); } } this.isEmitQuickGroupValue = true; } } </script> <style lang='less'> @import './ibizbooktest-cllist-view.less'; </style>