提交 c3878337 编写于 作者: ibizdev's avatar ibizdev

tony001 发布系统代码 [后台服务,演示应用]

上级 11070f84
.grid-pagination {
height: 44px;
padding: 0 80px 0 20px;
background-color: var(--app-color-white);
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-end;
align-items: center;
gap: 15px;
color: var(--app-color-gray-100);
border-top: 1px solid var(--app-color-gray-400);
justify-content: flex-end;
padding: 39px 62px 25px 0;
color: var(--ey-color-gray-100);
// 选择分页大小
.grid-pagination-size {
width: 100px;
color: var(--ey-color-gray-100);
background: var(--ey-color-white);
&.ivu-select .ivu-select-selection {
border-radius: 4px;
border: 1px solid var(--ey-color-gray-200);
height: 30px;
min-height: 30px;
margin-left: 18px;
margin-right: 21px;
// 中间页数样式
.ivu-page {
height: 25px;
display: flex;
.ivu-page-item {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
min-height: 30px;
border-radius: 4px;
border-width: 0;
font-weight: bold;
background: var(--ey-color-gray-400);
&:hover a {
color: var(--ey-color-blue-green);
.ivu-page-simple-pager {
pointer-events: none;
&.ivu-page-disabled {
cursor: pointer;
input {
border: 0;
a {
cursor: pointer;
color: var(--ey-color-gray-100);
&:hover a{
color: var(--ey-color-blue-green);
.grid-page-pre-pro {
transform: rotate(90deg);
.grid-page-next-pro {
transform: rotate(-90deg);
.ivu-icon {
font-weight: bold;
.grid-page-pre-pro,.grid-page-next-pro {
font-size: 24px;
margin-top: -2px;
cursor: pointer;
.ivu-icon {
font-size: 24px;
color: var(--app-color-gray-100);
.ivu-page-item-active {
a {
color: var(--ey-color-white);
.grid-pagination__dropdown {
cursor: pointer;
span {
color: var(--app-color-black);
font-weight: 600;
&:hover a{
color: var(--ey-color-white);
background: var(--ey-color-blue-green);
// 页面跳转
.ivu-page-options-elevator {
height: 30px;
line-height: 30px;
input {
height: 30px;
width: 45px;
text-align: center;
input:focus {
border-color: var(--ey-color-blue-green);
box-shadow: none;
// 分页大小popover
.grid-pagination-size-popover {
padding: 0;
// margin: 10px 0;
height: 132px;
width: 100px;
.ivu-select-item {
color: var(--ey-color-gray-100);
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--ey-color-gray-250);
padding: 7px 16px 7px 10px;
text-align: left !important;
&.ivu-select-dropdown .ivu-select-dropdown-list .ivu-select-item.ivu-select-item-selected {
color: var(--ey-color-gray-100);
background-color: var(--ey-color-white);
&:hover {
color: var(--ey-color-black);
background-color: var(--ey-color-blue-green-110);
.ivu-icon {
margin-left: 15px;
.ivu-select-item:hover {
color: var(--ey-color-black);
background-color: var(--ey-color-blue-green-110);
<row class="grid-pagination">
<dropdown class="grid-pagination__dropdown" @on-click="handleSizeChange">
Show <span>{{ limit }}</span>
<icon type="ios-arrow-down"></icon>
<template #list>
<dropdownItem v-for="(value, index) in pageSize" :key="index" :name="value">{{ value }} 条/页</dropdownItem>
<div class="grid-page-pre-pro">
<i class="el-icon-download"></i>
<span>&nbsp;{{ totalRow }}&nbsp;</span>
<i-select transfer-class-name="grid-pagination-size-popover" class="grid-pagination-size" :value="limit" :transfer="true" @on-change="handleSizeChange">
<i-option v-for="item in pageSize" :key="item" :value="item" style="text-align: center"
>{{ item }} 条/页</i-option
<div class="grid-page-next-pro">
<i class="el-icon-download"></i>
......@@ -34,7 +23,6 @@ import { Vue, Component, Prop } from "vue-property-decorator";
export default class AppGridPagination extends Vue {
* 总行数
......@@ -65,7 +53,7 @@ export default class AppGridPagination extends Vue {
* @type {Array<*>}
* @memberof AppGridPagination
public pageSize= [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100];
public pageSize = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100];
* 处理当前页改变
......@@ -74,7 +62,7 @@ export default class AppGridPagination extends Vue {
* @memberof AppGridPagination
public handleChange($event: any) {
this.$emit('page-change', $event);
this.$emit("page-change", $event);
......@@ -84,7 +72,7 @@ export default class AppGridPagination extends Vue {
* @memberof AppGridPagination
public handleSizeChange($event: any) {
this.$emit('page-size-change', $event);
this.$emit("page-size-change", $event);
// 用户自定义语言资源 英文
function getLocaleResource(){
const data:any = {};
return data;
export default getLocaleResource;
\ No newline at end of file
// 用户自定义语言资源 中文
function getLocaleResource(){
const data:any = {};
return data;
export default getLocaleResource;
\ No newline at end of file
// 基于 APP/src/locale/lang/en-US.ts.ftl 生成
import getCustomLocaleResource from '../custom/custom_en_US';
function getLocaleResource(){
const data:any = {
app: {
......@@ -823,6 +824,7 @@ function getLocaleResource(){
"empty": ""
custom: getCustomLocaleResource(),
// 基于 APP/src/locale/lang/zh-CN.ts.ftl 生成
import getCustomLocaleResource from '../custom/custom_zh_CN';
function getLocaleResource(){
const data:any = {
app: {
......@@ -822,6 +823,7 @@ function getLocaleResource(){
"empty": "",
custom: getCustomLocaleResource(),
'OTHER.BUTTONTSET': '测试多语言按钮',
'PAGE.INDEX': 'R7-Vue-Demo',
......@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ export default class DefaultBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
public load(opt: any = {}): void {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZAPPEDITORGridView' + (this.$t('app.searchForm.notConfig.loadAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZAPPEDITORListView' + (this.$t('app.searchForm.notConfig.loadAction') as string) });
const arg: any = { ...opt };
......@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ export default class DefaultBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
public async loadDraft(opt: any = {},mode?:string): Promise<any> {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZAPPEDITORGridView' + (this.$t('app.searchForm.notConfig.loaddraftAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZAPPEDITORListView' + (this.$t('app.searchForm.notConfig.loaddraftAction') as string) });
const arg: any = { ...opt } ;
......@@ -1378,7 +1378,7 @@ export default class GuideBorrowFormBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface
public async load(opt: any = {}): Promise<any> {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView_layout' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.loadaction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.loadaction') as string) });
const arg: any = { ...opt };
......@@ -1429,7 +1429,7 @@ export default class GuideBorrowFormBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface
public async loadDraft(opt: any = {}): Promise<any> {
if (!this.loaddraftAction) {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView_layout' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.loaddraftaction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.loaddraftaction') as string) });
const arg: any = { ...opt } ;
......@@ -1499,7 +1499,7 @@ export default class GuideBorrowFormBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface
const action: any = Object.is(data.srfuf, '1') ? this.updateAction : this.createAction;
let actionName:any = Object.is(data.srfuf, '1')?"updateAction":"createAction";
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView_layout' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.actionname') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.actionname') as string) });
......@@ -1607,7 +1607,7 @@ export default class GuideBorrowFormBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface
const action: any = Object.is(data.srfuf, '1') ? this.updateAction : this.createAction;
let actionName:any = Object.is(data.srfuf, '1')?"updateAction":"createAction";
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView_layout' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.actionname') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.actionname') as string) });
Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: this.viewparams });
......@@ -1799,7 +1799,7 @@ export default class GuideBorrowFormBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface
public remove(opt:Array<any> = [],showResultInfo?: boolean): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView_layout' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.removeaction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.removeaction') as string) });
const arg: any = opt[0];
......@@ -2205,5 +2205,4 @@ export default class GuideReturnFormBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface
<style lang='scss'>
@import './guide-return-form-form.scss';
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ export default class GuideViewFormBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
public async load(opt: any = {}): Promise<any> {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView_layout' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.loadaction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.loadaction') as string) });
const arg: any = { ...opt };
......@@ -1499,7 +1499,7 @@ export default class GuideViewFormBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
public async loadDraft(opt: any = {}): Promise<any> {
if (!this.loaddraftAction) {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView_layout' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.loaddraftaction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.loaddraftaction') as string) });
const arg: any = { ...opt } ;
......@@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@ export default class GuideViewFormBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
const action: any = Object.is(data.srfuf, '1') ? this.updateAction : this.createAction;
let actionName:any = Object.is(data.srfuf, '1')?"updateAction":"createAction";
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView_layout' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.actionname') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.actionname') as string) });
......@@ -1677,7 +1677,7 @@ export default class GuideViewFormBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
const action: any = Object.is(data.srfuf, '1') ? this.updateAction : this.createAction;
let actionName:any = Object.is(data.srfuf, '1')?"updateAction":"createAction";
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView_layout' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.actionname') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.actionname') as string) });
Object.assign(arg, { viewparams: this.viewparams });
......@@ -1869,7 +1869,7 @@ export default class GuideViewFormBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
public remove(opt:Array<any> = [],showResultInfo?: boolean): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView_layout' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.removeaction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKWizardView' + (this.$t('app.formpage.notconfig.removeaction') as string) });
const arg: any = opt[0];
<i-form :model="this.data" class='app-search-form' ref='searchform' style="">
<i-form :model="this.data" class='app-search-form' ref='quicksearchform' style="">
<input style="display:none;"/>
<i-col span="20" class="form-content">
......@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ export default class QUICKSEARCHFORMBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface
public formValidateStatus(): boolean {
const form: any = this.$refs.searchform;
const form: any = this.$refs.quicksearchform;
let validatestate: boolean = true;
form.validate((valid: boolean) => {
validatestate = valid ? true : false;
......@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ export default class QUICKSEARCHFORMBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface
public load(opt: any = {}): void {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKUsrListView_plugin' + (this.$t('app.searchForm.notConfig.loadAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKCalendarView' + (this.$t('app.searchForm.notConfig.loadAction') as string) });
const arg: any = { ...opt };
......@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ export default class QUICKSEARCHFORMBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface
public async loadDraft(opt: any = {},mode?:string): Promise<any> {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKUsrListView_plugin' + (this.$t('app.searchForm.notConfig.loaddraftAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKCalendarView' + (this.$t('app.searchForm.notConfig.loaddraftAction') as string) });
const arg: any = { ...opt } ;
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export default class Usr2Model {
* 获取数据项集合
* @returns {any[]}
* @memberof Usr2DataViewMode
* @memberof Usr2Dataviewexpbar_dataviewMode
public getDataItems(): any[] {
return [
......@@ -40,17 +40,6 @@ export default class Usr2Model {
dataType: 'FONTKEY',
name: 'n_ibizbookname_like',
prop: 'n_ibizbookname_like',
dataType: 'QUERYPARAM'
name: 'n_price_gtandeq',
prop: 'n_price_gtandeq',
dataType: 'QUERYPARAM'
......@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@ export default class Usr4Base extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
public async load(opt: any = {}, isReset: boolean = false): Promise<any> {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKUsr4DataView' + (this.$t('app.list.notConfig.fetchAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKTestCLDataView' + (this.$t('app.list.notConfig.fetchAction') as string) });
const arg: any = {...opt};
......@@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ export default class Usr4Base extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
public async remove(datas: any[]): Promise<any> {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKUsr4DataView' + (this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.removeAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKTestCLDataView' + (this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.removeAction') as string) });
let _datas:any[] = [];
......@@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ export default class Usr4Base extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
try {
if(Object.is(item.rowDataState, 'create')){
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKUsr4DataView' + (this.$t('app.list.notConfig.createAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKTestCLDataView' + (this.$t('app.list.notConfig.createAction') as string) });
let response = await this.service.add(this.createAction, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.context)),item, this.showBusyIndicator);
......@@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ export default class Usr4Base extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
}else if(Object.is(item.rowDataState, 'update')){
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKUsr4DataView' + (this.$t('app.list.notConfig.updateAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZBOOKTestCLDataView' + (this.$t('app.list.notConfig.updateAction') as string) });
......@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ export default class MainBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
if (!this.fetchAction) {
title: this.$t("app.commonWords.wrong") as string,
desc: "IBIZOrderDetailGridView9" + (this.$t("app.gridpage.notConfig.fetchAction") as string),
desc: "IBIZOrderDetailSGridView" + (this.$t("app.gridpage.notConfig.fetchAction") as string),
......@@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ export default class MainBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
if (!this.removeAction) {
title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string),
desc: 'IBIZOrderDetailGridView9' + (this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.removeAction') as string)
desc: 'IBIZOrderDetailSGridView' + (this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.removeAction') as string)
......@@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ export default class MainBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
public addBatch(arg: any = {}): void {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZOrderDetailGridView9'+(this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.fetchAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZOrderDetailSGridView'+(this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.fetchAction') as string) });
......@@ -2082,7 +2082,7 @@ export default class MainBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
try {
if (Object.is(item.rowDataState, 'create')) {
if (!this.createAction) {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZOrderDetailGridView9'+(this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.createAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZOrderDetailSGridView'+(this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.createAction') as string) });
} else {
Object.assign(item, { viewparams: this.viewparams });
const tempContext = Util.deepCopy(this.context);
......@@ -2091,7 +2091,7 @@ export default class MainBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
}else if (Object.is(item.rowDataState, 'update')){
if (!this.updateAction) {
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZOrderDetailGridView9'+(this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.updateAction') as string) });
this.$Notice.error({ title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string), desc: 'IBIZOrderDetailSGridView'+(this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.updateAction') as string) });
} else {
Object.assign(item, { viewparams: this.viewparams });
const tempContext = Util.deepCopy(this.context);
......@@ -2167,7 +2167,7 @@ export default class MainBase extends Vue implements ControlInterface {
title: (this.$t('app.commonWords.wrong') as string),
desc: 'IBIZOrderDetailGridView9' + (this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.loaddraftAction') as string)
desc: 'IBIZOrderDetailSGridView' + (this.$t('app.gridpage.notConfig.loaddraftAction') as string)
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